DATE CALIL Kc/s - E .S. T. Nov, 20 XEFI 1440 C 4:00 - 5:00 a.m. 2mFN 14'70 Ca 3:30 - 4:30 a.x. 21 CJCS 1240 St NNRC P, 4:00 - 5:00 a.m. 2-ID0 1240 Oshawa, Ontario IWRC & 4:00 - 5:00 arm. 2wXLS 850 Xarsarssua;L., 3:00 - 4:00 an. 26 CE31 980 Regina, Sas 4:00 - 5;00 a.m. 29 PrATN 1240 Wai;srt;own, A11 DXers. 2:00 - 1711 a.m. Dec. 2 CFOS 1400 (or 1470) 4:00 - 5t00 a.m. 3 CFQC GOO. ' Saskatoon, . mRC 8 : 3:00 - 4:00 an. ~ C T J R 1570 Lodi, Cali NRC 4:00 - 5:00 a.m. 9lMWE'X 580 rlntigonis FmTRC & 4:00 - 5:00 a,~. lW7rCO 1240 Waterbury #5)~llDXzre. 2:00-5:OOa.m. - - ,2.5? -T1m - ~5~?-Narha~6gil@cJ. , - , -3100 = 4:Q0-aLr, XEFI-CHIWJAXJA.CHI& , E!EXICO - s e a ~ o n ,boys! Announcsn e n t s will bs bi-lingual. Featared on tha p hrles L, Rice, Arrarican Vice-Consu in Chikuaka; Mr. Ja ss Carlos huahuat e Historical Society, who will tell us about that city, ihahua State Government; !fir. Robe K, Peyton, who will t e l l abou 1's city; &!r. Benjamln tTordvtrald, mernber of Chikruakrual s Tourist erry, American citizen, who will tell about the I\:iexicm Revoh aye-witness; !!r. Lauro C, Alvarf membar of the Chihuah~a Rota who will p1a.x and sing music of liexioo and the United Statsn our member, F'r, Piirelee, manager ,- this fine arid friendly stat i B a bit of comedy, and greetinge to listeners in Canadtt, Unit LC of blexico. The entire outlir of this program wns receivod ged t'he program, and it looks like the show of the a t to he heard on the program are members of the Chihuahua ' pram soloist to be neard will be Nrs, lbria Teresa del tho big .broadcast wri 11 be one of XEFI1s Chief Anno&-me We cannot wen begin to thank a l l these whole-hesrted , eo there is no use in trying, Kowevor, it is. the fonde Xireles , that everyone rvi 11 listen in nnd send i n H E you BURl the program to get your verification, Rem 4;OO-5:00 AXE,, E. S.T. ! Report! A 2 A. -> a, 1';DFN-CA8I3R,V1YONI~ - Talk about you raaely-heard stations - this ona is it, and here is tha chance so maw of ue hRve bee waiting for, AEI EiDFi\? 3.9 honoring our club with a special progrh, vow there will .be 'nterference from XESM, but KDFE shbuld dominttta for most of us. lir. ,i\iiarcue ITichols o KDRT recalls it.hRh: bden a long time since ICDFRts Iast'DX. The progmm is not t,o be e elusively dedic~~ted to the IJRC,'. since others are intefasted. He promises that all re2 rte will'be tulswered i f return postage is,enclosed. To you young and:naa DXera - don't pc ss this progrcm up, f o r most of the 01d;timers need KDFN just 6,s rmch 3~, you do! T k ydu; Ur; Nichcls, and may .you receive maw re- ! .'?. ports ! Credit Sully SuIli~i.tn for ar :tnging this super-duper 'DX spttc~al, 1 Jk 2- :7 :, -rk --> - , - TME HEADQUAR-XRS: PAT REILLEY. PRESIDENT VOL, #14 - , . We welcome James Kauer %'X%Q-XARSARSSUAX, G ~ ~ l ~ T D - ' bjr ~ncmbers of our Amed Forc 2s , tk of boys will be back for a . There wae a mix-up on ths date c LJC; LLJUCJ 1 - 1 3 TI .-,\ PUBLISHED BY NATIONAL RADIO CLUB 325 SHIRLEY AVENUE. BUFFALO 15. NEW YORK RAY B. EDGE, EXECUTIVE SECY. ERNEST R. COOPER. EDKOR ISSUED WEEKLY--$Z.OO PER YEAR 170. #9 November 16. 1946 the renewals .of Worm Naguire - Elwood Deibert - and Charles Boehnke, Thank you, gentlemen! lie sm7e ,f the 1

:7 -rk --> TME NATIONAL RADIO CLUBnationalradioclub.org/DXNs/V14/DXN14_09.pdf · to listeners in Canadtt, Unit LC of blexico. The entire outlir of this program wns receivod ged t'he

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Page 1: :7 -rk --> TME NATIONAL RADIO CLUBnationalradioclub.org/DXNs/V14/DXN14_09.pdf · to listeners in Canadtt, Unit LC of blexico. The entire outlir of this program wns receivod ged t'he

DATE CALIL Kc/s - E .S. T. Nov, 20 XEFI 1440 C 4:00 - 5:00 a.m.

2 m F N 14'70 Ca 3:30 - 4:30 a.x. 21 CJCS 1240 S t NNRC P, 4:00 - 5:00 a.m. 2-ID0 1240 Oshawa, Ontario IWRC & 4:00 - 5:00 arm. 2 w X L S 850 Xarsarssua;L., 3:00 - 4:00 an . 26 CE31 980 Regina, Sas 4:00 - 5;00 a.m. 29 PrATN 1240 Wai;srt;own, A11 DXers. 2:00 - 1711 a.m.

