t v 1 xUfiki2kfc. w 7J?-?Sw!5!?n!W'W(?'HI?- W'JfwarpipKwri? 1M UxL it JtLilN JUiiilN 1 . v Vol. Y. H. I., MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1897. No. (562. U. ' I fulfil iSll Vil oil iTt M H A Afi Jr fi S 1' I Sells Isb udVBuub QE yUip L U SUGAR FACTORS, -- IMPORTERS OF General Merchandise f AND iGOMMISSION Vgonts Lloyds, Canadian-Australia- n .Steamship Line, British Foreign Marine Insurance Co., Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life), Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Pioneer Line Packets from Liverpool. Telephone 92. W?i for & of 3B3R.OE3.3SrTS cIMTYRE & BRO., BA8T CORNER FORT & KING STS. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed New and Goods received by every packet from Eastern Statea and European Markets. , . Standard Grade of Canned Vegetables, Frnits and Fish. TO- b- Goods delivered to any part of the W& TRr.A"Nn TitAnw. Bor.rrHTMn ijjTtnunTmH aha vTjrisn Oceanic Steamship Company. TIME TABLE: The Fiue Passouger Steamers of This Line Will Arrive and Leave This Port as Hereunder. FROM SAN FRANCISCO: AUSTRALIA AUG. 17th I MARIPOSA AUG. 19th ALAMEDA AUG. 26th J AUSTRALIA Aug, 25th connection with the sailing of the above steamers, the Agents prepared to issue, to intending passengers, coupon through tickots by any railroad from San Francisco, all points tho United States, from Now York by any stoamahip lino all European ports. For further particulars apply to Wm. G. Irwin & Co, LIMITED. General Agents Oceanic S. S. Company. Camping Season isjGoming WHEN YOU GET OUT INTO THE MOUNTAIN wo can be with yon. The muiuory of a d larder in yonr camp will help the enjoyment of tho scenery picturesque or majestic, as it appeals to the eyn, Tho olimatH cental, brnoing, rejuvenating will be aided by good groceries. Whatever you rustioatinir, hunting, fishing, rid-in- boatinc, wheeling, mountain climbing or valely reposing our cooda aro tho best and noeossary accompaniments. Tho season for this sore of thought and action is upon us. All tho world, tnkos an outing once a year if it doosn't, it uuulit While making your mind whoro you will go, put theso placos boforo your mind's ovo: ON MAUl-Halcak- ala, Lahalna, Wol-kap- Makawno, liana, Kula, Kahului, Haiku, Makona. OK KAUAI lianalcl.llaimpopo, Lihnu, Kolou, Waimea, Nawillwlll tmd Kawal-ha- ON HAWAII Kllauea and Jialemau-mau- t, tho rainy nlty, Kapapalu, Koalake-kn- a Bay and Dr. LIndley's Sanitarium, Waipio, Kohala, Puna, Koua, Liiupahoo-ho- o and Ilamakua. ON OAHU-Waik- lki. Tantnlus, Puo-waln- a, Olympus or Iicahi. Makapuu and Mokapu, Walamto, l'carl llarbor, Komoiid Grovo, Moanalua and Manoa, Tho Islands of Lauai, Molokal, Kahoo-law- o and Nllltau. LEWIS & CO, HAS THEM ALL Telephono 210. Froo dollvory twice dally Subsoribo for Tug Independent, 50 cents per month. S?aM,' P. O. Box ld5. Fresh California, Glty on In aro to in and to do in to. up FOR SAN FRANCISCO: TWO REASONS Why peoplo como long distances to buy at the UPalama Grocery HEASON 1 Booauso ono customor tells another how muoh they havo saved by dealing at this llvo and let lire establish' mont. REASON 2 -- Because the saving from their grocory bill helps thorn to pay tho house rent. If you don't believe what our customer say juBt glvo us a call and be convinced. HCa.y stnei O-rai- n HAIUtY OANON, Palarna Grocory. TEL. 7fi5 Opposite Rnllway Depot THUS. LINDSAY. - Jeweler. IB PREPARED TO Mantifaotnre and Repair All kinds of Jewolry. FIRST-CLAS- S WOKK ONLY. rw TivUnlUHne. Fort Ht. t THESE MOONLIGHT NIGHTS. When Luna lights Our tropic Islo and sea Just tnlio this tip Go got a dip At Lono Branch, Waikiki, ""Duthlng parties can obtain special ac- commodations; clotm suits ami propor troatmcut' Tramcara pasH tho door. 0. J. SHERWOOD, Proprietor Long Branch Baths. JOHN FOSTEU FLAYED. Elliott of tho Bmlthsonian Instituto Writes a Vory Extraordinary and Sensational Lottor to Judge Day Cleveland (O.), July 30. Profes- sor H. W. Elliott of tho Smithson- ian Institute gave out tho complete text of his recent sensa- tional letter to Judge Day, Assist- ant Soorotary of Stato, rogarding tho seal fisheries. It it as follows: Lakewood, Ohio (noar Cleveland), July IB, 1897. Hon. W. R. Day, As- sistant Soorotary of State, Washing- ton, D. C. Dear Sir: In tho Morn- ing Recorder of this city appears tho text of a lottor to Lord Salis- bury dated May 10, 1897, and signed by John Sherman, Saoretary of State, on the fur seal question. This lottor is prefaced bv an account of the great embarrassment which its publication has caused tho Presi- dent, and that it has been held up for several days at tho request of John W. Foster, who now fears tho effoct of his own work a fow weeks earlier. Inasmuch as I havo a closer per- sonal knowlodgo of this present question than any other man living, and inasmuch as I am the author of tho modus vivendi of 1891-9- 3, which is tho only credit&blo Btop taken by our Government towards settling this seal dispute since it began in 1890 up to date, I desire to say that, after a careful perusal of this letter of May 10th, above cited, the Presi- dent has a right to feel greatly em- barrassed, bocauau it lays the Stato Department open to a crushing ro-pl- y from the Canadian office, and you will bo in the same mortifying fix that Blaine found himsolf during 1890, when tho Cauadians simply oruihed his contra bonos mores let-t- or by tho data which they prompt- ly furnished in rebuttal. Inexperienced and ignorant men should not write such letters dealing with data about which they know no more than so many parrots. John W. Foster is utterly ignorant of tho truth in regard to the salient feat- ures of this seal question on tho isl- ands; that lotter of May 10th is, like all other preparations from his hand on this subject, full of gross errors. His dullness in making up tho American case in 1892-9- 3 cost us that shameful and humiliating de- feat which we met with at Paris in 1893. Had he been bright and quiok-witte- d ho never would have met with such disaster. Taking this commonplace mau up now, after this record of flat failure is stamped all over his anatomy, and putting him in chargo of your sealing question will only thrust you deeper into tho miro than ho and your predecessors have been placed before the bright men over tho lino at Ottawa. I am moved to write on this point because a Senator of tho United States recently Baid to mo that Fos- ter had assured tho President that tho information which I gavo tho British in 1890 caused the defeat of the American case at Paris in 1890. Tho meanness and untruth of this oharge will bo quickly seen by your turning to my report of November 17, 1890, which contains this inform ation. Mr, Fostor and his associates tried to suppress this report boonuso it contained the proof of my author- ship of tho modus vivendi of 1891-9- 3, which ho meanly stolo from me plagiarized, in fact, but ho was unable to suppress it. And now ho oomoa forward again to figure in this question I iutend that he shall bo required at tho proper time and boforo tho proper tribunal to give a full account of his wrotohed record as tho agent of tho United States boforo tho Boring Sea Tribunal at Paris in 1893. This whole soaliug business, from tho day tho trouble bogau in 1890-9- 1 up to date, has uot been in the hauds of a competent man for ono moinont. It has been and is now tho sport of the Canadians, and tho languid contempt of tho British Queen's Council is all that it re- ceives when it comos up thore. Vory truly yourB. Henby W. Elliott. Annexation io Conquest. Tho real peoplo of Hawaii want their own government, tho govern- ment which was cast down by the American warship Boston, restored to them; aud a poll of the peoplo of tho island, upon the basis of the electoral registration of the election whioh preceded the revolu- tion, or anything more liberal, will show three volos to ono in favor of that proposition, If, therefore, our government assumes possesion and control of the Hawaiian Islands at this time and under theso condi- tions, tho act will not be one of annexation. Wo will go there in opposition to the soutimonts and wishes of tho real Hawaiian people. Wo will go there as conquerors who havo swept aside native eentimeuts with force. Town Talk, Ashland, Ore. BUSINESS LOOALS. Buffalo Beer, half aud half, with the best of ambrosial brews rule at the Pacific Saloon. The checks are transferable at tho Royal and Cos- mopolitan. "Historical Truths" may be had at 327 King street, if applied for early. Although the edition was considered large enough for all de- mands tho books are already be- coming rathor scarce Paddy Ryan is now assisted by popular William Carlisle at the An- chor Saloon, where Seattle Beer is always on draught and other stimu- lants furnished. Pointers on all sporting evonts can be had, free of charge from the athletic manager of tho Anchor. Ned Doylo at tho Cosmopolitan is recommending the celebrated Put- nam's Blackberry Brandy, .a tonic whioh is unrivalled, assisted by Jim Thompson formerly of tho S. S. Australia an excellent "half and half" is served to tho thirsty customers of the Cosmopolitan There is only one place where tho proper drink can be obtained when loyal Americans celebrate, "Annex- ation" and tho Fourth of July. Pomerj Sec. and Gold Lac, aro the special brands of Champagne served by tho Royal Annex. Como on, you annexationists, and let the corks fly, aud the wine flow. Quo ounce of prevention is better thau ten ounces of cure. Tho Em- pire boasts of infallible remedies against the varioloid. Wieland beer on draft boats vaccination, and Doctor Charlie Andrew presides over tho finest stock of 'remedies" that can bo found in town. All for medi- cinal purposes and cash. TO LET OK LEASE. COTTAGE ON KING 1 5(Vl " "- - A Street, Kulaokahua Plains, containing six 'liffXML rooms, with outhouses be tween tho residences of tho Hon A. ltosa and T 11. Walker, Esq and lately occupied by B. Thool Artesian water laid on. For further partlculajs, apply to ABRAHAM FERNANDEZ. Honolulu, July 15 1897 Tolo. 280. fBS-- tf TO LET. ripO A DESIRABLE TEN-A- . Amp?K mint, a beautiful resi- dence) furnished throughout JtJtfjjiRtSL. situated at the Peninsula. Good boating Oloso to tho Railroad. For further particulars apply to J. O OARTEU, JB , at tho Bank of Bishop & Co 022-- tf FOR KENT. Oil UN-- ? &W.- - furnished Houso; Par- lor, Bluing Boom, Two I p "3? Bedrooms. Kitchen. Bath. IM-M etc , aU In llrst class condition, Stable room and Sorvants' qnortors; grounds In elegant condition, l.ucation upper Lilibu Street. Apply at Independent Otlico. (312-- tf Wilder's Steamship Co. TIME TABLE. O. L. WIGHT, Vm. & B. ROSE, Sea Capt. J. A. KING, Port SupU Stmr. KINAU, CLARKE, Commander, Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. m., touching at Lahalna, Maalaea Bay ond Makena the same day; Mahnknna, Kawaibaeand the following day; arriving t Hlio tho same afternoon. LKWE3 HONOLULU. AHB1VES HONOLULU. Friday Aug 20 Tuesday Aug 17 Tuesday Aug 31 uriuay ABg 27 Friday Sept 10 Tuesday..... Bopt 7 Tuesday Septal jriaa' Sept 17 Friday Oct 1 Tuosday, Stptas Tuesday Oct 12 Friday: uot. s Friday Oct 22 Tuosday Octlt Tuesday Nov 2 JTiuay...,j,(I..Oct28 Friday Nov 12 Tuesday...., .Not 8 Tuoday .... Nov 23 Jrulay Friday Deo 3 Tuesday.. .,,, Nor SO Tuesday ....DeoH Friday .Deo U Thursday..... Deo 23 Tasday jDeo 31 Friday ,4,Dec31 Returning will leave Hilo at8,o'clook a. m, touching at Laupahoehoo. iaha-kon- a and Kawaihao same day; Jfkena. Maalaea Bay and Lahalna the Jollowina day; arriving at Honoinln the afternoons of Tuesdays and Fridays. i Will call at Pohoiki, Puna, on trips marked. KS- 9- No Frolght will be received" after a A. m. on day of sailing. Tho popular route to the Volcano Js via Hilo A good carriage road tho entire dis- tance. Round trip tiokets, corerinc all ozpeuses, J50.00. Stmr. OLAUDINE, CAMERON, Commander, Will leavo Honolulu Tuesdays at 6ur. u. touching at Kahului. Hana, Hamod and Kipahulu, Maul. Returning "arrives at Honolulu Sunday mornings. Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, rinca eoh month. JOtr- - No Freight will be received nfUr r. m. on day of sailing. This Company will reserves the right t make ohanges in the time of departure and arrival of Its 8tcamers without notice and it will not bo responsible for'any'-conn-quence- s arising therefrom. ,,, Consignees must bo at the Landings to receive their freight; this Gompariy will uu uuiu noun jcaiiuuBiuio jor ireigiu Biter it has been landed. Live Stock received only at owner's risk. ThiB Company will not bo responsible for Money or Valuables of passengers unltii placed In the. care of Pursers. CW Passengers are requested- - to par-ohas- o Tickets botore embarking,,, Toi falling to do so will be subject to an addi- tional oharge of twenty-fiv- e per cent. OLAUS SPnEOKELS. WM. O. UtWIK. Glaus Spieckels & Co., BANKERS. HONOLULU Ban Fraiieiseo Agentt.TJIB NEVADA BANK OF SAN FHANCIBCO. DBAW EXCHANGE ON SAN FRANOISCO-T- he Novada Bank of San Frauclsco. LONDON-T- ho Union Bank of Londom Lt'd. NEW YORK American Exchange N. tional Bank. OHIOAGO-Mercha- nts National Bank. PARIS-Compt- olr National d'Escompte d Paris BERLIN Dresdnor Bank. HONG KONG AND YOKOHAMA Hong Kong it HhanghalBanklnuOorpdratlon. NEW ZEALAND AND AUSrRALIA- - Bank of Now Zealand. VICTORIA AND VANOOUVER-Ba- nk of British North Amorica. ftansact a General Banking and Exehans Business, Deposits Received. Loans made on Ap- proved Hocurity. Commercial and Travel- ers Credit Issued. Bills ot Exchange bought and sold. OoUootionn Promptly Accounted For no tr

