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7th Social Studies Test - Mrs. McCloud ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located A. in river valleys. B. near tall mountains. C. on ocean coasts

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Page 1: 7th Social Studies Test - Mrs. McCloud ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located A. in river valleys. B. near tall mountains. C. on ocean coasts

7th Social Studies Test

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Page 2: 7th Social Studies Test - Mrs. McCloud ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located A. in river valleys. B. near tall mountains. C. on ocean coasts

1. Chandragupta II, who ruled India from A.D. 375 to A.D. 415, is best known for which of the


A. creating the caste system

B. conquering Persia and China

C. building the Taj Mahal

D. bringing Indian culture to new heights

2. The following statements describe an ancient civilization.

• The people were divided into castes or classes: Brahmins, warriors, landowners/merchants,

servants, and untouchables.

• Sanskrit was developed to keep written records.

• Reincarnation was an important belief in their Hindu religion.

• The Gupta emperors ruled this land.

These statements best describe the civilization of

A. India.

B. Greece.

C. Mesopotamia.

D. Egypt.





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Page 3: 7th Social Studies Test - Mrs. McCloud ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located A. in river valleys. B. near tall mountains. C. on ocean coasts

Use the map below to answer question 3.

3. The longest part of the Nile River runs through

A. Uganda.

B. Sudan.

C. Ethiopia.

D. Egypt.





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Page 4: 7th Social Studies Test - Mrs. McCloud ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located A. in river valleys. B. near tall mountains. C. on ocean coasts

4. Why did the rise and fall of ancient Chinese dynasties result in very little change in the government?

A. Each ruler created a bureaucracy that was to carry out his orders.

B. All dynasties remained in power for many years unless the emperor died.

C. Under the mandate of Heaven, the people had no duty to support unjust rule and could rebel to

get new leaders.

D. All government officials were expected to follow Confucian traditions, no matter who was


5. Which of the following is one of the Five Pillars of Islam?

A. pilgrimage to Mecca

B. belief in many gods

C. achievement of Nirvana

D. confession of sins





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Page 5: 7th Social Studies Test - Mrs. McCloud ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located A. in river valleys. B. near tall mountains. C. on ocean coasts

Use the map below to answer question 6.

6. Between which two numbers on the map is the Suez Canal?

A. between 2 and 3

B. between 7 and 9

C. between 11 and 12

D. between 12 and 13

7. Before World War II, Japan invaded and colonized which country?

A. Guam

B. Korea

C. Vietnam

D. the Philippines





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Page 6: 7th Social Studies Test - Mrs. McCloud ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located A. in river valleys. B. near tall mountains. C. on ocean coasts

Use the political cartoon below to answer question 8.

8. In the late 1800s, the industrialized countries of Europe were becoming more powerful and extended

their control over other parts of the world. The cartoon shows each country taking a piece of China.

Which term best describes the European countries' actions?

A. socialism

B. conservatism

C. imperialism

D. isolationism





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Page 7: 7th Social Studies Test - Mrs. McCloud ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located A. in river valleys. B. near tall mountains. C. on ocean coasts

9. Why has a strong sense of national unity been difficult to achieve in many African nations that

gained their independence in the twentieth century?

A. Communism is a powerful force against national unity.

B. Tribal loyalty is sometimes stronger than national loyalty.

C. Europeans fear that national unity will make African countries too strong.

D. It is easier to attract foreign investment when national unity is discouraged.

10. In 1948, which European nation gave up its control of the region of the Middle East known as


A. France

B. Germany

C. Belgium

D. Great Britain

11. “Ring of Fire” is the name given to the region of the world where violent earthquakes and volcanoes

frequently occur. The Ring of Fire is located around the

A. Indian Ocean from Africa to Australia.

B. Arctic Ocean from Asia to North America.

C. Atlantic Ocean from South America to Africa.

D. Pacific Ocean from New Zealand to South America.

12. Which African country’s government was established by former slaves from the United States?

A. Egypt

B. Sudan

C. Ghana

D. Liberia





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Page 8: 7th Social Studies Test - Mrs. McCloud ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located A. in river valleys. B. near tall mountains. C. on ocean coasts

13. The West African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai that existed between the 300s and the

1400s all had governments that

A. were based on the laws of ancient Rome.

B. allowed the people to elect their leaders.

C. helped to spread the Christian religion.

D. raised strong armies and engaged in trade.

14. Japan’s long rule by samurai and shoguns affected Japanese values. It made the people believe that

A. peace was better than fighting.

B. military ideas were basic values.

C. farming was the most noble occupation.

D. education was more important than noble birth.

15. In the late 1800s, Emperor Menelik II began to modernize his country by building roads, bridges, and

schools. He also raised a strong army, and his country never became a colony. Which of these

African nations did Menelik rule?

