T rts Rc 7 Tlie Breathitt News IulillslKMl Evory frilny ry j II Local and Personal 4 fallings at Buy IJroa Co j I Talton K Calhoun of Steven H j son was hero on business last week t Tames Combs and C C Hall of Neil were here Monday buying Jgoods rJ L Mann has bought Lcwi Roberts farm on Quicksand creel for 000 Just received u nice linjj of Can dhtf NutB etc CIAURNUK HAIIOKN 11if Emma Clark has accepted R a position fly clop in S 1 Flecn y prs jewelry store J M Davidson who has been Hying near Whick for tho past vcarhai moved to Jackson 1 r lanscc1I Mrs Sap Patton of Rousseau was hero last week tho guest of her daughter Mrs T II Sturtl- iV11 r Ki Cornell Jr who is clcrlcinji for John Wafts line gone to houso kctiping corner Main street an Lincoln avenue 11 P Howling editor of the 1 11irtrtl ICnlorprise IInsIcllthrouJ hero Ttllwday on his way home i from tho worU > fair S J Wadkins and Jack How anl of Lambric were hero Wud ixisday They ate figuring on buying a farm just nlx > vo hmo misnino Terry of Jolts Creole wire has been in I ho hospital nt IjCXlngtun for treatment o f blood poisoning is improving 1r If r aI l11e Ponton huts purchased rr tr the Pearl Strong farm near tho Hwuth of Troublesome for 1200 nml will moro to it soot I lo sold tlrhis farts at Whiok to Mm Vugntc u This is tho very last timo wo Jhnll take the trouble to inform 11e girls of this neighborhood that leap year is tlnlWinA to nn end and there will not bo another till they are older G rant Holliday was in Morgan t county several days last week i a time interest of his brotherinlaw Wilson Lykins who will ho dep- uty ¬ sheriff under Milt Pieratt who was nominated for sheriff latt l fcok J T Hack who inns been fir- ing ¬ in this county nlxnit two years has moved back to his farm in Mcnifeo county where ho will en- gage ¬ in farming Mr flack was raised in this county and isn good citicn Wo are sorry to lose him hilt there is n probability that ho t will return ns most nil do that leave to our county The Democratic primary held in Morgan county last week resulted in tho following nominations for county offices Alex Whillakor r for county judge J P Hnnov for attorney Hluford Pierntt for 4clOlk Milton Pieratt for sheriff J Andrew Henry for jailer Miss siijierinI m assessor Miss Josephine Fletcher was time guest of honor at a delightful so cial function last Saturday evening I given by Misses Elizabeth and Evelyn Dickey at their homo on j Walnut street Elegant refresh ments were served and tho nmur was pronounced in all respects n teM delightful one Miss Fletcher re ¬ turned to Laxington the first of > atIlunilton 14 C llthiutna Miss Fletcher is a daughter of- F W Fletcher of this placo 1 k Un U L Ihkor pntor of tho + IFirst nl Is4ehl1lchnL Jackson l r told tho man ho would vT iovo with his family tai Pik villa ° i tho mst of January aril thai theI heloIe to erect n modern brick iOilof nn ciicr gctjc wideawnke man and will bo It vof great benefit to our city KQV TI r Tinkers fntnjly consists of his wifo kt Ii < > r i ft f q t lJ r i J Mrs II L Tnkor Is visiting friends nt lleuttyvillo tills week Misses IIolHo niul Matlie Copo of Tnulbco rotiirncil last week front Oklahoma whoro they had boon visiting friends for tho past two months Tho residence Of Mtss Mary Irvine corner of Maul street and Lincoln avenue is ncarinfr comple ¬ toot under the management of L T Bolin the contractor Qtiosn Cha > man who has been living in Clark county for somo time cm ouJlllIst week to sec his son llauins Chapman who is very ow with pneumonia foyer A special to time CourierJournal from Coviiitflon ICy says Suit for possession of lour tracts iijrKre rating 800 acres in limo Had Luuln it llrcathilt county was Bled in the United Sintas Court Monday by the administrator and heirs of thw Into Louis Taylor Tho de ¬ Pendants John Smith and Wesley yiiiger refuse to givo up posses lion thereof to plaintiffs CIirlHlmtis Tree Thoro will ho a Xmas tree nt tho Presbyterian church on Satur dry evening December 21th A programme of the exercises will be published in our n6xt issue tlinlgo Cooper lrirnl red Judge rohu K Cooper of Mi pnndd ¬ < tic had been in ill health for some limn hut against the ml Vice of his family wont hero to assist in wane murder trials At last ac ¬ count ho was much letter For Jaminrj Torni Saturday lCcmhelljth next will bts tho last day for alto tiling of appeals before tilt Court of Ap ¬ peal for placo on tho docket for use January lOOfl term of that