~1» 7-5 **3 i i i ( I I I

7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

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Page 1: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


7-5 **3






Page 2: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

I '•*.» ~ ^ —

; ^MFile Xc - c w : T . . . _* ._ R. r.... ^^M

12 .22S 1 •<•"&» 1 3 , li«c..-' -. , ^,. -. , -, ..— ' . Comuy ., ^ ^ H


I 1 Top of Ckond. 2 I t , %rf to* loa* OFFICE OF STATE-ENGINEER , H= (Eiev. above sea le^eil^JJJri0®11 Notice of Completion of ^rouridwater ^H^ Appropriation by Means of -Well ^H

(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Law3£l961) ^ ^ ^ B

3D ?t. dut " %&t* a ^ H- Owner- a t « S 9 l l ^TBW -Address"%YtiT^ri|-t»" f^fogfif ^ ^ H

Driller.^Mr^BW **--*£ l*tifig- Address ^^^t^fy^^y^- •tf*rr*»mar - ^ ^ H

Datt> of Xotiee of Appropriatioa of Groundwater ^ ^ ^ ^ B

- Date well started p^y JJ 1965 Dite Completed.^y« 196^ ^IH

1 Type of welLDeLnn Equipment Used. .QaafB ^ ^ ^ L- (dug:, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or ^ ^ ^ ^ V

drilled) other) ^ ^ H

I I— h5 Ft. Omy <xm%laptraV? ^ ^ H

Water L'se: Domestic •j^} Municipal • <.)ther • Irrigatioa JJ ^ ^ ^ H) Industrial D Drainage Q S t o c k y ^ ^ H

*^t Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different ^ ^ ^ Hstrata met with in drilling, such as soil. c!iy, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. ^ ^ ^ HShow depth at which water is enwunteivd. thickness and character of water- ^ ^ ^ Hbearing strata and height to which water rises in the well. ^ ^ ^ H

Sin of Sh*Md From To : •firniiTinNl ^^^^H

_ J.J ? U . XSUAUW Hoi. CMtac • Rted { Fma I T. ^ ^ ^ B

1 : '• • H

] w Static Water Level for nonflowinjr Wei; \g . feet. ^ ^ ^ H

~ T~~ 3 K^-;BCiVEl-iiaSi -i. gCi,;v^.i Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelL — ^ ^ ^ H37" Bo ,toij G£ well 3 37 1-^t ; 90 ft. 15 G.PJI. | ^ H

-: • j • ;•—j Pumping Water LcvUO feet at jg gal. per minute. ^I^B

, : : ; : Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well ^ ^ ^ Bw : '• '• 1 '• : — ^ — E ^ | ^ E

' I : : • n o w Tested. Bollw Length of Test. 9 ra«r» - ^ ^ ^ B-—:—-; : ;..lsA.i2.. ^^M

! : : Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff. lo^a- ^ ^ ^ H_ ' : : : tion of place of use of groundwater if no' at well, and any ^ ^ ^ H

:_ : \ ; . other similar pertinent information, including number of ^ ^ ^ H

_ '• '• • ' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation . l i s t e n s ^ ^ ^ H

- -B _.._ ?.._ sl . ¥*•_.. &*t. flmctiffl j. iMttimef^ll, _. ^B_ Indicate location of well and ^ ^ ^ B

place of use, if possible. Each Wwnrft»gt3 i «c<+itio-j_J to ,^at«r u«8 - s tock ^ ^ ^ ^ Ksmall square represents 10 acres. \TfQCi-ffCv\ ^ ^ ^ H

^ _ ^ Show exact depth of bottom. a. • . ^ ^ ^ B

I>nlier's License Number ^ ^ ^ B

Driller s Signature ^^^^B

Thi> form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to bf filed by the own»r with the County Clerk and Recorder ^ ^ ^ H

In the county in which the well is located. ^ ^ ^ H

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^^^^K

Original to the County Ot-rk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Ensrineer: Tripiicat- to the Montana Bureau of ^ ^ ^ 1Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ^ ^ ^ H

Page 3: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion




Filed oyihe/^daYot ZlU^ !

^J?£fh .•^gJ^l^mk and BmcKvt*

Br__^-2_UJ 1*0*1.







Page 4: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

I ~-* ^ri^r"" .. IH File Xc ..... _ ___ M.-.CWX — T.-2a..H......R_22.I, jfl^B• ^-- -•-;-;. ''%:ZITZ. County .JT tlwad . . | HH t .. s. -^-- STATE OF MONTANA E^H• V. —ADMnnSTRATOR OF GROUND WATER CODE f H"I H^ - X* * 0 « « d - 2 Ft. Swfac. l o w OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER H

H ~ ls V.8ai5)Ve St veL^Ta FU .) Notice of Completion of Groundwater ^HB ^— ) Appropriation by Means of Well ^HH | (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961, B ^ H

• ' )) R0Ut* *3 ^BI ( HMB 3 0 Ft. S i l t Owner Ru«S«il<3iW«* ^ddress!§U««"j._*?t«» ^ HH — ) Route #1 B^BHB j DrUler.Gp.r*».n.S«..Dfypung Address...!^U.«i»ll*..*oft*«»a _ ^ ^ H

^B \ Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater — B&V&V

H ) Date well started. Say 11» 1965.. Date Completed....**/.Vf W^?... ^ ^ H

^m ~~ ) Type of well Br.lwn Equipment. Used..?**?". ^ ^ H^f l _ ) (dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or ^^^^VH ( 45 Ft* Gray conglontrat* drilled) other) ^ ^ ^ 1

^M \ Water Use: Domestic 3 Municipal Q Other • Irrigation • ^ ^ ^ H^m I \ Industrial Q Drainasre Q Stock Q ^ ^ ^ |

^H { "^£3 Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different I ^ ^ ^ H^B ~ ( strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. ^^^^M^H i Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water- ^ ^ ^ ^ B^H ( bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well. ^ ^ ^ ^ R

• - ) _ v i t £^ i HEtT^lxr ,£, ! ^ - M H• - ( 1 3 Ft. Y«llow eorv HO*, C^IB, i »» F™» j T» ^ ^ H• 1 gloawrat* ' I « - «r-" ;F-° ^ ^ B• ~ *) 7* i 7* - 20i Surface Bottom Hon« ^ ^ B

I—- : i I^M ) ** Static Water Level for non-flowing Well.. . ^5 feet. ^ ^ ^ ^ 1^K -B " ' -f »-_.---_ : .- _:_--«.; , , — . Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well ^ ^ ^ H

• ( ) Ft. 9rp«n *• nd t Gravil fl i s a . « ^ ^ B• — — BQ.ttpi9#.Ol_w1Ln_l^.»««^. Pumping Water L-vel UQ * fwt at 3Q gal. per minute. W^M

^B , Discharge in cal. per min. of flowing well. . •^•^H

H ^ w . . j ^ . . Ho« Tested Bail«r Length o f Test ? HoUTS ^ H

^1 ~~ ; : : Keniarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca- ^ ^ ^ ^ H•X _ ~ . tion oi place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any B^H^H^B other similar pertinent information, including number of ^ ^ ^ ^ 1

^ 1 _ '•—j~—; • : '• • aeri-s irrigated, if tiswl for irrigation) ..... BBvJi• (SB) s ^Bi• - WWSvi U s.c. U T 38HR 22 ». ^ HH _ Indicate locatii>n of vrell and B V ^ H^ B p l a c e o f u s e . fc[ p o s s i b l e . E a c h . . . . . . ^ ^ ^ ^ B•J — small square repkcsent.s 10 acres. ^ ^ ^ ^ B

I I Show exact depth cC bottom. #101 ^ ^ ^ B

H Driller"* License Number/ , B^B^K

H Driller s Signature Q ^ ^ ^ H

H This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder ^ ^ ^ H

H <n the county in which tht> well is located. ^ ^ ^ H

H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. B^B^I

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the Sta'e En?ineer: Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of ^ ^ ^ HI Min-*s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. • • • •I I

Page 5: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

> j

i /A * Xf,

I : >-


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Page 6: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

B <_-^ / •—: • - ^ ^ ^ H


I Declaration of Vested Ground water Right* •* u u, _ ~ ^H• (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ~ • • • •

I \^Jbte*L d&&£±$ Of JktA..3. ^.jd^AcC-- HB (Nam* of Anpropriat r) (Address) / (Town.) * ^ ^ | BI County of_^Xri^y5K^ii.--^' State of J^^.J^±^.^^^^L fl^K• have appropriated ground-water according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: ^ B ^ B

I . I . r/r. /js ^MB : : : : • : - The beneficial use o n which the claim i s b^ed/T.4^.4z<^.?J^r' ^ ^ HI 1—-i !—: , -^C<^r 'Z*V ...<^.^...^..fi^Lr2Zd^tJs^£3^£L ^H• : ; : ' ; : : / <^ B^HH ',',', ','•'• 3- Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and hoy eon- H ^ HV ' '• . .....; tinuous the use has been /.fjf..S>..^ _~..t^£^ii«._^fctl!!i«a...^-ci«-*-c_- ^^^H^

I .-..|_!*J !..J_J_.. " •••• '" " BH ; ; ; • , ; 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallon* ^ ^ ^ HH ; ; : ; ' per minute) .*.....„. A /. ^ ^ ^ H• I •__! i :_ /ttGj^».d^...^£jk<d*L ^HH I ' ' ' ' I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands ^ ^ ^ HH % to which waj« has been applied and lurfne of the owner thereof [L^^H• r & ffu. 2 deLiA .^l^Mj.y:Lr^^cxss<ar^r. _ - I^H

I ~?/.SvJtii<*- // .2$*-'^ - -- - ^HB Indicate poi,.: L appropriation * " ' H ^ ^ BI and place of use, if possible. - -,. , - LJ • v e ». J J ^ U ^ ^ ^ BM Each small K(uare represents U) 6 Tn«-' m e a n s oE withdrawing such water from the ground and the | ^ ^ V• acres. location of each well or oth#« means of withdrawal. ^ ^ ^ HI ../Lp^cf>/**uj.. fpj2~rf?. - ^mI 7. The date of commenceuientaoji completion of__the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- ^ ^ ^ HI drawal of groundwater C^QtZ/fty ' ^ 3 ^^M

• ^ - mM• 8. The depth of water table G&J^'.. _... ^ ^ H

I ^HR 9. So far as i' may be available, the type, size and depth of eatfh well or tb4 general specifications ofany other ^ ^ ^ BI works for the withdrawal of groundwater AJ^/U-.^-<rjr>J^/-xJ<^r(.....O^dL.^t..*«:.•«.. /..Ct-&yA^^- | ^ ^ B

• 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year... .tf. *^.?<£.j£:l£C.3!tt.~Jip&7.*rr7........: ^ ^ ^ B

B 11. The log of formations encountered in th? drilling of each well if available ^ ^ ^ BI / '•£. 10- — — ^^^BB 'M'to^. .f£:!l!*3!«ZZ. _i ^H

• 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including ^^^^mB reference to book and page of any county record ~ „ ^ ^ ^ H

I ; • ::.:;;;;: •.::...:;;.;::;; : :;::::v"::z::::::3::z™zziz^z:zz: HiI Signature of Owner..rA^.1&&1^/~:.^&J£&:..- ^H

I Date../^./CZ^-^-^-- ^M

• Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder it the county in which the well is ^ ^ ^ HI located. B^HI Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ ^ B

1 Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of •^BI Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ^ ^ ^ B

Page 7: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

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Page 8: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

"Si ""

n f i - ' " / /

F N"c- C o u n t * ^ ^ ^ ^ '


. _, . „ , OFFICE OF STATE E>fG&EER * • SJ• I Top of Ground |j[T >,,; -? ^ -Wi

(Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion Of &01l&(iw3k?Appropriation by Meai§FWsWStt-———.

Cfu 1*4 C /^ , N(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

JrpLfrf 'fL&sO*' » J Ownerj£?y ,/". *" /lA^^^.^c./iUA^ess ^Cq^^rJ^^^c^''^a

(J 0 D r i l l e r ^ & ^ V ^ ^ ^

j<JQU> J*jfip>\ D a t e of xollce of Appropriation of Groundwater '*-*"£* ft£*-V>

\ ' P\A«-\.m JIULI -ikUO Date well started ft P*/\ 3<-)'O TDate Completed y\^T*A' ' Jf^

~ ^J- / JL Type of well v t ^ - ^ ^ 2 ^ ... Equipment Used.... . . ^ ^ * * f » < /)*1$ij J3 £ ^ / * ' i^u?. driven, bored or (Chum, drill, rotarv or

/JO **' & I drilled) other)

\[ JL A,«J^ZX<— ^— Water Use: Domestic)^ Municipal • Stock Q Irrigation QA * / / 1 f Industrial Q Drainage • Other •

*sf~l4lYY> 'r^t^'i ( l ^ ^l Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different^ 1/ strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand,

,^f ~)/~< J\ etc- Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character o£Z/t%) r It- ~*~* p^ water-bearing strata and height to which the water rises in the v/elL

I f 1J dl&LsA-Q &AU}~H / ~SUe" i StaTind JT^S. To "

(^ilWVTKi" I / of ! W.ljht of ; (FHI) (Feet) PtRFOltATlONS

s\* (1^1 /itJ-L Drlu"1 ' c"inc i Itlnd t:r— To

. . . . . . „ . - , . , , - _ • : ! '

N Static Water Level for non-flowing Well / v * , .feet.

Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well ~~h-*?~» y&~*A^'CA-*-<%

Pumpini? Water Level- X ' O feet at /<? ..gal. per minute.

Di-schrir- e in gal, per min. of flowing well <^~^? " £%A^y~**'t'^

How Tested. U**c~<+~4-' Length of Test. P ~*^L<>

Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-- ... .__ tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any

j other similar pertinent information, including number of

,-, . acres irrigated, if used for irrigation)/> '^VSec./y T^^R^Z^

Indicate location cf well ar..i~" place of ur.e. if possible. Each

srr.aii square represents 10 acres.

L_«_J Show exact depth of bottom. ~^L^-^. ^T*^~"

/A Driller's Lieenae Numisey

7 • Driflers Signature

Th..? form to be prepared l>> uiiiler, ar;J three copies to b»> filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Re-cor.:-;r in the county in which the well is located.

I\rr;i.se answer ill questions. If not applicable, so 5ta;e. otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines ]and Quadruplicate for the Appropriates _ J V j

Page 9: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion



• ,uc ./a/57- - Sftk

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Page 10: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

<*^Si_r» 3 GW : RO-.SCJ w County JC - ''&£• ^ - - ^ . - i .$*


MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD l n d i e " J *" * " ? * " • .,C°'fr' ^ness of strata such as sod, clay, sand,

NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER S r a v e 1 ' s h a l e ' sandstone, etc Show

APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL ? ? * *f ^ wa!er is found an,fheight to whicn water rises in well.

Developed after Janua-y 1, 19*2

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground <B~. **», ** ma>* S£l

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed From I T»by the owner with the County Clark and Recorder in the county in (Fttt) CF«»which the well is located, iast copy to be retained by driller. __Q__ 3 /^c.g^g^p i r 'T^ '—*^. .P'ease answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the | .form may be returned. | ~, j ? f. 2*%. • - j^fc^fc-*-^

o^£eafeMJ^Sfe&afet For Admlnii,,,,or, Use | _ d _ _ : _ S ^ _ f l k _ a - < f r .f Address JX:.^,OV.^ _ Rr, (%3C>/ £&1 J •'•'. tttajL J^r&£ '. J

tete&L&^ ?^£2L N^-^^^^3^^- J

Date well started t/.Z/JJ GW 1 .. ULL-tfJ -Z^L-^S^fcsSsdriL-. ]

completed U-/XJ1L. 'Wi- J£l- ZJBdJ^^d^LJZZ.Type of well . . . . r . i i Z r r ^ ^ \ _„_

- (Dust, driven, bored or drilled) I _______ _____»_______________»______,____,

Equipment used .. ?L/L4*V^.. i J |(Chura dril l , roury or other) ' I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ — _ I

Water Use- Domestic .& Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation • !

Industrial • Drainage • Other •* Garden/Lawn Q \

•Describe jUSE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, i I

state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lof, Block j •and Addition) i , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

• • " — i - • ' • • • • ™ " • • • • mmm


SI*, or Sin and ! From | To ' ' 1Drilled Wditl i (FccO (F<«l) L PERFORATIONS iHol« of Cnlaf I 1

i ' ' !——I1 i I ' - ,

I i ! i _I_I_Z1» ,, ;

I j I j I Static water level J:.~... ...ft.*i | Pumping water level t..l..-. ft.*'

- -'--- J at ...»3-~ gallons per minute,1

'• ; measured minutes after pumping;; • began. I

i~i j * 'Measured from groufnd Ie><el. ! i; I Wei! developed b^L'^-.^^^ T j" ~ \i : for .<£—- hours. . ! _T: '; Power Pump HP; j "1\ j Rem-.rks: (Gravel packing, cementing,! i

^~2. ! ~£ packers, type of shutoff) j

"//...I**<*:.•« sec../'.-.... """'."*•." :.Z'": ".i'.z"Zs I iT...^X N R.-^.* J I I


• L * ^ j j : — — — • ' • • — ^ — • — — — ,

Driller's S\gnatVT^^./^..^r^...r.-..:..A^^..r^..S'^~T^^^... , ; ;

Driller's Address ./-±.Sr^rLJ: ' J ...

