For us to be successful in this soul-rescuing work of bringing souls to Christ, we absolutely must have the presence of the Holy Ghost to guide us to those whom the Lord has prepared. There is no other way for us to do this divine work than by His divine way. Obviously the Holy Ghost can’t be with us if we are unclean and we become unclean when we are disobedient and nurture unclean thoughts and images. We must live lives of great personal purity if we are to become the powerful testifying missionaries that we can become. The Adversary hates God and all of the work being done to bless God’s children. He wants nothing more than to wrest us away from the iron rod into a path of moral destruction. That is especially true of our Heavenly Father’s commissioned emissaries. Ephesians 6:12 makes it clear that these evils forces are not imaginary when it states, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities , against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Fortunately, the Lord has blessed us with something very special to protect us from the lethal offensive maneuvers of Satan—the whole armor of God! Lucifer will fail as long as we put on the armor and never take it off: “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all, to stand.” What does the armour of God include? According to this scripture it includes the helmet of salvation, our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel, the shield of faith, our loins girt about with truth, and the breastplate of righteousness. President Harold B. Lee states that the Apostle Paul notes in this scripture that we have 4 parts of the body that are particularly vulnerable to the powers of darkness: the head, the heart, the loins and the feet. The head has reference to our thoughts, our attitudes, and the temptations we face in our mind. When we fill our brain with worldly, trashy, salacious, petty, low- character information, the helmet of salvation can not function the way it should. Garbage in, garbage out. Proverbs 23:7 declares, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Elders and Hermanas, we must learn that while we cannot command things, we can command ourselves. We can control our thoughts, the information we feed into our marvelous brains, the way we handle temptations (cast them out immediately). Message From Presidente Dayton The Importance of Personal Purity and Clean Thoughts as a Missionary 8 de Noviembre de 2015 El Clarín de El Faro

8 November El Clarín

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El Clarín de 8 de noviembre del 2015.

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Page 1: 8 November El Clarín

For us to be successful in this soul-rescuing work of bringing souls to Christ, we

absolutely must have the presence of the Holy Ghost to guide us to those whom the Lord

has prepared. There is no other way for us to do this divine work than by His divine way.

Obviously the Holy Ghost can’t be with us if we are unclean and we become unclean

when we are disobedient and nurture unclean thoughts and images. We must live lives of

great personal purity if we are to become the powerful testifying missionaries that we can

become. The Adversary hates God and all of the work being done to bless God’s children.

He wants nothing more than to wrest us away from the iron rod into a path of moral

destruction. That is especially true of our Heavenly Father’s commissioned emissaries.

Ephesians 6:12 makes it clear that these evils forces are not imaginary when it states, “For

we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities , against powers, against

the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Fortunately,

the Lord has blessed us with something very special to protect us from the lethal offensive

maneuvers of Satan—the whole armor of God! Lucifer will fail as long as we put on the

armor and never take it off: “Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye

may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all, to stand.” What does the

armour of God include? According to this scripture it includes the helmet of salvation, our

feet shod with the preparation of the gospel, the shield of faith, our loins girt about with

truth, and the breastplate of righteousness.

President Harold B. Lee states that the Apostle Paul notes in this scripture that

we have 4 parts of the body that are particularly vulnerable to the powers of darkness: the

head, the heart, the loins and the feet.

The head has reference to our thoughts, our attitudes, and the temptations

we face in our mind. When we fill our brain with worldly, trashy, salacious, petty, low-

character information, the helmet of salvation can not function the way it should.

Garbage in, garbage out. Proverbs 23:7 declares, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”

Elders and Hermanas, we must learn that while we cannot command things, we can

command ourselves. We can control our thoughts, the information we feed into our

marvelous brains, the way we handle temptations (cast them out immediately).

Message From Presidente Dayton

The Importance of Personal Purity and Clean Thoughts as a Missionary

8 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

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Message From Presidente Dayton Cont.

8 de Noviembre de 2015

The breastplate protects the heart which usually typifies our conduct.

