7 ©2002 CRC Press LLC Water-Soluble Vitamins Miguel Ángel Fernández-Muiño, María Teresa Sancho-Ortiz, and Felicidad Valls-García CONTENTS 7.1 Introduction 7.2 General Considerations on Vitamin Analysis Methodology 7.3 Thiamin 7.3.1 Generalities 7.3.2 Analytical Methods Physicochemical Determination Microbiological Studies Biological Methods 7.4 Riboflavin 7.4.1 Generalities 7.4.2 Analytical Methods Physicochemical Determination Microbiological Studies Biological Methods 7.5 Niacin 7.5.1 Generalities 7.5.2 Analytical Methods Physicochemical Determination Microbiological Studies 7.6 Pyridoxine 7.6.1 Generalities 7.6.2 Analytical Methods Physicochemical Determination Microbiological Studies 7.7 Biotin 7.7.1 Generalities 7.7.2 Analytical Methods Physicochemical Determination Microbiological Studies Biological Methods 7.8 Folic Acid 7.8.1 Generalities

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7 Water-Soluble Vitamins

Miguel Ángel Fernández-Muiño, María Teresa Sancho-Ortiz, and Felicidad Valls-García

CONTENTS7.1 Introduction7.2 General Considerations on Vitamin

Analysis Methodology7.3 Thiamin

7.3.1 Generalities7.3.2 Analytical Methods Physicochemical Determination7.3.2.2 Microbiological Studies7.3.2.3 Biological Methods

7.4 Riboflavin7.4.1 Generalities7.4.2 Analytical Methods Physicochemical Determination7.4.2.2 Microbiological Studies7.4.2.3 Biological Methods

7.5 Niacin7.5.1 Generalities7.5.2 Analytical Methods Physicochemical Determination7.5.2.2 Microbiological Studies

7.6 Pyridoxine7.6.1 Generalities7.6.2 Analytical Methods Physicochemical Determination7.6.2.2 Microbiological Studies

7.7 Biotin7.7.1 Generalities7.7.2 Analytical Methods Physicochemical Determination7.7.2.2 Microbiological Studies7.7.2.3 Biological Methods

7.8 Folic Acid7.8.1 Generalities

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7.8.2 Analytical Methods7.8.2.1 Physicochemical Determination7.8.2.2 Microbiological Studies

7.9 Vitamin B12

7.9.1 Generalities7.9.2 Analytical Methods Physicochemical Determination7.9.2.2 Microbiological Studies

7.10 Vitamin C7.10.1 Generalities7.10.2 Analytical Methods Physicochemical Determination7.10.2.2 Microbiological Studies7.10.2.3 Biological Methods



Vitamins are organic substances with very high biological activity that are requiredin small amounts for the growth and maintenance of human health. As they cannotbe synthesized in the human body in the quantities required, they need to be suppliedin the diet.

Although new trends in nutrition classify vitamins according to their metabolicfunctions, traditional classification based on their solubility is very useful in foodscience since they have similar natural sources and similar extraction procedures,mainly the fat-soluble vitamins.

In the last 20 years much attention has been paid to the determination of vitaminsin foodstuffs due to their nutritional implications and the need for an adequate qualitycontrol of food products. Vitamin analysis in these matrices is difficult due to thehigh variability in their composition and the great number of components, whichimplies the risk of interference and the low vitamin content. Additional problemsare the existence of different chemical compounds with vitamin effects and theirstability influenced by light, heat, oxygen, or pH conditions. The development ofnew analytical techniques has led in recent years to analytical methods that are morerapid, accurate, and sensitive.

This chapter reviews the analytical techniques for water-soluble vitamins anal-ysis, focusing on the main problems associated with each analytical methodology.


As in all analyses, special attention needs to be paid to the sampling procedure in orderto obtain a representative and homogeneous sample. Another critical point is to maintainthe optimal stability conditions for each vitamin that guarantees lower vitamin lossesover the analytical procedure; otherwise all the analyses are valueless.

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Vitamin analytical methods can be classified into three categories:

1. Physicochemical methods are the most commonly employed and includethe phases of extraction, purification, and final analysis. All these stepsare critical in the vitamin evaluation. Extraction steps can include severaltreatments, such as heat, acid or alkali conditions, enzymes, and solvents,and these treatments have several purposes, such as vitamins stabilizationand their release from other food components. Cleanup steps removeinterfering compounds and are not necessary in many methods. Finaldetermination and quantification can be mainly carried out by chromato-graphic [Table 7.1 summarizes some common high-performance liquidchromatography (HPLC) methods applied to water-soluble vitamin anal-ysis], spectrometric, enzymatic, inmunological, or radiometric techniques.

2. Microbiological methods use test microorganisms such as bacteria, protozoa,or yeast where growth is proportional to the presence of a specific vitamin.These microorganisms are cultivated in the presence of known quantities ofthe studied vitamin and in the presence of a food extract were the vitaminneeds to be evaluated. The turbidity measurement and other parameters suchas gravimetry, acid production, or gas production generally monitor thegrowth. An interesting related technique is the radiometric-microbiologicalassay based on the measurement of a 14C-labeled metabolite, normally 14CO2

formed by the test microorganism from a 14C-labeled substrate.Microbiological assays have the advantage of specificity and sensitiv-

ity, but they are highly time consuming if compared with the physico-chemical methods and the analytical protocol must be strictly followeddue to the variability in microbiological techniques.

3. Biological methods use laboratory animals. A control group is fed witha diet lacking in the studied vitamin and a second group is fed with thefood in which the vitamin is being evaluated, or an extract of the food.Vitamin contents are measured by monitoring a physiological effectrelated to the vitamin intake. Ethical problems related to animal experi-mentation and the variability of these studies limit the use of biologicalmethods to cases where no satisfactory methods are available.

