The 7 Key Stone Yoga Practices Yoga plus Therapies

7 Keystones of Yoga Practice - Yoga Plus Therapies · This is the easiest and safest way to stretch your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh). Lying on your back, bend

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Page 1: 7 Keystones of Yoga Practice - Yoga Plus Therapies · This is the easiest and safest way to stretch your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh). Lying on your back, bend

The 7 Key Stone Yoga Practices

Yoga plus Therapies

Page 2: 7 Keystones of Yoga Practice - Yoga Plus Therapies · This is the easiest and safest way to stretch your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh). Lying on your back, bend

Chapter 1


Breathing is fundamental to a yoga practice and is the first keystone. If nothing else remember to breathe, and stay aware of your breath.

Breathing gives you a sense of energy, vitality and ease to your practice.

Page 3: 7 Keystones of Yoga Practice - Yoga Plus Therapies · This is the easiest and safest way to stretch your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh). Lying on your back, bend

Breathe through the nose in a yoga practice, unless otherwise advised. It helps to warm and filter the air.

Be conscious of the flow of breath.

Cool air as you inhale...

Warm air as you exhale...

Breathe Gently

Breathe Easily

Breathe Slowly

No force required

Be aware of the abdominal movement as you breathe.

Use this action as you practice yoga...

Inhale, feel the belly gently rise.

Exhale, feel the belly gently sink.

Relax the diaphragm, the breathing muscle.

Feel the belly sink gently under the ribs.


Breathing Principles

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Chapter 2


Awareness is the second keystone to a yoga practice. With awareness you bring the mind present to what you are doing, especially the sensations and feelings of your body (and mind).

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Have you noticed that through out the day your mind is busy with what you are doing? Perhaps thinking of the past, or worried about the future. Rarely may it be present with your body or breath.

So AWARENESS is used at the start of your practice; awareness on your breathing and your body to bring yourself present, preparing for the yoga to follow. This is called CENTERING.

Your aim then is to keep your AWARENESS present with your yoga for the time of your practice.

Aim to keep your mind focused, avoiding day dreaming or thinking about the future or past.

You can aid staying aware by developing a curiosity about your practice, adding variety to your practice, and have a little challenge to your practice.

Before you begin your practice:

Sit OR Lie down.

Rest - let go of excess tension...

Adjust to align yourself & be comfortable.

Clear your mind of the day’s activities.

Bring your awareness within...

Focus on your breath. Feel your breath, at the nose, within the rib cage, or the rise and fall of your belly.

Bring your awareness to your spinal curves - lower back arched forward, middle back arched backward, neck arched forward.

Bring awareness to your shoulder blades, your pelvis, the limbs - upper limbs and lower limbs, head & face, chest, abdomen.

Return your awareness to your breath - belly rising as you inhale, belly falling as you exhale...

Yes. You are prepared for your yoga practice.


Starting Awareness

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Good posture is a key to a yoga practice. Good posture means comfort, ease, and awareness to your natural spinal curves.

The body tends to work best from a position of neutral, where your spine rests with its natural spinal curves, the pelvis sits in a balanced place, and the shoulder blades rest wide and easy. Train so that this becomes effortless & without tension.

•The neck curves forward. • The middle back curves backward, but is not excessively hunched. So the heart remains open. • The lower back curves forward.

There is a gentle alignment of ears, shoulders, hips, and ankles if standing.

Lengthen the spine, and breathe...

Avoid slumping with the C shaped spine, head forward posture, tail tucked under (unless deliberately stretching). This causes strain, inhibits breathing, and can lower your mood.

Keep shoulders blades relaxed & wide, lower corners gently pressing into the ribs. Avoid squeezing backward, as this can tension the spine.

Be mindful if you tend to hunch. Raise your shoulders upward and inhale, then exhale & relax your shoulders down.

To find the neutral pelvic position, try the Pelvic Tilt. Keep the knees bent to aid the action. Place hands on the pelvis to feel the movement.

Tilt pelvis forward% Tilt pelvis backward% % Find the neutral Tail backward% % Tail forward % % % middle position

Practice tilting. You can do this lying, sitting or standing


Awareness of Posture

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The directions given in this eBook are of a general nature, with emphasis towards extension in seated & standing practices, especially helpful for people with a slumping posture, issues with sacro-iliac joints or helping people with weakened bones ie osteoporosis. We chose this emphasis, because in western we tend to be more sedentary, and slumping is more common.

