t 1- s t af t t I 7T I LOCOMOTIVE BLASTS J M Scott chief dispatcher of the first division at Louisville says the first division is ahead of all other divisions in everything but overtime and he does not care to be ahead on that j 4 J W Moore of Louisville who has been working for the L N as operator for a number of years has been off some time now on account of poor health but is improving now and will no doubt be able to resume duty in a few weeks The double track on the First division now extends from Louis ville to Lebanon Junction No wonder the First division has less overtime than the lender son division If the double track for that distance was on the Hen derson division there would b e no such thing as overtime on the division Beginning with next week THE BEE will in addition to the Henderson and St Louis division news give the Memphis Line and First division happenings- On request of several of the railroad men who wish to be in the Special Railroad Edition of THE BEE and have not had an opportunity to have photos made we have decided fo extend the limit for photos to Sept 1stand expect photos to be in this office by that time Never in the history of the L N 11 R has business all over the system been as heavy as it is at the present time Why does Miss Money talk and talk And of stopping make no men- tion No doubt it is because she has Mr Worlds whole attention Lenord Carson of the Howell Store Room spent the Sunday at West Franklin Ind with re lativesThe engagement is announced of Miss Electra Hawkins the onlydaughter of former Mayor and Mrs A 0 Hankins of Evansville to Olifton Hurd of Memphis Tenn The wedding will take place Wednesday Sept ¬ ember Oth Mr Hurd is con ¬ nected with the L N ticket office Union Station Memphis Edgar Booker helper at Bak ¬ ers who was obliged to go to Franklin Ky on account of ill health has recovered sufficient to return to his duties at the HillMarriedJ D Rapdo to MIss Mellie Viola Yoanvood of Evans ¬ ville Mr Raedo is a fireman on the St Louis Division- W 0 Walsh master mech ¬ anic of the Southern Indiana at Bedford was the guest of his father Thomas Walsh Wednes- day Pink Willis the little son of Engineer G M Willis went to Paris Tonn Monday with his auntSuperintendent of Machinery Theodore H Curtis and Assist ant Superintendent of Machin ery Harry Swoyer were at the shops last Wednesday P D Plank master mechanic of the L H St L at Olover port was at Ho well last week on businessErnest and Olaudie Crawford of Nashville are visiting in St Louis Mo- Engineer P W Boxley is on the work train this week with Road Supervisor W0 Edmon son Fireman N A Haley has gone to Dawson Springs to recuperate from an attack of chills Sam Gray tlio engineer at the Guthrie coal hoist and his little daughter Oassie are visiting in Nashville tlissweek- Evanavillo IIi was turned over to BXcnrsiomstBjSundayjithe great ¬ 0 Y e M 1 hC l4Na er part of whom were brought in over the L fc N from St Louis The business on the Shawnee town Branch lias increased to suchan extent that Engineer Wellington Newton is not able to stand up under the strain and has asked tobe relieved from one to two days each week which was granted him The boom of the Guthrio coal hoist gave away last Saturday having to be sent to the shops for repairs considerably handi capping the coaling of engine at Guthriet i Fireman John Deshler went tol Owensboro this week F H Koehne chief car in spector at Howell and wife and daughter have gone to St Louis i Mo ona viiiit M 0 Connel and wifo ofI Earlington are visiting at Lewis burg Ky I i- VA Russell has been rap pointed chief clerk to General Passenger Agent Stone of the L Nr and J H Settle now as sistant city ticket agent at Louis- ville has been appointed city ticket agent to succeed Mr Rus sell Fireman Oscar Hall is visit- ing at Hawesville Ky with his three little children Cholera lolantum This disease has lost Its terrors since Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy came Into general use The uniform success which attends the use of this reme- dy in all cases of bowel complaints In children has made it a favorite wherever its Value has become knownFor by St Bernard Drugstore Earlington Ben T Robinson Mor tons Gap J no X Taylor Earling ton MORTONS GAP ITEMS Roy Robinson and Geo Stokes went over to St Charles one night this week Tom KInimons left for his home In Tennessee last Sunday Omor Oates of Madisonville spent Sunday in town Miss Mollie Fitzgerald who has been visiting