court Tho present term will adj- ourn about that time or early in the following week c1I Tho Stale Prison Gmnnission hits granted a parole in tho disc of John Howard of Magomn county an iumatoof the State Xinitcntiary who was sort up November 6 1902 to SrO n sentence of ten years for manslaughter Ho shot and killed Fred P Sinner nt Sal yersville Ills Parole was unani ¬ mously recommended among the petitioners being former common ¬ lirJn Contest oil KlccUon Case Tho Appellate Court will today Friday hear argument in tho con- tacted ¬ election case of Adams against Roberts from this district Tho ballot boxes in tho contest were taken to Frankfort this week and filed in tho oilico of tho clerk of tho court In tho lower court special judge Smith Hayes held that neither was entitled to tho office Adams having been elected but his county was taken out of tho district and placed in tho now Thirtyfirst district Judges Pryor and Haclrigg will makb argument for Roberts Caleb Powers Sets u Now Trial Tho court of appeals on last Tuesday reversed tho decision of tho Scott county circuit court in tho Caleb Powers case This is the third reversal of this case Tho reversal was based on three grounds First that the lower court refused to giro tho defend ¬ not time to file grounds for a now trial second because sentence was pronounced on tho sauna day th verdict was returned third1a cause of remarks of attorney T OCnmlbollor the prosecution referring to how tho jury arrived at a verdict in the Tames toward caseIn the first two trials Powers was sentenced to lifo imprison- ment ¬ and in tho third trial ho was sentenced to hang Tho charge against him was complicity in tho murder of Senator Wm Goobcl in January 1DOO ADVI2IlTrsI3I > LETTER L1ST Ljjitof unclaimed matter advertised by Daniel > Hurst postmaster nt- JaeksouKy and sent to the dead let ¬ ter office at Washington DO for the week ending December 10 1001s Bryant Nnnnie Bryant Abo Ooopor Henry Combs Curtis Doan Oalvln FordU E Gillie Kate Hutchlns EIt3 Howard Mrs Liiln Lnlt John 3 Moore DlUard Maya John Martin Lillian Mnlijney Bruce Parker Kplly KnapierMlss Mary Iloberts L < ila B Scrivener America mItUlNannJ OejJ WilllamsMra Mnry l v IrOllljCIllronUo to aeo DrugCo i lIon Mason Gopcvpf Simpson who line boon sick for some time is very low i J F Patton + postmaster ilL Lnmbric was horn on businisH Wwhioaday sludge WIL Hlftiiton ind T 11 IIclIOIl Woni yesterday t annoy to altuiul the Senatorial con vention which mtota thorn today A chancu on an ulvgnnt 10 piece UJnncr Slit given with each GO co it cash pure laeo I AOKION Jjjfo C- or f + 3 Charlie Scott the barber whu lots been sick for some lime hn l so far recovered aa to lye able to resume his work in the pOstoflice building W Sr lluggof IJoontville brother of Dr W P lloggJS attending tho law dopnrtmunt of the Lnivorsity of 3lichigan nt ulna Arbor Slich Prof II H Ilnrris of batty rifle will give his excellent enter ¬ tainment at the court house in Jackson for the benefit of tho BUll ¬ tist church on the night of Decem ¬ her 15 Jot Dyer who has been work ¬ ing in Francis barber shop on Broadway hrs rcaigiie4l his jtosi tion old accepted n similar one with Whit takers bnrbor shop in the Cmwford building Kdwin L Preston is nrrangiiijf for special Xmas services bqtli at Quicksand and Ilounshcll school houses on Sunday December 125 Services nl Iounahellat 10 n m and nt Quicksand at 2p m Jampfi Cnudill of S levcnaon was lucre Wednesday HP ns one Of tho trustees of school district No HO lips just had n good school house built in his district nnd rays it is one pf the host on Quiclwand crook Uritton Case Postponed Tho case of William Jiritton charged with tho murder of Jaiuos Oockrell has beun cotitintiod un- til January 3d nt Lexington Witnesses Suddenly Disappear Tho trial of tho case of Mrs J n Murcuin vs Alex nnd Jnmee HnrgtH IJ F French nUll Ed Cnl jnlmn was bogun yoitonlay nt Winchester When tho case was called Wednesday morning it wns discovered thnt Moses Feltnor JutlongnmlL1artO nGases for the plaintiff hind tlieap- prarOll Mrs Mnrcum filwl nn lit charging thnt the defend lints had caused theme to leave This suit was brought by Mrs Mnrcum and is for 100000 dam ngus nnd charges the defendants with conspiringwith cortnin per ¬ sons to havo her J II Mnrcum killed Mr Mnrcum was assassinated horn on Mny i 1508 Corn Hard to Excel Wo occasionally hoar it snid thnt Ur county is not u good farming country To any who are of that