Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin Post Office Box 365 Oneida, WI 54155 Phone: 869-2214 UGWA DEMOLUM YATEHE Because 01 Ihe help 01 ""s Oneoda Ct\oel on cemenl,ng a Iroendst\,p bel ween "'. so. natoons and the COIO"y 01 Pennsylvanoa a ".e.. na "on the Unotec Stales ..as made possoble One,das br,ng,ng several hundred bags of corn to Washonglons slarv,ng army al Valley Forge aller the COlon'SIS had cons'slenl'y refused 10 aod them l~PRO~ AS~ REJ\D[CO~~.J 7-d'i-90 REGUlAR MEE.TING FRIDAY, JUl:JE 22, 1990 l1eeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. CAlL TO ORDER: I. Present: Purcell PCTWless-Chairman, Richard Hill-Vice Chairmsn, Kathy lroghes- Treasurer, Amelia Cornelius-Secretary, Lloyd Powless, Loretta Metaxen, Ernie Stevens-Council Members Larry Barton, David King-Council t1embers Excused: Others: Chris fuxtator, Pat Misikin, Deanna &aUIIEn, Alan King, Ira Cornelius, Mary Ellen F.ayes, Chris Johns, Dave Powless, Richard Powless, Diane "Jilson, Attorney S. Cornelius, Attorney G. Hill APPROVAL OF AGENDA II. Rick Hill nDved to adopt the agenda as amended: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Tour Presentation Stockbridge Request Hearing Date for GamishIIEnts Vacation for hrelia Cornelius Conservation Resolution Finance Meeting Update Date of Election Voter Registration List Request Ex:ecutive Session with Attorneys 1:'btion carried. Kathy lfughes seconded. Introduction of NewEmployees: Margaret King, Mike Cornelius, Billi Jo Cornelius, Geraldine Danforth, Barb Van Boxtel, Julie Charles, Pat Cornelius, Henry Skenandore, Terry Parker MllmES TO BE APPROVED-l-bne TABLED /UNFINISHED BUSINESS

7-d'i-90 - oneida-nsn.gov .ruNE 22, 1990 -REGUlAR MEF:rING Page 4 ... 1 DTS Representative David "Sonny" King Barbara Kolitsch Eric Krawczyk Amelia Cornelius Bud Clay Yvonne Jourdan

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Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin

Post Office Box 365

Oneida, WI 54155Phone: 869-2214UGWA DEMOLUM YATEHEBecause 01 Ihe help 01 ""sOneoda Ct\oel on cemenl,nga Iroendst\,p bel ween "'.so. natoons and the COIO"y01 Pennsylvanoa a ".e.. na"on the Unotec Stales ..asmade possoble

One,das br,ng,ng severalhundred bags of corn to

Washonglons slarv,ng armyal Valley Forge aller the

COlon'SIS had cons'slenl'yrefused 10 aod them




FRIDAY, JUl:JE 22, 1990

l1eeting called to order at 9:00 a.m.CAlL TO ORDER:


Purcell PCTWless-Chairman, Richard Hill-Vice Chairmsn, Kathylroghes- Treasurer, Amelia Cornelius-Secretary, Lloyd Powless, LorettaMetaxen, Ernie Stevens-Council Members

Larry Barton, David King-Council t1embersExcused:

Others: Chris fuxtator, Pat Misikin, Deanna &aUIIEn, Alan King, IraCornelius, Mary Ellen F.ayes, Chris Johns, Dave Powless, RichardPowless, Diane "Jilson, Attorney S. Cornelius, Attorney G. Hill

APPROVAL OF AGENDAII.Rick Hill nDved to adopt the agenda as amended:


Tour PresentationStockbridge RequestHearing Date for GamishIIEntsVacation for hrelia CorneliusConservation ResolutionFinance Meeting UpdateDate of ElectionVoter Registration List RequestEx:ecutive Session with Attorneys

1:'btion carried.Kathy lfughes seconded.

Introduction of New Employees: Margaret King, Mike Cornelius, Billi JoCornelius, Geraldine Danforth, Barb Van Boxtel, Julie Charles, Pat Cornelius,Henry Skenandore, Terry Parker






1 lIUMAN RESOURCESa) Approval Requested for: Noneb) Hiring InformatiOll:

1. Retail Cashier Trainee-Michael CorrLelius2 .Re tai 1 Cashier Trainee -Anthony Kinzl-nJrna3. Bingo lZitchen-Food Service y.brker Pool-Pauline A.