7J?-?Sw!5!?n!W'W(?'HI?- W'JfwarpipKwri? 1M UxLitJtLilN · 2015-06-01 · can bo found in town. All for medi-cinal purposes and cash. TO LET OK LEASE. A COTTAGE ON KING 1 5(Vl" "--Street,

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Page 1: 7J?-?Sw!5!?n!W'W(?'HI?- W'JfwarpipKwri? 1M UxLitJtLilN · 2015-06-01 · can bo found in town. All for medi-cinal purposes and cash. TO LET OK LEASE. A COTTAGE ON KING 1 5(Vl" "--Street,






7J?-?Sw!5!?n!W'W(?'HI?- W'JfwarpipKwri?

1M UxLit JtLilN JUiiilN 1 .v

Vol. Y. H. I., MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1897. No. (562.


' I fulfil iSll Vil oil iTt M H A Afi Jr fi S

1' I Sells Isb udVBuub QE yUip L U


General MerchandisefAND

iGOMMISSIONVgonts Lloyds,

Canadian-Australia- n .Steamship Line,British Foreign Marine Insurance Co.,

Northern Assurance Co. (Fire and Life),Canadian Pacific Railway Co.,

Pioneer Line Packets from Liverpool.

Telephone 92.








Groceries, Provisions and FeedNew and Goods received by every packet from Eastern

Statea and European Markets.

, . Standard Grade of Canned Vegetables, Frnits and Fish.TO-b- Goods delivered to any part of the W&

TRr.A"Nn TitAnw. Bor.rrHTMn ijjTtnunTmH aha vTjrisn

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE:The Fiue Passouger Steamers of This Line Will Arrive and Leave

This Port as Hereunder.



connection with the sailing of the above steamers, the Agentsprepared to issue, to intending passengers, coupon through tickots by anyrailroad from San Francisco, all points tho United States, fromNow York by any stoamahip lino all European ports.

For further particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co,LIMITED.

General Agents Oceanic S. S. Company.

Camping Season




wo can be with yon. The muiuory of ad larder in yonr camp will help

the enjoyment of tho scenery picturesqueor majestic, as it appeals to the eyn, ThoolimatH cental, brnoing, rejuvenatingwill be aided by good groceries. Whateveryou rustioatinir, hunting, fishing, rid-in-

boatinc, wheeling, mountain climbingor valely reposing our cooda aro thobest and noeossary accompaniments.

Tho season for this sore of thought andaction is upon us. All tho world, tnkos anouting once a year if it doosn't, it uuulit

While making your mind whoroyou will go, put theso placos boforo yourmind's ovo:

ON MAUl-Halcak- ala, Lahalna, Wol-kap-

Makawno, liana, Kula, Kahului,Haiku, Makona.

