Jun 23, 2022 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester Understanding Real-world Ontologies

8-Jan-16 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester Understanding Real-world Ontologies

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Page 1: 8-Jan-16 Combining the strengths of UMIST and The Victoria University of Manchester Understanding Real-world Ontologies

Apr 21, 2023Combining the strengths of UMIST andThe Victoria University of Manchester

Understanding Real-world Ontologies

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Apr 21, 2023Combining the strengths of UMIST andThe Victoria University of Manchester

Outline• Analysis of real-world ontologies:

– The (simplified) GALEN ontology.– The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Thesaurus.– The TAMBIS ontology.

• Advanced issues and design patterns:– Qualified versus unqualified number restrictions.– Transitive propagation of properties.– Nominals and pseudo-nominals.

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Apr 21, 2023Combining the strengths of UMIST andThe Victoria University of Manchester

Analysis of Real-world Ontologies

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GALEN• Ontology about medical terms and surgical procedures.• Constructed in the 90s within the OpenGALEN project.• Main applications:

– Integration of clinical records, and– decision support.

• GALEN:– is very large (~35.000 concepts),– is fairly expressive (SHIF description logic),– has not been classified yet by any DL reasoner

• In this tutorial we use a smaller version, which:– is still large (~3000 concepts),– is similarly expressive as full GALEN,– was first classified by the FaCT system.

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GALEN: The Ontology at a Glance• Size:

– ~ 3000 classes– ~ 500 object properties– no individuals or datatypes

• Expressivity– ~350 General Concept Inclusion Axioms (GCIs).– Concept constructors:

• Conjunction (intersectionOf)

• Existential restrictions (someValuesFrom)

– 150 functional properties– 26 transitive properties

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GALEN: The (Unclassified) Hierarchies• The class hierarchy:

– Number of subsumption relations: 1978– Maximum depth of the tree: 13– No multiple inheritance– Browse through it!

• The property hierarchy:– 4 properties with multiple inheritance– Browse through it!

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GALEN: Concept definitions and GCIs

Concept definition– Axiom of the form A ´ C with:

• A a concept name

• C a (possibly complex) concept

– A definition assigns a name A to a complex concept C

Some examples:

LungPathology ´ Pathology u 9 locativeAttribute.Lung

RenalTransplant ´ Transplanting u 9 actsOn.Kindney

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GALEN: Concept definitions and GCIs

Inclusion axioms:– Axioms of the form A v C:

• A is a concept name

• C is a possibly complex concept

– Represent an incomplete (``partial’’) definition

• Examples:

XRayMachine v ImagingDevice

Candida v 9 hasFunction.AerobicMetabolicProcess

• In GALEN, some of these can be very complex: – check out the definitions of Knee Joint and Kidney!

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GALEN: Concept definitions and GCIs

General Concept Inclusion Axioms (GCIs)– Axioms of the form C ´ D

• C,D can be complex

• May describe general (background) knowledge about the ontology


Secretion u 9 actsSpecificallyOn.Leucocidin v 9 isFunctionOf.StraphilococcusAureus

9 actsOn.Glucose u Transport u 9 carriesFrom.Blood v

9 carriesTo.Cell

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Classifying GALEN Ontology statistics (revisited):

– Number of class subsumption relations: 6729• 1978 of which are ``told’’ and the rest inferred

– Maximum depth of the class tree: 15• As opposed to 13 in the case of the unclassified tree

– Classes with multiple inheritance: 408• All multiple inheritance relations have been inferred!• This was intended in the design of GALEN

– Maximum depth of the property tree: 9• No change with respect to the ``told’’ tree

– Properties with multiple inheritance: 4• Again, no change with respect to the ``told’’ tree

Reasoning is mostly performed on classes and not on properties

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Modeling Choices• The ``upper’’ part:

– Composed of the domain-independent concepts and roles.– Examples:

• TopCategory, DomainCategory, GeneralisedStructure…

– Shallowly defined (mostly a taxonomy)

• The ``domain specific’’ part:– Examples:

• Plant, LungPathology, …

– Richly defined• Much more than just a taxonomy!

