1 8% Body Fat in 23 Days (Transcript)

8% Body Fat in 23 Days (Transcript) for... · 3 8% Body Fat in 23 Days (Transcript) other one is really getting back to life. So maybe older adults or somebody suffering from a severe

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1 8% Body Fat in 23 Days (Transcript)

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8% Body Fat in 23 DaysDr. Kareem Samhouri and Master Trainer Tim

TIM Hey, everybody. This is Master Trainer Tim here, welcome to our 8% Body Fat in 23 Days. I want to let you know that this is our exclusive phone call for our VIP network that we're recording for you to help you get through any questions, any thoughts and exactly how we would go about methods for rapid fat loss in our lives.

I wanted to let you know a little bit about who I'm going to introduce to you, Dr. Kareem Samhouri. I've seen him use these methods before when he got prepared the DFL DVD shoot. I've watched him go through all these exercises. I've watched him work with hundreds of our patients and clients at our facility, Global Fitness, LLC to get these methods to help them get the best results possible. And I can promise you that they worked.

This is something that takes your time, your effort and every bit you have in it, but we're going to teach you the exact methods on how to make this work. And as an expert in this field, and being a person who's done this before in his own life. This is the man that you want to listen to when it comes down to this.

One word of caution that I want to give before I introduce Dr. K is that if you're not in great shape already, if you haven't been exercising regularly, this is something that may not be the best fit for you. This is something that's -- requires extreme amounts of exercise, nutritional limitation and is something that if you're not ready for it, it's not going to be the best fit for you. There's always a way to build up to this, but I just want to let you know that this program is designed to be intense. We've both been through it ourselves, and it's something that takes a lot of effort on your part.

So, without further ado, I want to introduce Dr. Kareem Samhouri, and we'll get started with this.

DR. K Well, thanks so much, Tim. It is awesome to be on the call with you today. And this is actually probably my either favorite or second favorite topic. And I would say that the

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other one is really getting back to life. So maybe older adults or somebody suffering from a severe injury and is looking to reintegrate, be able to do all the things they used to be able to do successfully again, I love that topic, too. But outside of that, I know people want results as fast as possible. And I know people that train really intensely and they eat right and they diet properly and they get results, often plateau.

So that's where I really developed this, was you know, I've been training so intensely for so long, I developed Double Edged Fat Loss, I have been working with all these clients. Everybody was getting really good results and I was so psyched about it. Right? Because that's like the most humbling situation in the whole world, is to see your clients just manifest the results of everything you hoped for from your program. But then, how do you go from that like 15% body fat or 15 ½ down to 7 ½, because for me, that's how low I have to go to show a six-pack. A lot of people it's 10% body fat or less, for me it's all the way down to 7 ½ %. And no Samhouri that I know of in my entire family has ever had a six-pack before. So I didn't even believe it was possible.

This program is designed specifically to consume all excess sugars that I have in my body, preventing them from getting deposited as fat, while pairing specific exercise strategies with every piece of food that I put in my mouth. And In doing so, while already in good shape, I was able to leverage that. And something that I thought would take 30 to 45 days to lose the 8% body fat I wanted to, I was doing this kind of right before the Double Edged Fat Loss DVD shoot for the first time through to try and really see what can I pull off? You know, I was going to be on DVDs, work out at home DVDs, working out with all you guys for the rest of my life. And I wanted to make sure I was setting the proper example.

So, instead of getting there in 30 to 45 days, 23 days later I dropped 8% body fat, I'd gotten honestly shredded. I've never ever been shredded before. And I'm telling you, like, I just never been there before. I got shredded. I had a six-pack to the extent that my friends and family just wanted to start taking pictures of me and they're -- everybody was telling me like, "Whoa! The first Samhouri with a six-pack." And I thought that was so exciting and fulfilling and empowering because I set an example that will get remembered in my family as a new level of health. And now an example that I'd like to share with you today. And I want to describe the exact methods it takes.

And, Tim, I want to thank you for hosting this call with me, and I'm just really excited to get started. So, thanks so much. And one other thing here, before we get going is, for those of you that don't know Master Trainer Tim, I've been working with him for years now. He actually was our number one guy at Global Fitness, LLC. We've been

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working together in the trainer capacity.

I certified him personally as a master trainer, but that was really cool because it came full circle from the point where he was two years in front of me in our kinesiology program at Penn State. And I was having trouble retaining some of the information, because it's a really complex field. And Tim gave me some extremely usable and important tips that 180 degrees reversed the outcome of my education, ended up happening to graduate towards the front of my class, go on to pursue a doctorate in physical therapy and come full circle to be able to work with Tim again, later in life. And now, be able to deliver these results, worldwide, to all of you.

So, Tim, I appreciate you more than you know. You probably already have an idea about that, but today's our day. We're going to share everything we know about rapid fat loss in the safest way possible with everybody that's on this call. Does that sound good?

TIM Sounds good, and you know I don't like when the tables get turned on me that quickly. So…

The key to all this and I know that this is something that you've been through a ton with everybody else, and everybody that we're worked with in person, is how important the mental aspect of all this is. And it's something that is left out in most training programs, where it's either focusing on the negative or focusing on the positive that can make all the difference. What are your feelings on the mental aspect and stress reduction and everything else that goes into making a program like this work?

DR. K That's a ridiculously good question. First, I want to explain the necessity of sleep to reduce the state of stress in your body. If you're not sleeping enough, and for me, it's about 6 ½ to 7 hours a night, is where I wake up just amazingly rested. Most people are between 8 and 9 hours. I just have this like -- if you can test it by the speed of my voice, just a lot of energy. Right? And it kind of runs in my family on my father's side, and you'll see it's in my whole family. And so that is just how I function property and I know I'm completely rested.

So, I had to first plan my sleep and then work backwards to be able to achieve the rapid fat loss I was able to achieve. That's going to be the first thing I could do to regulate my hormones and decrease the chronic stress state in my body, because

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as you might imagine, it was a busy time in my life. So there was a natural increased level of stress.

Secondly, I practice and regularly do continue to practice affirmations. Affirmations are positive self-talk. So I like to integrate five sense in the way that I do this, as opposed to just saying, "I'm going to lose 8% body." That would be like future pacing, "I'm going to lose 8% body fat." Instead you can associate a feeling and you could pretend you're already there in your mind, or even in your subconscious mind so that it kind of plays [audio gap - 7:32].

Hey, Tim, are you there? I got disconnected.

TIM I am here. I was just wondering what happened. I saw you bleep off there.

DR. K All right. Cool. So I'm not sure where I lost you there. Could you remind me where we left off?

TIM You were going into the positive affirmations and how much that's helped you.

DR. K Oh, yeah. So instead of just like future pacing and saying, "I'm going to lose 8% body fat," I would want to associate a feeling with that. So -- and I would actually want to assume it's already happened so that in my subconscious mind -- there's a conscious area of your brain and a subconscious area of your brain. The more powerful of the two is the subconscious, because it helps you guide good decisions throughout the day without even realizing that there was temptation of something else.