The generalities of each vitamin with regard to structure, chemistry, stability,sources, bioavailability, metabolic functions, deficiency, and requirements are verywell detailed in nutrition articles and treatises. For this chapter, we have summarizedthe structure, importance, stability, and sources according to the Merck Index (1989),Basu and Dickerson (1996), Thurnham et al. (2000), and Cuellar-Rodríguez (2000).



Thiamin, also called aneurin and vitamin B1, is present in most plant and animaltissues. A pyrimidine ring and a thiazole moiety linked by a methylene bridge are

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TABLE 7.1 Representa

Vitamin ction Matrix Reference

Vitamin B


0:425 nm Meat and vegetables

Bognar (1981)

Vitamin B


0:425 nm Dietetic foods Bötticher & Bötticher (1986)

Vitamin B


54 nm Foodstuffs Vidal-Valverde & Reche (1990a)

Vitamin B


68 nm Baby foods Barná (1991)

Vitamin B


7:520 nm Cooked sausages Valls et al. (1998)

Vitamins B





0:415 nm Cereal products Mauro & Wetzel (1984)

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tive HPLC Methods for Water-Soluble Vitamin Analysis

Sample Preparation Stationary Phase Mobile Phase Dete

Acid hydrolysis with 0.2 N H2SO4, autoclavation, enzymatic hydrolysis, filtration, oxidation with potassium ferricyanide, extraction with isobutyl alcohol

Lichrosorb RP-8 Methanol/acetonitrile/isobutyl alcohol (80:10:10)

FL 37

Acid hydrolysis with 0.1 M H2SO4, enzymatic hydrolysis, centrifugation, oxidation

Nucleosil NH2, 5 µm

25% K2HPO4 buffer pH 4.4 in acetonitrile

FL 37

Acid hydrolysis with 0.1 and 6 M HCl, autoclavation, enzymatic hydrolysis, Amberlite GC-50 and Sep-pack C18 clean-up

µ-Bondapak C18, 10 µm

Several mixtures of metanol, acetic acid, hexane sulfonate and heptane sulfonate

UV 2

Acid hydrolysis with 0.1 M HCl, autoclavation, enzymatic hydrolysis, protein precipitation, Sep-pack C18 clean-up

Nucleosil C18, 10 µm

0.01 M K3PO4 buffer pH 7.0/acetonitrile (89.5:10.5)

UV 2

Acid hydrolysis with 0.1 M HCl, autoclavation, enzymatic hydrolysis protein precipitation, filtration

Spherisorb ODS-2 5 µm

5 mM heptane sulfonic acid, pH 2.7/acetonitrile (3:1)

FL 22

Acid hydrolysis with 0.1 N H2SO4 10 min in boiling water, enzymatic hydrolysis, centrifugation, oxidation

µ-Bondapak C18 Methanol/water (60:40)

FL 36

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54 Legumes and meats

Vidal-Valverde and Reche (1991)

60 nm Meat Hamano et al. (1988)

61 nm Cooked sausages Valls et al. (1999)

0:395 nm Meat Ang et al. (1988)

3:375 nm Foods Schoonhoven et al. (1994)

0:520 nm Foods Alelí et al. (1999)

TABLE 7.1 (continued)Representative HPLC Methods for Water-Soluble Vitamin Analysis

Vitamin Sample Preparation Stationary Phase Mobile Phase Detection Matrix Reference

Vitamin B3-nicotinic acid

Acid hydrolysis with 0.1 and 6 N HCl, autoclavation, enzymatic hydrolysis, dilution, filtration and Douvex 1-X8 column purification

µ-Bondapak C18, 10 µm

Methanol/0.01 M sodium acetate buffer pH 4.66 with 5 mM tetrabutylammonium

UV 2

Vitamin B3-nicotinic acid and nicotinamide

Water extraction at 100°C, cooling and dilution

Partisil SCX, 10 µm

0.05 M K3PO4 buffer, pH 3.0

UV 2

Vitamin B3-nicotinic acid and nicotinamide

Water extraction, centrifugation, deproteinization with zinc hydroxide, filtration

Spherisorb ODS-2 5 mM heptane sulfonic acid, pH 3.3/acetonitrile (75:25)

UV 2

Vitamin B6 Extraction with HPO3, centrifugation, filtration

BioSil ODS-5S C18 0.066 M H3PO4 buffer, pH 3.0/acetonitrile (90:10)

FL 29

Vitamin B6 Extraction with 5% TCA, dilution, centrifugation, enzymatic hydrolysis, protein precipitation, centrifugation, filtration

Hypersil ODS Methanol/0.1 M KH2PO4 buffer, pH 2.15 containing octanesulfonic acid (3:97)

FL 33

Biotin 37°C incubation of samples with 1% reduced glutatione solution, 1% EDTA solution, citrate buffer pH 5.7 and papain solution (in samples with high starch content, Takadiastase), filtration, postcolumn derivatization with avidin FITC

Lichrospher 100 RP-18

0.1 M H3PO4 buffer, pH 6.0/methanol (81:19)

FL 49

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0:352 nm Milk and blood samples

Wigertz and Jägerstad (1995)


0:356 nm0:460 nm90 nm

Fish, meat, eggs, and dairy products

Vahteristo et al. (1997)

Vitamin B


assay Dairy products Fie et al. (1994)

Vitamin B


50 nm Foods and biological samples

Iwase and Ono (1997)

Vitamin C

95 nm Foods Kodaka et al. (1985)

TABLE 7Represen

Vitamin ction Matrix Reference

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Extraction with 0.1 M acetate buffer containing 1% of ascorbic acid, pH 4.5, nitrogen flush, strong anion-exchange column cleanup

