724 Ackner, Lord Regent Hotels (UK) Ltd v. Pageguide Ltd (1985), 539 ‘The Simona’ (1989), 485, 508 Walford v. Miles (1992), 19–20, 26 Aikens J Harper v. Interchange Group Ltd, 400 Statoil ASA v. Louis Dreyfus Energy Services LP (‘The Harriette N’) (2008), 82, 86, 292 Trident Turboprop (Dublin) Ltd v. First Flight Couriers (2008), 16, 269 Alderson, Baron, 525, 560 Hadley v. Baxendale (1854), 659 American Law Institute, 665, 668 Andrews, Neil, 211, 212 arbitration agreements, 636 arbitration clauses, 99, 215–16, 264, 349, 351 Arden LJ, 147, 410–11 Collier v. P & MJ Wright (Holdings) Ltd (2007), 156, 158 Devenish Nutrition Ltd v. Sanofi-Anetis SA (2008), 590, 595 Egan v. Static Control Components (Europe) Ltd, 393 Grand Metropolitan plc v. William Hill Group (1997), 394–5, 420, 411 Square Mile Partnership Ltd v. Fitzmaurice McCall Ltd (2006), 393 Asquith LJ Combe v. Combe (1951), 129 Victoria Laundry (1949), 560 assignment, 225–32 assignment of patents and copyright, 228 distinction from other doctrines, 231–2 effects of, 226 equitable assignment, 225, 228 extent of the assigned right, 228–30 damages, 229–30 modes of, 227–8 and negotiable instruments, 231 no assignment of duties, 226–7 and vicarious performance, 226 non-assignable rights, 225, 230–1 and novation, 231 and revocable mandate, 232 statutory assignment, 225, 227 and third party beneficiary rights, 231 Atkin, Lord, 175 Arcos v. Ronaasen (1933), 503 Balfour v. Balfour (1919), 175–6 Bell v. Lever Bros Ltd (1932), 84, 85, 271, 280–1, 282, 284, 290 Cellulose Acetate Silk Co. Ltd v. Widnes Foundry (1925) Ltd (1933), 609, 610 Bailhache J, Wall v. Rederiaktiebolaget Luggud (1915), 610 Ball, S., 22 bargains and consideration, 125, 183 inequality of bargaining power, 308, 340–1, 606 judicial desire to uphold, 90 substantive unfairness, 339–40 Barry J, William Lacey (Hounslow) Ltd v. Davis (1957), 347 Beatson, J., 456 Benjamin, 503 Berg, A., 28–30, 392–3, 663 Bigwood, R., 243, 318, 322 Bingham LJ, 14, 166, 372, 421–2 Blackpool and Fylde Aero Club v. Blackpool BC (1990), 73 Customs & Excise Commissioners v. Barclays Bank plc (2006), 128–9 Director General of Fair Trading v. First National Bank plc (2002), 439, 440–1, 662 Interfoto v. Stiletto (1989), 660–1 Philips Electronique Grand Publique SA v. British Sky Broadcasting Ltd (1995), 372 ‘The Super Servant Two’ (1990), 463, 465 Walford v. Miles (1992), 25 Index www.cambridge.org © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-12467-6 - Contract Law Neil Andrews Index More information

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Ackner, Lord Regent Hotels (UK) Ltd v. Pageguide Ltd (1985),

539‘The Simona’ (1989), 485, 508Walford v. Miles (1992), 19–20, 26

Aikens J Harper v. Interchange Group Ltd, 400Statoil ASA v. Louis Dreyfus Energy Services LP

(‘The Harriette N’) (2008), 82, 86, 292Trident Turboprop (Dublin) Ltd v. First Flight

Couriers (2008), 16, 269Alderson, Baron, 525, 560

Hadley v. Baxendale (1854), 659American Law Institute, 665, 668Andrews, Neil, 211, 212arbitration agreements, 636arbitration clauses, 99, 215–16, 264, 349, 351Arden LJ, 147, 410–11

Collier v. P & MJ Wright (Holdings) Ltd (2007), 156, 158

Devenish Nutrition Ltd v. Sanofi-Anetis SA (2008), 590, 595

Egan v. Static Control Components (Europe) Ltd, 393Grand Metropolitan plc v. William Hill Group

(1997), 394–5, 420, 411Square Mile Partnership Ltd v. Fitzmaurice

McCall Ltd (2006), 393Asquith LJ

Combe v. Combe (1951), 129Victoria Laundry (1949), 560

assignment, 225–32assignment of patents and copyright, 228distinction from other doctrines, 231–2effects of, 226equitable assignment, 225, 228extent of the assigned right, 228–30

damages, 229–30modes of, 227–8and negotiable instruments, 231no assignment of duties, 226–7

and vicarious performance, 226non-assignable rights, 225, 230–1and novation, 231and revocable mandate, 232statutory assignment, 225, 227and third party beneficiary rights, 231

Atkin, Lord, 175Arcos v. Ronaasen (1933), 503Balfour v. Balfour (1919), 175–6Bell v. Lever Bros Ltd (1932), 84, 85, 271, 280–1,

282, 284, 290Cellulose Acetate Silk Co. Ltd v. Widnes Foundry

(1925) Ltd (1933), 609, 610

Bailhache J, Wall v. Rederiaktiebolaget Luggud (1915), 610

Ball, S., 22bargains

and consideration, 125, 183inequality of bargaining power, 308, 340–1, 606judicial desire to uphold, 90substantive unfairness, 339–40

Barry J, William Lacey (Hounslow) Ltd v. Davis (1957), 347

Beatson, J., 456Benjamin, 503Berg, A., 28–30, 392–3, 663Bigwood, R., 243, 318, 322Bingham LJ, 14, 166, 372, 421–2

Blackpool and Fylde Aero Club v. Blackpool BC (1990), 73

Customs & Excise Commissioners v. Barclays Bank plc (2006), 128–9

Director General of Fair Trading v. First National Bank plc (2002), 439, 440–1, 662

Interfoto v. Stiletto (1989), 660–1Philips Electronique Grand Publique SA v. British

Sky Broadcasting Ltd (1995), 372‘The Super Servant Two’ (1990), 463, 465Walford v. Miles (1992), 25


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725 Index

Birks, P. B. H., 312, 324, 589Blackburn, Lord, 245

Foakes v. Beer (1884), 147Smith v. Hughes (1871), 84Taylor v. Caldwell (1863), 377, 448, 449

Blair J, Styrdon v. Vendside Ltd (2009), 363Blake principle, 520–1Blanesburgh, Lord, Bell v. Lever Bros Ltd (1932),

283, 284–5Bowen LJ

Carlill v. Carbolic Smoke Ball Co. (1893), 67, 68‘The Moorcock’ (1889), 361–4Re Casey’s Patents (1892), 132–3Smith v. Land and House Property Co. (1884),

239Bowsher J, Pegler Ltd v. Wang (UK) Ltd (2000), 436Bramwell J

Boulton v. Jones (1857), 304Household Fire Insurance Co. v. Grant (1879), 56

Branson J, Warner Bros Pictures Inc. v. Nelson (1957), 533

breach of contract, 8, 127, 253, 475–515anticipatory breach, 485–8

attempted, 519impossibility of culpable self-inducement,

486–8rights of the innocent party, 488by stating unwillingness to perform, 485–6

breach of condition or breach of warranty, 502conditions (promissory obligations), 476

‘condition’ not always used in a technical sense, 493–4

courts’ construal of, 476downgrading of conditions, 494–5general construction of the contract, 492–3importance of timing, 499intermediate or innominate terms, 499–501interpretation to avoid an unreasonable result,

495–6judicial decisions on, 491–2parties agree that a term is a condition, 492repetitive breach in continuing contracts, 505statutory control in commercial sales, 502–4termination clauses, 497terms construed as conditions, 492when a term is a condition, 491–3

consensual remedies for, 599–617deposits, 612–17penalty doctrine, 601–11relief against forfeiture of money instalments,

612definition, 475

the entire obligation rule, 513–15express right to terminate, 479–82forms of, 476

anticipatory breach, 476, 477bad performance, 478breach by non-feasance or misfeasance, 476breach of promise not to act, 479deliberate breach, 484dilatory performance, 476, 478explicit anticipatory breach, 478inaction or ‘no-show’ on the day of

performance, 478inferred anticipatory breach, 478renunciation, 479renunciation on the day of performance, 476,

477repudiation of performance, 478repudiatory breach, 479, 480, 524rights of the innocent party, 479–82

implied rights to cancel, 479–82judicial remedies for. see judicial remedies for

breach of contract, 519–97jurisdiction of, 506liquidated damages and deposits, 599–617mistake and, 279penalty doctrine, 599, 601–11process of termination for breach, 507–10

decision effected by conduct or silence, 509–10equivocal exercise of the right to terminate,

509new opportunity to terminate, 509rights of the innocent party, 507

and rescission for misrepresentation, 263–5relief against forfeiture of proprietary or

possessory interests, 505–7remedies available, 8, 519–97, 599–617remoteness and ‘scope of duty’ tests, 566–8renunciation on the day of performance, 488–90

invocation of a wrong reason, 488mistaken but good faith statement that non-

performance is justified, 488–90right to cancel without breach, 479–82and the right to refuse performance, 477, 482rights of the innocent party, 476, 479–82

binding nature of election, 508need to pause for thought, 509no third choice, 508nominal or substantial damages, 484restricted entitlement to terminate, 484–5right to elect, 477, 507, 524

strict or non-strict obligations, 482–4termination for, 477, 485, 490–505, 510–13

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termination of contracts of indefinite duration classification of promissory terms, 491–2construction of the contract, 492–3rights of the innocent party, 492a term is construed as a condition, 492when a term is a condition, 491–3

Bridge, Michael, 526Bridge, Lord

Butler Machine Tool Co. Ltd v. Ex-Cell-O Corporation (England) Ltd (1979), 60

Chartbrook Ltd v. Persimmon Homes Ltd (2009), 396, 414, 415

Howard Marine and Dredging Co. Ltd v. A. Ogden & Sons (Excavations) Ltd (1978), 258

Scally v. Southern Health Board (1992), 360–1, 375

Bridlington Agreement, 366Briggs J, 395

Chartbrook Ltd v. Persimmon Homes Ltd (2009), 402

Brightman J Hart v. O’Connor, 339Overbrooke Estates v. Glencombe Properties Ltd,

266Wrotham Park case, 592

Brown, Sir Stephen P, Taylor v. Bhail (1996), 642Brown LJ, Simon, Economides v. Commercial Union

Assurance Co. plc (1998), 240Browne-Wilkinson, Lord

CIBC Mortgages plc v. Pitt (1994), 322, 325Coral Leisure Group Ltd v. Barnett (1981), 631Johnstone v. Bloomsbury Health Authority (1992),

