8 Commentary by James H. Schwartz (New York)

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  • 7/25/2019 8 Commentary by James H. Schwartz (New York)


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    Neuropsychoanalysis: An Interdisciplinary Journalfor Psychoanalysis and the NeurosciencesPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rnpa20

    Commentary by James H. Schwartz (New York)James H. Schwartz


    aCenter for Neurobiology & Behavior, 722 West 168th StreetResearch Annex, New York,

    NY 10032

    Published online: 09 Jan 2014.

    To cite this article:James H. Schwartz (2000) Commentary by James H. Schwartz (New York), Neuropsychoanalysis: AnInterdisciplinary Journal for Psychoanalysis and the Neurosciences, 2:1, 36-37, DOI: 10.1080/15294145.2000.10773280

    To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15294145.2000.10773280


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  • 7/25/2019 8 Commentary by James H. Schwartz (New York)




    by ames

    H. Schwartz (New York)

    How seriously should we take Crick and Koch's idea

    of an unconscious homunculus?

    The homunculus was defined by Paracelsus in a

    treatise published in 1572 entitled De natura rerum

    which gives the recipe for synthesizing the creature

    (Pagel, 1982,


    117). A homunculus is produced by

    incubating sperm in a hermetically sealed vessel for

    60 days in horse manure at high temperatures. Then,


    fed properly, the product is an artificial man generated

    without the assistance


    a woman (paracelsus, p

    124). Like other instances of artificial men (most nota

    bly, the Golem), the homunculus was regarded as we

    now regard extraterrestrials-with fear, disbelief, and

    satire. The concept of the little man, however, was

    taken quite seriously by late seventeenth-century biol

    ogists to explain the role of sperm in reproduction.

    Some early microscopists actually drew a little man

    in the sperm. Others, like Antoni van Leeuwenhoek,

    who saw only worms in his sperm samples, neverthe

    less concluded that man with all of his adult parts first



    a little animal contained within the sperm.

    Still others placed the little man in the egg (Pinto

    Correia, 1997).

    At the beginning of the eighteenth century,

    knowledge about how animals develop was primitive.

    There were two warring schools. One believed that

    the material in the egg was preformed, being arranged

    precisely as in the mature animal. For the preformist

    school, the sperm simply acts as a trigger. The other

    school, the epigenetic, considered the material within

    the egg to be formless. A little man fully formed in

    miniature in the sperm would grow after entering

    the egg

    We now know that neither school was correct and

    that postulating a little man either in the sperm or in

    the egg does not provide an adequate explanation of

    development. Yet, there are aspects of the idea of a

    homunculus that are formally correct. Although a little

    man does not actually exist in either gamete fully

    formed, he is present in the form of information: the

    genome provides a complete plan for the develop

    mental program.

    Crick and Koch tell us that their unconscious ho

    munculus is not to be confused with Penfield's anthro-

    James H. Schwartz is professor of Cellular Biophysics Physiology,



    Neurology and


    Psychiatry, Center for Neurobiology Behavior,

    Columbia University, New York.

    James H. Schwartz

    poid maps


    sensory and motor areas in the cortex

    (Penfield and Rasmussen, 1950). Nevertheless, these

    maps are in the craniological tradition initiated by

    Franz Joseph Gall at the beginning of the nineteenth

    century (Spurzheim, 1815) and subsequently elabo

    rated and corrected by Paul Broca, Karl Wernike, John

    Hughlings Jackson, and others. Mental functions can

    now be mapped by direct recordings of neuronal firing

    using microelectrodes (in human patients during sur

    gery for epilepsy, as done by Penfield) or by assessing

    the increased blood flow resulting from the metabolic

    activity of neurons when they fire using modern tech



    imaging-positron emission tomography

    (PET) scan and functional magnetic resonance im-

    aging (MRl). Perhaps the most extensive mapping of

    brain function has been accomplished for the visual

    system, where about 30 distinct functional brain areas

    have been delineated. Because it has been so well

    charted, Crick and Koch have understandably chosen

    to focus their attention on the visual system (Crick

    and Koch, 1990, 1995, 1998).

    Two fundamental assumptions underlie these

    modern methods of mapping mental functions. The

    first is obvious: that the functions result from the activ



    nerve cells. This assumption, called the aston

    ishing hypothesis by Crick (1993), however obvious,

    must be made clear. It presumes that consciousness is

    an ordinary biological phenomenon emerging out


    the firing behavior of a specific and identifiable subset

    of neurons, the neural correlates of consciousness


    The other fundamental assumption about map

    ping a neural function is that the localization



    increased neural activity will help to explain how the

    particular function works. (Thus, it is clear that lo

    calizing lesions in the brain can be medically useful,

    but this has been appreciated at least since the seven

    teenth century


    [Breasted, 1930].) Understandably,

    the usefulness of this second assumption has been

    most clearly demonstrated with Penfield-type homun

    culi and other parts


    the brain where function is

    organized somatypically.