Dec. 2 CFOS 1400 (or 1470) 4:00 - 5t00 a.m. 3 CFQC GOO. ' Saskatoon, . mRC 8: 3:00 - 4:00 an. ~ C T J R 1570 Lodi, Cali NRC 4:00 - 5:00 a.m. 9lMWE'X 580 rlntigonis FmTRC & 4:00 - 5:00 a,~.

l W 7 r C O 1240 Waterbury # 5 ) ~ l l D X z r e . 2:00-5:OOa.m. - - ,2.5? -T1m - ~5~?-Narha~6gil@cJ. , - , -3100 = 4:Q0-aLr, XEFI-CHIWJAXJA.CHI& , E!EXICO - sea~on , boys! Announcsn ents w i l l bs bi-lingual. Featared on tha p h r l e s L, Rice, Arrarican Vice-Consu i n Chikuaka; Mr. Ja ss Carlos huahuat e Historical Society, who w i l l t e l l us about that c i ty , ihahua State Government; !fir. Robe K, Peyton, who will t e l l abou 1's ci ty; &!r. Benjamln tTordvtrald, mernber of Chikruakrual s Tourist erry, American c i t izen , who w i l l t e l l about the I\:iexicm Revoh aye-witness; !!r. Lauro C, Alvarf membar of the Chihuah~a R o t a who will p1a.x and sing music of liexioo and the United Statsn our member, F'r, Piirelee, manager ,- t h i s f ine arid friendly s t a t i B a b i t of comedy, and greetinge t o l i s teners i n Canadtt, Unit LC of blexico. The ent i re out l i r of t h i s program wns receivod ged t'he program, and i t l o o k s like the show of the a t t o he heard on the program are members of the Chihuahua ' pram solois t to be neard w i l l be Nrs, lbria Teresa del tho b i g .broadcast wri 11 be one of XEFI1s Chief Anno&-me We cannot wen begin t o thank a l l these whole-hesrted , eo there is no use in trying, Kowevor, i t is. the fonde Xireles , that everyone rvi 11 l i s t e n i n nnd send i n H E you BURl the program to get your verification, Rem 4;OO-5:00 AXE,, E. S.T. ! Report!

A 2 A. -> a,

1';DFN-CA8I3R,V1YONI~ - Talk about you raaely-heard s tat ions - this ona i s it, and here i s tha chance so maw of ue hRve bee waiting for , AEI EiDFi\? 3.9 honoring our club with a special progrh , vow there will .be 'nterference from XESM, but KDFE shbuld dominttta fo r most of us. lir. ,i\iiarcue ITichols o KDRT recalls it.hRh: bden a long time since ICDFRts Iast'DX. The progmm is not t,o be e elusively d e d i c ~ ~ t e d t o the IJRC,'. since others are intefasted. He promises that a l l re2 r t e w i l l ' b e tulswered i f return postage is,enclosed. To you young and:naa DXera - don't pc ss t h i s progrcm up, f o r most of the 01d;timers need KDFN just 6,s rmch 3 ~ , you do! T k ydu; U r ; Nichcls, and m a y .you receive maw re- ! .'?. ports ! Credit Sully SuIli~i.tn f o r ar :tnging this super-duper ' D X spttc~al,

1 Jk 2- : 7 :, - r k - - > - , - T M E



VOL, #14 - , . We welcome

James Kauer

%'X%Q-XARSARSSUAX, G ~ ~ l ~ T D - ' bjr ~ncmbers o f our Amed Forc 2s , t k

of boys w i l l be back f o r a . There wae a mix-up on ths date c LJC; LLJUCJ

1 - 1 3 TI .-,\





1 7 0 . #9 November 16. 1946 the renewals .of Worm Naguire - Elwood Deibert - and Charles Boehnke, Thank you, gentlemen!

l ie sm7e ,f t h e 1

Page 2: :7 -rk --> TME NATIONAL RADIO CLUBnationalradioclub.org/DXNs/V14/DXN14_09.pdf · to listeners in Canadtt, Unit LC of blexico. The entire outlir of this program wns receivod ged t'he
Page 3: :7 -rk --> TME NATIONAL RADIO CLUBnationalradioclub.org/DXNs/V14/DXN14_09.pdf · to listeners in Canadtt, Unit LC of blexico. The entire outlir of this program wns receivod ged t'he
Page 4: :7 -rk --> TME NATIONAL RADIO CLUBnationalradioclub.org/DXNs/V14/DXN14_09.pdf · to listeners in Canadtt, Unit LC of blexico. The entire outlir of this program wns receivod ged t'he
Page 5: :7 -rk --> TME NATIONAL RADIO CLUBnationalradioclub.org/DXNs/V14/DXN14_09.pdf · to listeners in Canadtt, Unit LC of blexico. The entire outlir of this program wns receivod ged t'he
Page 6: :7 -rk --> TME NATIONAL RADIO CLUBnationalradioclub.org/DXNs/V14/DXN14_09.pdf · to listeners in Canadtt, Unit LC of blexico. The entire outlir of this program wns receivod ged t'he
Page 7: :7 -rk --> TME NATIONAL RADIO CLUBnationalradioclub.org/DXNs/V14/DXN14_09.pdf · to listeners in Canadtt, Unit LC of blexico. The entire outlir of this program wns receivod ged t'he
Page 8: :7 -rk --> TME NATIONAL RADIO CLUBnationalradioclub.org/DXNs/V14/DXN14_09.pdf · to listeners in Canadtt, Unit LC of blexico. The entire outlir of this program wns receivod ged t'he