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Inferred Knowledge

A trivial subsumption: • Why is PathologicalCondition a subclass of DomainCategory?

• Simply look at the definition of Pathological Condition!

Another example:– Why is PathologicalBehavior a subclass of

PathologicalCondition?• Look at the definition of both classes

• Notice that Behavior is a subclass of DomainCategory

A non-trivial subsumption:– Why are Achalasia Processes Pathological Body Processes?– Try!– If you don’t succeed use the pinpointing explanation service

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Classifying GALEN• Simple and multiple inheritance

– Focus, for example, on PathologicalBodyProcess– Navigate to its super-classes– Fly the mother ship and see what is going on!

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The NCI Ontology• Huge bio-medical ontology describing the Cancer

domain• Maintained by a dozen of domain experts • Contains information about:

– genes,– diseases,– drugs, – research institutions, …

All with a cancer-centric focus

Download it! http://www.mindswap.org/2003/CancerOntology

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NCI: The Ontology at a Glance• Size:

– ~ 30.000 classes– ~ 70 object properties– no individuals or datatypes

• Expressivity– Concept constructors:

• Conjunction (intersectionOf)

• Existential restrictions (someValuesFrom)

– Axioms:• Definitions (no GCIs)

• Domain and range of properties

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NCI: The (Unclassified) Hierarchies• The class hierarchy:

– Number of subsumption relations: 103.232– Maximum depth of the tree: 19– Classes with multiple inheritance: 4636– Browse through it!

• The property hierarchy:– No properties with multiple inheritance– Browse through it!

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Axioms in NCI


Cancer_Gene v Gene u 9 hasFunction.Tumoregenesis

Alzheimer_Disease v Dementia

Domain(anatomic_Structure_has_Location) = Anatomy_Kind

Range(technique_hasPurpose) = Clinical_Or_Research_Activity_Kind

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The NCI Kinds• ``Upper concepts representing the sub-domains of NCI• Examples:

– Anatomy.– Biological processes.– Chemicals and drugs.– Organisms …

• Properties relating the Kinds

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NCI• Partitioning and crop-circles view of the partitioning• Here, we give an intuition about the different sub-

domains in NCI, which ones are central and which ones are ``side’’ domains

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NCI and GALEN• The domains of NCI and GALEN overlap. Both

ontologies define concepts such as:– Anatomical parts: bone, tissue, etc.– Diseases– Organisms,…

• Example:– Check out how Femur is defined in NCI and GALEN– Discuss the different modeling decisions and focus of interest

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Tambis• TAMBIS is a medical ontology constructed during the

early days of the Web.• The intended application was the integrated access to

information in a set of databases.• The OWL version was generated from the old format

using a script.

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Tambis: The Ontology at a Glance• Size:

– ~ 400 classes

– ~ 100 object properties

– no individuals or datatypes

• Expressivity– No General Concept Inclusion Axioms.

– Concept constructors: • Conjunction (intersectionOf)• Disjunction (unionOf)• Existential restrictions (someValuesFrom)• Universal restriction (allValuesFrom)• Cardinality restrictions

– Axioms• Definitions (complete and partial)• Transitive, functional, symmetric and inverse properties

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Tambis: the (unclassified) hierarchies• Subclass relationships: 226• No multiple inheritance• Maximum depth of class tree: 6• Maximum depth of property tree: 2

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Tambis: Example Axioms• Tambis uses cardinality restrictions profusely

– See definition of anion

• Use of disjunction– See definition of atom

• Use of universal restrictions– See definition of book-title

• Use of complex nested restrictions– See definition of complement-dna– See definition of gene

• Disjointness axioms – See definitions of metal, non-metal and metalloid

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Tambis: Classification• Subclass relationships: 600

– compared to 226

• Classes with multiple inheritance: 19– compared to none

• Maximum deph of class tree: 7– compared to 6

• Maximum depth of property tree: 2• 144 unsatisfiable concepts!

