8 th Grade world History: Module 1

8 th Grade world History: Module 1

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8 th Grade world History: Module 1. Module 1. How did we get here from there?. Module 1. Stuff from our past that can help us know who we are today? Religion Culture Art Politics. Module 1. To help us, time is divided into smaller epochs or periods of time. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: 8 th  Grade world History:  Module 1

8th Grade world History: Module 1

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Module 1

How did we get here from there?

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Module 1 Stuff from our past that can help us know who we

are today?

Religion Culture Art Politics

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Module 1

To help us, time is divided into smaller epochs or periods of time.

What do we remember about the Dark Ages or Early Middle Ages?

What do we know about the Renaissance? What do we want to learn about the Early Modern Age?

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Module 1: Medieval JeopardyWho were

they?Vocabulary for Better

for WorseWhy they

did it!

100 100 100 100200 200 200 200400 400 400 400800 800 800 8002000 2000 2000 2000

Rules: 1) Answer in the form of a question to win the points from the box you chose. 2) If correct, add the points to your score, if incorrect, subtract the points. 3) after completing the game, click here Finishe


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Module 1

Answer: The first Europeans to colonize the Americas.

Question: Who were the _________?Spanish

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Module 1

Answer: Dominated central Mexico before the arrival of the Spanish conquistadores.

Question: Who _______________?were the Aztecs

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Module 1

Answer: The first Christianized empire.

Question: Who ________________?were the Romans

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Module 1

Answer: Conquered Spain from the north after the fall of the Roman Empire.

Question: ____________________?Who were the Visigoths

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Module 1

Answer: Expelled the Visigoths and ruled much of Spain until the 15th century

Question: ____________________?Who were the Moors

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Module 1

Answer: The religion of Muslims.

Question: What is _________?Islam

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Module 1

Answer: Vikings and the Visigoths are often thought to be these kinds of savages.

Question: What ______________?is a barbarian

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Module 1

Answer: The ruling class used to build these to live in during the Middle Ages

Question: ______________?What are castles

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Module 1

Answer: During the Middle Ages, these large schools began to emerge in Europe. The curricula included courses such as grammar, arithmetic, and music.

Question: __________________?What is a college/university

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Module 1

Answer: Intended to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in Spain and resulted in the death and expulsion of suspected heretics (people against the Church and God).

Question: _____________________?What is the (Spanish) Inquisition

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Module 1

Answer: The plague which killed nearly 40 million Europeans during the Middle Ages was also known as this.

Question: What was the Black ______?


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Module 1

Answer: With advances in Medieval architecture and art, churches grew into these large buildings of worship.

Question: What__________?are cathedrals

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Module 1

Answer: In the minds of the Crusaders, unbelievers and Muslims were called.

Question: ____________?What are infidels

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Module 1

Answer: From the 11th to the 13th centuries, Europeans carried out a series of military campaigns to regain the Holy Land from the Muslims.

Question: ____________________?What were the Crusades

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Module 1

Answer: Land distribution between King (ruling class) and surfs (labor).

Question: __________________?What was the Feudal System

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Module 1

Answer: To protect their families and homes from invaders.

Question: Why did they build _________________? castles, forts and/or walls (any of the 3 answers is good enough for full


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Module 1

Answer: For wealth, power, religion and land.

Question: ____________________?Why did people fight so often

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Module 1 Answer: Because he wanted to find a

westward passage (trade route) to India/China.

Hint: the Spanish King, Ferdinand, gave him 3 ships.

Question: Why__________________?did Columbus discover the Americas

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Module 1

Answer: Because of a rebirth in the interest in ancient culture, art and science.

Question: ___________________ ?Why did the Renaissance


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Module 1

Answer: In an effort to re-Christianize Spain.

Question: _____________________?Why did they expel Jews and Muslims

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Module 1

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