United States Signal Service. Report ol observations taken at Los A ntele* May 30,1891: Max. tern.. 71: mm. tern.. 50. NEWS NOTES. Annual roll-call at the Central Baptist church this morning. s There will be a concert at Westlake park today at 2 p. m. The Flower Festival Society's annual meeting will occur June 3, at 2:30 p.m., at 125 East Fourth street. The public invited. It ie reported that a vein of iron three milea long haa been located juet east of Flagataff, near the Atlantic and Pacific railroad. There are undelivered telegrams at the office of the Postal Telegraph com- pany tor W. W. Welch, Thos. J. Hayes and F. D. Derrick. Rev. A. C. Smither pastor street Christian church, will preach at 11 a.m., on Some New Things; at 7:45, upon Nebuchadnezzer's Dream. Ex-Justice of the Peace not co much an object of interest as he waa some months ' ago. The fact may be worth mentioning, however, that on the Bth of the month he was in Penoit, Wis., and expected soon to be in Can- ada. . Those viaiting Westlake park can en- joy the finest and most extended view to be had anywhere in our city by driv- ing up to Crown Hill, corner Ward etreet and Loma drive, where the owner, Mr. Andrew Mullen, haa re- cently erected a seventy-foot flagstaff and flung to the breeze a twenty-four- foot flag. He has also made a fine driveway, easy of aacent, from two dif- ferent directions, and erected seats for the benefit of pedestrians. The owners of the Banning Herald have engaged Mr. H. W. Patton to take charge of their paper, and that gentle- man will enter upon hia duties tomor- row. The death of Mr. Louis Munson, who made the Herald one of the very best interior papers in the state, has been a great loss to the people of Ban- ning. But they have selected as his successor a gentleman of fine ability, of large newspaper experience, and one who fully maintains the Herald up to the high literary standard it had at- tained under the conduct of the lament- ed Munson. For Sale?loo head of A No. 1 milch cowb, very cheap. Bonita Meadows, Washington street, or apply to J. E. Durkee. Ardmour. I can, will, and do teach advanced, double entry bookkeeping in cix weeks. Tarr, expert, 233 West Firat. The Six Sisters Millinery will remove to 429 South Spring street, between Fourth and Fifth. R. D. List, notary public. Legal papers care- fully drawn. 125 West Second. Never out. G. G. Johnson, Notary Public, has to 119 N. Spring St. Always in. Noon prayer meeting. lu7!s North Main street. PERSONAL.. George B. Wheeler, of the San Diego Sun, visited the HERALDoffice yesterday. Prof. Dietz is confined to his bed in con- sequence of nervous prostration, brought on by overwork. H. F.'McCallum has returned from Riverside, where he has been since laat Monday on business. Miss Alice Austerrnell and Fred E. Colver will sing a duet at tbe Central Baptist church this morning. F. J. Osborne, of the firm of Haas, Baruch & Co., is very ill with the grippe and pleuro-pneumonia, at his home on Koeter avenue. Miss Theresa Ernst, one of the officers of La Esperenzo parlor, N. D. G. W., willleave tomorrow on a pleasure trip to Santa Cruz. She will be absent about three weeks. Myrtle Godfrey, the daughter of Dr. Godfrey, of the firm of Godfrey & Moore, fell while playing with some other chil- dren in a vacant lot on Grand avenue, Thursday, and broke her arm at the elbow. Mrs. Jaana A. Neal, at the request of a number of Los Angeles ladies, will read the paper she read at the Woman's Press association convention, before the Lob Angeles ladies' annex to the cham- ber of commerce, on Monday afternoon. The paper, entitled A New Employ- ment for Women, was very well received at Union Square hall, San Francisco. Miss E. Beresford Joy will make ber debut at a concert to be given at Paris, this week. Miss Joy has the honor of being one of the two vocalists selected from a large and talented class to sing at this concert. Mignonette wafts cor- dial best wishes to ber friend across the waters, and predicts that, when once more her lovely voice is heard in the golden state, she will rank as its queen of song.?[Exchange. Mr. Frank Conant, for many yearß treasurer of the Grand opera houae, and of late press agent and assistant to Man- ager H. C. Wyatt, of the Los Angeles theater, has resigned his position to take the place of manager of the Georgia Cooper Fauntleroy company, which played in this city lately. Mr. Conant is a thoroughly experienced theatrical man, who is possessed of rare personal qualities. He leaves a large circle of friends here who will watch eagerly for news of his progress. H. Z. Eaton, formerly captain of com- pany B, Seventh Ohio, now cashier of Minnakata bank, Hot Springs, S. D., with his wife is sojourning in Southern California, and is stopping at 440 South Hillstreet. Captain Eaton is an old- time typo, and accidentally met at Ever- green cemetery yesterday afternoon F. B. Colver k whom he had not seen for over twenty years. They spent the afternoon in company, talking about old-time reminiscences. Majors Butler, Hardesty and J. M. Guinn were mem- bers of the same regiment.. Charles J. Frank, one of Chicago's most renowned and energetic clothing representatives, is in town and is regis- tered at the Nadeau hotel. His line of fall novelties in men's, boys', youths' and children's clothing stands without a peer between the oceans. Messrs. Einstein & Co. can be proud of this gen- tleman who so ably represents them. Choice KrulU?Finest Cherries. Handled by Althouse Bros, gplephone 157. j AMONG THE CHURCHES. A NOVELTY IN THE WAY OF LEC- TURES. Services Today at Various Temples of Worship?A Missionary and an Indian on the Programme?Church Notes. A series of five anonymous lectures is to be given in the lecture room of Im- manuel church, beginning on Wednes- day evening, June 10th. These lectures will be exclusively of a literary charac- ter, and free from political or religious discussion. The subjects will be an- nounced from week to week, but the names of the lecturers are not to be given. Five gentlemen of acknowledged ability as speakers and writers have consented to appear, viz.: a journalist, a lawyer, a military officer, a local poet and a literary man, each of whom will deliver one lecture of the course. Admission willbe 50 cents, or season tickets $1.50 each, the proceeds to be given to the ladies' furnishing fund of the church. The subject for Wednesday evening, June 10th, willbe Authors' Opinions of Each Other. ST. VINCENT'S CHURCH. The festival of Corpus Christi willbe celebrated with all due solemnity at St. Vincent's church, corner of Grand avenue and 'Washington street, this morning. The Very Rev. A. J. Meyer, C. M., willofficiate at the solemn high mass, and willbe assisted by the Rev. Fathers Landry and Lynn as deacon and