OK KAUAI lianalcl.llaimpopo, Lihnu,Kolou, Waimea, Nawillwlll tmd Kawal-ha-

ON HAWAII Kllauea and Jialemau-mau- t,

tho rainy nlty, Kapapalu, Koalake-kn- a

Bay and Dr. LIndley's Sanitarium,Waipio, Kohala, Puna, Koua, Liiupahoo-ho- o

and Ilamakua.ON OAHU-Waik- lki. Tantnlus, Puo-waln- a,

Olympus or Iicahi. Makapuu andMokapu, Walamto, l'carl llarbor, KomoiidGrovo, Moanalua and Manoa,

Tho Islands of Lauai, Molokal, Kahoo-law- o

and Nllltau.


Telephono 210. Froo dollvory twice dally

Subsoribo for Tug Independent, 50cents per month.


P. O. Box ld5.

Fresh California,


In aro

to in andto



to. up


TWO REASONSWhy peoplo como long distances to buy at


UPalama GroceryHEASON 1 Booauso ono customor tells

another how muoh they havo saved bydealing at this llvo and let lire establish'mont.

REASON 2 -- Because the saving fromtheir grocory bill helps thorn to pay thohouse rent.

If you don't believe what our customersay juBt glvo us a call and be convinced.

HCa.y stnei O-rai- n

HAIUtY OANON,Palarna Grocory.

TEL. 7fi5 Opposite Rnllway Depot

THUS. LINDSAY.- Jeweler.


Mantifaotnre and RepairAll kinds of Jewolry.

FIRST-CLAS- S WOKK ONLY.rw TivUnlUHne. Fort Ht. t


When Luna lightsOur tropic Islo and seaJust tnlio this tipGo got a dip

At Lono Branch, Waikiki,""Duthlng parties can obtain special ac-commodations; clotm suits ami proportroatmcut' Tramcara pasH tho door.

0. J. SHERWOOD,Proprietor Long Branch Baths.


Elliott of tho Bmlthsonian InstitutoWrites a Vory Extraordinaryand Sensational Lottor to JudgeDay

Cleveland (O.), July 30. Profes-sor H. W. Elliott of tho Smithson-ian Institute gave out thocomplete text of his recent sensa-tional letter to Judge Day, Assist-

ant Soorotary of Stato, rogardingtho seal fisheries. It it as follows:

Lakewood, Ohio (noar Cleveland),July IB, 1897. Hon. W. R. Day, As-

sistant Soorotary of State, Washing-ton, D. C. Dear Sir: In tho Morn-

ing Recorder of this city appearstho text of a lottor to Lord Salis-bury dated May 10, 1897, and signedby John Sherman, Saoretary ofState, on the fur seal question. Thislottor is prefaced bv an account ofthe great embarrassment which itspublication has caused tho Presi-dent, and that it has been held upfor several days at tho request ofJohn W. Foster, who now fears thoeffoct of his own work a fow weeksearlier.

Inasmuch as I havo a closer per-sonal knowlodgo of this presentquestion than any other man living,and inasmuch as I am the author oftho modus vivendi of 1891-9- 3, whichis tho only credit&blo Btop taken byour Government towards settlingthis seal dispute since it began in1890 up to date, I desire to say that,after a careful perusal of this letterof May 10th, above cited, the Presi-

dent has a right to feel greatly em-

barrassed, bocauau it lays the StatoDepartment open to a crushing ro-pl- y

from the Canadian office, andyou will bo in the same mortifyingfix that Blaine found himsolf during1890, when tho Cauadians simplyoruihed his contra bonos mores let-t- or

by tho data which they prompt-ly furnished in rebuttal.

Inexperienced and ignorant menshould not write such letters dealingwith data about which they knowno more than so many parrots. JohnW. Foster is utterly ignorant of thotruth in regard to the salient feat-ures of this seal question on tho isl-

ands; that lotter of May 10th is, likeall other preparations from hishand on this subject, full of grosserrors. His dullness in making uptho American case in 1892-9- 3 cost usthat shameful and humiliating de-

feat which we met with at Paris in1893. Had he been bright andquiok-witte- d ho never would havemet with such disaster.

Taking this commonplace mau upnow, after this record of flat failureis stamped all over his anatomy,and putting him in chargo of yoursealing question will only thrustyou deeper into tho miro than hoand your predecessors have beenplaced before the bright men overtho lino at Ottawa.

I am moved to write on this pointbecause a Senator of tho UnitedStates recently Baid to mo that Fos-ter had assured tho President thattho information which I gavo thoBritish in 1890 caused the defeat ofthe American case at Paris in 1890.Tho meanness and untruth of thisoharge will bo quickly seen by yourturning to my report of November17, 1890, which contains this information. Mr, Fostor and his associatestried to suppress this report boonusoit contained the proof of my author-ship of tho modus vivendi of 1891-9- 3,

which ho meanly stolo from meplagiarized, in fact, but ho was

unable to suppress it. And nowho oomoa forward again to figure inthis question I iutend that he shallbo required at tho proper time andboforo tho proper tribunal to give afull account of his wrotohed recordas tho agent of tho United Statesboforo tho Boring Sea Tribunal atParis in 1893.

This whole soaliug business, fromtho day tho trouble bogau in 1890-9- 1

up to date, has uot been in the

hauds of a competent man for onomoinont. It has been and is nowtho sport of the Canadians, and tholanguid contempt of tho BritishQueen's Council is all that it re-

ceives when it comos up thore. Vorytruly yourB. Henby W. Elliott.

Annexation io Conquest.

Tho real peoplo of Hawaii wanttheir own government, tho govern-ment which was cast down by theAmerican warship Boston, restoredto them; aud a poll of the peoplo oftho island, upon the basis of theelectoral registration of the electionwhioh preceded the revolu-

tion, or anything more liberal, willshow three volos to ono in favor ofthat proposition, If, therefore, ourgovernment assumes possesion andcontrol of the Hawaiian Islands atthis time and under theso condi-tions, tho act will not be one ofannexation. Wo will go there inopposition to the soutimonts andwishes of tho real Hawaiian people.Wo will go there as conquerors whohavo swept aside native eentimeutswith force. Town Talk, Ashland,Ore.


Buffalo Beer, half aud half, withthe best of ambrosial brews rule atthe Pacific Saloon. The checks aretransferable at tho Royal and Cos-mopolitan.

"Historical Truths" may be hadat 327 King street, if applied forearly. Although the edition wasconsidered large enough for all de-mands tho books are already be-

coming rathor scarce

Paddy Ryan is now assisted bypopular William Carlisle at the An-chor Saloon, where Seattle Beer isalways on draught and other stimu-lants furnished. Pointers on allsporting evonts can be had, free ofcharge from the athletic manager oftho Anchor.

Ned Doylo at tho Cosmopolitan isrecommending the celebrated Put-nam's Blackberry Brandy, .a tonicwhioh is unrivalled, assisted by JimThompson formerly of tho S. S.Australia an excellent "half andhalf" is served to tho thirstycustomers of the Cosmopolitan

There is only one place where thoproper drink can be obtained whenloyal Americans celebrate, "Annex-ation" and tho Fourth of July.Pomerj Sec. and Gold Lac, aro thespecial brands of Champagne servedby tho Royal Annex. Como on, youannexationists, and let the corks fly,aud the wine flow.

Quo ounce of prevention is betterthau ten ounces of cure. Tho Em-pire boasts of infallible remediesagainst the varioloid. Wieland beeron draft boats vaccination, andDoctor Charlie Andrew presides overtho finest stock of 'remedies" thatcan bo found in town. All for medi-cinal purposes and cash.


COTTAGE ON KING 1 5(Vl " "- -A Street, KulaokahuaPlains, containing six 'liffXMLrooms, with outhouses between tho residences of tho Hon A. ltosaand T 11. Walker, Esq and lately occupiedby B. Thool Artesian water laid on.For further partlculajs, apply to

ABRAHAM FERNANDEZ.Honolulu, July 15 1897 Tolo. 280.

fBS-- tf


ripO A DESIRABLE TEN-A- . Amp?Kmint, a beautiful resi-dence) furnished throughout JtJtfjjiRtSL.situated at the Peninsula.Good boating Oloso to tho Railroad. Forfurther particulars apply to

J. O OARTEU, JB ,at tho Bank of Bishop & Co

022-- tf


Oil UN-- ? &W.- -furnished Houso; Par-

lor, Bluing Boom, Two I p"3?Bedrooms. Kitchen. Bath.IM-M

etc , aU In llrst class condition, Stableroom and Sorvants' qnortors; grounds Inelegant condition, l.ucation upper LilibuStreet. Apply at Independent Otlico.

(312-- tf

Wilder's Steamship Co.