'T..^.l.' LL~i*'L.S%:fJ$.-. LIC1NSE HO...LO t •t<+—L Show exact depth of bottom

'-,-7 . r?

Page 11: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion





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I File X<. ow: T_._?i..!.|[.?....B_..22..?*. //

County ..:?i*tteadL_ ^


P = T . - * > ^ o * G r o » 4 . 3 F ^ Surf-w Loam OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER ~

j(Eiev. above sea iweL....???s_Fts) Notice of Completion of Groundyrater,~~ $ Appropriation by Means of Wfelf ~ i c R

\ (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws. 1961)

~~ ) acssa 32 - 2 Mile Drive) Owner..P1«f»?W."a?*Mn ^ d d r e s d ^ U S B t U j J ^ t a ^ -

I ) Routa #1

) DrUler.^MoD.S«..J3eYqyng.._ ^ddrfess* l.feP-ti.ljL..*BDiSan« -

) Date of Notice of Appropriation of Ground'water I

) (109 F t ) Date well started ...-?««...W.t..¥&* Date Completed...Jtuly..S#...1964. I_ 409 Ft, Bouldera i glacial _ , _.

) CcngloBftTat* ^7Ve ° f w e l 1 -*£*$M Equipment Used. C R U X D— J (dug, driven, bored ur (Churn, drill, rotary or

\ drilled) other)_ » Water Use: Domestic Q§ Mrnicipcl Q Other • Irrigation Q

| Industrial • Drainage • Stock Q

l ^3 Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different~ ) strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, roek or sand., etz.— ) Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-

) beariug strata and height to which water r ises m the well.

) DrfflM ! W«ltMnf ! iFeel) ' tF«l) PEMORATIONS- ) Hole ; CMIW \ i Ktad | FroM | To

_ ) r ! r. i7j isvf^* btt» & i "** I '•""

i ? ! ! r i ! i

i O ! ! I II ( 4 5 Ft. Brown ccnglomerato I — J - - ! ^ —, ! ' '

) N Statii> W»ter L«v«»J for prm-flowinc Well 55 feet. Iu > l • ; i • i : i Ip ) ; : : : ; : Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelL I

) ; — ! — : : ;----:— Pumping Water Level. 130 feet at .20 gal. per minute.

) ...j :..„• .:....:....:..„) ; ! : : Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing1 well

~ V i i : 1 : — — .- ) ; ' tf : : . How T.-sted B*iler Length of Test 3 Hours

s Sss * , : l : • Remarks : (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-i c ^* t v "®^7*w5 ? '3V«ri ; :""" tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any

...-. ' .m.J..—*J_ "__TT__-?A*: other similar pertinent information, including number of

• — '• • ' • • ' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation)

^. . .yj* secil. TSa*. !«_•._ Indicate location of well and

place of use. if possible. Eachsmall square represen' 10 acres.

L ^ _ Show exact deoth of bottom. ,mmm^* _ IQJL

Driller's License Number

Driller s Signature / /

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with t h e County Clerk and Recorderin the courty in which the -well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk a n d Recorder: duplicate to the Sta te Engineer; Triplicate to rhe Montana Bureau ofMines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

• >*^

s ,

1 -

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s@»:Gw:Rn:-td !«» County..rh'AT^M.P. J . |

STATi OF MONTANA '~, ~~ " ~ ' '" ' ~? "^ DRILLER'S LOGADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE ""* ' *" , ,. . ,, . . , .. . ,

ndicate the character, co or, thick-MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD , «. „ . -, i -Jness of strata such as soil, clay, sand,

NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 9 r a v e ! shale sandstone, etc ShowAPPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF W R L d*p* a t wh.ich war

ter is found a " f

height to whicn water rises in well.Developed after January 1, 1962

(Under Chapter 237 Monttn» Session Laws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground * P P » O * < E I C T .-bore «» »~*n - 3 Q 2 5 —

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed F ™ « TOby the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in ( F w t ) j <F«towhich the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. 0 1 TOPSOIL

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the i 1 125 jTAW CLAY. BOtJLB«H8 —Pform may be returned. | QJI AVELS


Owner ffeffiKBflS I—_ • . • . . . ~ 1 LJS2-. J11- If^-SfcAI-BglflBLJaflgWaFor Administrator s Use j 2 3 1 j 2*52 |REO CHAVEZ. 17S GPM

, Address . . J^ .« .3L.JtamJiy£.... File . '. j 1 -j

KjU . tWC. i l NDNTAJU 59?f>1 1 -- j'2. . ' 7 ^ > i

Date well started 9/25/72 GW 1 ../£.;.C..£.-J~.:S:?.' !

completed 9/&/J? j

Type of well OBILLKO ;(Due driven, bored o r drilled) ! _ _ ^ . ^ _ — _ _ _ _ — _ — ^ — — ^ _

Equipment used ~..??XA*X..9?!t.!.L*? ; — — — ——(Churn drill, r o t a r y o r other) ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ ^ ^ _ _ _ _

Water Use: Domestic E Municipal • Stock B Irrigation fi j

Industrial n Drainage Q Other Q* Garden/Lawn B


USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, j I Istate number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block i ~"

and Addition) U » H U T t APPROX. 7 ACRES i


KM of i ShTiuMi I F i a a T« : ~ ~\ |Drllkd WdfM ; (FMO (FMO ! PERFORATIONS IHoi* ! of Cari>t ! ! ! — — — —

j I : Kind ; fnm T« '«« | iFect) (FH()

e» e 5/Q" I i 1x & 00 *2 236'7"' N O N E | •

i , ' _ i — _ _ .

! i , J T

I ; I Static water level 152*10"_ ft.*' ! |' Pumping wafer level 179. ft.* i_ J_

-: --- -! at 175 gallons per minute, !

; measured ..ICOminutcs after pumping I :

w E b eg a n - • T ZZ <

; 'Measured from ground level.| | Well develoDed by A».a..U'rrT...PUE» ~1 ~T~ ~i '• for 3. hours. j I; | Power . D I E S E L Pump .150... HP; T* " 1 ~ \; * ' Remarks: (Gravel paacing, cementing.: I _ , _ (

' packers, type cf shutoff) .... MQIf *.... • T 1VSLV.5..III THIS »RE# 5«» W •• | j

SW >i SE 4 Sec 11 tepcupeo..upo«...TO PjBoouer ct-rjim ~T~ , ~"T.....23 N R 22 i SAf«O Ff»CS WATER YEAR. AFTtR ' j



Ll8C(«Tr^SaiLL4MS CO. -~Driller's Signature \ . . . .v*^sVr:S:V^... \ . f . ' ....f . — .

\X x> \^XX>T:VV^ :— ; .Driller's Address R 0 U ^ 2 . ... i

<ALiSPELL, Mc«TANA LICENS- NO ^2 - 2 5 2 Show exscf decth cf bottomVATES RISES IK W€LL 1?2'10M FBOH


Page 15: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


Page 16: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

" ^ — - ^

1/OT: - ® » - - N E W S Gt. ANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD T , . ._ H.. . . ^ . . 1 , ..«C.

F:. No RECEIVED C o u n t y . ^ : ^ «, £niTT IPATF t ' C J7 STATE OF MONTANAuurutrtit • ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE_ _ _ _ _ _ , „ , OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER^ ^ • " " Top of (irnnnri ..

(Eiev. above sea level ' ) Noiice of Completion of Groinidwaier~ Appropriation by Means of Well~ L if I) £ * -Six-c^- / QJJLA~ .(Under. Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

- f (j /fJ^^n £ ^ _ ^ L ^~t- ~"c<-*'<€*<*' i

(Ma- Lta-y l(7(^t D a t e of N o t i c e j f Appropriation of Groundwater l1*-^ A ^ - f . . .

Jfc"> ><-' ^* t/H-tk > D a t e we l1 started. ^^ . t .~ ^ ' Date Completed.^^ / .^." .£..7~~ J m Type of well & !~*~U-<-J .... Equipment Used (-f1^1:*^

(f c" 4 12 d f)>4 (dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or5 ^ CC ' ->• / / - ^ drilled) other)-*l 1,1-1 •) -fL^-t-'* ' T ^ * ^ * Water Use: Domestic (X Municipal • Stock D Irrigation Q^ " 'lr VJ Industrial • Drainage • Other •[*\ c\ lu ) *1 I A- » ^ * Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different

I ' ^ ' strata met with iii drilling, such ?s sell, c!sy, shale, s^-vel, rock or sand,— Tt— $ • 1 e t c ' S n ° w depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of

i{_ GdtSS-Sv* ^u^Xy'y- /• water-bearing strata and height to which the water rises in the well.qu^X + ^UK^^^^. _ - _

- I Size Sbtc and I From Toor WtKbt of ! (Feet) (F.et) _^ P1KFOBATIONS

v DriUed Culnc j i Kind Fro— | To

x Static Water Level for non-flowing Well \£P feet.

Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well .. ?' °' " ^V r *: \ ' .~*~^ r

Pumping Water Level 3 7 feet at. ~h .^ ... gal. per minute.

Discharge in gal^per mm. of flowing well . / . ' . / ? / ' 7^f*:\. < ^ I 7

..."*... . _ How Tested . ^ ^ ^ ^ - Length o f Test . ^ . ^ . ^

_- . - Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-— tinn of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any

other similar pertinent information, including number of

— s acres irrigated, if used for irrigation)

Indicate location of well and . /~ place of use, if possible. Each I•'. • • (- £> ' ' -«-L "i-tj c/-*~z^ljLA*-t— small square represents 10 acres. , ; • ^ /f

' Show exact depth of bottom. ^ ~) J r S i

Priller's Licens«Jifumbey-

Driller's Signature

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to bt filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Re-corder in the county in which the well is located. I

Pie;v>e answer ai! questions. If not applicable, so siate. otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder, duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Minesand Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. r? ^

Page 17: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

• ^ / I -.

Page 18: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

JjFile No _ ,_ _. „ _ . , . _ . . o w : T^-.* -•' R. ~~ -^J> J

" ~ : ; " ' : ; „ : count, ^^J2^ud- STATE OF MOHTAHA


(Her. «bor« M» UYBL ^- / i 7 ^ ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater~ r-^\U^Qj^z.^ Appropriation by Means of Wall

•: ^^*-'vi . (Under Chapter 237, Montana Seamion Law*, 1961)

— 3 */'

" t_.c-r > (:<--i->, ^ ^ v y -> '-4* Pa!'" °f Notice of Appropriation of Ground water.. — I

7 V -->" Date veil started ^wi*trf« Jy/^JDate Comple ted . -^^fc f f j i .^7 / -

( - - ^C >U ,„ i ^ , v -^—Vyp. o£ wel l . . . i^ l t^JL Equipment U « d _ ^ L # d a « ^— ••' j .•• / (da?, driren, bcred or (Churn, drill, rotary or ^g AJ*M

^~ ^ ^ . - ^ * - C ^ . drilled) other) «^A*C

3 1 — / v-O«-^^*-' Water Uae: Domestic (3^ Municipal D Other Q Irrication QO4> 3- , M Ji Industrial D Drainage Q Stock D

— ? S i i < ^ t ^ l ,<^>~*-'Icffy'f 3 *^a Indicate on the diagram the character and thieknen of the different

~ JJ*. \Jd" Z**-*^ ii-cM^u*'5''u<**l»trata met with in drilling, iuch aa toil, clay, ahale, gravel, rock or land, etc' \j~t ^ / ' •* vshow depth at which water ia encountered, thickneaa and character of wat*r-*^ f V • bearing strata and aeighi io whieh •v stnr rises is t ie rslL

_ IAJ<*AJ&*' Static Wat*r Level for non-flowing WeU /.^LiT"- feet

_ ; ;....: ; ; 1 Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelL _ -

; ;....; _ ; — , — Pumping Water Level mF"? 7". feet at / . . . g a L per minute.

: I : : ; Discharge in gal. per rnin. of flowing well ~

W i I : ! ' • * How T^ted i £<*-*-£****' ... Length of Teat...- m>...^&4L'

i f : : Remarka: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-_ • , : ; tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any

• ; • other similar pertinent information, including number of

_ I •' • 1 acres irngatL-d. if used for irrigation)•

— ' v * ^ ^ % Sec ... T ^ R d ^ __ Indicate location of well and

place of uae, if possible. Each _tmall square represent* 10 acres.

_J Bhow «uct d ith of bottom. f S?

Driver's License Number f.

Driller'• Signature /

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies l o k filed by V; owner with the County Clerk and Recorderin the county in which the well ia located.

Please answer all questions. If oot applicable, to rtAte, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk tad Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geology* and Quadruplicate for the Appropnator.

Page 19: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

^ • " 1i





g , 7 > / o ' 3 : . . • # : •


L ^ - - -

Page 20: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

Pile No _ ow: T ^^ a 23

County —HatliaaASTATE 07 M0HTA1TA

ADMUTDBTRATOE OF GKOUltDWATIR 0OD1— j Top of around omos or STATS nroanaat

i i ~ — o j ^ . abor« taa IATBL ^95c ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater~ Appropriation by Means of Well

(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

_ 5 J . — , oluy L boultlors— Owner.-..Cs©J?g&--£Tey~-- Address }f«--l ygpn i i y n p n ^ g n "

~ Driller Gordon &•. 2S XOUIIS ...Address..Efc...l Z3l iw£eUL.

Dat' of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater

Date well srartc.i 5 , o » 6 S D a t e Completed.-^.^Uj^

g^ ~ _ _ jCf-t .-piy a l - v Typ*-of well. 5 ? i l l 3 i Equipment Used....£lX!lE!L— ~> °^ " "* Uv (dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or

drilled) oth«r) (

_ Water Use: Domestic QJ Municipal Q Other • Irrigation Q '~ . Industrial • Drainage • Stock •

°^1 Indicate on the diagram the character and thicknest of the different~ strata met with in drilling, mch as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, eta.

Suuw uepiu at whith Wat r is fncouStcrcd, ta^ictuss szd chsrsci£~ si ~it?r-bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well.

— ••••< ' • » - * I r^ j S nuMA-namUS broT.ntill 'ST "ct," l *"" I """ — i i ^ T,15 5 . . . . 30ad & sravol, dirty \ ' \ "" *"* <P"°

72 : 7" c.r. ; 0 tjo 153 nonei ;

' !

— ' • In Static Water Level for non-flowing Well vP. feet ,

_ ; ; j . . . . : ; , Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelL — 1

; ;—; -_ .....•...- Pumping Water Level. 1 3 5 feet at 10. gal per minute.

: ' , : } : Discharge in ?ai. per min. of flowing well „ „

_ : : ' : :J ' How Tented b a i l o r Length of Te«t £.-&ra

: Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shntoff, loca-_ : , ' tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any

: \ ' other similar pertinent information, including number of

_ ' ' ' acres irngaiiM. if u»ed for irrigation)

Indite ' Sation of weU and " ! U ^ ^ ^ *=™"«>~***"**"WaiMrVSUtplace of use. if possible. Each - 5"*#

imall square represents 10 acres.

_____ Ehow azaflt dapth of bottom. - , .tmmm^ -...-t.V.i ,_

Driller's License Number

Driller'a Si^natare "7 &

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed iy the ovrner with the County Clerk and Recorderin the county in which the well is located

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk aad Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer. Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Qeolofry and Quadruplicate for the Approphator.

. " ,

Page 21: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


I w




/3 ISA :



STATE or ««wn£* {• ss / ,COUNTY Or FUVJMEADC /

..,i -By- "" Dtpan


Page 22: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

!^^^ ^ j

I& . • _ , . , . , - j .'. ^ ' W./j

G w : - i ' « N H NEWS ' T r^'..J:...._R....^.vr?'.

F: No County ^C^C^KJLtC^L^

miPLICATE S T A T E ° F M 0 N T A * A


• Top of Ground _ . -. _

(Eiev. above sea ievei ^r ^ T " Notice of Comp'siion of GroundwaierI Jj ^i*Ao y<Z+dL Appropriation by Means of Well

'\f fl 1 a 0 t (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

— CStfAjT o Owner. Victor .£....Lohn Address-BoX 3S - Kul i spe l l<oj(| (IJU^^y Montana

— W<U- " Driller H ^ M C C I ^ **~%l$h?bgFf s, ,. ^ . j \ y Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater -

— 0 J ^/hsJLSlA*/ Date well started 11/15/65 Date Completed. 12/2.1/65

— 7 L < e ^ - ^ - ' I Type of wdi /J^JJCJLA- Equipment vsuLjt.2r.fojSUayAu^— I/j (7 S J (dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotarv or &L Jl *___ 116 - i ^ r drilled) other) " <*=>>*<<.

_ ' L r t ^ t - c A ^ - ^ t - A - * < / Water Use: Domestic XX Municipal • Stock • Irrigation QX - {/J-i^OiU Industrial D Drainage • Other •

— i / i ^ '"'?•* Indicate on the diagram the character and thtcicness of the different\_/v v- v M l v ' v ' sirala met with in driliing, such as soii, clay, shaie, gravel, rock or sand,

-— p/ *\ etc. Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of_ ^r^ ^ v ^ t A ^ J v L - water-bearing strata and height to which the water rises in the well.

1/ . _ _^__ ^ _ _ _ .. _,SUe j Site and > From To I

, / w , ^ of Wci«« of ! <r«tl | (F«t) PERFOHATTONS

i _,___!— ,L* Siatic Water Level for non-flowing Well J S7 fi .feet.

