7 Habits of Health Facilitator Guide

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7Habitsof Health

Facilitator Guide

IntroductionThe 7 Habits of Health challenge is a seven-week educational and motivational program you host at your work site. We designed the challenge to engage employees and help them become more aware of how their daily choices have an impact on their health.

The goal of 7 Habits of Health is to impact employee health and productivity in several important ways:

●● Improving employee awareness and knowledge of how their choices impact their health

●● Motivating employees to take small steps to improve health

●● Encouraging healthier lifestyles with simple daily activities

Even if this is your first wellness initiative, this Facilitator Guide gives you step-by-step instructions for conducting a successful program. The guide describes your role in implementing the program and provides instructions with snapshots of the materials you will display at your company. We describe your role later in this booklet, but we’ve made it easy for you. Honest.

Educational Materials

The educational materials reinforce the program’s theme of 7 Habits of Health

●● Go meatless one day per week

●● Eat fruit at every meal one day per week

●● Walk for 30 minutes one day per week

●● Drink 8 cups of water one day per week

●● Eat only fresh food one day per week

●● Stay focused one day per week

●● Have a stress-free day one day per week

These messages directly relate to the heart of this program – that, as consumers, our decisions have an impact on our health, and that small changes, when combined, can make a big difference in our health.

Program MaterialsThe materials – weekly newsletters and posters – have a coordinated design to ensure integrated messaging.

Kick-Off Letter Week 1

A healthier you starts here

7Habitsof Health

Goal: Incorporate one healthy

habit into your daily

routine each day of

the week for 7 weeks.

Incorporating each of

these into your daily

routine can help you

achieve better health

and will hopefully

become habits you

will stick with for life.

Welcome to the 7 Habits of Health challenge!Below are the 7 Habits of Health, one for each day of the week. Your challenge is to practice the habit on the corresponding day of the week, beginning at your program start date, and continuing for seven weeks.

Meatless Monday

Make all of your meals meat free.

Tutti Fruity Tuesday

Eat fruit with each of your meals.

Walking Wednesday

Add 30 minutes of walking into your daily routine.

Thirsty Thursday

Drink at least 64 oz. of water.

Fresh Food Friday

Eat fresh food for each meal – nothing processed today.

Stay Focused Saturday

Stick with a healthy theme and try not to backslide into old habits.

Stress Free Sunday

Take 15 minutes for you and do something relaxing like read a book, listen to music or meditate.

Record Your Success

As you achieve your daily goal, be sure to record your success on your weekly tracking sheet.

Turn in your completed tracking sheet to your challenge administrator for your chance to win.

Each time you achieve ALL 7 Habits of Health in a week and submit your completed tracking sheet, you will enter into a drawing to win cash (amount varies by number of participants and employer match).

If you complete your seven habits each week, you’ll have seven chances to win.

Your employer or challenge administrator will draw seven winners at the conclusion of the challenge.

A healthier you starts here

7Habitsof Health

Goal: Avoid eating meat

on Mondays.

Meatless MondayMeatless meals can benefi t your health by lowering the amount of saturated fats and cholesterol you consume. Focus on getting your protein from sources other than meat like fi sh, nuts, beans, and low-fat dairy products. Or, if you do not want to go strictly meatless, consider eliminating red meat and chicken from your diet, and adding fi sh to your menu on Meatless Monday.

The average American male eats 160 percent of the government’s recommended daily intake of meat; the average female eats close to 140 percent. Diets high in meat load us down with saturated fats, increasing our risks for many diseases. Omitting meat once a week can reduce your consumption of harmful fat by 15 percent, and may reduce the risk of chronic, preventable conditions like cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity.

The Health Benefi ts of Going Meatless:

• REDUCE FAT: The main focus of going meatless is to reduce the amount of saturated fat in our diet.

• LIMIT CANCER RISK: Studies show red and processed meat consumption can increase the risk of colon cancer whereas diets high in fruits and vegetables can reduce cancer risks.

