To describethedevelopment of two student groups: IHI Open School and theStudents for Interprofessional Education (SIPE) at TheUniversity of Iowa. To illustratetheinfusion of IHIand IPEprinciples into SIPE’s mission statement, vision statement, and values. To highlight key student events and show how events integrated IHI principles into student learning activities. Early 2012:Two UIstudents (from medicineand public health) start achapter of IHI Open School at The University of Iowa. Fall 2012: TheseIHI student representatives, along with student leaders from theColleges of Pharmacy, Nursing and Dentistry,arerecruited byThe University of Iowa’s (UI) Interprofessional Education (IPE) Steering Committeeto develop a student group called Students for Interprofessional Education (SIPE). 12 students from 6 professional schools form aboard and createaSIPE constitution as part of theformal application to become a UIstudent organization. February2013: SIPEbecome an officialUI student organization March 2013: SIPEholds its first event, an interactive case simulation Membership Integrating Vision, Mission, Values Students Integrating Principles of IHI with Interprofessional Education Kirstin Manges RN 1 , Hayley Wittnebel 2 , Nicholas Andresen BA 3 , David Quach 2 , Pallavi Yadav 4 1 The University of Iowa Collegeof Nursing, 2 TheUn iversity of Iowa College of Pharmac y, 3 Univers ity of IowaCarver Co llegeof Medicine,4 The Universityof Iowa Coll ege of PublicHealth Storyboard Objectives Pediatric Interprofessional Case Study Geriatric Case Study Fire In the Blood Movie Showing D es c ription: An interprofes s ional viewing and discussion of Fire in the Blood, a documentary about access to HIV medications in Africa. Following the movie, faculty facilitators led interprofes s ional, small group discussions to encourage dialogue between students of different health science professions. Student thoughts on how we should guide our interactions with pharmaceutical companies to create a healthcare system that is patient centered was also debated. IHI Related Values: Systems Redesign, People Matter, Inclusiveness and Diversity, Honesty and Transparency Attendanc e: 45 Students and Faculty Members Lessons Learned: Challenging conflicts exist within aspects of the healthcare field such as economics, morality, and politics. A c onc erted effort between the different health profes s ions mus t take place in order to provide optimal patient care. Health care professionals have roles other than providing care; they must also empower others and promote changes to address health disparities. D es c ription: This interactive case study followed “Delores” an 86 year old retired school teacher as she is admitted to the hospital for dehydration and altered mental s tatus . Activities were designed to simulate the challenges that vision impairment and arthritis pose to many aging patients like Delores . As the cas e s tudy unfolded, s tudents identified many s afety concerns (i.e., fall risk, care coordination, medication reconciliation) and dis c us s ed interprofes s ional s olutions . IHI Related Values: Boundarilessness and One Team; People Matter; Inclusiveness and Diversity; Celebration and Thankfulness Attendanc e: 56 Students , 20 Faculty Lessons Learned: Caring for the geriatric patient population presents special challenges that do not exist within other patient groups Collaboration between various professionals proved to us to be the best way to care for patients such as Delores Working in teams showed us how different points of view can truly provide optimal patient care for our future patients Our group c urrently is c omprised of students from 6 different health professional schools at the University of Iowa: Dentis try Medicine N urs ing Pharmacy Physical Therapy Public Health Physician Assistant Recreation Therapy Speech and Language Pathology University of Iowa Interprofes s ional Education V i si o n In terp ro fessio n al ed u catio n at Th e Un i versi ty o f Io wa wi l l pro mote an i n sti tu ti o n al