375Multiservice Bookbinding Ltd v. Marden (1979),

334Nash v. Halifax Building Society (1979), 628Panatown case (2001), 201, 202Smith New Court case, (1997), 254–5, 257–8Swiss Bank Corporation v. Lloyd’s Bank Ltd

(1979), 222Brownsword, R., 664Buckley LJ

ASLEF case (1972), 359Bankers Insurance Co. Ltd v. South (2003), 441Thomas Bates Ltd v. Wyndham’s (Lingerie) Ltd

(1981), 414Buckmaster, Lord, May & Butcher v. R (1934), 99Burrows, Andrew

contributory negligence, 584, 585cost of cure, 203damages, 524, 526, 556, 570

distinction between common law and equity, 12duress, 308, 318injunctions, 537interpretation of written contracts, 387, 401liquidated damages, 609, 610mitigation principle, 580offer and acceptance, 56restitution, 23, 594Rice case, 498specific performance, 531, 532, 536third party rights, 212unilateral errors, 413

Burton J Durham v. BAI (Run Off) Ltd (2008), 166–7M & J Polymers Ltd v. Imerys Minerals Ltd

(2008), 605, 606Stocznia Gdynia SA v. Gearbulk Holdings Ltd

(2009), 480business efficacy test, 354, 361–4, 365, 371, 479

assessment of, 363–4illustrations, 362–3

Buxton LJ, 590Irvani v. Irvani (2000), 337, 338Murray v. Leisureplay plc (2005), 606

Cairns LC, Lord Bolton v. Mahadeva (1972), 515Cundy v. Lindsay (1878), 297, 303Hughes v. Metropolitan Railway (1871), 154

Cantley J, Bacon v. Cooper (Metals) Ltd (1982), 400-2, 581

Capper, D., 322, 335, 336, 337Cardozo, Benjamin, 391Carnwath LJ

KPMG LLP v. Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd, 402

Midill (97PL) Ltd v. Park Lane Estates Ltd and Gomba International (2008), 615–16

Cartwright, J., 241, 243, 669certainty, 8, 79, 89–113, 252, 664

and agreements already substantially settled, 92compromise agreements, 110contracts for regular supply of goods, 101–4and courts’ regulation of parties’ entitlements

and obligations, 94–5establishing price in contracts for the sale of

goods, 98–110parties manifesting an intention to displace a

contract provision, 104–10substantial dealings for regular supply of

goods, 101–4and freedom of contract, 90

breach of contract (cont.)

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and the intent to create legal relations, 90, 96–8and the need for objective guidelines for

adjudication, 91–2negotiation exclusively reserved to the parties,

111no specific performance of vague clauses,

112–13objective criteria for recognition of contractual

rights, 93–6and parties’ right to determine the agreement,

92and supposed agreements already partly

performed, 92third party resolution of terms, 111–12

Chadwick LJ BCCI v. Ali (2000), 86EA Grimstead & Son Ltd v. McGarrigan

(1988–99), 267Euro London Appointments Ltd v. Claessens

International Ltd (2006), 605Peekay Intermark Ltd v. Australia and New

Zealand Banking Group Ltd (2006), 268Watford Electronics v. Sanderson CFL Ltd (2001),

267, 268, 269, 433–4WWF-World Wide Fund for Nature v. World

Wrestling Federation Entertainment Inc. (‘No. 2’) (2007), 593–4

Chen-Wishart, M., 498Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston, 56Chin, N. Y., 312, 324civil law jurisdictions, 20, 126, 396, 660Civil Procedure Rules, 34, 52, 393, 666Clark J, Thames Valley Power Ltd v. Total Gas &

Power Ltd (2005), 35Clarke, Christopher J

Birmingham City v. Forde (2009), 131, 143British Steel Corporation v. Cleveland Bridge and

Engineering Co. (1984), 106–8RTS Flexible Systems Ltd v. Molkerei Alois Müller

GmbH (2009), 105, 106Clarke MR, Sir Anthony (now Lord Clarke)

Assicurazioni Generali SpA v. Arab Insurance Group (BSC) (2003), 246, 247, 272

Associated British Ports v. Ferryways NV (2009), 180, 348

Dolphin Maritime & Aviation Services Ltd v. Sveriges Angfartygs Assurans Foening (2009), 209

Mediterranean Salvage & Towage Ltd case (2009), 372, 373

Platform Funding Ltd v. Bank of Scotland plc (2008), 483

RTS Flexible Systems Ltd v. Molkerei Alois Müller GmbH (2009), 43–4

Clauson J, With v. O’Flanagan (1936), 242, 244Clive, Eric, 398, 655Clyde, Lord

Panatown case (2001), 201, 202Royal Bank of Scotland v. Etridge (No. 2)

(2002), 325Cockburn J, Frost v. Knight (1872), 486codification, 665–72

nature and benefits of, 665–6Coke, Lord, Pinnel’s Case (1602), 149Collins, Hugh, 14, 651, 663, 665Collins LJ, Lawrence

Chartbrook Ltd v. Persimmon Homes Ltd (2009), 396, 397, 399

Conlon v. Simms (2006), 272James Hay case (2005), 412Michael Wilson & Partners Ltd v. Emmott

(2008), 358Sigma case, 393–4

Colman J Cable & Wireless plc v. IBM UK (2002), 29, 34,

348, 595–6JSC Zestafoni G Nikoladze Ferroalloy Plant v.

Ronly Holdings Ltd (2004) 5, 51Lordsvale case, 608Nisshin Shipping Co. Ltd v. Cleaves & Co. Ltd

(2004), 197, 208, 216South Caribbean Trading v. Trafigura Beheer BV

(2004), 146Commercial Court, 671Common Frame of Reference, 4common law, 669

assumption of responsibility, 258codification of, 667–8consideration, 126decision-making process, 668doctrines of

consideration, 13duress, 12illegality, 621mistake, 12non est factum, 315

dominance of case law, 669–70and equity, 12–13and exclusion clauses, 217–18, 419–20, 425–6fundamental mistake, 279, 294–5international code of, 671joint promisees, 194–5penalty doctrine, 601–11privity of contract, 190–4

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remedies for breach of contract, 12account of profits, 12injunctions, 12specific performance, 12

right to terminate for repudiatory breach, 480rules of, 13shared mistake, 280–8

conditional fee agreements, 636confidentiality, 358consideration, 8, 117–69, 654

adequacy of, 130–1child maintenance cases, 135–7compromises, 131decreasing pacts, 119, 138

accelerated payment, 149accelerated payment at creditor’s request, 149Common law rule on, 146–53debt is disputed in good faith, 150fresh consideration, 149–50, 151interim or final, 138objections to the common law rule, 147–9part-payment by a third party, 149–50part-payment by cheque, 150–1practical benefits, 147promissory estoppel, 153–62proprietary estoppel, 162–5summary, 161–2waiver and forbearance, 153

doctrine of, 125–9functions of, 126, 127

elements of, 129–31formality, 121–5function of, 192gratuitous promises to reduce the level of a

debt, 119position in equity, 119

increasing pacts, 118, 119, 138, 139–46interim or final, 138practical benefits, 142–6

and intent to create legal relations, 183and ‘just price’, 117, 131liability in tort for negligence, 127–9‘marriage consideration’, 127nature of, 117past consideration, 118, 131–3pre-existing duty owed to a third party, 118, 137pre-existing statutory or public duty, 118, 133–7promises to pay more for the same performance,

119reliance, 158in the ‘soft law’ codes, 654

sufficient reliance, 158and the variation of contract, 138–9and variation of contracts, 118

Contract Code (draft), 667contract law, 13

accessibility in a global market, 670–2assignment, 225–32breach of contract, 8, 127, 253, 475–515

consensual remedies, 599–617judicial remedies, 519–97

certainty, 8, 79, 89–113, 341characteristics of English, 3–6common law and equity, 12–13consideration, 8, 117–69contexts where statute and common law

intertwine, 666contexts where statute predominates, 666doctrines of, 10, 664

breach of contract, 8frustration, 9implied terms, 8mistake, 8privity of contract, 9substantial performance, 514

dominance of case law, 666problems with the case law technique,

668–9duress, undue influence and unconscionability,

307–41estoppel, 117–69and EU law, 14, 438, 670exclusion clauses, 419–42exercise of reasonable care, 10freedom of contract, 6–7frustration, 9, 445–73and good faith, 13–14illegality and public policy, 621–45implied terms, 353–77intent to create legal relations, 8, 171–84interpretation and rectification of written

contracts, 379–417misrepresentation, 235–73mistake, 8, 275–304the objective principle, 7offer and acceptance, 8, 37–87precision of, 5pre-contractual phase, 19–35predictability, 79, 317, 664principles of, 4privity of contract, 188and restitution, 11–12rules and principles, 4

common law (cont.)

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distinction between, 5exceptions, 4

and the ‘soft law’ codes, 652–9stability of, 291and supra-national courts, 665

terms, 345–51and third parties, 187–223

and tort law, 569–70contracts

acceleration clauses, 608agreements ‘subject to contract’, 8, 174,

347–8ancillary agreements or clauses, 347–51ancillary negotiation obligations, 32–3arbitration clauses, 99, 101, 215–16, 264, 349,

351bilateral, 7breach of contract, 8, 12, 475–515, 519–97causes of action, 11choice-of-law clauses, 348, 671codification of, 665–72collateral warranties, 347commercial context, 481condition subsequent clauses, 10conditions precedent, 8and conduct subsequent to formation, 386–8consumer contracts, 341defective performance, 9employment contracts, 206, 532, 575, 637entire agreement clauses, 252, 267, 347exclusion clauses, 187, 190, 194, 264, 347,

419–42and the Misrepresentation Act 1967, 265–70

exclusive jurisdiction clauses, 220, 223exclusivity agreements, 26–7exemption clauses, 208family financial contracts, 177force majeure clauses, 347, 446formalities, 121–5formation of, 42–50, 121Himalaya clauses, 218–20hybrid arbitration and jurisdiction clauses, 351illegality, 621–45implied terms, 8, 346–7, 353–77and international transport conventions, 206invalidation because of duress, undue influence

or unconscionability, 308invalidity, 406jurisdiction clauses, 264, 348, 349–50

in the EU or Lugano Jurisdictional Zone, 350letters of comfort, 171, 180, 347–8limitation clauses, 11, 434, 609

liquidated damages clauses, 264, 599, 605, 609mediation agreements, 32, 124–5, 348mediation clauses, 25modes of ending, 264–5non-exclusive jurisdiction clauses, 220–1non-performance, 9non-reliance clauses, 266, 267, 347

consensual basis of, 268non-consensual basis of, 267–8and statutory control, 268–9

novation, 231for personal services, 520pre-contractual phase, 19–35, 386prohibitory clauses, 225rescission ab initio, 12, 485, 510–13for the regular supply of goods, 101–4repeat transactions, 49rights and obligations of third parties, 9termination clauses, 497termination of, 10terms, 345–51for transfer of movable property, 520, 531unilateral, 7, 39

acceptance in, 66–70offer and acceptance, 49

vague, 96–8variations to, 9, 121, 152–3, 193voidable, 8written, 8, 122, 303–4, 371–3

exceptional situations where a written contract is required, 123

interpretation and rectification, 379–417contractual rights, objective criteria for recognition

of, 93–5contributory negligence, 23, 260, 556, 582–6Cooke, Sir Robin, 27, 28Coote, B., 194, 573Corbin, A. L., 196Coulson J, Jani-King (GB) Ltd v. Pula Enterprises