Merck RP-18 8% Acetonitrile in acetic acid pH 2.3

FL 31

Extraction with 0.15 M phosphate buffer pH 6.0 containing 2% sodium ascorbate and 0.1% mercaptoethanol, deconjugation with hog kidney deconjugase at pH 4.9, strong anion-exchange column cleanup

Hypersil ODS and Spherisorb ODS

Acetonitrile/H3PO4 buffer, pH 2.2. gradient 9% acetonitrile to 24% acetonitrile within 8 min lag phase 4 min

FL 29FL 36UV 2

2 Extraction with HCl; preconcentration on an octadecylsilica cartridge

Octylsilica Acetonitrile/aqueous ammonium phosphate solution, pH 3.0 (5:95 to 30:70)


2 HLC-disk 25, polyvinyldifluoride filtration for removing oily particles

Inertsil ODS 50 mM KH2PO4, pH 2.1/acetonitrile (90:10)


Ascorbic acid oxidation, 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNFH) derivatization

Nucleosil Si, 3 µm n-Hexane/ethyl acetate/acetic acid/2-propanol (40:30:10:20)

UV 4

.1 (continued)tative HPLC Methods for Water-Soluble Vitamin Analysis

Sample Preparation Stationary Phase Mobile Phase Dete

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Vitamin C

ium acetate 4.6

Electrochemical detection

0.75 V vs. Ag/AgCl

Animal tissues Carr et al. (1983)

Vitamin C


buffer pH, 0)

UV 244 nm Beverages Dennison et al. (1981)

Vitamin C




buffer ntaining



and 5


FL 350:430 nm Foods Vanderslice and Higgs (1988)

Vitamin C

acid UV 243 nm Juices Sawamura et al. (1990)

TABLE 7.Represen

Vitamin ase Detection Matrix Reference

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Extraction with 250 mM HClO4 and 5% trichloroacetic acid, centrifugation

Partisil 10 SAX 60 mM sodbuffer, pH

Water dilution µ-Bondapak-NH2 Methanol/KH2PO4 3.5 (50:5

Extraction with 0.1 M citric acid, EDTA 5 mM and n-hexane, centrifugation, filtration

Ultrasphere ODS C18

0.1 M NaHpH 5.0 coEDTA 5 mM tetrabutyl(50:50)

Extraction with 80 g/l HPO3 and ethanol (35:65), centrifugation, 12 g/l NaSH solution addition and filtration

Cosmosil 5 C18 2 g/l PO3H

1 (continued)tative HPLC Methods for Water-Soluble Vitamin Analysis

Sample Preparation Stationary Phase Mobile Ph

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the constituents of the thiamin molecule. Thiamin diphosphate (TDP) and triphos-phate (TTP) appear to be present in neural membranes. Thiamin is involved in theenergy metabolism of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. This vitamin is alsobelieved to have a role in nerve conduction and in some functions of the brain.Mostly in the liver and brain, thiamin is converted to its pyrophosphate form (TPP)to become biologically active as a coenzyme.

Thiamin is stable in slightly acid water up to the boiling point, but because ofits water solubility, it can be leached out of food by boiling. This vitamin is unstablein alkaline solution. Thiamin is destroyed by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. The lossof thiamin can be also enhanced by using rapidly boiling water in cooking vegetables,as the amount of oxygen in contact with the food increases. Thiaminases (thiamin-degrading enzymes) present in uncooked freshwater fish, shellfish, and some bacteriadestroy thiamin by displacing the pyrimidine methylene group with a nitrogenousbase or SH-compound. Furthermore, there also exist heat-stable anti-thiamin factorsthat generally bind to thiamin, rendering the vitamin biologically unavailable. Thesesubstances oxidize the thiazole ring to yield thiamin disulfide (which cannot beabsorbed); among them, o- and ρ-hydroxy polyphenols of tea, betel nuts, manyvegetables, and some animal tissue have been found. The primary dietary sourcesof thiamin are unrefined cereal grains or starchy roots and tubers; meat and meatproducts, especially pork, are also good thiamin sources. However, much of thedietary thiamin in developed countries appears in fortified cereals and breads, aswell as in many functional foods.

7.3.2 ANALYTICAL METHODS Physicochemical Determination

In these methods special care should be taken to protect samples and standards fromlight and heat at alkaline pH. The proposed methods are based on fluorimetry and HPLC.

• Fluorimetric determination: After extraction and enzymatic hydrolysisof the phosphate esters of thiamin, the vitamin is cleaned up by ion-exchange chromatography and oxidized to thiochrome by treating withpotassium ferricyanide [K3Fe(CN)6] or other oxidant reagents such asKMnO4, MnO2, CNBr HgCl2, and H2O2. The thiochrome is finallyextracted into an organic solvent such as isobutyl alcohol and analyzedby fluorimetry employing 360 to 365 nm as the excitation wavelength and460 to 480 nm as the emission wavelength.

• HPLC determination: These are the most common techniques nowa-days. In most food sample matrices, acid and/or enzyme treatment isneeded to release thiamin from phosphate and proteins. Different acidconditions and enzymes have been proposed, including hydrochloric,trichloracetic, and sulfuric acids; single enzymes such as papain andpepsin; or enzyme mixtures such as takadiastase or claradiastase. The lastenzyme hydrolysis coupled to hydrochloric acid has proved to be the mostefficient treatment.