cul tu re,l earn i n g en viro n men t an d in frastru ctu re that p ro d u ce grad u ates reco gn ized fo r th ei r ab i l i ty to effecti vel y en gage as co l l ab o rati ve team memb ers i n h eal th care setti n gs. M i ssi o n To p ro mo te excellen ce in ed u catio n al p rep aratio n an d p racti ce i n p reven ti o n , wel l n ess, an d h ealth care th ro u gh teama b ased , in terp ro fessio n al co l l ab o rati ve l earn i n g exp eri en ces. Val u e s Learn in g R esp ect In n o vati o n C o l l ab o rati o n En gagemen t Excel l en ce Group History Students for InterprofessionalEducation Vision Better Teams for better c are Mission Learn with, about, and from each other to create patient a centered care and improvethe future of healthcare Empower s tudents to leadin educationtodayand health c are tomorrow Provide opportunities for interprofes sionalnetworki ng and education Values Teamwork Patient centered care Communic ation Respect Inclusiveness Ins titute for H ealthc are Improvement V i si o n Everyo n e h as th e b est care an d h eal th p o ssi b l e M i ssi o n Imp ro ve h ealth an d h ealth care wo rl d wi d e. Th e mi ssi o n o f th e IHI Op en Sch o o l is to ad van ce h eal th care i mp ro vemen t an d p ati en t safety co mp eten cies in th e n ext gen erati o n o f h ealth p ro fessi o n al s wo rl d wi d e. Val u e s Bo u n d arilessn ess an d On e Team Systems Di rect Ou r M i ssi o n P eo p le M atter In cl u si ven ess an d Di versi ty Ho n esty an d Tran sp aren cy V i si o n an d A gi l i ty C eleb ratio n an d Th an kfu ln ess Activities Values and goals of both IHIOpen School and IPEare reflected through activities such as: Highlights of Student Led Learning Activities o Holdingmonthlymeetings o Collaboratingwith other student groups on interdisciplinary learning opportunities o CompletingIHI modules o Assistingwith theUI interprofessionalcoursefor first year health profession students o Hosting5 case studyevents,2 national speakers, and 2 film screenings and discussions 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Fal l 2012 Sp ri n g 2013 Fal l 2013 Sp ri n g 2014 Fal l 2014 Nu mb er o f Stu d en ts SIPE Membership 2012a2014 SIPE L EADERSHIP BO ARD FO UNDED CO N STITU TION APPROVED BY UI IN TERACTIVE G ERIATRIC CASE STUDY ER PHARMACU ETICAL AN D PAIN CASE STUDY G U EST IPE SPEAKER ESCAPE FIRE SHO W ING AN D DISCUSSION ASSISTED W ITH FIRSTaYEAR IPECOURSE PEDIATRICS CASE STU DY ON TEAMaBASED CARE SPEAKER DR. BARBARA BRAN DT IN TERN AL MEDICIN E ETHICS DISCUSSION IPE PIL O T CO URSE FO CUSG ROUPS IHI MO DU LE " SU MMERBO OT CAMP" O N PATIENT SAFETY FIRE IN THE BL O OD SHO WING AN D DISCUSSION ASSISTED W ITH FIRSTaYEAR IPECOURSE G ERIATRIC CASE STUDY " BAD AD" CAMPAIG N CASE STUDY SepK12 OctK12 NovK12 DecK12 JanK13 FebK13 MarK13 AprK13 MayK13 JunK13 JulK13 AugK13 SepK13 OctK13 NovK13 DecK13 JanK14 FebK14 MarK14 AprK14 MayK14 JunK14 JulK14 AugK14 SepK14 OctK14 D es c ription: Nursing, physician assistant, physical therapy, social work, pharmacy, and Child Life professionals talked briefly about their involvement in this case, emphas iz ing how their work contributes to the overall care plan. A panel of the s peakers ans wered ques tions from the audience following the case presentation. IHI Related Values: Boundarilessness & One Team, People Matter, Vision & Agility Attendanc e: 40 Students Lessons Learned: Child life specialists and social workers played a specific role in this particular pediatric case. They are not currently a part of our organiz ation but play a significant role in patient centered care. We learned that being healthy is not just the absence of disease but also encompasses physical, mental, social and financial wellabeing. We heard real examples of provider collaboration to make the optimal decision in the patient’s favor to provide safe and effective health care. Listening to the professionals, we observed the benefits of open communication and willingness to modify patient care plans in response to team member’s ideas and suggestions.