— .._; '... Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well .

Pumpint; Water Level..././. r'. feet a t . / » ^..gal. per minute.

Discharge in gal, per min. of flowing well"— w ' ' g

— J — How Tested! •^UeX£/\w« ' Length of Teat. . ^ — A A < ^

...- -. Remarks: fGravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-— „ tion of place of use of gr 'undwater if not at well, and any

* other similar pertinent information, including number of

— <wtfuS£~'A* acres irrigated, ii used for irrigation)5 7 l y 4 . ... Sec.// TAJ FtfA.

Indicate location of well andplace of use, if possible. Each

— small square represents 10 acres.

L«i^Hl SIiow exact crepth of bottom. r T>

Driller's License Number^"

Driller's Signature / »

This form to be prepared by driller, and :hree copies to be filed by th° owner with the County Clerk and Re-corder in the county in which the well is located.

Piea.se ans'.ver all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer: Triplicate to the School of Minesand Quadruplicate for the Appropriates. &s' 3

Page 23: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


r ' ' _

" > . • • • -

i ' .,-.- - .- - . " •

: ' ' "^ s'i -- _,

c * a ^ ^ ...








Page 24: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


cw2 - ® - « - NCWS T...28. H-...JE1...22..K* Ll

F No County^^^.q^rPj-^STATE OF MONT A* by [L, 'Ui JC .j ^ |£ { I I


l_ I - T o y ni Srwmd- 2 Pt- S«tfaC8 loam - - " -^ ^ H E i e v . above sea ieVei . . . » » ) Notice of Completion ©i Groujridwaler. r . _ r ^ „

- II appropriation by Means" dl^fl l ^ " um L L *j ( 41 Ft. Brow clay 4 t i l t ( U n d e r chaPter 237' M o n t a R a S e s s ^ ^ ^ g 1961)

) Owner ^ n * 1 * **"?** Address Kal isp«l l t Montana) Boutd #1,) DriUer G c r d o n S« °«Youn? Address. Kali»J>«li» Montana

) Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater

— ? Date well started..««y..», 1964 Date Completed. «*Y. .2».»..l9ft4

— \ Type of well. D r i < w n Equipment Used PtyJtn— { (dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or

' JriilM) other)

) Water Use: Doaisstic PR Municipal Q Stock • Irrigation •) Industrial D Drainage n Other •

V 39 rx« Gs«y SwTt5lcs»r»t« ~1 Indicate on the diagram the character arid thickness o£ the different~ ) strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand,— ) etc. Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of

) water-bearing strata and height to which the water rises in the well.

— / size ! a* tT AMU ' »*risi \ To I

) of I Weljht of i (FMD : (Ke«> j PEg^ORATlONS— » Drilled Cistne j I i Kind From ; To

/ Hale j Stae (Feet) ; {Fist;

^- • 'I 7" 7" • 2D# purfact j Bottcra Hon« j

\ \ \ ! "'_ (30 Ft* Broun conglomerate | ; '

* N Static Water Level for non-flowing Well rr* feet.—— ', r : '—i—i— f :

C A Ft- B » W sand & gravel Shut- in Pressure for Flowing Well . V>^^ Bcifbiqfwirr- 136 "F ."— 1—.- _. .— - Pumping Water Level 12P feet at .?P gal. per minute.

: : , Dischnrye in gal, per min. of flowing well~ w '• ] X— E

; How Tested. B a i l e r ....... Length of Test. ....• .H o u r .»

: -•• • -- - Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-_ tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any

other similar pertinent information, including number of

s acres irrigated, if used for irrigation)NE V 4 M . S e c l l . . . i W | ? R 2 a i .Indicate location of well and

~ place of use. if possible. Each— small square represents 10 acres.

iL_—Jl Show exact depth of bottom. #101

i . . . . . . . . .

i Driller's Lieense/'Number

Driller's Signature / (/

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to he filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Re-corder in the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so 3ia;o. otr.erwiie the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder: duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Minesand Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. -,>-

-'-V 'i

Page 25: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion







, • * I






Page 26: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

• File No T 23 R 22 |H


• Declaration of Vested Groundwaler Bighis . ._ _ ^BB (Under Chapter 237. Montana Session Laws, 1961) STATE E N U i M L E R ^^M

B ^^M• i_ Porr98.t..c.r..Ro.c.tafQ.o4 of...5Q»taL..3L»...TKQ...Sll«.J(Jrlsa Kallspe.ll ^ BH (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) ^ ^ HB County of £la.thaad state of Jtontana _ _ |^H^B have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as fol- ^ H H^m lows: ^ ^ ^ |

t^P . 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based d Q p e s t i C , . ^^^H

B household» watering of stock and Irrigation ^ ^ 1

B 1—: • '' ^HH| L___ ___. 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- ^ ^ ^ 1B i tinuous the use has been June 10 , 19 55«- Hse. has ^^BB i— '—i~1— been constant...aa...it supplies, our. residence HBB ,r 1 ! : • • K since...than... ^^Mfl I I I ! ' ^B^m 1 i j 4 J^P a m o u n t of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons ^ ^ H |B 1— j — * ! — r _ _ per minute) 20...gal-.per.. mlnutfl ^^M^^ ' I 5 If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the ^ ^ B^m s lands to which water has been applied and name of the owner ^^^HB n thereof About lacra..around, house, and-barn. ^^MB SW i/NBl c^lfi T 2 8 R22 OWXUHM Porraat C and. Ruth...C... Rockvood ^ H• sw...W?st SecWi T28. Rz?.. Southeaat.oorner .of. said.SVfiHBi. ^BH Indicate point of appropriation fl^^B^m and place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the ^ ^ ^ |B E«ch ^^ «luare represents 10 i^,ation of each well or other means of withdrawal e l e c t r i c ^HB acres- motor drlTing...aubmerflible.pupa...at. the well ^^MB at said point of'. diver«on H ^ |

B "• The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- ^ ^ HB drawai of groundwater Cooaencad May 23» 1955 and completed June 10< 1955 ^ ^ |

B ' ^HB 8. The depth of water table 159 feat to 167 fast ^HH 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any ^ ^ HB other works for the withdrawal of groundwater 7" Q.D. D r i l l e d and eased to 167 feet* ^ ^ H

B 10- The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year 576,000 ga l lons . ^ ^ 3B • •• 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each wsll if available top ta 159 f e e t c lay . ^ ^ B• and boulders^, cement grarel 159 to 167 water bearing gravel ^ ^ |

H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful m carrying out the policy of this act, including ^ H KH reference to book and page of any county record NoteZ In the report of. th« wel l d r i l l e r , B ^ l• Homer JteClartyr ta the State Board of Helath dated July 6,-1955, he atated ^^M• the capacity of the well to be 600 GPH? but he advises as that the capacity ^H• would later increase ami that In fact he never baled enough to determine ^^H• the maxiraura capacity. TF I. V^ / l ^ ^^t^ ^H

• Signature of Owner -(£^t*^U £*£&<+-ri&r ^ ^ H

I Date <2&*<A t: *: / /?C*- H• Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is H ^ l

• located. ' ' HflI Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ ^ H• Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines ^^IBI an<: Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ^ ^ ^ H

Page 27: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

— ^



. : A . V JK MONTANA r <;«

;oi! iny OF FTATHEAD \a t> rGunty Geri amf R-.i.'>O*r i






Page 28: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion



IFile No ' 3 W * *•' - T ^_/._..S „_;

STATE 07 MONTANA . " " - - -, „ ? f -, -_ADMINISTItATOR OF GSOUNDWATER CODE ~ - '* A j f j j j


Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights j^GjiVP^?(Under Chapter 237. Montana Session Laws, 1961)

1 -^^d^^....J^.±^.^~ of ^.J±: 1. _ ' '- - - -- - '- £-~* --(Name of Appropriakor,) (Address) _ (Town)

County of I.—..'.. '....:.:?^Z^:. State of ~ _ S^zzzjzzSz^.

have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1. 1962, as follows:


I ; , : ; ; ; 2 . The beneiieialjise on whicb the claim, i s based—-._ff..ll.':.•.::: ;~....__1_£- ^~

| ; ; ; ; ! • 3 . Date o r approximate date o f earliest beneficiajt. use; and how con-I 1 • ; tinuous th<» use has been J'...fi..^/...Z..~. :r.'"5_.. L~.~;~~.-^^t?^'—'

w — ' • — ' • — | '•—j—!— «

: • : x I : ; " ~; '; : i ! ' -t- The amount of groundwater claimed, (in miner's inches or gallons; \ i ; : , per minute) ^ r* rti~-. -^ j^>^y SXJ,,r_f, rj

; ; : ; ! I " " I

: ' ' • I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands j9 to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

. . .1V4.; •':.. Sec . . ^ . . . T ^ R . ^ - t~ZZ^IZIIlZZZZ~Indicate point of appropriation " ~ ~and place of use. if possible. .Each small square represents 10 *>• U« means of withdrawing such, water from the grtmnd and theacres. location of-each well cr other means of withdrawal

; '.;....;.*-._ ._J"_..:;:;;-::_^r- _ _ „

7. The date of commencement ar.d -tfofigietipn of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater — - — _

"" *£ ' '" " """8. The depth of water table . -...

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of groundwater

— Ca v . C.~ £ *£.+..j.T..^. *.— * ^-^.-.^ ^ ^ - j . ^ - . , . . . - . - ^ . . —

— - jv "—•

10. The estimated amount of proindwater withdrawn each year „

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available „

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference tt» book and pase of any ccunty record -

A-.-r-ts -v-- -Signature of r\vrr.rc £?&<. /Y<*k^Z%»^^...,.yAa&*/5&£^~

Date s.2....-.^.S...-6..£.

Tbr;c copies to b« filed by the owner wirh the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.Please answer all questions. If not applicable, BO state, otherwise the form will be returned.

f'-ij. inal to thf County Oe.-k and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau otM:-i-s ani Geoloey and Quadruplicate for thf Appropriator.

Page 29: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


t ;I"

!L i

Page 30: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

File Xo GW: T 2S.i....R._22.M^ _ ._. H

County ftjrthead ^f lSTATE OF MONTANA H

ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUlt^L^mi fOf>^/ IP n~\ HI — - I ) Top of Ground OFFICE OF STATE EJyiftSEft- ' 1 ] •

)(Hev. abor 1S» leveL 25721*.) Notice of Completion o? *GrotmdJ9iter H— ] Appropriation by Mgqiffr e* tW?!!, k L R I

) (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) |H— ( U Ft. S i l t Iterate #2 - Tvo M«le Dri-re •- " Owner. .^St^».J*S^.... ^ddress^^jJ^jt .^grUaa. •

Bbato #1 ^HDrUler...?5?*!?...?-..*??™8.. Addre5«..]^i3P!^^^fe.^t|!WL _ wM

) Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater ^H) H

I - ) Date well startedAPS* 12 , 1 ^ 3 Date Completcd..A«g«..57*.2-963.. B

\ ~ ] r^*^ **•*__ *-*«*-_•— |I ( 73 Ft, Ore? CafcgLcTBemta (dn?' •*"**"• b o m i or (Churn, drill, rotary or ^1

_ ) Water Use: Domestic Q Municipal • Other • Irrigation D ^H• Industrial 03 Drainage • Stock Q ^|

*^t! Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different ^B~ strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shtle, gravel, rock or sand, etc. ^H— Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water- ^H

) bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well. ^H

/ Stecof { Sbcawi i Fm | To ! m m s i T M i M ^ ^ 1) DrfflW i W«*tt.T I (F«t) ! (F«t> | FPtFOKATIOWS ^H

- J Hal* ! Cuiac ; I Kjad mm T« ^H

! T " 5 7- f - 2C# I Top of ! 152 Ftl "" <"" "* •) ground i ] Bow ^M( 2 8 Ft. Bbrown Congloaorate j ; ; ! j ^M

r ' 2 7t. aro»m Saad - S'ae trtcr i. ^|~ "* \ w Static Water Level for non-flowing Well O5 ...feet. ^H

— ' ; : ; ; : ; Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well - flH_ ( 18 ift.i Brcur. Jcn^Lo-ierste M

\ —; ; —; ;—\ Pumping Water Level Trrr feet at *<>M. gal. per minute. ^H

] 8 ~J%t, S t o w n B « n & &Qr««W»i Discharge in pal. per min. of flowing wel l ^H

« A toiioM *< M1 !—i— « B*n«. JL H««- •_ ; ; ; : • How Tested B t t a 4 ~ Length of Test A.HQWI* |H

: : Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca- ^H_ ; : '; tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any ^M

: : : ; other similar pertinent information, including number of j ^ H

_ I : ; ' —— ' acres irrigated, if used foi irrigation) - ^H

- *Wbi*L SecA T -R.22..-7- _ •_ Indicate location of well and ^H

place of use, if possible. Each ^Hsmall square represents 10 acres. W^A

^ _ _ Show exact depth of bottom. XCH ^H

Driller's License Number | ^H

Driller's Signature / ' ^H

Tni> form to be prepared by driller, and thre« copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder ^H

in t:ie county in which the well is located. ^^M

Please answer all qutstions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^H

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of ^HMines and Geolopy and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ^^M

Page 31: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion
Page 32: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

• " ' " ..7~~I R - ^ " i[p~ •+-£ ' ' iI 13—3M—10 «<)

I STATE OF MONTANA -- 1 "• DRIULER'S LOGf ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE " | n d i c a t e t h e c h a r a c t e r OT, t h i c k .I MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ness of s t r Q t a such as ^ d a y / s a n d ,I NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER ^vel, shale, sandstone, etc Show

APPROPRIATE BY MEANS OF WELL g* * ^ ^ *££ j£I Developed after January 1, 1962I (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground (Ht». **»««* lerenI This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed Fw" j ToI by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in | -I which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. _ J_ _ 1 _^ /» __

I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the fc' /-"T" t' r^**^ "**—}> ~H^*^-^ - 'I form may .be returned. il r._^)r\_ _

™rxJ-> sot o ' '3"w 6^ ~^J>A ,¥*^ ,O w n e f M U f e U ^ I Por Administrator, Use"] ^fltt ^f^T~faF?p=7 '

L Addressi^^m^-..- FUe _ ./^,± j-^4-. - -jjj^^j—^——

I w A.*-V«^._X....V r r ^ ......j. s...u \Cf%0*f>3P 4SZA&r<>Z***&r> \

Date well started fl.!^Q&r.l(g~.7.L.GVJ 1 C/-

compieted)*^f.-?^Cj24.N>.....{J.. j

Type of well .......M^LUlML. _ ! i-_ f) | (Dug. driven, bored or drilled) I _____ __»_______-—_______-__—__-———.—

Equipment used .. . . fefe^?-**^. _ ! 1(Churn drill , roury or other) ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — > — _ —

Water Use: Domestic ^ Municipal • Stock D Irrigation • • *

I - •Industrial Q Drainage Q Other Q* Garden/Lawn D i

•Describe — — . —

USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or oth?r. Explain,state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block j "* —

and Addition) .


!SU« of SU« and From I To ' I L _ _ _ _ i ' " "—DrOtad WelfM (Feet) I (F«O | PERFOR.VT1O.NSHole of CMIBI I 1 — ~— """

I -, // Kind From To .____- -________-—__———--

In I'1 £3O Sbe 'FMt) lFec«>b->» ' n iQct \ '

'O tt-zt- ® ' ~Y*\C—yL^, i i •i ' •• ' _ .

i i _ T lL_,i^ 'I I " T " T • ~i | | j : j - 1

N / / i I jI \ I ; I Static water level (pfe ..ft.*' i _________

; '• Pumping water level ..././.Q._ ft.*j I m

-• J at ..!2*e.O. gallons per minute,! i• measured minutes after pumpingi I| began. . ,

w \ '• "Measured from grou/ld le.val._ : j ij ' ; Well developed by .0&4»&<U*l.... 1j. ! for . . .5^ . hours. i'; ; Power Pump HP|; '. Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing,j

packers, type of shutoff) I> 'V ^ '• L 1 *•

;r.,'/4 ~.*...VA Sec..../ ' l ; .T..S.:. N R — E -- ! I J



Driller's Signature i ^ L . . 7 ^ » ^ r . < l s ^ — M L Q : ^ £ ^ £ * ? s . . . . ' '• j :

Driller's Address .(itbkl+f&ZlL (^^^. /^O^Y. [ 1

UCENSE N O S*S . - - ^ ~ S h ° W SXaCt depth ° f b O r t ° m

Page 33: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

. - ^ • ^


STATE OF MONTANA J gg • "V - 'c o u n n * c? niUHSADS _ -. - •

s^&rvi —•— •- -


Page 34: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

GVT; .®» - - NEWS _ . ,£ y/vrr^ CC\1~"~V'-:C<V! HOARD T. ..28 H»..Jl...22 ••

f F Nc APR 13 1357 County. • Flmthead


t *.fr*r ******* 2 Ft. Sttrtac^teaat SEOCE OF STATE ENGINEERj(Eiev. above sea level. ? 9 *=- i ^ i— Hoticp of Completion ol Groundwater

~ I Appropriation by Means of Vei l( d a y & t i l t - 32 Ft* (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)| ^ A ^ . ^ 1 - 5 7/?*"" lout* £ 3 ,

— ) Owner.... B | | B " — * I * * > - * Address K t U f p ^ l , «Qnt»M .— «—i • v t out8 • * •

Driller 8 o r « o n .••.. B i T o t * > . Address...KalUfMtU* Montana

Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater

I — Jl F t . Brow d a y Date well started-***• 3» 1964 _ D a t e C o m p l e t e d Jw» 15, 1?64

I Type of well D r i v 9 1 * Equipment Used * * * • "(dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary ordrilled) other)

i — .. Water Use: Domestic g Municipal £j Stock • Irrigation •

5* — Industrial G Drainage • Other •

7 Ft* day i bouldtrt__ i " * Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different

| strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand,— f etc. Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of

f water-bearing strata and height to which the water rises in the welL

!Siie SUe »nd ! From ~ Toof Wtltht of ! (F«t) | (F«t> PKBF0BAT10NS

) D'1""1 Ci>int i i KiS" T^ir~~ TOM F t , Bxom congloMrst* 1 ^ i ! sl" <Tn" i (FeM)

) r T» • 20# Surf a«« I Bottom NOIM) ! !