• REDUCE HEART DISEASE: A Harvard University study found that replacing fat-rich foods (i.e., meat and some dairy) with foods that are rich in polyunsaturated fat (vegetable oils, nuts and seeds) reduces the risk of heart disease by 19 percent.

• FIGHT DIABETES: Research suggests that diets high in red and processed meat increase the risk of type II diabetes.

• CURB OBESITY: People on low-meat or vegetarian diets have signifi cantly lower body weights and body mass indexes. A recent study from Imperial College London also found that reducing overall meat consumption can prevent long-term weight gain.

• LIVE LONGER: Eating red and processed meat is associated with modest increases in total mortality, cancer mortality and cardiovascular disease mortality.

• IMPROVE YOUR DIET: Consuming meat alternatives rich in fi ber, protein, folate, zinc, iron and magnesium are better for the body and lower levels of saturated fat and total fat.

A healthier you starts here

©2012 Blue Cross of Idaho is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

7Habitsof Health

Don’t eat meat today.

Meatless meals benefi t your health by lowering the amount of saturated fats and cholesterol you consume.

To get your needed dietary protein, choose alternative sources like eggs, Greek yogurt, legumes, tofu and nuts.

Meatless Monday

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

A healthier you starts here

7Habitsof Health

Goals: Try to eat more natural, healthy foods on Fridays.

Incorporate fresh fruit and vegetables in a variety of colors to your menu.

Avoid processed foods.

Fresh Food FridayThe benefi ts of keeping things fresh Fresh vegetables are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fi ber

and are a great tool for avoiding processed foods.

During meals, choose fresh vegetables in lots of colors and divide your

plate so fruits and vegetables occupy half.

• Look for non-starchy vegetables like broccoli, carrots and tomatoes

which have a high water content that makes them low in calories.

• The water and fi ber in vegetables also helps you feel full, making

them a smart addition to any weight-loss plan.

• Water contained in vegetables, like the water you drink, hydrates your

cells, fl ushes toxins from your body, aids normal organ functions and

helps you maintain optimal energy levels.

Tips for adding veggies to your diet• Snack on baby carrots, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, broccoli, peppers

and celery.

• Dip raw vegetables in low-fat salad dressing, hummus or peanut


• Keep salad ingredients available for easy lunches or sides.

• Add colorful vegetables such as red cabbage, carrots and bell

peppers to green salads.

• Add extra vegetables like grated zucchini or carrots, spinach, kale or

bell peppers to pasta sauces and soups.

• Add vegetable slices to sandwiches – lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers,

bell peppers and avocado are fl avorful choices.

• Make homemade veggie soup, veggie pizza or vegetable stir-fry for


Experiment with new produce or vary your fruit and veggie selection

weekly to keep your menu exciting.

A healthier you starts here

7Habitsof Health

Goal: Celebrate the healthy choices you made this week, but don’t lose focus.

Source: Livestrong.com, webMD.com,


Stay Focused Saturday:It’s easy to lose focus of your health goals, especially on weekends and especially if you’ve made efforts to be healthier throughout the week. But a healthy lifestyle is important, even on the weekend. You don’t have to stop doing the things you like (or eating that slice of pizza), but remember what your health goals are, and why. Here are a few reminders as you take a breather and prepare for the upcoming week.

Eat Fresh – Focus on giving yourself as much natural, real food as you can for most of your meals. Try to eat healthy, proportionate servings of fruits and vegetables and incorporate more whole-grain products. By making whole grains, vegetables and fruits the foundation of your diet, the occasional dessert or treat will not sabotage your efforts to live a healthy lifestyle.

Move More – Starting an exercise program doesn’t have to mean living at the gym every night. It just means moving more, anywhere, everyday. Try to get at least 30 minutes of exercise daily (at intervals if your schedule doesn’t allow you to exercise over blocks of time). Take the stairs, workout on breaks at work, walk the dog, go for a run or bike ride, do some push-ups and sit-ups on commercial breaks.