in Tenn for several months has returned home Will SIsk was out of town Sunday Gone Coenen came up Sunday to see Miss Annie Grasty- R L Furgerson of Madisonvillo was in town Friday on business Dr Almon and family visited in ladisonville Saturday Wm Courtney is having a neat cottage built near the old mill seat between Mortons Gap and Barns lev He will move there when it is completed Clyde Boyd who has been very ill with typhoid fever is better at this writing John Coylo and family visited re ¬ latives here Sunday Everybody went to Now Salem Sunday to attend the Association Mr and Mrs M Cain went to Eyansvillo Monday on business Miss Mollie Stoker of Knoxville Penn is at present home on a visit Wm Klnnnons spent Sunday at i Dawson and Madisonville Geo Robinson of Earlington was In Mortons Sunday morning the guest of Ben Robinson R M Williams has purchased John Coyles cottage Mrs Roy Jones and daughter are risltihg In Sebreo this week Ben T Robinson and lady visited the family of Tom Rohinson In Darlington Sundaye Roy Robinson and Geo Stokes were at St Charles Saturday night Carl Blanks and Lisle Robinson were in nightr JB Stanley of Madlsonvl1le was In Mortons Saturday eve Notice i All who are interested in cleaning- up the Gordon grave yard near Southards school house threo miles west of Earlington will please meet at the grave yaad Saturday morn- Ing August 22 We like best to call SCOTTS EMULSION a food because it stands so em ¬ phatically for perfect nutrition And yet in the matter of restor- ing appetite of giving new strength to the tissues especially to the nerves its action is that of tL medicine simpleSCOTT 409415 Pearl StrtetII New York soc and 100 I all druggists r r I have bought the stock of Groceries formerly owned by Mr L R Houlihan and have added fresh Stock to Them I will keep on hand at all times the BEST GROCERIES AT LOWEST PRICES I take this method of announcing to my friends that I am In the grocery busines and want their patronage Give mea can inspect my goods and ascertain my prices Yours Respectfully MIKE BOHAN LIGHT ON THE SUBJECT Thevagonandbuggy JulM OLDHAMhas dynamo alsoanew Morgan Wright tire setting machine I am now prepared to put on rubber tires on short notice Buggies and wagons made to order and kept in repair one year All repairing work promptly done and satisfaction guaranteed PROGRAMME Of Hopkins County Teachers Institute to Be Held Sept 7 toll Programme for the Hopkins Coun- ty Teachers Institute to be held at Madisonville Ky in the court house beginning Monday Septem ber 7th and continuing five days Sallie R Brown Superintendent J C Willis Instructor All teachers holding valid certifi cates are required to attend the full session of tho Institute No excuse will be heard except those actually warranted by law Read sec 140 of School laws and he present at every session of the Institute MONDAY MORNING 1000 a m Organization 1 Call to order bv Superintendent 2 Devotional exercisesRev S F Fowler 8 Address of welcomeRuby Laf foon 4 ResponseH SF Bailey 6 Short talk by JJ Glenn G Enrollment 7 Superintendents address 8 Instructors address 1145 am Adjournment I MONDAY AFTERNOON 115 p m Rollcall Music an- nouncements 180 p m School management The Pupil His environment Fran ¬ ces A Young Discussed by Misses Kate Greer and W Q Hodges Further questions by teachers 220 p m Recess and music 10 minutes 230 p m ReadingJ C Willis 320 p m Recess and music 10 minutes 330 pm General discussion by In ¬ stitute 180 p m Music announcements t adjournment TUESDAY MORNING 380 am Opening exercises 1 Music 2 Scripture lesson and prayer Rev P E Gatlin 3 Music 4 Rollcall fi Announcements 000 a m Educational Psychology J C Willis DGO a nit Recess and music 1C minutes 1000 a m Methodology arlthme ¬ tlcO P Bailey discussed by C R Morton and Lula Allen 1060 a m Recess and music 10 minutes 1100 a m ArithmeticJ O Willis 11 50 a m Announcements and ad journmentTUESDAY AFTERNOON 116 a Rollcall Cb Music c An- nouncements ¬ 180 School management The teach ¬ or his training Miss Ruth Plain Discussed by H S F Bailey and Miss Ophelia Davis 220 Recess and music 10 minutes 280 Reading J O Willis 420 Music announcements and ad ¬ journment TUESDAY EVENING 780 Music programme rendered by local talent 800 Address Bubbles Everett Jennings 830 Address selected W I Gordon 300 Music adjournment WEDNESDAY MORNING 330 Opening exercises 1 Music 2 Scripture lesson and prayer Rev J B Adams 8 Music ii r jtic 4 Rollcall J4i > G Announcements