So, I want my subconscious mind to believe I've already achieved this so that it guides me in the proper direction. So I might say, "I feel so happy and grateful now that I've lost 8% body fat in 23 days." Again, I can go even further and I can see what that looks like in my mind and I can picture a vision of that. So as I'm saying this phrase, I can imagine my first six-pack, which I would have never known what it was going to look like, because I'd never been down that low. I've been under 10% body fat, but it never showed up, and I heard that was the number. And I didn't realize that there was a little bit of discrepancy and fluctuation from person to

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So now, in my mind, I had to see, all right. I'm at 15 ½ % body fat. That's going to put me down 7 ½. I have to be able to get a six-pack there. What would I look like as a -- with a six-pack? Well, my face would be thinner; I would notice I'd probably have like smaller shoulders, to a certain extent, but more of a v-shaped body. My legs, they always tend to like get lean first. So I would notice a lot of definition in my legs. And then as I kind of went up my body, I would see that, you know, my pecs are sticking out a little bit more, I have great posture, because I know I couldn't ever get there without great posture. And now, now that I've got this mental imagine in my mind, I'm going to say, "I'm so happy and grateful now that I've lost 8% body fat in 23 days." while thinking about that, and then integrate another sense into it and have a song that plays when you're going through your affirmations every day. And spend five minutes a day, roughly, going through your affirmations.

When you're in an acute rapid fat loss training protocol, like this, it's a 23 day period. Right? So I do affirmation five times a day. I take the extra time and it takes to make sure that I'm feeling grateful, to make sure I'm feeling happy, to reduce my stress and to see in all ways possible the outcome of my efforts already existing in my life. Because it's going to happen so soon I have to look in my mind, the way I look today, just leaner. Right? I can't look older. I can't look younger. I can't remember when I used to be in shape. I have to see it as possible right here and right now. And do everything I can to get in front of my stress level and keep my sleep adequate so that I can guarantee that I can get this kind of result, and that I believe it. Believe system is everything.

There's lots and lots of studies in the field of physical therapy that have proven, and it's, you know, between 82 and 88% of the time, if both the therapist and patient don't believe that a patient will heal, fully believe it, the patient will not heal. Now, that's ridiculously powerful. I'm not going to sit here and try and explain how the mind works. I'm not sure. I don't think anybody does. But I do know that you need to believe. And a stressed-out mind does not believe in progression. It just believes in keeping your head above water. So you've got to kill your stress to help yourself believe.

TIM That's a pretty good answer. So basically, I mean, I know that with working with the clients that I've worked with and watching you work with the clients that you work with, that's usually the hardest hurdle to get over, is actually believing that it will happen. I mean, anybody who comes to see a personal trainer in person, it's usually

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a last-ditch effort for them and it's hard to get through it.

The other thing that happens most of the time is when you're trying to teach somebody efficiency with exercise, and things like that, it starts to become a timing-consuming thing, or a huge learning process. And I know that we use this technique to teach people exercises that are a bit more difficult, to boost up their learning process and get them able to understand the basics of the exercise first. But can you explain why these exercises are so complex and hard to learn for most people? I mean, I know as a trainer, I pick up on things a little bit easier, but I know that it's a learning process involved in how to get through it. And like, why does this difficulty of exercise actually make things safer on you while you're doing the programs?

DR. K Yeah, that's awesome. So Double Edged Fat Loss, for anybody that hasn't had an opportunity to get intimately familiar with this program, is based off of five movements: squat, push, lunge, pull, plank. So none of them sound too difficult. Right? A squat is a squat. A push might be a pushup or a bench press or something like that. A lunge is a lunge. A pull could be anything from a pull-up, to a lat row, to something like that, a dumbbell row. And then a plank is just kind of holding that position, that plank position like somebody could walk on your back and your hands or elbows are on the ground and you're just keeping your back as straight as possible and keeping your abs on to strengthen your core.

And then we use certain rest periods following that and treat all five of those exercises as a giant set. So exercise one, no rest, exercise two, no rest, exercise three, four and five, and then we take a rest period and we do another set like that: squat, push, lunge, pull, plank.

So theoretically, as much as that was to just listen to, and I hope you're taking notes as you're going through this, one of the big things here is how do we add complexity to that and then multidirectional movement. So the more joints that we use at once, the more of a metabolic drive there is on our body.

So if we were to just do a bicep curl, we'd be basically using our elbow. This joint a little bit, but mostly just our elbow joint. But if we did a curl and a press, in the situation of a curl and a press, now what we have is an opportunity to get more joints involved. We now have our elbow and our shoulder. So in this case there's a local metabolism in every joint. So we as add a level of complexity to the movement, we drive a higher metabolic effect from our exercise program. And then, we're also utilizing more muscles that have to get repaired in the next days to follow, so there's

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a higher metabolic effect for days to come, thereby burning calories from today's exercises for the next two or three days. So that's really important.

Now, the next thing is the difficulty level of the exercise. And I think this is more specifically what you were asking me about. Now, I choose things that are on unstable surfaces, especially for an intense program like this, for a number of different reasons. The first reason and the most important is, it increases exercise safety or casts a safety net over your exercise program.

By putting you in a "more dangerous position" within exercise, what results and what our findings have been, trainer or no trainer around, is that it increases you focus on that exercise. And this is like, whoa! This is huge, the mind-body connection. So many people watch a television while they work out; listen to a song. They do all these things that distract their mind from what they're doing so they can get through their exercise program.

But you're not ever going to take yourself to your optimal, most elite level without being 100% present with your exercise, because there are two areas of your brain that create movement. There's your pre-motor area and your motor area. Your pre-motor area is like your movement-planning center. And your motor area is like your movement execution center. Think about something, see it in your mind's eye and then carry it out and you'll get a much stronger contraction. In fact, you get 30% more -- up to 30% more contractile strength, even in the elite athlete, just by using your movement-planning center first before you do a movement.

So, if I have you balance on a couple of plates, like the plates that go on a barbell, and I have you do a pushup on those, even though it seems like, "Oh, my God! One of those could fall and I could slam it on my finger," and I don't want you to do that. Please always have a trainer around if you're learning something new. I'm not trying to tell you to be dangerous, but I am telling you you're going to hone-in. Right? You're going to really think about that. What do I have to do to stop moving these plates and just stop putting myself at right? I'm going to do that. Maybe I'm not going to do the whole movement, maybe I'm going to do the whole thing, but I'm going to go extra slow, maybe I'm going to make sure I'm using the right muscles, I'm not losing position, I'm not twisting, I'm not putting more weight on my right arm than my left. You're going to balance-out, and you're going to do the exercise to the greatest of your capability, thereby increasing your mind's eye -- excuse me. Thereby increasing your pre-motor to motor connection or your ability to really execute the movement with the most contractile strength and the majority of the muscle fibers being used.

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And then the last reason for unstable surface training and doing this higher complexity or difficulty level of exercise is the fact that we are channeling more neurological signal to your muscles. Now, it's really important that you always think about your health from your highest priority.

So just like when you go to the emergency room. They screen you for your heart and arteries and brain before they start screening you for everything else. So sometimes if somebody's in a car accident, they don't even know they broke their ankle, because they may have ruptured an artery and that was critical. So they worked on that. Two or three days later, they find out that that patient broke their ankle.

Well, think about your health this way. There are all kinds of things going on in your body at once, But your nervous system, brain and spinal cord and periphery out to your muscles, you've got higher priority system than your bones or even your muscles. Because your muscles don't even get a contraction without hearing from your nerves first. That signal goes from your brain down to your spinal cord, out to the periphery, to whatever muscle it is. The nerve dives into your muscle and then when asked, it sends a signal to the muscle and says, "Contract now."