- ) : I; • I [

) N Static Water Level for non-flowing Well - 90 ...feet.

" " " *( 3 ] -±M Bfcwn *mi d t-OTt-y^l Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well - I^mm" BoXvfiiymi: .jig^ f t . in «n

T"" " """ " Pumping Water Level .*". . .feet at .*f gal. per minute.

; Discharge in gal, per min. of flowing well

I — W i » _ E

— i .- How Tested . . . . . I *9il9T ... Length of Test * . * W tRemarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-

— — tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and anyother similar pertinent information, including number of

— acres irrigated, \l used for irrigation) .. 'ME L£E S e c l l T28H.R22 ••

Indicate location of well andplace of use. if possible. Each

— small square represents 10 acres.

L a n J Show exact depth of bottom. £101

Driver's License.Sfumber

Driller's Signature / i J

This form to be prepared by driiler, and three copies :o bo ::!eci by the owner -.vith the County Clerk and Re-corder in the county in which the well is located.

•::'.\ise answer ail questions. If not applicable, so juv.t. .;::er\v:--- the ;orrr. wiii be returned.

Ordinal t<3 the County Clerk ana Recorder: dupiicaie t-j the 5:ate Engineer: Triplicate to the Scheoi of Minesand OuadruDlicate for the Appropriates.

Page 35: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

— <








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Pile No__ _ _ GW i T . ft


r^—I 1T6tara#*u& ^ __ OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER

(Bar. ibor» m leveL .,,-:..:.;.:) jsJotice of Completion of Groundwater"* Appropriation by Means of Wall

, , r, - - J / / A » (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)*• .ul,J !J Jrti - orrracc • i . i : u l j ~ . o l l , • .oXit'ui?

~ Owner -Address - .___-i -oa o'j-3?t-. •• ..i:.y -.. arCor. • lo J.'6UIUJ ••- S ^ I l a ^ l l , .•.•.'ant-

Driller _ .Address . .

Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater a—•%.-:-«- _.

— Date well started .... Date Completed ..._

Type of well Equipment Used— (do«r, driven, bcred or (Churn, drill, rotary or

drilled) other) A

Water Use: Domestic • Municipal • Other D Irrigation QIndustrial Q Drainage Q Stock Q

__C .'iflOi.ij. tȣ.XI* E1 Indicate on the diagram the- character and thickness ^ t k s differentstrata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rook ox* sand, etc.

— Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-J5 >rvOf.fi ^ 3 . " ^ 3 2 . V.i.L.1 bearing strata and height to which water rises in the welL

DtSk< Watfktat (F««) {fmtt r—w»»—g^

: /MM (fat) flfe-3• • f • • •

! ! i 3/

i j I

L : i I

i 1 1 I I I

•L, Jbl'ty.-n , ;-L J - X l ^ - ^ Static Water Level for non-flowing VTeii .feet

I ....; ; i :_ „; • J Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelL —5 : : : : ; ; ;

I • • rj.---. ?s;n.....; , , _. ,...-, Pumping Water Level ?..w feet at rr. .r paL per minute. j

I ~ ; ! : ~ :" : Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well - „

„ . _^ ^ . j ^ B ^^ T e 8 t e d p u m j e d length of Test™O.9.9i?.s _

1 : I ';':': Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of aiiu'toff, loca- '; ; : ; ; : tion of place of use of groundwater if not at w e l l , and any

....j ; : ; ; ; other similar pertinent information, including number of

~17 '• : c j n 'ii?-&/\ r ^ - z v b l ; . . . ., . , • • .. x— MMH m, yr-^} j j 1 C-'-. ''-..•' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation)— .-.-% Sec T R _ __ Indicate location of well and

£0£plaee of Tue, if possible. Eachimail square representa 10 acres.

"J3"u ~ ~ "

L B ^ B J Show e x a c t dipth of bottom-

Driller '8 License/Slumber

Driller's Signature f t I

T h i s form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and RecorderIn the county in which the wel l is located.

Please answer a l l questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the Sute Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofICxnes and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriates.


Page 37: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


II Fifed on/tAe/ y ol/L^J ^H

•I fiL^vJa^-^ •

Page 38: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

File No. 3W * T R .'.




Declaration of Vested Ground water Rights(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 19611

1 A^ifs?Ji!^}. of. ***&•..! Kallspell(Name of Apjoronnatorj ^ ^ " f i L . * . * . (town)

County of ^r*1^.** _ ...-State o£_ __V?^???have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, aa follows:

I ; ; : :* ; 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is baaed—,.„.:..._:„ :—; •— household, domestic.and, irrigation _ _.

: ; • i -v;;; ; ; : ; : 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how eon-

• ; .. . , About 1335.. ind used cfifttinngy**^- - ; - - ; - — ! - - •—; - " - ;— t ^ u o ^ t ^ u s e ^ b e e n . . . * ^ ^ ^

w —|—:—: •—;—I— K '"***•!?""?•".? a*** *1SQ&**?3 u i ^ COTtinttoutTy• i i _ : ; : «.'alter from springs ib ut1903 used contlnuoittlyr; ; : ; : : I The amount of immndwater claimed (in miner's inches or nllons

_ : . _ _ : _ ; :—:- - !— per minute) 1.9?»..P^..™?«. «« ««?^J|U,

'• : ' ' ' ' I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the landsa to which water haa been applied, and name of the owner thereof

, . Owner Slice "mat, EfNE* Sec. U,28-22 79 acres.EiNEi U 28 22 ~ "

*.yA.. ... Sec. T H - -Indicate point of appropriation ~and place of use, if possible. . . . . , ,Each small square represents 10 6. The means of *rithdrawrag such water from the ground and theacres. localioft of. eaah.wellor other means of withdrawal.-

wen NO.r i s pressure pumpWell No; 2 Is pressure pump. Vilio ^ ^ . ^ i d from

springiV7. The date of commencement And. ^completion, of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-

drawal of groundwater W f j ? • }[•*** 1®5 «M i»»pl«t«l..t6mwell No. 2 about 1903 and completed then.

8. The depth of water table ^el l No. l ab-out d feet and >>«U No. 2 aboutlQ :eet.

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of groundwater No« i 1* 9bQUt 3$. ffltet dflftS « r o c k m a i l .

No._.f.u.."bo«t.W.feet.d«ipx..rpck..wejU, „...

10. The estimated amount of (rroun-iwater withdrawn - ich y^ar SO «O0Q 0tl.ca.CjH...,.l8li«

11. The log of formations encQuntere<l in the drilling of each well if availableR wot avidlaHle.

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may b- useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and page of any cour.tv record

Not. svollabUt, '

•Sife-natur- of Owner C ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ C ^ ^ I ^

D&te Ziecember 3uth, I9S2.

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 39: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

t 1






; ; - ;! •. • m









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» -

^•s — ^i


(Eiev. above sea level ) Notice of Completion of Groundwaieri - -L <: * /- Appropriation by Means of Well

l} OXt-< • (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

£% 4'of* i£*t Owner>£^^^X-V^ddrass^^ ^ ^ - V -i i <r<* £ i ^ a j j h t ^ j ^ ^ ^ * ^ Address &*• ^&>>»J<

, Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater r^**1* A*-*f+S

' " ^* SA J d Jfa Date \veU s t a n e d ^ ^ ^ ^^ Date Completed J ' t * ^ ^ - Jr.&f

?ju>i -H*<X /T T pe o{ wdi fetajLtU Equiprnent Used UL<*S*^J•*L <J. r? /, ^ (Jug. driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotarv or

^jHfOj JMlm drilled) other)

Stf rr / /}jr^ti. <T* y. - F 3 t e r U s e : Domestic ^ Mur.i-ipal D Stock n Irrigation QCt^j l±iU <H)>l*-cj*W Industrial D Drainage Q Other Q

/^ CT" "J "1 AA /yTJliST ~^ Indicste on the diagram the character and thickness of the different/ 0 J « / / IpA 1^141*7* strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand,

— fi / , I . ~j- etc. Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of_ yflM^-t Sjf&H • ,4jltp tirxZfc water-bearing strata and height to which the water rises in the well./ J

I ~ / " T ^ y / " ! ! ¥"Pi Size Six* ind From To iI /* f Ji—[-* *£* of w.iCnt of ; <r«t> (Fe«t> I ptnro«ATiox»

ill*/, i ' DtU1"1 Cx%inf i Ktad T r««a To"

: f t '• I \~ _ j ___ __ __J ;

N Static Water Level for non-flowing Well ~ > feet.

... __ . . . Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well - ^ « ^ » ^ ^ x / < - « * ^

-- - -•- Pumping Water Level... . / i feet at. Vr gal. per minute. I

- -~ ... . "J^Jtyi • "£rj*^* I JJ t *Discharge in gal. per mm. of flowing well ™..'.. /.rffy'^f

W E / 7 •^ > *

;.. . How Tested JC?**-^*- . Length of Test. '**^'

Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-— ... .._ , . . tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any

other similar pertinent information, including number of

acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) . . 1hi '-HI Sec.// T ?i R >^ I

[ Indicate '.(xrattor. of well and~~ place ot use. if possible. Each

— small square represents i1) acrei.

L B M - J Show exact depth of bottom. /**•£ £ £~

/^Qiiller's I^ceriie^uffipy^y.

I ' Driller's Signature

This fortr. tc be prepared by driller, and ihree copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Re-corder in the county in wh:<:h the well if located.

P!e.!--e answer all ques'ions. If not applicable, so state, -.tr.er.vise the form will be returnsd.

Ordinal to the County Clerk and P.ecorder: dupiicrr.c to the State Engineer. Triplicate to the School of Mines iand Ouadruoiicate for the Appropnator. ^ . (

Page 41: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

/3S7t> . ' I


FOad on tbt.-4.jjaf of MijetL-. , ^ ^ BA.D.194LotZ&:..oClocf£^M ^ H

By ..^.J4. . ^ ^ | B

Page 42: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

» 1

sj^Msi GW : Rcvi«*i< ;«« County flaijljiaii J.j


ness of strata such as soil, day, sand,



h "T is found a"fheight to which water rises ir. well.

Developed after January 1, 1962(Under Chapter 237 Montane Session Laws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground AffOPOOL* pa-, ^py, ^ lCT.r, j f l & L -

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed I Fro— TOby the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in <r««o <Fttt)which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. <J 1 jS0p»O_-[Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the ^* "TwjTiilMjr J i a o o i l d a n r i >form may be returned. I l I l l l W l M ' t — fr lll'CT_?"

— I . — — _ _ — ..——.—i «^Si — • . . — - . . . . . T.T_~_—• _ — — -

i Mbbd inOwner **B-~» «• Ulllcll , , 1 70 ^ "k«dlA iTOB ?J.»7_«ri

" For Administrator's Life | ~" ' gxii^TfAddress ..l5*!»..f 3 - File/WQ£. C&SI?,/%& L-gJJ3LS&MSTJ^LSS&tlM^SBIItU,

m fl^ ' _r I __l^_fl _MH^_MH__• __rt ~_*M__t £ __• J ______>

r _ y^HH^n Haotaia 5??ai J*Q&J>M ;_A35_ .i3L _ ^ n ^ ^ ^ 4 i 9 L k & Z —I " " i «to» J6M>

Date well started lOASf /T l GW 1 UBE.JS5L ^BU§S^^mm^m-

Type of well J>**Z1* WZ- -S2- *g^-ggL55* z-(6ii». <Jri»ta. bored or drilled) I ^ f f ^**' »TWWIWWl lU'W « BWMW W I C

Equipment used Atr..aot«ry.... L J 2 L J3E- * S T ^ J B 9 S J E S * -(Churn drill, rotary or other) I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Water Use: Domestic _5 Municipal • Stock fi irrigation fi j —

Industrial Q Drainage Q Other •* Garden/Lawn __ j (• *

•Describe „ [ —

USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, —— Istate number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block — — - , — — — _ _ » _ ' _ - _ _ —

and Addition) .^RTOXft. iLAcrf? __ j I

I j


Sit* «f j Sbw wm4 I Fre«• io :~ "', 1 'Hat* *» Ca-tac ' ' 1- — —

Kl«l | From To , I

10" I i 0 6y$n *" ! <rt<w I tF"° ~T8" 3SVB" i \ ! ; I |

3D x V *2« |33O'5M ! : J

l*/8" i ! »o n ZZbOKV 28k1 ! 520* : I . r J

i ! , ; ; {_j— _ .. '

I I i I Static water level .. . JQ3 ft.* j~i ; Pumping water level .392 ft.*' !-t [ at *50.. gallons per minute,1 i'• ; measuredr'?. minutes after pumpingi i

• began. ' TI ; 'Measured from ground level. ; j; '; Wei: developed by ^".••^Jft.-^IBB' T ! [i J for ?S hours. ! !': • Power.W«Wl.... pump JSO.._ HPl *| | ~ '' Z : Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, ' •

>—:— ^ s a * ^ h ^ §£*3 1 "r " zmzz53j i.4 §jf 5ec 11 tBD^ • ® * a s ^ ^ * 8 r&ik ^ J 8 " ' "

T aa N R 22 n 5^ ft^_.,,ce<«'t);;;;;;';;;;;;;; ; ;2 Z W -• -_ | " ~ r


iismai 1S__I__I_IO caHPiHi ;Driller's Signature . \ . \ > . . ^ ^ . . f e v > t . ^ . . ^ . A^^^.Vs?;V^-<& iDriller's Address 2^00 Haaerre ;

600*t q — n ^ T , . » W , - r . - . t foao i LICENSE NO __> — S h o w e x a c t d e p f h c f b o t t o m


Page 43: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion



fiortet tfeUa in tfcb* «ifu en 1M d f ^ t l upon to produce elrsr n s d frw w U r3TMr after y»*r as long as t&aor «ra not wtiyimilt !•••» -UMV dmtU W fW|MHlat ratM not in imp— of $0 -bo 60 ptorent of Vbm UaimA s^«Bl«r °* *»• azpdte.

i ^ |"M^i .I r-; v a - •- \5 - • i tK . i -• -: N>«.i -~ ; n *"* • > -s* ^

Page 44: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

N J I*File No _ GW * T-.28- .R 22

County rUTHflUfl |STATE OP MONTANA — • _


.— . " J ^ t) 196£

Declaration of Vested Groundwater Right* t^ ^njcrn,(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Lairs, 1961) " ' " *"' *


have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

I i | \ j • j | I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is baaed....- HOJSSK&B*..;-—; ; : ; ; LAIM ASD QARDDI __, i . . i i - • !

; 1 ; ; ', : 3. Date or approximate date of earliest benefioM u s e ; and how eon--—•-—; : : j — - ! tinuous the use has been **?} -9?.!^.^

W j I '• • 1 j K ~ '

; ; ! ; ', 1 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in. miner's inches or gallons__;__^_;: ; _ : - - ; _ p e r minute) W. .^"MJUWBB* "Z_

X ' ' ' • ' ' I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage a n d description of the landss to which water has been applied and name of ttue owner thereof

fafyfa SeiiJ2 T ^ A J ^ I '^ 'Indicate point of appropriation ' 'and place of use, if possible.Each small square represents 10 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theacres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal i


7. The date of commencement and. cWW'e£ifi¥SttP^ ^f: c o n s t r u o t ' o n °f t ^ l e well, wells, or other works for "'.with-drawal of groundwater _

8. The depth of water table l0°7*^A.*•***•> _...i

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of groundwater. f 5 F H 0 J t r Ipp Ffi&T..Di.J. QA5.&0 JELI .

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each vear ."~!...TT~...frf?.!?.

11. The log of formations encountered in t h e drilling of each well if available. ...**9?...*y.4?^ABLS _

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and page of any county record .

Signature ,f O™dXMittjS^M/^kj

0,,, '2/feAi. ?

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Oripinal to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Er.gineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geology and Quadruplicate for t h e Appropriator.

^3« 3#

Page 45: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


• • '' '""' X '



Page 46: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

F i I e N ° - - T- ^&2£k^LORIGINAL Countv—

II STATE OF M O N T A N A - \ T f1 !7 ft T>/ r? [~TN



Notice of Completion of Gronndwater Appropriation Without Well

(Under C h a p t g ^ J ^ f n g g ^ s r i j ^

Date of AjHfrppriation/ei Groundwater wf—A"'—-f-C*4-f}-Aa* *4-

Contractor (if any) 4S4^n^Ci^^^-^^--^*^^-^-

"r C^J 7Address of Cbtflrac<firL \h...:.f..—L- /

Date Started. Date Completed.