opinion wo invite them to como to our office nnd see the line specimens of corn raised this year by Georgo Fletcher nl the Si Bend on tho farm of 0 W Sowell near lime jnoulli of Froxon creek Thoso snmplos will com ¬ pare favorably with ntuywe saw nt tho worlds fair whore wo ear thousands of Bpeeimons Our soil is just as productive ns styamid if wo would devote our energies more to tho cultivation of goode ns sections thoo standards JACKSON STUAY NOTICE This la to certify thnt on tho 22irJ day of Novenibur 1001 Ireon Shep ¬ herd of Ltimbrfc Ky appeared be fore me slating that ho had taken up Q stray littler alunit 1l yours 01 ORB worth about six fO CO dollars color rod with white on forehead and nhoul dor nnd with einnll crooked horn WUSHElMiKUD J IM C Startling Evidence Fresh testimony in great quantity Is constantly coining in declaring Dr IJiriRn Now Dldcoyory for Conaumpliun Coughs anJ Cools to bo nnequaled A recent expression from l J McKnrland BentorvllloVa serves as examine lie writes I hail bronchitis for three years nod doctored all the tints with ¬ out being benefited Then I began taking Dr Kings New Discovery anti a law bottles wholly cured me Equally enVolivn In curing + nil Lung OonaumpOanlneuntonla Jarkfon Drug Go Trial bottles free regular ilzes lJ9u1l1iHlOO 1 l ilail Orders For Anything in th- eJEWELERS LINE I receives prompt attention IH7 HOOKIIS- KV1YKS SPOONS null IOItltS HE IN TZ T 13 W 1TER Opposite tho Fhuinix lluttl LEXINGTON KYI Se deitz Your mail Orders No Moro Suffering If you are troubled with Indigentlm get a bottle of Kixlil Dycpepjiin Care und yen h Av quickly It will euro you Lleii A1homp4oitof SpunerIisay Hove Imd Dj 8M > p < iA for tw6Mtyyfnw My Case wan uliuuKt hopeless Kn1 Dyspepsia Or wns ivanunnfindcd uml IIIudn rut heulNsf It mill It is the inljr thing lit ii lies riM rd ute Would lint tit without ft lluve duetirud trill local phjvIelniM iiiil iiho nt UhlenC and even ioni to N may wlJi IhipP4 of gutting tfiuii relief bit K alit lJr popKla Cure lit t11M only remedy thin hu dune nil tray gnultutu T huiirtlly ruoumuirml it livery person tulTijrlijg with ludigtiiiliin or Djrapep jila nhoiild use Ii Sld by M S Drain Tnuknn Kr Rhoomnklntr In the Illaok rare t Tlio Black forest of liwroany u ro thou fninolw for ccutmlua to hUIfItI of years liolilud thee preset nnt ID nctlinU ef Urine ami eoodntitiHC alts plo Industries Tilts fact Is Rtrlklngly exompllllcd in the primitive ways tile nitlvcfl follow in making loather mind sltofs AVlwu n former kills his beef lie takes the lisle to the local tnuu r who will keep It for two years before he considers It fit for the shoemaker When the hide Is leather the shooirwk er Is Informed of limo fact Then some morning tile shoemaker conies to the farmers house with his kit of tools and for the time being Is ono of tho family Every Kntrlnn nod every Johnmi Is mnrrheil before him awl measured nnd time work of mak lug shoes for1 the fnmjly begins It may tako n month more or low but he sticks to his job until every one In properly shod when he Is away to the next customer needing his services Shoo Itettller 1Vnrst of nil Kvporlcncivs Con nnj tliliiR be worse lliun to ferl that every ininula will be your Insl Suah Was tlin experience of Mrs S II NlWBon Decatur Ala For three years the writs I endured infuiITer able pain from indigestion Btomncli and bowel trouble Dtialli seemed in evitable lien dostoH and nil remrdlA railed AtlHiiRlh I was Induced to try Klectrlc Bitters and the result urns miraculous I Improved nt tins ajul now Im cnmplotelv reoiiVDrwi lInt Liver Kidney Stomach anti Bowel Troubles Electric Hitter Is the only medicine Only fiOc Its cunranlceil by Jackson Drug C- aSomething New Valuable Tours 7O FLORIDAvin 5ouU2ri I ailuay And j Queen LC Crescent Route Go One iVayReturn Another Winter tourist tickets gnarl Koine via Ailitvillc throujh I he Lind of the Sky and buautlfnl iiipphlro euunlry nod r turnliiB via Atliiula and ChilI tu nnnca or vice verse are now on salt al LOW UATKS The Florida TiniUed solid train n rain of finest Pulltnun Drawing Koiim Sleeper and vctlbtilrd cimclies with Dining Our delvice loaves LexiiiR tgn every morning via Queen lfi Ores ¬ haute miming through without change to Jacksonville vin OhulinnuogR nnd Southern Hnilvnv The Chicago and Florida Special be- ginning January Oth consisting ol Drawing Komn Sleepers Obgervaiion Oars etc will leave Ciiiilnnati every evening except Sunday rnnlllllJd through solid