Jourdan4. Cashier/Sales Clerk-Instant Tickets Operation-Sally

fuxtator, Victoria Hill, Lyrm King, 11ichelle Kirlg,Sharon Schuessler



1. Transfer-Youth Hone House Manager-Linda A. Cleven2. Transfer-~Enager Community Development-Patricia A.

Cornelius3. Promotion-Director of Instant Tidket

Operation-Barbara E. VanBoxtel4. ProIOOtion-Accounting Clerk-Bridget Smith5. ProIOOtion-OCHC Clinic Program Director-Debra J.

Danforth6. Reassignment-B:i,ngo Kitchen Shift Supervisor-Benjamin

D. Cannon fran Bingo Kitchen7. P~assignrnent-Retail Clerk/Cashier-Tina M. Thomas

from Cashier Trainee

Bingo list: 52 on list: 23 applicants cleared/29applicants incanplete




Rick Hill mJVed to approve the travel report and to recOImend training bebrought to Oneida for the B\lsi!less ComDittee and others and that the Tribeshould develop and adopt a Tribal Child/Family Protection Code, AmeliaCornelius seconded. Mbtion carried.




P.L. 93-638- Resolution #6-22-90-A -Cheryl VandenEergA.Amelia Cornelius moved to adopt Resolution #6-22-90-A, Ernie Stevens seconded.

Discussion on whether the Tribe should contract rather than the G.L. I.T.C.

Rick Hill moved to table Resolution If6-22-90-A, Loretta Metoxen seconded.Motion carried.

Ol;;'EillA 1RIBE OF ItillIANS OF "J'ISCONSINJUl\1£ 22, 1990 -REGUlAR l-1EEfn-TGPage 3


~. Shearson, Lehman, Hutton, Resolution ff6-22-90-B -BobChrist john

Ernie Stevens moved to table and to request a n-eeting with the InvestrrentGarnrnittee, Loretta }~toxen seconded. V~tion carried.

c.liJHEREAS, the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin recognizes the Oneida PublicSafety Departrrent as providing services to increase the safety and well beingof tribal ~rs, and

WHEREAS, the ilieida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin recognizes the need for theCneida Public Safety Officers to have First Responders and EnErgency MedicalTraining.

Nrn, THrnEFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the C!.1eida Tribe of Indians of WisconsinIMke application to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Indian Highway SafetyProgram, for a grant to provide medical training to the officers of the C!.1eidaPublic Safety Department.

D. Retroactive Approval requested for Resolution 116-13-90-BRegarding Water Quality and Resolution #6-13-90-Aregarding Fi~e Protection

RESOLUTION 116-13-90-B:

WlIERFAS, the Oneida Tribe of Indians are faced with several varied threats tothe surface and groundolater resources of the Tribe, and

w'HEREAS, the Bureau of Indian Affairs provides ftmding to Indian Tribes forthe purpose of identifying those threats.

NOW, 'ffiEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the QJeida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsinwill need fiscal year 1990 Water Quality ManageIIEnt Planning funds to continueongoing co-operative ground water investigations for the Oneida Tribe.

RESOLUTION 116-13-90-A:

WHEREAS, the O:1eida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin is dependent upon rural,volunteer fire departnents for the provision of fire protection for the Oneidapeople.

NOtl, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsinwill distribute Fiscal Year 1990 Community Fire Protection Funds equally tothe toms of Hobart and CA:leida for the purchase of equipment for those fire



Retroactive Resolutions {Continued)

Loretta Metoxen moved to adopt retroactive resolutions 116-13-90-B CWaterQuality, and 116-13-90-A, (Fire Protection). Ernie Stevens seconded. MOtioncarried.

Rick Hill mJved to request a report on the water quality from John Spangberg,Loretta Metaxen seconded. MOtion carried.



Response to. Fort Howard's letter May 17, 1990-FrancisSkenandore


Lloyd Powless moved to send a response letter to Fort Howard, Amelia Corneliusseconded. Mbtion carried. Ernie Stevens abstained.

Rick Hill rmved to substitute Loretta ~toxen for Larry Bartoo on the FortHoward negotiation team, Ernie Stevens seconded. llition carried. LorettaMetoxen abstained.