The question is, how much of that signal was lost along the way? By adding unstable surfaces and more complexity behind the exercises, we're increasing movement planning and then the movement execution side of things, we're forcing that signal to stay constant and consistent to that muscle until we fully understand how to engage the muscle and get through the exercise.

So, we enhance nervous system communication. We enhance our movement planning. We increase the metabolic effect of exercise and ultimately we drive a much faster, exponentially faster, outcome and result from every exercise and every repetition we do. Does that make sense, Tim?

TIM Definitely makes sense. And there's a lot of technical stuff that goes on in there as to why the exercise is difficult. And really, in layman's terms, the way that I put it to my clients the most is that learning the more difficult exercise and teaching your body to react in unstable surfaces and things like that, it just helps you overall understand that base of the exercise. And it actually allows you to focus on what you're supposed to be doing during the exercise as opposed to just going through the motions.

And another key point that I wanted you to touch on, Kareem, is the importance of

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how to sequence the exercises. And it seems like everything is in the right order and countless times I can just stand in front of a gym and watch people who aren't as up on sequencing their exercises properly go through orders of exercises. It just seems like they're working the same muscle groups back to back, or doing a training program for their upper body one day and their lower body the next, when they could be combining these together and cutting down the amount of time that they have to spend in the gym.

But the one thing I want to touch on here is the importance of putting the exercises in the right order and making them work for you as opposed to working against you and possibly injuring yourself.

DR. K Yeah. That's so huge. You know? In the squat, push, lunge, pull, plank sequence of exercise was tested in every order you can think of, along with every exercise you can think of, to try and determine the best outcome.

So I don't want to oversimplify that, but I would just give it to everybody as a rule to listen to. Squat, push, lunge, pull, plank; it just works. Keep it in mind. Use your rest periods after that. There's a lot of reasons for it. And on the forefront of those reasons is that your muscle group that you just used needs to rest for a certain amount of time before it's used again. So you can work upper and lower body as a means of resting lower body.

So, let's say I just did squats and now I made my way to pushups or to push, well, I'm switching the side of my body I'm working on, thereby providing rest to my lower body. I’m working my upper body and not going back into those same muscle groups until all the way after the giant set, plus the rest period, plus until I get back to squats, which is really huge. Having the proper amount of rest determines muscle recovery rate. And if your muscle hasn't fully recovered, it can't be completely used.

You want to take every exercise you do to a point of what's called "momentary muscular failure", or MMF. And that's the point of fatigue, the last good rep, not the rep where you break form, the last good rep. And you can do that through increasing the weight you're using, increasing the speed of movement, or increasing the complexity of an exercise.

And then lastly is, how do you determine when to go forward, backwards, side-to-side or rotation? And that's why every giant set that you do should effectively force your body to go in a different direction. Now, this is all built into the Double Edged Fat Loss program, which is the exact basis of how I did this rapid fat loss protocol,

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with a few additional workouts. And we'll discuss that in full detail, I'm sure, in just a couple of minutes. I'm sure Tim's getting to it.

But, that's already built into the program. So part of it is selecting the right program or planning it out for yourself. But since I want you completely empowered after this call, think about it this way. Giant set one: forward backwards. Giant set two: side-to-side. Giant set three: with rotation. And you just try to pick exercises that meet that criteria. Giant set four: burn yourself out. And that's kind of the end of your workout. And that's the plan-- right -- is to make sure that we're going in all directions, recruiting all of our muscle, channeling the most nervous system energy or signal to our muscles, getting the best contraction we possibly can and making sure that every repetition we do has an exponentially increased effect on our outcome. Instead of thinking about it every workout or every set or every exercise, we want to think about it as every piece of every repetition is getting the most we can.

TIM And that's the key. I mean, I definitely have things that have come up in what you just said that are even bringing questions to my mind. But number one thing is -- and you touched on this briefly -- just the importance of your 3D method of training and how that improves the productivity of a workout. It's something that most people miss, especially when you're used to using machines or you're doing circuits where you're on machines the whole time, the lack of core stability and things like that. I just wanted you to touch on that a little bit, how just doing exercise with free weights rather than machines and using three dimensional motion and working out on different planes, how much of a better benefit that gives you than just sitting on a machine and working that way.

DR. K Yeah. You know, the easiest way I explain this -- this is a great point. The easiest way I explain this is the way I learned it. And that was during my time at Penn State kinesiology. You know, they were really trying to educate us to be the best trainers we could and provide a new level of knowledge.

Of course, there's partnerships and everything that go into various different brands for Life Fitness to Something that you would see in a homeowners model in a sporting goods store and all these different top gym brands that exist out there for exercise equipment. Now, the disadvantage, though, is that these pieces of equipment are set up for certain heights and weights, and this is factual. You can

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look it up. They have data on this and everything.

So for example, and I think this is actual height and weight, but like 5"5', 140 pounds; 5'6", 155 pounds. And it's one inch and 15 pound increments -- that much I know for sure -- is how these different positions on the machines are set up. So if you don't fit into -- let's say you're 5'5 ½" and you're 138 pounds. You're not going to fit the machine properly and now your joints are pointing in the wrong direction.

So, outside of the fact that gravity isn't working the way it should be, because this machine is guiding a more artificial movement where there aren't the little shakes and adjustments that take place, that's what makes you lose a little bit of the position sense benefit of like becoming extra coordinated through your exercise program.

On top of that, it may actually be malaligning your joints and causing torque inside. Now, that torque, it only takes a small amount of pressure. Torque is like -- just for clarification sake -- torque is like when you use a screwdriver, you can use a really small one, a really short one, or a really long one. The very short one you have to really twist. You've got to really crank that sucker. The long one, it takes much less effort and just short, little twists. That's because it's force times distance. That's torque. So the amount of force you use times the distance of the screwdriver ultimately determines how much force goes into that screw. And that's torque.

So, when you're doing bench press, for example, and you're using the machine, you've got torque originating at your fingertips or the palm of your hand, going all the way into your shoulder because that's where you're pec is. And now, instead of having like gravity allow little adjustments to take place and stuff, now what's happening is all that torque is getting translated into your joint at slightly the wrong angle, instead of your body readjusting and having it be at the right angle. And that torque puts a little bit of pressure or a lot of pressure, depending, on something called a mechano-receptor.

A mechano-receptor is just a fancy way of saying, pressure receptor. These are little nerve cells that basically respond to pressure in our body and tell us when we put too much pressure on a joint. Well, their job, in this case, inside of the capsule of the joint, is to send a signal to your brain and say, "Turn this muscle off. You're about to dislocate my shoulder."

And so, what you did is you did bench press in this machine, you're trying to build strength, you're trying to get the contraction in your pecs, you're at slightly the wrong angle, just because you're in the wrong height and weight for this machine at this

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setting, and maybe there's no good setting for you. And now, your brain gets a really quick instinctive signal that says, "You might dislocate me if you get a full muscle contraction from this pec. Do not send the signal." So, you blocked it at a primitive level as opposed to even having a choice of the outcome of the exercise, you no longer have the choice. So that's why it's so important not to be on these machines, especially when you're training intensely. Case solved?

TIM Definitely solved. So, I personally -- I think that we've touched on a ton of the exercise information in this, except I'm missing one key question that's always in my head, and I do want to move on to the nutrition portion of the program, but one key thing is explaining the rest breaks. I mean, I know that even when I'm training people in person, they question me on how long of a rest I'm giving them, why it's so long, why these rest breaks need to be in there. And also things like taking a weekend off and why you shouldn't, if you're in a push to be lean in 23 days like this program calls for, why do you take days off during the week as opposed to just keeping going with a seven-day workout with no rest breaks and just push through your workout that way.