Ltd (2007), 376Cross, Lord, Barton v. Armstrong (1976), 315culpa in contrahendo, 20Cumming-Bruce LJ, Staffordshire Area Health

Authority v. South Staffordshire Waterworks Co. (1978), 482

damages, 210capital loss, 253and compensation, 550, 551–2

‘consumer surplus’ measure of, 524–52in employment disputes, 552

compensatory, 519, 602

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consequential loss, 253, 263contractual and tort damages, 552–3contributory negligence

and breach of contract, 584–5reform of the law on, 584–5

cost of cure, 263, 545–6and the mitigation principle, 581–2Radford v. De Froberville (1977), 546Tito v. Waddell (No. 2) (1977), 546–9

economic interests expectation interest, 544reliance interest, 544restitutionary interest, 544

extravagant and unconscionable, 599foresight and contemplation, 658limiting factors

causation, 542, 554–5contributory negligence, 542defendant’s choice or discretion in performing

contract, 543impecuniosity, 542litigation costs and damages, 542–3mitigation, 542remoteness, 542, 556–70scope of duty test, 570–2

limits on damages claims, 554–86liquidated damages, 599–617

attractions of, 601and the penalty doctrine, 601–11punishment is not the aim, 611

loss of bargain damages, 253loss of chance claims, 550–1mitigation principle, 573–82

application of, 577, 582and claims for debt, 582and contributory negligence, 582–6and cost of cure damages, 581–2duty to endeavour to reduce or eliminate loss,

574–7examples, 575–6mitigation in face of hazardous breach, 577–8mitigation in fact achieved, 579–81recovery of extra loss for attempt to mitigate,

578–9sale of goods, 575–7wrongful dismissal, 575

in non-English codes, 558penalty doctrine, 601–11

acceleration clauses, 608attractions of, 601breach triggering liability, 603–4

commercial parties, 605–6consequence of finding a penalty, 608–9critique of, 610–11date of assessment, 603equality of bargaining power, 606fundamental statement of, 601–3invalid liquidated damages clause not a cap,

609–10need for breach as between payor and payee,

604–5‘no deterrent purpose’ test, 606–7objective test, 603penalty in the context of money obligations,

607–8rejoinder to the critique, 611single sum payable, 607types of clauses covered by, 605valid liquidated damages clause acts as a cap,

609reliance loss claims, 519, 545remoteness

cases on, 568–70ordinary course of things, 569overlapping claims in tort and contract,

569–70in the ‘soft law’ codes, 657–9and ‘scope of duty’ tests, 566–8special information, 569

in the ‘soft law’ codes, 657, 658, 659tort claims for loss of business opportunities,

552–3protected expectations, 553warranted expectations, 553

types of claims, 544–54expectation and reliance loss claims, 544–5to reflect post-breach events, 572–3

unusual loss consequent on delayed or interrupted supply of goods or services, 557–8

‘windfall’ damages, 549–50Danckwerts LJ

D & C Builders v. Rees (1966), 150, 157Jones v. Padavatton (1969), 178

Davenport, Brian, 513deceit, 11, 246, 253–6, 553–4, 641deeds, 8, 121, 295–6Denning MR, Lord

Alan v. El Nasr (1972), 153Amalgamated Investment & Property Co. Ltd v.

Texas Commerce International Bank Ltd (1982), 387–8, 400

Ashmore, Benson, Pease & Co Ltd v. AV Dawson Ltd (1973), 640

damages (cont.)

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Beswick v. Beswick (1968), 192Butler Machine Tool Co. Ltd v. Ex-Cell-O

Corporation (England) Ltd (1979), 60–2Charles Rickards Ltd v. Oppenhaim (1950), 152Combe v. Combe (1951), 129, 159D & C Builders v. Rees (1966), 151, 162, 320–1Enderby Town FC Ltd v. Football Association

(1971), 630Entores Ltd v. Miles Far East Corporation (1955),

44–5Errington v. Errington & Woods (1952), 69, 70‘The Eugenia’ (1964), 377, 450, 453, 457Federal Commerce & Navigation Co. v. Molena

Alpha Inc. (1979), 489fundamental breach doctrine, 426Gibson v. Manchester CC (1979), 42Gould v. Gould (1970), 173H Parsons (Livestock) Ltd v. Uttley Ingham & Co.

Ltd (1978), 563‘The Hansa Nord’ (1976), 500High Trees case (1947), 119, 154–5, 156Howard Marine and Dredging Co. Ltd v. A. Ogden

& Sons (Excavations) Ltd (1978), 249, 258inequality of bargaining power, 340Lloyd’s Bank v. Bundy (1975), 308, 325–6, 340Morris v. C W Martin & Sons Ltd (1966), 223Rose v. Pim (1953), 410Schuler (L) AG v. Wickman Machine Tool Sales

Ltd (1974), 493–4Scruttons v. Midland Silicones (1962), 217shared mistake, 291Solle v. Butcher (1950), 289, 290, 293, 300Staffordshire Area Health Authority v. South

Staffordshire Waterworks Co. (1978), 482Stockloser v. Johnson (1954), 612Ward v. Byham (1956), 135, 136Williams v. Williams (1957), 135, 136–7

dependence, relationships of, 329deposits, 612–17

common law jurisdiction to control excessive deposits, 616–17

compensation over and above the amount of the deposit, 613

customary levels, 616failure to pay, 614forfeiture of, 613sources of relief, 614–16

statutory relief to order repayment in context of land transactions, 614

Devlin, Lord, 310Heaven & Kesterton Ltd v. Etablissements

Francois Albiac et Cie (1956), 575

Hedley Byrne & Co. v. Heller (1964), 128Ingram case (1961), 300–1Parker v. Clark (1960), 173, 178–9St John Shipping Corporation v. Joseph Rank Ltd

(1957), 629Universal Cargo Carriers Corporation v. Citati

(1957), 485, 486Dilhorne, Viscount, New Zealand Shipping v.

Satterthwaite (‘The Eurymedon’) (1975), 219Dillon LJ

Johnson v. Johnson (1989), 601–3‘The Super Servant Two’ (1990), 465

Diplock, Lord Antaios Cia Naviera SA v. Salen Rederierna AB

(1985), 388, 390, 498–9Gibson v. Manchester CC (1979), 42‘The Hannah Blumenthal’ (1983), 78Harvela v. Royal Trust Co. of Canada (1986), 76Hongkong Fir case (1962), 493, 500, 501Photo Production Ltd v. Securicor Transport Ltd

(1980), 426Pioneer Shipping Ltd v. BTP Tioxide Ltd (‘The

Nema’) (1982), 384Robophone case (1996), 610

dispute resolution, adjudicative standards for, 91Donaldson QC, David, Adam Opel GmbH v. Mitras

Automotive UL Ltd (2008), 320Draft Common Frame of Reference, 650Dubai International Financial Centre, 65, 126, 397,

667, 668Duke LJ, Balfour v. Balfour (1919), 176Dunedin, Lord

Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. v. New Garage and Motor Co. Ltd (1915), 601–2, 607

Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. Ltd v. Selfridge & Co. Ltd (1915), 125, 193

May & Butcher v. R (1934), 99duress, 307, 308; see also undue influence,

unconscionabilitycomponents of, 310–11

causal impact of the pressure, 314–15implicit or overt pressure, 311improper nature of the threat, 312–13lawful threat or pressure, 313objective potency of pressure, 314R v. Her Majesty’s Attorney-General for

England and Wales (2003), 313–14target of threat and maker of the threat, 312unlawful threat or pressure, 312

and contractual consent, 310, 315‘decisive influence’ test, 314and decreasing pacts, 320–1

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defence of affirmation, 316nature of contractual invalidity, 315–16predictability of the law, 317and procedural unfairness, 339and renegotiation of contracts, 316–18

commercial pressure and renegotiated agreements, 320

commercial pressure during, 319–20ways in which it can occur, 316

substantially unfair bargain, 318Dyson J

Crossley v. Faithful & Gould Holdings Ltd (2004), 357, 361

DSND Subsea Ltd v. Petroleum Geo-Services ASA (2000), 312, 317

Paragon Finance plc v. Nash (2002), 369Tekdata Intercommunications v. Ampenol Ltd

(2009), 62–3

Edmund-Davies J, Wells (Mertsham) v. Buckland Sand & Silica Ltd (1965), 252

Ellenborough, Lord, Stilk v. Myrick (1809), 141

equity and common law, 12–13doctrines of

bars upon rescission, 12rectification, 12, 277, 382, 402rescission for shared mistake, 288shared mistake, 276unconscionability, 12undue influence, 12

equitable penalty rule, 340Supreme Court of Judicature Acts 1873 and

1875, 12Esher, Lord

‘The Moorcock’ (1889), 362Nottingham Patent Brick & Tile Co. Ltd v. Butler

(1886), 239estoppel, 117–69

by convention, 165–7, 168, 387, 400, 402and rectification, 409

promissory estoppel, 119, 120, 139, 147, 153–62, 166, 168, 183, 320

elements of, 153–4not a cause of action, 159–61, 162suspension/extinction debate, 154–9

proprietary estoppel, 120, 159, 160, 161, 162–5, 166, 168

limited to situations relating to land, 165and remedial discretion, 163

by representation, 121, 161, 162, 165, 166, 167

res judicata, 168–9and ‘subject to contract’, 174types of, 167–9

European Code of Private law, 665European Court of Justice, 349, 350, 650European Union law, 14, 438, 670

civil code, 650, 651Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading

Regulations 2008, 14consumer protection legislation, 425draft European Code of Contracts, 650EU Directive on Unfair Commercial Practices,

14and jurisdiction and arbitration clauses, 349and Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts

Regulations 1999, 14ex turpi causa non actio oritur, 621, 625, 626exclusion clauses

and the Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999, 437–42

and fraud, 425incorporation of, 419, 420–4

based on trade usage, 424case law on, 421–4the clause is in a document with apparent

contractual force, 424by a consistent course of dealing between the

parties, 424signature effective for, 422–3the test, 420–2

interpretation of contra proferentem, 425and liability for fraud, 419and the Misrepresentation Act 1967, 426–7notice, 419principles of construction, 425and statutes, 420strict interpretation at common law, 425–6

respect for clear wording, 426types of, 419and the Unfair Contract Terms

Act 1977, 427–37business-to-business dealings, 434case law on, 433–7reasonableness test, 434

and the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations, 437–42

exploitation. see unconscionability

fair dealing, 20, 72, 375fairness, subjective and objective determination

of, 28Fauvaraque-Cosson, Bénédicte, 650Feltham, J. D., 195

duress (cont.)