New Bank Accounts-Lynn VandenianegenbergB.lDretta Metoxen moved to approve, Kathy Hughes seconded. Motion carried.

Bonding for ORTEK-David PaNlessc.Kathy Ifughes nX:>ved to authorize for a one year period and to review after oneyear, Ernie Stevens seconded. M:>tioo carried.


Bingo Pass for leech lake- The1m:i Mclester

Rick Hill roved to approve Loretta Metoxen seconded. l-btion carried


Grant Proposal Innovative Cultural CurriculWl-M:iry EllenHayes

l-i)tioo carried.lDretta Metoxen roved to approve, Kathy Hughes seconded.

F. Grant Proposal Salary Differential-M3ry Ellen Hayes

futirn carried.lDretta Metoxen nDved to approve, Ernie Stevens seconded.

Walmrt and Carlton Property leases Concerns-Chrisfuxtator


Rick Hill m:JVed to refer to Francis Skenandore t Kathy Hughes seconded.carried.



REQLTESTS ( COn t ll1ued


Land Co~littee tlinutes-Chris Doxtator,-

1l.C Loan: Ernie St:evens moved to approve a nc Loan for t1r. & llrrs. Dor.aldStan chick and l'1r. & Mrs. [<obert Danforth, Loretta Metoxen seconded. t-btioncarried.

The land Conmi ttee reconn:ends that the renters for the House on Seminarv Roadbe selected as follows: J



David SmithDoug HOuseRedman DanforthJerry M. Hill

Rick Fill ux:>ved to approve. IDretta l{~toxen seconded. l-'b tion carried








Rick Hill nxwed to approved setting aside the Sorenson property for 4months to allow ORTEK time to submit a plan, Ernie Stevens seconded.l-btion carried.Ernie Stevens moved to approve to release Edwin King Sr., from 2 acreswhich will go to Arthur Yjng, lJoyd Powless seconded. ~Dtion carried.llllelia CoIrlelius moved to approve Sharon t-1etoxen (site 1 housing lease),Resolution 116-22-90-F, Lloyd Powless seconded. MOtion carried. ,loretta l1etoxen ffi)ved to accept a 2 acre residential application for MikeKing, Lloyd Pow less seconded. MOtion carried.Lloyd Pooless llK)ved to approve an agricultural lease for 1 acre behindfunna ~ite' s property for Larry SkiDkis, lJJretta Metoxen seconded.MOtion carried.Lloyd Powless roved to approve renewal for Pat and Merlin Cornelius forPmbrosias land on EE contingent on Chris Doxtator' s determination ofacreage and previous fees charged, Kathy Hughes seconded. ~J)tioncarried. lJJretta t-1etoxen abstained.Ernie Stevens mved to approve rental renewals for Carl Parker arid lv'.iarthaBrager and Carrie Danforth (Trailer Court), Lloyd Powless seconded.}:btion carried.Amelia Cornelius nxwed to approve the rental renewal for Sherman ThOlIXiSand Doma 'White with rent increase as noted ill lease, Loretta Metoxenseconded. l'btion carried.Lloyd Powless moved to approve the Harre Purchase Agreerrent Revisions andTribal loan Credit Reserve with the definitions added of family n:Emberand an addition of seller's approval, Amelia Cornelius seconded. Mbtioncarried.Drainage Ditch: Jerry Kurowski would like to clear out the growth ill theeKistillg ditCh. John Spangberg' s memo of May 30 was discussed. NOresolution to the problem was offered ill the naro. The land iliIImitteerecOImends that Jerry work with louis Clark (downhill land owner) todevelop a plan to mve the standing water and clear the ditching, andthat Jerry can clear the vegetation out of the ditch in eKChange for thelease fee. Lloyd Powless moved to approve, Rick llill seconded. NO vote.Kad1y Hughes and Loretta Metoxen abstained.


Land Committee Recommendations (Continued)


One Stop Encroachment -Recommendation to approve the agreements forrental of vacant land and to have 30 Swamp pursue this matter. Retailshould pay for the $50 lease agreement to be returned to the Land Office.Ernie Stevens moved to approve, Loretta Metoxen seconded. Motioncarried.

Loretta Metoxen moved to approve the agreement in regard to the One StopEncroachment retroactively as outlined in Attorney Cornelius' memo, ErnieStevens seconded. Motion carried.