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Although some methods determine the B1 vitamin directly by HPLC with UVdetection, the low vitamin contents and the high quantity of interfering compoundsin foodstuffs make its determination better by conversion of thiamin to fluorescentthiochrome and carrying out the final analysis by HPLC with fluorescence detection.This technique also increases the sensitivity and reproducibility. The thiochromedetermination has two important problems: (1) the instability of the thiochromeitself, and (2) the chromatographic problems related to the excess of oxidizingreagent. The former problem can be solved by the addition of orthophosphoric acidwhich minimizes the formation of thiamin disulfide and stabilizes the thiochrome.The last problem can be solved by solid-phase chromatography cleanup using C18

cartridges or by extracting the thiochrome into isobutyl alcohol as soon as it is formed.This can be achieved by adding the isobutyl alcohol before the ferricyanide reagent.

For the final analysis, reversed-phase HPLC offers the best results. Columnsmost commonly employed are C18 and C8, but others such as amino have also beenemployed. Mobile phases, including organic solvents, ion pair, and organic-aqueousbuffer mixtures, have been used. Microbiological Studies

Microbiological studies take from 4 to 72 h and detect thiamin amounts between 5and 50 ng. The species most commonly employed for thiamin determination arePhycomyces blakeslekanus, Kloeckera brevis (ATCC 9774), Ochromonas danica,Neurospora crassa, and some Lactobacilli such as Lactobacillus fermentum and L.viridescens (ATCC 1270 C). Biological Methods

Biological methods are hardly used, as they are time consuming (6 to 8 weeks) andpoorly reproducible. These studies are based on the effect of thiamin on the growthand evolution of diseases related to vitamin B1-lacking effects. Experimental animalsinclude rats, pigeons, and chickens.



Riboflavin, also called vitamin B2, is structurally composed of an isoalloxazine ringwith a ribityl side chain at the nitrogen at position 10. This vitamin functionsmetabolically as the essential component of two flavin coenzymes, flavin adeninedinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN), complexed with proteins,which act as intermediaries in transfers of electrons in biological oxidation-reductionreactions. Both FAD and FMN function as coenzymes for flavoproteins of flavoen-zymes. Flavoproteins are essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids,and lipids and for pyridoxine and folate conversion to their respective coenzyme forms.

Even though riboflavin is described as water soluble, its solubility in water isactually very low but can be increased by the addition of urea and by formation ofa complex with boron. It is insoluble in lipid solvents. Riboflavin is stable at increases

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of temperature and in acid solutions. UV light causes irreversible decomposition ofthis vitamin. One of the most important problems of riboflavin analysis is the labilityof flavins to light and alkaline conditions, so all analytical procedures have to beperformed avoiding both factors. Acidification and enzyme hydrolytic treatmentguarantee the complete hydrolysis of FAD and FMN to riboflavin. Riboflavin occursin good amounts in dairy products. Animal protein sources such as meats, liver,kidney, and eggs are good sources of riboflavin, as well as some green leafy vege-tables. Very good sources include yeast and meat extract.

7.4.2 ANALYTICAL METHODS Physicochemical Determination

The extraction and cleanup steps for riboflavin are similar to those proposed forthiamin. Special care should be taken to protect samples and standards from UVlight and alkaline conditions. Strict control in the oxidation process is also necessaryto avoid riboflavin decomposition. Although riboflavin is classified as a water-solublevitamin, some problems can arise when dissolving the vitamin in water, and thismust be taken into consideration when preparing the standard solutions.

As in thiamin determination, proposed methods for riboflavin are based onfluorimetry and HPLC.

• Fluorimetric determination: After extraction and cleanup riboflavin flu-orescence is measured employing 400 to 420 nm as the excitation wave-length and 550 to 570 nm as the emission wavelength. Despite its goodsensitivity, this method has the disadvantage of interference from otherfluorescent compounds.

• HPLC determination: Acid and/or enzyme treatments similar to thoseapplied in thiamin analysis are normally required for the transformationof FMN and FAD to riboflavin. A few methods avoid this hydrolytictreatment, proposing direct dilution of the sample in water or acetate bufferfollowed by cleanup on a C18 cartridge.

Final analysis is carried out by reversed-phase liquid chromatography on C18,C8, or C22 columns, as well as by ion pair reversed-phase chromatography. Eventhough riboflavin, because of its structure, does not occur in ion form, the lattertechnique has proved to be very effective in separating riboflavin from disturbingcomponents. Detectors used in both HPLC systems are mainly fluorescence or UVones. Fluorescence excitation wavelengths range from 425 to 470 nm and emissionwavelengths range from 510 to 570 nm. For UV detection 254, 268, and 270 nmare the selected wavelengths. Microbiological Studies

The first assays used Leuconostoc mesenteroides (ATCC 9135) and Tetrahymenapyriformis, but Lactobacillus casei (ATCC 7469) is the microorganism most com-monly employed nowadays in these studies.

©2002 CRC Press LLC Biological Methods

These studies are based on the biological responses of rats and chickens to riboflavin.They have been displaced by the previously described methods.



Niacin includes two vitamers, nicotinic acid and nicotinamide. Nicotinic acid ispyridine 3-carboxylic acid. It is slightly soluble in water and alcohol and easilysoluble in alkalis, but is insoluble in both acetone and diethyl-ether. Nicotinamideis the active form, which functions as a constituent of two coenzymes: nicotinamideadenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate(NADP). In animal tissues, the reduced stages of these coenzymes have been foundas the principal forms of niacin. Nicotinamide is very soluble in water, easily solublein alcohol, soluble in glycerol, and slightly soluble in ether.

Niacin is categorized as a vitamin because its precursor, tryptophan, is anessential amino acid, so the human synthesis of niacin is dependent upon diets.Preformed niacin is widely distributed in plant and animal foods. The typical pre-formed niacin sources in diets are meat and meat products, cereals, dairy products,beverages, and eggs. However, cereals with esterified niacin in complexes have thisvitamin unavailable for absorption, but its bioavailability can be increased by treat-ment with alkali to hydrolyze the esters. Coffee can be a source of niacin, as nicotinicacid is liberated in coffee by roasting.