O. L. WIGHT, Vm. & B. ROSE, SeaCapt. J. A. KING, Port SupU

Stmr. KINAU,CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 10 a. m., touching atLahalna, Maalaea Bay ond Makena thesame day; Mahnknna, Kawaibaeandthe following day; arriving tHlio tho same afternoon.


Friday Aug 20 Tuesday Aug 17Tuesday Aug 31 uriuay ABg 27Friday Sept 10 Tuesday..... Bopt 7Tuesday Septal jriaa' Sept 17Friday Oct 1 Tuosday, StptasTuesday Oct 12 Friday: uot. sFriday Oct 22 Tuosday OctltTuesday Nov 2 JTiuay...,j,(I..Oct28Friday Nov 12 Tuesday....,.Not 8Tuoday .... Nov 23 JrulayFriday Deo 3 Tuesday.. .,,, Nor SOTuesday ....DeoH Friday .Deo UThursday..... Deo 23 Tasday jDeo 31

Friday ,4,Dec31

Returning will leave Hilo at8,o'clooka. m , touching at Laupahoehoo. iaha-kon- aand Kawaihao same day; Jfkena.Maalaea Bay and Lahalna the Jollowinaday; arriving at Honoinln the afternoonsof Tuesdays and Fridays.

i Will call at Pohoiki, Puna, on tripsmarked.KS- 9- No Frolght will be received" after a

A. m. on day of sailing.Tho popular route to the Volcano Js viaHilo A good carriage road tho entire dis-tance. Round trip tiokets, corerinc allozpeuses, J50.00.

Stmr. OLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

Will leavo Honolulu Tuesdays at 6ur. u.touching at Kahului. Hana, Hamod andKipahulu, Maul. Returning "arrives atHonolulu Sunday mornings.Will call at Nuu, Kaupo, rinca eohmonth.JOtr- - No Freight will be received nfUrr. m. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right tmake ohanges in the time of departure andarrival of Its 8tcamers without notice andit will not bo responsible for'any'-conn-quence- s

arising therefrom. ,,,Consignees must bo at the Landings to

receive their freight; this Gompariy willuu uuiu noun jcaiiuuBiuio jor ireigiu Biterit has been landed.

Live Stock received only at owner's risk.ThiB Company will not bo responsible for

Money or Valuables of passengers unltiiplaced In the. care of Pursers.CW Passengers are requested- - to par-ohas- o

Tickets botore embarking,,, Toifalling to do so will be subject to an addi-tional oharge of twenty-fiv- e per cent.


Glaus Spieckels & Co.,




SAN FRANOISCO-T- he Novada Bank ofSan Frauclsco.

LONDON-T- ho Union Bank of LondomLt'd.

NEW YORK American Exchange N.tional Bank.

OHIOAGO-Mercha- nts National Bank.PARIS-Compt- olr National d'Escompte d


Kong it HhanghalBanklnuOorpdratlon.NEW ZEALAND AND AUSrRALIA- -

Bank of Now Zealand.VICTORIA AND VANOOUVER-Ba- nk

of British North Amorica.

ftansact a General Banking and ExehansBusiness,

Deposits Received. Loans made on Ap-proved Hocurity. Commercial and Travel-ers Credit Issued. Bills ot Exchangebought and sold.

OoUootionn Promptly Accounted Forno tr

Page 2: 7J?-?Sw!5!?n!W'W(?'HI?- W'JfwarpipKwri? 1M UxLitJtLilN · 2015-06-01 · can bo found in town. All for medi-cinal purposes and cash. TO LET OK LEASE. A COTTAGE ON KING 1 5(Vl" "--Street,



oi a;UiTfwlia.Jailtot allBjIni

TDMffllJ;" B&WMS8UI f JLft.


(Kxuopt Bunduyi

At "Brito Hall." Koniii fJtroot.

flT Telephone 811 jSSCB


Per Month, anywhere In tho Ha-waiian Islands $ M

Per Year 0 00Per Year, postpaid to Foreign Cou-

ntries.... .... rr .., 8 00

Payable Invariably in Advancn.

E". J. TESTA, Propriotor and Pub-lisher.


Editor.Roaldlnj! In Honolulu.

MONDAY, AUG, 10, 1897.


A while ago our lending "labor"man howlod for A.noriuau labor.Then they hurrahed for more Portu-guese and then thoy went into te-

stacy over the prospoot of j;ettiu$Polish and Austrian aouialisti bora.The negroes next had nu iuninr andsoma degenerated mormon, oveuwanted to import 100 women of thatsweet scented race. The niggurahare been forgotten and Sam Damonis out for the Italians, Iu thn meantime the Asiatics keep on comingand the planters keep on holleringfor oheaper labor. With pome Polos,Austrians, Italians, "Amorinaus" audniggora to swell our present "mixed"population, what a mongrel nationwe will be and what a sweet acquisi-

tion for Dunclo Sam. For decentwages tho very best and most skilledplantation laborers can bo obtainedright hero. Thero are men willingto work in the cane fields who havebean thore beforo but thoy will notdo it at the starvation rates offeredthe cheap Asiatio coolies. Theplantora will find it cheaper in thelong run, however, to pay a litllomore wages to the Portuguese,

and others residing here audfamiliar with plantation work thantaking tho risk of goltiug dangerousconsignments of European and nig-

ger laborers at a slightly cheaperrate.


ttiq Last week Mr. A. Fair, a travelling"""representative of the Stockton Mill-

ing Co. was fine $50 in tho DistrictCourt for having violated the licenselaw oonneotod with foroigu oommor-,KIiH-

travellers. That Mr. Fair had

..$violated tuo law is uuuouuleuiy n

but is ho tho only commercialfor foreign housos who is

doing it? Some of thorn now doingbusiness hero have paid SHOO, the feoprescribed by law, but thore areothers who come under the samocategory and yet have paid only afeo of $50. Iu connection with this

uak-mfttto-r we cannot soo how the

could impose a fineof only $50 on Mr. Fair. Tho lieeiifolaw provides that, whore no special

to iBP.n9M'08 aro provided, the punish-ment for violating tho law shall bo

rtohfii'oTt 'less than the amount of tho.jM lip.finft be nor nioro than doublo

that amount. The lieouso fee. i , n... ,.

row uuiuiiiereiai travellers lorbrelgn housos i'b $500, yet Mr, Fair

was fined only $50, Will some oneflohMMftVnrd explain?

inlT-H5lY- Tho Molokai Murder,Tho Molokai murder case, whioh

has occupied tho time of the CircuitOpurt and a jury duriug tho past

"DAwoek, was finished at ll:30on Satur- -

day ovoning, when tho jury returnedveiflVj'iludiiig Noa guilty of mur- -

MdbVlriHlAJI first degree, Paahao ofassault aud battery, and acquitting

JpJWCSpTfllf.1 .JL.4K 4

We raoommonii to our aunoxationfriend) who "let their bottom dollar"on tho.r ngont John AV. Fostor tocarefully peruse the letter fromrioury W. Elliott. of the SmithsonianInstitute which will be found iu ouroutside columns, and to gathor allthu comfort they may from it.

The Ashland Town talk is per-foet- ly

correct in stating that theannexation of Hawaii is purdly andsimply nu act of conquest by super-ior force on the part of thu UuitidStates. Our people have no voice inthe matter except for the poor topay taxes which tho rich shirk.

Will Honor Thoir Chief.

At 7 o'clook tbis' evening the em-

ployees of the police departmentwill assemble at the District Courtanil there present to Marshal A. M.Brown, as a token of thoir aloha andrespect n beautiful storliug silver toasorviee, and a handsomely engrossedand illuminated address signod byall thu regular employees of thopolice department?

This ia tho wedding gift of thomen in blue "to tho chief" whosomarriage to Miss M. Atkinsou occurs

morning. The silvor ser-

vice has been manufactured iu SanFrancisco and is costly and artistic.The address is one of tho happiest andbest finished works of Mr. ViggoJacobsou's pen, and contains a sui-

table inscription on tho memorablooccasion.

Tho chatto border of Cupids en-

tangled in orango blossoms andbearing tho initials A. aud M. of thegroom aud bride, is a happy thoughtborrowed from a recent jubilee num-ber of the London Graphic. If youreadN those initials aright on thodexter hand the au"eetionato word"Anift" strikes the eyes, while thoseon tho loft baud spoil out tho pro-mising word "Mama," The Marshalmust bo provident, for thero are noless than 22 of these dainty littleinitial bearing loves, and their soulsmay bo prophetic.

The Independent joins with tho"Forco" in tho hoartioat of saluta-tions aud congratulations to thehappy pair.

Prisoner Commits Suicido.