7:00 pm, Tuesday, September 2, 2014 1110A MERF FREE ...reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact SIPE in advance at 319-471-2652. This film has

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Page 1: 7:00 pm, Tuesday, September 2, 2014 1110A MERF FREE ...reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact SIPE in advance at 319-471-2652. This film has

• To#describe#the#development# of #two#student#groups:##IHI#Open#School#and#the#Students#for#Interprofessional#Education#(SIPE) #at#The#University# of #Iowa.

• To#illustrate#the#infusion#of #IHI#and#IPE#principles#into#SIPE’s# mission#statement,#vision#statement,#and#values.#

• To#highlight#key# student#events#and#show#how#events#integrated#IHI# principles#into#student#learning#activities.#

• Early# 2012:#Two#UI#students#( from#medicine#and#public#health) #start#a#chapter#of #IHI#Open#School#at#The#University# of #Iowa.#

• Fall# 2012:##These#IHI# student#representatives,#along# with#student#leaders#from#the#Colleges#of #Pharmacy,#Nursing#and#Dentistry,#are#recruited#by#The# University# of #Iowa’s#(UI) #Interprofessional#Education#( IPE) #Steering#Committee#to#develop#a# student#group#called#Students#for#Interprofessional#Education#(SIPE) .# 12#students#from#6#professional#schools#form#a#board#and#create#a#SIPE#constitution#as#part#of #the#formal#application#to#become#a# UI#student#organization.

• February#2013:##SIPE#become# an#off icial#UI# student#organization

• March#2013:##SIPE#holds#its#f irst#event,#an#interactive#case# simulation


Integrating/ Vision,/Mission,/Values

Students/Integrating/Principles/of/IHI/with/Interprofessional Education/

Kirstin#Manges RN1,#Hayley#Wittnebel2,#Nicholas#Andresen#BA3,#David#Quach2,#Pallavi Yadav4

1 The#Univers ity#of#Iowa#College#of#Nurs ing,#2 The#University#of#Iowa#College#of#Pharmacy,#3 Univers ity#of#Iowa#Carver#College#of#Medicine,#4 The#Univers ity#of#Iowa#College#of#Public#Health#

Storyboard/ Objectives

Pediatric/Interprofessional/Case/Study Geriatric/ Case/Study Fire/In/the/Blood/Movie/Showing

Description:/• An# interprofess ional# viewing# and# discuss ion#of#Fire# in#the# Blood,# a#

documentary# about# access #to#HIV# medications # in# Africa.# #

• Following# the# movie,# faculty#facilitators # led#interprofess ional,# small#group# discuss ions #to# encourage# dialogue# between# s tudents # of#different#health# science#profess ions .# #Student# thoughts # on#how# we#should# guide#our# interactions # with# pharmaceutical# companies # to#create# a# healthcare#system#that# is #patient# centered# was #also#debated.#

IH I/Related/ Values:/• Systems#Redes ign,# People# Matter,# Inclus iveness #and# Divers ity,# Honesty#

and# Transparency#

Attendance:/• 45#Students # and#Faculty# Members #


• Challenging# conflicts # exis t#within# aspects #of# the# healthcare# field# such#as #economics ,# morality,# and# politics .

• A concerted# effort# between# the#different# health# profess ions # must# take#place#in# order# to# provide# optimal# patient# care.

• Health# care#profess ionals # have# roles #other# than# providing# care;# they#must# also#empower# others # and# promote# changes #to# address #health#disparities .#


• This #interactive# case#s tudy#followed# “Delores”# an# 86#year# old#retired# school#teacher# as #she#is #admitted# to# the# hospital# for#dehydration# and# altered# mental# s tatus .

• Activities # were# des igned# to#s imulate# the# challenges # that# vis ion#impairment# and#arthritis # pose#to# many# aging#patients # like#Delores .#

• As #the# case#s tudy#unfolded,# s tudents # identified# many# safety#concerns # (i.e.,#fall# risk,#care#coordination,# medication#reconciliation)# and# discussed#interprofess ional# solutions .#

IH I/Related/ Values:/• Boundarilessness # and# One#Team;# People# Matter;# Inclus iveness #

and# Divers ity;# Celebration# and# Thankfulness

Attendance:• 56#Students ,# 20#Faculty#

Lessons/Learned:• Caring# for# the# geriatric# patient# population# presents # special#

challenges #that# do#not# exis t#within# other# patient# groups• Collaboration# between# various # profess ionals # proved# to# us #to#be#

the# best#way#to# care#for# patients # such#as #Delores• Working# in#teams# showed#us #how# different# points # of# view#can#

truly# provide# optimal# patient# care#for# our# future# patients

• Our#group#currently#is# comprised#of#students#from#6#different#health#professional# schools#at#the#University#of#Iowa:• Dentis try• Medicine• Nurs ing• Pharmacy• Phys ical#Therapy• Public# Health• Phys ician#Ass is tant• Recreation# Therapy• Speech# and#Language# Pathology

Univers ity/ of/ Iowa/Interprofess ional Education

Vision • In terp ro fessional #edu cation#at#The#Un iversi ty#o f# Iowa#wi l l #promote#an #in sti tu tional # cul tu re,#learn in g#en vi ronmen t and # in frastru ctu re# that#p rodu ce#graduates# recogn ized # fo r#th ei r#ab i l i ty# to #effectively#en gage#as#co l labo rative# team#members# in #h eal th care#settin gs.