    these regions the struc

    tural organization of the brain appears to make mecha

    nistic sense. The arrangements of neurons that follow

    the body image in the cortex seem immediately intelli

    gible. The somatypic organization of the primary sen

    sory and motor cortices most likely stems from the

  • 7/25/2019 8 Commentary by James H. Schwartz (New York)


    Commentary on the Unconscious Homunculus

    arrangement of neurons and target organs during phy

    logeny and development. In simpler animals and early

    in development, neurons tend to be close to the body

    part they innervate. Consequently, neurons that con

    trol adjacent body parts continue to be close together

    and stay together as the nervous system develops. The

    adult organization does not follow the body plan di

    rectly, presumably because the arrangement can be

    altered during development. Despite the distortion, the

    design principle usually is obvious. (As basic a feature

    as crossing over still remains to be explained, how

    ever.) Without even a clue about the design principle

    of consciousness, understanding the relationship be

    tween brain structure and consciousness promises to

    be very difficult.

    Crick and Koch's hypothesis of an unconscious

    homunculus does not depend on any anatomical local

    ization. Rather, it has the quality of a psychological

    construct involving inferred mental functions only: the

    homunculus receives information about the world and

    executes voluntary actions. What becomes conscious

    is only a representation of some of the activity of the

    unconscious homunculus. These representations be

    come conscious only in the form of sensory imagery

    and of spoken and unspoken speech. Nothing reaches

    consciousness directly: perceptions must be processed

    by the homunculus (which, as defined, is uncon

    scious). Consciousness therefore functions as the

    mind's inner eye.

    Crick and Koch cite Freud (1923) as a precursor

    to the idea that consciousness is indirect, but Freud, I

    think wisely, puts in a caveat: It dawns upon us like

    a new discovery that only something which has once

    been a perception can become conscious, and that any

    thing arising from within apart from feelings) that

    seeks to become conscious must try to transform itself

    into external perception (emphasis added). Apart


    feelings -here

    the brain's activities can be di

    vided into three functions: sensory, motor, and motiva

    tional. While it is difficult to picture how motor

    activity per se might become conscious, must drives

    and feelings first be converted into sensory percep

    tions to become conscious?

    Much of the brain's activity takes place in the un

    conscious and is either extremely difficult to bring into

    consciousness (like Freud's preconscious) or is never

    available to consciousness (like the processing of sen

    sory information, the mechanisms that produce qualia,

    the motor plans used to maintain posture, ride bicycles,

    or play the piano). To some extent, therefore, Crick and

    Koch's formulation of



    an extension


    an unconscious homunculus is similar to psychological


    formulations like Freud's structural theory of the mind

    and his views on the relationship between conscious

    ness and the unconscious (Freud, 1939).

    These philosophical psychological formulations

    that deal with poorly defined processes and interac

    tions between unidentified parts that potentially should

    map onto the brain bear resemblance to the homuncu

    lus postulated in the seventeenth century to explain the

    magnificent plan by which the human body develops.

    What was correct about that homunculus is that it

    specified that a precise and complete plan is present

    in some form. What is clear and important about Crick

    and Koch's idea is the recognition that consciousness,

    an extension


    a neural entity with an as yet indeter

    minate anthropoid design, can be approached experi

    mentally with neurobiological methods.


    Breasted, J. H. (1930), The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus,

    2 vols. Chicago: University


    Chicago Oriental Insti

    tute Publications.

    Crick, F. (1993),

    The Astonishing Hypothesis: The Scientific

    Search for the Soul.

    New York: Simon Schuster.

    Koch, C. (1990), Some reflections on visual aware


    Cold Spring Harb. Symp. Quant. Bioi., 55:953-962.

    (1995), Are we aware of neural activity in

    primary visual cortex? Nature, 375:121-123.

    (1998), Consciousness and neuroscience.

    Cereb. Cortex, 8:97-107.



    (1923), The Ego and the Id. Standard Edition,

    19:1-59. London: Hogarth Press, 1961.

    (1939), n outline


    psychoanalysis. Psychical

    qualities. Standard Edition, 23:144-147. London: Ho

    garth Press, 1964.

    Pagel, W. (1982),

    Paracelsus: An Introduction to Philo

    sophical Medicine in the Era


    the Renaissance,


    rev. ed. Basel: Karger.

    Paracelsus (1572), De natura rerum. The Hermetic and AL-

    chemical Writings


    Aureolus Philippus Theophrastus



    Hohenheim, called Paracelsus the Great,



    the First Time Faithfully Translated into En




    Hermetic Chemistry, ed. A. E. Waite. New

    Hyde Park, NY: University Books, 1967.

    Penfield, W., Rasmussen, T. (1950), The Cerebral Cortex

    of Man: A Clinical Study of Localization of Function.

    New York: Macmillan.

    Pinto-Correia, C. (1997),

    The Ovary



    Chicago: Uni



    Chicago Press.

    Spurzheim, J. G. (1815), The Physiognomical System. Lon

    don: Baldwin, Craddock, and Joy.




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