8 Pieces of Equipment Every Home Gym Needs You know exercise is good for you, but do you have any idea how good it is for you? It improves your life, helps to control your weight, assists in the prevention of diseases and unhealthy conditions, improves your mood, boosts energy, promotes better sleep and lastly, it gives your sex life a kick, and it can be fun. Unfortunately, you don’t want to go out of your way and waste your precious time travelling to the gym. Or maybe you are uncomfortable with exercising with strangers. Why sign up and spend for a gym membership when you can work out at comfort and familiarity of your home. Here are 8 pieces of workout equipment that every home gym needs. 1. Dumbbells [PHOTO: SET OF DUMBELLS] The dumbbell is a type of free weight equipment used in weight training that can be used individually or in pairs, with one in each hand. Historically, they were referred to as meels and were recorded to be used first by wrestlers in ancient Persia, Egypt and the Middle East. Designed to develop technique and strength to practice English bell ringing, dumbbells made no noise, and were technically “dumb”. There are three main types of dumbbells: Adjustable dumbbells, which are metal bars where the center is engraved with a crosshatch to improve grip. Fixed weight dumbbells are created in dumbbell shape, and can be made of cast iron, rubber or rigid plastic. Selectorized dumbbells have a number of weight plates can be adjusted while on the stand. Dumbbells tend to help even out strength imbalances you may have. You can burn 8.7 calories for each minute of doing dumbbell workouts.

8 Pieces of Equipment Every Home Gym Needs

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You know exercise is good for you, but do you have any idea how good it is for you? It improves your life, helps to control your weight, assists in the prevention of diseases and unhealthy conditions, improves your mood, boosts energy, promotes better sleep and lastly, it gives your sex life a kick, and it can be fun

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8 Pieces of Equipment Every Home Gym NeedsYou know exercise is good for you, but do you have any idea how good it is for you? It improves your life, helps to control your weight, assists in the prevention of diseases and unhealthy conditions, improves your mood, boosts energy, promotes better sleep and lastly, it gives your sex life a kick, and it can be fun.

Unfortunately, you dont want to go out of your way and waste your precious time travelling to the gym. Or maybe you are uncomfortable with exercising with strangers. Why sign up and spend for a gym membership when you can work out at comfort and familiarity of your home.

Here are 8 pieces of workout equipment that every home gym needs. 1. Dumbbells[PHOTO: SET OF DUMBELLS]

The dumbbell is a type of free weight equipment used in weight training that can be used individually or in pairs, with one in each hand. Historically, they were referred to as meels and were recorded to be used first by wrestlers in ancient Persia, Egypt and the Middle East.

Designed to develop technique and strength to practice English bell ringing, dumbbells made no noise, and were technically dumb. There are three main types of dumbbells:

Adjustable dumbbells, which are metal bars where the center is engraved with a crosshatch to improve grip. Fixed weight dumbbells are created in dumbbell shape, and can be made of cast iron, rubber or rigid plastic. Selectorized dumbbells have a number of weight plates can be adjusted while on the stand.

Dumbbells tend to help even out strength imbalances you may have. You can burn 8.7 calories for each minute of doing dumbbell workouts.

2. Barbells[PHOTO: BARBELLS]

Barbells on the other hand are meant for you if you are more advanced and aim to grow more muscle. It will allow you to lift heavier weights and will stimulate better overall muscle growth. Barbells are much better than machines at the gym because of the stabilization and coordination they bring to your workouts.

If you have small hands then pay attention to the diameter of the bar and purchase a womens bar instead. If you want to perform exercises that require a great deal of muscle exertions such as snatches and power cleans using a barbell is one of the best home workout equipment.


Jump rope isnt just for kids play; it is a multi purpose tool that dates back to ancient civilization. Egyptians jumped rope over vines, aborigines over bamboo and was originally a mans game. Its not just a game anymore it has become a competitive sport. And more importantly, it has become one of the best home gym equipment. You can lose 372 calories in just 30minutes of jumping rope.

Some jump rope terms you might want to acquaint yourself with: Basic jump is jumping with both feet at the same time over the rope. One foot jump is jumping over the rope while standing on one foot. Alternate foot jump is when your feet alternates jumping over the rope which looks like you are running. Double under is when you jump higher than usual and swing the rope so rapidly that you complete two revolutions in one jump.


Yoga balls are made of slip resistant materials and the balls surface is textured so you can get a grip over it. Burst-resistant yoga balls are also available for those who are overweight. These are usually made from vinyl that is thick and durable and can withstand tough Pilates and fusion exercise routines. Yoga balls deflate slowly when punctured that ensures your safety when you are exercising and makes the yoga ball as one of the best home gym equipment.


Kettle bells made its first appearance over 100 years ago in Russia and were used in markets to balance scales when weighing heavy object and to train Russian military regime as it demands an overhaul of the entire body simultaneously.

A kettle bell is made from cast iron shaped like a bowling ball with a suitcase style handle. It is the best home workout equipment for those who are looking for a more efficient and functional workout. It helps promote strength, cardio, mobility and flexibility and emphasizes on core strength. Anyone can gain noticeable benefits when using kettle bell three times a week. You can lose a whopping 400 calories in 20 minutes.

6. Plyometric box[PHOTO: A PLYOMETRIC BOX]

Want a powerful athletic body? Then use a plyo-box because they can help improve your vertical jum. Further, it helps improve your cardio endurance, stability and leg strength.

Plyometrics is a simple concept, which involves repetition of quick and strong movements to improve your vertical jump. When used together with a kettle bell you implement strong movements and explosive power that can forge the perfect body you want achieve- aesthetically pleasing to the eye and a built that can support your new body. You can lose 100 calories in just 10 minutes of plyometrics.


A pull-up bar is a simple tool that is efficient and is capable of building upper body strength. The chest, biceps, shoulders and other muscles are all worked out with a simple pull-up. Traditional pull-ups have several variations that cause muscle confusion which leads to incredible growth in a relatively short time.

Before using this, you must first perform other exercises to be able to pull yourself up. A pull-up is performed with a palms facing forward position. An example of this is where the body is suspended by the arms, gripping something, and pulls up. As this happens, your wrists remain in neutral position, the elbows flex and the shoulder extends to bring the elbows to the torso.


Resistance tubes also known as resistance bands, fitness bands and exercise bands. These are made from latex. The most common type is extruded dry stock latex which is easiest to tear, so get one that is made from liquid latex which has a greater tear resistance, ultra smooth, vibrant and glossy surface which is difficult to scratch.

Most people who lifts weights will tour the greatness of free- weights as the best mass builder. Resistance band training involves every part of both concentric and eccentric part of the exercise that has resistance, resulting in better range of motion strength and complete simulation. You can burn 223 calories in 30 minutes using resistance bands.

If you are ever thinking about setting up your own personal gym at home, these are some of the things you may need. A personal trainer can also visit you on a regular basis to check on your progress, and provide valuable fitness advice.