7.5.2 ANALYTICAL METHODS Physicochemical Determination

• Spectrophotometric determination: These methods require severalextraction and cleanup steps for removing interfering compounds.

Final determination is based on the reaction between niacin and cyan-ogen bromide, which produces pyridinium compounds that finally reactwith aromatic amines, giving colored compounds. This method is hardlyused nowadays because it does not distinguish between nicotinamide andnicotinic acid and it employs cyanogen bromide, which is a noxious andunstable reagent.

• HPLC determination: This technique has been used extensively fordetermining only one vitamer or both vitamers together. Simultaneousdetermination is difficult due to the differences in basicity and polarity ofboth vitamers and the interference problems. After water-phase extractionand sometimes cleanup steps as deproteinization, nicotinic acid and/ornicotinamide are analyzed by ion pair reversed-phase HPLC with UVdetection. Most methods use different ion pair reagents for each vitamer,but a single ion pair reagent for nicotinamide and nicotinic acid can bealso employed.

©2002 CRC Press LLC Microbiological Studies

Niacin microbiological determination uses some Lactobacilli such as L. arabinosus(ATCC 2112), L. plantarum (ATCC 8014), and L. casei (ATCC 7469), as well asLeuconostoc mesenteroides (ATCC 9135). Leuconostoc mesenteroides is not usefulfor nicotinamide determination. In general, growth is measured by turbidity, butacidimetric measurements can also be used. The latter determination requires longerincubation periods.



Vitamin B6 is the generic term for 3-hydroxy-2-methyl-pyridine derivatives with thebiological activity of pyridoxine. It occurs in three vitamers: pyridoxine (pyridoxol),pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine, in which alcohol, aldehyde, and amine groups, respec-tively, are located at the 4-position of the pyridine ring. All three vitamers arecomparably active. Pyridoxal-5′-phosphate and sometimes pyridoxamine-5′-phos-phate are the coenzyme forms of vitamin B6. Pyridoxine is stable in acid solutions.It is rapidly destroyed by light. Pyridoxine is more stable than either pyridoxal orpyridoxamine. Vitamin B6 in plants which contain essentially pyridoxine is lost lessthan the vitamin in animal foods which contain mostly pyridoxal and pyridoxamine.Many vitamin B6-dependent enzymes are known, and almost all of them act onamino acids in reactions which include transamination, decarboxylation, dehydra-tion, desulfydration, racemization, cleavage, and synthesis, among other differentprocesses.

No food is a particularly rich source of pyridoxine, as this vitamin is widelydistributed in foods. Meats and cereals are the richest sources. In contrast, fruits arepoor sources. In some vegetables, the form of vitamin B6 is present as unavailableglucosides. In many foods the vitamin is bound to protein. If foods are stored for along time (1 year), losses of vitamin B6 may be important.

7.6.2 ANALYTICAL METHODS Physicochemical Determination

• Fluorimetric determination: Even though B6 vitamers exhibit nativefluorescence, a previous purification and separation of vitamers by columnchromatography is required for the final fluorimetric determination. Forthis reason HPLC methods are the most commonly used.

• HPLC determination: In many methods all six vitamers are extractedmainly in acidic conditions (trichloroacetic acid, metaphosphoric acid, orsulfosalicylic acid). Other methods hydrolyze the phosphorylated formsof the vitamin by H2SO4 in conjunction with autoclaving or by enzymatictreatment, thus determining only the nonphosphorylated vitamers.

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Several HPLC systems have been used for the final analysis, including ion-exchange HPLC, reversed-phase HPLC, and ion pair reversed-phase HPLC. Detec-tors used in all HPLC systems are mainly fluorescence ones, although UV detectorshave been sometimes used. Microbiological Studies

The main problem related to vitamin B6 microbiological determination is the differentgrowth response to different vitamers. This problem can be solved by separating thevitamers by cation-exchange chromatography on a Dowex AG 50 W-X8 column. Sac-charomyces uvarum (ATCC 9080) and Kloeckera brevis (ATCC 9774) are the testmicroorganisms most frequently used. When S. uvarum is employed, an additionalproblem can be the inhibition of growth due to sample extracts with high salt concen-trations.



Biotin is a sulfur-containing bicyclic compound in which tetrahydrotiophene andimidazolidone rings are fused and there is a valeric acid as the side chain. From theeight possible stereoisomers, only the dextrorotatory (D-(+)-biotin) is ordinarilyfound in nature and is the only one biologically active. This compound is sensitiveto heat.

Biotin is widely distributed in nature in the free form or covalently bound toproteins or peptides. Good sources of biotin are organ meats, egg yolks, and milk.

7.7.2 ANALYTICAL METHODS Physicochemical Determination

The proposed methods are based on spectrometric, chromatographic, and protein-binding techniques. As biotin occurs in food both in free form and covalently boundto proteins, in many methods it is necessary to break these bonds by acid or enzymatichydrolysis. The former is more frequently used than the latter, since acid treatmentconverts D-biocytin into d-biotin and allows a total determination of biotin. Enzy-matic treatment with papain leaves D-biocytin unchanged and only D-biotin is deter-mined. Despite this, some methods propose enzymatic hydrolysis rather than acidhydrolysis because it does not induce any degradation of biotin.

• Spectrophotometric determination: The first spectrophotometric meth-ods proposed for biotin quantification lacked adequate sensitivity and arehardly applied nowadays. The most interesting spectrophotometricmethod for biotin analysis is based on the reaction of biotin with periodate,resulting in iodate as the reaction product. This iodate reacts with iodide,forming triiodide which is finally measured at 350 to 352 nm. This methodhas a sensitivity down the microgram level.