lo St n Oliaitannoca and Southern Hnllway with Dlnlns Our orvico qnroute ihrou jh rullmnn Sleepers to Jacke gnnvillo from Olncinniiti ovary evening via Knoxville Afhevlllo timid fcnvaimh From Loulsvllo connection with all nf the abovo tnilnj Is tltnltnt Ioxing ton by trains of the Southern Hallway For Land of mime Sky book Win ¬ ter Homes folder rates schedules tir other utforum III Ion address O D Aiwa 0 1 luvoRRFonii AG P A Son Ity p I A Son Uv St Louis Mu Louisville Ky W O UlNRAtlfld- Vai > AQ it Olluuie Oincinnatl Oc J- I JiTBElfED ClflD I AND SaUl ThiI1 For Sale Nino liundred and fifty acres lying Fn Koeltcnuilf CMIIHJ Kfiinicky nt rilI + 1nrj cum Saute IHKII nml kiniliy lull nio t i nf ii liitsuell nmre than lijl acre level II Item nn the ridges pine and ak Unit rut any six mi to 80 inclir + Ill HIP tlOltiitIM nrd liiillunH it linn Bum whole link lijiiek oak hickory Illll 1IIr lCVMl KfMttlll Ullilf ak All h it SOI nin > < of it l14 out over 21 years ago hat lots of soid tim ¬ her In left that Is viilunlili1 now II ISM JUI ncretf Bare HIMH plop ink lipiJtluit oiik tllfunlit jioplnr cum and Mack mink with 90 to in cords of nn hark tin it A ciwl vein of 80 iuii r mtirc has IICHII fwiiiKl ni the ruilriutl Which run llirtinph till + Inliil ti fort under IIB gramiud in the boiuini Omul tiniiiliy criM s fniiiH nlmvu and IlIlnwI ii oat of 030 nitna fold sixty fif fGI nor IIIIH nl 40 news sold nJI she per micro Will pimrnlupH mine linn feet or gad timber to be emit llii lnml JKo tfinbHi Is not nil ol tin I bust clns lint loK of first emus 8 ill lilT lIcit nil ph10Qnkand Miiilnr cnn b cut nlTof it Will sell thhl land fur fG 00H r acre and Woke n rfi ct tith to nine nls1nve n nxv null in ipern tiiui on this ImiiliiiKl lour mind noire HP1 ono WnKUll Avlilth I will snll Tur 11000 in connection With the Iniul My re irfH Ii r iCtltlU Is min BMSiiini of any lirnllli rtinl lihl m > l1 Wile ollllrI lntbntlCtb take 8010 cmIt nid rive tlincou the bNliitiitf IhI4 H the JrrlnlI et ItiirRmJii ever utterwt in Itinl nntl nut noxious to sell ailull vr iiddn sj GEORGE W SETTLE 8 BEREA KY THE BREAD MAKER hiss tin fenrsof the rweultwhen using Alansfields Flour Its white nnd has thu natural afile and iluvur of tltn whuiU berry Makes better whiter honlt1ar broad llwji you have bean using beaaiue it Ii rolled from the boat tvliBut nnil mUle in time right wny on the best eqnlppeD roller lour 1IIIIlIIIIKentucky Leta 2Clbnckof HliSl 1ATKNT dr MOUNTAIN LILLY talk to you It will be mum oonvinciitK limn n bnrrul of WOrth Ask your grocer tOt It 11 C MANSFIELD C SOX ROSSLYN KY PRICES FOR LOWER Qnlll oisWtreJ then say otter Needles Oil Repairs POZ ALL MAUl AT SINGERISTORB Need lee for fill iimko of ninaltjnos Do per pnilvngo Sotttlicast corner Main niul I5ron hvuy Jackson Ky FE riD ED orAmodtli uprttars copjrujUU tW IN ALL COUNTRIES fitalmu rU rI1l11 HotUiglaa tmtt tint aoNy acJrfko tk fs1ei1 Patent and Infrlngemtnt Practtci xelutl ely Write or come to us al auk math Shed app ValUi SAto relent else WASI4INOTON D C I AVnntecl Ripe cano tops Will ray 200 per wagon load Corn oats amid CJihlmgo taken on subscriptions to tho News Cull nt this olliuo jmblnutlon Oinr Ity our liberal terms with thtTpub lisliers of other papers wo are able to furnish you two papers fur a little mere than tho price of one Wo eau you money on any pAper you v Ih- tIJlnlw We will furnish you Till nuEATiirrr COUNTY NEWS and of tho following Co ii nor u ii ruin Loiilsvillt Herald Chicago InterOcean Cincinnati Enquirer Lexington Loader iloiie and Fiirni or New York TrlbunoFariUBr Ono Year For Oiily 1 lUS I No ono should be wllliout a paper when lie can buy two of tho beat In the country for io IlUlenionOy < I I i 2 4 7 ° is i is r s 1 s 9 ie- Ill W Ill 1 Ill CHRiSTMAS II1I IS COMiZG w elf Ali HM WATCH ES 4 Ill n t tD ALL OVEP7 E OJt YOU WILL NEED SOME W 1g fliee presents for Your prei7dsg I lino of new and W Illr consisting of > < W rl r Wt Pill Novelties II f Ill TOut Inbl Ilns Etc Ill Viv M Noill SM W If i JACKSON KENTUCKY ill F Itiii 0Ot Ladies Fine Shoes p II v No Cut of Vamps in I Courtneys Shoes ehOR SALE BYS AP Crawford C Cog po 4 r Here We Are The Cslebrated H A N ANa rho Best on Earth PRICE CI 5 OOPRIC E t For Sale By DAY BROSOOJao- ksoi AI Ke9ttjGky > 111 11 Q rasWIL aducrisoy in ttt r I I ffireathitt County 7fews fa TJhc bost medium by which W fg to t roach all tho mountain trado V Tjwico tho Circulation 01I mi any uanorWn ffiroathitt 0 + t- i r r v- j1 U