Ah Fook, a Chinese prisoner, com-mitted suicido by hangiug himselfthis morning iu Oahu jail.

Deceased was imprisoned at Kau-ai but oscapod and was recapturedhoro aud sent to Oahu jail to servoout his sentence. Ho was ill, audaftor a medical examination ho wasBiispectod of boing a leper and thoprison authorities wore awaiting afinal decision of tho medical boardiu rogard to future action. "

This morning Ah Fook walkedinto a Binall alloy uext to tho cookhouse. Ho must havo tecurod aropo somewhere and standing on abench he mado tho rope fast, madea loop around his nock, kicked thobench ovor and was strangled.

Ho was Drat discovered by Par-sons, one of tho prisouora, who gavethe alarm, but when tho guards ar-

rived ou the scono Ah Fook wasdead.

Dpputy Marshal Hitchcock asCoroner and a' jurj of' countrymenof tho deceased aro holdjng an in-

quest this afternoon'.i. - mm m m

To a Big House.

A vory largo audionce greeted thePutnam company at the presenta-tion nf tho Old Curiosity Shop onSaturday night. Miss Putnam sus-

tained her reputation of boing anaotross of groat versatility and shocalled forth tears as Littlo Nell andlaughter as tho Marohionoss.

Miss Putnam's forco is moro aBtho ingonue and tho soubretto thanas the tragedienne is tho generalopinion of tho community. Sho wasably supported by Mr. Emory whohas become vory popular outho Honolulu stage and by othermembers of the companj'.

Tho outlot to tho Park Lagoon inthe vicinity of the Waikiki terminusof tin tramcar lino is becomingpi'Rtiferously odoriferous. It shouldlie llunhod out during tho vacationof tho baud,

orionslyilnj urpa'TT1S v

The sovon-yea- r old son of Benito I

Guerrero was soripusly hurt lasteveniug by Ushinh, a Japanese lad.The boys wore playing on KukuiStreot, wheu the Japanese bocamoangry aud throw littlo Benito vio-

lently to the ground striking hishead against tho curbing. Bouitobecame unconscious aud was takenhomo, and his parouts who wero atWaikiki summoned homo. Dr. Her-bert was callod, and aftor an oxamin-atio- u

expressed grave fear that theinjury would prove fatal. Ushiuahas heou arrested aud is hold for in-


A Clover Raid.Captain Fernaudes and other ofli-ce- rs

raided an opium den ou Koniastreet yesterday afternoon. Thehouse was prepared for tho illegaltraffic with trap doors, doublo walls,otc. Captain Fernaudes jumpingfrom tho roof of one house to thoverandah of tho adjoining den camodown with a crash, tho verrndahbreaking to pieces under him. For-tunately he did not sustain any seri-ous injury. Two Chinese were ar-rested for smoking opium. Theywill have a hearing on Friday morn-ing in tho District Court.

m m


Sons of S. George moot this even-i"K- -

.A 12-ye- old Chinese girl, a niece

of Ah Iu, a well-know- u rico plantorat Palama was found drowned thisafternoon in the pool near tho ricomill. It is supposed that tho drown-ing was caused by accident.

The stench from tho sake imprison-ed in tho cellars of Japanese hosierson Hotel Street is rank aud unbear-able. Its fumes afford tho vagrantloafer au excellent opportunity toget drunk without cost and withoutprice. It is nauseating to the high-est degree.

The Firo Department was calledout aftor midnight on Saturday fora small blaze at "Russiau" Frankson Queon Street, and at noon yester-day for a fire ou Liliha Street, nearSchool, which destroyed a smallbuilding j inhabited by CaptainThompson of the Koau Hou.

Annexation Bogoy.

i . , , i .. -- i i it...Alter a long poriou oi buiuiuoi moHawaiian annexation bogey has

cropped up in the United Stat-

es, aud it appoars highly probablethat Undo Sam will this time makotho plunge. Ho bought tho cold icyregion of Alaska from Itusiia, andpurposos to avorage the tomporatuioof his now possessions by throwingin the Sandwich Islands. Althoughtho group of islands covor ovor 0,000square miles, the population hasdwindled down to littlo moro thantho population of 'a moderate sizedEuglish town, aud is baroly 150,000.Ohiuese aud Japanese aro numerous,aud tho European cum-Amorio- ele-

ment is small iu numbers, but power-

ful iu political influence aud wealth,and ruling tho destiny of the littleItopublic with a fairly freo haud.Japan will certainly kick at tho newtreaty, but England is not likely totake ofTeuco. Should Japan take upa very hostile attitude, the Americanmarket will havo another Venezuelanscarce, Financial Post, London,

Buffalo Beer, half aud half, withthe best of ambrosial brows nile atthe Pacific Saloon. Tho checks aretransferable at tho Royal and Cos-mopolitan.

"Bobby (to the visitor): "Saywhat is that hole in the lop of yourhat for? Tho Pastor (wishing to beinstructive) : " Don't ycu kuow?Now, try aud guess." Bobby "Oh,I knowl Pa says you talk throughyour hat, and that must bo the holeit goes through."

Tho Buffalo Express states thatthe Japanese in Hawaii number but12,300, and attempts to prove it bythe census of 1890. That is a basiswhich it would not accept for thopopulation of its own city, aud whyfor Hawaii? A later cousus iu thnislands shows that the Japanese nownumber over 21,000 and thoy hadbegun to incroaso through immigra-tion, when the Dole Government in-

terfered, at the rato of 800 pormonth. S. F, Chronicle.


Timely Topics.Honolulu, Aug. 9, 1897.

Tho Outer Test of aGentleman according to theChcsterficklinn Code is to bewell sliced, hatted and gloved,well groomed, in fact. A truegentleman also looks after the.,comfort of his horse, and inno way can he do this betterthan in seeing that his ani-

mal's shoe gear is also thebest the market can give

The almost universal ex-

perience of all horseshoers inthe Hawaiian Islands and inthe United Slates, provesthat SOIIOEltfBERGEK'SSHOES stand without a rivalin all respects, and we are theEXCLUSIVE AGENTS forthem. Ask any of our lead-ing horseshoeiM and they willtell you that they give excel-lent, and the very best, satis-faction. The line quality ofmaterial, superior make andiinish rcoommend them to all.Tho general shape of tho shoeful fills the latest and most ap-

proved ideab of practical horse-shoerf- r.

They are smooth andin form the concave made toconform to the horse's hoof,the creasing neat, punchingclean and properly done, andin a word they are the finest,best shaped, and cheapestshoes on tho market. ThePUTNAM, CIIAMPLAUSTand LIGHTNING- - shoenailsare also the best that can bomanufactured. The Light-ning is a new brnnd that haswon very great favor in theAmerican market on accountof its quality and low priceTry it.

Trio Hawaiian Hardware Co,, L'a

268 Fort Stkeet,

ON! i

An Enormous Success!!

The Reductions made on many of thelines means an actual loss




A. Dollar Saved is a Dollar earnedYou can save lots of Dollars


In addition to the various lots adver-- "'

tised last week we shall sell youLadies Black. Sailor Hats at lOo.

Ladies Blaolc Sailor 3HEats at, 15o.Ladies Black. Sailor Hats at 25o.

These Goods are worth respectively,50c, 75c. and $1,00. We shall

offer a choice lot ofILiSiclies l3?rixrLxn.ed, Hats.

3L.. DB. 3K::e3:R,JRl Queen St., Honolulu



Page 3: 7J?-?Sw!5!?n!W'W(?'HI?- W'JfwarpipKwri? 1M UxLitJtLilN · 2015-06-01 · can bo found in town. All for medi-cinal purposes and cash. TO LET OK LEASE. A COTTAGE ON KING 1 5(Vl" "--Street,



h, ,.,yr i2d J. Hi.hu



A nico frout room is Tor run I atNo. fl Garciou Lano.

Join our Suit Olub, SL nor woelc.Medolros & Dwhor, llotol street.

Tlio S. S. Miowora sails at 5 o'clock i

this aftornoon for tho British OJolo-- 'nios.

Big reductions in Child reus trimmod liats for ouo weult ouly at N. SSach's.

Oapt. Andrew aud J. Delauoy have 8boon appointed to the mountedPatrol.

Ohildrous trimmed sailor lints inall colors ouly CO cents at N. S.Rnnh'fl.

Tho blonde baronosses left in theChina yesterday and Waik'iki is nolonger Sans Sour.i,

The Philadelphia's Baud will asisttho Minstrel Boys at the OperaHouse on Saturday eveuing.

Company D's Minstrel Troukorohoarso at Professor Berger'a resi-

dence at 7:30 this evening.

Tiie sentences in tho Molokaimurder case will bo given by JudgeCarter on Wednesday morning,

Katie Putnam will sing a numberof popular songs to morrow night.It will bo her farewell appearance.