vt W k It1I Jp 1t been lately fitted with an electric 000 Educational PsychologyJ C Willis 050 Recess and music 10 minutes 1000 Methodology Grammar Miss Minnie Bourland Dis ¬ cussed by Gus Davis anti Taylor Craynor 1050 Recess and music 10 minutes 1100 Arithmetic J C Willis 1150 Announcements adjournment WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 115 Ca Rollcall b Music c An ¬ nouncements 130 School management discip ¬ lIneW B Davis Discussed by Lelia Taylor and Minnie Ash by 220 Recess and music 10 minutes 380 General discussionInstitute 420 Announcements adjournment WEDNESDAY EVENING 780 Music program 800 LectureRev Jinnett Earl ¬ ington 000 Music adjournment THURSDAY MORNING 880 Opening exercises 1 Music 2 Scripture reading and prayer Rev B F Watson 8 Music 4 Rollcall 6 Announcements 000 Educational PsychologyJ C Willis 950 Recess and music 10 minutes 1000 Methodology Geography Maud Wilkey Discussed by B F Kendrick and Leila Johnson 1050 Recess and music 10 minutes 1100 Arithmetic J C Willis 1150 Announcements adjourned THURSDAY AFTERNOON f15 a Rollcall b Music c An ¬ nouncements 180 School management social qualities of the teacherM F Ashby Discussed by Lula Kell and Artie Veazey 220 Recess and music 10 minutes 280 Reading J C Willis 820 Recess and musjc10 minutes 820 General discussion and ques ¬ tions 480 Music announcements and adjournmentTHURSDAY EVENING 730 Music program 800 LectureJ C Willis FRIDAY MORNING 880 Opening exercises v 1 Music Scripture lesson and prayer Prof T H Smith 4 Rollcall 5 Announcements 950 Recess and music 10 minutes 1000 Methodology Historyand SpellingA J Fox Discussed by Mary Mothershead and ° Mrs Athalia Ferguson 1050 Recess and music 10 minutes 1100 Arithmetic J C Willis 1150 Announcements adjourn- ment ¬ > FRIDAY AFTERNOON 115 Ca Rollcall b Music o An- nouncements ¬ 130 School management morals of tho teacher W B Davis Discussed by Ruth Plain and Minnie Bourland Personality of the teacher H F Bailey Discussed by Hattie Scott and Jessie Brown and Flora Pearce 220 Recess and music 10 minutes 280 Reading J O Willis 820 HeooBB and music 10 minutes 380 Miscollaneous bus ness 420 Adjournment Sallio R Brown Superintendent The above signature Is on thirwrapper of every bottle I MIXTUREthe babys friend from birth until he has his teeth All druceistsJ R r1Tdid r f HflGHESlHILLTONICPALATABLE Seller than Calomel and Quinine Contains no Arsenic THE OLD RELIABLE A STITCH IN TIME i Hughes Tonic taste pleasrd In early Spring and Fall ¬ Fevers liver tones up the system EXCELLENT GENERAL TONIC As well as a Sure Cure for Chills and Fevers Malarial Fevers Swamp J Fevers and Bilious Fevers Just what you need at this season IT NEVER FAILS Mild Laxative Nervous Sedative Splendid Tonic Guaranteed Try It Dont take any substitute At Druggists EOc and 100 Bottles KNOWINGjForty ILOOKI PREPARED B- YROBINSONPETTET J COMPANY INCORPORATED Louievillc Ky GRAND Guessing h Contest How Many Votes Will the Governor of Kentucky Receive 7 THE BEE the Louisville Daily Herald Six Months and a chance for 10000 ALL POR- Each S2OO person subscribing for the two papers is entitled to three guesses The regular subscription price of the Daily Herald and THE BEE would be 500 a year You have a chance for a limited time only to secure both these valuable papers for the small sum of 200 All subscriptions must be accompanied by the cash and made out on regular guessing blankswhich can be secured at this office Address all eommunications to THE BEE Dont fail to avail yourself of this opportunity The Weekly Herald and THE BEE for one year can be had at low rate ofI2S for a limited time only 239 GRAND PREMIUMS 1 Premium 4000 in Cash 1 Premium 2500 House and Lot 1 Premium 650 Oldsmobile I Premium a 500 Cabinet Grand Piano I Premium 300 in oF And 234 Other Grand Premiums any one of which you will be proud to possess The Nearest Guess Wins 4000 in Cash Second Nearest a 2500 House and Lot The Louisville Times Published every week day afternoon regular price 3 for 6 months i Y THE 1 Weekly CourierJournalaPubli- shed J ti every Wednesday morning t t 1 regular price 6 months 50c 4 Both Papers Six Months i By mail to the same or separate addressesA FOR ° ONLY IOOr AND THE EARLINGTONBEEThur 1 I VLL THREE i PAPERS FOR DonguoandMalarial 2OOi 1 I The campaign now on in Kentucky will be interesting and ex ¬ citing Everybody who can rcadnvill want to keep posted on wlmfr- is i doing v en gJJI N H1q TIIEi It ono jl 1I1 01 0t u I s r