Righteousness means being upright, moral , obedient and virtuous. It is something we have to

work on every day. Elder M. Russell Ballard has stated that he sees armor, not as a solid fitted

piece of metal, but rather dozens of tiny pieces of metal fastened together to allow greater

movement and flexibility. His point is that there is not usually one great and grand thing we

can do to arm ourselves spiritually. True spiritual power lies in numerous smaller acts woven

together in a fabric of spiritual fortification that protects and shields from evil. Elder Nathan

Tanner teaches that, “It is important that we make up our minds early in life what we will do

and not do. Long before the moment of temptation comes, we should have determined that

we will resist that temptation.”

The loins include that part of the anatomy between the waist and the upper

thighs and include the organs of reproduction. To gird means to wear belt-like support of the

involved anatomic region. In the Roman army the belt or cinculum militaire was not just for

decoration—it held the rest of the armor together. It is easy to see how Satan has used this

God-given drive to try and destroy mankind. The “Proclamation on the Family” makes it clear

that these powers of reproduction are to be used only in one context—between a married

man and woman. Satan seeks to cheapen those powers by tempting mankind to use them in

every wrong context possible. When we understand the truth about God’s laws concerning

this wonderful gift, we can gird our loins to protect them and avoid this temptation which can

be so destructive. It involves letting “virtue garnish our thoughts unceasingly”, quickly casting

out inappropriate thoughts when they occur, turning our head when passing inappropriate

advertising, not fantasizing or nurturing thoughts when they do occur.

Finally, our feet need to be shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace.

Our feet are the part of the anatomy that actually carry us to our destinations (remember

“encontrar y ensenar”). They will go wherever our head, heart and loins direct us. If we study

the scriptures, pray, serve others, love humanity and make the conscious choice to live

covenant lives, our feet will carry us to do good things. As we study and truly understand the

gospel and the way it protects us, our feet will carry us only to good places. I am so grateful

for the gracious and obedient feet of our missionaries that carry them to do so much good.

You inspire me daily by your acts of service, love and missionary power.

In conclusion, Elder Ballard suggests some ways we may protect ourselves by

eliminating any chinks or gaps in our armor. 1) Rely on the protective power of prayer “Pray

often that you may come off conqueror, yea that you may conquer Satan.” D & C 10:5. 2)

Use the protective power of the scriptures “Whoso would hearken unto the word of God and

would hold fast unto it, they would never perish.” 1 Nephi 15:24 3) Watch yourselves “If ye

do not watch yourselves, and your thoughts and your words and your deeds and observe the

commandments of God…ye must perish.” Mosiah 4:30

Con gratitude por la proteccion del evangelio,

Presidente Dayton

El Clarín de El Faro

Page 3: 8 November El Clarín

Attributes of Jesus Christ – Availability

Message From Hermana Dayton

8 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Availability is making our own schedule and priorities secondary to the wishes of those we serve. The opposite of availability is self centeredness.

Jesus Christ was the perfect example of availability. He lived among people who had needs and he served them daily as he performed healings, miracles, and ultimately laid down His life for us.

When Jesus called His disciples, He called them to a life of availability. When we were called as missionaries, we also were called to 18 months, 2 years, or for us, 3 years of availability. What a privilege and honor it is for us to have this time to truly be available to the people of Spain--to serve them and bring them closer to Christ.

The Savior said this to His disciples, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up

his cross and follow me." Just as the disciples followed him... you are also following Him by being available to serve Him on your mission.

In Matthew 16:24 The Savior also taught that if a person tries to keep his life for himself, for his wants

desires and goals, he will lose it. "For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." Matthew 16:25We have this beautiful promise that as we lose ourselves in serving Him we will find ourselves and find true joy.

There are 4 ways we can develop availability--

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1) By not seeking our own pleasure--The pleasures of the world can consume our time, energy, and assets if we allow them to.

2) By not seeking great achievements for ourselves--We can become distracted from achieving the goals of those we serve when we are so preoccupied with reaching our own goals.

3) By developing efficiency in reaching personal goals—The more organized our personal lives and the less we need for ourselves, the more time, energy, and resources we have for the needs of those we serve.

4) By discovering the priorities of those we serve. Availability means knowing when needs occur and which needs should be taken care of first.

There are many ways we can be available as missionaries--

--We can be available to listen to our companion when she/he needs to talk.

--We can be available to give priesthood blessings, service to those in our wards, our converts and investigators.

--We can help those around us be successful in church assignments, in their families and with their work.