Among tho arrivals by tho W.G.Hall yesterday were L. M. Vottleson,W. L. Stanley, S. M. Ballou, B. L.Marx aud C. M. Cooke.

Erma, tho Elf, by the author ofTho Old Lime Kiln, will b playedby Katie Putmau night.There is a great fire scene in the

Tho sale of seats for tho Philadelphia--

Marion Minstrel ontestainmRutat the Irwin Opera House on Satur-day evening next opoued satisfactor-ily to-da-

Tho stoamor Mauna Loa leaves forLahaiua, Koua and Kau at 10o'clock morniug. TheKeau Hon aud Mikahala at 4 p. in.for Kauai ports.

Admirals Millor and Bnardsleetook a ride to Waikiki yesterdaywhero tho outgoing Admiral showedtho beauties of this island to theincomiug Admiral.

Edwaids, the Philadelphia blue-jacket accused of seriously assault-ing a Japaneso was found not' guiltyby a jury in tho Circuit Court thismorning and acquiuou.

Tho Hagey Social Olub will giveanother free social smoker on Thurs-day the 20 iust. The eutertaimentcommittoo has' boenwith E. B. Thomas as chairman,

A lady, who is an accomplishedteaohor of inusio, dosires to givelessons to a fow pupils at theirhome; at 00 conts a lossou. Address,tho editor of Tiie Independent.

.Tho body of tho late George hi

will be convoyed to Hilo onFriday next. In tho moantimo it

' may bo viewed, by friouds at theundertaking parlors of E. A. Wil-liams on Fort street.

Tho Miowera brought a welcomecargo of Seattlo draught beer thismorning. W. Cunningham says thatTho Fovorite will not run Bhortagain except Honolulu gets an un-usual thirst on or annexation.

Boson Bon was arraigned in thoDistrict Court tin's morning. Thocharge of burglary against him wasamended to a charge of larcony anda continuance was granted tillThursday morning. Kaulukou fortho defendant.

A native Bailor named Makaainanawas found badly hurt in the hold ofthe Claudine yosterday afternoonby the watchman. It appears thatthe man went on board intoxicatedto sleep and tumbled down throughthe hatch fracturing his skull.

Rudolph Sprooknls left by theContio vostorday. In San Frauoisoohe will moot Samuel Parker who willgo East with Mr. Spreckols on busi-ness and annexation (?) The MiRsesParker will romain in California visit-ing friends at San Rafael, until thoreturn of their father.

Tho caso of Puck Chow vs. MakooSugar Company, damagos, is on trialthis afternoon in the Circuit Court.PlBiutifT who is roprosontod byOroighton aud Robortson claimsdamages to the amout of $107,000from the Makee Sugar Company,represented by Kinney & Ballou.

Captain Kauhane, tho whistlingold freak was beforo Judge Wilcoxthis morniug charged with beingdrunk. Knuhano aUtod for moroybecause this tiino it was a genuinesolid jag ho carried and no sham.He was ordered to contribute $3.00to tho treasury, and ho asked thojudge to pay tho fiuo. The judgoBam "nit."


The Rojjlment Tonm Victors OverQt Louis.

l'liiek, porsovotnuco and the pro- - 9

vorl)!a K0d luck which baseballplayers olton not (without prayorj,i(h,l Ihn Ut.nii.init. toaui on Inst

Saturday afternoon to gain a vic-

tory off tho St. Louis in a baseballgame, of the championship series,and by a scoro of 8 to 7, throo of tho

for the winning Regiments beingobtained in tho last half of tho ninthand with two men out. Tho daywas ajl that could bo desired forball play; the audienco was smallbut ns enthusiastic as tho forbiddingnotices and law would pormit, andthe peculiar characteristics of theganio made it very interesting.During tho (lrsftwo innings the St.Louis made runs whilo tho Regi-

ments took cyphers. In tho third 7

the Jiegimonts sent Mooro to batfirst; he obtained 1st on a hit, stole2nd, got 3rd on passed ball and ob-

tained tho first tally; four moretallies were added by errors of Glea-so- n,

Dayton and Lemon, aud Regi-

ment stock was high. The pluckySt. Louis lads pulled together, how- -

over, auu auueu six runs to tnoirscore from the fifth to tho first halfof the ninth iuuiugs while the Regi-

ments dieted on gooso eggs. Tholast half of the ninth, however, wastho Waterloo for tho St. Louis, astho (so far) defeated Regiments hitLemon hard and piled in three tal-

lies, thus winning tho game by ascore of 8 to 7. Following is the


12 3 15 6 7 8 9

S. Louis 0 1001220 171st. Reg 0 0500000 38

Total time of gamo, 1 hour 50

minutes. Geo. Angus, umpire; Mr.Blackley, Bcorer.


The expected happened unexpect-edly.

If tho Regiments had not wouthoy would all have gone on thesick list.

The St. Louis lemon was hard hitat times, especially in tho 9th.

Bowers picked up some hard onesand coached woll.

Luahiwa had his batting oyo withhim aud stoppod playing "farmer."

Thompson and Willis worked ina uouple of double plays as usual.

Umpire Angus made a few closedecisions in the first few innings.They wore hard but honest.

Hanson had his hands with himand was "dead on to" flies.

Mooro scored first as usual, on asafe hit, thiovery and passed ball.

Oapt. Harry Wilder was. a jollycompanion in the press box duringthe game.

Scorer Blackley is again at work,and tho pross "den" is illuminatedouco moro.

Tho Bostons make their winningruus in tho 9th.

Tho managouiout will not adver-

tise and tho audiouces are small innumber.

Mooro originated a speody andsuccessful triple play iu tho 7th,Soanlou assisting.

Gorman played ball up to dateand exhibited his level head.

From tho lib to the 8th tho Rogi-me- nt

team played as if they woreliving on short rations.

Tho scorer's record of 6 orrors toScaulon and G orrors to Dayton isvery incorroot. Scaulon had 4 audDayton had 3, two of which worepassed balls.

'J ho Navul Minstrels.

Tho rohoarsals of tho naval mins-trfi- l

troupe have been progressingvory satisfactorily, and tho performance on Saturday next will be oneof tho best evor seon in Honolulu.That thoro will not even bo "stand-iug- "

room is an assurod fact. Thoadmirals and oflicors of tho war vos-sol- s

will bo present, as will the U. S.Miuistor and tho Consul-Geuora- l.

All tho boxes in the houBO haveboou takon. The proceodB of thoentertainment will bo devoted to

1 charitable purposes.


Tho Ocoan Linors.

Tho O. & O. S. S. Coptic, SearbyCommandor, arrivod in port about8:30 on Saturday afternoon after a

days voyage (torn Yokohama. Shobrought as passengers for this portF. W. Amsick aud W. H. Brown.She started again at noon yosterdaywith the following passengers:

E. Suhr, Rudolph Spreckels, Dr.Flade, S. Reowos, H. Loonard, W.T.Barbour, Mr. and Mrs. Hodemann,Goorgo W. Macfarlane, Dr. and Mrs.Grosser, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wallet,Mrs. Barbour,

Tho P. M. S. S. China, SeaburyCommr-ndor- , sailed for China andJapan at i o'clock yeslorday after-noon, satisfactory temporary arran-gements having be made in regardto her register.

The R.M. S. Miowera, Thos. Freo,R. N. R., Commander, arrivod about

o'clock this morning with about500 tons of freight and the followingpassengers for this port:

Misses Simpson, Lemon, Snaroy.Mosdames Waughop, Musson, Es-

top. Hill.Messrs Davis, Olapp, Coolidge,

Morgan, Barton, Dr. Waughop Jr.,Huddart, Musson, Saut, Estop. (2),Homeu, Abbott.

According to the memorandum oftho courteous purser tho Mioweraloft Vancouver at G:16 a.m. on tho 8

inst; Victoria at 0:30 p.m. same date;Cleared Tatoosh Island at 11:27 p.m.; passeu tue bark "invorlooky"standing to eastward in Lat. 39-2-

N. Long. 139.20. W. on tho 11th. Aug.Arrived at Honolulu at 4:30 a.m.

16th. Experienced for tbo first threedays fresh and strong winds from S.

E, to S. W. with head soa, thence toarrival fiuo wont her.



OPERA - HOUSESaturday, August 21, 1897


Proceeds to ba equally divided betweenthe

Hawaiian Relief SucfetyAND THE

Strangers' Friend Society

?-- Tickets now on sale at Wal-lerNichols Co. -- tf

OPERA house;.Last Nigbtl! Last NigM!!