7T Guthriet Guessingnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt705q4rk63c/data/1426.pdft 1- s af t t t 7T I I LOCOMOTIVE BLASTS J M Scott chief dispatcher of the first division at Louisville says the first

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Page 1: 7T Guthriet Guessingnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt705q4rk63c/data/1426.pdft 1- s af t t t 7T I I LOCOMOTIVE BLASTS J M Scott chief dispatcher of the first division at Louisville says the first

t 1-




J M Scott chief dispatcher ofthe first division at Louisvillesays the first division is ahead ofall other divisions in everythingbut overtime and he does notcare to be ahead on that

j 4

J W Moore of Louisvillewho has been working for the L

N as operator for a number ofyears has been off some timenow on account of poor healthbut is improving now and willno doubt be able to resume dutyin a few weeks

The double track on the Firstdivision now extends from Louisville to Lebanon Junction Nowonder the First division hasless overtime than the lenderson division If the double trackfor that distance was on the Henderson division there would beno such thing as overtime on thedivision

Beginning with next weekTHE BEE will in addition to theHenderson and St Louis divisionnews give the Memphis Lineand First division happenings-

On request of several of therailroad men who wish to be inthe Special Railroad Edition ofTHE BEE and have not had anopportunity to have photos madewe have decided fo extend thelimit for photos to Sept 1standexpect photos to be in this officeby that time

Never in the history of the LN 11 R has business all over

the system been as heavy as it isat the present timeWhy does Miss Money talk and

talkAnd of stopping make no men-

tionNo doubt it is because she has

Mr Worlds whole attentionLenord Carson of the Howell

Store Room spent the Sunday atWest Franklin Ind with re

lativesTheengagement is announced

of Miss Electra Hawkins theonlydaughter of former Mayorand Mrs A 0 Hankins ofEvansville to Olifton Hurd ofMemphis Tenn The weddingwill take place Wednesday Sept ¬

ember Oth Mr Hurd is con ¬

nected with the L N ticketoffice Union Station Memphis

Edgar Booker helper at Bak ¬

ers who was obliged to go toFranklin Ky on account of illhealth has recovered sufficientto return to his duties at the