7 Tlie Breathitt News JiTBElfED ry - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt734t6f2p5z/data/0235.pdfresume his work in the pOstoflice building W Sr lluggof IJoontville brother of

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Page 1: 7 Tlie Breathitt News JiTBElfED ry - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt734t6f2p5z/data/0235.pdfresume his work in the pOstoflice building W Sr lluggof IJoontville brother of

T rts Rc7 Tlie Breathitt News

IulillslKMl Evory frilny

ry j II

Local and Personal4

fallings at Buy IJroa Co j

I Talton K Calhoun of Steven

H json was hero on business lastweek

t Tames Combs and C C Hall ofNeil were here Monday buyingJgoods

rJ L Mann has bought LcwiRoberts farm on Quicksand creelfor 000

Just received u nice linjj of Candhtf NutB etc


11if Emma Clark has acceptedR

a position fly clop in S 1 Flecny prs jewelry store

J M Davidson who has beenHying near Whick for tho pastvcarhai moved to Jackson

1 r

lanscc1IMrs Sap Patton of Rousseau

was hero last week tho guest ofher daughter Mrs T II Sturtl-

iV11 rKi Cornell Jr who is clcrlcinji

for John Wafts line gone to housokctiping corner Main street anLincoln avenue

11 P Howling editor of the1 11irtrtl ICnlorprise IInsIcllthrouJhero Ttllwday on his way home

i from tho worU > fair

S J Wadkins and Jack Howanl of Lambric were hero Wudixisday They ate figuring onbuying a farm just nlx > vo hmo

misnino Terry of Jolts Creole

wire has been in I ho hospital nt

IjCXlngtun for treatment o f bloodpoisoning is improving

1r Ifr aI l11e Ponton huts purchased

rr tr the Pearl Strong farm near tho

Hwuth of Troublesome for 1200nml will moro to it soot I lo sold

tlrhis farts at Whiok to Mm Vugntc

u This is tho very last timo wo

Jhnll take the trouble to inform11e girls of this neighborhood thatleap year is tlnlWinA to nn endand there will not bo another tillthey are older

G rant Holliday was in Morgant county several days last week i

atime interest of his brotherinlawWilson Lykins who will ho dep-


sheriff under Milt Pieratt whowas nominated for sheriff latt

l fcokJ T Hack who inns been fir-


in this county nlxnit two yearshas moved back to his farm inMcnifeo county where ho will en-


in farming Mr flack wasraised in this county and isn goodciticn Wo are sorry to lose himhilt there is n probability that ho

t will return ns most nil do thatleave to our county

The Democratic primary held inMorgan county last week resultedin tho following nominations forcounty offices Alex Whillakorr forcounty judge J P Hnnov forattorney Hluford Pierntt for

4clOlk Milton Pieratt for sheriffJ Andrew Henry for jailer MisssiijierinIm assessor

Miss Josephine Fletcher was time

guest of honor at a delightful social function last Saturday evening

I given by Misses Elizabeth andEvelyn Dickey at their homo on

j Walnut street Elegant refreshments were served and tho nmurwas pronounced in all respects n

teM delightful one Miss Fletcher re ¬

turned to Laxington the first of

> atIlunilton14 C llthiutna

Miss Fletcher is a daughter of-

F W Fletcher of this placo1

k Un U L Ihkor pntor of tho+ IFirst nl Is4ehl1lchnL Jacksonlr told tho man ho would

vT iovo with his family tai Pik villa°

i tho mst of January aril thai theI

heloIeto erect n modern brickiOilofnn ciicrgctjc wideawnke man and will boIt vof great benefit to our city KQV

TI r Tinkers fntnjly consists of his wifoktIi < > rift f qt lJ

ri J

Mrs II L Tnkor Is visitingfriends nt lleuttyvillo tills week

Misses IIolHo niul Matlie Copoof Tnulbco rotiirncil last weekfront Oklahoma whoro they hadboon visiting friends for tho pasttwo months

Tho residence Of Mtss MaryIrvine corner of Maul street andLincoln avenue is ncarinfr comple ¬

toot under the management of LT Bolin the contractor

Qtiosn Cha >man who has beenliving in Clark county for somotime cm ouJlllIst week to sec hisson llauins Chapman who is veryow with pneumonia foyer

A special to time CourierJournalfrom Coviiitflon ICy says Suitfor possession of lour tracts iijrKrerating 800 acres in limo Had Luulnit llrcathilt county was Bled inthe United Sintas Court Mondayby the administrator and heirs ofthw Into Louis Taylor Tho de ¬

Pendants John Smith and Wesleyyiiiger refuse to givo up posseslion thereof to plaintiffs

CIirlHlmtis TreeThoro will ho a Xmas tree nt

tho Presbyterian church on Saturdry evening December 21th Aprogramme of the exercises willbe published in our n6xt issue

tlinlgo Cooper lrirnl redJudge rohu K Cooper of Mipnndd ¬


tic had been in ill health for somelimn hut against the ml Vice of hisfamily wont hero to assist inwane murder trials At last ac ¬

count ho was much letterFor Jaminrj Torni

Saturday lCcmhelljth nextwill bts tho last day for alto tilingof appeals before tilt Court of Ap ¬

peal for placo on tho docket foruse January lOOfl term of thatcourt Tho present term will adj-

ourn about that time or early inthe following weekc1ITho Stale Prison Gmnnissionhits granted a parole in tho disc ofJohn Howard of Magomn countyan iumatoof the State Xinitcntiarywho was sort up November 61902 to SrO n sentence of tenyears for manslaughter Ho shotand killed Fred P Sinner nt Salyersville Ills Parole was unani ¬

mously recommended among thepetitioners being former common ¬lirJnContest oil KlccUon Case