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Tambis: Unsatisfiable concepts• Almost half of the concepts in Tambis are unsatisfiable• The explanations are non-trivial

– Check out protein-structure and macromolecular-part!

• Distinguishing root and derived unsatisfiable classes:– derived unsatisfiable classes are unsatisfiable because they

depend on another unsatisfiable concept.• definition of Enzyme,

• definition of Binding-site

– root unsatisfiable classes contain an ``inherent’’ contradiction• definition of Metal,

• definition of Non-metal,

• definition of Metalloid

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Tambis: Repair

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Advanced Issues and Design Patterns

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Qualified Number Restrictions (QCRs)• Existential restrictions in OWL DL are qualified:

– Person u 9hasChild.Male

• Cardinality restrictions can only be qualified with >– Person u 9hasChild.Male

• The lack of QCRs has been identified as a major limitation of OWL, especially in biomedical applications:– A quadruped is an animal with exactly four parts that are legs– A medical oversight committee is a committee which consists of

at least five members of which two are medical doctors, one is a manager and two are members of the public.

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Qualified Cardinality Restrictions

Can be approximated using property inclusion and property range.

Quadruped ´ Animal u (= 4 hasLeg)

hasLeg v hasPart

Range(hasLeg) = Leg

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Qualified Cardinality RestrictionsThis approximation is unsound in general:

MedicalCommittee ´ Committee u (=3 hasMember) u ·1hasMember.MD u

· 1 hasMember.: MD

Approximated by:

MedicalCommittee ´ (=3 hasMember) u · 1hasMDMember u · 1hasNotMDMember

hasMDMember v hasMemberhasNotMDMember v hasMemberRange(hasMDMember) = MDRange(hasNotMDMember) = : MD

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Transitive Propagation of Properties• In OWL, we can express transitive propagation of a

property:– If Paris is located in France and France is located in Europe,

then France is located in Europe.– If the hand is a part of the arm and the arm is part of the human

body, then the hand is a part of the human body.

• In OWL, however, we cannot express transitive propagation of a property along a different property:– If an ulcer is located in the gastric mucosa and the gastric

mucosa is a part of the stomach, then the ulcer is located in the stomach

– If a burn is located in the foot and the foot is part of the leg, then the burn is located in the leg.

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Transitive Propagation of Properties

Various patterns that approximate transitive propagation have been proposed and used in ontologies.

• Use of the property hierarchy and transitivity:

Part_Of v Located_In


• This pattern may yield to undesired results, since part-whole relations may not always imply location:– The orange peal is part of the orange, but is it located in the


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Nominals in OWL-DL• Define concepts in terms of individuals.• Two constructs in OWL

– owl:oneOf, owl:hasValue

• owl:oneOf - Enumeration of individuals.– WineColor {red, white, rose}

• {red, white, rose} = {red} t {white} t {rose}

• owl:hasValue - Value restrictions.– RedWine 9hasColor.{red}– RockFan v 9hasIdol.{elvis}

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Nominals and Pseudo-nominals• Reasoners traditionally do not support nominals (only

Aboxes)– Not enough implementation experience.– Believed to be hard.– Decision procedure for SHON in 2001!

• Example: Wine ontology– Used in OWL guide to demonstrate OWL.– Large number of nominals used.– No reasoner (even incomplete) could reason with it! Only Pellet

(very recently)

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Faking NominalsPseudonominals: Approximation to nominals

SpanishWine = Wine u 9producedIn.{spain}

FrenchWine = Wine u 9producedIn.{france}

SpanishWine = Wine u 9producedIn.Spain

FrenchWine = Wine u 9producedIn.France

France u Spain = ?


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Pseudo-nominals: unsoundness• Suppose we define the concept of a wine that is

produced in at least three different countries:Wine u ¸ 3 producedIn.Country

• Suppose I have only two countries in my ontology:Country ´ {Spain,France}

• My concept is then unsatisfiable.• Suppose we now use pseudo-nominals and treat Spain

and France as disjoint atomic concepts. Then, our concept is satisfiable.