sub-deacon. The Rev. Father J. J. Murray will deliver the sermon. The following excellent musical programme, selected especially for this occasion, will be rendered by the choir: Kyrie, Gloria, Credo and Agnus Dei, from Haydn's Twelfth mass; Sanctus and Bende- dictus, from Schubert's mass in C. Preceding the sermon Mrs. Dr. M. M. Kannon will sing Lambilotti's Veni Creator, and for the offertory a trio for adprano, contralto and tenor entitled Aye Maria, by B. Owen, will be ren- dered by Mias Katherine Kimball, Mrs. J. J. Schallert and Mr. Charles S. Wal- ton. Before the mass proper a chorus, Asperges Me, by Novello, will be sung, in which Miss M. Rohr takes the so- prano nart, followed by Mozart's cele- brated Aye Verum. The services begin at 10 o'clock. PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL. Rev. A. J. Wella will preach thie morning at the Plymouth Congregation- al church on Twenty-first street upon the Bubject, Growth or Grace? Dr. Wells believes more in the theology of this age than in the theology of the past, and that a true church should touch humanity on all sides and concern itself with all the interests of the peo- ple. That is the inspiration of the ser- mon today. TEMPLE STREET CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Rev. A. C. Smither will preach at 11 a. m. on Some New Things. In the even- ing he will preach upon Nebuchadnez- zar's Dream, which is the fourth sermon in a series of prophetical and historical sermons. These sermons are attracting crowded houses. Undet Rev. Mr. Smither's ministry thia church has grown rapidly in attendance and num- bers. CENTRAL BAPTIST. At the Central Baptist church this morning the pastor will preach upon the subject of Church Attendance, after which there willbe a roll call service. At night the sermon will be upon the subject. The Roll Call of Heaven. THE CATHEDRAL. At 10 o'clock this morning Farmer's mass will be given at the cathedral, with a fine chorus and good soloists. At the offertory, the Misses Santa Cruz will sing aa a duet, an Aye Maria, by Wallace. After mass will occur the concluding procession of last Thursday's feast of the holy sacrament, called Corpus Christi. PARK CONGREGATIONAL. Rev. Cochrane of Japan, temporarily occupying a chair at the univeraity oi Southern California, will give a talk on Religious and Social Life in Japan this evening at 6:3o'at the Young People's Missionary society of the Park Congre- gational church. Mr. Cochrane haa spent twelve years as a missionary in Japan, and his talk will be instructive aa well aa entertaining. Rev. Carlyle of Escondido will occupy the pulpit this morning, and Dr. Hutchins will speak in the evening. y. p. s. c. E. All of the young people's societies of Christian endeavor in the city hold a union meeting, or quarterly conference, as it is called, on Wednesday evening, at the First Presbyterian church. Re- ports of the delegates to the late state convention at Santa Cruz will be given ; also ahort talks from society presidents on the Aim of the C. E. Society. A new president of the Los Angeles union is to be elected in the place of Mr. Hayes, who has resigned. SIMPSOS TABERNACLE. Rev. Will A. Knighten will preach at the Simpson tabernacle this morning upon Complete Christians. In the even- ing hia subject will be What the Word Can Do. EAST SIDE CHURCHES. At the Epiphany chapel Charles Cook, a Sioux Indian from the Pine Ridge agency, will speak in the morning upon religious work among the agency Ind- ( iana. In the evening Rev. Charles A. Kienzle will preach upon The Perfect Love Which Casteth Out Fear. At Aebury Methodist church Dr. Bre- see will talk cf the Blesaedness of the Christian Religion in the morning and the Reciprocal Influence of Pulpit and Pew in the evening. Rev. Jenkins will preach at the Con- gregational church this morning upon The Song of Moses and the Lamb. Dr. Pendleton preaches thia morning at the Baptist church about Micah's Vision of the Breakers. NOTES. Misa Alice Austermell and Fred E. Col- ver will sing a duet at the Central Baptist church this morning. Rev. Dr. Pendleton will speak at the 4 o'clock Y. M. C. A. meeting this after- noon. The Holineaa people have moved out of their tent at Ninth street and Loa An- gelea, into a hall at Ninth and Main streets, where all-day services will be held today. The annual meeting of the Plymouth Congregational church takes place on June 11th, when the ladies of the church intend to provide a good dinner. International Peace Congress. Rome, May 30.?The preliminary con- ference of the international peace con- grees opened at Milan today. Ar invitation from the Boston peace" eocietj to hold an international congress it Chicago, during the Columbian fair ii that city, was accepted. President Fonseca Very 111. Rio Jankiho, May 31.?President dt Fonseca is lying in a critical condil ior at l_tropolie, from an attack of asthma Sir John Mao Donald* Condition Ottawa, May 31.?At 1 a. m. Sir Johi MacDonalc. is resting quietly, butis n< better. . IN SOCIETY. Mrs. J. D. Stewart was very agreeably surprised on her Birthday on Friday by a party of friends invited by hei daughter, Miss Ethel, who had also ar- ranged a very attractive literary and musical programme, rendered principal- ly by little artists. The parlor was tastefully decorated by her with vines and roses and a very dainty repast provided. Among those invited were Pearl Vol- mer, Lucille Kelly, Ketta Curtis, Emily Curtis, Clarence Colmer, Master Dan McFarland, Master Robert Parsons, Miss Florence Austermell, Miss Alice McCaldin, Miss Sadie McCaldin, Mrs. William J. McCaldin, Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. and Dr. Alter, Mrs. E. H. Green, Miss Ruth Green, Floyd Green, Mrs. Blaisdell, Mrs. George Hess. Mrs. Owen McLeod. The entertainment provided waa aa followa: Piano solo, waltz (Durand), Ethel Stewart; recitation, Her Name, Little Pearl Volmer; piano solo, OSauctissma, Little Recta Curtis; piano solo, Invita- tion to the Dance, Miss Ruth Green'; duet, violin and piano. Home Sweet Home, Ethel Stewart, Dan McFarland; recitation., Little Pearl Volmer; piano solo, Bohemian Girl, Emily Curtis: duet, violin and piano, selection, Ethel Stewart, Ruth Green; piano solo, Sil- ver Spring, Ethel Stewart; recitation, Tom, Emily Curtie. Deaerving of special mention are little Pearl Volmer, a tinny tot of only five years, who recited in such a manner as to captivate her audience, and little Retta Curtia, only aeven yeara old, who played with much skill on the violin, and gives promise of becoming a talented musician if she continues. m * # There was a large crowd of notables at Agricultural park yesterday to view the Athletic club's conteata. Among the crowd were noted: Mrs. Holterhoff, Mra. Patrick, Mrs. Sumner, Misa Sumner, Mrs. Dewey, Miss Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. Prussia, Mra. St. George. Miss Adele Stoneman, Mr. Stoneman, Misses Routh, Misses Houehton. Mr. and Mra. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baer, Mr. and Mrs. Will Glassell, Mr. and Miss Foy, Mr. and Mrs. Abbot Kinney, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. Melzer, Mr. and Mre. F. Scott, Misses Melzer, Mrs. Newton, Misses Newton, Mre. New- mark, Missea Piatt, Mr. Tom Brown, Ben Coulter, Tom Mott, Emil Quarre, Mr. McLain, Mr. Houghton, General Mathews, George Kimball, Miss Miles, Mies Mamie Miles, Mr. Charles Miles, Dr. Crawford, Dr. TJtley, Mr. and Mre. H. G. Wyatt, Mr. Reilley, Mr. Corlett, Mr. Davie, Mr. Welcome, Miss Leah Benjamin, Marco Hellman, Mr. Maxwell, G. J. Griffith, Miss Miaamer, Dr. and Mre. MacGowan, Mies Frankenfield, Mr. Ellia, Mr. Homer Yonge, Mr. Stevens Halsted. George Pareone, Ben Ward, Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Childa, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Silent, Mias Silent, Mies Bonsall, Miss Tyler, Miss Parsons and Percy Schumacher, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Childa, Mr. Henry Watson, Mre. Vira Beam and Mies Moseley, of Pasadena; MiBB Lowe and Mias Edna Lowe, >of Pasadena; Mr. Buck and Miss Abbott, of Chicago; Miss Daisy Rose, Miss Phelps, of N«w York. # * » Mrs. L. P. Millar and her talented little daughter Jessie leave today for San Franciaco, where Jesaie will be under the inetructionß of the finest cor- net teacher in this state for a abort time, previoue to a six weeks' engage- ment which she has in tbat city. SIX RECORDS BROKEN. Remarkable Work Done at the Pacific Coast Championship Games. San Francisco, May 30. ?Six records were br ken at the annual champion- ship games of the Pacific Coast Amateur Athletic union, today. In the mile run R. McArthur, 0.A.C., won in 2 minutes 3 3-5 seconds; the former record waa 2 minutes 5 aeconda. The one mile walk was won by Horace Coffin, O. A. C, in 6 minutes 48 3-5 seconds; the former record wae 6:5(i. F. F. Foster won the 120-yard hurdle race in seconds; the former record was 17 seconds. Foster also won the 220 yarde hurdle in 2:27 2-5; the former record wae 2:28 1-5. The five-mile run was won by P. D. Stillman, 0.A.C., in 28:40; the former record was 29:35 1-5. Throwing the 16-pound hammer, W. Morrow, W.C., 100 feet 6 inchea ; former record, 100 feet. The Olympic club won the champion- ship, scoring 71 points ; the University club, 66; the Acme club, 8. Ylctoria Sealers Protest. Victoria, B. C, May 30. ?Victoria sealers today cabled to Sir Charles Tup- per their protest against the passage of the bill to close Bering eea for a year, now before the Britieh house of com- mons. The Peninsula and Oriental company's steamer Zambesi is due here with a full cargo from the orient. She ie the first of a fleet of that company which will be put in service between Victoria and the orient in opposition to the Canadian Pa- cific company. MISSING HANCHETTE. THE POLICE THINK HE 18 NEITHER DEMJCNTKD, SICK, OR HURT. Chioago Officials Hard at Work on the Case-A Rumor from Janesville. Some Definite News Exntotad Soon. A letter was received in this city yes- terday from a man in Chicago who hae taken some interest in the Hanchette disappearance. From it the following extract is taken: "Since writing you an hour ago, I have seen the chief of the detective police, and he says that Hanchette ie \u25a1either sick, demented, or hurt, but that he left Chicago? he don't know in what direction?between the 7th and the 12th, and he believes he ie elowly on bis way home. The police are making great efforts to find a man named Dex- ter who is supposed to have been with Hanchette on or about the 7th and Bth. The chief says he still has men at work on the case." Another and later communication from Chicago states that the detectives have a clue which they feel willsoon lead to the explanation of the mystery. Friends of Mr. Hanchette in this city yesterday received word that on the Bth of thia month a demented man, well dressed and well behaved, appeared in ! Janesville, Wisconsin. He coulfl give mo account of himself, and was kept for several days while it wae attempted to i eetablish his identity. Failing in thie, tire authorities sent him to the inaane asylum. His description, in some re- spects, answers to that of Hanchette. Those who are best informed on the j matter do not have the slightest, idea that the Janesville lunatic ie Hanchette. , There is some ground for believing that he is all right physically, and it ia prob- able that in a few days some definite news about him will be made public. NOT A TIXAIILK SUBJECT. A Poll-Tax Collector Unearths a Chinese Leper. Stockton, Cal., May 30. ?A deputy county assessor, who has been collecting polltax from ChiiH.se gardeners along the San Joaquin river, had a startling experience thia morning. He was at a camp twelve miles from Stockton, and ' after making several Chinamen fay tax, explored the huts of the camp. In one miserable shanty, standing apart from the camp, he found a Chinese and de- manded hie poll tax. The Chinaman !in very good English said: "You don't i want poll tax from me," and held up a hand from which the lingers had been eaten off. The Chinaman eaid he had been concealed there two- yeare, and wae a leper. The officer did not want the leper'a money, and hurried to thie city to inform the health officer. The caee willbe reported to the county su- pervisors Monday. A Disastrous Fire. Wahpeton, S. D.,May 30. ?Fire broke out this afternoon in the rear of Zely'e warehouse, and, fanned by a high wind, swept on until it had destroyed the warehouse, the People's bank, the West- ern Union office, a large flouring mill, the Great Northern depot and several store buildings. .The losses aggregate $100,000, with'but little insurance. Tbe Elmira Gazette says: There ie no solitude so miserable as that of the man alone in a noiay city, unless it be that of a man alon>) with a noisy baby. DAILY HERALD. THE LOS ANGELES HERALD; StTNDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1891. 8 ar. I Ther. ICO 51 i.O-l 03 13 a. m.l P. m. MORTAR-SPOTTED SKIN Covered with Scales. Awful Spectacle- Cured in Five Weeha by the Cuticura Remedies. About the Ist of April last I noticed some red pimples like coming out all over my body, but thought nothing of it until some time later on, when it began to look like spots of mortar spotted on, and wbich would come offin layers accompanied with Itching. I would scratch every night until I was rt.w, then the next night, Ihe scales being formed meanwhile we c scratched off \ again. In vain did I consult &.'