N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a w^tt>"as by *sub-irrigation and othen^Jmtural pcQC&»MlBM

2Jb^re\P^B& J&^L

-- "t-i h r f - •3~zr*,JS: -., r - ._ - .i i .

W ; i • •, 1 1 K

' ''"• i ; i

I ; Jlr I ! i Quantity of water developed and used wi th explanation of meth- i' . , od used to measure or estimate such amount. If use x^ifM/SmkJ.

II Zi tx TZZ&Z%4~* Sec T R ^Z^^0™^^

Indicate point of appropriation , / .- /-, c 1 J £ A r

and place of use, if possible. /^M^ '&&<&& /TS^X^I^^^^^UUMM^

Signature of Owner /.jy....../•.yy.-/.>«f.^flf.

Date r /

This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county inwhich the works a're located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to theSchool of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 47: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

, - • ;_YC-; f —.~.iii-.J3i

P& .__- 7 . , Xf} S ." ' ^ " " " " " £^p t^


Page 48: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

Fi l e Xe...\'\y. . - -• " G W : T_2B..».« R. & W-•'].! cr-. >.i "966

! " . County .Fla thaad


— t SfiP AGwnnd -•"" - " ; i n " i ° F 7 I C E 0 F S T A T E ENGINEER

H (Her. above sea level... jagffte-) ' Notice of Completion of Groundwater j^— >}

8 Ft* Clay Appropriation by Means of Well) (Under Chapter 237, llontana Session IJaws, 1961)

— ) Route 42— 0wner_.B0.b«tp...Bl«t1»dt . ^ddresJ^^^g?1.1.'.*1?^** _

Route #1DrillerJtol n.S._OfYo<J?r»g_ ^ddresaJ^-^Se^JL*?**??*.„ ..

\ W Ft» S l i t Sand aTMi D a t e 0£ x o t i r e of Appropriation of Groundwater) <w«y ©lay

— Date well started..JT.Uly.27» 19ft?...Date Completed.-.4**9*??.*.?»...^?^

Type of weJL BfclWMl Equipment Used .^!*?— (dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary ur

i drilled) other)

Water Use: Domestic [jj Municipal Q Other • Irrigation []\ Industrial • Drainage • Stock •

M •/ *^tS Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different• M m i ,/V ? Sand and garavei strata met with in drilling, such as soil, dzy, snale, graveL rock or sand, etc.— Bottom Ox W»IA /O r ax Show depth at %vhich water >« encountered, thiekBess and character of water-

bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well._ '

ib«<rf i Stxe«»d i From ! To I i«ri»»ni»vnniw«Urflted I WcKMof ! (Ftrt) i (F«t) TERfORATlONS

— Hole i Cvdnc i Kja^ pyoai To

i J Sta« (Fe««) ( F M ( )

' 7* 0, DL 7" 0. D. Surf act IBotiom Ncn«

h T " » j i1 i ! Ij i : I !

*~ '< - j J -1 _ -1 —* Static Water Lev«.'l for non-flowing Well *2 feet.

I— [ : : ' : ; : Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelL

1 ; — • '• ; — | Pumping Water Level 4T fe?t e.z %& flal. p e r minute.

' . ' , ' : ' ': Discharge in pal. per min. of flowing well

_ * j j ! : I I I* How Tested... ^^ Length of Test . * . * ? » •• • ; • ; ; I

, : • Remarks: (Gravel packing, c menting. peckers, type of shutoff, loca-_ ; : : tion of place of use of groundwater Lf not at well, and any

; ; ; ; : , other similar pertinent information, including number of— '• ' '• ' ' ' acres irrigated, it! used for irrigation)

— SW14NW Sec....i2 T28N.R.22W.Indicate location of well andplace of use. If possible. Eachsmall square rejJIesents 10 acres.

1^^^^ Show exact depth at bottom. JJ_ 2 0 1

Driller's Licens/'Number

'-' Driller s bignature / y

ThL< form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Cletk and Recorderin the county in which the well is located.

PWse answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofllines and Geoloev and Quadruplicate for the ADDropriator.

Page 49: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion
Page 50: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

u «xv' • • i s Vo ,

STATE ZF y CUT AHA CountyACn-'r:i3r?r~TCR or 3a:uN0r."~T£=> CODE ~ ~ ~ ~ —

Office Of Stzite Engineer • . - _ ~DUPLICATE '

X C U . ^ r / 0 , ' ; CF VEoffO GRQUNOr:.ATER RIGHTS -^(Under Chcp 237 Mont. Session Lew?, 1961)

S — " i E N G i N F £ R

,'nane of .ippropr t c f or address tomnr~™nty °^£_______/ st-'e or' ft^zfc* .1

Mcve appropri: ted grounefwater according to Montcna laws in effecf prior tc Jan.f,T962ci f o i t owj .•

W 2. T. e Sene^icittf use -- -which the claim is icaed

I—I—I—I—i—I—i—'—i £ yI ~ ' ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~

; 3. Oate or appro* imate tfate of earliest beneficiat use; indi how continuous the use has _een

* I 1 I I «• •* I ;

U, The amount of graundwater claimed(in miner's inches or| ! gallons per minute) 1 &g^J&^y.^ ^/,^/r

5. If used for irrigation{give acreage and description of theI I I I l i i I ' ' Lands to which waUf has been applied and name of the

S owner thereof A-^^^^^jfj

> ndicate point of appropriat ton _ place of use. Each 6. The neons of *i thrlrawing such water from the ground and Isquare indicates 10 Acres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal I

7, Oate of cowif ncemn t _ completion of construction of we 11 ,w« I is, or other works for

wi thdrav/al of groundweter '^^Z<t>T^trrt' /-^" / ^4" /

6. Oepth Of Water Table / J?^/JSJT

y j9 . 4 s i t m a y b e availadle, type,si_e,depth o f each w e . ( o r general s p e c i f i c a t i o n o f any

other works for withc"rawa- of grounoV-*er t ^~/jr -—^-

I f 0 . Estimated amount o' groundv/ater withdrawn each yecr

. The log cf foi—tat ions encountered in dri I I ing each we ( I ( i f avai lable)

'^. Other information useful in carrying out policy if this act,including Book & Pageof any county record

Signeture ^ j ; ^ - ^ / ^ /yl/s^-f^J

1 ^ ( o w n e r )

Date >__•_• v./: ^./f^ >- copies to i» filed by owner »/i ;h clerk & recorder in county where .•/«(£ is located.

Pica** _ n j r v e r a l l Q u e s t i o n s . I f t o t - ; p l i c c i i e . s o s t c t o .

> i g : - : ( to C o . C l f t , i Recorder ;Dup I icate to j « a ! c Engineer; Triplicate tc Schoolo;' Mines aid Tuadrup i t c a t e 'or the Ap-ropriator.


Page 51: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion




f-e- - [







. 1

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- ^ — ,

GV,-2 -g©» H - NEWS T. 'KJR' . . AC^K ^ r :

F. Nc County.. ^ ^ V ^ ? ^ . .DUPLICATE S T A T E °F M O N T A N A ffi i? CJ5* ^ V ^? r^utrntAit. ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWAfER rOWE*"3 <* " i U— ^ _ _ . _ , OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER] „„ ' If ,

I Top of Ground M i n a Sjrp g <ggg _>

(EI-V. above sea level ^o^ff*™ Notice of CompleiioQ of Groi^wa'er/^ Appropriation by Means oPWffl E ENGINEtR

^A Ln } S) st-lSt (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws 1961) x

Driller 5^>^t/V^C^<2^d d r e s s ^ S ~ ^ ^ * •

Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater . .

1 - A Date well started/f^*^- f-1*f&f Date C o m p l e t e d < ^ - t ^ . r i y j ^

"~ /\J^yO^^ Type of well $AjjL&'e*-' Equipment Used.^OLCLJLAJ***-****.(dug. driven, bcred or (Chum, drill, rotary or i/"^/t-«Jt_drilled) other) "

/li /} • Jl Water IT so: Domestic Z Municipal • Stock • Irngation J^(V JLA^Y* Industrial C Drainage • Other J I

_ y ; Z. Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the differentstrata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, '

— etc. Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character ofwater-bearing strata and height to which the water rises in the well.

Size SUe utf From To Iof W.lfht of <Ffft> (FMt) I PEKTOBAT1ONS ^

Drilled C»iln« , | Kind ! From To"» ' • ^ J J . ,, J . Size i <re«t) (mi )

: i • i "MJ N Static Water Level for non-flowing Well.... ^) ^ feet. ,

Shut-in Pressure f'T Flowing Well

"~ " """ ~" rumpins? Water L e v e l . / ^ .feet at / p ^ .gal. per minute.

Disch.-.r ,e in gal, per mm. of flowing wellW : E

... . How Tested-jCjiL^^g/^/ . Length of Test _^ _ ^ j r >

Remarks: * Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-. . . . . . . tion of place of use of grcundwater if not at well, and any

other similar pertinent information, including number of

, » * _ acros irrigated, if used for irrigation) .>5V/:4 Sec/2 T 2 5 R Z . Z

Indicaro liTcati-v. ••( well a.-.. Iplace ,:' u<e. •' U'-iib.' ' L.ic:1.

^ ^ ^ ^ Show r(act tloplh ot b«ittiun' '*"\

Driller ; *.i#«n£e Number •"

Driller's Signature / •

Thii form to be preTareci by ir-.iler. and three copie; • -t I'.ed oy :h<? owner with the County Clerk and Re-ci-rier m the county m which me vve'.i :> Lwratcti

P.e.i<c answer ail questions. If nut applicable, so yaie. ,'hcrv. ..=«;• tr.e 'orrr. will be returned.

Ori.unal to the Countv Clerk and Rec^rd^r: duplicate • • :• -, S*.3te Engineer: Triplicate :o 'he School of Minesand Quadruplicate for the Appropriates. ^_



Page 53: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

• ! — * —

I * \

I :::.-•.r: or :ii-r-;:r-.:-.t\ « „L COjIfn OF i'Ui.;V.JAD'

[ F">;d on iheJ0.d3~;oi CCu^yA.B.l&J..Gtf%Z.*C\<xl4f/k

_ 3£/a3y „ ^gLP.





Page 54: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

I a i f^Sfc , GW : Revised 1*1 - , . - CcUPTy. - " _.%_;.- '. I * "T- .

I STATE OF MONTANA ~ - DRILLER'S LOGI ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE ) n d ; c a t e f h e c h a r a c t e r „, t h i c k .

MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ness of strata sum as soil, clay. sand.

I NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 9rave1' *ha!e, sandstone, etc Show

APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WEU *£ - ^ ZT !° JTT JSDeveloped after January 1, 1962

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground <EI*T, »bo« » tereoThis form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed fpm To Iby the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in ' "" ' **°which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. __^ ^ _ ^ . . ^ .Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise ihe I .-.> I Jv. -••'?• *. ~ ._,,..tform may be returned. 1 fc \^j Z^L ' T ^ T t l ~-

n e r •^ctgrtT"~«""-^H''im For Administrator's Use j ""~" ———• ..,_,.—-

Address r r . - ?--=* r-rt iw~artW- File • • ^ • ^ - S ' I } f^ _ ,-, . ; r c !

Date well started ^ . j ^ . . ^ 1 < ? w G W ] ~"' -—— ^ -^• \ "4

completed t,*,^,*,..^^ i«7gr- I 1 [

Type of well -^•rv.v* ',;

UTU.M (Do,, driven, bored or drilled) :r ' IEquipment used - j , , . 1

• ' J W « y (Chun drill, roury or otlwr) ,

Water Use: Domestic Q Municipal Q Stock • Irrigation \2 \ ~1

I ; — — ^ — — — —Industrial Q Drainage D Other Q* Garden/Lawn • j — "

I I'Describe j 1

U$fe If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, \ Istate number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block j r ~" ~* —— —

and Addition) 4I

. i iESTIAAATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL - J j= a S r r W T W r i & " , ~ ~ ^«OR^ONT™H i x

"^ i "cm* i i '.—izr-—~—r.—j—;—1

i ! i ! - T T ]i ; ; ; ! i :—I—I| ; ; ! ! i 1 1

__ i i • : ' ' ] \" L i

" I '"" i I Static water level .. __.. .ft.* j |; ', Pumping water level '...._..._. ft.*! I !J ...' at _^. gallons per minute, I j

measurea . .-. minutes after pumping :-^ •—••—• ——.______-^. — — , „ . „ . , , _ _

x • began. -. | Iv, j_ , . K «Measured f r o m ^ g ^ n d level. > ! j

I , Well developed by .^T. : I I;_ ___:_ _ for . . . . . ...hours. '* ! \'; : Pcwer..*. . Pump HP1 j" ~P ^' '. Remdrks: (Gravel packing, cementing, i

"" packers, type of shutoff) | |

. _ '« '« Sec. . _ . .. •- - - I iT.:. .^. . . : . : .N«..^. .::: . . | ; .


Drillers Signaturfts//"^V'^ ~~~\.fSJL*4^*yjjf. ^ , j f , y % / ;fr^-'f_.^**^ *•" f <f r *" »^- • " C "" / .' i - ' ' '^ . _. „_

Driller's Addres^ _,.^. f ._ r, ~^., ,/-'' '

..,— . . r - . She* exact depth of bottom

Page 55: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

— <


"'' :d on thegfcdcf otJ^^L

^Owaft'cSKit cnef S i r d a r "



Page 56: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

File No....' 3 W 4 T..._ _ IL__._ ~1.}£J.

[ County



OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER ; "P ~ ""• KP 1 r y ~ •,—s

Declaration of Vested Groundwater Righhj/ j B jgg LiJ(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) _

I...3£^A/._4 */?$. £A£0....&f/W.%.&. . Oi.y^....^4^^!^. '&&hf*£c(Name of JUiprooriatory \ Address) . .. (Town)

County of r^Jc&6jJu£dS State al..y^^?^hr^:..

have appropriated ground water according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: i

N y / ^

I i : : ' -- The beneficial use on which the e]aim. is based.^^2??^!^..^*?*7^ iI —. : „__; —: eu*-J fcz&lSZtJ^ y^^^*tZ^\j^c^f^f^ __ <

f _J. LJ ;.„;....: ' iI ' , . . ' • 3. Date o- approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- *

; ; ; — tinu-jtis t h e u se has b e e t . . . . - - . . j - . - . ^ — - - ^ . ,

: i ! • , .. #•:;.-/&t& ./TOO.. r. QwJ******™?. ,w — . .—.—I , I /f I

' ; ! : : '• -4. The amount of trroundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons' 1 ; 1 per minute'' —._ _

: : ; ! : : ' Jffi'*'..Z..Z^ - - '.LLllJL ji : : A I 5. If used for irrigation, give lae acreage and description of the lands

s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereofJ~rtCX£S J

. . . -*&&>+. *^4 & S7Z...iQBirtftAi/ _ _ _.Indicate point of appropriationand place c* use, >f possible .Each small square represents 1(> *>- ^v- means of withslraNvms such water from the ground and theacres. location, of each well or other means of withdrawal _

£ A ^ i Z < . vu+**.p<~~ _ ~

7. The date of comnu-^ement and completion of the constniL-tion of the weil. wells, or other works for with-drawal of gTOiindvra'er '

.... /£fp?U^ S?"0

8. The depth of water table. <22.£k{r2-«/TC- 7-0 -^* <

9. So far as it may bo available, the type, size and d'"pth of e;n-h well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of groundwater

$ r ?

10. The estimated amount of irroundwatir withdrawn each yfar .vy. J"^..£.:,-, 'iry —I

11. The log of formations encountered in th*' drillms: of each well if avai lable^^^.y^r*^.*^**-^ —

12. Such other information cf a similar nature as m-iy h,» useful in i-arryinir out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and page of any county record m___r. /}/**• 4—-^>%-- _^rvvl_;

if - ;•--•••• •;,-

I D a T - : ---•=-'• - |

Three copies to be filed by the «\vner wi'h thf i'..u:iry t.'lerk ind Reorder of th<* county in whhh the well islocatedPlease answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the 0 un'y <Vrk and Recorder; duplicate tr> th<- StaN- Enpineer . Triplicate to the 5'tontana Bureau ofMin»-s s-Hsl Geology and Quajruplicat^ for the Appropriate.