Catch Some Zs – Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep a night. Avoid caffeine in the afternoon and large meals before bed time to ensure you sleep well. Lack of sleep can cause weight gain because when you are sleep-deprived your metabolism doesn’t function properly, and when you are tired and craving rest, you might reach for simple carbohydrates or comfort foods for energy—sabotaging your waistline and health.

Think Positive – Negative feelings transfer to the body. Focus on the good in your life. Admire the beauty of a sunset, walk along the water, stop and smell the roses. Apply the same focus on your body. See the good in it. By focusing on the positive, you can heal your negative body image.

Be Happy – Not only does happiness lead to better health, better health leads to happiness! Like exercise, happiness and good health releases serotonin and endorphin levels that lead to a more positive thought cycle. Do three things a day that make you happy, or tell yourself three things a day that you like about your life.

A healthier you starts here

7Habitsof Health

Goal: Find at least 15 minutes where you can relax, breathe and decompress. Taking time for yourself allows you to renew, heal and create reserves of energy and


Source: WebMD.com

Stress Free SundayUnderstanding StressStress is a natural, biological event that stems back to our distant

ancestors efforts to survive. Stress activated a series of hormones

whenever they were posted with threats.

Stress still produces “fi ght or fl ee” biochemical strength. This is great

when stress comes in the form of physical danger but not so great when

we’re faced with most modern-day stressors like unpaid bills and work

deadlines when it can generate feelings of anxiety and discomfort.

For some people, the effects of stress can lead to facing each day

ravenously hungry—indirectly adding weight gain to a list of worries.

Stress hormones decrease the body’s appetite at fi rst, but the effects

don’t last long. It you have extended bouts of high stress, it can increase

your appetite, ultimately drive you to eat more and cause weight gain.

A typical stress response is to sit and stew in our frustration and anger,

without expending any calories or food stores. In some cases, emotional

eating becomes the activity that relieves stress. To further complicate

matters, the “fuel” our muscles need during “fi ght or fl ee” is sugar; one

reason we crave carbohydrates when we are stressed.

Fast ways to de-stress:• Take a deep breath and count to 10…slowly

• Exercise

• Take a break

• Get a massage

• Talk to a good friend or co-worker

• Clench your fi sts, hold for 5 seconds, then release and repeat

• Think positive things about yourself

• Picture your favorite place in your mind

• Volunteer for a good cause

• Communicate your needs

• Learn to say no

• Listen to your favorite music

A healthier you starts here

7Habitsof Health

Goal: Drink at least eight cups of water.

Avoid drinks with added sugar or artifi cial sweeteners.

Thirsty ThursdayThe Importance of HydrationNot drinking enough water is one of the most common ways we neglect

our diet. Some people go entire days without drinking water causing

dehydration. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and make you


Besides being a vital component of health, water helps you lose weight

by helping your metabolism work faster. When you become dehydrated,

even before you feel thirsty, your liver has to help the kidneys function

and can’t metabolize fat as quickly so your metabolism slows down and

causes unwanted fat to remain.

If you are dehydrated often, your body stores more water around your

ankles, hips and thighs. In other words, your body doesn’t trust you to

stay hydrated, so it keeps whatever water it can get, like a thirsty cactus.

Once it realizes the water will keep coming, your body will get rid of the

extra water and you’ll lose weight!

Facts about water• Every system in your body depends on water.

• Water is your body’s principal chemical component and comprises 60

percent of total body weight.

• Your brain is 75 percent water, your blood 82 percent and your lungs

nearly 90 percent.

• Water fl ushes toxins from vital organs, carries nutrients to your cells

and provides a moist environment for ear, nose and throat tissues.

• Water regulates body temperature, helps you breath and helps your

muscles function.

If you suffer from cravings or have trouble controlling hunger, drinking

water is a quick, healthy way to feel full. Drink a glass when you normally

snack, before meals and right before going out.

Try to drink eight cups of water through the day, but don’t feel bad if you

fall short.

Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live. –Jim Rohn

A healthier you starts here

7Habitsof Health

Goal: Eat a serving of fruit

with every meal.