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• Chromatographic determination: Many chromatographic techniqueshave been proposed for biotin determination, including thin-layer chro-matography, gas chromatography (after derivatization of biotin to sylilester), and HPLC, which is the most common chromatographic techniquein biotin analysis. Most proposed methods are reversed-phase HPLC onC18 columns, but anion-exchange HPLC and normal-phase HPLC havebeen already used. Direct detection of the vitamin by UV is not sensitiveenough due to the lower content of biotin in foodstuffs, thus a pre- orpostcolumn derivatization into fluorescent derivatives is necessary toobtain a satisfactory detection limit (10–8 or 10–9 g ml–1).

• Protein-binding assays: These techniques allow a rapid and sensitivedetermination of biotin and, therefore, are commonly employed for routineanalysis of a great number of samples. In all these methods the bindingprotein is the avidin or the streptoavidin, using radioactive isotopes,enzymes, or chemiluminescent substances as labels. The disadvantage ofthese assays is their lack of discrimination between biotin and its metabolites.Combining protein-binding assays and HPLC can solve this problem. Microbiological Studies

These methods were the first developed for biotin analysis and are still accepted asofficial methods because of their high sensitivity (nanogram level). The species mostcommonly employed for biotin determination are some Lactobacilli such as L.arabinosus (ATCC 2112), L. plantarum (ATCC 8014), and L. casei (ATCC 7469);Ochromonas danica, Neurospora crassa, and Saccharomyces cerevisae (ATCC4228) are also employed. Kloeckera brevis (ATCC 9774) is useful for a radiometric-microbiological determination based on the measurement of 14CO2 formed by thetest microorganism from 14C-labeled L-methionine. Biological Methods

These studies are based on the effect of biotin on the growth of rats or chickens, aswell as on the determination of the activity of certain biotin-dependent enzymessuch as pyruvate carboxylase.



The folic acid molecule consists of a pteroic acid nucleus (a pterine molecule coupledto p-aminobenzoic acid) conjugated with one to seven molecules of glutamic acid.Because of this structural component, folic acid is also called pteroylglutamic acid.The pyrazine ring can also present different reduced forms such as dihydropteroyl-glutamic acid and tetrahydropteroylglutamic acid. Different single carbon substituentgroups such as formyl, methyl, and methylene can be also attached to N5 and N10

positions of the pyrazine ring. This results in the existence of over 150 different

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forms of this vitamin in nature which may differ in their bioavailability. All biolog-ically active forms of folic acid are known as folacin(s) or folate(s).

Folic acid is synthetized by plant and certain microorganisms and passed on tohigher animals through the food chain. Good sources of folate include liver, dark-green leafy vegetables, legumes, wheat germ, egg yolks, and yeast. Although themonoglutamate form is present in foods, most of the folates are in the form ofpolyglutamate which is important for their analysis, since in both physicochemicaland microbiological analyses enzymatic deconjugation treatment is necessary to thehydrolyze polyglutamate to mono- or diglutamate forms. Folates are labile tochanges in pH, the presence of oxidizing agents, and exposure to heat and light.

7.8.2 ANALYTICAL METHODS Physicochemical Determination

• HPLC determination: The two main problems in the the developmentof successful HPLC methods for folates determination are the presenceof many different forms of this vitamin and their low levels in foodstuffs.Additional problems are their instability to light, heat, and oxidation. Forpreventing oxidation losses of folate, certain antioxidants such as ascorbicacid or nitrogen flushing are employed during the extraction procedure.

After extraction and enzymatic deconjugation, sample extracts arecleaned up by strong anion-exchange chromatography. Final analysis isperformed by reversed-phase HPLC with fluorescence or UV detection.

• Protein-binding assays: Several enzyme protein-binding assays andradioprotein-binding assays have also been developed and commercializedas kits for rapid evaluation of this vitamin in blood, plasma, and differentfoodstuffs. Despite their rapidity, these methods lack adequate discrimi-nation between different forms of folates. Microbiological Studies

Due to the difficulties in the estimation of total folates in food by physicochemicalmethods, official methods are based on microbiological assays. As in the previouslydescribed methods, special care must be taken to protect labile folates from oxidationand photochemical degradation. For evaluation of free folic acid, Enterococcus hiraeand Streptococcus faecalis (ATCC 7830) can be used, but they do not respond toother folate forms present in food. The most widely accepted procedure for totalfolates determination uses Lactobacillus casei ssp. rhamnosus (ATCC 7469) as thetest microorganism, since this bacterium responds to most native folates present infood. The main problem involved with Lactobacillus is the presence of food-boundfolates that do not promote the growth of these bacteria. It is known that the numberof glutamyl residues linked to the pteroyl group is negatively related to the L. caseigrowing response. For this reason an enzymatic treatment of foods with folateconjugase is necessary to hydrolyze folylpolyglutamates to mono- or diglutamate

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forms. Recent studies have found that treatments with protease and α-amylaseimprove the folate determination in high protein and high carbohydrate foods.



Vitamin B12 is the name given to a group of active vitamers called cobalamins whichcontain cobalt. The structure of this vitamin consists of a macrocyclic ring (usuallycalled “corrin”) formed by four reduced pyrrole rings linked together. Two of thefour pyrrole rings are joined directly rather than through a single methylidyne carbon.Below the corrin ring system there is a 5,6-dimethyl-benzimidazole riboside that islinked with one end to the central cobalt atom. The form called cyanocobalamincontains a cyanide group coordinately bound to the cobalt atom of the vitamin B12

molecule. The cyanide group may be removed and substituted by a hydroxy, aqua,nitro, methyl, or 5′-adenosyl group called “hydroxycobalamin,” “aquacobalamin,”“nitrocobalamin,” “methylcobalamin,” and “5′-adenosylcobalamin,” respectiviely.