Ideally we aim to bring our spines to their natural curves, when in neutral postures.

Its important to modify the practice for your needs or postural nature.

For example, if you are hyper-mobile or have tendency to have flat spinal curves or over extended spine, then you may need to focus a little more slightly tucking the tail under, and softening your curves. Focus more on stability and using your core muscles to control spinal, elbow & knee joints.

A good habit is to keep checking you are not exaggerating extension, or slumping too much. You can try doing small spinal moves ie pelvic tilts or heart opening & softening moves, to find your neutral.

Your spinal curves in neutral when your spine is the most stable and forces can transfer through the spine un-interrupted. Try this simple TEST practice:

Increase the curve in the lower back, (over extend your spine) and notice how the pelvis is moved forward, so when you rise on your toes, you may feel unstable. You may also feel the loss of push up from your toes, stopping at your lower back.

When spinal curves are natural and you rise on the toes, you may feel more stable, and you may feel the push from the toes goes straight up toward the crown of your head.


Awareness of Adapting for Your Individual Needs

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Chapter 3

Mobility - Warming Up

Mobility is the third keystone. Mobility gives a sense of freedom and comfort to your body. Mobility practices can also be a great way to warm up or prepare your body for more advanced yoga practices.

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Warming up your body with simple mobility exercises is a great way to start your practice, helping to prepare your body, awakening the muscles, removing stiffness, and helping to avoid injuries.

Move with ease, build up slowly...

Feel and enjoy the body sensations as you move.

Repeat mobility exercises 3 to 9 times.

Learn to do the movements in 3 Steps:

Step 1 - Position your self, being mindful of your posture & comfort

Step 2 - Start the movement

Step 3 - Then bring in the breath control or awareness

Try the following 5 mobility gaining practices.

The Yoga Cat% % % % % % % % % %

Table Top Posture

Start on hands & knees. Hands shoulder width, just forward of shoulders, knees under hips, spine long with neutral curves.

Flex the spine, tuck tail under, C curve the lower back & upper back, release your head down, with chin tucked inward.

Feel the spine stretched.

Exhale as you flex the spine.

Arch the spine upward, tail out & up, spine dipped downward, heart open, head up, but no neck strain.

Feel the spine lengthened.

Inhale as you arch the spine.


Mobility - Warming Up

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Hula Cat

This is a great variation of the Cat stretch, which aids lateral movement to aid in connective tissue/fascia mobilising. (Fascia encases the whole body and if tight can reduce our mobility.)

From Table Top imagine a ring around your waist, and begin to revolve your waist around that ring, allowing your head & pelvis to move freely.

Feel the spiralling movement through your spine. Revolve 3 to 5 times one way then reverse directions. Breathe out as you flex, and breathe in as you arch the spine, like for Cat.

Lying Twist

This can be “easing” for some types of low back pain, and is great to mobilise the spine, waist, hips, and front shoulders.

Lying on your back, with knees bent up, feet flat, and arms resting out the sides at shoulder level.

Breathe & relax...

Knees Together Twist:% Bring knees together, and roll them to the left, easing your right shoulder back, head positioned where comfortable. Exhale as you twist, inhale to the centre, then exhale to twist to the second side ie right.

Knees Apart Twist:% % % Take knees apart (hip width or wider), and roll them to the right, as you exhale. Lengthen the top left knee away from your hip, and feel the waist & hip stretch. Hold the stretch, breathing calmly, or inhale to centre, then exhale to the left side.


Page 11: 7 Keystones of Yoga Practice - Yoga Plus Therapies · This is the easiest and safest way to stretch your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh). Lying on your back, bend

Lying Hamstring Stretch

This is the easiest and safest way to stretch your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh).

Lying on your back, bend your right lower limb upward, with a band around the foot and crossed over. Hold easy with arms & shoulder blades drawn back to the floor, and head resting. Keep the back pelvis level & flat, and spine with neutral curve ie not flat. Bring the right limb upward, until you feel a comfortable stretch (and if you feel a nervy stretch, point the foot slightly). Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, breathing slowly... Repeat to the left.