--On Preparation Day we can do what our companion wants to do instead of insisting on what we desire.

--We can be willing to change our own plans to accommodate others.

--We can be givers instead of takers.

President Dayton and I love you very much. We feel grateful for all you do to be available to the people in our mission. We feel grateful for your example of going out of your way to be of service to others. We will continue to pray daily for you as you faithfully serve the Lord in the best mission on the


Much love, gratitude and admiration--

Hermana Dayton

Message From Hermana Dayton Cont.

8 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility,

Knowledge & Wisdom, Patience, Diligence, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Generosity, Forgiveness, Dependability, Availability

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8 de Noviembre de 2015

“Eran contados … y se

inscribían sus nombres”



























Bautismos 14 7 11 4 10 8 8 0 4 6 8 11 10

Confirmaciones 14 7 11 4 10 6 10 0 4 5 9 11 9

Fechas bautismales 90 105 105 132 123 136 95 77 129 133 114 86 103

Inv reunion sacramental 222 211 213 213 174 195 212 166 184 205 220 170 188

Lecciones con un

miembro742 698 722 762 731 738 681 562 684 802 748 713 757

Lecciones con un m. p. 52% 50% 48% 52% 51% 51% 51% 44% 44% 50% 48% 47% 51%

Nuevos Investigadores 480 440 515 474 444 487 455 441 572 566 522 502 478

Bautismos/Confirmaciones esta

semana 9

Bautismos/Confirmaciones este mes 20

Bautismos/Confirmaciones hasta la

fecha este año412

El Clarín de El Faro

Inmaculada Amigo Roldan Barcelona 1B Élderes Ganowsky y Averett

Hugo Fabian Gomez Navarro Mataró Élderes Greenwood y Robles

Cristina Ramos Ekongo Zaragoza 2A Élderes García y Bennett

Edson Camero Castellano Lleida A Élderes Lesueur y Johnson

Carlos Armando Santamaría Ardila Santander A Élderes Westfall y González

Felix Armando Santamaría Salama Santander A Élderes Westfall y González

Carmen Garcia Garcia Hospitalet 1B Hermanas Shake y Steinfeldt

Yuping Wang Tortosa Élderes Burton y Parker

Jesús Del Campo Jiménez Logroño A Élderes Streadbeck y Hamren

Page 6: 8 November El Clarín

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.Doctrine & Covenants 42:14


CUATRO: Élderes García y Bennett

Élderes Dunn y Baumann

TRES: Élderes Ponce y Ipsen

Hermanas Vance y Ward

Hermanas Vilariño y Perkins

Élderes Grau y Simon

Élderes Fairbanks y Stuart

Hermanas Lee y Plant

Hermanas Manotas y Ingram

Élderes Stapleton y Batis

Hermanas Wiseman y Roggiero

Hermanas Shake y Steinfeldt

Élderes Vikery y Alleman

Hermanas O´Neill, Moser y Storer

Élderes Cifuentes y Christopherson

Hermanas Mayes y Johnson

Alvina Barri Gótic

Amabor Badalona 1A

Shane, Mariuxi Badalona 2B

Marlon Vic A

Laura Zaragoza 1A

Esparanza San Sebastian B

Kevin Hospitalet 2B

Toni Martorell A

Jose, Maria Valencia 3A

Xiomara Valencia 2B

Elias Pamplona B

Tolo Palma 2A

Alma Manacor

8 de Noviembre de 2015

Compañerismos que lograron las pautas de excelencia:

Oremos por estos investigadores con fechas bautismales para esta semana:

El Clarín de El Faro

The Zone

Lleida is in The Zone!-With an average of 2.2 fechas and 11.3 member presents

per companionship!

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Sunday, we had an amazing fast and testimony meeting. We had 54 people at church!!!!!!! That is one person away from our goal for the year!!! there were so many at church

that i had to set up chairs outside the chapel so I could sit down, then more people came so we had to set up more chairs, then more came….. Now for Saturday, we woke up at normal time but had to skip studies to set up the fount and fill it up, which

takes 4 to 5 hours depending on how hot you want it. Then we had the baptism of Alessandro and it was anything but perfect, but it worked and he was happy and that’s all that matters. His parents even came…

Maria Jose had a sweet baptism on Thursday night and her closest friends in the ward and a few others were able to attend and she was super content. Even though planning for her baptism was a huge headache, we are super excited to do a few more before the next month is out and we are realistically hopeful! I am not sure why the Lord is blessing us with the success we are having but we are both super thankful for it and are doing what we can to ensure that it continues.