Source: Choosemyplate.gov, fruitsandveggiesmatter.gov, everydayhealth.com

Tutti Fruity TuesdayGet Your Fill of FruitFruit provides your body with vitamins, minerals and fi ber without adding many calories. In addition, antioxidants in fruit boost brainpower, fi ght cancer, reduce your risk of chronic diseases and strengthen your immune system.

Fruits provide nutrients vital for a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Fruits are lower in calories per cup than many other foods, which is useful if you’re trying to lower your daily calorie intake. Fiber-containing foods like fruits help provide a feeling of fullness with fewer calories than many other snacks.

Any fruit (fresh, canned, frozen or dried; whole, cut-up or pureed) or 100 percent fruit juice counts as a serving of fruit according to the USDA’s recommended daily allowance. Keep in mind, whole or cut-up fruits are good sources of dietary fi ber whereas fruit juices contain little or no fi ber.

Fun Fruit Facts:1. Tomatoes, avocados and

pumpkins are a fruit not a vegetable. Tomatoes are the most popular fruits in the world

2. Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for relief

3. A banana ripens quickly (overnight) if you put it into a brown paper bag with an apple or tomato

4. Vegetables with a dark green color contain more vitamin C than light green vegetables

5. An apple tree can produce up to 400 apples a year

6. Kiwi contains twice as much vitamin C as an orange

7. Oranges contain antioxidants that help prevent skin damage

Health Benefi tsEating a diet rich in fruits (and vegetables) as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce your risk of:

• Heart disease (including heart attack and stroke)

• Obesity

• Type 2 diabetes

• Certain cancers

• High blood pressure

• Kidney stones

• Weight gain

A healthier you starts here

7Habitsof Health

Goal: Walk for 30 minutes.

If you can’t fi nd a solid block

of time to walk, accumulate

steps throughout the day.

Try parking farther from your

destination to add more steps,

and always take the stairs.

Source: mayoclinic.com

Walking WednesdayBenefi ts of walkingExercise controls weightWhen you walk, you burn calories

and burning calories helps you

lose weight. You don’t need to

set aside large chunks of time

for exercise to reap weight-loss

benefi ts, walk into throughout the

day. Walk with a friend on your

lunch hour or breaks, take the

stairs and rev up your household

chores. Walking is easy, fun and

good for you.

Walking combats health conditions and diseasesRegular physical activity like

walking can help you prevent or

manage a wide range of health

problems and concerns, including

high cholesterol, cardiovascular

disease, stroke, metabolic

syndrome, type 2 diabetes,

depression, certain types of

cancer, arthritis and falls.

Walking improves your moodA brisk 30-minute walk can help

boost morale. Physical activity

stimulates brain chemicals that

may make you happier and

more relaxed! Regular exercise

can also boost your confi dence

and improve your self-esteem.

Walking boosts your energyWalking can improve your

muscle strength and boost your

endurance. Exercise and physical

activity deliver oxygen and

nutrients to body tissues and help

your cardiovascular system work

more effi ciently, giving you more

energy for your day.

Walking helps you sleep betterRegular physical activity can help

you fall asleep faster and deepen

your sleep. Just don’t exercise too

close to bedtime, or you may be

too energized to fall asleep.

Walking can be funWalking gives you a chance to

unwind, enjoy the outdoors or

lead to other activities that make

you happy. And don’t stop with

stepping—take a dance class,

hit the hiking trails or join a

soccer team. If you get bored, try

something new.

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. – Lao Tzu

A healthier you starts here

©2012 Blue Cross of Idaho is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

7Habitsof Health

Eat a serving of fruit with every meal today.

Fruits provide vitamins, minerals and fi ber without adding many calories.

Antioxidants found in fruit boost brainpower, fi ght cancer and strengthen your immune system.

Tutti Fruity Tuesday

A healthier you starts here

©2012 Blue Cross of Idaho is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

7Habitsof Health

Walk 30 minutes a day.

You can accumulate walking time throughout the day.

Park further away from your destination to get more steps and always take the stairs.