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Fenton-Atkinson LJ, Jones v. Padavatton (1969), 178

fiduciary duties, 273, 588, 591Flaux J, ASM Shipping Ltd of India v. TTME Ltd of

England (‘The Amer Energy’) (2009), 566Flaux QC, Judge Julian, Rhodia International

Holdings Ltd v. Huntsman International LLC (2007), 30

foreseeability, 452–4, 558in the ‘soft law’ codes, 658

formality, 120, 121–5in land transactions, 123–4mediation agreements, 124–5

France interpretation of written contracts, 398Code Civil, 611

Fraser, Lord, Sudbrook Trading Estate Ltd v. Eggleton (1983), 111–12

fraud equitable fraud, 326and exclusion clauses, 425

freedom of contract, 6–7, 19, 90, 92, 111, 173, 174, 221

and assignment, 226elements of, 6limitations on, 6–7qualifications upon, 221–2

frustration, 9, 445–73allocation of the risk, 451–2and breach of contract, 512consequences of, 467–72default and self-induced frustration, 463–6

choice precludes frustration, 464short supply and too many customers, 466

doctrine of allocation of the risk, 446and default, 446definition and genesis of the doctrine,

447–9and force majeure clauses, 446, 457, 466foreseeability and risk allocation, 452–4history of the doctrine, 448–9situations giving rise to, 445–6

and implied terms, 377, 449–50and mistake, 450–1

by operation of law, 464PECL, Principles of European Contract Law,

457–8, 487and restitution, 587scope of, 454–63

delay, 459–61difficulty and ‘impracticability’, 455–8exceptional source of, 461–2

insufficient delay, 460leases, 462–3physical impossibility, 455successful plea, 459sufficient delay, 460–1supply of generic goods, 458–9

and the ‘soft law’ codes, 655strict interpretation at common law, 457supervening illegality, 454–5termination of contracts of indefinite duration,

472–3UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial

Contracts, 458

Garland J, Gamerco SA v. JCM/Fair Warning (Agency) Ltd (1995), 468–9

Gatehouse J, Schelde Delta Shipping BV v. Astarte Shipping BV (‘The Pamela’) (1995), 46

Gendolfi, Giuseppe, 650Gibson LJ, Peter

Gardner v. Marsh & Parsons (a firm) (1997), 581Re Selectmove (1995), 49Swainland Builders Ltd v. Freehold Properties Ltd

(2002), 409Gifford, Lord, 395Glidewell LJ, Williams v. Roffey & Nicholls

(Contractors) (1991), 143Gloster J

JP Morgan Chase v. Springwell Navigation Corp (2008), 422, 434

Shell Egypt West Manzala GmbH v. Dana Gas Egypt Ltd (2009), 351

Six Continental Hotels case (2006), 267, 269, 270

Goff (Reginald) LJ, Daulia v. Four Millbank Nominees (1978), 69

Goff (Robert) J British Steel Corporation v. Cleveland Bridge and

Engineering Co. (1984), 587The Post Chaser (1982), 158

Goff (Robert) LJ Allied Marine Transport Ltd v. Vale do Rio Doce

Navigacao SA (‘The Leonidas D’) (1985), 48Amalgamated Investment & Property Co. Ltd

v. Texas Commerce International Bank Ltd (1981), 161

Beer v. Bowden (1981), 102BP Exploration Co. (Libya) Ltd v. Hunt (No. 2)

(1979), 467, 470, 471British Steel Corporation v. Cleveland Bridge and

Engineering Co. (1984), 21–3Staffordshire Area Health Authority v. South

Staffordshire Waterworks Co. (1978), 482

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Goff (Robert), Lord Dimskal Shipping Co. SA v. ITWF (‘The Evia

Luck No. 2’) (1992), 311‘The Kanchenjunga’ (1990), 508‘The Mahkutai’ (1996), 220Panatown case (2001), 204

good faith, 13–14, 20, 28–30, 355agreement to negotiate in, 24, 31–2, 33–4and exclusion clauses, 440and implied terms, 375–7judicial decisions on, 661–2post-formation, 664–5and rectification, 416in the ‘soft law’ codes, 653, 659–65in tendering, 73

Goudge JA, Miller Paving Ltd v. B Gorrardo Construction Ltd (2007), 291

Goulding J Patel v. Ali (1984), 473Sky Petroleum v. VIP Petroleum Ltd (1974), 531

Griffiths, Lord Linden Gardens Trust Ltd v. Lenesta Sludge

Disposals Ltd (St Martins Property Corporation Ltd v. Sir Robert McAlpine Ltd) (1994), 202–3, 205

guarantees, 8

Hague-Visby rules, 219, 220Haldane LC, Viscount

British Westinghouse case (1912), 573, 579Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co. Ltd v. Selfridge & Co.

Ltd (1915, 1.11), 191–2Hale, Baroness

Macklin v. Dowsett (2004), 633MacLeod v. MacLeod (2008), 177, 633Rice v. Great Yarmouth BC (2000), 505Transfield Shipping Inc. v. Mercator (‘The

Achilleas’) (2008), 564, 565–6, 571Halson, R., 318, 610Hamilton J, Easton v. Hitchcock (1912), 362Hardwicke LC, Lord, Tomlinson v. Gill (1756),

195Harman J, Pilkington v. Wood (1953), 574Hedley, Steve, 3Herschell, Lord

Derry v. Peek (1889), 253–4Grainger & Sons v. Gough (1896), 40

Hewart CJ, Lord Foley v. Classique Coaches (1934), 102Maple Flock Co. Ltd v. Universal Furniture

Products (Wembley) Ltd (1934), 497Himalaya clauses, 218–20

Hirst J Anangel Atlas Compania Naviera SA v.

Ishikawajimo Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd (No. 2) (1990), 146

Kleinwort Benson v. Malaysian Mining (1989), 181

Hobhouse, Lord, 650–1Attorney-General v. Blake (2001),

590, 592Reeves v. Commissioner for Metropolitan Police

(2000), 248Royal Bank of Scotland v. Etridge (No. 2) (2002),

322, 325, 327Shogun Finance Co. Ltd v. Hudson (2003), 299,

303, 406–7Vesta case (1989), 582–3

Hodson, Lord Ajayi v. Briscoe (1964), 155, 158C Czarnikow Ltd v. Koufos (‘The Heron II’)

(1969), 561Hoffmann, Lord, 393

Attorney-General for Belize v. Belize Telecom Ltd (2009), 354–5, 366, 367, 371–3

Banque Bruxelles Lambert SA v. Eagle Star Insurance Co. Ltd (the ‘SAAMCO’ case) (1997), 570, 572

BCCI v. Ali (2002), 85, 271, 293, 393C Czarnikow Ltd v. Koufos (‘The Heron II’)

(1969) L, 562Carmichael v. National Power plc (1999), 384,

385, 387Chartbrook Ltd v. Persimmon Homes Ltd (2009),

395, 396, 397–8, 399–400, 401, 402, 403, 407, 408, 409

Co-operative Insurance Services v. Argyll Stores Ltd (1998), 532, 534, 535–6, 537

Gray v. Thames Trains Ltd (2009), 625Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v. West

Bromwich Building Society (1998), 380, 388–90, 394

OBG Ltd v. Allan (2007), 221–2Pratt Contractors Ltd v. Transit New Zealand

(2003), 75Premium Nafta Products Ltd v. Fili Shipping Co.

Ltd (2007), 100–1R v. Her Majesty’s Attorney-General for England

and Wales (2003) 4, 322South Australia Asset Management Corp v. York

Montague Ltd (1997), 567Transfield Shipping Inc. v. Mercator (‘The

Achilleas’) (2008), 561, 564, 565, 567, 568, 571

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Union Eagle Ltd v. Golden Achievement Ltd (1997), 507

William Sindall plc v. Cambridgeshire CC (1994), 451

Hudson, A. H., 56

Ibbetson, D., 448illegality (and public policy), 621–45

agreements expressly or impliedly prohibited by statute, 628–9, 640

agreements to commit a legal wrong, 627, 640claimant’s association with the unlawful activity,

639–40claimant’s participation in unlawful performance,

639–40consequences of, 622–3, 645

claim for a quantum meruit, 641recovery of property, 641restitution, 643–5textual severance of an illegal part of a written

contract, 642tort of deceit, 641transfer of property, 641

factors the court might consider, 624gambling contracts, 629–30policies underlying, 623, 625rights of the innocent party, 639

implied terms, 8, 346–7, 353–77and complex commercial agreements, 370–1custom or trade usage

continuity of acts, 374criteria for recognition, 373–4

and frustration, 377and good faith, 355, 375–7and interpretation of written contracts, 407and mistake, 377PECL, Principles of European Contract Law, 355and rectification, 409terms implied in fact, 353–5, 361–73

business efficacy test, 354, 361–4, 365, 371contamination of ‘policy factors’, 366–7criteria for finding, 361custom or trade usage, 355, 373–4financial services cases, 367–8lender’s terms, 368–70Moorcock test, 354need for restraint, 354objective bystander test, 364, 370offer and acceptance, 368, 371officious bystander test, 354, 364–6, 372

terms implied in law, 353, 356–61, 367arbitration, 358

confidentiality, 358contractual duty of care, 358damaging the future prospects of employees,

359–60employment cases, 358–61judicial precedent, 354Liverpool City Council v. Irwin, 357overworking young doctors, 359pensions, 360–1

and the tort of negligence, 374–5UNIDROIT Principles of International

Commercial Contracts, 355and written contracts, 371–3

independent legal advice, 333–4injunctions, 12, 537–9intent to create legal relations, 8, 126, 171–84,

633borderline of commercial and non-commercial

contexts, 182Modahl v. British Athletic Federation Ltd

(2002), 182–3and certainty, 90, 96–8, 184collective agreements, 174in commercial contexts, 171, 173, 179–82discovering ‘intent’, 173and enforceability, 175foundations of the doctrine, 172–5and freedom of contract, 173, 174and ‘gentlemen’s agreements’, 173letters of comfort, 171, 180, 347–8in non-commercial contexts, 172, 173, 175–9

bargains between spouses, 175–7friends sharing accommodation, 178–9other family arrangements, 177–8

and offer and acceptance, 172practical and policy factors, 172, 175rationale for the doctrine, 173–5status of, 183–4

and consideration, 183and offer and acceptance, 184

‘subject to contract’, 171, 174interpretation and rectification of written

contracts, 379–417to eliminate obvious errors, 401–4and implied terms, 407and the parol evidence rule, 405–7pre-contractual negotiations for, 394–401rectification, 407–17rules governing, 385–94in the ‘soft law’ codes, 655–6written contracts and questions of ‘law’,


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Irvine LC, Lord, Carmichael v. National Power plc (1999), 384

Jack, Judge Raymond, Government of Zanzibar case (2000), 268, 270

Jack J, Carleton v. Strutt & Parker (2008), 35Jackson J, Alfred McAlpine Capital Projects v.