Of Everybody's Favorite Charming

KATIE PUTNAMGrand Production of O. T. Dazey's Great

Sensational Comedy Drama

"ERMA, THE ELF,"MISS PUTNAM will appear in Three Dis-

tinct Im personationsERMA, THK ELF.


Sho wl'l nlso Introduce (by special re-

quest) all hor successful Songs, including"Kentucky Babe."

"Honoy, Does Yon Love Your Man I""Swim tho Golden Hlvor."

"Sweet Lnclmio,"And tlio lleautlful Cnstlnot Waltz, Song

and Dance, Mirth, Melody and Music.Sou tho great Sensational FIKK SUENE.

gmf BoatsonSaloot WftU-Nioho- Oo.Positively Inst nlpht.


BEING NO L0N0EH Apublic resort, tho Proprietress will be

glad to lot tho whole or part (with boardif dpslrod.) to private families wishing ahealthy summer rosort. Kor terms, ad-

dress 1'. O, Box 248, or on the promises.015-l-


Founded, 1192. .... Cask Capital, $3,000,000Oldeat Firo Insurance Company In tho United Statos.Losses paid since organization over $90,000,000.


Established, 1869. .... Capital $5,000,000.Insurance effected on Buildings, Goods, Ships, and Morohandiso

g0 For lowest rates apply to

JidL. L-iC-jH h

General Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands.



Improved Planters HoSolid Cast Stool Eyo aud Blado Forged Entiro.




v.a.otttt:m: oils,The Standard of Merit,



A Large Assortment



IF YOU OAEEabout CUT the as-

sortment in our windows to-

day will interest you. It isthe product of the McridanManufacturing Company, andis without question the handsomest now on the market.The designs are exclusive, thecuts the keenest and brightestand the, prices the lowest.

This make of Glass rateshigher among collectors thanany other and is used by thebest people in the UnitedStates. The pieces includeeverything used in the tableas woll as those for ornament.Some of the articles arcsmalland the prices within tho reachof everyone it's only the bigpieces that command largeprices, and even they arecheap.

If you arc fond of CUTGLASS you never had abetter opportunity to secure acollection at ridiculously lowprices than now.

Jr4Von Holt Blocik.


VI OTIOE IS lIEKEMY GIVEN THATJLi tbo undorslgncd has this day boon ap-pointed Administratrix of the Estate ofJohn Oamaoho, deceased, of Honolulu.Island of Oalui, Hawaiian Islands, and altcreditors oro horeby not Med to presenttheir claims duly authenticated, and withproper vouchors, if any oxlst, even If thoolalm is secured by mortgage, at tho oflleoof A. G. Corroa, !(M Morehont Street,

within sir months from dato or hoforever barred. And all persons Indebtedto tho said Estalo are requested to inakoImmediate payment of said indebtednessto A. G. Oorrea, ut his olHco.

KMHKL1NA OAMAOHO,Administratrix Estnto of John (Jaiiiacho,

deceased.July 20, 1807. 639-- 4 oaw

of General Hardware.

J. T. Waferbouse.

There are three brands ofJams and Jellies known to bo

absolutely pure. Crosse &

Blackwells, Morton's andCode, Elfelt & Co, Duringthe pure food crusade in Cali-

fornia the goods of the latterpassed every inspection andnow come out of the factoryspecially stamped "PureFood' We have a completestock of these goods and offerthem to the public at veiy low

prices.Our grocery department is

full to the brim with reliablegoods' and our prices are lowenough as to draw commentfrom other dealers. We buyfor cash in quantities to suitthe demand and consequentlythey are always fresh.

We handle the celebratedAlbert boneless sardines andthe Palace brand of slicedbacon, two articles for thetable that are unexcelled.

We carry a full line of tabledelicacies, English and Amer-ican and promptly fill orders.Prompt delivery in all casesAvhether in person or by tele-

phone and careful attentionpaid to tho selection of goods.

J. T. Waterhouse.QUEEN STREET.


rpHE UNDERSIGNED HAVING KEENJL duly appointed by tho Honorablo JohnW. Kalua. Circuit Judge of the BeoondJudicial Circuit, as Administrator ol theEstate of Joseph It. Whltford, of Wailuku,Maul, doeeased, therefore, notice- Is here-by given to all persons having any claimsagainst tho said Estattftoproseuttho sameduly authenticated within six months fromdate to the undersigned at his low oiUce insaid Walluku.orthfiy will bo forever barred,,and nil those indebted to the said Estatoaro rcquusted to niako immediate paymentof tho uanio to tho underpinned at his saidlaw oflleo. A. N' KKl'OIKAI. .

Administrator of the Estate of Josoph It,Whltford.

Wallukn, July 0, 1807, 033-- 5 Wf

Page 4: 7J?-?Sw!5!?n!W'W(?'HI?- W'JfwarpipKwri? 1M UxLitJtLilN · 2015-06-01 · can bo found in town. All for medi-cinal purposes and cash. TO LET OK LEASE. A COTTAGE ON KING 1 5(Vl" "--Street,

JDST ARRIVEDA now lot of the Finest

Musical Instrument!).

Autoliarps, Gultaro, Violins, Etc.

Also a now Invotco of the Celebrated

Westermeyer Pianos,Specially manufacturpd for tho tropical

cllmato, second to none,


On the Hawaiian Islands during tho lastyears.



AND -General. Merchandise.

Also tho choicest European and Ameri-


, Beers, Ale, Wines & LiquorsAT MOST REASONABLE TRICKS.


Comer King A Hotliol Streets.

T. B. MURRAY321 A 323 King Street.

Tho Leading

Carriage and

Wagon Manufacturer.. ALL MATERIALS OH UAHD . .

Will Xurnlsh everything outside steamboats and boilers.

Horse Shoeing a Specialty.

TKfjKPHONF. fi72. --W

rBLWHOMB 607. P. 0 Box S21.


Carriage Manufactory,128 A 130 Fort Street.

Carriage Build?AND REPAIKER.

BlacksmitMngjn all Its Branches

Orders from the other Islands in BuildingTrimming, Painting, Etc., Etc.,

promptly attended to.

W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.(Successor to Q. West).

Wm. 6. Irwin & Co.(LlMITKD)

Wm. Q. Irwin President & ManagerClans Spreckols nt

W. M. Glffard Secretary it TreasurerIhoo. 0. Porter Auditor


Commission Agents.AGENTS OF TUB

Oceanic Steamship Coiup'yOf San Francisco, Cal.

Metropolitan Meat Co.


Q. J. Wallbr, Mawaubb.

Wholesale nudRetail . . .


Navy Contractors

tt 91

A. JTatxiily Hotol,

X. KBOTJ8E, ... Trop.

Per Day 5 2.00PorWeolr 12.00


Tho Best of Attendance, tho Best Situationand it. U.. 1I..U It. 4V.- I- Ml

; tauagjji'nififlij

me. pin 4 co.



San Francisco, Cal.

BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS.,Philadelphia, Ponn., U 8. A.


(Mnnf. "National Onno Shredder" l.New York, U. B. A.

N. OHLANDT it CO.,San Francisco, Cal.


Gb'J-- tf San Francisco, Cal.

Occidental Motel.Comer King and Alaltca Streets,


Mrs. A, S0HMEDEN, Proprietress.

Rooms Ensuite nud Single, withBoard, from So f0 per week, accord-ing to requirements of tint guests,with Hot and Cold Baths.

Tho only Promenade Roof Gardenin tho city. GEO. OAVENAGH,

Manager.EaST Tolophono : : : 054



General Business Agent


Co&veyaijcing in All Its BranchesCollecting and All Buoinoss

Matters of Trust.

All basinets entrusted to him will receiveprompt and careful attention.

Olllcn, Ilnnnknn, Hnmnklin, Hawaii.


ARE RESPECTFULLYSUBSOIUBKR8 all tubsTlptlons are pay-able strictly in advance by the monthquarter or year.

V. .1. TESTA,

Business Oardo.



Street (ono doorfromPort Street.) -

GB5 Honolulu, H. I. tf.


Real Estate and General BusinessAgents, Also Sunvcrons.

Oillco 1i Konia Streot, Honolulu,


SnnvEton and Real Estate Aoent.

Oillco: Bethel Street, ovor tho Now230 Model Hostaurant. ly


Plumbing, Tin, Coppei. and SheetInoN Work.

King Street, Honolulu.


Attorney- - at-La-

Kaahumauu Street, Honolulu.


Frank Brown, Manager.

9H otvl '"' Mm-nlm- Otroot. Honalnlll K. T,


Dealers in Lumber and Coal andBuilding Materials of

All Kinds.

. fjnaan Umt. TTnnnlnln


Items-o- f Iutorost to Flavors Fromtho English Crickot Field.