Walking Wednesday

A healthier you starts here

©2012 Blue Cross of Idaho is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

7Habitsof Health

Drink at least eight cups of water today.

Water is the secret ingredient to weight loss.

Avoid drinks with added sugar or artifi cial sweeteners.

Thirsty Thursday

A healthier you starts here

©2012 Blue Cross of Idaho is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

7Habitsof Health

Avoid eating processed foods today.

Any food that is packaged can be full of preservatives, trans fats, sodium and empty calories.

Choose fresh vegetables in a variety of colors.

Fresh Food Friday

A healthier you starts here

©2012 Blue Cross of Idaho is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

7Habitsof Health

Celebrate the healthy choices you’ve made this week and continue to stay focused.

Practice moderation in everything you do.

Stay Focused Saturday

A healthier you starts here

©2012 Blue Cross of Idaho is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

7Habitsof Health

Put yourself on the priority list today.

Find at least 15 minutes where you can relax, breathe and be thankful.

Taking time for yourself allows you to renew, heal and create reserves of energy and inner peace.

Stress Free Sunday

We also provide you with business card size magnets and bookmarks to distribute to employees. This way, they have a constant, visible reminder of their daily wellness goal.

Tracking Sheet – participants track their weekly practice of healthy habits and submit to you each week. The submitted tracking sheet is their entry into the drawing at the end of the program, so the more times they complete and submit their tracking sheet, the more chances they have to win (maximum of 7 entries).

Your RoleYou are the facilitator — the person key to keeping the program on track. In addition to organizing the program and tracking participant activity, you may choose to manage the material distribution of the program, or decide that someone else should assist for the 7 Habits of Health challenge.

Here’s what you will do (Relax. While the list seems long, it’s really not that time-consuming)

●● Select a back-up person to assist you if you are not available.

●● Determine a date for program launch and communicate this to all employees.

●● Determine the locations for the posters (high-traffic areas such as entrances, lunchrooms, near restrooms) and hang them each Monday during the program.

●● Determine how the team leader (if someone other than yourself) will communicate to the participants. For example: send email, mailboxes, voicemail each week of the 7-week program.

●● Determine how you will distribute the kick-off newsletter, tracking sheet and magnet/bookmark after employees have signed up to participate in the program.

●● Determine how you will collect weekly participant activity reports. This can be done electronically or hard copy.

●● Be available to answer questions about the program.

●● Randomly select seven winners from participant entries and award prizes.


●❍ Determine if and how incentives such as healthy treats, water bottles and/or another activity may be used to motivate participants.

●❍ Determine if you would like to tie the program to a quantifiable health improvement such as weight loss and notify your account manager or local district office if you would like someone from Blue Cross of Idaho to conduct this for you.

●❍ Determine if you would like to survey your employees pre and post the program to gain feedback on program popularity and success

©2012 Blue Cross of Idaho is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

7Habitsof Health

Check off each day, if you reached the Healthy Habit goal for that day. Every Monday, submit this form to your facilitator/HR department.

Name ___________________________________________ Extension _____________

Week of: _____________, 2012

Additional Weekly Goals1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

Notes: _______________________________________________________________


A healthier you starts here

Meatless Monday

Tutti FruityTuesday



Fresh FoodFriday

Stay FocusedSaturday

Stress FreeSunday

Tracking Sheet

A healthier you starts here7H






h Meatless Monday Tutti Fruity Tuesday Walking Wednesday

Thirsty Thursday Fresh Food Friday

Stay Focused Saturday Stress Free Sunday

A healthier you starts here

7Habitsof Health

Meatless Monday

Tutti Fruity Tuesday

Walking Wednesday

Thirsty Thursday

Fresh Food Friday

Stay Focused Saturday

Stress Free Sunday

“Knowing is not enough, we must

apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”


© 2012. An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

A healthier you starts here

7Habitsof Health

Meatless Monday

Tutti Fruity Tuesday

Walking Wednesday

Thirsty Thursday

Fresh Food Friday

Stay Focused Saturday

Stress Free Sunday

“Knowing is not enough, we must

apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”