Tilebox Ltd (2005), 603, 605, 636Jackson QC, Rupert, Williams v. Roffey & Nicholls

(Contractors) (1991), 142Jacob LJ

IRC v. Fry (2001), 150Jeancharm Ltd v. Barnet Football Club Ltd (2003),

606R Griggs Group v. Evans (No. 1) (2005), 366Thomas Witter Ltd v. TBP Industries Ltd (1996),

270Jauncey, Lord

Panatown case (2001), 201, 202Ruxley Electronics Ltd v. Forsyth (1996), 547

Jessel MR, Redgrave v. Hurd (1881), 237Jones, Gareth, 515judicial remedies for breach of contract, 519–97

action for debt, 519, 523–30assessment of the ‘legitimate interest’ criterion,

528–30case law development of the co-operation

qualification, 525legitimate interest test, 525, 526–30‘no legitimate interest’ cases, 527penalty doctrine, 524‘performer enjoying a legitimate interest’ cases,

528damages, 519–20, 586

agreed compensation, 540assessed at date of breach, 541causation, 542finality, 542limiting factors, 542–3limits on damages claims, 554–86nominal damages, 540protection of expectations and indemnification

of reliance loss, 540–1purpose of, 541remoteness, 542substantial damages, 540true compensation, 540types of money claims, 544

declarations, 595negative declarations, 595

injunctions, 530, 537–9indirect compulsion, 538–9

mandatory injunctions, 538prohibitory relief, 538

interest on money claims, 596–7restitutionary claims. see restitutionspecific performance, 530–7

availability of, 532, 534and contempt of court, 530, 536Co-operative Insurance Services v. Argyll

Stores Ltd (1998), 534–7criteria for, 531danger of oppression of the defendant, 536discretion about, 532disproportion between harm to defendant and

loss to claimant, 536and employment contracts, 532equitable remedy of, 535mitigation principle, 537punishment is not the aim, 535scarce goods, 531scope of, 537supervision of an order and the obligation to

achieve a result, 429and transfer of land, 536

stays upon legal proceedings, 595–6types of, 519–21

‘account of profits’, 12, 520–1, 588action for debt, 519damages, 519–20injunctions, 520specific performance, 520

just price (iustum pretium), 117, 131

Kay LJ, Maurice, Chief Constable of the Greater Manchester Police v. Wigan AFC (2008), 134–5

Kenyon, Lord Cutter v. Powell (1795), 513Harris v. Watson (1791), 141

Kerr LJ B & S Contracts & Design Ltd v. Victor Green

Publications Ltd (1984), 319Dean v. Ainley (1987), 550‘The Karen Oltmann’ (1976), 398–9, 402‘The Odenfeld’, 528‘The Siboen and the Sibotre’ (1976), 316, 317, 320

Kilbrandon, Lord, Schuler (L) AG v. Wickman Machine Tool Sales Ltd (1974), 495

Kirby J, Koomphahtoo Local Aboriginal Land Council v. Sanpine Pty Ltd (2007), 500

Latham LJ, Primavera v. Allied Dunbar Assurance plc (2002), 580

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Law Commission, 438, 667and consideration, 126Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999, 209,

211, 212and contributory negligence, 584double compensation, 214exclusion of the Act by contracting

parties, 215firm offer rule, 65illegality, 621, 624, 626interest on money claims, 597privity of contract, 193Sale of Goods Act 1979, 502third party rights, 187White v. Jones, 209

Law Reform Committee ‘fiction of fraud’, 257mistake, 300–1

Law Revision Committee, 132Lawrence, A. T. J., Scriven Bros v. Hindley

(1913), 81Lawson, F. H., 533Lawton LJ

Butler Machine Tool Co. Ltd v. Ex-Cell-O Corporation (England) Ltd (1979), 60

Holwell Securities Ltd v. Hughes (1974), 54–5

Leggatt LJ, Johnstone v. Bloomsbury Health Authority (1992), 375

Leveson LJ, Avraamides v. Colwill (2006), 207Lewison J

Re Griffiths, 295Thompson v. Foy (2009), 321

Lightman J, 392Inntrepreneur case (2000), 267Malcolm v. Chancellor, Masters & Scholars of the

University of Oxford (1994), 97Lindley LJ

Allcard v. Skinner (1887), 323, 325Nottingham Patent Brick & Tile Co. Ltd v. Butler

(1886), 239Liu, Q., 573Lloyd Lord

‘The Alaskan Trader’ (1984), 527Business Environment Bow Lane Ltd v.

Deanwater Estates Ltd (2007), 251Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v. West

Bromwich Building Society (1998), 389Reichman v. Beveridge (2006) 525Ruxley Electronics Ltd v. Forsyth (1996), 540,

547, 548Stour Valley Builders v. Stuart (2003), 150

Longmore LJ Collier v. P & MJ Wright (Holdings) Ltd (2007),

158–9Devenish Nutrition Ltd v. Sanofi-Anetis SA

(2008), 595Maple Leaf Macro Volatility Master Fund v.

Rouvroy (2009), 122–3Petromec Inc. etc. v. Pertoleo Brasileiro SA

(2005), 24, 31–2Soulsbury v. Soulsbury (2007), 66, 70

Loreburn, Lord, Tennants (Lancashire) Ltd v. C S Wilson & Co. (1917), 456

Lugano Convention, 349, 350Lush J

Currie v. Misa (1875), 125Easton v. Hitchcock (1912), 362Horwood v. Millar’s Timber and Trading Co., Ltd

(1916), 634Stevenson Jacques & Co. v. McLean (1879), 57–8

Macdonald, Elizabeth, 318MacKinnon LJ

Chapelton v. Barry UDC (1940), 424Shirlaw v. Southern Foundries (1926) Ltd (1939),

354, 363–4, 368MacMillan, Catherine, 285, 290, 300Mance, Lord

Baird Textile Holdings Ltd v. Marks & Spencer plc (2001), 181, 184

Charter Reinsurance Co. Ltd v. Fagan (1997), 392, 393

Experience Hendrix LLC v. PPX Enterprises (2003), 591

Friends Provident Life & Pensions Ltd v. Sirius International Insurance Corp (2005), 512

Hall v. Woolston Hall Leisure (2001), 640Huyton SA v. Peter Cremer GmbH & Co. (2003),

317–18LauritzenCool AB v. Lady Navigation Inc. (2005),

539The Office of Fair Trading v. Abbey National plc

(2009), 439–40OT Africa Lines v. Vickers plc (1996), 81, 292–3Sempra Metals Ltd v. Inland Revenue

Commissioners (2007), 1, 557, 597Mansfield CJ, Holman v. Johnson (1775), 626Martin, Sir Andrew V-C, 91Martin B, Pearce v. Brooks (1866) 668May LJ, Business Environment Bow Lane Ltd v.

Deanwater Estates Ltd (2007), 251McGregor, H., 263, 435, 549McKendrick, E., 183, 261, 396, 433, 472, 501, 660

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McLaughlan, D. W., 299, 400, 415McMeel, G., 382, 406McNair J, Andrews v. Hopkinson (1957), 252mediation agreements, 35, 124–5, 348Megarry J

Cresswell v. Potter (1978), 336Hounslow LBC v. Twickenham Garden

Developments Ltd (1971), 525Tito v. Waddell (No. 2) (1977), 546–7

Megaw LJ Alan v. El Nasr (1972), 153Edwards v. Skyways Ltd (1964), 179Thornton v. Shoe Lane Parking (1971), 421

Mellish LJ, Parker v. South Eastern Railway Co. (1877), 421

Millett, Lord Alec Lobb (Garages) Ltd v. Total Oil GB Ltd

(1983), 334, 335–6Allied Maples Group v. Simmons & Simmons

(1995), 551Freeman v. Niroomand (1996), 548Gibbon v. Mitchell (1990), 295Hurst v. Bryk (2002), 512Little v. Courage (1995), 24, 27National Commercial Bank (Jamaica) Ltd v.

Hew (2003), 331Panatown case (2001), 204Shogun Finance Co. Ltd v. Hudson (2003), 278,

300, 302Taylor v. Bhail (1996), 642

misrepresentation, 235–73and breach of contract, 510–13and coercion, 331–2collateral warranties

and the common law privity problem, 292and the parol evidence rule, 251–2

compensation, 235for breach of contract, 253deceit claims and ‘income losses’, 255–6loss of bargain damages, 248, 253under the Misrepresentation Act 1997, 253tort of deceit, 253–6

criteria for finding ‘contractual assurances’ importance to the representee, 249independent verification, 250need for independent verification negatived,

250objective commitment by the maker of the

statement, 249obvious importance, 249relative skill, knowledge and expertise of the

parties, 250

statement of fact versus statement of future fact, 250

damages under section 2(1) of the Misrepresentation Act 1967, 256–60

deceit and fraud, 256–9defences to Section 2(1) claims, 259–60‘fiction of fraud’, 257principal liable but not agent, 259

duties to disclose, 236, 270–3qualifications, 271

elements of, 236–48falsity, 241–2persons involved, 241pre-formation, 241reliance, 242requirement of materiality, 242statement or conduct, 238–41

exclusion clauses consensual basis of non-reliance clauses, 268entire agreement clauses, 267and the Misrepresentation Act 1967,

265–70non-consensual basis of non-reliance clauses,

267–8non-reliance clauses, 267non-reliance clauses and statutory control,

268–9potential liability for fraud, 270

inducement, 246materiality, 245and mistake, 236, 280reliance, 244–8

correction, 247decisive influence, 246–7if the statement is fraudulent, 247–8and inducement, 247need for, 244–5relevance of materiality, 245–6representee can omit to check, 247

remedies available, 244damages, 235, 244rescission, 235, 244

rescission ab initio, 237, 260–3, 512bars to rescission, 262and compensation for breach, 264discretion to withhold, 262–3equitable bars to, 236indemnity, 261non-fraudulent misrepresentation, 262–3and termination for breach, 263–5

statements becoming terms or collateral warranties, 248–52

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criteria for finding ‘contractual assurances’, 249–51

termination for breach and rescission for misrepresentation, 263–5

and undue influence, 331–2when a statement becomes false before the

formation of a contract, 242–4criterion of fault, 243need for knowledge, 242–3strict responsibility, 243

mistake, 275–304common mistake, 276deeds and ‘voluntary instruments’, 295–6error as to a party’s identity, 276–7,