<'\u25a0 -A the doctors in the county, \u25a03 "23* v*\ ~,lt with.xit jiiil. After giving \ I up all hopes ofrecovery, I hap- vTJf pened to see an advertisement <C» I in the newspaper about your \ W j Cutictjra Remedies, and pur- \ J chased them from my drugKist, % and obtained almost immedi- lli ate relief. 1 began to notice V\ t'"l ' 'be scaly eruptions grad- \J\\mV** ually dropped off and disap- peared one by one, uutil I had been fully cured I had the disease thirteen months before I began taking the Remedies, and in four or five weeks was entirely cured. My disease was eczema and psoriasis. 1 know of a great many who have taken tbe Remedies, and thank me for the knowledge of them, espe- cially mothers who have babes with scaly erup- tions on their heads and bodies. I cannot ex- press my thanks to you. My body was covered with scales, and I was an awful spectacle to be- hold. Now my skin is as clear as a baby's. GEO. COTEY, Merrill, Wis. CUTICURA KESOLVENT, The new Blood Purifier and greatest of Humor Remedies, internally (to cleanse the blood of all impurities, and thus remove the cause), and Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuti- cura Soaf, an exquisite Skin Beautlfier, ex- ternally (to clear the skin and scalp, and re- store the hair), cure every species of agonizing, itching, burning, scaly and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp and blood. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 50c. ; Soap. 25c; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the Pottbk Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. Masß. tsfsT~ Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases, ' 64 pages, 50 illustrations, aud 100 testimonials. T)T"\XPLEB, black-heads, red, rough.chapped Jl Airland oily skin cured by Cutictjra Soap. I CAN'T BREATHE. ffSTD Chest Pains, Soreness, Weakness, Cough, Asthma, Pleurisy Inflammation relieved In one minute by the Cuticura Anti- Paln Plaster. Nothing like it for weak lungs. CALEDONIAN GOAL CO. GALLUP, NEW MEXICO, MINERS OF SUPERIOR FAMILY COAL. OFFICE : 169 N. SPRING ST. (Opposite the Old Court House.) BY THE SACK, TON OR CARLOAD. Sacked and delivered, per ton, $10 00. Sacked and delivered, half ton, $5.25. Sacked and delivered, one fourth ton, $2.75. Persaek, 60 cents. tel-erhone 42a. 5-17-lm WETT BOILERS! ALL SIZES, FOR SALE. J. D. HOOKER 6c CO., 5-28 LOS ANGELES. PHOTOGRAPHER. Fine-Cabinet PI otogtaphs a specialty. Price from $3 tp $4 per dozen. Guaranteed first-class or no charge. We excell in babies' photographs. For the best results the forenoon is preferred. 187 WEST FIRST STREET, 4-19 6m Between Main and Spring. Rtf PRICE'S |/ DELICIOUS " Flavoring Extracts NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS. Vanilla -\ ° f Perfect purity. Lemon ~| Of great strength, Orange -/ Economy In their use Almond - ' Rose etCr) Flavor as delicately \u25a0ltd dellclously as the fresh fruit. PEOPLE'S STORE-SUNDAY, MM 31 A constantly growing trade such ac we enjoy requires the cloeeet attention to the smallest detail to insure a euccess. What's the use of conducting any busi- ness on the clow jog fashion ; it neede push and puli to do the active trade de- manded by a community euch as we live in. People nowadays dont want to travel all over town to buy a few articles, but much prefer to go where everything ie kept under one roof. Tbe People's Store hae everything, ac the saying goee, from a needle to rui anchor. We can sell you note and pane, silks Ind satins, men's hats or ladies' also, men's clothing, ladies' shoes and men's as well, drugs and perfum- ery, infante carriages, and in fact anything you want to call for. It pays to trade with us, you save time and we are sure you save money. Try us for a constant trading place. Shirting Prints, s>£c a yard; very pretty patterns, and worth Worsted Suitings, 10c a yard; a fabric which wears well; worth 20c. Cotton Challiee, a yard ; new, handsome designs; worth 10c. Zephyrine Suitinge, BV,c; theße always sell for 12}_c. Black Gros Grain Silk, 69c a yd; a superb quality ; worth $1. Ladieß' fancy boot style Hose, 8 l 3 c; all colors, and worth 15c. Childien'e Goat Shoes, 98c a pair; spring heel and tipped; worth $1.50. | ' White pique 4-in-hand Scarfs, 12>_,'c; all the rage; worth 25c. f | Checked Nainsooks, 10c a yard ; a fine material, and worth 15c. j j Colored silk chenille 'dot Veiling, 15c yd ; lateet etyle; worth 25c. | j 4-button Kid Gloves, 25c a pair; greatest value on earth ; worth 50c. j Ladies' Bodice, 15c; don't fail to see them ; worth 50c. j Boys' Blue Percale Waists, 25c ; a eplendid quality ; worth 50c. I Shirting Cheviots, 10c ayd ; all new patterns; worth 15c. I | Boys' School Hats, 25c; made with extra strong brims; worth 50c. j Bleach Turkish Towels, 10c; juat the thing for the bath; worth 15c. I Polka Dot Suitings, 15c yd ;40 in. wide, in all colors; worth 35c. Children's White Dresses, 25c; exceedingly pretty; worth 65c. | | Miases' Russet Shoes, $1.25 pr; button only, splendid wearing; woth $2. j | Boys' School Suits, $1.49; made of good tweed; worth $2.75. FT | Outing Flannels, 12>_c; new case just received; worth 18c. j"" | Youthe' Hats, 40c; black straw/flat brima; worth 75c. | j Ladies' Balbriggan Hose, 20c; regular made; worth 35c. j j All-wool Challiee, 40c yd; finest imported goods; worth 65c. Yl | Black Silk Chantilly Lace, 19c; 3to 5 inchea wide; wortb*3sc. | Men's Working Pants, 75c; good and strong ; worth $1.50. j I Ladies' Balbriggan Vesta, 25c; long sleeve, silk bound ; worth 50c. F | Ladies' Blouse Waists, 50c; French flannelette ; worth 85c. I Miasea' Kid Button Shoea, $1.25 a pair; very neat; worth $2.00. j . Lonsdale Cambric, 10c a yard ; for one day only ; worth 15c. j | Colored Surah Silka. 45c a yard ; fine grade; which cells for 65c. j Ladiea' Driving Gloves, 49c; very durable; worth 75c. I [ Buaineaa Suite, $5.00; Scotch plaid, very genteel; worth $8.50. | Ladieß' Kid Button Shoea, $1.49; very dreesy; worth $2.25. | Ladies' Beach Parasols, 85c ; splendid sun protector; worth $1.25. Colored Silk Crepes, 25c; all shadeB ; worth 45c. | Black Cashmere, 19c a yard; a superior quality; worth 35c. J I Gray Wool Knee Pants, 49c; wear resisting; worth 76c. | Boys' Gray Ribbed Hose, 12>_c; can't be beat-, worth 20c. Colored Silk Drop Ornaments, 10c each; 8 inches long; worth 25c. | 4-button Suede Gloves, $1; in all colore; worth $1.75. | Men's Calf Shoea, $1.95 ; with heavy soles for wear; worth $2.75. | Men's Embroidered Bosom Night Robes, 49c; worth 85c. 54-in. Black Armure Suitings, 75c; beautiful material; worth $1.60. ; Children's Double Knee Ingrain Hose, 25c; will not wear out; worth 50c. I ' | -Children's Corded Corset Waists, 25c; for today only; worth 60c. Ladies' Fine Kid Press Shoes, $2.4*9; selected stock; worth $3.75. | | All Wool Gray Twilled Suit, $10; business sack cut; worth $15. A. HAMBURGER Sc SONS.