© 2012. An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

A healthier you starts here

7Habitsof Health

Meatless Monday

Tutti Fruity Tuesday

Walking Wednesday

Thirsty Thursday

Fresh Food Friday

Stay Focused Saturday

Stress Free Sunday

“Knowing is not enough, we must

apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”


© 2012. An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

A healthier you starts here

7Habitsof Health

Meatless Monday

Tutti Fruity Tuesday

Walking Wednesday

Thirsty Thursday

Fresh Food Friday

Stay Focused Saturday

Stress Free Sunday

“Knowing is not enough, we must

apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”


© 2012. An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

A healthier you starts here

7Habitsof Health

Meatless Monday

Tutti Fruity Tuesday

Walking Wednesday

Thirsty Thursday

Fresh Food Friday

Stay Focused Saturday

Stress Free Sunday

“Knowing is not enough, we must

apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.”


© 2012. An Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

Program TimelinePre-Launch

2-4 weeks prior to program

●● Download emails/newsletters/posters/tracking sheets from our website, bcidaho.com, click on Employers, then 7 Habits of Health under the Special Programs heading. You can also request materials in printed format from your account manager or local district office. Magnets and bookmarks are only available in printed format.

●● Ensure that your site is coordinated with other work site facilitators in the company who are participating, so employees are experiencing the program at the same time.

●● If you are incorporating biometrics as part of your program and want someone from Blue Cross of Idaho to conduct the screenings, arrange this through your account manager or local district office.


1 week prior to program

●● Distribute launch email encouraging employees to sign up for the program.

●● Collect entry fees from participants. Employees wanting to participate but not pay the fee can do so, but are not eligible to win a portion of the “pot” at the conclusion of the program.

●● Distribute kick-off newsletter, tracking sheet and magnet/bookmark to those employees who sign up (note: sign-ups can continue throughout the 7-week program, but the earlier someone signs up, the more chances they have to win).

●● If you plan to survey employees, conduct the pre-program survey now. Information about the survey tool (Survey Monkey) and instructions on its use can be found on our website.

Program Weeks

Weeks 1 through 7

On Monday – Post/distribute weekly topic poster, send email with attached newsletter.


1 week post program

●● Collect tracking sheets from participants for week 7 and compile final list that you will select winning names from.

●● Send wrap-up email notifying all participants of winners

●● If you plan to survey employees, conduct the post-program survey now. Information about the Survey Tool (Survey Monkey) and instructions on its use can be found on our website.

Sample Emails You’ll send nine emails to those who are participating in this activity – one email before and after the program and one each week of the program. Following are the sample emails you’ll send. Emails are available electronically on our website so you don’t have to re-type them, and you can edit as you wish. You should send the emails Monday morning of each week during the challenge along with the weekly newsletter attachment.

Launch Email (no attachment)

Subject line: Feeling lucky?Join us for the 7 Habits of Health challenge

Beginning [insert date here], join [me and] your co-workers for seven weeks in 7 Habits of Health – and challenge yourself to incorporate one healthy goal into your daily routine each day of the week; seven habits over seven weeks.

Want a sneak peak at one of the healthy habits? How about Stress Free Sunday – on Sundays, your challenge is to take 15 minutes for yourself and do something relaxing like read a book, listen to music or meditate.

To sign up, simply notify [insert facilitator’s name/email here] and pay $7. Cash or checks (made payable to [company name]) can be left with [facilitator] in [department]. All monies collected will go into a pot that will be awarded to seven lucky winners at the conclusion of the challenge.

When you sign up for 7 Habits of Health challenge, you’ll receive a newsletter and tracking sheet with instructions for tracking your success each week. Once the challenge starts, you’ll receive weekly newsletters and email reminders.

For more information, contact [facilitator name/email].

Small changes can make a BIG difference in your health…so make [2012] a happy and healthy year for you!

Email #1 – Week 1 (attach Meatless Monday newsletter) Subject line: The 7 Habits of Health Challenge begins today!

