7 Secrets To Restoring Healthy Breathing...naturally Exposed within are secrets to breathing that can help you heal naturally By Christine Byrne Buteyko Breathing Specialist and Trainer Coast Breathing, Canada

7 Secrets to Restore Healthy Breathing

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7 Secrets To RestoringHealthy Breathing...naturally

Exposed within are secrets to breathing that can help you heal naturally

By Christine ByrneButeyko Breathing Specialist and TrainerCoast Breathing, Canada

Congratulations for ordering this report! It is the first step in helping you to change the condition of your health.

We have many false beliefs and misconceptions about breathing in North

America and are ignorant of what is probably the most important function of our


Breathing IS Life. Without oxygen we would die in about 3 minutes.

Breathing brings life-giving oxygen into our bodies to be distributed to every cell. By acquiring a little knowledge and retraining our breathing we can return to healthy breathing naturally.

Secret #1 - Asthma can be beaten!I used to believe that once you were diagnosed with asthma, you would have it for life.

From this to this in less than one year.

My father, pictured above, had asthma for 74 years. I never got used to seeing him gasping for air or the sound of the ambulance racing to help him.

After many years on medications, his growth was stunted, and his education and career were affected because he missed a lot of school and work. He developed a barrel chest and osteoporosis from all the steroids he had taken. His face took on the classic moon face that steroids cause, round and yellow. I remember watching him as he leaned over the kitchen table gasping for air like a fish out of water.

In 2005 he was in and out of the hospital many times with his asthma. The doctors could not stabilize him. He would be in for two weeks then home for four then back in. The doctors said, ”He is 82 you know. He has had asthma all his life. We have him on everything we can. There is nothing more we can do.”

I started to look for something to help him breathe better. My mother died of emphysema May 11, 2005 and I did not want to loose my father so soon afterwards and in such a similar way; both suffocating from lack of oxygen.

It was October 2005 when we discovered The Buteyko Method and signed him up for a workshop coming up three months down the road. As fate would have it, he was in the hospital again and he asked me to take the course for him. Each nite I would go up to the hospital and tell him what the instructor said.

He could only manage the minimum but he persevered and his breathing started to improve. He slowly recovered enough to come home and live with me. The more he did the exercises the better he got.

The amazing thing is that from that day to this, he has not had one single asthma attack.

“People need to know about this” he said.

We were so excited by his recovery, that I went to Ireland to train as an instructor and I am committed to spreading the word. Buteyko Works!

Secret #2 Mouth breathing is NOT okIn North America, we have become a culture of mouth breathers. It isnʼt hard to understand then why we have some of the most prevalent rates of respiratory conditions in the world. The nose is the instrument for breathing. It is our first line of defense against germs, allergens and irritants. When you breath thru your nose, small hairs catch the invaders and the antibacterial agents in the mucus can destroy them.

Mouth breathing lets CO2 excape to unhealthy levels

What makes it past the nose gets swallowed into the stomach where the acid in the stomach destroys them.

The nose also warms the air to the correct temperature for your body. Cold, dry air can cause spasms and constriction leading you to cough or feel tightness or pain in your chest.

The nose also regulates the volume of air that the body receives. Too much can cause a large exhale which would create a drop in the amount oxygen being delivered to your body. It is important to note that both the intake and output of air should be correct to protect your health.

If your nose is blocked, do the Buteyko Method nose unblocking exercise or use a saline wash to clear it.

Secret #3 Carbon Dioxide is NOT a waste gas!Somehow we learned that because CO2 is exhaled it was a waste product. This is partially true, but we retain about 75% of this gas to be used by all systems in our bodies. It facilitates message sending, controls the PH, regulates our breathing and allows the transfer of oxygen into our blood.

When a person mouth breathes they exhale a large quantity of carbon dioxide, ofter more than is safe. Too little carbon dioxide (below 3.5%) will kill you. A healthy level is 6.5%. A person with asthma or another breathing disorder could have as low as 4 - 5% making their breathing very difficult and the quality of their health very poor.

If carbon dioxide is so vital to our functioning, doesnʼt it makes sense that the body would have ʻsafety measuresʼ to protect us from itʼs loss. It does: asthma and sleep apnea are just two of them.