296–305apportionment, 300–1case law, 298–300, 301–2distance dealings and voidness at common

law, 296–8face-to-face dealings, 301, 304rescission by victim of fraud, 301the standard problem, 296summary, 303–5written contracts, 303–5

essentially different quality test, 284and frustration, 450–1and implied terms, 377and misrepresentation, 236narrow doctrine of, 279nature of, 278–80

need for apparent agreement, 278no rescission for shared mistake in equity,

288–92categories of equitable mistake, 289–92

non est factum: fundamental error in signed documents, 294–5

retention of the doctrine, 295operationalisation of, 275and rectification, 408related doctrines, 279–80

breach of contract, 279misrepresentation, 280property already owned by purchaser or

destroyed before sale, 280shared error as to quality, 280unilateral error as to substance known to the

other party, 280shared mistake, 276, 280–8, 655

implied term technique, 287–8mistake of law, 286–7res extincta, 281, 282res sua, 281, 282

in the ‘soft law’ codes, 655and specific performance, 275, 276types of mistake, 279

induced mistake, 279shared mistake, 279unilateral mistake known to

the other party, 279unilateral errors, 292–3, 294

Mocatta J, ‘The Atlantic Baron’ (1979), 316Moore-Bick LJ

ICI Chemical & Polymers Ltd v. TTE Training Ltd (207), 383

Peekay Intermark Ltd v. Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd (2006), 268

Stocznia Gdynia SA v. Gearbulk Holdings Ltd (2009), 479, 480–1

Morgan J, 573Berkeley Community Villages Ltd v. Pullen (2007),

33, 377Morris, Lord

C Czarnikow Ltd v. Koufos (‘The Heron II’) (1969), 561

Société Co-operative Suisse case (1946), 459Ward v. Byham (1956), 135

Morritt, Sir Andrew V-C Business Environment Bow Lane Ltd v.

Deanwater Estates Ltd (2007), 251Equitable Life Assurance Co. Ltd v. Hyman

(2002), 368Esso Petroleum Ltd v. Niad Ltd (2003), 591Spice Girls Ltd v. Aprilia World Service BV

(2002), 244, 245Moss QC, Gabriel, Internet Broadcasting Corp Ltd v.

MAR LLC (2009), 484Moulton, Lord, Heilbut, Symons case (1913), 249Mummery LJ

Anglo Petroleum Ltd v. TFB (Mortgages) Ltd (2007) 7, 640

Horsfall v. Haywards (1999), 574Pesticcion v. Huet (2004), 328

Mustill Lord, 508arbitration, 668Charter Reinsurance Co. Ltd v. Fagan (1997),

392, 393, 495, 496FC Shepherd v. Jerrom (1987), 448, 461‘The Golden Victory’ (2007), 573Hussey v. Eels (1990), 580Lombard North Central plc v. Butterworth

(1987), 499Malcolm v. Chancellor, Masters & Scholars of the

University of Oxford (1994), 96Ruxley Electronics Ltd v. Forsyth (1996), 548

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negligence, 253, 355, 374–5, 553–4contributory negligence, 23, 260,

556, 582–6availability of, 585reform of the law on, 584–5in the ‘soft law’ codes, 657and uncertainty, 585

economic loss resulting from, 128and exclusion clauses, 429, 434professional negligence, 571reasonable foreseeability, 558

Neill, Lord, 27–8Neill, Sir Brian, Stocznia Gdynia SA v. Gearbulk

Holdings Ltd (2009), 480Neill LJ, Thake v. Maurice (1986), 87Nelson J

Thames Trains Ltd v. Adams (2006), 85Weldon v. GRE Linked Life Assurance Ltd (2000),

366Neuberger, Lord

Kinch v. Ballard (1999), 56Kyle Bay Ltd v. Underwriters etc. (2007), 283Liverpool CC v. Walton (2002), 92Tennaro case (2003), 615Thorner v. Major (2009), 385

Nicholas, Lord, Royal Bank of Scotland v. Etridge (No. 2) (2002), 326

Nicholls, Lord Attorney-General v. Blake (2001), 589–90, 592Gran Gelato Ltd v. Richliff Ltd (1992), 257Grant v. Bragg (2009), 259Jobson case (1989), 607Royal Bank of Scotland v. Etridge (No. 2) (2002),

324, 327Sempra Metals Ltd v. Inland Revenue

Commissioners (2007), 597Shogun Finance Co. Ltd v. Hudson (2003), 300Thompson v. Foy (2009), 321

Nolan, Donal, 46Nolan LJ, Schering Agrochemicals Ltd v. Resibel

NVSA (1992), 577Nourse LJ

Alpenstow Ltd v. Regalian Properties Ltd (1985), 174

Barclays Bank plc v. Fairclough Building (1995), 583

Hammond v. Osborn (2002), 324Thake v. Maurice (1986), 87Warren v. Mendy (1989), 539

objective principle, 7, 39, 275, 302exceptions to, 294

and interpretation and rectification of written contracts, 382, 386

and offer and acceptance, 78awareness of the object of the offer, 80and mental incapacity, 79

rationale for, 78and ‘reasonableness’, 86unilateral errors, 86, 275

Occam’s Razor, 566, 571offer and acceptance, 8, 37–87

posting before discovering attempted revocation, 52

acceptance in unilateral contracts, 66–70time of acceptance, 69

auctions, tenders and fixed bid competition, 70auctions, 70‘implied collateral’ obligation, 71sealed bids, 75tenders, 71

battle of the forms, 59–63amalgamation of competing terms, 59both sets of shots, 61declaration of no contract, 59‘first shot’ theory, 61implied terms, 59‘last shot’ theory, 59, 60, 61, 62reasonable implication, 61in the ‘soft law’ codes, 654

cancellation of the offer, 38counter-offers, 37, 57–9

re-affirmation of the original offer, 58rejection of the counter-offer, 58

course of dealing between the parties, 49and the intent to create legal relations, 172, 184and invitations to treat, 37, 39–41

advertisements, 40–1goods on display, 41

and the objective principle, 39, 78acquiescence in another’s belief, 84awareness of mistake as to quality, value or

nature of subject matter, 82awareness of mistaken presentation of terms,

80awareness of mistaken presentation or

acceptance, 81awareness of the object of the offer, 80and mental incapacity, 79misleading presentation or acceptance of

terms, 80rationale for, 78and ‘reasonableness’, 86situations where a valid contract exists, 79

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situations where there is no consensus, 79unilateral errors, 82, 86

particular contexts, 38reserve prices, 38sealed bids, 38tenders, 38

postal acceptances, 50–7acceptor’s second thoughts, 56–7appropriateness of postal acceptance, 53–6delayed postal acceptance, 52–3e-mail, 51lost postal acceptance, 53‘manifest inconvenience and absurdity’, 55–6place of formation, 52posted rejection overtaken by acceptance, 57

postal rule, 38, 50–1, 54, 57process of, 42–50

acceptance and the problem of silence, 47–9conduct by offeree, 49–50‘cooling off’ periods, 47cross-offers, 44need for awareness of offer, 44notification of acceptance, 44–5postal acceptance, 45problem of equivocality, 47–8timing of acceptance (other than by post),

45–7revocation and termination of offers, 63–5

communicated rejection of offer, 65direct or indirect revocation of firm offers,

63–5lapse of time, 65reform of the firm offer rule, 64–5, 653

revocation of acceptance, 38silence as consent, 47–9

qualifications, 49–50silence by the party initiating a proposal, 49

tenders at common law, 72good faith in the process, 73obligations upon the invitor, 72

and unilateral contracts, 39Oliver J, Radford v. De Froberville (1977), 545, 546Ormrod LJ

‘The Hansa Nord’ (1976), 505Snelling v. John Snelling Ltd (1973), 205, 596

Orr LJ, H Parsons (Livestock) Ltd v. Uttley Ingham & Co. Ltd (1978), 562, 563, 570

O’Sullivan, Janet, 147Otton LJ, Duffen v. FRA BO SpA, (1998), 607

Parke B, Robinson v. Harman (1848), 540

Parker LJ, Jonathan, Conlon v. Simms (2006) 4, 272parol evidence rule, 251–2, 299, 384

critique of, 406–7and interpretation of written contracts, 405–7qualifications upon, 405–6reasons for supporting, 405and rectification, 411

Patten LJ Durham Tees Valley Airport Ltd v. bmibaby Ltd

(2010), 93, 94, 543Rainy Sky case (2010), 391

Pearce LJ Archbolds (Freightage) Ltd v. S Spanglett Ltd

(1961), 639C Czarnikow Ltd v. Koufos (‘The Heron II’)

(1969), 561PECL, Principles of European Contract Law, 4,

59–60, 396, 397, 511, 649, 650, 671Article 2:101 (1), 654Article 2:301, 653Article 5:101, interpretation, 656Article 5:102, relevant circumstances, 656Article 9:102, specific performance, 657Article 9:503, foreseeability, 658assurance of performance, 487contributory negligence, 584damages, 611frustration, 457–8good faith, 20, 653interpretation, 656

Peden, Elizabeth, 356Peel, Edwin, 237, 573penalty doctrine, 599, 601–3

acceleration clauses, 608breach triggering liability, 603–4commercial parties, 605–6consequence of finding a penalty, 608–9in the context of money obligations, 607–8critique of, 610–11inequality of bargaining power, 606invalid liquidated damages clause not a cap,

609–10and liquidated damages, 601–11need for breach as between payor and payee,

604–5‘no deterrent purpose’ test, 606–7penalty in the context of money obligations,

607–8rejoinder to the critique, 611single sum payable, 607statement of the doctrine, 601–3time of assessment, 603

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types of clauses covered by, 605valid liquidated damages clause acts as a cap,

609performance, 475–515; see also specific

performanceand acceptance, 66and good faith, 661part-performance, 92right to refuse, 477right to withhold, 482in the ‘soft law’ codes, 656vicarious performance, 226

Phillips, Lord Campbell v. Frisbee (2002), 511Great Peace Shipping Ltd v. Tsavliris Salvage

(International) Ltd (2002), 282, 289, 377, 451Lemenda Trading Co. Ltd v. African Middle East

Petroleum Co. Ltd (1988), 635The Office of Fair Trading v. Abbey National plc

(2009), 439Stone & Rolls case (2009), 1391, 626

Pill LJ, Gardner v. Marsh & Parsons (a firm) (1997) 621

Pollock, Sir Frederick, 125, 139Porter, Lord, Heyman v. Darwins Ltd (1942), 484–5,