Page 57: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


3/ JCC-

Page 58: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

Fi le N o G W * T : K = - ^ B

STATE OF MONTANA —\ "^ <~> !*- 7 - - ~ fT^ ^BADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATBR COTiB j D J ^ ^ - ' V/ ' r | j^H

OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER iJl-J , ^: _ . -c ( flHj^i 6 {964 ^^B

D e c l a r a t i o n o f V e s t e d G r o u n d w a t e r R i g h f t r A \ t , , ^ B(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, i.961) ^ ^ B

1.. .d£fe...-±...-.. _--:-•.-,- fc..^.,Jfi.r. of....?~: i::-^--.-22i...^^-i:__>^.3-7% c , H(N'ame of Appropriator) (Address) ^ (Town) ^u '-'y • ^ ^ B

County of ."^../.-.^../^-•-•^•-•-.-'i. _....State of—- '--•-'•—-^—;-7l...L!l..' . ^ ^ Bhave appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: ^ ^ H

; ; • 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based _ ^^^H:„„:.—i : • —j-r i , ;:._.o../:-.i-...7...(L...^^:.S-=<^ ^H

i : —, —-• 3 D a t e or a p p r o x i m a t e ^te of earliest beneficial use; and how con- ^ ^ ^ r

I — tinuou.s th<' use had been -•-./.. .^..:X~. —- fl^^H; : ; ; • £. - t / — t t .7 ...> -<•"-—^'--:^....X-/--'^-^--->-i LJLJ.-*- ^ H

" — \ — : — | '—:—T~— E ^ < - ^ ••••H-'~ • - > . : - • < - • & • - * • • - : . . £ .-^-i-« - ^M

: : \ '• : 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons U£' | : ' ' p e r m i n i m . ) . • • - • -• ••••'••-?--•£*—1 £:..<-•--—i— JJ2..:.J^- ^ ^ ^ H

; , _.. ../ _ _ ___ „. ^ ^ ^ H

• ; : : : 5. It' us*M tor irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands ^ ^ ^ B" Z ~~ to which water has been app l i ed and name of the o w n e r thereof ^ ^ ^ 1

'/*:iT...vi.aX sec../-T?-.. T.<%\i.s:r - - • - ~ ^HIndicate point of appropriation ^ ^ ^ |

ach 'mall slua^'repreS''!.. *• The means of withdr.wu.B m e h water from the gronnd and the Ha c r e s location of each well ••r other means of withdrawal— ^ ^ H

7. The date of commencement and completion of the onstnution of the well. welis, or other v-orks for with- ^Hdrawal of groundwater _ • _^ _ ^ ^ H

. . / / . T " 7 / t • : • • * ^ H

- . / ~f— ^ ^ ^ H8. The depth of water table .... j \ . -J V l - ^ ^ K

9. So far aa it may b._- aviviliDlt. the type, size a'- 1 .'.-pth of -ach well or the general specifications of any other ^^Mworks for the withdrawal of groundwater -~ ^ ^ H

i ^ ' • • ' ^ ^ ^ H

10. The estimated amount "f proundwater -.vithdrawn eaeh year.- y ^ '.. :.i.'-' - ^ ^ H

11. The log of formations enco mtered in the .inliint: <if ea/h '.veil it available ^ ^ H

• - . • • i | ^ ^ ^ ^

"** ! fl^H

12. Sueh other information of a «in::iar nature as :i;ay h* useful in earn-in.' out the policy of this act, including ^ H Brnference to b<><>» .iml pa^e o: any counry r^'1' r^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

>it'nafu-e -f °™* '- ' -' <- '•"- •'--• •-'-~::r.. *''• '• - • ~ HH

Date...-.'.;...:.'.' :.'..-'..__CJ:. '--^ ^ ^ H

Thr^e copies to bf» filed by the "-XV.T w;-h the I'ouniy Clerk ir.-l Recorder of the county in which the well is ^ ^ Blocated . ^^^DPlfzse answer all questions It not apph^ab . so state, nth-rwise the form -^ill be returned. ^ ^ H

•)ri<:inal to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to th" state EntiDe-r. Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of ^ H BMines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropnator. ^^^H

Page 59: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


3' JL^

• - -v ^ > . ;



Page 60: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

I trI File X<> - ow: T-&.^.yt/_..H - i . _ y . ^ _

I •• •- County/ ../, ..._<-i'.. .Z


I ~ (Kiev, above s«a iev<Ai:^jr^ ) Notice of Completion of Ground waterI ~ 0 £?>/ c ^i^Lc^f Appropriation by Means of WellB __, , _, /' .: 4l~~'" (Under Chapter 237. Montana Session Laws, 1961)

1 _ / ) T* /£ yi^jS- " ,

I y iffoi'Q <f •'pjjd:' - -/J J Datr» of Notice of Appropriatioa di GroundVater ..„.

I — —pldJIt ClsVL*,-"', r>at^ wH started -•/•/*-~7/-/••& D a t e Completed,..^...l.f./r.J.^..^:.B .A a </>-l - "/' / ' ~// '7 ' - ( I J / °T f• — \^S)fX• 'I• <-*•' --+- Type of w e U o ^ - ^ j L / Equipment I'sed.J/I _ ~*&?M - irOJUn, ( d u f r > dnve^^re^? 2 ^ (Churn, drill, r o t i ^ ^ ^ -

I _ / ISK/S'^ Jpnsit ^ J i dri!Ied) other)

I / ' / /JJ/<*-J /-. y^; ^>^ ./ 'Water IV: Domestic D Municipal • Other • Irrigation Q• - / 0 -"Jf7/ >4#*4LJ***j «~£{ Industrie Q Drsinag? G Stssk D

g ' f / " ^ 3 Tndieate on the diagram the character and thickness of the differentI "~ .( s t ra ta met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, et«.• Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-I bearing strata and height to which vatT rises in the well.

B Stoof Sire and From • To i nnuintmB Drilled W,l«fc«of (F««t) \ (F««> PERFORATIONSB - Hole Cutac i Kmi Tnm ToI , ^_ ! Sta« (Tmn ( F M O

I I - 7" $ o ^ >« Ay 7I " l\.':.: y^?<? ....... ' I \

I [— fi'ctock^ ^ ;(l, " " ^ ^ 7 ^ ; ; L ' i 1

I N Static Water Level i'or non-flowincr \W!1 — . - . . feet.

£ - | : r—l ; r—j J ^aB - ', . „ ; ;__-j Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well

B ' "• ' -—I----' — l'umping Wate r L<'\dt.£ .JT" feet« _ gal. per minute. I• : . . . . - i & ^/ ^ CJ iB : ; Discharge in ;ral. per mij«. of flowing well

B w • 1 : : i 1 K yI _ : ; : H-.w Tested' O-c^o^X Length of Tes ty .r.^V-J

I ; Remarks (Ciravel packing, eementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-I _ ; : " ' tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and anyI __ ' ; other similar pertinent information, including number of

B I— • • ' • iicns irri at.<<i. if used for irrigation'I *I — '-./:... 14AJ Sec-'l.. TZit fUJ-VI _ Indicate location of well amiI place of use. if possible. EachI small square represents 10 acres.

I „_— Show exact depth of bottom. . /

I Driller's License Number

I s' i

I ThL- form \o be prepared by driller, and thre«e copies to b..- filed \y the owner with the County CTerk and RecorderI in tiie county in which tli>- •well is located. '"''

I Pleise answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder ; duplicate to t h e StVe Engineer: Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 61: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

1 • ^ ^ 1

<" )

Page 62: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

File No o w * T , R



ADBUNIffntATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE —- -= ~ -.. - _ , _,


Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights " . \ -(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

fl ^— S^i^E.^i^EER

(Nam* »f Appropriator) ^Address) fTown) / ;County of - ^ k ^ . t . . g . . ^ _ State of__.^,2A.^.--^*r. .^.sr,*r jhare appropriated groandwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, u follows:

; ; j : . ; 2. The hvae facial use on which the claim is based-....—;—-.;-—; j — ; j— .... ftiic.'^.u^^LeJ^. MthL^SHh^k^L _

; ; i ~! ! i 3- Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial nse:, and how con-1 : . : 1 \ tinuous the use has hety^£^.--^'J^^f2...&J&&*&L. j

I ; • [ I I ; I ./d .tiJLZgAb... ..&Ui.. 4*&?-~<v~££-c ~'^*-

• ; I • : : 4. The amount of groundvater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons! i i i ' : P«r minute)....ifC^<.. /(......,/ .jf>..*.s:..e. ^ ... . ^^gsaL^f.I j ; ; ; __: __ 7-S *rr<U.*....«SL.. i4w.<;^..*r.£*r__rl C.

! ' • - • ' I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the landsg to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

, ///./*'-t-

Su.-..S*.% S e c / i , . T£/ .Mt .2 >U - -

Indicate point of appropriationand place of use, if possible. .Each small square represents 10 6. Tne means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theacres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal

. <&/<• <.YriJc, C'-A-Zt'.^rJifM:/. .f&.jt*sn.A3. ^S.*k.<d(.

. . i2/d*.s. . i4*«-. ~r**. /t-xr _ _.7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or otner works far with-

drawal of groundwater S?-/)*»iT / c '). *s • .<?/</I

8. The depth of water table />c /</s . * ? <*-.A**.t-. ./£'f.i..

9. So far as it may bo available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of groundwater..{£?/i..«_ J a. i .v ,(/.... ^ - / / ^ . . . i - . a . iv/H.^...'C..l _.....C.*..fv\..<...!v\... .: 3..f±- Ci_.C r <xjt.,... <?- *.d. -2<*:..^f..-. CV* ^J..c^..ld.Uj^ A/. .^U.

10. The estimated amount of irroundwater withdrawn each \*nz....S.4f.Jt7-v..r. T...t /.^.JC...?....? c?.ci..L.i c<- l\** •

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available / . . a . f:.Z, t.ik.Le-. ..^..Jc...cfl* *, CLSi."*.. .J.CT....J.L. '.ff. <Z-/A.y . _ _

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and pape of any county record...

Signature of Owner ^/C Cx ,^IJ^^..J... CMJUU^S.-.

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 63: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

. .

Page 64: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion



•S^.*•• ov. ; Rw«i :<*« County . .^ r ! /s5?/Af t f l .C ....-.—.


MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD lndKg*f *» ^ ' ," T' " 5 " Iness of strata such as soil, clay, sand,

NO7ICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER s r a v e l s h a i e sandstone, etc shewAPPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL ?"?* a t wh'd? w a f i s f o u n d an,f

height to which water nses in welt.Developed after Janucry t, 1962

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Uw», 1961, a* amended) Top of Ground (Ete». »bo« « • U m*i3*?3 1 f

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed I Fm« T»by the owner with the County Clerk arri Recorder in the county in I tr«»> I «F««>which the well is located, last espy to be retained by driller. '_O- ^"3 v^tfi ..__>_.._Please answer all quest:ons. If net applicable, so state, otherwise theform may be returned.

Owner _£.£».£.// CUsA 1 For Administrator's Use I j

Aad.ess^u.fc.J __ File/^#3 ; 1

liU±pelLM*+£ Jftv+iym j:Se^( j— j —Date well started A^.a.y..J.tJ^J..Q..Ql^ \ !

completed /*f4J.&Jp?<^t , \^Jk2--~&l&LiAl-J3A£L

Type of well Jjri.lf&.d _ _ ! j(Dog. driven, bored or drilled) ' _ _ _ _ __^—_J__—___________«_«. I

Equipment used -X_/f/..//... - ! j— j(Chora dial, -oury or other) . __! I I

Water Use: Domestic J^_ Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation • j 1 j

Industrial Q Drainage Q Other Q* Garden/Lawn Q ±~*—< j ^Xa±JJ—J^AlJSJL

I i m* K ^f C r

•Describe „ _ ' -i _.——.—.

USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, jstate number of ocres and location or other data (i.e. Lof, G-ock — ~* ——>—-and Addition) ._


SSi5 ! *&£? ! .rST, 1 «&o f «i^aio^ | T 3R«4* ! or Cwtaf ! ! . . !

I i KM • From To • _ _ _ _ - _ _ —! . M» i ,F«O . iF«t> ; 1 — — — — — — — — —

3^1 O \ 13o x i ^ 1 : ^\ TI 1 —2 f

i ! jI 1 i I ! 1 . — ] I

! I ; I Static water level ^/.£. ft." <$lj 121 ^g"<7 (iTay 4 ' t 7; I Pumping water level £..& ft.* ^[Ti&hJk.-| --! at .. /.£].. ...gallons per minute,. ^ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _; ; measureoYe<0 minutes after pumping; _^

'• began. i> 'Measured from grouncLlevel. _j '

; j Well developed by tO^/Si.r. : { | Z 1: . . ..J for .... <5/'*"^..-hours. ^_i_ I': : Power ._ Pump_ H p i — " M - T .. i V^a f~£-•- ^ j ^ H; , I Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _| j_ /_?jp_£%

packers, type of shutoff) j 1

-.-:._ » • : . - ' • • . ' « S e c . ' r - - - - - • »

T.... >.; (N/R r!.r E ,-, r - [ J


Driller's Address FlQii'£.£. .3.,. Q& // Z-f=>&.Jl ' —

4tf**.ta. *.* ^9?a/. L1CENSE UO_ZS3 ^£— 5 h - ™« d*P'h «f bo«o«n

Page 65: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


• • 1 " ' • '•


Fiisd oa tbe^day OLJC^^L

ILD. 19jtnt££. Jcfock €,.U

OsL2fy CIISCJC cod Ji>.-. :cor

r •-.•.•-

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. i

. \ ' v '

File Mo T 1:..\.._R. Sr....H. _ j

mxmsm&m county Sij^.rDUPLICATE S T A T E O F MONTANA , ~>, - , : - , ? , ; _ ,



Declaraiion of Vested Gronndwaler RjghfiT.^T[ [.^Gj,\£rn ;finder Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

(Name of Appro^riator) ' (Address) (Town)County ol. **£«••!* .State ol J£5*«5§_have appropriated groiuidwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1 1962, as fol-lows:


I I 2. T.'.e beneficial use on which the claim is based

! i . ':

i j ; i i : 3. Date or approximate d?te of earliest beneficial use; and how con-: i ; I I j tinuous the use has been July.*.. .l.tfSQ .- . continuousi l l | | i - „ .

w —:—I—\—I—i—!—!— E _ _; j i j i |; j i i i 4. The amount of groundwatet claimec (in miner's inches or gallons; ' ! ! ! 1— per miaute) 20 IF*11?*? ?••? !4.»?*«

._^4_j—l—U- - -~ ----- - — ::-'-':—: ; : 1 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the

s lands to which water has beca applied and name of the ownerthereof s ** e rav«a?»* ior a t t s c r i p t u o

5 ' •• '-• - > ~ - - mIppr6x.rT-1/0"•«*-§• —V* Sec....:.. T.r..i.. R.-..:_ -

Indicate point of appropriation ~and place of use, if possible. 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theEsch sr-iaB square represents 10 , .. - ., .. . . . . . , nv w a l l s -.„ M location of eacft well or other nieans of withdrawal ...".*.. ™ A * •a c r e s * . P«"»P ^w»T\ j . oc» tc3 tto i « « t Nortis ot yout i i

p r o p e r t y xI«9--snd--^§---f««T---«Nn-t'"-oi-"ft»st-~9ropvr«r"^t'nttv7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-

drawal of groundwater ...*»^f *'*U..A° A?0*. A ^ O , .Cy^.J«t«O.. . ia. .S«ptea^rA ._A tfa0. ,

8. The depth of water table * ? ? . r ^ . B l * . t . ^ > . .^-A...f*»«....

9. So far as it may be available, th? type, size and depth of each woll or the general specifications of any4>th2r works for the withdrawal of groucdwater Jriven:..**^;.»....•*.*&..i°«J>..*«flA J.**: ?«*»P»/ xricb CQGi.i^, i, {% f e e t Jrn lepc . i . "

10. The estimated amount of gmundwater withdrawn each year * * *..."* * .* . . . . *

11. The log of formations encountered in the drillinc of each well if available .... <3.t...?.Y.?.f.V*l>.1'* _

12. Such other infoi nation of a similar nature as inay be useful in carrving out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and page of any county record *f?.f~ „

q/r^^^'^^x^^Si-mature of Owner..//ULVMtn.-r2*. S^f-ruyX*,

Date .£AS£/A, A9&AThree copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in whi^h the well islocated.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk i rtd Recorder; duplicate to the Slate Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Minesand Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. jf.f <

Page 67: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion



t y are are s

s * are

a s t y

April 62

!Caiis{M*li, Hoctr.n*

Apri l 10 «4

5. Al l end s i n g u l a r that c e r t a i n p i ece and parcel or t r a c t oi land,s i t u a t e , be ing and ly ing in tfto Soutte Half of *a« Soutavest Quarterof Sect ion x2, Township 2b Korth, Rang« 22 Wo*t, scd b^ing »ortpartA^Larly deacrlbod aa f o l l o w s :Begioo^lng at a point on the Northerly boundary ox U. £. Kigbway Ho».

2, s a i d y o i a t bolug 120?.^ xoet tsist astl 2& f e« t Korth of tbequarter corner covaon to S e c t i o n s i2 and i3 of Tovoahip 2fi Korth,Ran^e 22 Wjat; thoncc

Hort^prly aad at a r igbt aaglo to tiio ceutcr Una oi U. S. HigtiwayNo. 2, J96 fee t to a po int ; tbanco

South 8d* 50 ' Waet 125 fee t to a p o l s t ; theucoSoutherly and at a rlgut na&lo to I..-5* contor l ine oX U. S. Ul&kwKy

Mo. 2, JiHi f e e t to the North boundary a&e oi U. S. Highrs^No. 2; thence

Jforta 89* 5 0 ' &a*t, 125 f e e t ac<< aloa.i tno North coundary l i n e ofU. S. Hl£avay Ho. 2 to the pl.-u-e oi bo^inning.

v . - • • ••• •

: = ; :. ^

/ • T ; r r ' ••'": - " "

• ^ ^ - . « ^

Page 68: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

FUe N'o o w * T.....:. R__.,.:_...-_-r™__

County _" : .?I..'J.._iJ.-.i




Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights ^ ' V E f r h(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1361X • - v> ,-, tno-M I U J

1 .^,^ . . . . . ._- , . .A. . : . - . . J^ .^ 'n^^ of JtrC^J M*M^2to*itt££B\_ (Name o£ Appropriator) (Address* (Town)

County of T^:l..,.:..:j2Z^.-^Uf-^ .....State of . C ^ r l ^ : i ^ - . < £ : ~ . . ^have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

; i ; : ; : -- The beneficial use on which the claim is based.^i.^i^u^.Sr.^wr, . , . , , ^^?.^^(^-S-*^.-..a^-~A^...J^J*~*^.j^^£u^ _

': [ . 3. Date or approximate date of, earliest beneficial use; and how con- .. ; : ; ; s— tinuous the use has_ been?W . > ^-^-^C^sj^-^ /v^-,*/,-- ^- __ ^-^i

• ; ; : ; ; <%LiA*Lt 1*7 3 -£•..— ^^r^:-..^^^-SJe^U^l^^.^,^.f.^...w . . 1 - - ^ ; B _].J*jt~.jL <_; 1 U.J- .._....^A_-—J. • : , — . .