Week one of the 7 Habits of Health challenge is here. Get ready to start making small changes that can have a BIG impact on your health!

The first week of the program is about dedicating yourself to adding one healthy habit to your routine each day of the week. Are you ready?

Here are your challenges for this, and every week of the challenge.

Meatless Monday – Make all of your meals meat free.

Tutti Fruity Tuesday – Eat fruit with each of your meals.

Walking Wednesday – Add 30 minutes of walking into your daily routine.

Thirsty Thursday – Drink at least 64 oz. of water.

Fresh Food Friday – Eat fresh food for each meal – nothing processed today.

Stay Focused Saturday – Stick with a healthy theme and try not to backslide into old habits.

Stress Free Sunday – Take 15 minutes for you and do something relaxing like read a book, listen to music or meditate.

Remember to read your weekly newsletter. This week’s newsletter discusses why going meatless one day per week is good for you, alternative ways to get the needed protein in your diet, tips for creating meatless meals and how you can save money with a meatless diet.

Each Monday we’ll send you another newsletter focusing on one of the 7 Habits of Health

Next Monday be sure to submit your tracking sheet to [insert facilitator’s name/email] so that you are entered into the drawing. The more weekly tracking sheets you submit, the greater your chances of winning.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Email #2 – Week 2 (attach Tutti Fruity Tuesday newsletter)

Subject line: 7 Habits of Health Week two – Small Changes Can Make a BIG Difference

First, remember to turn in your tracking sheet from last week so that your name can be entered into the drawing. You need to do this each Monday so you get as many chances as possible in the drawing.

Now that you’ve made it through the first week, consider it the start of a new health routine that you’ll stick to for the rest of your life! Week two is simple; all you have to do is keep it up.

Meatless Monday – Make all of your meals meat free.

Tutti Fruity Tuesday – Eat fruit with each of your meals.

Walking Wednesday – Add 30 minutes of walking into your daily routine.

Thirsty Thursday – Drink at least 64 oz. of water.

Fresh Food Friday – Eat fresh food for each meal – nothing processed today.

Stay Focused Saturday – Stick with a healthy theme and try not to backslide into old habits.

Stress Free Sunday – Take 15 minutes for you and do something relaxing like read a book, listen to music or meditate.

This week’s newsletter focuses on how to incorporate more fruit into your diet, the health benefits of fruit, some fun fruit facts and a tutti fruity recipe!

Look for new ways to reach you goal every day of the week.

Email #3 – Week 3 (attach Walking Wednesday newsletter)

Subject line: 7 Habits of Health Week three: Tips for continued success

Congratulations on completing two weeks of the 7 Habits of Health challenge! Be sure to complete and submit your tracking sheet.

Your goals remain the same; follow the daily schedule outlined below. Your daily goals should be easier to achieve as the challenge goes on and you get used to adding them to your daily routine.

Meatless Monday – Make all of your meals meat free.

Tutti Fruity Tuesday – Eat fruit with each of your meals.

Walking Wednesday – Add 30 minutes of walking into your daily routine.

Thirsty Thursday – Drink at least 64 oz. of water.

Fresh Food Friday – Eat fresh food for each meal – nothing processed today.

Stay Focused Saturday – Stick with a healthy theme and try not to backslide into old habits.

Stress Free Sunday – Take 15 minutes for you and do something relaxing like read a book, listen to music or meditate.

This week’s newsletter discusses the virtues of walking as part of a healthy lifestyle, so don’t miss it.

Need help finding the time to walk? Write it on your calendar as you would an appointment. Make it fun — walk with a co-worker, spouse, friend, your children or your dog! Walking is good for everyone.

Email #4 – Week 4 (attach Thirsty Thursday newsletter)

Subject line: 7 Habits of Health Week Four: Realizing your goals

You have completed three weeks of the 7 Habits of Health Challenge! Keep up the great work and be sure to complete and submit your tracking sheet.