With asthma, the body reacts to low carbon dioxide by constricting, congesting and inflaming airways. This creates a smaller airway and less chance of loosing too much carbon dioxide. It also causes the classic asthma symptoms.

In the case of sleep apnea, the person typically goes to bed, lying on their back, mouth open and breathing large all nite. This causes CO2 to drop to dangerous levels.The body fights back and stops breathing, giving the body time to store up CO2 to safe levels. This usually takes approximately 15 to 90 seconds.

Without this mechanism the person would suffer serious health consequences. People with sleep apnea often have other ʻside effectsʼ from breathing this way. The heart is strained and heart attacks are a concern. Grogginess, poor cognitive functioning and irritability are just a few of these side effects.

Secret #4 Taking 3 second mini breath holds can improve our oxygen intakeIf you find yourself stressed, feeling breathless or congested, hold your breath for just 3 seconds can help. These mini

holds allow CO2 to increase and open airways and blood vessels and relaxing the nervous system.

This is how you do it:• Take a small breath in (do not fill the lungs)• Take a small breath out (do not empty the lungs)• On the exhale hold for 3 to 5 seconds.• Breathe normally for 15 to 20 seconds then repeat. • Repeat as many times as you like.

Secret #5 - Stress increases breathing

Stress is a serious modern day problem. Never before in history has there been so much depression and anxiety. Stress also leads to a lower immune system and an increased risk for heart disease, diabetes and sleep apnea.

Stress causes us to breathe more rapidly, sigh a lot, and interferes with sleep. All lead to a loss of CO2, and an increase in cortisol.

Overtime our stress can become constant and debilitating.

Correcting our breathing by doing Buteykoʼs reduced breathing exercises is a wonderful way to restore healthy, stress-free lives. They relax the body and mind,

increase CO2 and decrease cortisol levels.

Secret #6 - Taking big breaths is NOT good for youWeʼve all heard it before in yoga classes, from well meaning friends, in school from teachers, in movies. They all tell you “take a big breath...its good for you.” Well studies show that if you take a big breath in...you must exhale a big breathe. This reduces carbon dioxide which will actually increase anxiety, panic and stress.

Itʼs better to do the 3 second breath holds. They will increase Carbon Dioxide and relax you much more effectively.

Secret #7 - A ʻlaid backʼ life-style is a recipe for poor breathingAsthma rates in children have risen at an alarming rate. In the age bracket 0 - 4 it has risen 160% in the past ten years and rates are predicted to double every ten years. Already, one in four children have asthma, and one in eleven adults.

One of the key reasons is that at the turn of the century a child would get about six hours of exercise a day. Now they might get six minutes. Turn off the TV and get active. The quality of your life depends of it

Physical activity creates carbon dioxide. We need to be active to make it. A daily walk, bike ride or swimming are excellent ways to build up CO2.

So now you know the 7 secrets to restoring your good breathing health...naturally and permanently. Use them to improve your breathing and heal yourself or a loved one.

Secret #1 - Asthma and many other diseases can be beaten!

Secret # 2 - Never use your mouth to breathe!

Secret #3 - Carbon Dioxide is not a waste gas!

Secret #4 - Taking 3 second mini breath holds can improve our oxygen intake

Secret #5 - Stress increases breathing

Secret #6 - Myth - Taking a big breathe is not good for you

Secret #7 - A ʻlaid backʼ life-style is a recipe for poor breathing

If you already have a serious illness, the best thing you can do (after seeing your doctor is to take the Buteyko Breathing Program. This will give you the benefit of learning the bet way for you personally and have someone take into consideration your medical nuances and medications.

Many asthmatics are now asthma free from learning this method. The Mayo Clinic and the British Thoracic Journal recognize its effectiveness it. It is the very best investment you could make in improving your breathing and ridding yourself from a debilitating illness.

My wish for you is that you restore your breathing and no one has to loose a loved one again from a respiratory illness. email me at:[email protected] to arrange for a free 45 minute consultation to see if the Buteyko Method is right for you. As a special bonus I will teach you one exercise for free so you can start breathing better right away.

To your health,

Christine ByrneButeyko Specialist and trainerOwner of Coast Breathing and Asthma Care CanadaAuthor of ‘Stop Asthma Naturally’ incorporating the Buteyko Breathing Program

www.coastbreathing.com Telephone 604-885-7560