Variation 1 has the opposite knee bent to reduce back tension.

Variation 2 has the opposite knee extended and lengthened out flat.

Remember to keep good posture & lengthen the spine. %% %

Foot Position Variations: Note how the foot position can change the stretch. Gently rotating between the positions can be an alternative stretch.% % % %

Foot facing toward the head in a neutral position.

Foot facing inward. Rotate from the hip, not the knee.

Foot facing outward. Rotate from the hip, not the knee.


Page 12: 7 Keystones of Yoga Practice - Yoga Plus Therapies · This is the easiest and safest way to stretch your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh). Lying on your back, bend

Chapter 4

Core & Pelvic Stability

The fourth keystone is Core & Pelvic stability. The pelvis is the hub of your body, where movement transfers between the spine and the lower limbs. Your deep core muscles help to keep the pelvis stable and optimise your function, and yoga practice.

Page 13: 7 Keystones of Yoga Practice - Yoga Plus Therapies · This is the easiest and safest way to stretch your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh). Lying on your back, bend

The deep core muscles include the Diaphragm breathing muscle, the deep abdominal muscles, deep spinal extensor muscles, and the pelvic floor. Activation of these muscles in yoga is sometimes called a Bandha, meaning “lock”.

There are 2 simple actions you can do to help activate the deep core muscles, which help to hold the pelvis stable. It is best to practice with spine in neutral curves ie lower back with an arch, not flat.

Action 1 - Thin your Waist $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $Place your hands on the soft belly, in line with your pelvic bones.

Inhale and feel the belly SOFT...

Exhale, and slowly & gently, draw your lower belly flat toward your spine. Move only your belly, not your spine. Feel the deep muscles firm. Keep the ribs open. You are not bracing the front belly muscles.

Repeat 3 to 9 times...

Action 2 - Lengthen the spine maintaining the curves

Lengthen gently the spine by stretching through the crown of your head &/or lengthening your tail toward your heels.

Lengthen as though tractioning your spine, not extending or arching your spine. Maintain the natural spinal curves.

Feel how this also draws your waist muscle flat. When standing or sitting you can practice lengthening by “standing or sitting tall”, as though the head is floating upward like a balloon.

When practicing the Yoga Core Practices, hold stable with ease, using the thinning & lengthening, NOT tensioning.


Core & Pelvic Stability Practices

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Table Top

Head is aligned to torso, not poking the chin forward, neutral spinal curves, shoulder blades wide & not hunching, thin the waist, lengthen the spine, hold stable, breathe freely.

Hold steady for 5 to 30 seconds...

Apply these principles to Single Leg Table Top, Griffin, Flying Griffin, Plank, and Downward Facing Dog.

In arm weight bearing, check your arms, turn your elbows to face your hips, not turned outward.

AVOID locking your elbows, as this can strain the elbow joint; especially avoid this if you are hypermobile.

Unlock the elbows and feel the work in the muscles on the back of your arms ie the Triceps muscles.

Single Leg Table Top

From Table Top extend the left leg back resting on the ball foot. Lengthen from heel to crown, keeping heel vertical.

Repeat with right side.

Hold each steady for 5 to 20 seconds.

AVOID leaning the pelvis to the side.

Keep the pelvis aligned and stable.


Page 15: 7 Keystones of Yoga Practice - Yoga Plus Therapies · This is the easiest and safest way to stretch your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh). Lying on your back, bend


From Single Leg Table Top, raise the extended lower limb to hip height, keeping the pelvis stable. Lengthen from crown to heel, holding 5 to 20 seconds. Repeat to the second side.

Flying Griffin

From Griffin, reach the opposite arm forward, and lengthen. Keep the weight bearing shoulder stable and not hunching. Avoid this posture, if unstable.


From Single Leg Table Top, raise the second knee from the floor and hold in a stable aligned posture with head shoulders, pelvis and ankles aligned. Hold, breathing easily for 5 to 20 seconds.

Downward Facing Dog

From Table Top, tuck the toes under, draw in the belly and lift the knees from the floor into a “hover”.