Crystalline vitamin B12 is stable to heating at 100°C. Aqueous solutions of vitaminB12 at pH 4 to 7 can be autoclaved with very little loss. Cyanocobalamin is the moststable form. Nevertheless, the cobalamins are very sensitive in the presence of reducingagents, as well as in light (especially adenosyl- and methylcobalamins) and alkalineconditions. Photolysis results in two compounds stable only under anaerobic conditions.

In plant foods, vitamin B12 cannot be detected, unless it is contaminated withmicroorganisms (which may occur in legumes and root vegetables). For humans,the most reliable sources of this vitamin are animal foods such as meats and seafood.Algae can also contain vitamin B12, but the bioavailability has been questioned.

7.9.2 ANALYTICAL METHODS Physicochemical Determination

• Spectrophotometric determination: Even though this technique hasbeen used for vitamin B12 determination, it is not a suitable method for acomplex sample matrix.

• HPLC determination: This technique has been widely used, since, ingeneral, it is less sensitive than the microbiological method. The variousisomers of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamins) can be analyzed by reversed-phase HPLC. Pre- and postcolumn labeling, column switching, and solid-phase extraction (SPE) may be used (Iwase and Ono, 1997).

• Protein-binding assays: The radioisotope dilution assay (RIDA) hasbeen employed for determining vitamin B12 in foods, using radiolabeledB12 and hog intrinsic factor (IF), the most specific B12-binding protein.Several kits for the RIDA method are commercially available. A verygood correlation coefficient has been found between the microbiologicalmethod and the RIDA method, but a radioisotope is used and radioisotopefacilities and apparatuses are necessary for the RIDA method. The direct

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competitive ELISA enzyme immunoassay (“Ridascreen®” test, DigenLtd., U.K., 1998), developed in a microplate with a very specific vitaminB12 antibody, can be used for vitamin B12 quantification both in foods andin pharmaceuticals. This technique is very sensitive. In foods such as milk,250 ng/l can be measured. The fat content of oily samples needs to bepreviously removed. Depending on the foodstuff analyzed, previous enzy-matic treatment of the sample may be required. Vitamin B12 can also beanalyzed in foods with a fully automated chemiluminescence B12 analyzer,with the acridinium ester-labeled B12 derivative and IF. Vitamin B12 isextracted from foods applying the method reported in the microbiologicaltechniques paragraph, but, in the case of the chemiluminescence method,vitamin B12 is extracted with distilled water from pieces of filter paperafter 1 day at 4°C in the dark. Standards are also used. The compoundsextracted from the filter papers are determined spectrophotometrically bymeasuring absorbance at 361 nm. The vitamin B12 extracts are directlyapplied to the chemiluminescence B12 analyzer. If compared with themicrobiological method, the chemiluminescence method appears to be 5to 10 times less sensitive, but simpler, quicker, highly selective, andreproducible (Watanabe et al., 1998). Microbiological Studies

Microbiological studies can be used for determining vitamin B12 in addition toradioisotopic techniques (Rougereau et al., 1997). The following strains are mostoften used: Lactobacillus lactis (ATCC 8000), L. leischmannii (ATCC 7830)(Schneider, 1987), and Escherichia coli, according to the classical methods ofdetermination. The extraction of vitamin B12 can be carried out by homogenizingthe food samples in acetate buffer, followed by extraction of total vitamin B12 fromthe homogenates by the method of boiling with KCN at acidic pH (Frenkel et al.,1980). After centrifuging, the supernatant is used for the assay. Then a paper chro-matography of the extract is carried out. The filter paper is dried, cut into pieces,and used as samples for the microbiological assay. Samples usually need to be dilutedfor the microbiological method, and a B12 assay medium is required. When L.leischmannii (ATCC 7830) is employed, the turbidity (%T) of the L. leischmannii testculture is measured at 600 nm. Microbiological methods are very sensitive, but theyare usually tedious and time consuming, for it takes long to prepare and incubate thesamples and the tissue must be cultured and the strain preserved. A well-trained full-time technician is also necessary. In addition, when L. leichmanii is used, vitamin B12

analogs inactive for humans are also determined (Watanabe et al., 1998).



L-Ascorbic acid (AA) and L-dehydroascorbic acid (DHAA) are the two biologicallyvitamin C active compounds; AA is a strong reducing agent and DHAA is the

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oxidized derivative of the AA. Interconversions of these compounds are carried outby glutathione dehydrogenase and ascorbate oxidase, among other enzymes. VitaminC is a strong reducing agent and thus an important antioxidant. Vitamin C biochem-ical functions are based on its ability to donate one or two electrons.

Vitamin C is readily lost in cooking because of its water solubility. The avail-ability of this vitamin is higher whenever vegetables are eaten raw, so fresh fruitand salad are the most reliable sources for vitamin C in the diet. Vitamin C can bedepleted when fresh food is stored for a long time. Vitamin C can be oxidized todehydroascorbate and then irreversibly degraded by hydrolytic opening of the lactonering, which occurs in the presence of oxygen. Alkali, heat, light, and copper enhancethe rate of oxidation.

Plant origin foods are the almost exclusive sources of vitamin C. In mostdeveloped countries this vitamin is used as a dietary supplement and chemicalpreservative, so soft drinks, cereals, cakes, confectionery, and fish and meat productsmight become an important dietary source of vitamin C. West Indian cherries,blackcurrants, oranges, lemons, strawberries, and kiwi fruit, among others, are goodvitamin C sources, as well as most green leafy vegetables and also potatoes (thenew ones in particular), because of the large amount generally eaten.