Warehouse Lease Renewal-Carol Silva

Loretta Metoxen moved to refer the lease to the Land Committee, Ernie Stevensseconded. Motion carried.

Request for Swim Pool Committee-Amelia Cornelius


Rick Hill moved to approve the formation of the Committee a~ recommended:

1 Business committee representative1 Grants Writer1 Communications Representative1 Architect1 DTS RepresentativeDavid "Sonny" KingBarbara KolitschEric KrawczykAmelia CorneliusBud ClayYvonne Jourdan

Amelia Cornelius seconded. Motion carried.

Ballot Request-Rick HillN.

Rick Hill moved to have the 1990 ballots in alphabetical order, Ernie Stevensseconded. Motion carried. Kathy Hughes and Amelia Cornelius opposed.

Pat Cornelius informed the Business Committee that she is removing her namefrom the Election for Council.



Attorney Contract with Altheimer & Gray-Francis SkenandoreA.Kathy Hughes moved to approve the Altheimer Contract, and Resolution


WHEREAS, the Oneida Tribe is empowered to employ legal counsel, the choice ofcounsel and fixing of fees being subject of the approval of the Secretary ofthe Interior: and

O~'EmA TRIBE OF llWIANS CiF w'ISCOI'JSllJREGULA.P\. 1.1EETING -..Jli1iE 22, 1990Page 7

Altheiner & Gray Contract (ContirJ.ued)

~~, it is the desire of the Oneida Tribe of Indiar.s of ~asconsin that thelaw firm of Altheiner & Gray with offices at 10 South '.Jacker Drive, iliicago,Illinois, be retained to serve, for the purposes set forth in the SpecialCounsel Aoo-reenent by arid between the Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin andAlth~r & Gray ("Special OJunsel Agreerrent"), a copy of which is attached tothe resolution as Exhibit "A", as Special Counsel for the Oneida Tribe; and

~7f,~, the law firm of AltheiIre.r & Gray will receive compensationcommensurate to the duties performed in accordance with the attadhed SpecialCounsel Agreen-ent.

NOW, 11JEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that Althe~r and Gray be employed to act asSpecial Counsel for and on behalf of the Oneida Tribe of Indians of ~-Jisconsinto negotiate settlenent and/or appear before all federal and state courtsregardil1g the controversy with the Fort HCMard Corporation pursuant to theterms and conditions of the Special Counsel Agreement, attached hereto asEXhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the Tribal Chairman arld Secretary of the llieidafusiness Comnittee are hereby authorized and directed to execute the SpecialCounsel Agreerrent employing said attorrs£Ys as Special Counsel in accordancewith the Special Counsel Agreenent.

2. Scope of Representation: .Alt~ein:er & G:ay s~ll act as special.counsel for and on behalf of the Trlbe 1ll connectl.on mth any and all claJ.IDSof the Tribe ~ainst Fort Howard arising from Fort Howard's disposal of wasteson land located within, and contiguous to, the O:leida Indian Reservation andproperties near Althein:er & Gray Green Bay, Wisconsin. The scope of AltheillEr& Gray's representation of the Tribe shall include settlenent negotiationsand/or such factual investigation and legal research as may be necessary toprepare and, with the Tribe's authorization, file a complaint asserting suchclaims as the Tribe may have against Fort Howard. In any action against FortHo;.;ard, the Tribe's General Counsel, Francis R. Skenandore, Esquire, shallappear as co-counsel with Althe~r & Gray. The scope of Altheiner & Gray'srepresentation of the Tribe shall not include the pursuit of any tribal claimsagainst the United States.

Amelia Comelius seconded. Motion carried. Ernie Stevens abstained

Indian Health Service Contract with Health Center-DeannaBaUlIJan


Loretta Metoxen moved to approve of items ~~ & B, Ridk Hill Seconded.carried.


Ernie Stevens moved to assign Loretta ~toxen to follCM up on lobbying for rnsfUnds and that she have sole responsibility, Ridk Hill seconded. Loretta~~toxen abstained. MOtion carried.

Amelia Cornelius llkJved to approve of i tans C and D, Loretta Metoxen seconded


c. Job Service

f.1I'elia Corrlelius IIK)ved to approve, Kathy Hughes sec0l1ded. ~btion carried


Contract with FmHA and Resolution-Sharon House Cornelius

Amelia Cornelius moved to defer until Attorney Meeting t Kathy Hughes seconded.l-btion carried.