DR. K Yeah, this is great. So first -- oh, and by the way, for everybody, like, we try and make sure that we're as organized as possible, as we can be on these calls, but Tim and I have worked together for so long, and friends for even longer. And so we just want to make sure that all the right information comes out and we know that we get to in time by having a great conversation about this stuff, because we are so passionate about it. So not every question has been fully prepared or anything like that, so please forgive that. And on the other hand, enjoy this, because this is our chance to interact with you and to teach you the way we would be teaching you in person. Exactly the questions you need to know the answers to, how to think about this stuff, even more importantly, is how to empower yourself to know the answers when future questions come up.

So in this case, rest breaks. Think about this logically. Here's what happens. You just taxed a muscle. You worked it really, really hard. You want that muscle to fully recover before you work it again. And if you don't allow it to fully recover, then you're going to get less from every future rep you do, which means you're going to tire out faster, the nerve possibly didn't recover so it can't even send a signal to the muscle, and you're going to get a lower metabolic effect from that set to come.

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Now, let's look at it from like a day-to-day kind of thing, or number of sets. Let's say that you get to your second set or your third giant set and you just have nothing left. You've taken the right rest breaks, you've rested even longer to be sure, and you still just -- you're not even barely able to get through your body weight. Your workout's over. You hit your lactate threshold.

Your lactate threshold is the point where your body no longer is using oxygen for energy. Effectively that means, by definition, you've killed your endurance and now you're working only anaerobically, which if you have deposited enough lactic acid in your muscle, you're out of that, too. So now you just have depleted all energy sources from your body for that day, for your workouts. So what's the point of continuing? You might get hurt, you're getting less from it and potentially you're working against yourself because your body already has received the signal, "I need to do better next time."

And that's where you have to take rest days altogether. Certain muscle groups should be worked harder on the first day; other muscle groups should be worked harder on the second day, allowing rest to the first day's muscles. And then, resting altogether on certain days of the week does a few things. Number one, it allows a hormonal reset to take place. The hormonal reset's ridiculously important because insulin production, cortisol production, DATA production. If you've ever heard of any of these hormones, growth hormone production, all matter.

Secondly, whenever you work a muscle from a strength perspective, you want to allow two things to happen. One is that when you work muscles from a strength capacity, little, tiny miniscule muscle tears take place. The mini muscle tears need to be repaired in days to come. Well, that repair process takes energy. It uses, it consumes calories and the consumption of those calories are providing you a benefit. So you'd just be like trying to get it to start over again and confusing your body in between.

And the second thing is your muscle deposit lactic acid, going back to lactate threshold. Right? When you've hit your point of exhaustion, that's why momentary muscular failure is so important and whole body failure is so important, is because you want to get to that point of exhaustion so that your body has to work to get rid of that lactic acid and balance out the pH of your body again. So your body turns acidic and you want it to get back to neutral. This is just slight variations, but it makes a tremendous difference in your metabolism. You want your body to get back to neutral, and that takes time, too, and burns calories.

So by resting, you're allowing it to repair better, actually, burn through more calories,

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reduce your risk of injury and most importantly, get more from your following workout because you don't already have this other superficial reason like there's still lactic acid in that muscle or it's still trying to repair itself and there's still tears. So it can't really get a full contraction.

So these are the reasons why you have to have really strategic rest periods and that often times when you're working harder, you have to rest longer.

TIM So, Kareem, you touched on something in there that I think we need to go a little bit further into, because it makes a lot of sense and I see a lot of people who make mistakes with this. And as far as training the different energy systems, I see so many people know that they want to lose weight, they're doing the right thing by getting into a gym and exercising, but they get on a cardio machine and they just pedal away for an hour at a time. And that's -- you and I both know -- that's not training all of their energy systems and it's not being as efficient as they could be as far as burning calories and going towards reducing body fat. It's great for working your endurance, but it's not hitting everything that they need to.So, I just want to step into the energy system a little bit and show the important of how that is in training all of the energy systems as opposed to just one at a time.

DR. K Yeah, that's awesome. And please don't let me forget that I want to actually go over the exact exercise protocol and then we can go over the exact nutrition and put it all together towards the end of the call today. But I do want to make sure that I say this is when you do this workout and this is when you do this workout and here's when you do your two-a-days and stuff like that. So if you could, just please make a note of that, because we're getting off on some awesome tangents, but that information's going to be really important for everybody. Okay? Fair enough?

TIM Fair enough.

DR. K All right, awesome. So back to your question -- what did you ask me? I'm so confused. See, I just distracted myself. That's how that happens.

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TIM Always happens that way. Energy training systems, or the different energy systems and how they work to achieve fat loss.

DR. K I must have been having a senior moment -- at age 31, let me just tell you. No, I'm just kidding around. So energy systems, there are three. There's your ATP-PC. That has a very long complicated name, called adenosine triphosphate phosphocarbonate. ATP is the energy molecule for your body. It's made in your mitochondria, if you remember that back from science class. Basically, your body produces this energy molecule and that energy molecule, when it reaches a certain threshold, depending on how many energy molecules there are, either can be used for oxygen based energy or without oxygen -- sprint-based energy.

And in the case of ATP-PC, phosphocarbonate, this is your zero to two second sprint energy. So imagine a basketball player trying to catch a rebound off of a shot that was already shot. So it bounces off the rim, try in the center, goes up as high as he can, tries to grab the basketball and bring it down. Zero to two seconds, how high can he get above all the other players, generate the most force possible and bring that basketball down. Receive basketball; bring it down.

Now, that would be really hard to jump just as high five, six, seven times in a row, because we've already switched to your anaerobic system. Now, your anaerobic system is what allows that same basketball player who just got the rebound to now sprint down the court and try to slam-dunk on the other side, because from two to 60 seconds you can really get a lot of energy and a lot of power out of your anaerobic system. And that's, again, without oxygen.Anaerobic implies no oxygen use. So that's where we're burning thing sugars and carbs extremely well. Okay?

Finally, after 60 seconds, 60 seconds and beyond, we have your aerobic system. So that kicks in pretty early in a workout. If you think about the length of a giant set, here's the way it goes. Okay? So, squat, push, lunge, pull, plank, just to make sure that we're coming full circle. The first rep of your first squat should typically have a lower and upper body component. It should be explosive in nature and it should be using your ATP-PC system.

Not, the interesting thing about that is, it takes like five freaking minutes for this system to recover, three to five minutes. Okay? So that means that you can't have another rep like that for like three to five minutes. That's why we have these other exercises and repetitions in there, rest periods, because that system isn't recharged for that period of time.

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Now, a giant set might last two minutes. So the next half of a giant set, you are just trying to pump out reps as fast as you can, use that weight, channel that kind of energy and deplete your anaerobic system so it can recover for two to three minutes. Up to four -- two to three minutes though as a general rule of thumb, while you begin to engage your aerobic system. You increase the circulatory or cardiovascular effect of your exercise program by switching between exercises, and you also start the required use of oxygen to help you get through the set.