8 THE LOS StTNDAY MORNING, DAILY AMONG THE …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025968/1891-05-31/ed-1/seq-8.pdfUnited States Signal Service. Report ol observations taken at Los

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Page 1: 8 THE LOS StTNDAY MORNING, DAILY AMONG THE …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84025968/1891-05-31/ed-1/seq-8.pdfUnited States Signal Service. Report ol observations taken at Los

United States Signal Service.Report ol observations taken at Los A ntele*

May 30,1891:

Max. tern.. 71: mm. tern.. 50.


Annual roll-call at the Central Baptistchurch this morning. s

There will be a concert at Westlakepark today at 2 p. m.

The Flower Festival Society's annualmeeting willoccur June 3, at 2:30 p.m.,at 125 East Fourth street. The publicinvited.

It ie reported that a vein of iron threemilea long haa been located juet east ofFlagataff, near the Atlantic and Pacificrailroad.

There are undelivered telegrams atthe office of the Postal Telegraph com-pany tor W. W. Welch, Thos. J. Hayesand F. D. Derrick.

Rev. A. C. Smither pastorstreet Christian church, will preach at11 a.m., on Some New Things; at 7:45,upon Nebuchadnezzer's Dream.

Ex-Justice of the Peacenot co much an object of interest as hewaa some months ' ago. The fact maybe worth mentioning, however, that onthe Bth of the month he was in Penoit,Wis., and expected soon to be in Can-ada. .

Those viaiting Westlake park can en-joy the finest and most extended viewto be had anywhere in our city by driv-ing up to Crown Hill, corner Wardetreet and Loma drive, where theowner, Mr. Andrew Mullen, haa re-cently erected a seventy-foot flagstaffand flung to the breeze a twenty-four-foot flag. He has also made a finedriveway, easy of aacent, from two dif-ferent directions, and erected seats forthe benefit of pedestrians.

The owners of the Banning Heraldhave engaged Mr. H. W. Patton to takecharge of their paper, and that gentle-man willenter upon hia duties tomor-row. The death of Mr. Louis Munson,who made the Herald one of the verybest interior papers in the state, hasbeen a great loss to the people of Ban-ning. But they have selected as hissuccessor a gentleman of fine ability, oflarge newspaper experience, and onewho fully maintains the Herald up tothe high literary standard it had at-tained under the conduct of the lament-ed Munson.

For Sale?loo head of A No. 1 milchcowb, very cheap. Bonita Meadows,Washington street, or apply to J. E.Durkee. Ardmour.

Ican, will, and do teach advanced,double entry bookkeeping in cix weeks.Tarr, expert, 233 West Firat.

The Six Sisters Millinery will remove to 429South Spring street, between Fourth and Fifth.

R. D. List, notary public. Legal papers care-fully drawn. 125 West Second. Never out.

G. G. Johnson, Notary Public, hasto 119 N. Spring St. Always in.

Noon prayer meeting. lu7!s North Main street.


George B. Wheeler, of the San DiegoSun, visited the HERALDoffice yesterday.

Prof. Dietz is confined to his bed in con-sequence of nervous prostration, broughton by overwork.

H. F.'McCallum has returned fromRiverside, where he has been since laatMonday on business.

Miss Alice Austerrnell and Fred E.Colver willsing a duet at tbe CentralBaptist church this morning.

F. J. Osborne, of the firm of Haas,Baruch &Co., is very illwith the grippeand pleuro-pneumonia, at his home onKoeter avenue.

Miss Theresa Ernst, one of the officersof La Esperenzo parlor, N. D. G. W.,willleave tomorrow on a pleasure trip toSanta Cruz. She will be absent aboutthree weeks.

Myrtle Godfrey, the daughter of Dr.Godfrey, of the firm of Godfrey & Moore,fell whileplaying with some other chil-dren in a vacant lot on Grand avenue,Thursday, and broke her arm at theelbow.

Mrs. Jaana A. Neal, at the request ofa number of Los Angeles ladies, willread the paper she read at the Woman'sPress association convention, before theLob Angeles ladies' annex to the cham-ber of commerce, on Monday afternoon.The paper, entitled A New Employ-ment for Women, was very well receivedat Union Square hall, San Francisco.

Miss E. Beresford Joy will make berdebut at a concert to be given at Paris,this week. Miss Joy has the honor ofbeing one of the two vocalists selectedfrom a large and talented class to singat this concert. Mignonette wafts cor-dial best wishes to ber friend across thewaters, and predicts that, when oncemore her lovely voice is heard in thegolden state, she willrank as its queenof song.?[Exchange.

Mr. Frank Conant, for many yearßtreasurer of the Grand opera houae, andof late press agent and assistant to Man-ager H. C. Wyatt, of the Los Angelestheater, has resigned his position to takethe place of manager of the GeorgiaCooper Fauntleroy company, whichplayed in this city lately. Mr. Conantis a thoroughly experienced theatricalman, who is possessed of rare personalqualities. He leaves a large circle offriends here who willwatch eagerly fornews of his progress.

H. Z. Eaton, formerly captain of com-pany B, Seventh Ohio, now cashier ofMinnakata bank, Hot Springs, S. D.,with his wife is sojourning in SouthernCalifornia, and is stopping at 440 SouthHillstreet. Captain Eaton is an old-time typo, and accidentally met at Ever-green cemetery yesterday afternoon F.B. Colver k whom he had not seen forover twenty years. They spent theafternoon in company, talking aboutold-time reminiscences. Majors Butler,Hardesty and J. M. Guinn were mem-bers of the same regiment..

Charles J. Frank, one of Chicago'smost renowned and energetic clothingrepresentatives, is in town and is regis-tered at the Nadeau hotel. His line offall novelties in men's, boys', youths'and children's clothing stands withouta peer between the oceans. Messrs.Einstein & Co. can be proud of this gen-

tleman who so ably represents them.

Choice KrulU?Finest Cherries.Handled by Althouse Bros, gplephone 157.




Services Today at Various Temples of

Worship?A Missionary and an Indian

on the Programme?Church Notes.

A series of five anonymous lectures isto be given in the lecture room of Im-manuel church, beginning on Wednes-day evening, June 10th. These lectureswillbe exclusively of a literary charac-ter, and free from political or religiousdiscussion. The subjects will be an-nounced from week to week, but thenames of the lecturers are not to begiven. Five gentlemen of acknowledgedability as speakers and writers haveconsented to appear, viz.: a journalist,a lawyer, a militaryofficer, a local poetand a literary man, each of whom willdeliver one lecture of the course.

Admission willbe 50 cents, or seasontickets $1.50 each, the proceeds to begiven to the ladies' furnishing fund ofthe church.

The subject for Wednesday evening,June 10th, willbe Authors' Opinions ofEach Other.


The festival of Corpus Christi willbecelebrated with all due solemnity at St.Vincent's church, corner of Grandavenue and 'Washington street, thismorning. The Very Rev. A. J. Meyer,C. M., willofficiate at the solemn highmass, and willbe assisted by the Rev.Fathers Landry and Lynn as deacon andsub-deacon. The Rev. Father J. J.Murray willdeliver the sermon. Thefollowing excellent musical programme,selected especially for this occasion, willbe rendered by the choir: Kyrie, Gloria,Credo and Agnus Dei, from Haydn'sTwelfth mass; Sanctus and Bende-dictus, from Schubert's mass in C.Preceding the sermon Mrs. Dr. M. M.Kannon will sing Lambilotti's VeniCreator, and for the offertory a trio foradprano, contralto and tenor entitledAye Maria, by B. Owen, will be ren-dered by Mias Katherine Kimball, Mrs.J. J. Schallert and Mr. Charles S. Wal-ton. Before the mass proper a chorus,Asperges Me, by Novello, will be sung,in which Miss M. Rohr takes the so-prano nart, followed by Mozart's cele-brated Aye Verum. The services beginat 10 o'clock.

PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL.Rev. A. J. Wella will preach thie

morning at the Plymouth Congregation-al church on Twenty-first street uponthe Bubject, Growth or Grace? Dr.Wells believes more in the theology ofthis age than in the theology of thepast, and that a true church shouldtouch humanity on all sides and concernitself with all the interests of the peo-ple. That is the inspiration of the ser-mon today.


Rev. A. C. Smither will preach at 11a. m. on Some New Things. In the even-ing he willpreach upon Nebuchadnez-zar's Dream, which is the fourth sermonin a series of prophetical and historicalsermons. These sermons are attractingcrowded houses. Undet Rev. Mr.Smither's ministry thia church hasgrown rapidly in attendance and num-bers.


At the Central Baptist church thismorning the pastor will preach uponthe subject of Church Attendance, afterwhich there willbe a roll call service.At night the sermon will be upon thesubject. The Roll Call of Heaven.


At 10 o'clock this morning Farmer'smass will be given at the cathedral,with a fine chorus and good soloists.At the offertory, the Misses Santa Cruzwill sing aa a duet, an Aye Maria, byWallace. After mass will occur theconcluding procession of last Thursday'sfeast of the holy sacrament, calledCorpus Christi.


Rev. Cochrane of Japan, temporarilyoccupying a chair at the univeraity oiSouthern California, willgive a talk onReligious and Social Life in Japan thisevening at 6:3o'at the Young People'sMissionary society of the Park Congre-gational church. Mr. Cochrane haaspent twelve years as a missionary inJapan, and his talk will be instructiveaa wellaa entertaining. Rev. Carlyle ofEscondido will occupy the pulpit thismorning, and Dr. Hutchins willspeakin the evening.

y. p. s. c. E.

Allof the young people's societies ofChristian endeavor in the city hold aunion meeting, or quarterly conference,as it is called, on Wednesday evening,at the First Presbyterian church. Re-ports of the delegates to the late stateconvention at Santa Cruz willbe given ;also ahort talks from society presidentson the Aim of the C. E. Society. Anewpresident of the Los Angeles union is tobe elected in the place of Mr. Hayes,who has resigned.


Rev. WillA. Knighten will preach atthe Simpson tabernacle this morningupon Complete Christians. In the even-ing hia subject will be What the WordCan Do.


At the Epiphany chapel Charles Cook,a Sioux Indian from the Pine Ridgeagency, willspeak in the morning uponreligious work among the agency Ind-(iana. In the evening Rev. Charles A.Kienzle will preach upon The PerfectLove Which Casteth Out Fear.

At Aebury Methodist church Dr. Bre-see will talk cf the Blesaedness of theChristian Religion in the morning andthe Reciprocal Influence of Pulpit andPew in the evening.

Rev. Jenkins willpreach at the Con-gregational church this morning uponThe Song ofMoses and the Lamb.

Dr. Pendleton preaches thia morningat the Baptist church about Micah'sVision of the Breakers.


Misa Alice Austermell and Fred E. Col-ver will sing a duet at the CentralBaptist church this morning.

Rev. Dr. Pendleton will speak at the4 o'clock Y. M. C. A. meeting this after-noon.

The Holineaa people have moved outof their tent at Ninth street and Loa An-gelea, into a hall at Ninth and Mainstreets, where all-day services will beheld today.

The annual meeting of the PlymouthCongregational church takes place onJune 11th, when the ladies of the churchintend to provide a good dinner.

International Peace Congress.

Rome, May 30.?The preliminary con-ference of the international peace con-

grees opened at Milan today. Arinvitation from the Boston peace" eocietjto hold an international congress itChicago, during the Columbian fair iithat city, was accepted.

President Fonseca Very 111.Rio Jankiho, May 31.?President dt

Fonseca is lyingin a critical condil iorat l_tropolie, from an attack of asthma

Sir John MaoDonald* ConditionOttawa, May 31.?At 1 a. m. Sir Johi

MacDonalc. is resting quietly, butis n<better. .IN SOCIETY.

Mrs. J. D. Stewart was very agreeablysurprised on her Birthday on Fridayby a party of friends invited by heidaughter, Miss Ethel, who had also ar-ranged a very attractive literary andmusical programme, rendered principal-lyby littleartists.

The parlor was tastefully decorated byher with vines and roses and a verydainty repast provided.

Among those invited were Pearl Vol-mer, Lucille Kelly, Ketta Curtis, EmilyCurtis, Clarence Colmer, Master DanMcFarland, Master Robert Parsons,Miss Florence Austermell, Miss AliceMcCaldin, Miss Sadie McCaldin,Mrs. William J. McCaldin,Mrs. Curtis, Mrs. and Dr. Alter,Mrs. E. H. Green, Miss Ruth Green,Floyd Green, Mrs. Blaisdell, Mrs. GeorgeHess. Mrs. Owen McLeod.

The entertainment provided waa aafollowa:

Piano solo, waltz (Durand), EthelStewart; recitation, Her Name, LittlePearl Volmer; piano solo, OSauctissma,LittleRecta Curtis; piano solo, Invita-tion to the Dance, Miss Ruth Green';duet, violin and piano. Home SweetHome, Ethel Stewart, Dan McFarland;recitation., Little Pearl Volmer; pianosolo, Bohemian Girl, Emily Curtis:duet, violin and piano, selection, EthelStewart, Ruth Green; piano solo, Sil-ver Spring, Ethel Stewart; recitation,Tom, Emily Curtie.

Deaerving of special mention are littlePearl Volmer, a tinny tot of only fiveyears, who recited in such a manner asto captivate her audience, and littleRetta Curtia, only aeven yeara old, whoplayed with much skill on the violin,and gives promise of becoming a talentedmusician ifshe continues.