486postal rule, 38, 50–1, 54, 57Potter LJ, Phillips v. Enron (1997), 28, 91–2pre-contractual phase of contract formation, 19–35

abortive negotiations, 19–20proprietary estoppel, 23unjust enrichment or restitutionary relief, 21–3

agreement to negotiate main contract in good faith, 25–6

agreements ancillary to a settled agreement, 30–4agreement to use reasonable endeavours to

obtain official permission, 30–1post-formation negotiation agreements, 31–3post-formation obligation to observe ‘utmost

good faith’, 33–4good faith in, 661, 663mediation agreements, 34–5

clauses requiring ‘expert determination’, 35negotiation agreements prior to formation of the

main contract, 23–30, 386agreement to negotiate in good faith, 24agreement to use best endeavours to reach

agreement, 27–8ancillary obligations, 24exclusivity agreements, 24good faith, 24

obligation to reach agreement, 24predictability, 79, 317, 664private law, 650privity of contract, 9, 188, 189, 190–4, 217–18,

221–3and collateral warranties, 292

procedural unfairness, 339professional relationships, 10, 209, 239promises, 7, 131, 175

apparent promises, 171, 179, 180classification of promissory terms, 490gratuitous promises, 119, 121, 125, 147, 183

unenforceability of, 163joint promisees, 188, 194–5negative promises, 537reasons for enforcing, 120–1between spouses, 176trusts of promises, 188, 193, 196, 197–8

property rights, 190, 588public policy, 453–4, 621–45

agreements involving a restraint of trade, 637–8agreements to deceive or cheat public authorities,

635agreements to oust the court’s jurisdiction,

636–7contracting involving or intending to promote

sexual immorality, 630–1contracts affecting foreign policy, 634contracts tending to pervert the course of justice,

635–6contracts tending towards corruption in public

office, 635servitude, 633–4unacceptable agreements concerning matrimony,

631–3Purchas LJ

Schering Agrochemicals Ltd v. Resibel NVSA (1992), 577

Williams v. Roffey & Nicholls (Contractors) (1991), 143, 144

Radcliffe, Lord, 668Bridge v. Campbell Discount (1962), 606Davis Contractors Ltd v. Fareham UDC (1956),

377, 445, 447–8, 449–50, 456reasonable expectations, 367, 377, 670reasonableness, 369, 371, 372, 389–90, 429, 430,

664and the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, 431–3

rectification, 405, 407–17and acquiescence, 417and arbitration, 417

penalty doctrine (cont.)

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Chartbrook Ltd v. Persimmon Homes Ltd (2009), 414–15

common intention error, 409–10discretionary form of relief, 408elements of, 409and error of law, 412estoppel by convention, 409and extrinsic evidence, 408, 413in favour of a mistaken party, 413–14and formal transactions, 413and good faith, 416high standard of proof, 412and implied terms, 409main propositions, 407–9and mistake, 408parol evidence rule, 413scope for, 408settled formula is decisive, 410settled understanding but botched formula,

410–12third party rights, 416–17and unilateral error, 413–14, 415–16the user principle, 592–5

Reid, Lord A Schroeder Music Publishing Co. Ltd v.

Macaulay (1974), 638C Czarnikow Ltd v. Koufos (‘The Heron II’)

(1969), 561, 562‘The Heron II’ (1969), 556‘legitimate interest’ test, 527McCutcheon v. David MacBrayne Ltd (1964), 7,

78Schuler (L) AG v. Wickman Machine Tool Sales

Ltd (1974), 495White & Carter v. McGregor (1962), 375–6, 525,

526, 529Whitworth Street Estates (Manchester) Ltd v.

James Miller & Partners Ltd (1970), 387reliance, 158, 213, 242, 244–8, 544

induced reliance, 120, 163reliance loss, 210, 540–1, 600, 604, 605remoteness, 542, 556, 557, 559–68, 569–70, 657–9

case law, 568–70and scope of duty tests, 566–8in the ‘soft law’ codes, 657, 658, 659

Research Group on EC Private Law (Acquis Group), 650

restitution, 11–12, 22, 520–1, 586–95, 643–5account of profits, 592, 593based on unjust enrichment, 586Civil Law Reform Bill (draft), 596equitable account, 586

forms of, 12, 587–8compensation for loss of opportunity to grant

release of rights, 591disgorgement of gains made in breach of

contract, 12, 588–91money recovered for total failure of

consideration, 12, 586–7recovery in respect of goods or services, 12

and frustration, 587obligation to pay the reasonable market value, 19quantum meruit, 588, 641reduction of the amount for slow performance, 23remedies available, 11

equitable account, 11sufficient, 158

the user principle, 591restraint of trade, 340, 637–8Reynolds, F. M. B., 573Rix LJ

Avon Insurance plc v. Swire Fraser Ltd (2000), 241, 257

Mamidoil-Jetoil Greek Petroleum Co. Ltd v. Okta Crude Oil Refinery (No. 1) (2001), 103–4

Offer-Hoar v. Larkstore Ltd (2006), 230‘The Sea Angel’ (2007), 451–2, 454Stocznia Gdynia SA v. Gearbulk Holdings Ltd

(2002), 509Rodger, Lord

Chartbrook Ltd v. Persimmon Homes Ltd (2009), 395

Transfield Shipping Inc. v. Mercator (‘The Achilleas’) (2008), 562, 564–5

Romer LJ, With v. O’Flanagan (1936), 242, 244Roskill, Lord

ASLEF case (1972), 359Bunge Corporation v. Tradax Export SA (1981),

492Export Credits Guarantee Department (1983),

604–5‘The Hansa Nord’ (1976), 505‘The Nema’ (1982), 459

Rowan, S., 533, 538, 545, 589Russell, LJ

Taylor v. Bhail (1996), 642Williams v. Roffey & Nicholls (Contractors)

(1991), 143–4Russell, Lord

Luxor (Eastbourne) Ltd v. Cooper (1941), 70

Sachs LJ Bolton v. Mahadeva (1972), 515Lloyd’s Bank v. Bundy (1975), 323, 330

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Sales J, BMS Computer Solutions Inc. v. AB Agri Ltd (2010), 472

Salmon, Lord Hongkong Fir case (1962), 500Jones v. Padavatton (1969), 178Liverpool City Council v. Irwin (1977), 357

Sankey J, Horwood v. Millar’s Timber and Trading Co. Ltd (1916), 634

Sargant J, Balfour v. Balfour (1919), 176Saville LJ

Alfred Toepfer International GmbH v. Itex Itagrani Export SA (1993), 487

Hughes v. Asset Managers plc (1995), 628Scarman, Lord

H Parsons (Livestock) Ltd v. Uttley Ingham & Co. Ltd (1978), 562, 563, 570

National Westminster Bank plc v. Morgan (1985), 325, 341

Tai Hing Ltd v. Liu Chong Hing Bank (1979), 375‘The Universe Sentinel’ (1983), 311, 312Woodar rule, 489

Scott, Lord BCCI v. Ali (2000), 86Cobbe v. Yeoman’s Row Management Ltd (2008),

163, 164, 165Equitable Life Assurance Co. Ltd v. Hyman

(2002), 368Farley v. Skinner (2001), 552R v. Her Majesty’s Attorney-General for England

and Wales (2003), 330Schering Agrochemicals Ltd v. Resibel NVSA

(1992), 577Scottish Law Commission, 667Scrutton LJ

Foley v. Classique Coaches (1934), 102Lens v. Devonshire Club (1914), 179Re Mahmoud and Ispahani (1921), 643Re Moore & Co. and Landauer & Co. (1921), 503Reigate v. Union Manufacturing Co.

(Ramsbottom) Ltd (1918), 364, 365Sedley LJ, Brennan v. Bolt Burdon (2003) 283Selborne, Lord, Scarf v. Jardine (1882), 231Shaw LJ, Howard Marine and Dredging Co. Ltd v.

A. Ogden & Sons (Excavations) Ltd (1978), 258

Simon, Lord Barton v. Armstrong (1976), 315BP Refinery (Westernport) Pty Ltd v. Shire of

Hastings, 365British Movietonews Ltd v. London District

Cinemas (1952), 456‘The Dynamic’ (2003), 526, 528

HHR Pascal BV v. W2005 Puppett II BV (2009), 390

National Carriers Ltd v. Panalpina (Northern) Ltd (1981), 451

New Zealand Shipping v. Satterthwaite (‘The Eurymedon’) (1975) C, 219

Rainy Sky case (2010), 391Simpson, Brian, 590Singleton J, Hartog v. Colin & Shields (1939), 81Slade LJ

Agip SpA v. Navigazione Alta Italia SpA (‘The Nai Genova’) (1984), 413

BCCI v. Aboody (1990), 321Smith, Prof. Sir John, 285–6Smith LJ

Maggs v. Marsh (2006), 387Maple Leaf Macro Volatility Master Fund v.

Rouvroy (2009), 42–3, 78Office of Fair Trading v. Abbey National plc

(2009), 604Pitts v. Jones (2007), 130

‘soft law’ contract law codes, 4, 59–60, 649–72acceptance rules, 653–4battle of the forms, 654codification, 665–72consequences of breach of contract, 659consideration, 654contributory negligence, 657damages, 657and English contract law, 652–9firm offer rule, 653good faith, 653interpretation of written contracts, 396mistake, 292, 655performance, 656remoteness of damage, 657–9specific performance, 657supervening difficulty, 655

Somervell LJ Errington v. Errington & Woods (1952), 69Stockloser v. Johnson (1954), 612

specific performance, 12, 112–13, 198–9, 210, 520, 530–7

for breach of contract, 520denial of in frustration, 473limits on, 520and mistake, 275, 293–4in the ‘soft law’ codes, 657

Spencer, John, 423Staughton LJ

Assicurazioni Generali SpA v. Arab Insurance Group (BSC) (2002), 246–7

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New Hampshire Insurance Co. v. MGN Ltd (1995, 392

Ruxley Electronics Ltd v. Forsyth (1996), 547‘The Solholt’ (1983), 576

Steinfield QC, Alan, Aribisala case (2007), 614–15Stephenson LJ, Alan v. El Nasr (1972), 153Stevens, R., 84, 406Steyn, Lord, 92

CTN Cash & Carry Ltd v. Gallaher (1994), 313, 341

Director General of Fair Trading v. First National Bank plc (2002), 439, 662

Equitable Life Assurance Co. Ltd v. Hyman (2002), 356, 367, 368

First Energy (UK) Ltd v. Hungarian International Bank Ltd (1993), 664

Manual Investment Co. v. Eagle Star Life Assurance(1997), 388, 390

Smith New Court case (1997), 255, 257–8Trentham (Percy) Ltd v. Archital Luxfer (1993), 42Vitol SA v. Norelf Ltd (‘The Santa Clara’) (1996),