Tho Appellate Court will todayFriday hear argument in tho con-


election case of Adamsagainst Roberts from this districtTho ballot boxes in tho contestwere taken to Frankfort this weekand filed in tho oilico of tho clerkof tho court In tho lower courtspecial judge Smith Hayes heldthat neither was entitled to thooffice Adams having been electedbut his county was taken out oftho district and placed in tho nowThirtyfirst district Judges Pryorand Haclrigg will makb argumentfor Roberts

Caleb Powers Sets u Now TrialTho court of appeals on last

Tuesday reversed tho decision oftho Scott county circuit court intho Caleb Powers case This isthe third reversal of this caseTho reversal was based on threegrounds First that the lowercourt refused to giro tho defend ¬

not time to file grounds for a now

trial second because sentence waspronounced on tho sauna day thverdict was returned third1acause of remarks of attorney TOCnmlbollor the prosecutionreferring to how tho jury arrivedat a verdict in the Tames toward

caseIn the first two trials Powerswas sentenced to lifo imprison-


and in tho third trial ho wassentenced to hang Tho chargeagainst him was complicity in thomurder of Senator Wm Goobclin January 1DOO


Ljjitof unclaimed matter advertisedby Daniel > Hurst postmaster nt-

JaeksouKy and sent to the dead let ¬

ter office at Washington DO for theweek ending December 10 1001sBryant Nnnnie Bryant AboOoopor Henry Combs CurtisDoan Oalvln FordU EGillie Kate Hutchlns EIt3Howard Mrs Liiln Lnlt John 3

Moore DlUard Maya JohnMartin Lillian Mnlijney BruceParker Kplly KnapierMlss MaryIloberts L<ila B Scrivener AmericamItUlNannJ OejJ WilllamsMra Mnry



IrOllljCIllronUoto aeoDrugCo i

lIon Mason Gopcvpf Simpsonwho line boon sick for some timeis very low


J F Patton + postmaster ilL

Lnmbric was horn on businisHWwhioaday

sludge WIL Hlftiiton ind T11 IIclIOIl Woni yesterday tannoy to altuiul the Senatorial convention which mtota thorn today

A chancu on an ulvgnnt 10piece UJnncr Slit given with eachGO co it cash pure laeo

I AOKION Jjjfo C-or f + 3

Charlie Scott the barber whulots been sick for some lime hn

lso far recovered aa to lye able toresume his work in the pOstoflicebuilding

W Sr lluggof IJoontvillebrother of Dr W P lloggJSattending tho law dopnrtmunt ofthe Lnivorsity of 3lichigan ntulna Arbor Slich

Prof II H Ilnrris of battyrifle will give his excellent enter ¬

tainment at the court house inJackson for the benefit of tho BUll ¬

tist church on the night of Decem ¬

her 15

Jot Dyer who has been work ¬

ing in Francis barber shop onBroadway hrs rcaigiie4l his jtosition old accepted n similar onewith Whit takers bnrbor shop inthe Cmwford building

Kdwin L Preston is nrrangiiijffor special Xmas services bqtli atQuicksand and Ilounshcll schoolhouses on Sunday December 125

Services nl Iounahellat 10 n mand nt Quicksand at 2 p m

Jampfi Cnudill of S levcnaonwas lucre Wednesday HP ns oneOf tho trustees of school districtNo HO lips just had n good schoolhouse built in his district nnd raysit is one pf the host on Quiclwandcrook

Uritton Case PostponedTho case of William Jiritton

charged with tho murder of JaiuosOockrell has beun cotitintiod un-

til January 3d nt Lexington

Witnesses Suddenly DisappearTho trial of tho case of Mrs J

n Murcuin vs Alex nnd JnmeeHnrgtH IJ F French nUll Ed Cnljnlmn was bogun yoitonlay ntWinchester When tho case wascalled Wednesday morning it wnsdiscovered thnt Moses Feltnor

JutlongnmlL1artOnGases for the plaintiff hind tlieap-

prarOll Mrs Mnrcum filwl nnlit charging thnt the defend

lints had caused theme to leaveThis suit was brought by Mrs

Mnrcum and is for 100000 damngus nnd charges the defendantswith conspiringwith cortnin per ¬

sons to havo her J IIMnrcum killed Mr Mnrcum wasassassinated horn on Mny i 1508

Corn Hard to ExcelWo occasionally hoar it snid

thnt Ur county is not u

good farming country To anywho are of that opinion wo invitethem to como to our office nnd seethe line specimens of corn raisedthis year by Georgo Fletcher nlthe Si Bend on tho farm of 0 WSowell near lime jnoulli of Froxon

creek Thoso snmplos will com ¬

pare favorably with ntuywe sawnt tho worlds fair whore wo earthousands of Bpeeimons Our soilis just as productive ns styamidif wo would devote our energiesmore to tho cultivation ofgoodens sections

thoostandards JACKSON


This la to certify thnt on tho 22irJday of Novenibur 1001 Ireon Shep¬

herd of Ltimbrfc Ky appeared before me slating that ho had taken upQ stray littler alunit 1l yours 01 ORB

worth about six fO CO dollars colorrod with white on forehead and nhouldor nnd with einnll crooked horn