So you've now progressed your energy cycle and ability to utilize this form of energy for your ATP-PC system in your first repetition, your first two seconds. You've pushed yourself like crazy for the next 58 seconds to get everything you can out of your anaerobic system, your sprint-based, strength-based capacity. And then you just finish hard and you finish off with that plank. That's why we have that stationary plank, then, where your heart's beating and you feel a pounding in your chest, but you're getting through it. Right? You're able to regulate and your heart rate's not getting faster. It's sustaining itself as excited and doable. And that's where like the treadmill effect, if you will, comes into play, but we're doing a more functionally based exercise.

Now, your anaerobic system, as we said, two to three minutes typically, up to four minutes to recover, and you're aerobic really only takes like 30 to 60 seconds. So that's where it all comes into play and why the rest periods are so strategic in the way that the giant sets are paired together to create the outcome that you need. Does that make sense? Did I go over that too quickly or did you follow what I was saying there, Tim?

TIM No, that made -- that is as clear as we need to be on that. That's just exactly what I was going for, exactly what the different rest breaks were put in there and I just kind of came up with that question while you were going over why the rest breaks were. And it's something that isn't stressed enough as far as how much cardio should you do in a row or how much functional exercise should you do, why there's rest breaks in there. So I think we hit on that perfect.

DR. K Yeah. Oh, and the last thing in aerobic, by the way, you might be wondering, okay, well often times you take two minutes or so or even longer for these giant set rest periods between giant sets. So if you only need 30 to 60 seconds to recover aerobically, why would you take that much rest. And the answer is, your heart rate

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doesn't come down immediately. So there's heart rate recovery which happens in the first 30 to 60 seconds after an exercise. And then your heart rate kind of stays there, and then drops off a little bit again.

So we just asked so much from your body that we hit near max heart rate. We need to bring you down, still back into that sort of cardiovascular zone, type thing that you see broadcast in all this exercise equipment in gyms. Right? And we need to kind of keep you there for a little bit and then re-excite your system. But bring your heart rate down enough to be able to get that first rep again and that squat to come.

TIM That's perfect. So I mean, long story short, it's set up the way it is for specific reasons and this is something that I struggle to teach people when they don't seem to be getting it at first. But that kind of explanation kind of lays it out there for you.

So I mean, before I step out of the exercise realm and I'm known for going off on tangents and taking things further than they need to go, why don't we go over the exact exercise protocol, then we can hit on the nutrition portion of the program.

DR. K Sure. And remember that these are completely linked. Right? Every nutritional strategy, every bite of food, the timing of your food, all of it links together to what you're doing and when you're exercising. What specifically you're doing in your exercise program and when you're exercising, because food is fuel and exercise is fire. So if you pour a bunch of fuel down on the ground and then you light a match, well, you're going to have a much stronger flame. Right? So the food has to be very linked. And anybody that's telling you that diet and exercise aren't linked, sorry. It's a load of crap. It's not true. But that doesn't mean that you have to be doing radical dieting to get great results.

However, if you're looking to get a six-pack, if you want to get the leanest you've ever been, it's not about dieting in a radical way, it's about mastering your nutritional intake and voiding your system of all of the things that have been clogging it up and stopping it from being able to properly absorb nutrients. So we'll come back to that on the nutrition side, but think about this from an exercise perspective. There's certain things that we eat during the day that our body's going to have trouble processing, and that's how we lay out the frequency and duration of our exercise program.

So there is -- in Double Edged Fat Loss there's a workout A-B format. You do

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workout A twice a week, you do workout B twice a week, and you typically take a day of rest in between. So it's like this, for example, workout A Monday and Thursday, workout B Tuesday and Friday. So you would repeat the same workout on Friday that you did Tuesday or on Thursday that you did on Monday. And then maybe take the weekends off.

In this case, we're adding in a fifth workout and then three days of two-a-days. Now, I'll explain what that is. So first, we have workout A. We're just going to use Monday through Friday as an example, but you can rotate the days on your own schedule.

So Monday we're going to do workout A, just like before. We're also going to do it on Wednesday and then we're still going to do it on Friday, because now it's going to be every other day so that we're alternating. So Monday, Wednesday, Friday would be workout A. Workout B would be Tuesday and Thursday.

The following week you just start with workout B so that you're never doing more of workout A than workout B. You just kind of alternate. So week two would be B, A, B, A, B, instead of A, B, A, B, A. If that makes sense.You with me? Does that part make sense? You clear on that?

TIM It's a tongue twister, but I got you.

DR. K It's a tongue twister, but it should be pretty clear. Right? Especially, just write it down. So like you draw five columns if you need to, if you're listening at home. It's just Monday workout A, Tuesday workout B, Wednesday workout A, Thursday workout B, Friday workout A.

Now, Monday and Friday, for workout A, this is on the workout you chose to do three of this week, are going to be your standard workout protocols. So exactly the way that says the program is written. On Wednesday, your middle day, the day where you do that extra additional workout, you switch everything to strength. Because it's a highly metabolic effect of Double Edged Fat Loss. It's meant to engage your system as much as possible, tire our all three energy systems, completely freaking shock your body into crazy results. But that's not the same as a strength-based workout, which often moves very slowly with prolonged rest periods, lower rep ranges and requires longer recovery process. So all of those muscle fibers that we may have missed in the other workouts, that's what we're hitting on

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Wednesday in that second workout A.

In this case, we're going to go six to eight reps or less. Okay? If you happen to get tired sooner, that's fine. If you fatigue out, just adjust your weight for the following time you do this so that you actually finish at the right stage. We're going to extend your rest periods to two to five minutes in between sets because we're going to allow full body recovery to take place. We're going to drop off the interval training for the most part, because it's not so important, the heavier workout to tire out your system and hit your lactate threshold, because that's a metabolic effect. Instead we want our muscles to get so fatigued out that that's why we hit our lactate threshold at the end of our workout, one by one until we just have so much lactic acid in every muscle group that we just -- we got nothing left. We're fully depleted. Because we want to take like five days to recover from this workout. We want it to be so freaking hard. We want it to be the kind of thing that just like burns sugars for days and deposits all that protein as muscle glycogen as energy for our muscles. We're consuming all this additional protein so that we can utilize that for increased strength and output on every workout so that we're progressing at a time when we're working our bodies this hard.

So five days a week, it's going to be alternating A-B format, switching week-to-week, A or B starts the week. And then in addition to that, because we tend to consume a little bit of extra carbs here or there, even when we're really strict about our diet, there's a little bit of sugar that we didn't even know was there. Or just the fact that we maybe ate a little bit of a late lunch or whatever happened, we just had to alter our nutritional strategy slightly for the day to cope with our day, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, you're also going to do an afternoon workout. But the good news is, it only takes ten minutes.

Here's the way this works. When you're doing something at a complete anaerobic level, you're trying to get no oxygen involved at all. You're trying to completely tax-out your system in a ridiculously short period of time, and that's what the goal of these two-a-days are going to be for your afternoon workouts, you have to have a very short duration and a very long rest period. The recommendation is typically 5:1, rest to work, or 1:5 work to rest.

So in this case, we're going to do 10 seconds of a sprint. So you can sprint across a room, you can sprint on a treadmill. You can do anything you want for that. You can be doing thera-band rows as fast as you go. Then we're going to do 50 seconds of metabolic recovery, instead of quiet rest.

The reason we're not going to do quiet rest, that would be the truest form of this

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sprint, is because we worked our body so hard earlier in the day that if we just sit down immediately following the sprint and we do that ten times in a row, we might get hurt, we might tear something.