; ; ; ; i ; 4. The amcunt of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons; ; 1 ; ! ! j ptr minute)... /..JL...0.J3. ^Kj~dL*i~zr-.x..z±*.....-2-, 4K.:.—t...-.i.i>»^-ji-..

„..;._; : ! ! I i -- •*••- -- - -I '• ! : '< '• j 5. it usi'il for irrigation, give the aereage and description of the lands

""" , tx» which water has beer, applied and name of the owaer thereof

r..:'^yAl'L"SeeJ^T.J:.ili.^.-> ~ ~ -Iirdicate point of appropriationand place o f use, i f possible. . • L , • ^ . * • _ i i ^ vEach small square r-presents 10 6- The means of wi thdrawing such water from the ground and theacres. location of caeh well or other means of withdrawal.—

-*'. — .?- -

7. The date of commencement and completion of thf construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater .....*» I —-•- .-£ - - • - • i—'•- •.:-T-*-- -»• --^ ^.....-Ji-i L.t—*^.*>.

8. "Tie depth of water table J. „• .....^.w... — J 0 ' ~fcr 3S'..-y^rr^^^--^--^^-J--4 <• &£.••-' f '

9. So br u it may be available, the typ«, size end depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworkK for the withdrawal of groundwater — -

6>.iL.Cr:^,...4~ U-Sl!...^-^. f ^....UU^^e^^-.<.£^<:JU—.JZu-...-.frJrl S- ...£<i~..-JL X- '/' -^"f * **-

10. The estimated amouat of pronndwater withdniwn each year.. .'^[....£ £ .4^ d-. S. a <^^r <« ..J

11. The log i-f fortaatioLS encountered in tb* drilling of ea<*h well if available.~~r.?x.6u*\-<i- **-

.:. ::::i:::::::::..;:z12. Such other infoi m-ition ^ a similar nature as may h^ useful in ctrrvini? out the policy of this act, including

reference tu book, ant' page of any county r'^ord "^l^Svt,ftrr. -

- - • - • - -v- . . t r / . . , . . T : - T —

Signature of Owner ..,//;-,'••.••— j^Jr..t:.*...~-~~. ;ry.i±?.-.J~


Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.F lease answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of JMines and Geolopy «nd Quadruplicate for the Appropnator.

Page 69: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

— I




Z 3


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- - — —I

*^_»_3 GW : KCv,«d 1*50 County. Xf.^^^r^L^*^ * 0 \&.* -

STATE OF MONTANA DRILLER'S LOGADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATiR CODE , n d i c a t e ,h e c h 3 r a c t e r , co|or> ! h i c k .

MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ness o f s t r a t a such as s o i , day# s a n d ,

NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER gravel, shale, sandstone, etc Show

APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL ** £ ^ iZ'r 1^ ZtDeveloped after January 1, 1962

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground (Hr». above«»ie«nThis form to be prepared by drilier, and three copies to be filed I ft—» T»by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in j_ jwhich the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. !

Please anjwer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the | __ — —form may be returned. j _ __ <-*

Ownerdy...--&LA<^UL| For Administr 7UsT-1 ^ J t — ^ ^ j Q A ^ ^Address 3b/*dXyJ2~5Af-A File/£#3/ | "

Date well started J^f^JJihtt^ /" fLJL>fc'~ ^1^ f I / __ t " < £ **^ "

completed7/y*ir./j/.-^...^M | j *-

Type of well J ^ j k M ^ j i— —ffl-J-&tjj, j, . ^ ~ . (Dui. driven, bored or drffledW I ' _ _ w _ _ t f _ 9 a _ 3 _ _ — .

Equipment used . ^ A . Y V < - f ? U < ! ^ ! 1—1 f-(Char/drill, rotary or other) ! _ _ _ _ _

Water Use: Domestic $£. Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation • > ? X i l C - - ^ - _ ^ - *

Industrial Q Drainage • Other Q* Garden/Lawn • i t3£x " "

#Describe j—~~~~J~z5ijf~7JZ&US.: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, j 5 "?™ ' f(t

state number of acre and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block j " T ~ j j [~_fi__,

and Addition). .... $LjLU./l -.


OrUM Wd«ht ; (Ftrl) ! (F«rt) , PERFORATIONS j _ _ 7Hob of C—tx ; _. !-_» • 1 "C"*7_5Pr^ "jtJZPjT

_ _ « _ _l / /^//*f " • * * From To /K-_y~—A^

! \ ; 1 Static water level ^jf.. ft.*! ^/^'^t^i/^^Z; j Pumpincuwaler level .../.i_i ft.*! £J_1 ! at <?fv.TT gallons per minute,:

• measured minutes after pumpingi[ | began. m '

w ; : E 'Measured from group* leva*. ! I I I /I ' / . , . " * " /i I Well dey_icoPd bv j ^ ^ j ^ . . . . T s"\tf ?3L?K^i _• for .rfT. hours. j j\ \ Powtr Pump HPi I 'j_ —. ! Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing,; ! ;__

r" packers, type of shutoff) | )

.S^ ' iSrV.U Sec.../.2-v... •- i .T....Z.S5"- N R i2,.?:.._f : I J

f_L W -- - - - ; :



DriHer's Signature K A ^ ^ : ^ ^ J ^ ^ . . . . : " T ~ ~

Driller's Address .../...J...-^.'...: !- ~ ' J. - •__-»- J M _. ~jTJ

~JX^±~£^.^lz.^l L^ENSENO Id . '(0*?** sh-*™« <*g«*p«r

Page 71: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

1/ / s—' ly /STATS OF KCMTA?' I c<1

.^ >..f.Z>2i....

57. <£b,.A..





<: < v ^ . . > - ^ . •/

•' r -: ,w *— -

Page 72: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

_. ""1* i ^ .«. 3 GW : Rcv,«d w CauntyJ-...L-.iA-e^-Ct - 1 - ^ : -


MOK»*A » A - • » • « SPAM _? a S " ^ . _£NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER sravel' s h a [ e - sandstone- etc show


wl? Ich. w a * r is t o u n d an.fneight ro which water rises in well.

D«veloped after January 1, 1962 .

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 196], as amended) Top of Ground ( B - . aboTe ^ ^e^ilAfL-

Thb form to be prepared lay driiter, and three copies fo be filed • ^=^ j "- 'by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in } (FCTt) i>?ca) |which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. j /} \J3.~7 ^^id _Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the \ |form may be returned j |


Owner Ma^iAZ-^O.^^ I Fo,- Administrator's Use 1 |

Address _£kut*-3 - Hie ^ AMLSZ I 1A !

kLL-speMr-JLAi- ytM3$/m...2ySfi»x \—-[Date well started &Jtf-j£.-££tL}.i£.&*l \ \j?-Z~.&JL.J^le.<LL.G.L-d±H.d

completed Ma..*f.£-.'?/taj2, 1

Type of well ....£).r.sj.t^^ci _ j -| 1 Levr f I(Dug. driven, bored or driDtd) I I I

Equipment used Jj.C.UL _ J 1(Cham fSxOX. roauy or other) i I

Water Use: Domestic^ Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation • j Ii

Industrial Q Drair^age • Other Q* Garden/Lawn • ( j ., ' a Z~7~"T. ~T~ 7

j J» fjr ^Tm2 ^^f ^- f* * $/ — L* f J^ v/ 0 fit*

•Describe 1 1 £l£(LC

USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, j { Istate number of acres a n d location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block "iand Addition) ! _

• • • i~i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 _ , _ _ ^ _ ^ _ _ _ _ _

CCTt«* A T c n A M K t l t A t M«T!jrNr» A \%t* ( 'u r» *r***~*«^^, /-^•^•^w^^b I I i I H u * ^ ^ « M V M , . . . . j . ,

Sb« o* Six* ami FnMH T»~ '• ~ ~ ~ ~nrilicd WdcM (Feet) |F«() PtRFOR-\TTONSHate of Culm . ' _ . ' —• . ' —-——-——-• — —•

Kind , From , To I <?3 IAT9 /-P^P <J f !G si & /) d

7" 7*o.L Sl" ""° <F<t<> I J_S_iiZ___jy* o ILs~ x x x ; I

I! !

j! i _ _

J -N ! 1

. - ^m^ 1 . - _ • • - • _ » , I I, .1, ,1, III

j I ; 1 Static water level 5r..*r£. ft.*|; I Pumping water level ....^?__i!!7....ft.*|-j -! at -^__TT gallons per minutej; ; measured ^?.^?minutes after pumping; j began. T

W i j " * 'Measured from groundJevel. I; ! Well developed by ../3.a..ie..rr. !

> J for -^r.. hours. j j! I Power Pump HPi _P• ^ j Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing,; | J

J • packers, type of ihutoff) ! }* U^j'f r- -P.'.,.*JJ.£,...I/4^.H'..."4 Sec./?7 --.. -. i |T £.*:. (N)R >!..-. E XJ--*Z- : I I


Driller's Signature . £ i £ ^ ^ / ^ f e * < < ^ ^ \ltt\>tf\ W&tf ^ * ~ <1

Driller's Address JXC.U.T'..tL..3 /^.- /^--SyC-.-e// ; ! ; •

/4%A*t*..*a. ST..5JJJ. UCENSE N C ^ J ^ - ^ i ^ _ Show exact depth of bottom

SO,? & 3

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Filed on th^Zdaf oL-pcZZ^

County Clerk cud Eecritiar

B, <2LDsporr

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• . — ^ — n

) U ipa» No a w * T 2.8 JL22 i

County.Jlla±h.e.aii )STATE OP MONTANA / <—N


Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights >- ^GiJVEEf?(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

— — — — — — _ _ _ _ _ _ ^

l Eaces* E.-Harris of Rftu.te...3 _Kal l.speU(Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)

County of . F.la..tb.e.ad State of__i!.aflt:tJL.ri«Lhave appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 19G2, as follows:

; ; ! ; ; ; 2. The beneficial use on which the dain. is based— , — : — j — : — ; — ; — dQmeatii:+...hiauRehQj.d[

; i ; ; ; ; 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how eon-j 1-n-j —• '-—| tinaous the use has been M.fty...l3*..JIfc&Q

I SXl ! I i ! i t fi.P.n.X.S.xmsaiM...a.la&.<t...thaXjAH* _

; I ! ; : I 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons—;—i—; i—:—I— per minute) 7Q....£iL.LQn&_4xer~-in.$-nu±«.

• ' * i ' ' 'I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands• to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

idr5«r*Jur'iA/*r?r' _% Sec-Ci^ T..-&-£ R.>>f -

Indicate point of appropriationtnd place of use. if possible.Each «ff»*n square represents 10 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the•ew*. location of each well or other means of withdrawal

...ft.l.ftC.iriSL.3Luao.t J . inch . . l n ± a k * .

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater k£2U.n...5/9/ i»Q COtcpil.tftd 5/l3/hQ. _ - -

8. The depth of water table 5 A f e e t , a p p r o x i m a t e I.y - -

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of groundwater ! P. .fet.t....l.H..d.tp.thi 3 ..f.aa:L..CASlQjg..

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available „

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and page of any county record

Signature of Owner -^-?/J^.-s£d.....^....^^/:&£•£:{*&.

Date..P.ec emb.fn.JQJl....{563.

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau«# MinM and O#nln«rv unri QnnHmnlieatp for the AonroDriator.

Page 75: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


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Pile No o w : 7 _...JL_.. .J:..


—1 Top of Omrnd OmCS OF STATS BTQIHgB

(B«r. abcr» ae» i«vaL } N o t k s of Completion of Groundwater

~ Appropriation by Meant of W«ll•..Under Chapter 2o7, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

— Owner V/aJt*.r r^ar~t\SAddtti8.Ji£iJL3i.j3.*,-JlrJ!&.ja.±>£^

~~ Driller A.r.qy /e- //e.rdr*.C Asatfdress. Jf^Ji^jf.eLJjy ...**.«Ua.±^_

Datt> of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater _

Date w»!l starts A May J % '<f L f Date Completed..JT.4LVS-.ft 3rJ.if..Ua

Typt- of well. £>f< flea Equipment Used—Q.*- . .L. lL— (dog, dnv«n, bored or (Churn, drill, roUry or

drilled' other) x

_. r . , Water I'se: Domestic i^ Maaicipal Q Other Q Inrif«tion Q i- . O T a r - c H / ^ t - r Industrial rj Drainage Q Stook D

* ^ 1 Indicate on the diagram the character and thicknen of the different~ strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, ah*le, gravel, rock or land, eto.— Show depth at which water is encountered, thickreti and character of water-

G jdc. i <* I ft ud - IIU bearing strata and height to which, water riaes in the welL ,

Mwa« barl ~ tnm \ T* P«JMJI»AIIMI«

H < X . C M . : : B * ^ ^ T . I

— Doc Na. /*&&£• 3- .—fiWforwcord !

_ t N t ^ ^ L - d a v o i , - / ; ^ , . . . ^ i 7 " o & 6 : /YfT x > ^


w Static Water I^vel for non-flowing Well.. . . .J?..rr. feet

. . . . :„ . . : . ..: . . „ . . ; . . . . Shut in PreMure for Flowing "WelL./VcJ i~ A..f?..ptiS..tf..bJc

; ; : — —;— Pumping Water Level %O feet at. /2...$>. gal. per minute.

; : :* : , Discharge in iral. per mm of flowing <*t\S..f\lciJ....jQ..£t.ja..l..X.CQ...hljS^w ! ' I ' ! c z5 / s~~ JL/

— . ; ; : : : How Tested & 9 ' / f r Length of 1tai....JiZ.../7..f?>..^:.^&.

\ '• \ Recinrks: 'Gravel packing, cementing, pack en, type of ihntoff, loca-^ ; . . , t_on of place of use of groondwater if not at well, and any

; ; oiher sIinilar pertinent information, inelndiag number of

— ' '• ' '• ' , acres irngati;«t. if used for irrigation)....

— •':.r.,.%-^-' • S*e:..7:.~- T'•.... R r

_ _ ^ _ _ , Indicate location of well andplace of uae, if possible. Eachamall square represents 10 acres

Co«X-S-< H/Ster 5 * ^ ' . ^ ' _

^mmm JEDiow axast depth of bottom. /jy~''Z* Setfe?, - /V.S" DrUleriiJc^e Number^ ;?'

Y^^Riori Signatnre

This form to be prepared by driller, and three ;cfieb :c D^ filed by :he ,wuer with the County Clerk and Beeordaxin the county in which the well is locate-i.