Startling EvidenceFresh testimony in great quantity

Is constantly coining in declaring DrIJiriRn Now Dldcoyory for ConaumpliunCoughs anJ Cools to bo nnequaled A

recent expression from l J McKnrlandBentorvllloVa serves as examine liewrites I hail bronchitis for threeyears nod doctored all the tints with ¬

out being benefited Then I begantaking Dr Kings New Discovery antia law bottles wholly cured meEqually enVolivn In curing + nil Lung

OonaumpOanlneuntonlaJarkfon Drug Go Trial bottles freeregular ilzes lJ9u1l1iHlOO


ilail OrdersFor Anything

in th-



receives promptattention


null IOItltS


Opposite tho Fhuinix lluttl

LEXINGTON KYISe deitz Your mail Orders

No Moro SufferingIf you are troubled with Indigentlm

get a bottle of Kixlil Dycpepjiin Careund yen h Av quickly It will euro youLleii A1homp4oitof SpunerIisayHove Imd Dj 8M > p < iA for tw6MtyyfnwMy Case wan uliuuKt hopeless Kn1Dyspepsia Or wns ivanunnfindcd umlIIIudn rut heulNsf It mill It is theinljr thing lit ii lies riM rd ute Wouldlint tit without ft lluve duetirud trilllocal phjvIelniM iiiil iiho nt UhlenCand even ioni to N may wlJi IhipP4

of gutting tfiuii relief bit K alit lJrpopKla Cure lit t11M only remedy thin

hu dune nil tray gnultutu T

huiirtlly ruoumuirml it livery persontulTijrlijg with ludigtiiiliin or Djrapepjila nhoiild use Ii Sld by M SDrain Tnuknn Kr

Rhoomnklntr In the Illaok rare tTlio Black forest of liwroany u ro

thou fninolw for ccutmlua to hUIfItIof years liolilud thee preset nnt ID

nctlinU ef Urine ami eoodntitiHC altsplo Industries Tilts fact Is Rtrlklnglyexompllllcd in the primitive ways tilenitlvcfl follow in making loather mind

sltofs AVlwu n former kills his beef lietakes the lisle to the local tnuu r whowill keep It for two years before heconsiders It fit for the shoemakerWhen the hide Is leather the shooirwker Is Informed of limo fact

Then some morning tile shoemakerconies to the farmers house with hiskit of tools and for the time being Isono of tho family Every Kntrlnn nodevery Johnmi Is mnrrheil before himawl measured nnd time work of maklug shoes for1 the fnmjly begins Itmay tako n month more or low buthe sticks to his job until every one Inproperly shod when he Is away to thenext customer needing his servicesShoo Itettller

1Vnrst of nil KvporlcncivsCon nnj tliliiR be worse lliun to ferl

that every ininula will be your InslSuah Was tlin experience of Mrs S IINlWBon Decatur Ala For threeyears the writs I endured infuiITerable pain from indigestion Btomncliand bowel trouble Dtialli seemed inevitable lien dostoH and nil remrdlArailed AtlHiiRlh I was Induced to tryKlectrlc Bitters and the result urnsmiraculous I Improved nt tins ajulnow Im cnmplotelv reoiiVDrwi lIntLiver Kidney Stomach anti BowelTroubles Electric Hitter Is the onlymedicine Only fiOc Its cunranlceil byJackson Drug C-

aSomething New

Valuable Tours7O

FLORIDAvin5ouU2ri I ailuay

And j

Queen LC Crescent Route

Go One iVayReturn Another

Winter tourist tickets gnarl Koinevia Ailitvillc throujh I he Lind of theSky and buautlfnl iiipphlro euunlrynod r turnliiB via Atliiula and ChilI tunnnca or vice verse are now on salt alLOW UATKS

The Florida TiniUed solid trainn rain of finest Pulltnun DrawingKoiim Sleeper and vctlbtilrd cimclieswith Dining Our delvice loaves LexiiiRtgn every morning via Queen lfi Ores ¬

haute miming through withoutchange to Jacksonville vin OhulinnuogRnnd Southern Hnilvnv

The Chicago and Florida Special be-

ginning January Oth consisting olDrawing Komn Sleepers ObgervaiionOars etc will leave Ciiiilnnati everyevening except Sunday rnnlllllJdthrough solid lo St nOliaitannoca and Southern Hnllwaywith Dlnlns Our orvico qnroute

ihrou jh rullmnn Sleepers to Jackegnnvillo from Olncinniiti ovary eveningvia Knoxville Afhevlllo timid fcnvaimh

From Loulsvllo connection with allnf the abovo tnilnj Is tltnltnt Ioxington by trains of the Southern Hallway

For Land of mime Sky book Win ¬

ter Homes folder rates schedules tirother utforum III Ion addressO D Aiwa 0 1 luvoRRFonii