HillMarriedJ D Rapdo to MIssMellie Viola Yoanvood of Evans ¬

ville Mr Raedo is a firemanon the St Louis Division-

W 0 Walsh master mech ¬

anic of the Southern Indiana atBedford was the guest of hisfather Thomas Walsh Wednes-day

Pink Willis the little son ofEngineer G M Willis went toParis Tonn Monday with his

auntSuperintendentof Machinery

Theodore H Curtis and Assistant Superintendent of Machinery Harry Swoyer were at theshops last Wednesday

P D Plank master mechanicof the L H St L at Oloverport was at Ho well last week on


and Olaudie Crawfordof Nashville are visiting in StLouis Mo-

Engineer P W Boxley is onthe work train this week withRoad Supervisor W 0 Edmonson

Fireman N A Haley has goneto Dawson Springs to recuperatefrom an attack of chills

Sam Gray tlio engineer at theGuthrie coal hoist and his littledaughter Oassie are visiting inNashville tlissweek-


was turned over toBXcnrsiomstBjSundayjithe great¬

0 Y



1 hC l4Na

er part of whom were broughtin over the L fc N from StLouis

The business on the Shawneetown Branch lias increased to

suchan extent that EngineerWellington Newton is not ableto stand up under the strain andhas asked tobe relieved fromone to two days each weekwhich was granted him

The boom of the Guthrio coalhoist gave away last Saturdayhaving to be sent to the shopsfor repairs considerably handicapping the coaling of engineat Guthriet i

Fireman John Deshler went tol

Owensboro this week

F H Koehne chief car inspector at Howell and wife anddaughter have gone to St Louis


Mo ona viiiitM 0 Connel and wifo ofI

Earlington are visiting at Lewisburg Ky I i-

VA Russell has been rappointed chief clerk to GeneralPassenger Agent Stone of the L

Nr and J H Settle now assistant city ticket agent at Louis-

ville has been appointed cityticket agent to succeed Mr Russell

Fireman Oscar Hall is visit-

ing at Hawesville Ky with his

three little children

Cholera lolantum

This disease has lost Its terrorssince Chamberlains Colic Choleraand Diarrhoea Remedy came Intogeneral use The uniform successwhich attends the use of this reme-dy in all cases of bowel complaintsIn children has made it a favoritewherever its Value has becomeknownFor by St Bernard DrugstoreEarlington Ben T Robinson Mortons Gap J no X Taylor Earlington


Roy Robinson and Geo Stokeswent over to St Charles one nightthis week

Tom KInimons left for his homeIn Tennessee last Sunday

Omor Oates of Madisonville spentSunday in town

Miss Mollie Fitzgerald who hasbeen visiting in Tenn for severalmonths has returned home

Will SIsk was out of town SundayGone Coenen came up Sunday to

see Miss Annie Grasty-R L Furgerson of Madisonvillo

was in town Friday on businessDr Almon and family visited in

ladisonville SaturdayWm Courtney is having a neat

cottage built near the old mill seatbetween Mortons Gap and Barnslev He will move there when it iscompleted

Clyde Boyd who has been very illwith typhoid fever is better at thiswriting

John Coylo and family visited re ¬

latives here SundayEverybody went to Now Salem

Sunday to attend the AssociationMr and Mrs M Cain went to

Eyansvillo Monday on businessMiss Mollie Stoker of Knoxville

Penn is at present home on a visitWm Klnnnons spent Sunday at


Dawson and MadisonvilleGeo Robinson of Earlington was

In Mortons Sunday morning theguest of Ben Robinson

R M Williams has purchasedJohn Coyles cottage

Mrs Roy Jones and daughter arerisltihg In Sebreo this week

Ben T Robinson and lady visitedthe family of Tom Rohinson InDarlington Sundaye

Roy Robinson and Geo Stokeswere at St Charles Saturday night

Carl Blanks and Lisle Robinsonwere innightrJB Stanley of Madlsonvl1le wasIn Mortons Saturday eve