So instead, what we're going to do -- this is making it even harder, right -- but safer and harder. So now we're going to super-set that, the 10 seconds of sprint followed by 50 seconds of burpies. So we're getting our whole body involved. It's not a strength-based exercise, but it's a highly metabolic exercise. Immediately jump back on that treadmill or sprint again on your own, 10 seconds again, 50 seconds of burpies, times ten.

This should make you want to puke. Don't puke. Don't pass out. Don't get hurt. But it should make you feel nauseous. Because when you're working your anaerobic system and you're ATP-PC system this hard, that's how it feels. Energy system training like this is a bitch. There's no getting around that. And I apologize for my language, it's just freaking hard. And you can hate me through every second of it until you love me when you see your result. So here's the way this plays out, so we're putting it all together.

TIM Wait, hold up for one second, because there's something that I truly need to point out here, and that is that you are the only person I have ever, ever talked to in the fitness world that uses burpies as rest. So I just wanted to throw that out there to everybody, because it is completely -- doesn't make any sense to me and it's ridiculous, but it works. And I just felt the need to interject there before you just kind of skirted over that and let it go like it was something that makes a whole lot of sense.

DR. K Well, okay. So yeah. You could actually trade that out for other exercises and you might get hurt. That's the difference. Because a burpie uses your whole body, and because it compresses your diaphragm, it forces lactic acid production and it forces your muscles to shut down faster. So your reps get really slow, really quickly. And now it's almost range of motion, even though you're still feeling really fatigued before you hit your next sprint. That's why burpies are specifically chosen, and they're as ridiculous as it sounds. And as angry as you've been with me when we've done this together, it's really effective for that reason. It's a protective mechanism for your body. It's a high metabolic drive and it's something that will push you to slow down quickly so you can get much more out of the next sprint without just depositing

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lactic acid immediately by sitting down in quiet rest. Did I clarify that, Tim? It was a funny comment, but I just wanted to make sure I'm clear on it, too.

TIM You did clarify it. But it still doesn't make you feel any better.

DR. K It doesn't make you feel any better. That's fair.

So, just as a summary, in case you want to write down a table or have this in front of you, here's the way it goes. Five days a week of workouts, A-B format, alternating days. Three days, every other day, you're going to add a second workout. So the first five workouts we just mentioned are in the morning. Three days a week you have an afternoon, 10 minute workout. I usually recommend five minutes of warm-up, five to seven minutes of warm-up, just progressively increasing your heart rate, because you don't want to sprint first thing. And then you hit your 10 second sprint, 50 seconds burpies, times ten.

What this is going to do is utilize every energy system in your body. By alternating the kinds of workouts you're doing in the A-B workouts and that strength workout, every muscle fiber type you've got, every direction of every muscle that you've got. So you're using all muscles in your body through that multi-dimensional movement or multi-planer movement that we discussed, and forcing you to concentrate as much as possible on those unstable rests when we're doing your more metabolically based workouts -- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday -- so that you can actually get that pre-motor movement planning center to work in a capacity it's never worked before. And that's how we put it all together so we get the maximal, whole body effect that we can from your exercise program.

And that's why we have the word of caution. You have to be in shape before you push your body this hard. Otherwise, you don't need all these additional steps. Because we can tire your body out 50% and we'd still be doing 50% more than you are today. And you're going to get a result. It's once we've taken you as far as you know to go and then we take all the potential left. We suck that into your workout program and you really blow things up.

TIM I told you I'm really good at getting you on tangents. That's how this works.

So, I think we've covered the exercise portion as far as why the things are done the

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way they are, why they need to be done in specific orders, what you're working when you're working and kind of knowing what you're working at all times, and just keeping your body aware, keeping yourself aware.

So now, let's move onto the nutritional portion and hit on that a little bit more, because the number one thing about this program is why it is so restrictive, why do you limit yourself and the 7/17 rule is really hard to follow. It is absolutely one of the hardest nutritional programs that I've ever tried to follow, but it's also the one that I've gotten the best results doing. So I just want you to touch on that a little bit and just let people in on why exactly it works the way that it does.

DR. K Yeah. All right. So the 7/17 rule is - seven-one-seven, whatever you want to call it, is this: seven grams of sugar and 17 grams of carbs per day, maximum. The idea for six days and on the 7th day you get to cheat. But cheat gluten free and trans fat free, especially if you have an gluten sensitivity at all. So you can still eat ice cream and stuff like that, and pizza, but you're not going to go to McDonald's and eat a hamburger there because of the trans fat content. Because trans fat results in inflammation. Inflammation takes two or three days to get rid of in your body. Inflammation 100% halts fat loss. Sugar also creates a lot of inflammation, and that's why we have to deplete your body the way that we are.

Now, if you remember earlier in this conversation, we talked about highest priority bodily system first. So we said your cardiovascular and nervous system come ahead of everything else. Well, it's also true that your endocrine system, which is what releases hormones in your body, comes ahead of the musculoskeletal system, or your muscles, And even though we're looking to train our muscles and our body and the leanness off our body, our hormonal regulation or disregulation is a major contributor to our results.

So if we've been eating more sugar in our diet than what our bodies would like to see, or more carbohydrates that ultimately get broken down into sugars, so it's the same darn thing, then we start to deposit them as fat. Not only do we deposit them as fat, but our bodies try and produce extra insulin to cope with all this extra sugar. When your body produces extra insulin, it up or down regulates other hormones in your body accordingly.

So cortisol tends to increase with insulin production, because your body believes it's under stress. The cortisol has been -- and that's like your stress hormone. If that's been elevated for long enough, then DHEA, which is your calming hormone. DHEA,

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that will go down and that's a chronic state of stress in your body where it no longer believes it should lower cortisol levels, to actually keep them high, and continue to deposit fat in your lower abdomen in case maybe there's a long cold winter and you have to use that fat to survive. And that's like going back to the way we were created back in like hunter-gatherer days. So this hormonal regulation signals that we might be about to endure something that could kill us and our body does what it can to protect itself as a survival mechanism.

So the trouble is, this is going on all the time because we weren't meant to do anything besides catch some prey and then harvest some veggies and nuts and grains -- well, not even really grains -- but like nuts and crops and stuff like that. And try to eat that food and with gathering and then occasionally catch some game and then be able to have that as our source of proteins and fats.

And so, that's where we were really getting our nutrients. This whole agricultural boom is so fantastic and such a blessing that we have today, where we actually have the ability to have plentiful food, is really unnatural for our bodies. And that's the downside. We tend to eat a much higher ratio of carbohydrates. It would have been really hard to find that many veggies. We would have gotten sick of them and would have wanted to go hunt for something. We also eat a tremendous amount of corn, which is very rich in sugar. So that up-regulates insulin production, which is not what we want. And so, that can be a big issue. And then the other thing is that we tend to eat a lot of sweets and goodies that we didn't eat before, potato chips weren't around, Skittles weren't around, none of that stuff, and our bodies were designed for the more natural environment.

So here we are, messing with our hormones without even knowing it, getting to a point of fitness where our lean body result that we're happy with, but we're not really where we want to go yet, and we're fine-tuning at this point to try and get the most we can from every exercise, repetition and set that we do. However, we need the most energy for our bodies, too. And what did we say? If your calming hormone goes down, your body thinks it's under a state of chronic stress. So that means that your body's fatiguing itself out because it knows when it's stressed. Sleep helps.