InfomJation Only-Consultant p...green:ent LarryCornelius- The~ l'fcLesterInformation Only-Consultant Agreerrent EdnaCornelius -Grosskopf-ThelmaMcLesterInfonnation Only-Consultant Agreen:ent Northeast "WisconsinTechnical College-Thelma J!.cLester



A.. Loretta l-1etoxen11otion carried.

Kathy Hughes-Vacation 7/3/90 -7/7/90.noved to approve, Rick Hill seconded.Kathy Hughes abstained.Lloyd Powless-Vacation-6/25/90-6/26/90.rrDVed to approve, Rick Hill seconded.Lloyd Powless abstained.

Y..athy Hugheslvf£)tion carried.


VII. alliER


Chairman I s Request

Purcell Powless requests approval of his res~tion effective June 29, 1990.Ridk Hill moved to accept, Ernie Stevens seconded. l'btion carried.

Information on Tour Proposal


Tour Proposal for June 15 & 16, 1991 with the ~rld Council of Credit UnionsLoretta ~toxen llX>ved to approve the request of the Stockbridge for Tribalsupport for a Bingo hall in Mlton, WI, Kathy Hughes seconded. l"btioncarried.

Vacation -.Amelia Cornelius


Vacation for July 4 & 5, 1990. Ridk tlill moved to approve, Ernie Stevensseconded. MOtion carried. Amelia Cornelius abstained.

4. Resolution 116-22-90-E

Authorizing the Sponsorship of a Wisconsin Conservation Corps

Program for the Oneida Reservation: Requesting the Director of Conservation toapply for program participation in the WCC for a fifty-two week period:Proposing that sufficient funds be allocated in the 1991 Oneida Tribe of1..1isconsin Budget for the Tribe's sponsorship expenses.

ONEillA 1RIBE OF INDIAt~S OF WISCC111S11\fREGUlAR t1EETll1G -Ju"NE 22, 1990Page 9

Resolution 1/6-22-90-E (Continued)

v~, the \.JCC crew perfonns ~.aningful proj ects enhancing and protectingdhe natural resources of dhe Oneida Reservation, and

W11ERFAS, through n:eaningful work experiences and training opportunities, theWCC program will help local unemployed young adUlts develop work skills,disciplirJE, and an appreciation and better understanding of the naturalresources of the Oneida Reservation, and

~~, the Tribal share for funding the ~JCC program has been partiallyincluded in the 1990 Oneida Tribal Departnent Buqget and should be included inthe departrrent 1991 Tribal Budget Account --such costs includetransportation, equipuent, and supplies for the program;

Na.I;J 'rnEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: that the Ci:1eida Tribe of IndiarlS of Wisconsin,hereby authorizes the Director of Conservation to apply for programparticipation in WCC for a fifty-t o week period including the proj ectsindicated on the attadhed work plan, and

BE IT F1JR1HER RESOLVED: that sufficierJ.t funds are hereby directed to beplaced in the 1991 Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin's Fiscal Year Budgetfor the Tribe's sponsorship expenses.

Ernie Stevens moved to adopt Resolution #6-22-90-E, Loretta Metoxen seconded.fution carried. Kathy Hughes abstained.

5. Finance Veeting Update -Kathy Hughes

Kathy Hughes, Kathy King and Lynn Vandenl.angenberg will be lleeting next weekto propose SOlle recommendations to the Business Committee.

6. Gaming COIm1ission

Rick Hill IOOved to have a meeting with the Gaming CaIlDission, IDretta Metoxenseconded. ~Dtion carried.

7 Election Date

Rick Hill DXJVed to recomrend changing the date of the Tribal elections fraIlJuly 21, to July 28, 1990, Ernie Stevens seconded. }btion carried.

Ridk Hill moved to make the voter registratiOn list from the past twoelections available to all tribal candidates, Ernie Stevens seconded.carried.


8. GamishIent Hearings

Kathy Hughes UDVed to have the garnishment hearings for July 10, 1990 at 10: 30a.m., Amelia Cornelius seconded. Mbtion carried.




1. Attorneys Hill, Slcenandore, and Cornelius


}btion to recess, seconded and carried.


..t~"rr1.Dal ~cre tary,

(O:1eida Business Conmittee