71549314 Brainstorming

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  • Brainstorming9 steps

  • Step # 1Define a clear and realistic

    brainstorming challenge

  • Find a brainstorm question for whichtheres a real need to find answers.


  • Step # 2Find a neutral

    person to facilitatethe process

  • Brainstorm facilitating is a service.

    It is supposed to be a selfless act that enables others to arrive at their own solutions - no matter how different they may be from the facilitator's.

    Source: http://www.ideachampions.com/weblogs/archives/2010/08/einstein_brains_1.shtml

  • The best facilitators nurture the conversation in its early stages, step out of the way as the ideas start to flow, jump in again when energy starts to

    peter out.

    Source: http://aneyewitness.wordpress.com/2008/04/08/eureka/

  • They [facilitator] manages the flow of ideas by encouraging everyone to contribute.


  • The manager is often a poor choice for the role as facilitator, as managers cannot stop themselves from shaping the content.

    Source: http://www.innovationtools.com/Articles/ArticleDetails.asp?a=555

  • Source: http://www.business-strategy-innovation.com/wordpress/2011/02/dont-let-puppetmaster-control-ideation/

    When brainstorms are led by upper management, department heads, or project leaders, they usually get manipulated.

  • Sourcehttp://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1783434/run_creative_ideas_events.html?cat=3

    The facilitator can also distribute, for example, snacks and drinks, to the people who contribute with ideas.

  • Step # 3Find an inspiring

    meeting placeSource: http://www.ideachampions.com/weblogs/archives/2010/07/post_12.shtml

  • Step # 4Invite 6-8 peoplewho really careabout the topic

    Source: http://www.business-strategy-innovation.com/2010/04/26-reasons-why-most-brainstorming.html

  • The rule here is simple:

    Pick people who can answer the question youre asking.

    Source: https://www.mckinseyquarterly.com/Seven_steps_to_better_brainstorming_2767

  • The broader the mix of participants, the more interesting the ideas are likely to be.

    Source: http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/management/article6985219.ece

  • Include outsiders, for example customers

    Source: http://designshack.co.uk/articles/inspiration/10-tips-for-effective-creative-brainstorming

  • Ask participants to show up with 3 ideas- to ensure they will think about the brainstorming challenge.

    Source: http://www.bnet.com/article/the-right-way-to-brainstorm/68480

  • In the invitation to the brainstorm, the facilitator can also encourage

    participants to bring objects.

    Source: http://www.fastcompany.com/articles/2001/03/kelley.html?page=0,1

  • Step # 5Communicatevalues of the brainstorm

  • Conformity











    ExperimentationOpenness Community



  • Encourage wild ideas


  • Remain open to even the most outrageous - or stupidest - ideas.

    Source: http://www.bnet.com/article/the-right-way-to-brainstorm/68480

  • Sourcehttp://innovtoday.wordpress.com/2010/01/27/lead-brainstorming-by-taking-the-ridicule/

    If, as a leader, you want brainstorming to generate truly novel outside-the-box ideas,why not lead brainstorming by example and come up with the craziest possible ideas?

  • No criticism or negative judgmentsare allowed.

    The person who critizes ideas willpay for coffee after the brainstorm.


  • The facilitator encourages participants tobuild on ideas of the other participants.

    For example, combine 2 ideas to create an even better idea.


  • No distractions. No interruptions.

    No coming and going duringthe brainstorm session.

    Source: http://www.ideachampions.com/weblogs/archives/2011/01/most_people_thi.shtml

  • The power of group brainstorming comes from creating a safe place where people with different ideas can share, blend, and extend their diverse knowledge.

    Source: http://www.businessweek.com/innovate/content/jul2006/id20060726_517774.htm

  • The right use of humor is a great way to help people tap into their right brains

    Source: http://www.ideachampions.com/weblogs/archives/2010/04/right_ways_of_w.shtml

  • Step # 6Define the goal

    of the brainstorm

  • The goal of this brainstorming session is for you to come up with as at least

    x ideas that answer the question.


  • Go for a quantity of ideas.

    Let go of perfectionism.


  • Step # 7Idea


  • Please write only1 idea per post-it note.

  • Nothing gets an idea across faster than drawing it. Doesnt matter how terrible of a sketcher you are.


  • The facilitator puts up all ideas on the wall and categorizes the ideas.

  • Step # 8Choose high

    potential ideas

  • Each person has 3 ticks he/she can use to pick out 1 or more ideas, he/she sees as high potential ideas.

  • 2 criteria when picking high potential ideas


    Criteria AWill the idea create value for customers?

    Criteria BCan the idea be implemented with relatively low costs?

  • The facilitator removes all not high potential ideas.

  • Step # 9Participants

    choose tasksSourcehttp://www.business-strategy-innovation.com/wordpress/2010/06/ideation-dos-and-donts/

  • Implementation is the name of the game.

    Before you let people go, clarify next steps, who's doing what and by when.

    Source: http://www.ideachampions.com/weblogs/archives/2011/01/most_people_thi.shtml

  • Tasks are chosen, not assignedThe Web is an opt-in economy. Whether contributing to a blog, working on an open source project, or sharing advice in a forum, people choose to work on the things that interest them. Everyone is an independent contractor, and everyone scratches their own itch.

    SourceHamel, Gary: The Facebook Generation vs. the Fortune 500.http://blogs.wsj.com/management/2009/03/24/the-facebook-generation-vs-the-fortune-500/