All who are interested in cleaning-up the Gordon grave yard nearSouthards school house threo mileswest of Earlington will please meetat the grave yaad Saturday morn-Ing August 22

We like best to call


a food because it stands so em¬

phatically for perfect nutritionAnd yet in the matter of restor-ing appetite of giving newstrength to the tissues especiallyto the nerves its action is thatof tL medicine

simpleSCOTT409415 Pearl StrtetII New York

soc and 100 I all druggists

r r

I have bought the stock of Groceries formerly ownedby Mr L R Houlihan and have added

fresh Stock to ThemI will keep on hand at all times the


I take this method of announcing to my friends that Iam In the grocery busines and want their patronage Givemea can inspect my goods and ascertain my prices

Yours Respectfully



Thevagonandbuggy JulM OLDHAMhasdynamo alsoanew Morgan Wright tire setting machineI am now prepared to put on rubber tires on short noticeBuggies and wagons made to order and kept in repair oneyear All repairing work promptly done and satisfactionguaranteed


Of Hopkins County Teachers Institute to

Be Held Sept 7 toll

Programme for the Hopkins Coun-ty Teachers Institute to be held atMadisonville Ky in the courthouse beginning Monday September 7th and continuing five daysSallie R Brown Superintendent JC Willis Instructor

All teachers holding valid certificates are required to attend the fullsession of tho Institute No excusewill be heard except those actuallywarranted by law Read sec 140 ofSchool laws and he present at everysession of the Institute


1000 a m Organization1 Call to order bv Superintendent2 Devotional exercisesRev S F

Fowler8 Address of welcomeRuby Laf

foon4 ResponseH SF Bailey6 Short talk by J J GlennG Enrollment7 Superintendents address8 Instructors address

1145 am AdjournmentI


115 p m Rollcall Music an-

nouncements180 p m School management The

Pupil His environment Fran ¬

ces A Young Discussed byMisses Kate Greer and W QHodges Further questions byteachers220 p m Recess and music 10