A G P A Son Ity p I A Son UvSt Louis Mu Louisville Ky

W O UlNRAtlfld-Vai > AQ it Olluuie

Oincinnatl OcJ-




SaUl ThiI1 For SaleNino liundred and fifty acres lying

Fn Koeltcnuilf CMIIHJ Kfiinicky ntrilI +1nrjcum Saute IHKII nml kiniliy lull nio t inf ii liitsuell nmre than lijl acrelevel II Item nn the ridges pine and

ak Unit rut any six mi to 80 inclir +

Ill HIP tlOltiitIM nrd liiillunH it linnBum whole link lijiiek oak hickory

Illll 1IIr lCVMl KfMttlll Ullilfak All h it SOI nin> < of it l14 out

over 21 years ago hat lots of soid tim ¬

her In left that Is viilunlili1 nowII ISM JUI ncretf Bare HIMH plop inklipiJtluit oiik tllfunlit jioplnr cum

and Mack mink with 90 to in cords ofnn hark tin it A ciwl vein of 80 iuiir mtirc has IICHII fwiiiKl ni the ruilriutl

Which run llirtinph till + Inliil ti fortunder IIB gramiud in the boiuini Omultiniiiliy criM s fniiiH nlmvu and IlIlnwIii oat of 030 nitna fold sixtyfif fGI nor IIIIH nl 40 news sold nJIshe per micro Will pimrnlupH minelinn feet or gad timber to be emitllii lnml JKo tfinbHi Is not nil ol tin I

bust clns lint loK of first emus 8 ill lilTlIcit nil ph10Qnkand Miiilnr cnn bcut nlTof it Will sell thhl land furfG 00H r acre and Woke n rfi ct tithto nine

nls1nve n nxv null in iperntiiui on this ImiiliiiKl lour mind noireHP1 ono WnKUll Avlilth I will snll Tur11000 in connection With the Iniul Myre irfH Ii r iCtltlU Is min BMSiiini of anylirnllli rtinl lihl m > l1 Wile ollllrIlntbntlCtb take 8010 cmIt nid rivetlincou the bNliitiitf IhI4 H the JrrlnlIet ItiirRmJii ever utterwt in Itinl nntl nutnoxious to sell ailull vr iiddn sj


THE BREAD MAKERhiss tin fenrsof the rweultwhen using

Alansfields FlourIts white nnd has thu natural afileand iluvur of tltn whuiU berry Makesbetter whiter honlt1ar broad llwjiyou have bean using beaaiue it Iirolled from the boat tvliBut nnil mUlein time right wny on the best eqnlppeDroller lour 1IIIIlIIIIKentucky

Leta 2Clbnckof HliSl 1ATKNTdr MOUNTAIN LILLY talk to you Itwill be mum oonvinciitK limn n bnrrulof WOrth Ask your grocer tOt It




LOWERQnlll oisWtreJ then say otter

Needles Oil RepairsPOZ ALL MAUl AT

SINGERISTORBNeed lee for fill iimko of ninaltjnosDo per pnilvngo Sotttlicast cornerMain niul I5ron hvuy Jackson Ky

FE riD ED orAmodtliuprttarscopjrujUU tW IN ALL COUNTRIESfitalmu rU rI1l11 HotUiglaa tmtt tintaoNy acJrfko tk fs1ei1

Patent and Infrlngemtnt Practtci xelutl elyWrite or come to us al

auk math Shed app ValUi SAto relent elseWASI4INOTON D C I


Ripe cano tops Will ray 200per wagon load Corn oats amid

CJihlmgo taken on subscriptionsto tho News Cull nt this olliuo

jmblnutlon Oinr

Ity our liberal terms with thtTpublisliers of other papers wo are ableto furnish you two papers fur a littlemere than tho price of one Wo eau

you money on any pAper you v Ih-tIJlnlw We will furnish you TillnuEATiirrr COUNTY NEWS and

of tho followingCo ii nor u ii ruin

Loiilsvillt HeraldChicago InterOceanCincinnati EnquirerLexington Loaderiloiie and Fiirni orNew York TrlbunoFariUBr

Ono Year For Oiily 1 lUSI

No ono should be wllliout a paperwhen lie can buy two of tho beat In thecountry for io IlUlenionOy



i 247°isi isr s 1 s9ie-

Ill WIll 1


elf Ali HM WATCH ES4

Ill n t tD ALL OVEP7 E OJt


1gfliee presents for Your prei7dsg

I lino of new and WIllr consisting of > < Wrl rWtPill

Novelties II f

Ill TOut Inbl Ilns EtcIll Viv

MNoill SM


Itiii0OtLadies Fine Shoesp


vNo Cut of Vamps in I

Courtneys Shoes

ehOR SALE BYSAP Crawford C Cog

po 4r Here We AreThe Cslebrated

HANANarho Best on Earth


For Sale By

DAY BROSOOJao-ksoi AI Ke9ttjGky

> 111 11


rasWILaducrisoyin tttr I

I ffireathitt County 7fewsfa TJhc bost medium by whichW

fg to t roach all tho mountaintrado VTjwico tho Circulation 01Imi any uanorWn ffiroathitt


+ t-

i rrv-