Although this week was unexpected, the lord is always guiding us. A miracle was we had our first baptism, Blanca(Griselda) was nervous but we had been praying for her and member that she would have the strength to keep staying strong and following Christ example by getting baptized. My companion continues to amaze me by always leading by example, I couldn’t have asked for a better trainer.

Tuvimos un bautismo yupiiii! Fue realmente hermoso y muy espiritual. Ella se llama Luisa y fue bautizada por su hijo que es miembro solo de hace unos cuantos meses! Fue realmente maravilloso! Ella estaba muy contenta y nosotras tambien!

Kingsley is an African man who goes by the name

Eduardo because it's easier for the Spanish to pronounce, but his story is quite simple and honest. He had been friends with one of our members in church whose name is Steve, he gave us this reference a while back, but one of the biggest worries he had was of course that of baptism, ……do I have to be perfect before baptism? … We met with him with no members, just a one on one, we testified of the simplest truth of the ordinance, ….. he was interviewed, on Saturday, baptized by Elder _____ which was a manifestation of truths we shared, and after his confirmation… he could not cease from his thanks, to both of us Elders. This last Sunday he found the space to attend and brought his oldest children, by his own initiative, Kingsley Eduardo Evbuomwan will endure because of the honesty of his search.

El milagro de esta semana fue el bautismo de Asen y Asparuh, tener un bautismo a las 9:45 de la noche no es algo que se hace todos los días, fue una gran bendición y un milagro muy grande.

13 de abril de 2014

The Miracle of Baptism

8 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

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This week, Magdalena was baptized! It was a great blessing. She started to have some issues about tithing and we felt impressed to have her talk with our bishop in private. So we brought her to the church and Bishop Sanchez talked to her in an interview for about 1 hour. He cleared up her doubts and she moved forward with the baptism. I am so greatful not only for the baptism but for such an incredibly worthy, dedicated, and missionary minded bishop. He really helps us in the work and is always willing to serve.

The Miracle of Baptism

8 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Well this week was wonderful/spectacular!!! We had a good time here in _____! Deivy went down!!!

He took that wonderful step of following the example of Jesus Christ! I was blessed with the opportunity to baptize him and wow it was wonderful! He has such a strong testimony of the gospel! After his baptism he got up and shared his testimony. He's usually super shy but this time I guess he tried and with the help of the Lord he was able to bare a wonderful testimony. I'm so in love with this work …

YUBELKIS WAS BAPTIZED THIS PAST WEEKEND!!!!!!!! MIRACLE!!!! Oh my goodness, I love her so much. I have been waiting for this moment for the past 3 months! What a beautiful and special service. After she was actually baptized, we were waiting for her at the bottom of the steps with her towel. She had the BIGGEST smile on her face. We asked her how she felt, and as she replied tears filled my eyes, she said, "I just feel so happy. FINALLY I'm able to feel this. Really feel it. This is the best day of my life." I wouldn't trade anything for that moment.

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Mission News

8 de Noviembre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

The terrific Sister Training Leaders and

Zone Leaders met on November 2, 2018 for the monthly Missionary Leadership Council. These inspired leaders bless the lives of the mission and its missionaries because of their obedience, hard-work, and missionary prowess.

President and Sister Dayton were privileged to host the Area Missionary Coordinating Council under the direction of Elder Obando, Area Seventy. Attending were the five Stake Presidents from the Spain Barcelona Mission area (Pte. Vilar-Valencia, Pte. Silvestre-Hospitalet, Pte. March-Barcelona, Pte. Hernandez-Lleida, Pte. Franco-Vitoria), plus

President Duffin of the Madrid Temple Presidency and Brother Hernandez from the Family History Department.

President and Sister Dayton pose with President and Sister Duffin, Madrid Temple Presidency. President Duffinwas one of the first 8 missionaries who opened the Barcelona Area for the preaching of the gospel in October 1969.

President and Sister Dayton hosted a lovely dinner for the Council and their wives after their meeting.