* #

There was a large crowd of notables atAgricultural park yesterday to view theAthletic club's conteata. Among thecrowd were noted: Mrs. Holterhoff, Mra.Patrick, Mrs. Sumner, Misa Sumner,Mrs. Dewey, Miss Dewey, Mr. and Mrs.Prussia, Mra. St. George. Miss AdeleStoneman, Mr. Stoneman, Misses Routh,Misses Houehton. Mr. and Mra. Carter,Mr. and Mrs. Ed Baer, Mr. and Mrs.Will Glassell, Mr. and Miss Foy, Mr.and Mrs. Abbot Kinney, Mr. and Mrs.Waiter Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. Melzer,Mr. and Mre. F. Scott, Misses Melzer,Mrs. Newton, Misses Newton, Mre. New-mark, Missea Piatt, Mr. Tom Brown,Ben Coulter, Tom Mott, Emil Quarre,Mr. McLain, Mr. Houghton, GeneralMathews, George Kimball, Miss Miles,Mies Mamie Miles, Mr. CharlesMiles, Dr. Crawford, Dr. TJtley,Mr. and Mre. H. G. Wyatt, Mr. Reilley,Mr. Corlett, Mr. Davie, Mr. Welcome,Miss Leah Benjamin, Marco Hellman,Mr. Maxwell, G. J. Griffith, MissMiaamer, Dr. and Mre. MacGowan, MiesFrankenfield, Mr. Ellia, Mr. HomerYonge, Mr. Stevens Halsted. GeorgePareone, Ben Ward, Mrs. Smith, Mr.and Mrs. C. W. Childa, Mr. and Mrs.Ed Silent, Mias Silent, Mies Bonsall,Miss Tyler, Miss Parsons and PercySchumacher, Mr. and Mrs. WillieChilda, Mr. Henry Watson, Mre. ViraBeam and Mies Moseley, of Pasadena;MiBB Lowe and Mias Edna Lowe, >ofPasadena; Mr. Buck and Miss Abbott,of Chicago; Miss Daisy Rose, MissPhelps, of N«w York.


* »Mrs. L. P. Millar and her talented

little daughter Jessie leave today forSan Franciaco, where Jesaie will beunder the inetructionß of the finest cor-net teacher in this state for a aborttime, previoue to a six weeks' engage-ment which she has in tbat city.


Remarkable Work Done at the PacificCoast Championship Games.

San Francisco, May 30. ?Six recordswere br ken at the annual champion-ship games of the Pacific Coast AmateurAthletic union, today.

In the mile run R. McArthur, 0.A.C.,won in 2 minutes 3 3-5 seconds; theformer record waa 2 minutes 5 aeconda.

The one mile walk was won by HoraceCoffin, O. A. C, in 6 minutes 48 3-5seconds; the former record wae 6:5(i.

F. F. Foster won the 120-yard hurdlerace in seconds; the former recordwas 17 seconds.

Foster also won the 220 yarde hurdlein 2:27 2-5; the former record wae2:28 1-5.

The five-mile run was won by P. D.Stillman, 0.A.C., in 28:40; the formerrecord was 29:35 1-5.

Throwing the 16-pound hammer, W.Morrow, W.C., 100 feet 6 inchea ; formerrecord, 100 feet.

The Olympic club won the champion-ship, scoring 71 points ; the Universityclub, 66; the Acme club, 8.

Ylctoria Sealers Protest.Victoria, B. C, May 30. ?Victoria

sealers today cabled to Sir Charles Tup-per their protest against the passage ofthe bill to close Bering eea for a year,now before the Britieh house of com-mons.

The Peninsula and Oriental company'ssteamer Zambesi is due here with a fullcargo from the orient. She ie the firstof a fleet of that company which will beput in service between Victoria and theorient inopposition to the Canadian Pa-cific company.



Chioago Officials Hard at Work on theCase-A Rumor from Janesville.Some Definite News Exntotad Soon.

A letter was received in this city yes-terday from a man in Chicago who haetaken some interest in the Hanchettedisappearance. From it the followingextract is taken:

"Since writing you an hour ago, Ihave seen the chief of the detectivepolice, and he says that Hanchette ie\u25a1either sick, demented, or hurt, butthat he left Chicago? he don't know inwhat direction?between the 7th andthe 12th, and he believes he ie elowlyonbis way home. The police are makinggreat efforts to find a man named Dex-ter who is supposed to have been withHanchette on or about the 7th and Bth.The chief says he still has men at workon the case."

Another and later communicationfrom Chicago states that the detectiveshave a clue which they feel willsoonlead to the explanation of the mystery.

Friends of Mr. Hanchette in this cityyesterday received word that on the Bthof thia month a demented man, welldressed and well behaved, appeared in

! Janesville, Wisconsin. He coulfl givemo account of himself, and was kept forseveral days while it wae attempted to

i eetablish his identity. Failing in thie,tire authorities sent him to the inaaneasylum. His description, in some re-spects, answers to that of Hanchette.

Those who are best informed on thejmatter do not have the slightest, ideathat the Janesville lunatic ie Hanchette., There is some ground for believing thathe is all right physically, and it ia prob-able that in a few days some definitenews about him willbe made public.


A Poll-Tax Collector Unearths a ChineseLeper.

Stockton, Cal., May 30. ?A deputycounty assessor, who has been collectingpolltax from ChiiH.se gardeners alongthe San Joaquin river, had a startlingexperience thia morning. He was at acamp twelve miles from Stockton, and

' after making several Chinamen fay tax,explored the huts of the camp. In onemiserable shanty, standing apart fromthe camp, he found a Chinese and de-manded hie poll tax. The Chinaman

!in very good English said: "You don'ti want poll tax from me," and held up a

hand from which the lingers had beeneaten off. The Chinaman eaid he hadbeen concealed there two- yeare, andwae a leper. The officer did not wantthe leper'a money, and hurried to thiecity to inform the health officer. Thecaee willbe reported to the county su-pervisors Monday.

A Disastrous Fire.Wahpeton, S. D.,May 30. ?Fire broke

out this afternoon in the rear of Zely'ewarehouse, and, fanned by a high wind,swept on until it had destroyed thewarehouse, the People's bank, the West-ern Union office, a large flouring mill,the Great Northern depot and severalstore buildings. .The losses aggregate$100,000, with'but littleinsurance.

Tbe Elmira Gazette says: There ieno solitude so miserable as that of theman alone in a noiay city, unless it bethat of a man alon>) with a noisy baby.



ar. I Ther.

ICO 51i.O-l 03 13a. m.l

P. m.

MORTAR-SPOTTED SKINCovered with Scales. Awful Spectacle-

Cured in Five Weeha by theCuticura Remedies.

About the Ist of Aprillast Inoticed some redpimples like coming out all over my body, butthought nothing of ituntil some time later on,when it began to look like spots of mortarspotted on, and wbich would come offin layersaccompanied with Itching. I would scratchevery night until I was rt.w, then the next

night, Ihe scales being formedmeanwhile we c scratched off

\ again. In vain did Iconsult&.'<'\u25a0 -A the doctors in the county,

\u25a03 "23* v*\ ~,lt with.xit jiiil. After giving\ I up all hopes ofrecovery, Ihap-

vTJf pened to see an advertisement<C» I in the newspaper about your\ W j Cutictjra Remedies, and pur-\ J chased them from my drugKist,

% and obtained almost immedi-lli ate relief. 1 began to noticeV\ t'"l' 'be scaly eruptions grad-

\J\\mV** ually dropped offand disap-peared one by one, uutil I had

been fully cured I had the disease thirteenmonths before I began taking the Remedies,and in four or five weeks was entirely cured.My disease was eczema and psoriasis. 1 knowof a great many who have taken tbe Remedies,and thank me for the knowledge of them, espe-cially mothers who have babes with scaly erup-tions on their heads and bodies. I cannot ex-press my thanks to you. My body was coveredwith scales, and I was an awful spectacle to be-hold. Now my skin is as clear as a baby's.