Mission • To #p romo te#excel len ce# in #edu cational #p reparation # and #p ractice# in #p reven tion ,#wel ln ess, #and #h eal th care# th rough # teamabased ,# in terp ro fessional #co l labo rative# learn in g#experien ces.

Value s • Learn in g#• Respect• In novation• Co l labo ration #• Engagemen t• Excel len ce#



Vis ion • Better#Teams#for#better#care#

Miss ion • Learn#with,#about,#and#from#each other#to#create#patientacentered#care#and#improve#the#future#of#healthcare#

• Empower#s tudents #to#lead#in#education#today#and#health#care#tomorrow

• Provide#opportunities #for#interprofessional#networking#and#education#

Values • Teamwork• Patient#centered#care• Communication• Respect• Inclus iveness#

Institute/ /for/ Healthcare/Improvement

Vision • Everyone# h as# th e#b est# care# and #h eal th #po ssib le

Mission • Imp rove# h eal th #and #h eal th #care#wo rldwide. The#mission #o f# th e#IHI#Open #Schoo l # i s# to #ad van ce#h eal th #care# imp rovemen t# and #p atien t# safety# competen cies# in #th e#n ext# generation # o f#h eal th #p ro fessionals#wo rldwide.

Value s • Boundari lessness# and #One#Team• Systems# Direct# Ou r#M ission• Peop le#Matter• In clu siveness# and #Diversi ty• Honesty# and #Tran sparen cy#• Vision #and #Agi l i ty• Celeb ration #and #Thankfu ln ess

FIRE IN THE BLOOD: A documentary about Western pharmaceutical companies and governments that aggressively blocked access to low-cost AIDS drugs for African countries and the global south after 1996 - causing ten million or more unnecessary deaths - and the improbable group of people who decided to fight back. A film by Dylan Mohan Gray, narrated by William Hurt

7:00 pm, Tuesday, September 2, 2014 1110A MERF FREE Admission

Discussion & Ice Cream Social Following

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact SIPE in advance at 319-471-2652. This film has captioning available.

putting patients before profits through interprofessional collaboration


• Values#and#goals# of #both#IHI#Open#School#and#IPE#are#ref lected#through#activities#such#as:


Figu re.#Membersh ip #growth #from#201 2#to #20 14#

o Holding#monthly#meetingso Collaborating#with#other#student#

groups#on#interdisciplinary#learning# opportunities#

o Completing#IHI# modules#o Assisting#with#the#UI#

interprofessional#course#for#f irst#year# health#profession#students

o Hosting#5#case# study#events,#2 #national#speakers,# and#2#f ilm#screenings# and#discussions

0102 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0

1 0 0

Fal l #2 0 1 2

Sp rin g#2 0 1 3

Fal l #2 0 1 3

Sp rin g#2 0 1 4

Fal l #2 0 1 4


















SepK12 OctK12 NovK12 DecK12 JanK13 FebK13 MarK13 AprK13 MayK13 JunK13 JulK13 AugK13 SepK13 OctK13 NovK13 DecK13 JanK14 FebK14 MarK14 AprK14 MayK14 JunK14 JulK14 AugK14 SepK14 OctK14

Description:/• Nurs ing,# phys ician#ass is tant,#phys ical#therapy,# social#work,# pharmacy,# and#Child# Life#profess ionals # talked# briefly# about# their# involvement# in# this #case,#emphas iz ing# how# their# work# contributes # to#the# overall# care# plan.##

• A#panel# of# the# speakers #answered# questions # from# the#audience# following# the#case#presentation.

IH I/Related/ Values:• Boundarilessness &#One# Team,#People# Matter,# Vis ion# &#Agility


• 40#Students

Lessons/Learned:• Child# life#specialis ts #and# social#workers #played# a#specific#role# in#this #

particular# pediatric# case.##They# are#not# currently# a#part# of#our# organization#but# play#a#s ignificant# role# in#patient# centered# care.# #

• We#learned# that# being# healthy# is #not# just#the# absence# of#disease#but# also#encompasses # phys ical,#mental,# social#and#financial# wellabeing.

• We#heard# real# examples #of# provider# collaboration# to#make# the# optimal#decis ion#in# the# patient’s # favor# to#provide# safe#and#effective# health# care.

• Lis tening# to#the# profess ionals ,# we#observed# the# benefits # of#open#communication# and# willingness #to# modify# patient# care#plans #in# response# to#team# member’s # ideas #and# suggestions .