So now, just on a basic hormonal level, bodily system prioritization by not immediately cutting out sugar and resetting that hormonal process, we're fatiguing out for a reason beyond our control. So that's why we really need to do this in week one. You'll see it's not a long-standing request. By the time that we get to week two, we're just increasing fiber intake by 1,000% and eating a more normal diet, relatively low carbohydrate, because that's how we were meant to eat, especially when it comes to fat loss. Fat loss is not about eating carbs. It's about not eating carbs.

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They're good for muscle, bad for fat.

And now, we just increase fiber intake by 1,000% because it has a mechanical effect in your gut. It helps you excrete all that extra gook that you've accumulated over time from the inflammation in your system, the preservatives you've been eating, the non-organic choice foods, et cetera, the sugars, all those things that we discussed, can increase inflammation in your body. And then we just go into a very reasonable low-carb to mod carb to high-carb to cheat day protocol.

And I actually got that from Cheat Your Way Thin, which is a program that I've endorsed repeatedly in the past, created by Joel Marion, and the reason that I decided to do that is because I see this as something that like -- okay, week one, we cut out sugar, but that was still kind of like a, "Whoa! Hey, what's going on with our body?" And that was really important to get our hormones back in balance. But it was like really difficult, as you mentioned, to continue to do over time.

Week two, we're making sure that whatever we eat in week three gets absorbed through out stomach, through our gut, so we can use those nutrients for energy. And that's why we're increasing fiber intake so much. And just keeping on a reasonable fat loss diet during that time period.

Now week three, we want to get every kind of nutrient class we can. And the way we do that is we modify our diet in two-day increments. And that's really what Cheat Your Way Thin has done such a great job of. So you have a couple of low carb days, a couple of mod carb days where you eat just a bit more. Low carb is kind of like your 7/17 rule again. Mod carb is just maybe like double that. And then high carb you kind of get to eat whatever you want in carbs, but you're not choosing the food that's bad for you. Right? You're just choosing more veggies. You're still limiting fruit intake because fruit and fat loss, they don't mix that well. You can eat plenty of fruit, it's great for you, but not in acute fat loss phases.

And then, you have your cheat day, which is like a hormonal reset for a very important hormone called leptin. And for another hormone that's important, it's your hunger hormone called ghrelin. Okay? And those two hormones in particular have this amazing fat loss effect when properly regulated. You want leptin to go up and then of course you want some appetite suppression to take place. So you want to be playing with your appetite to be able to really regulate that and have your body change it accordingly.

Most importantly is leptin. It's like a mother hormone that controls insulin and cortisol production and other stuff. And that’s what cheat days are for. By increasing

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carbohydrate and fat intake on a cheat day, what you're effectively doing is forcing an increase in leptin production and that is a great fat burning hormone. So you're signaling for the next week to your body, "I need to burn more fat," because it doesn't know if you're going to keep feasting. So it just starts burning through more fat.

And then finally, you just cycle back through to the 7/17 rule and then finish it off. Polish it off in the last week, which was the original intention, but as I said, by the time I got to day 23, I was already there and I think you will be, too. So, it wasn't even as hard the second time through, the 7/17 rule. Does that make sense, Tim? Are there any questions there? Have I explained that?

TIM No, definitely makes sense, and that's exactly what I was shooting for there. The one thing that I have remaining is supplementation. And that's something that I see abused a lot of the time when people are using protein shakes as meal replacements and things like that. And they're meant to be exactly what the name is, a supplement. And they're not meant to be a meal replacement when you should be getting your nutrition and everything else from the food that you're taking in.

But, I know there's a ton of good things on the market, and even with this program, you recommend the Athletic Greens product to help supplement yourself along. So just give me your take on using protein shakes and things like that as meal replacements and also the other aspects of things like greens and the effects they can have as far as rapid fat loss goes.

DR. K Yeah. So I would say probably one of the most popular article pieces I've ever written is "Drink This to Lose Fat. Eight ounces of this every day can change your body." That entire article was about Athletic Greens. And the reason why I'm saying that -- okay. So for complete disclosure, Kiwi Chris is one of my best friends in the whole world. However, it happened in reverse order. I met him, learned about his product and determined that he stood for a new level of quality in the entire supplement industry, but not just the supplement industry, he had the knowledge to back it in both nutrition and exercise to the extent that I was completely floored. I had never spoken to anybody that had this much information on any of these topics, all backed by scientific resources.

I ended up inviting him to come stay at my place for six weeks while we worked on some rehabilitative goals that he had. And he ended up getting some really good

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results. We've stayed in close contact since.

Along the way I tried his product, of course, because I was so blown away by it, and here's what I learned. I learned it is the best way to balance what's called micronutrients, or essential nutrient classes in your body, that I've found to date. Part of it is because it dissolves in water so it's easy for your body to absorb, even when you've been dehydrated. Secondly, it has digestive enzymes, which increase digestive absorption.

See, the trouble is, even if you're eating the right foods, if your body's not absorbing those nutrients, it doesn't count, unfortunately. So maybe it's only absorbing the wrong nutrients, and again, it's out of balance.

And then the other thing is, it actually tastes really good, which I would expect a green shake to taste absolutely disgusting. So I think that's so important because you want to start your day by making sure your gut's ready to get everything it can from your diet. Otherwise, what's the point of putting yourself through these dietary restrictions if you can't get the result or outcome you're looking for. So that's kind of Athletic Greens.

Before I comment on the rest of supplementation, are there any questions or concerns about what I just said there, Tim?

TIM No, because honestly I take them for the same exact reason and it's something that just helps me get everything that I'm not getting out of what I eat. And it is the only supplement that I take on a regular basis, and it's something that I just find beneficial for everything as far as energy levels and things like that. And it is the only thing that I take on a regular basis, myself.

DR. K Great. So I just noticed better immune function, everything. So again, the point isn't selling you on it. I'm not selling you on it. The point is I really believe ever human being on the earth should be taking Athletic Greens if there's any way to afford it, to the extent that I would cut back on other groceries to make sure I had room for Athletic Greens. I really believe it's that important for your overall health.

Now, with that said, that's because it's not really like a true supplement. It's like what we need. It should be called a required dietary intake, in my mind. That's like what I'd separate out from supplementation. Now, let's talk about all other forms of

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supplementation, from meal replacement shakes to protein shakes, to fat burning accelerators and anything like that. BCAAs, which are like the amino acid from -- it's like a protein, but without the food. Any of that stuff.

So, first is the concept of saying should you take protein shakes or consume protein shakes. Remember, what we're doing is optimizing your potential during this rapid fat loss period. So it's not -- it's fine-tuning to the extent that we've reached perfection. The "perfect human body" by physique, comes out of perfection. That's a reality. So we don't need supplements to do that if our diet's doing everything it should for us. So by reducing sugar intake and carbohydrate intake in week one, we're naturally increasing protein and fat intake and we've reduced our necessity to ever have to supplement with a protein shake in that scenario.

With optimized fat burning and in specific, the hormone leptin, by incorporating cheat meals. So we've strategically chosen diet days and prerequisites as it correlated and pairs with exercise, because remember, I'm not a nutritionist, but I can tell you how food affects and exercise outcome and I can do that in a way that really will empower you to better results. But I'm not going to sit here and tell you exactly what to have in every meal, I'm just telling you the end result is that you're increasing protein and fat consumption and you're also regulating your hormones.