A. Ethiopia

B. Nigeria

C. Algeria

D. Egypt

16. In the 1940s, Chiang Kai-Shek was a general who led which force during the Chinese Revolution?

A. Bolsheviks

B. Communists

C. Nationalists

D. Fascists





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Page 9: 7th Social Studies Test - Mrs. McCloud ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located A. in river valleys. B. near tall mountains. C. on ocean coasts

17. Why is Yasser Arafat admired by many Arabs?

A. He nationalized the Suez Canal.

B. He led the revolution against the Shah of Iran.

C. He is the leader of the Palestinian political movement.

D. He wrote the Camp David Agreement that returned the Sinai to Egypt.

18. In India, many parents arrange the marriages of their children because marriage is considered to be

the joining of families. This tradition is an example of how

A. social institutions influence the behavior of people.

B. governments try to control citizens’ lives.

C. people try to move from one caste to another.

D. practices have changed in modern times.

19. West African kingdoms flourished between 300 and 1600. How did they develop?

A. They arose after slavery was abolished.

B. They grew out of the trade in salt and gold.

C. They were created when Europeans colonized Africa.

D. They appeared when the South African kingdom moved to the west.

20. Which of these countries is involved in a dispute over Kashmir?

A. India

B. Tibet

C. China

D. Taiwan





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Page 10: 7th Social Studies Test - Mrs. McCloud ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located A. in river valleys. B. near tall mountains. C. on ocean coasts

21. The availability of natural resources is important to any country’s economy. Some natural resources

are renewable. Which of the following is an example of a renewable resource?

A. oil

B. coal

C. timber

D. diamonds





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Page 11: 7th Social Studies Test - Mrs. McCloud ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located A. in river valleys. B. near tall mountains. C. on ocean coasts

Use the map of Africa below to answer question 22.

22. Which letter on the map locates Algeria?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D





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Page 12: 7th Social Studies Test - Mrs. McCloud ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located A. in river valleys. B. near tall mountains. C. on ocean coasts

23. A traveler to Southeast Asia should prepare for weather that is generally

A. hot and humid.

B. cold and dry.

C. cold and wet.

D. hot and dry.

24. How were the borders of many African countries established in the nineteenth and early twentieth


A. They were established by the United Nations.

B. They were established by European governments.

C. They were established by African elected leaders.

D. They were established by the Organization for African Unity.

25. When conservative Muslims assumed power in Iran in 1979, the country experienced changes in

government and daily life. Which of the following is an example of one of these changes?

A. Women were allowed to vote.

B. Women were elected to office.

C. Religious leaders commanded the military.

D. Few Muslim clergy were elected to the legislature.

26. Hundreds of years ago, how were east African city-states and African kingdoms alike?

A. Both became wealthy from trade.

B. Both were conquered by Mongols.

C. Each resisted contact with foreigners.

D. Neither could adequately feed its people.





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Page 13: 7th Social Studies Test - Mrs. McCloud ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located A. in river valleys. B. near tall mountains. C. on ocean coasts

27. Why did the Indian Constitution that was adopted in 1950 ban discrimination against people known

as the untouchables?

A. to create a more democratic society

B. to encourage a national independence movement

C. to prevent civil war between Hindus and Muslims

D. to convince other countries to provide economic aid

28. Many ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located

A. in river valleys.

B. near tall mountains.

C. on ocean coasts.

D. near vast plains.





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Page 14: 7th Social Studies Test - Mrs. McCloud ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located A. in river valleys. B. near tall mountains. C. on ocean coasts

Use the map below to answer question 29.

29. Which country named on the map has the most fertile agricultural land?

A. Algeria

B. Nigeria

C. Sudan

D. Ethiopia





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Page 15: 7th Social Studies Test - Mrs. McCloud ancient cities that grew up in China, India, and the Middle East were located A. in river valleys. B. near tall mountains. C. on ocean coasts

Use the map below to answer question 30.

30. Which letter on the map labels the location of Mt. Everest?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D





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