Transfer the tail back, bringing more weight to the feet, but keeping the knees bent. Lengthen from hands to tail. Roll the arm pits inwardly to protect the shoulders.

Stretch up on toes to extend the knees.

Lower heels and feel the stretch to the calves. Keep knees bent if your hamstrings are tight. The aim is to lengthen the spine. Avoid hunching or over arching the spine.

Hold for 10 to 30 seconds.


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Chapter 5


Strength is the fifth keystone of yoga, and often under-rated, with more emphasis often placed on mobility & relaxation. However, strength supports your muscles, bones and connective tissue/fascia. When we are strong in the body, we also feel strong mentally, more resilient...

Page 17: 7 Keystones of Yoga Practice - Yoga Plus Therapies · This is the easiest and safest way to stretch your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh). Lying on your back, bend

This series of yoga practices help to strengthen the body, and are especially good for BONE strength. Strengthening is important, especially as we get older, as we naturally lose muscle and bone strength, if don’t do something to stop this loss.

Be like a Warrior; try these 5 strengthening practices: Great for Hip Bones

Wide Squat

Standing, take your feet wide apart with feet turned out 30 degrees or so.

Bend your knees half way with knees aligned to the feet OR

Bend your knees so the thighs are parallel to the floor, with knees aligned to your feet. Keep upright and avoid tucking your tail under or sticking it outward. Repeat 3 to 9 times or hold for 5 to 30 seconds.

Warrior 2

Standing, take your feet apart, and turn the right foot outward 90 degrees, adjusting left heel outwards for comfort. Keep the pelvis facing towards the mat long edge, and level.

Side Lunge. Bend the right knee over the right ankle. Keep the pelvis level. Avoid tucking the tail under or poking out.

AVOID rolling the knee inward or outward.

Align the knee to the centre of your toes. To do this you may need to rotate the pelvis slightly.



Page 18: 7 Keystones of Yoga Practice - Yoga Plus Therapies · This is the easiest and safest way to stretch your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh). Lying on your back, bend

Raise the arms to shoulder height, in line with your front & back thigh. Stretch fingers away from each other. Avoid hunching the shoulders.

A variation is to turn the palms upward. This helps to lower your shoulder blades down and stop the hunching.

Hold the practice for 5 to 30 seconds, then do the second side.

Long Side Stretch

From Side Lunge incline the torso to the right, placing the hand on the thigh for support. Keep the spine with natural curves or slightly extended.

If flexibility permits, lean to the side with forearm resting on the thigh, keeping the spine slightly extended.

Keep the spine extended, with tail out (not tucked) and heart open, when performing the Long Side Stretch. Avoid leaning forward.

Keep your left hand on side pelvis or wrap it around your back toward the opposite hip to open the left shoulder, and rotate the torso slightly upward.

OR Raise the left hand to the sky.

OR stretch the left arm up near your ear and lengthen from the outer foot to finger tips. Keep the spine extended & opened upward.

This displays the spine extended & tail out position.

Hold for 5 to 20 seconds, then do the second side.


Page 19: 7 Keystones of Yoga Practice - Yoga Plus Therapies · This is the easiest and safest way to stretch your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh). Lying on your back, bend

Revolved Lunge

This is a more difficult practice, requiring good balance & control. Master each step before moving to the next.

High Lunge% % % % %Stand with feet hip width apart. Step back with the left foot, balancing on the ball foot, heel vertical. Bend the right knee over the ankle with it aligned to the middle of your toes. Hold steady for 5 to 20 seconds.

Inclined Lunge% % % %From High Lunge incline the torso forward, and lengthen from heel to crown. Hold steady for 5 to 20 seconds. Hands can rest on the pelvis.

Lunge Twist Level 1 From Inclined Lunge twist the torso to the right, with left hand on the outer right thigh. Keep the spine extended, heart open, and the tail out. Hold for 5 to 20 seconds.

Lunge Twist Level 2

Step the left foot back further, incline the body further forward and place the left elbow to the outer right knee. Place the right hand to the left hand, like a “prayer” position.

Lunge Twist Level 2 from the front. Hold for 5 to 20 seconds.

Repeat all practices to the other side.

Chair Revolved Lunge

This practice can also be performed from a chair, if your balance is not so good. Remember to keep the spine extended.