47, 509–10Stocker LJ, Quadrant Visual Communications Pty

Ltd v. Hutchison Telephone (UK) Ltd (1993), 533

Strauss QC, Nicholas, 525Ministry of Sound (Ireland) v. World Online Ltd

(2003), 528Stuart-Smith LJ

Allied Maples Group v. Simmons & Simmons (1995) 550

Commission for New Towns v. Cooper (GB) Ltd (1995) A, 415–16

Study Group on a European Civil Code, 650Sumner, Lord, Hirji Mulji v. Cheong Yue Steamship

Co. Ltd (1926), 446Swift J

Silverman v. Imperial London Hotels (1927), 363

Tan, D. S., 318Teare J, Sheffield United Football Club Ltd v. West

Ham United Football Club plc (2008), 351Templeman, Lord

Boustany v. Piggott (1995), 336Harvela v. Royal Trust Co. of Canada (1986), 77

terms, 345–51; see also implied termsancillary agreements or clauses, 347–51

agreements ‘subject to contract’, 347–8arbitration clauses, 349–51arbitration: finality clauses, 351choice-of-law clauses, 348collateral warranties, 347

entire agreement clauses, 347and the European Jurisdiction zone, 349–51exclusion clauses, 347force majeure clauses, 347hybrid arbitration and jurisdiction clauses,

351jurisdiction clauses, 348, 349–51mediation agreements, 348non-reliance clauses, 347

classification of, 345–7express terms, 346–7implied terms, 346–7non-promissory terms, 346–7promissory terms, 346–7

Thankerton, Lord, Hillas & Co. v. Arcos Ltd (1932), 93

Thesiger LJ, Household Fire Insurance Co. v. Grant (1879), 53

third party rights, 187–223actions brought by the promisee, 198–206

building contracts, 200–6damages, 199–200debt, 198specific performance, 198–9

the benefit of exclusion clauses, 217–21and the carriage of goods, 217, 219–20in common law, 187Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999

arbitration clauses, 215–16clause permitting variable selection of third

party, 213common law rights of the promisee, 213–14damages, 210double compensation, 214–15exclusion of the Act by contracting parties,

215limitation of actions, 215manifestation of assent, 212–13‘master clause’ in favour of A and B, 213parallel third party rights of action, 214right of defence or set-off, 210–11specific performance, 210third party’s remedies, 209variation or rescission of the contract, 211–12

cost of cure, 202, 203, 204declarations, 205–6and the doctrine of privity, 190–4

assessment of the doctrine, 192–4and exclusion clauses, 194

exclusion clauses, 217–21and the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act

1999, 218

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Himalaya clauses, 218–20non-exclusive jurisdiction clauses, 220–1

joint promisees, 188, 194–5declaration of the trust, 195effects, 195–6joinder rule, 195

no third party burden principle, 189types of ‘burden’, 190

privity of contract and ‘burden’, 221–3bailment of goods ‘on terms’, 222inducing a breach of contract, 221–2injunction to prevent interference, 222nature of bailment, 223restrictive covenants affecting land, 222unlawful interference with a contract, 221–2

stay of proceedings, 205–6trusts of promises, 195–8

Thomas LJ, Sunrock Aircraft Corp v. Scandinavian Airlines Systems (2007), 550

Thorpe LJ, Rainy Sky case (2010), 391tort law

and contract law, 569–70damages, 253, 552–4deceit, 11, 246, 253–6, 553–4, 641duty of care, 359, 554inducing a breach of contract, 221–2and misrepresentation, 253negligence, 11, 127–9, 355, 374–5reasonable foreseeability, 558unlawful interference with a contract, 221–2

Toulmin J, Mirant Asia-Pacific Construction (Hong Kong) Ltd v. Ove Arup & Partners International Ltd (2007), 203–4

Toulson LJ Durham Tees Valley Airport Ltd v. bmibaby Ltd

(2010), 93–4Great Peace Shipping Ltd v. Tsavliris Salvage

(International) Ltd (2002), 286IFE Fund SA v. Goldman Sachs (2007), 240–1,

266–7LJ Korbetis v. Transgrain Shipping BV (2005),

52–3scepticism toward the scope of duty test, 565–6Supershield Ltd v. Siemens Building Technologies

FE Ltd (2010), 555, 556–7, 558, 562, 566–8, 571

Treitel, G. H., 57, 63, 71, 213, 263, 410BP Exploration Co. (Libya) Ltd v. Hunt (No. 2)

(1979), 470–1draft Contract Code, 667frustration, 456

‘The Golden Victory’ (2007), 573illegality, 627, 642–3misrepresentation, 243offer and acceptance, 41parol evidence rule, 406Sale of Goods Act 1979, 502, 503–4

trust, relationships of, 273, 328, 329, 359trusts of promises, 188, 193

and arbitration clauses, 197–8based on mercantile custom, 196confined to money and property

transfers, 197and direct rights of action, 197–8implied, 196irrevocability, 197requirement for all three parties to participate in

litigation, 197requirement of explicit creation, 197requirements for the creation of, 196–7

Tucker J Atlas Express Ltd v. Kafco (Importers and

Distributors) Ltd (1989) 3, 319–20Turpin, Colin, 56

uncertainty, 89, 341, 661, 664, 670and contributory negligence, 585

unconscionability, 307–8, 334–9and coercion, 334and ‘gross disparity’, 338and undue influence, 337–9

undue influence, 307, 321–34and coercion, 325, 331–2duty not to suppress a material factor, 329elements of, 335–6and misrepresentation, 331–2nature of, 321–6a positive duty to act, 330presumed undue influence, 326

categories of, 326–8and procedural unfairness, 339and relationships of trust and confidence, 328,

329banker and customer, 329–31constructive notices, 333independent advice for guarantors, 333lenders, guarantors and third parties,

331–3requirements for, 321rescission for, 322and unconscionability, 337–9

Ungoed-Thomas J, Cunliffe-Owen v. Teather & Greenwood (1967), 373–4

third party rights (cont.)

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747 Index

UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts, 4, 59–60, 397, 511, 649, 650, 668, 671

Article 4.3, interpretation, 656Article 7.2.2, specific performance, 657Article 7.4.4, foreseeability, 658Articles 1.3 and 3.2, 654assurance of performance, 487–8contractual modification, 148contributory negligence, 584damages, 611, 659duress, 314exclusion clauses, 422frustration, 458good faith, 653‘gross disparity’, 338–9inconsistent behaviour, 121mistake, 292

uniform law projects, 668unjust enrichment. see restitutionUpjohn, Lord, C Czarnikow Ltd v. Koufos (‘The

Heron II’) (1969), 562USA

good faith, 660interpretation of written contracts, 397Lefkowitz v. Great Minneapolis Surplus Store

(1957), 40Restatement on Contracts, 660, 670Uniform Commercial Code, 487, 660, 670

Valcke, Catherine, 398Vaughan-Williams LJ, Krell v. Henry (1903), 461Vienna Convention on Contracts for the

International Sale of Goods, 651, 657, 658

Vogenauer, Stefan, 650Vos J, ‘Chelsea Barracks case’, 30, 33–4

Waddams, S., 660Walker, Lord

Cobbe v. Yeoman’s Row Management Ltd (2008), 160, 163, 165

Jackson v. Royal Bank of Scotland (2005), 557, 569

Shogun Finance Co. Ltd v. Hudson (2003), 300, 302, 303, 304

Transfield Shipping Inc. v. Mercator (‘The Achilleas’) (2008), 564, 566, 567, 571

Waller LJ Avraamides v. Colwill (2006), 207Equitable Life Assurance Co. Ltd v. Hyman

(2002), 368

Mulvenna v. Royal Bank of Scotland plc (2003), 569

‘The Seaflower’ (2001), 491Whittle Movers Ltd v. Hollywood Express Ltd

(2009), 109–10Ward LJ

Drew v. Daniel (2005) 323Hammond v. Osborn (2002), 324

warranties, 7, 248–52, 267, 405Warrington, Lord

Balfour v. Balfour (1919) A, 175, 176May & Butcher v. R (1934), 101

Wednesbury principles, 369Whittaker, S., 498Widgery LJ, Merritt v. Merritt (1970), 177Wigram V-C, 196

Henderson v. Henderson (1843), 593Wilberforce, Lord

Barton v. Armstrong (1976) C, 315Brinkibon v. Stahag Stahl (1983), 46Bunge Corporation v. Tradax Export SA (1981),

492, 493Johnson v. Agnew (1980), 263–4, 512National Carriers Ltd v. Panalpina (Northern) Ltd

(1981), 463New Zealand Shipping v. Satterthwaite (‘The

Eurymedon’) (1975), 42Photo Production Ltd v. Securicor Transport Ltd

(1980), 426Prenn v. Simmonds (1971), 394–5Reardon Smith Line case, (1976), 388Schuler (L) AG v. Wickman Machine Tool Sales

Ltd (1974), 493, 496, 500Winn LJ, D & C Builders v. Rees (1966), 150, 157Wood V-C, Barry v. Croskey (1861), 241Woodar rule, 199–200, 489

exceptions to, 199, 200, 203Woolf, Lord

Equitable Life Assurance Co. Ltd v. Hyman (2002) L, 368

Philips Hong Kong case (1993), 605–6Vaswani case (1996), 489Wadham Stringer Finance Ltd v. Meany (1981), 608

Wright, Lord Luxor (Eastbourne) Ltd v. Cooper (1941), 353,

358, 361, 365, 367, 369Maritime National Fish Ltd v. Ocean Trawlers Ltd

(1935), 452–3With v. O’Flanagan (1936), 243

written contracts assessment of the Investors Compensation

Scheme Principles, 391–4

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bar on considering pre-contractual negotiations, 394–401

in jurisdictions other than Britain, 396‘private dictionary’ exception, 398–401reasons for, 395–6

in a ‘commercial’ way, with sensitivity to business ‘common sense’, 388

consideration of background, 389consideration of business common sense, 390consideration of the ‘commercial purpose’,

background’, ‘context’, and its location in the relevant ‘market’, 388

contextual approach to interpretation, 388–9exclusion of previous negotiations, 389

High Court decisions on, 384

interpretation and implied terms, 407interpretation and rectification, 379–417interpretation to eliminate errors, 401–4

Chartbrook Ltd v. Persimmon Homes Ltd (2009), 403–4

reconstitutive interpretation, 401, 402–4natural and ordinary meaning of words, 390and the parol evidence rule, 405–7and questions of law, 383–5reasonableness, 389–90rules governing interpretation, 385–94and subsequent conduct of the parties, 387–8

Yeo, T. M., 289

Zander, Michael, 519

written contracts (cont.)

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