Now, as far as the whole concept of BCAAs go, this is, in my mind, one of the most important things I can talk to you about, and unfortunately I have no proof for these statements. But I'm telling you, I think something's missing. Everybody's turning their heads to this and they're just saying it's okay to take BCAAs, take a bunch of them, whatever. It's great. Do it when you're fasting, do it when you miss a meal, and this is going to reduce the amount of muscle atrophy that takes place or help you sustain muscle during periods of fasting.

While that may be true, I think they're probably terrible for you. Your body has a harder time breaking down proteins than carbs. And a harder time breaking down fats than proteins, in a sense. Right? So it just like requires more time. So when you talk about energy system training, your carbohydrates and sugars are really getting utilized a lot, up to the first 15 minutes of exercise, in specific, the first 60 seconds. After that, you start to utilize proteins a lot, and that's kind of like through minute 40. And then your fats kind of get consumed all the way through, for the next two to three hours of days of recovery where your body's really utilizing them for extra energy, not just in your workouts, but to get through your day.

And so, we want that energy cycle to take place where we're utilizing one macronutrient class following the next, following the next. As soon as you take the

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need to digest something out of the equation, you've altered your body's reaction and sequencing of everything that I just mentioned. And that's where I think there's a lot more dangers here than people potentially recognize. And science hasn't caught up to this. In fact, science really sucks with nutrition. The typical dietary protocols in hospitals are horrible. The stuff that they give patients is really unhealthy. What they tell people to eat for diabetes is so far from the truth and often times the opposite of what they should be eating to actually improve the state, because it's so reactive instead of proactive. And it's not because the intentions aren't there, it's because it used to be up to MDs to teach this information, but they're given like a couple classes in it ever.

So now, we have this whole other field of really awesome nutritionists coming and blossoming, and we live in a very special time. The trouble is that they're still not the medical doctors and the research studies haven't been carried out to the same extent. And I think along side of those, we're supposed to be using things like BCAAs to help people with serious kidney problems, make sure that they're not atrophying in a hospital when they're stuck in bed, because we don't have any other way to feed them. Not for the active human being that has an ability to digest, so their guts are moving and digesting throughout the day.

And I want you to really consider that. First is it possible to get it from your diet. In the case of Athletic Greens, I really don't think it's possible to get a quarter of a piece of cauliflower plus whatever. Just like, instead of 25 fruits and vegetables, think about having to cut like a piece of 25 fruits and vegetables, put those together, add digestive enzymes into the picture and then somehow link it all together and make sure you didn't miss any vitamin at the same time. That's a really hard thing to wake up and have to do. Is it possible? Maybe. Probably not, and certainly it would be very time-consuming to get to that point.

Fish oil decreases inflammation and increases circulation, more and more evidence is suggesting that that's a very important supplement, like a required dietary intake things, like I'm saying. But then, outside of that, protein shakes, BCAA, all that stuff is relatively unnatural. The less your body has to break it down, so BCAAs being the extreme, the more dangerous a territory you're playing with.

The only exception I'll offer for this is when you're trying to bias your body to improve the amount of muscle you have or to increase strength. So remember that Wednesday workout where we have that workout A on a Wednesday and you changed everything to strength in the Double Edged Fat Loss protocol, extended rest periods, lowered rest, increased repetitions for exercises two and four, lowered them for exercises one and three, and that's how we really channel the most we

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possibly could out of it. Well, in that case, it could make sense to have a protein shake just before your workout, assuming that you don't have a steak there waiting for you.

And the reason I'm going to say that, again, I'd love to have you just have like a chicken breast or a steak before your workout, is because you want that protein to get deposited right before your workout as muscle glycogen so you can get more energy from your muscle to build more strength on that particular workout. So again, I'm going to highly endorse and suggest that you get on Athletic Greens, especially when you're looking for lean body perfection and a perfect physique. But in general, for overall health, there's more and more evidence to suggest that fish oil is amazingly important for heart health and lymphatic system.

Lymphatic system controls swelling. Remember, inflammation halts fat loss and unfortunately, if we consume a lot of fish naturally in our diet, mercury content can go up, and so that can pose a problem, which is why I don't suggest you get it all from your diet. So there's a conflict of interest there.

Outside of that, use protein to build muscle. Stay away from fat burning supplements as much as you possibly can, because change your dietary strategy to up and down regulate these hormones according to the rules. It's the 7/17 rule. It's solved it for you. Right? And then we have 1,000% fiber intake to clear out our guts and increase absorption so we don't really need a lot of the things that other people will be saying, and we're getting everything else we can from the digestive enzymes and Athletic Greens.

So as usually, it's quite a long-winded answer. But does that make sense, Tim? Do you understand where I'm coming from with all this stuff?

TIM Definitely makes sense, and you definitely hit it on the nail with long-winded.

So what -- I mean, you and I've worked together for so long that I -- we're on the same page as far as nutrition goes. And it's something that I think as far as supplementation goes, there are holes that need to be filled in what you're taking in with your food and that's when we would recommend to fill in with supplementation. Other than that, it's -- other than what you said about fish and the mercury and things like that, supplementing just for the sake of supplementing isn't always your best option. I know that growing up as a teenager and wanting to pack on pounds and muscle and things like that for football, it was take creatine, take extra protein

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shakes and things like that. And I could see my money going down the drain.

And that's just kind of a crude way to put it, but it's true that those things, that if your body's not using them, it just gets rid of them. So at that point, I think that we've hit on everything that we possibly could with this program. But, I'm sure there's always room for questions and we always welcome questions through our support desk. And things like this, if you don’t know how to shave 23% -- or excuse me, 8% off your body in the next 23 days, there's something lacking here. And this webinar is recorded and go back, listen to it again. There's going to be parts. I know that I learn something new every time I have a conversation with you, Kareem. And it's something that I'll go back through this and listen to it a couple more times once the recording's processed.

So every time that you go back through this, you're going to pick up on something different. But there's always the chance that this type of a program isn't right for you yet. You're not at this level, you're not ready to exercise like this, or you just need a little bit more guidance. And in that regards, that's the entire reason why I came into this company, was to be there, to give that extra guidance as far as the training aspect goes, nutritional advice and things like that.

And for anyone who feels like they need a little bit extra, we always have the Dr. K coaching program with Master Trainer Tim, and that's something that we put out there. We know that you're our VIPs, that's why you're listening to this recording, and that's why we want to help you more. This is the best program, this is the closest program that we have to working with you in person.

So, I want to thank you, Kareem. This is something that we've been meaning to do for a long time, and get this out there, because it's something that needs to go with this program. And it's just the way that I learn, I know it's the way that you learn, and just hearing it firsthand, taking our own notes on things and going through it that way has been very influential with me, anyways, as far as my whole educational career and learning things about this. So I really appreciate you spending the time here and I want to thank everybody for listening.

You got any final words before we close it out?

DR. K No, I just want to tell everybody to rock out. I mean, just make your goals happen. Believe in them 100% and above all else, just have confidence in yourself. We're going to get there together and we're not letting go until you get there.

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So, Tim, thank you. You're very welcome for this. Listen, everybody, we love you. We care about you so much and we want to make sure that we have absolute highest standard of care with the most cutting edge techniques that exist anywhere in the fitness industry at any time. And if you ever hear us contradict ourselves, it's because we've learned something new.

So thank you so much for spending this time with us today. Thank you, Tim, and it's been awesome.

TIM Thank you.