Chair Lunge" % % % %

Sit to front side of a chair, with right knee forward, and left knee reaching to floor at the chair front.


Page 20: 7 Keystones of Yoga Practice - Yoga Plus Therapies · This is the easiest and safest way to stretch your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh). Lying on your back, bend

Chair Inclined Lunge Incline the torso forward, and extend the left foot backward. Keep the heart open.

Chair Twisted Lunge % %Twist the torso to the chair back, and hold the chair back on each side. Keep the spine extended and shoulders not hunching.

Hold for 5 to 20 seconds, then do the second side.

The Cobra

This is a simple but good posture to strengthen the spine. Lie on your belly, lengthen your legs, hip width apart. Place hands by your lower ribs, with the elbows up. Lift the chest & head up, keeping the chin in.%

AVOID rolling the elbows outward. Keep them easily by your sides. Use your spinal muscles to lift up, rather than your arms.

Inhale to raise up and exhale to lower. Repeat 3 to 9 times or hold for 3 to 9 breaths.

Ground the pelvis, lengthen the spine and avoid compressing the lower back.

The Child Stretch

This is a good counter stretch to the Cobra and can be used to rest the wrists after the Core & Pelvis practices also.

With knees a little apart, fold back on your haunches, with head resting and arms turned upward. Relax and breathe into your back ribs & spine for a few breaths.


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Chapter 6


Balance is essential to moving well and staying upright, and is the sixth keystone. Balance helps to bring steadiness to our mind, and aid our focus. To stay balanced you need to focus, and avoid distraction.

Page 22: 7 Keystones of Yoga Practice - Yoga Plus Therapies · This is the easiest and safest way to stretch your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh). Lying on your back, bend

The secret to good balance is practice. Practice often!

Try these simple balances. If your balance is poor, have a sturdy wall or bench close by for safety. Hold on if your balance is very poor.

Tight Rope Balance % % Stand with one foot in front of the other, as though walking a tight rope. Keep your knees soft. For added difficulty, close your eyes, if safe for you to do so. Balance for 10 to 20 seconds. Repeat with the other foot forward.

Single Leg Balance% % % % % Lift one foot from the floor balancing on one leg. Keep pelvis level, and avoid leaning to your stance hip. Lift the foot a little way.


Lift your knee above hip height for more challenge % % %


Hug your knee to your chest, holding onto the front leg.

Balance for 10 to 20 seconds., then practice on the other side.

The Tree % % % % % Turn your left knee open and place the left foot to the inner leg. Keep the pelvis stable, and avoid leaning to the right. Keep the stance knee slightly bent.


If flexibility permits, bring your left foot to the inner thigh (above the knee NOT on the knee). Raise your hands skyward to increase the difficulty. Hold for 10 to 20 seconds, then do the other side.



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Chapter 7


Relaxation is the seventh and final keystone yoga practice. Relaxation is essential to a yoga practice. It soothes your nervous system, relieves stress load, and restores you. It helps to bring you to a more calm place.

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Lie down in a comfortable position. You may like support under your knees or your head. Be comfortable with your temperature - cover if cool.

Allow yourself to just rest - let go...

Breathe easy, in and out slowly, and begin to relax...

Don’t try too hard, just allow relaxation... step by step letting go.. for example if your tension level is 5 out of 10, then just let go to a 4 or 3 level of tension, then over time let go more... feel safe to let go the amount which feels right for you...

Allow your mind to travel through the body... softening...

Just soften...

Jaw % Face %Eyes % Forehead

Scalp%% % Sides of Neck% Shoulders% % Upper limbs

Hands & fingers% Chest & Heart% % % Abdomen

Neck% % % Upper back/shoulder blades

Lower back% % Hips % Lower limbs % Feet & toes

Let go of all tension & stress...

Go deeper to the place where you feel steady & calm...

Come back when you are ready.

Aim to relax for 3 to 10 minutes, as time permits.



CLICK here for an AUDIO Relaxation

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Chapter 8

Where to now?

Want to go deeper with your yoga?

Page 26: 7 Keystones of Yoga Practice - Yoga Plus Therapies · This is the easiest and safest way to stretch your hamstrings (the muscles on the back of your thigh). Lying on your back, bend

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