Week four is the midway point of the challenge and hopefully by now you’re noticing a difference in the way you feel and think about your health. By incorporating small, simple habits into your daily routine, you truly are taking big steps toward permanent lifestyle change.

The goals for week four remain the same:

Meatless Monday – Make all of your meals meat free.

Tutti Fruity Tuesday – Eat fruit with each of your meals.

Walking Wednesday – Add 30 minutes of walking into your daily routine.

Thirsty Thursday – Drink at least 64 oz. of water.

Fresh Food Friday – Eat fresh food for each meal – nothing processed today.

Stay Focused Saturday – Stick with a healthy theme and try not to backslide into old habits.

Stress Free Sunday – Take 15 minutes for you and do something relaxing.

This week’s newsletter focuses on the value of water to your healthy lifestyle. Ever wonder how much water you should drink every day? Here’s a good rule of thumb:

your weight (lbs.) ÷ 2 = the number of ounces of water you should drink daily

Email #5 – Week 5 (attach Fresh Food Friday newsletter)

Subject line: 7 Habits of Health Week 5: The living is easy…

You’re on a roll! You’ve been practicing the habits for nearly a month, so they should be second nature by now. Be sure to complete and submit your tracking sheet.

The seven habits are the same. If it’s beginning to get easier to adopt them each day, that means you’re that much closer to truly incorporating them into your daily routine, and that’s the key to wellness. You can step up your health improvement efforts by incorporating more than one habit into each day. For instance, expand your walking beyond Wednesday to three days per week. When that becomes part of your routine, shoot for five days per week.

Be sure to look for this week’s newsletter on how to keep your lifestyle fresh! Learn how to add more fruits and veggies to your diet, how to shop smart and what to avoid.

Email #6 – Week 6 (attach Stay Focused Saturday newsletter)

Subject line: 7 Habits of Health Week 6: Getting close to the program goal

Week 6 is a great week to review your goals and reflect on how far you have come since day one. Re-motivate yourself and be proud of what you have done so far! Even if you haven’t reached your goal every day you have definitely made improvements. Every effort counts towards a healthier you!

Be sure to review this week’s newsletter – it is especially important because it is easy to backslide on the weekend. This newsletter provides motivation to stay focused, gives you tips on how to do this and some healthy living facts.

Remember to continue tracking your successes each day and submit last week’s tracking chart. Not only will you have a better chance to win the drawing at the end of the program, but keeping track of your goals will help motivate you to continue the habits.

Email #7 – Week 7 (attach Stress Free Sunday newsletter)

Subject line: 7 Habits of Health Week 7: You’re in the home stretch, and hopefully it’s only the beginning…

Congratulations! You’ve made it to week seven – the final week of the challenge. Be sure to submit your completed tracking sheet for last week.

Since the daily goals of the challenge are now second nature and this challenge is wrapping up, it’s the perfect time to reinforce what you’ve learned. Start thinking about how you will continue to incorporate the seven habits into your daily routine and come up with new goals you can incorporate to achieve improved health. Keep in mind that small changes can make a big difference. Make your goals simple and add just one per day. Here are some suggestions:

Sugar-free Sunday

Strength-train Saturday

Weight-loss Wednesday

Touch Your Toes Tuesday

Feel Good Friday

Be sure to check out this week’s newsletter and take time to relax and rejuvenate.

Wrap Up Email (no attachment)

Subject line: Congratulations on completing the 7 Habits of Health Challenge!

You did it! You should feel proud of yourself for sticking with the program and encouraged to continue it on your own.

We are pleased to announce the seven lucky winners of the 7 Habits of Health challenge:

[Insert name(s) of individual(s) who won]

We hope you feel better with the healthy habits you adopted during this program — and had fun!

Whether you were lucky enough to win part of the pot, you’re a winner for participating and seeking to improve your health!

ResourcesThe WellConnected wellness tool on the Blue Cross of Idaho website, www.bcidaho.com, is a great resource. It contains information on fitness, nutrition, weight loss and stress. Log on today to learn more.

©2012 Blue Cross of Idaho is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association

A healthier you starts here