minutes230 p m ReadingJ C Willis320 p m Recess and music 10

minutes330 p m General discussion by In ¬

stitute180 p m Music announcements



380 am Opening exercises1 Music2 Scripture lesson and prayer

Rev P E Gatlin3 Music4 Rollcallfi Announcements

000 a m Educational PsychologyJ C Willis

DGO a nit Recess and music 1C

minutes1000 a m Methodology arlthme ¬

tlcO P Bailey discussed byC R Morton and Lula Allen

1060 a m Recess and music 10

minutes1100 a m ArithmeticJ O Willis11 50 a m Announcements and ad



116 a Rollcall Cb Music c An-


180 School management The teach ¬

or his training Miss RuthPlain Discussed by H S FBailey and Miss Ophelia Davis

220 Recess and music 10 minutes280 Reading J O Willis420 Music announcements and ad ¬


780 Music programme renderedby local talent

800 Address Bubbles EverettJennings

830 Address selected W IGordon

300 Music adjournmentWEDNESDAY MORNING

330 Opening exercises1 Music2 Scripture lesson and prayer

Rev J B Adams8 Music iir jtic

4 Rollcall J4i >

G Announcements vt W k

It1I Jp 1t

been lately fittedwith an electric

000 Educational PsychologyJ CWillis

050 Recess and music 10 minutes1000 Methodology Grammar

Miss Minnie Bourland Dis ¬

cussed by Gus Davis anti TaylorCraynor

1050 Recess and music 10 minutes1100 Arithmetic J C Willis1150 Announcements adjournment


115 Ca Rollcall b Music c An ¬

nouncements130 School management discip ¬

lIneW B Davis Discussedby Lelia Taylor and Minnie Ashby

220 Recess and music 10 minutes380 General discussionInstitute420 Announcements adjournment


780 Music program800 LectureRev Jinnett Earl ¬

ington000 Music adjournment


880 Opening exercises1 Music2 Scripture reading and prayer

Rev B F Watson8 Music4 Rollcall6 Announcements

000 Educational PsychologyJ CWillis

950 Recess and music 10 minutes1000 Methodology Geography

Maud Wilkey Discussed by BF Kendrick and Leila Johnson

1050 Recess and music 10 minutes1100 Arithmetic J C Willis1150 Announcements adjourned


f15 a Rollcall b Music c An ¬

nouncements180 School management social

qualities of the teacherM FAshby Discussed by Lula Kelland Artie Veazey

220 Recess and music 10 minutes280 Reading J C Willis820 Recess and musjc10 minutes820 General discussion and ques ¬

tions480 Music announcements and



730 Music program800 LectureJ C Willis


880 Opening exercises v

1 MusicScripture lesson and prayer

Prof T H Smith

4 Rollcall5 Announcements

950 Recess and music 10 minutes1000 Methodology Historyand

SpellingA J Fox Discussedby Mary Mothershead and


MrsAthalia Ferguson

1050 Recess and music 10 minutes1100 Arithmetic J C Willis1150 Announcements adjourn-ment




115 Ca Rollcall b Music o An-nouncements


130 School management moralsof tho teacher W B DavisDiscussed by Ruth Plain andMinnie BourlandPersonality of the teacher HF Bailey Discussed by HattieScott and Jessie Brown andFlora Pearce

220 Recess and music 10 minutes280 Reading J O Willis820 HeooBB and music 10 minutes380 Miscollaneous bus ness420 Adjournment

Sallio R Brown Superintendent

The above signature Is on thirwrapper ofevery bottleI MIXTUREthe babys friend from birthuntil he has his teeth All druceistsJ


r1Tdid r



Seller than Calomel and Quinine Contains no ArsenicTHE OLD RELIABLE


Hughes Tonic taste pleasrdIn early Spring and Fall ¬

Feversliver tones up the system

EXCELLENT GENERAL TONICAs well as a Sure Cure for Chills and Fevers Malarial Fevers Swamp J

Fevers and Bilious Fevers Just what you need at this seasonIT NEVER FAILS Mild Laxative Nervous Sedative Splendid Tonic

Guaranteed Try It Dont take any substitute At Druggists EOc and 100 Bottles






Louievillc Ky

GRANDGuessing h

ContestHow Many Votes Will the Governor of Kentucky Receive 7

THE BEE the Louisville Daily Herald Six

Months and a chance for 10000ALL POR-


S2OOperson subscribing for the two papers is

entitled to three guesses The regular subscriptionprice of the Daily Herald and THE BEE would be

500 a year You have a chance for a limited timeonly to secure both these valuable papers for thesmall sum of 200

All subscriptions must be accompanied by thecash and made out on regular guessing blankswhichcan be secured at this office

Address all eommunications to THE BEE

Dont fail to avail yourself of this opportunityThe Weekly Herald and THE BEE for one year canbe had at low rate ofI2S for a limited time only

239 GRAND PREMIUMS1 Premium 4000 in Cash1 Premium 2500 House and Lot1 Premium 650 OldsmobileI Premium a 500 Cabinet Grand PianoI Premium 300 in oFAnd 234 Other Grand Premiums any one of which you

will be proud to possess

The Nearest Guess Wins 4000 in Cash

Second Nearest a 2500 House and Lot

The Louisville TimesPublished every week day afternoon regular

price 3 for 6 months i Y


Weekly CourierJournalaPubli-


ti every Wednesday morningt t

1 regular price 6 months 50c


Both Papers Six Monthsi

By mail to the same or separate addressesA







The campaign now on in Kentucky will be interesting and ex ¬

citing Everybody who can rcadnvill want to keep posted on wlmfr-



doing v engJJI N

H1q TIIEi It ono jl 1I1

01 0tu I s
