Insulation 7.4. Thermal Insulation Contents 7.4.1 What is my loss due to uninsulated surface?..................2 Case Study-1..................................................... 2 7.4.2 Which insulation material to select?.........................4 7.4.3 What all surfaces should I insulate?.........................8 7.4.4 Which cladding material should I select?....................11 7.4.5 Why economic thickness of insulation?.......................12 7.4.6 What should be my insulation thickness?.....................15 Case Study-2.................................................... 15 7.4.7 How do I check health of my insulation?.....................19 Case Study-3.................................................... 19 7.4.8 What should be the surface temperature for personnel protection?.......................................................21 7.4.9. New technologies in thermal insulation.....................21 Page 1 of 27

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Insulation7.4.Thermal InsulationContents7.4.1 What is my loss due to uninsulated surface?.........................................................2Case Study-1........................................................................................................ 27.4.2 Which insulation material to select?.....................................................................47.4.3 What all surfaces should I insulate?.....................................................................87.4.4 Which cladding material should I select?............................................................117.4.5 Why economic thicness of insulation?..............................................................127.4.! What should "e my insulation thicness?............................................................15Case Study-2...................................................................................................... 157.4.7 #o$ do I chec health of my insulation?.............................................................19Case Study-3...................................................................................................... 197.4.% What should "e the surface tem&erature for &ersonnel &rotection?.........................217.4.'. (e$ technologies in thermal insulation..............................................................21Page 1 of 21Un-insulated pipeInsulation7.4.1 What is my loss due to uninsulated surface ?Case Study-1Consider the heat losses through !) *1!7mm+ diameter steam line of 1m length carrying steam at 7 "arg &ressure. ,n un-insulated steam &i&e $ould result in 25- .cal/hr m of heat loss.0ro&er insulation of steam lines can result in reduction of losses u&to '-1 as$ell as reduction in surface tem&erature to a safer le2el. 3or the same e4am&le as a"o2e5 the heat loss increases su"6ect to surface tem&erature5 the trend is ta"ulated "elo$7Page 2 of 21InsulationSurface TemperatureBare pipe temperature= 17 oCTam! "# oCTam! " 1$ oCTam! " 1# oCTam! " %$ oCTam! "&$ oC'eat loss ( )*cal+hr m,25- 2! 37 5- !- %-Insulation thic*ness )mm,(one 22- 11- 7- 5- 3-,m"ient tem&erature 8am"93- oC,nnual loss due to un-insulation for a 3: fired "oiler *;C>3or a 1-- m &i&e it $ill mount to loss of 15.5 ?ahs>Page 3 of 21Insulation050100150200250Insulation thickness (mm)Insulation thickness (mm)050100150200250300Heat loss Q (kcal/hr m)Heat loss Q (kcalh! m)8hus5 thermal insulation5 "y retarding heat flo$5 deli2ers the follo$ing "enefits7 @nsures steam Auality "y reducing condensation of steam in the lines ?o$er radiation losses i.e. lo$er distri"ution losses reducing o2erall cost of o&eration "y cutting do$n fuel consum&tion ;i2es "etter &rocess tem&erature control5 "y reducing the tem&eraturedro& of the fluid in a heated system. 0re2ents safety haBards of scalding "y lo$ering the e4&osed surface tem&eratures of steam lines and additionally reduces the o2erall am"ient $oring tem&erature. 0ro2ides fire &rotection to &lant &i&ing =educes noise ,"sor"s 2i"rationPage 4 of 21Insulation7.4.% Which insulation material to select?8he follo$ing ma6or insulation material used in thermal installations $ith a&&lication tem&eratures7Sr.(o.Insulation material,&&lication 8em&eraturesStandard densities *.g/m3+,&&lications (otes1 8hermocol *0olystyrene+C&to 75 oC 2%53253%545Cold storage5=efrigeration?o$ cost5 non to4ic5 resistant to $ater &enetration5com"usti"le2 0C= *0olyurethane 3oam+ -1%- to 11- oC3554-55- Cold storage5=efrigeration?o$ cost5 com"usti"le3 (itrile ru""er -4- to 11! oC !-5'- Cold storage5=efrigerationcom"usti"le4 CalciumSilicate1-- to 1--- oC24- used forinsulation for"oilers5ducting and&rocess &i&e$or. ,lsoused forrefractory.In-organic5 non com"usti"le5 $ater a"sor"ent5 =oc Wool-2-- oC to '-- oC.!- to 1!- Insulation of Doilers5 8aners5 #eat @4changers5