Vitamin C analysis must be performed at low pH and, if necessary, in the presenceof a chelating agent because this vitamin can be easily oxidized, especially at highpH conditions. The presence of Cu2+ and Fe3+ ions also contributes to this process.The biologically active DHAA can be reconverted to AA by reduction. Physicochemical Determination

• Chemical methods: These are based on the power of L-AA as a reducingagent. These techniques are more rapid, more reproducible, and lessspecific than bioanalysis and microbilogical assays for the complex bio-logical relationship among the compounds that show vitamin C activity,as well as the similarities between these molecules and other that are notactive. Chemical methods can be divided into two groups. The first oneincludes the determination of the reducing form of L-AA. The secondone measures the total “vitamin C,” represented by L-AA, DHAA and2,3-diketogulonic acid.

At present, for AA extraction, most methods use metaphosphoric acid.Sometimes, samples are cleaned up by solid-phase chromatography on aSep-pak C18 cartridge.

The first chemical methods were based on the oxidizing-reducing prop-erties of L-AA or on its property of developing colored hydrazides byreaction with anyline diazotized derivatives. The extract is a reducingagent and can be measured by treatment with an oxidizing agent such as2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, proposed in 1927 by Tillmans. Other suit-able agents are iodine and methylene-blue. About 50 years ago, “total”

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vitamin C was determined by reaction of 2,3-diketogulonic acid with2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine; after adding sulfuric acid, the oxazoneformed gave a red color that could be read at 540 nm (Roe et al., 1948).

• Titration: The extract is dissolved with a mixture of metaphosphoric acid,glacial acetic acid, and water. After shaking and adding a starch solution,a titration with iodine solution is carried out.

• 3,6-Dichlorophenolindo titrimetric method (AOAC Int. 967.21, 45.1.14,1995): L-AA is oxidized to L-DHAA by 2,6-dichloroindophenol. In thepresence of significant amounts of iron or copper in the matrix to beanalyzed, a chelating agent (such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid)should be included with the extraction. After the vitamin C extractionsteps, sample extract is diluted. Three replicates of both standard andsample are titrated with 3,6-dichlorophenolindo solution. The red-colorend point should last at least 10 sec to be valid. With colored samples,vitamin C needs to be determined by observing the change of transmit-tance at 545 nm. L-DHAA can be determined by first converting it to L-AA with a suitable reducing agent.

• Electrochemical methods: These methods for determining L-AA are sim-pler. Polarography developed by Lindquist and Ferroha in 1975 is veryspecific and requires a low amount of sample and a minimum preparation.

• Enzymatic determination: AA is transformed into DHAA using ascorbateoxidase.

• Colorimetric determination: AA is oxidized with 2,6-dichorophenolin-dophenol into DHAA and then it is converted into oxazone with 2,4-dini-trophenylhydrazine. After recoloring with sulfuric acid, it is finallymeasured at 520 nm.

• Microfluorometric method (AOAC Int. 967.22, 45.1.15, 1995): A fluores-cent quinoxaline compound is formed upon reaction of DHAA with o-phenylenediamine and measured at Ex = 356 nm, Em = 440 nm. With thismethod, it is possible to measure both AA and DHAA, for the former ispreviously oxidized to DHAA. To compensate for the presence of inter-fering substances, blanks need to be run using boric acid prior to theaddition of the diamine solution. In blanks, development of fluorescentquinoxaline is prevented by the formation of H3BO3-DHAA complex priorto additon of the phenylenediamine solution.

• HPLC determination: Nowadays, HPLC separations are the most usedbecause of the high sensitivity and selectivity of this technique (Rougereauet al., 1997; Cserháti and Forgács, 1999). For determining “total vitaminC,” both AA and DHAA are determined. However, in some procedures,AA is separated. Vitamin C extraction is carried out using several chem-icals (HPO3, TCA, EDTA, EDTA and citric acid, water, phosphate buffer),generally followed by dilution and injection of the samples.

Special preparation and extraction techniques have been described such as DHAAreduction, HPO3/ethanol utilization, enzymatic oxidation and o-phenilendiamine

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derivatization, oxidation of AA followed by 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNFH)derivatization, and HClO4, among many others.

Normal-phase adsorption HPLC has been employed, as well as ion-exchangechromatography, bounded-NH2 partition chromatography, reversed-phase chroma-tography, and ion pair reversed-phase chromatography. C18 columns have been themost employed. RP-8, NH2, and silica columns have been also employed. UVdetection has been the most used technique. However, electrochemical detection, aswell as fluorescence after derivatization, can also be used.

When an NH2 column is used, the retention time is strongly influenced bytemperature (Gilpin and Sisco, 1980). A 35°C column temperature may be good forAA analysis, because a good retention time is obtained without affecting the stabilityof this vitamin. The problem of using reversed-phase HPLC on an NH2 column isthat after about 100 injections the column is worn out, probably due to the Schiffts’base formation from NH2 groups. However, both C8 and C18 columns do not showthis problem. Microbiological Studies

For qualitative estimations, they are quicker but less used than chemical methods.Myrothecium verrucacia can be used (Meyer et al., 1965). Biological Methods

In 1922 Sherman et al., described a bioanalysis assay based on determining theminimum amount of vitamin C necessary for protecting the Guinea pig from scurvy.Bioanalyses are expensive, less precise, and time consuming. They have the advan-tage of measuring all the compounds with vitamin C activity, and excluding thosewhich do not show that activity. Nowadays, bioanalysis based on dental structurehistological changes is the more specific method.



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