A glance at tho Times, weokly odi-llo-

of July 1G, shows tho roBults ofsome very iutoresting games playedduring tho preceding week.

In the first match botwoou thoGoutlomon and tho Playors at thoOval tho professionals reversed lastyear's decision and won by eightwickels. Tho scores boiug Gontlo-me- n

2S1 and 17G to the Playors 101

for their first innings. Among thoGentlemen's scores wore Dr. W. G.Grace, 11 9j Captain Wynyard, 83 33;Mr. F. B. Champaiu, 82.11; Mr. A. J.Hill, 50. 0; Mr. F. W. Miiligan, 47.47.Among tho Playors tho leadingscores were Baker, 87, o. Kltcat b.Grace; Hayward, 73; Waiuwright,71; Hirst, G5 and W. Quaifo, 44.

The return match was played atLord's boforo 10,000 people andagain resulted iu a victory for thoPlayers by 78 runs. Tho scores woroPlayors 858 and 279 with tho la9twicket to fall against 2GG and ,273.Among tho big scorns wore Shrews-

bury, 125 (run out) and 1; Hayward,37 and 7; Gunn, 59 42; Baker, 30.39;and Hirst 31 Gl. Among tho Gentle-men the leading scores woro Dr. W.G. Grace, 21 GG; J. R. Mason, G2.10;

J. A. Dixon, 52.13; Ranjitsinjhi was"ort" with 9 and 5; F. G. J. Ford,50 79; and G. L. Jessop 4.G7.

Tho match between Yorkshire andSussex at Sheiliold brought forthsome phenomenal cricket, for Brownand TunniolilTo, who had made 216botween them on the previous aftor-noo- u,

were not separated until theyhad scored 878, thus breaking thorecord for tho first innings infirst class cricket. At thothe close tho total was G31 for fivewickets of which J. T. Brown con-

tributed 311, TunniolilTo, 147 andWaiuwright 104, not out. Withthese scores Brown and Wainrightran to tho thousand aggregate, thusequalling the feat already accom-plished this season by Abel and K.S. Ranjitsinjhi. Yorkshire won by807 runs and an iunings to spare.

Warwickshire vs. Leicestershirealso brought out some excellent bat-ting, Warwickshire winning in a sin-

gle innings with 57 runs to sparo thescore standing 472 to 122 and 293.Among tho heavy scores were, forthe winning eleven, Mr. A. C. S.

Glover 115, Divor 111, W. Quaifo 83

and Lilloy 78.


At Birmingham, on July 10th, thePhiladelphians gained the second vic-

tory of thoir tour, beating Warwick-shire by five wickets.

The Philadelphians met a rathorweak Notts team at Nottingham onJuly 12th, and scored 860 for sixwickets, including 100 by Wood and187 not out by Pattorson. Noxt daytho Americans gave a fine exhibitionof batting, carrying their score to412, of which Patterson's share was162. Notts were all out in thoir firstinnings for 214, and at tho end ofthe day had lost two wickets in thofollow on for 25, On tho 11th, how-

ever, tho county team succeeded indrawing thoir match, having mado219 with eight wickets dowu whentho draw was declared.


Tho annual two-day- s matchEton and Harrow began on

July 9th at Lord's. Harrow battedfirst, and ran up a capital scoro of23G, while Eton, whon play ceased,had lost nine wiokets for 145, Thomatoh onded the next day in a draw.Tho first iunings of Eton closed for1G0, or 7G in tho arroar. Harrow inthoir second essay put on 218 forfour wiokets, including 142 by Colo,and thou declared the closure, leav-

ing Eton with 825 to make to winand loss than four hours to play.They mado 208 at tho cost of sevenwickets.

Tho result is uot vory satisfactoryto thoEo kcouly interested in thomatch as a real tost of the two greatsohools at crickot; three reasonableoriokot days should bo allowed tothis match. The elevens woro en-

gaged from 11 to 7 on Friday and1 from 11 to 7:80 on Saturday. Such

,lI.U.Mfctfuul laJtf S

cricket clays aro never altemptod bymen, and the strain is too great forboys.

Dr. J. E. O. Wolldon, Head Masterof Harrow, has writtou to LordLichfiold asking whethor tho com-mitte- o

of tho M. C. C. would bowilling, if tho Head Master of Etonshould consent, to lot tho match boplayed every yoar on tho secondMonday, Tuesday and Friday inJuly.

Soventy-tw- o matches havo nowboon played, of which Eton havowon 28 and Harrow 29, and 15 hasboon drawn. This is tho gonerallypublished record, but Harrow menobject vory strongly to tho gamo in1805 being treated as a regular con-

test betweon the two sohools.

ran county. oaAMHONsmr.

The positions, including the re-

sults of July 14th, aro now asfollows; ,,

Play'd Won Lost Dra'n Points

0 2 0 7 2Yorkbhlro.... 14 9 1 1 8Lancashire.. 13 8 1 4 7Kssot 8 3 14 2Snrroy 11 8 3 3 5Glouceste-

rshire.... 7 3 2 2 1Warwick- -

shiro .... 11 2 2 7Sussex n 3 1 3 2Kent 8 1 3 4 2Middlesex ..8 0 3 5 3Hampshire,. 7 14 2 3Somerset.... 7 10 1 1

Derbyshire.. 8 0 5 3 5Leicestershire 7 0 0 1 0


Certain members of tho Chamber ofCommerce were discussing the ubllltyof Germans to drink beer, and one ofthem ottered to wager that nny Teu-

ton out of a crowd at work on a build-ing near by could drink a gallon oil

lager without stopping. Tho party ap-

proached a sturdy-lookin- g stone ma-

son, and tho sporting man asked:"Will you drink n bucketful of beerif I pay for it?" The mason thoughta minute. "Veil, I drink it If I can.I don't know,though, If I can. Youwait n minute." lie disappeared IntoFort street, but returned n mo-

ment later, smiling. "All right," hesaid, "I vas ready." They went Intoan adjoining saloon and tho Teutondrang the gallon of lager without awink. Coming back to his mallet andchisel, he said: "I vas not sure if Icould drink a pail of beer or not, soI vent into Tho Criterion and tried aglass of Ralncr first."


BEEN THIS DAYHAVING by Her Majesty tho QaoonDowager, Kapiolanl, as Agent (KonohikUof the Fisheries of Hnnauma and Awawa-mal- u,

obtainod by her nndor Ltaso fromthe Trustees of tho U. P. Bishop Es'ato,extending from Makapnu Point to KukoHead to tho south of tills Island, I horn-b- y

warn ail persons from llshinn in orttcspassing upon the same without firstobtaining pormlssdon. Anyone disregard-ing this notice will bo prosecuted to thofullest oxtent of tho law.

WM. AULD.Honolulu, July 28, 1807. 047-l- m


SUBSCRIBERS ARE NOTIFIED13 that SubsoriptiouB to The Inde-pendent aro payable in advance atthe rate of 50 cents a month or $6 ayear.

Tho papors of those in arroar willbo stopped unless payment ispromptly mado,

No former subscriber desirous ofronewing will bo served unless ar-rearages are paid.

Tiie Independent h conduoted ontho cash and contract priciple iupayments and receipts, and is nowso firmly established on a payingbasis that it declines absolutely toservo subscribers who do not pay.If you want The Independent youmust buy it.

Hawaiian GrownOysters.

Tho above delicacy .jan now beprocured iu such quautities as re-

quired upon loaving ordors with

H. E. McMyre & Bro.397-- tf


JOHN PHILLIPSHas romoid his Plumbing BtislneBb from

King street to the premises on

KCotel StreetKormiirlyoooapled by "Wnvn


AND- -



'TruthsRovised and Frintod in

Pamphlet Form

Being au Accurate aud Concise

Account of tho

Overthrows Monrcliy.

10" To bo had only at tho Pub-

lisher's Office, 327 King Street.

PRICE25 CENTSMerchants' '


S. I. BHAW, Proprietor.

Corner King and Nuuuna Streetu.

Jtooicu LiquorsAND- -

i- - TELEPHONE 41)1. -- a

Cornor Nnuanu and Hotel 8ts.

OiunLKs W. Andrews - Manager.

Gkotco Wins. Lbmon. AlnHALF-AND-HAL- F ON DK AUGHT.

Wieland Beer on DraughtNOW ON TAP.

Ralnior in Bottlos.

Handmade Sour lashA SPECIALTY.

Bruce Willing & Co.,

Real Estate Dealers.D03 Fort St., near King.

Building lots,houses and lots, and

Lands For Sale

EST" Partios wishing to dispose ol theirProiwtlflH. urn lnvlt! tn mil on ns.


Horse or DogIS SICK

Call on A. It. HOW AT, D, V. S.Wfl Offlpo-O- liib Stables. tf