GEO. COTEY, Merrill, Wis.

CUTICURA KESOLVENT,The new Blood Purifier and greatest of HumorRemedies, internally (to cleanse the blood ofall impurities, and thus remove the cause),and Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cuti-cura Soaf, an exquisite Skin Beautlfier, ex-ternally (to clear the skin and scalp, and re-store the hair), cure every species of agonizing,itching, burning, scaly and pimply diseases ofthe skin, scalp and blood.

Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 50c. ;Soap. 25c; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by thePottbk Drug and Chemical Corporation,Boston. Masß.

tsfsT~ Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases, '64 pages, 50 illustrations, aud 100 testimonials.T)T"\XPLEB, black-heads, red, rough.chappedJl Airland oily skin cured by Cutictjra Soap.


ffSTD Chest Pains, Soreness, Weakness,Cough, Asthma, Pleurisy

Inflammation relieved In oneminute by the Cuticura Anti-

Paln Plaster. Nothing like it for weak lungs.




169 N. SPRING ST.(Opposite the Old Court House.)

BY THE SACK, TON OR CARLOAD.Sacked and delivered, per ton, $10 00.Sacked and delivered, half ton, $5.25.Sacked and delivered, one fourth ton, $2.75.Persaek, 60 cents.

tel-erhone 42a.5-17-lm




PHOTOGRAPHER.Fine-Cabinet PI otogtaphs a specialty. Price

from $3 tp $4 per dozen. Guaranteed first-classor no charge.

We excell in babies' photographs. For thebest results the forenoon is preferred.

187 WEST FIRST STREET,4-19 6m Between Main and Spring.

Rtf PRICE'S|/ DELICIOUS "FlavoringExtracts

NATURALFRUITFLAVORS.Vanilla -\ °f Perfect purity.

Lemon ~| Of great strength,

Orange -/ Economy In their useAlmond -

' Rose etCr) Flavor as delicately

\u25a0ltd dellclously as the fresh fruit.

PEOPLE'S STORE-SUNDAY, MM 31A constantly growing trade such ac we enjoy requires the cloeeet attention

to the smallest detail to insure a euccess. What's the use of conducting any busi-ness on the clow jog fashion ; it neede push and puli to do the active trade de-manded by a community euch as we live in. People nowadays dont want to travelall over town to buy a few articles, but much prefer to go where everything ie keptunder one roof. Tbe People's Store hae everything, ac the saying goee, from aneedle to rui anchor. We can sell you note and pane, silks Ind satins, men's hatsor ladies' also, men's clothing, ladies' shoes and men's as well, drugs and perfum-ery, infante carriages, and in fact anything you want to call for. Itpays to tradewith us, you save time and we are sure you save money. Try us for a constanttrading place.

Shirting Prints, s>£c a yard; very pretty patterns, and worth

Worsted Suitings, 10c a yard; a fabric which wears well; worth 20c.

Cotton Challiee, a yard ; new, handsome designs; worth 10c.

Zephyrine Suitinge, BV,c; theße always sell for 12}_c.

Black Gros Grain Silk, 69c a yd; a superb quality; worth $1.

Ladieß' fancy boot style Hose, 8 l3 c; all colors, and worth 15c.

Childien'e Goat Shoes, 98c a pair; spring heel and tipped; worth $1.50. |

' White pique 4-in-hand Scarfs, 12>_,'c; all the rage; worth 25c. f

| Checked Nainsooks, 10c a yard ; a fine material, and worth 15c. j

j Colored silk chenille 'dot Veiling, 15c yd ; lateet etyle; worth 25c. |

j 4-button Kid Gloves, 25c a pair; greatest value on earth ; worth 50c. j

Ladies' Bodice, 15c; don't fail to see them ; worth 50c. j

Boys' Blue Percale Waists, 25c ; a eplendid quality ; worth 50c.

I Shirting Cheviots, 10c ayd ; all new patterns; worth 15c. I

| Boys' School Hats, 25c; made with extra strong brims; worth 50c.

j Bleach Turkish Towels, 10c; juat the thing for the bath; worth 15c.

I Polka Dot Suitings, 15c yd ;40 in. wide, in all colors; worth 35c.

Children's White Dresses, 25c; exceedingly pretty; worth 65c. |

| Miases' Russet Shoes, $1.25 pr; button only, splendid wearing; woth $2. j

| Boys' School Suits, $1.49; made of good tweed; worth $2.75. FT

| Outing Flannels, 12>_c; new case just received; worth 18c. j""

| Youthe' Hats, 40c; black straw/flat brima; worth 75c. |

j Ladies' Balbriggan Hose, 20c; regular made; worth 35c. j

j All-wool Challiee, 40c yd; finest imported goods; worth 65c. Yl

| Black Silk Chantilly Lace, 19c; 3to 5 inchea wide; wortb*3sc. |

Men's Working Pants, 75c; good and strong ; worth $1.50. j

I Ladies' Balbriggan Vesta, 25c; long sleeve, silk bound ; worth 50c. F

| Ladies' Blouse Waists, 50c; French flannelette ; worth 85c.

I Miasea' Kid Button Shoea, $1.25 a pair; very neat; worth $2.00. j.Lonsdale Cambric, 10c a yard ; for one day only ; worth 15c. j

| Colored Surah Silka. 45c a yard ; fine grade; which cells for 65c. j

Ladiea' Driving Gloves, 49c; very durable; worth 75c. I

[ Buaineaa Suite, $5.00; Scotch plaid, very genteel; worth $8.50. |

Ladieß' Kid Button Shoea, $1.49; very dreesy; worth $2.25. |

Ladies' Beach Parasols, 85c ; splendid sun protector; worth $1.25.

Colored Silk Crepes, 25c; all shadeB ; worth 45c.

| Black Cashmere, 19c a yard; a superior quality; worth 35c. JI Gray Wool Knee Pants, 49c; wear resisting; worth 76c. |

Boys' Gray Ribbed Hose, 12>_c; can't be beat-, worth 20c.

Colored Silk Drop Ornaments, 10c each; 8 inches long; worth 25c.

| 4-button Suede Gloves, $1; in all colore; worth $1.75. |

Men's Calf Shoea, $1.95 ; with heavy soles for wear; worth $2.75. |

Men's Embroidered Bosom Night Robes, 49c; worth 85c.

54-in. Black Armure Suitings, 75c; beautiful material; worth $1.60.

; Children's Double Knee Ingrain Hose, 25c; willnot wear out; worth 50c. I '| -Children's Corded Corset Waists, 25c; for today only; worth 60c.

Ladies' Fine Kid Press Shoes, $2.4*9; selected stock; worth $3.75. |

| AllWool Gray Twilled Suit, $10; business sack cut; worth $15.