Pleaae answer all questions. If nci applicable. io *ta:e. otherwise the furm will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to tse State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofVines and Geology and Quadruplicate for th« Approprta:or

• . • i ;

r •

Page 77: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion



"_•*-• , ';. \^.r 4


Filed on tb^.^iay ol jUbrtJA.D.197Oat<£.-dClock #M

_'__ i£2?)Coantt CSuk and Rteatdtr

3y jSLuXDivert


Page 78: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

File No— _ 3W» 1._2L^L B .leLj?bL- _.. M^H

County . . . ? 3 - ^ ^ ^ - ^ - ' ^ - - - - • • •STATE OF MONTANA • • I


Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights J/W 6 1964 -^ H|(Under Chapter 237, if or tana Session Laws, 1961) HH

l &&£**&*&&j:-.-j£4L^-s^^^^. , otJ^cZf.....^.. ^i,.js4L&L£d!LjL ^H(Naaie, of Apprcpriajor) (Address 1 / (Towu) ^HH

County of_TJ^ik^J^<*.<5^^f- .State of Zfe-^svavXTr — < .^rz^t. ffiHhave appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as fallows: H ^ E

• ; ; i ' i - The beneficial use on which the claim is based-.y4i??*?h?i^fe^fe&££ BJJ3—,—;—_:._ :—: ; et »^^^C....x£-e^^-^^^^^-^.. _ _ _. HB

\ \ : • |_ j ; ^ Hj \ ; ', ', X '• "* Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how cor.- ^ ^ B *. • ; . ; ; tinuous the use has >•"" . xf&S??-f?r* J-T v'L" -f ^ /.~S?-~f!jC^6f.~... ^ ^ ^ 1

w — • — : — ; — i — • • — | — ; — • ..'".•"" ; .."ZZ'l"1™..Z..1"!"Z!"~1"Z_.~'.ZZ!'"_T 9B

• ; : ; : : 4. The amount of groundwater claiuci {'ui miner's inches or gtllor? B^^H; ; ; ; j ; per minute).... ^.^.C..^t*-.<!^r^.-7rtra^ie^r:...../io-^-^-^-- *" • | ^ ^ HI i \ \ ; • ^ y , x . - . « ^t~rz^- ../..„. _ .- _.. H ^ H

' ' ' ' ' ' I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands ^ ^ ^ Hs to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof ^ ^ B l

U/y£.yA Sec/Jr.. idkawrf'. ^Lct^>- -ve-~^ *-**R~<S^* «-<• ...^-^jf. _ j ^ H. . . ^^p-^^t^s-ift-e-^E—«™»r<-«....- /K:. ^ ^ H

Indicate point of appropriation y ^ ^ ^ Band place o f use, i f possible. - - , , . - . > , . ^ ^ HEach small square represents 10 6- T l l e means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the B^^Hacres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal S ^ ^ l

£^£itr<zZ<*<.<<< . jes£t*e*£*<S-<<<. . . . dfee , . t f c ^ ^ _ ^ ^ |

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- Bl fldrawal of groundwater &~^rXJC<£u<-<^^-*—•-».. *~f^ <&-£-*-** ***->^t?. &<?4!^i.*>*<*. a^L^^*^~ fl^H

8. The depth of water table..u£^<z->..*y<. <Z*,*'Z''-*/-*^, 2~Ljf SP -r^LeJ^...yj£/U6j^j£**~~t/ ^ ^ B

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each '.veil or the general specifications of any other ^ ^ ^ Hworks for the withdrawal of gTOundwater....y6*&'-**£*;.«-*.-r'.. - ^ s ^ j . ^ < r r ^ ^ . ..&^.<.~<«£&i-J£^f^e^rl_ ^ H B..J&4&4*^j^&...~**6&b*£Zrtt.xcy.^^ ^ ^ ^ a * ^ - ^ * * ^ •—• ' -*x. - ^ ^ H\*<Z*^.^^^eLZc^:.--..<*~~^^<..~ /.y <^.3^U^^^T.. ^M

_ at.. / H^H

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year.... S. 5. ^,. ..<•. ..**.....».-.... .%£>?!*?£..... Jf**^J.rp£r,jm^t.s' ^ ^ ^ H

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available...r^~tC,ra<~&-4 r^*S..—r^-*^ftz^ __ OBBJ

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including H ^ Hreference to book and page of anv county iwnr^ T J ^ ^ i-*^,- \~* ./• - y-«L«;l- « ~*\- - j""—'"*—< •' H ^ ^ lS&^C'-*/...jfe<-r*.<-. S/.-.YfJ?-. *-r...'•* • ?* /?>#.{../&+' ~ . jL^/^c^.. y^r^-^L. R^B

^o <?- ^A.**^' y#/ I^HSignature of Owner /J'Z<^Cc~4t.'.^..-j!<4.CLa4TXJiU2*j£'S B^H

QH*U3-..1*--/J.fi'.3f.. ^ B

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is ^ ^ ^ Hlocated • • •Please answer all questions. If not applicab.?, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ H

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of B^^KMines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. flHHJ

Page 79: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

• : • ' . ; • . . S T - T T : OF :.{:^:"•.?•.:•* • -~


h — - A

Page 80: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

.. .


— • . — - - (

G V T 2 « 5 $ » H » X E W S • " * " . . T -^ J~ , R T •—: , - / iS*• ^ i — -* - t v — • • » „ **—«•-±*&*s.



(Eiev. aix>ve sea ievei.*5.^P^_) Notice of Completion a! Grouidwaier^ *fc P &***£ Approprialioa hy Means of Well

/] J ' (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

— ' „ J ^ Driller34w*V f e i ^ e s s . f ^ ^ ' t f & r• a . A Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater . . . . . . . .

— jjj AJjL&tMj^+-*L^ D a t e w e l i stort&i/fi+^.fy.^^A Date Completed./??!*^. U./.CjQ

~~ T A T-vpe of w e l L / ^ ^ - ^ " - ^ - - Equipment Used A A / t^ /3c^U*rU«^.>~—l J J ft PJ. . (dug, driven, bored or (Chum, drill, rotnrv or W%Jk'«

_ Q j Jh^r \^**-*yf drilled) other) " «*^=^<

_ /7/\M t^lJL- Wa*er Use: Domestic & Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation •fyfl/kjt^-^^-" Industrial • Drainage • Other •

_ I %r^* /**&*****> ^ x w —- Indicate on the diagram the character a n d thickness of the different/ ^^ strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand.

— iy. /T^i otC- Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of^ l/if*T**"***** water-bearing strata and height to which the water rises in the well.

// A _JL<£» sl*e *!*• »»<• ' Tnm To ~ ""/ f V ^*^»> ot W«l«l>t of ! (F«l) (F««l) PERFORATIONS |

/. J / / 0'tUc<1 c"mi I i , wad r™» r ^ro I

1/tfXtC ^ _L_ ! ; L_ N" Static Water Level for non-flowing Well or. . feet.

— t Shut-in Pressure for Flo'ving Well ... . .

. Pumping Water Level../../. 7 ...feet at -..^. -. ...... gal. per minute.

• Discharge in gal, per mia of flowing well ..

— J ._.:„..„.,- How Tested. Z ^ v ^ V / Length of Test^^fy^L*?.

„ - - - Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-— tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any

other similar pertinent information, including number of

— acres irrigated, if used for irrigation)

Indicate location of well and~ place of use, if possible. Each— small square represents 10 acres.

mmmmmjf Show e * c t depth of bottom. J fp>

Driller's License N u m b e r ^ /"

/Drtller's Signature "/-

This form to be prepared by driller, and rhree copies to be filed by the owner with t h e County Clark and Re-corder in the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so itate. otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer: Triplicate to the School of Minesand Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 81: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


Page 82: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

File Xo— •"•*•« T I . .R ^ J ^ _ _ !





Declaration of Vested Ground water Rights ? u(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) <- > • • I L L /V{j j ft £ £ f t

i ."XLA-Cin./ C-r~J~-r-*.c~h. of. fi.x~%£z-..~3. [X^U&^JB*J(—(2£arae of Appropriates) (Address) (Town)

County oL-J/^./..$jt.h~3£:.<i>.Ji~~ -State oL----)33.s.>xf-2x.hAhave appropriated ground water according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1,1962, as follows:

• ; i ; ] 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based _

. , • ; , , ; 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-| : ; : ; : tinuous the use has been /../....~Yi..-^L.

w :—:—: : : i— E ' I T " 17*1" 17! ! * ' ' ' •

; • ! : ! ; 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in. miner's inches or gallons; ; ; .—, ,' ; per minute) V. » ./..; ; ; : : : ./] e>.r.N^v.v/ .//^.«.^.-«c--.._ic..^..ic_-

: ' : • : I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage a n d description of the landss to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

}} V/.X^fc. Sec/A. T ff. 11^3- - -Indicate point of appropriation ~and place o f use, i f possible. - m . - • i _ i • ^ * t ^ . L

Each small square represents 10 6- The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theacres. location of each well or other means of •withdrawal

f>.kX^f „ _

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawai of groundwater /./... 'XJi-. _ —

8. The depth of water table -V.P /. • * - / •

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of groundwater „ —

10. The estimated amount of proimdwater withdrawn each year [)4i.tr.>n\.&.{.. /7.JXM..S..S.—tt-.i-.t.

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available ..„.

./Jxs..4/.c.r r.<=...£. C.(K...c.4.- p>..a (?.px. v\ &>\ /fa.vr.^ro^Tv-^x

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book ami papre of any county record

.Signature of iV=« jf2*d^rr^. Lj.^^^.'.^...

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the Ccintv Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

f'rii inal to the County QTk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of.'•iin-s an i <>oioey and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 83: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


' / "M



Page 84: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion



File Xo J U L S 1 3 5 5 c.w 2 T_»_N?-.r.Jt22JL« - ~^Bjir-. _ _ _ f ' - ~ *>•E*j :r : - : . i ______ V J - . • w . . . . _ , - . _ . . County. . .F. lat; . -;j . .d

CC::5 ' - • - • - =— STATE OF MONTANA^.-t!r;:;n


| 1) Top of Ground ' " " ' ' OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER

=—}(Bil?"aboTets<>ealevels.2S75Pt..) Notice of Completion of Groondwate r

~~ ) Appropriation by Means of WellI 29 F ^ . Sand & S i l t (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

) Owner...l!M.SMhM8L .Address__*>W*« J ^ . ^ * ^ . 1 . ^ . ^ ^__ ) Route #1

j DrUler...flteniQR..S«_.PtYpuns JVddress...J?aiiSRellj..tontMla _..

I Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater

J Date well started. J4«y XQ» 1966 Date Completed !?\??*..MIJ»..1?66

~ ) Type of welL-DriY&JX Equipment Used. ...Chwcn

— / (dug:, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, r o t a ry or

( 60 Ft« Clay drilled) other)

_ \ Water Use: Domestic QQ Municipal Q Other D Irrigation Q

~ \ Industrial Q Drainage • Stock •

\ "^ES Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different~ \ strata met with in drilling, such as soIL clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand., etc.— \ Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness ami character of water-

\ bearLag strata and height io which water rises in the well.

' * Drtned i Writhtof I iF-rt) 1 (F«f) i rUtfORATHWdI — ,) H«»le ! Cailn* j j n n ) | From To

S '"' ) ' I Sbe i (Fe-) <Fe<*>

I — \ T* 1" 17# Surfsci Sottonj Hone' ! ! ! 1 !

— / . i I i i

C 25 F t . GraY Conglomerate . ' i I i' i I !

( 66 F t . BrOWl flbnglomertta Static Water Level tor non-flowing Well 46 feet. 1

- ) I—• i : I ^~^n—i •- ) ;.„.; : . . . . - . . ; : Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well •,,

j ; ;....; \—~—-: Pumping Water Level MQ feet at i? gal. per minute. ''•

) ....L...LJ...... I J....L.) ; # : : ; : Discharge in tral. per min. of flowing well) I I ! : j ! How Tested....Bail«r. Length of Test 6..HpUr«

\ | ', : : \ Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-: : "' ; : : tion of place of use of groundwater If not at well, and any

\ ; ; : _^ j ; ; other similar pertinent information, including number of

V _ \ '• • • '• 1 acres irrifratcd. if used for irrigation)

" SEiB*%»tSec.....l2 T.28M.R-22. H.__ ( Indicate location of well and"*""" i JP\»£e $£ use-JBE Dossible. Each

- C ^IfesWPr^aSSeffimes.s Bottom of w l l • 191 Ft .

^J Show exact depth q£ bottom- #101DrilWr's Licenji^ Number jf /

Driller's Signature / fl

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorderin the county in which the -well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geoloev and Quadruplicate for the Apt>roi>riator.


Page 85: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


i ' • . . • • • ' • . ' 1

. . ''• i . I

B7 IS":::• • - " . " • ' • /




Page 86: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

File So....- 3W * T R i_I

CountySTATE OF MONTANA 1. I / .7 f j ^ I


Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights < ; ^ l ^ ^(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) '


i 7jeaie^^-md...m^LA.^..H£JL o£..M<^..4A*s^..ite^^(Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)

County otJfZathjtaeL- - _ State of-J&so&zao.have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:


; ; i : . 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based—;-—••—-<— ;—;—]— ./tame., and. LUi&atacL. „ _.

, ; : : ; • 3 . Date o r approximate date o f earliest beneficial use; and how eon-; — ; tinuous the use has been Q&tohtJtx <tS39

w 1 : : 1 : \ • • «wti ^an^uuta^*^ _

' \ / ; : ; ! ' 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons-'-V j , ! ; per minntA) 1 D^f OOA ijnJJtfm p^jf ijfgA

' : ' : ' ' I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the landss to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

"rfUt f\nMtl,in ttf1 A'VKt 7dtf.

££~MtV Sec«. T2«... Uaa- - ~Indicate point of appropriationand place of use, if possible.Each small square represents 10 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theacres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal.

P^gfl WBrL . f}"mft

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater OotaJbit*. 1939

8. The depth of water table 308'.. ../eftfc...

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and d?pth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal i* groundwater ibtlLbextj & -incA <£U+ilU£f 2O8—£ee& -

10. The estimated amount of proundwater withdrawn each year "Qfi^.r, tS\5^QQQ AntMirM

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available „

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and paire of any county record .

-•"••• ""'... tt&tzi %::jbH^z::T~Signature of >^vrz,ei y l ^ f V . / : i ..</X,...<.<. ..^/.ff: */

Date^/ S.J^.:±.^.^....//. " '

Three copies to be tiled by the owner with the County Clerk ami Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

••ri^nal to the County CWk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engine-r : Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMIT-S an i Geotoery and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.


Page 87: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion





Page 88: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


" ~ . . . . . . . . . . ^ . _ - . _ >„... (

" 7 i T E W A T - -C^ERVATiON .CARD ' ^ ^ ^

File Xo /(} V-Vf 1-5 '35S G w : T_^ . . . i R. at^Z!-. I

> Z,,:: ^'r~Z" County J^-/G*Fh Cad.

~ c - - • , . . _ _ ' STATE OF MONTANA0---- - _ , , 7,' ATnHINIBTBATOR OF GROTJHDWATER CODE

| — I Top of Ground D: __ _ ^ 2 l Z Z Z l 0 F F i e E 0F S T A T K E N G I N B E E

(Hev. above sea T&rtL-AjLfTfi..) Notice of Completion of Groundwater~ scale ; Appropriation by Means of Well

/ _ ,—-ijr -*- (Under Chapter tI37. Montana Session Laws, 1961) i

_ / Space. - ~5 ' tf <=/ , ]

Owner/fW' JJ-GMuLfan. .Address. f- ^ S . * £ ^ M J ^ J J S J ^ I


jj • / ^. -*- w n ' C r| ^at l> °* ^"otice °f Appropriation of Groundwater.- I

| - \f/^)iet r i S e S . Date well startetl/3rc./^ ^^ Date Completed£?«rd. . 4<3,. V^?"

~~ -J-S* Type of well Drilled Equipment Used Qri.U— (dug-, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or i

drilled) other)

_ Water Use-. Domestic (JC Municipal [j Other • Irrigation QkIndustrial Q Drainage • Stock •

(5 iQG-tQ I /7Qa - /'/*/ " ^ * Indicate on the diajram the character and thickness of the differentstrata me* with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc.

—- Show depth at whi h water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well.

Sbt o< Sb« Md : From ; To j , _ « _ . _ _ -DriDrf Wtlcblof '.F~« lF«t. PERFOKATIONS

- How c»ta» i m, . , Tnm i To

' ; Stn (FM(> I iFwt)

~ 7" , 7" 0 P ° /-3J2- x X ! X

i , i

. i

— ' • !

= Coarse */4i~er Sa-nd - ^r

w Static Water Level for non-flowinir WHII 3>J? feet. .~~ ^° *~fr>'"lt • A I /L / >• L /_cr" «^«J// . . ; Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelL/VifT StPPIS&.Q&/&-....

;••-" — Pumping Water Level ff»O> feet at *s* gal. per minute.

" ; """' Discharge in sral. p:-r min of flowing vtiW/yOT /T.P.P'/J.'&!.&/.€-

y H»w Tested LJGu/~r~ Length of Test J STOU>~

Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-_ , tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any

other similar pertinent information, including number of

— — ' ' acres irrisratod. if used for irrigation) <

- /'.Av-V *•'<-•• J5. T--J. R.'..... .J.rn.c.o.i.c QQ.r.dz.n. a'nd l.P^'J}-_ Indicate location of well and -• *~*

place of us<-. S pos>ibl-. Eachsmall square r»-jtes,-nts 10 acres.

m^mJ^ Show exact depth of bottom. /<"" ^?/»-»..:>? ... . j

Driller's License dumber y

Drjlypes Sisrnattire

Thi.> form to '«•? prepared by driller, and three copies to b>' filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorderin t:n» county in which the •well is locatwl

P!->a-e answer all questions If net applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County CWk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer: Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geolosrv and QuadruDlicate for the ADDrorriator.

Page 89: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


' •• •• .


. ^ ^ i\I


Page 90: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

File No _ A * "*

County Z ^ * ^




Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rigm JAN Q %$$ W(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

— *"Mlt ENGINEERl ?*»* C._&JtoLBa I - §«**=* of. __.*?«*?...3JI W * 5 g 3 i — -

(Name'of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)C o n n t T of WL&thJMd.... State of— _J»™: --~have appropriated "groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, an follows:


~~1 I i i I • • 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based; : _. ; | • D o a ^ ^ g JT^«^>M>M. .--?^-<g^--ggg -

j ;—; ; ; I I 3 D a t e Qr a pp r o I i m a t e date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-

__J ! ' ; i 1 tinuous the use has been g r-rj ia&t: ! ; • : : ZQXXZSULJZ!!*!. - —i ! • > • • K D*s£jty C O T * W T H . V ^ I C T u s s

^f ""^"^"^"^"^""""T™™1™"™ i ' ' - Tz7.~. .*"J —* — — — . . « . . . . — -

1—! j r ; ; ^ T h e jmomj,. of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons

_ i _ _ i j : _ _ j _ _ . j _ per minute) &.*g3m..mMm&k

| • ; ; I : 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage a n d description of the lands' ~ " to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

«*.%.-« sec. I? T..23«..». I *^ ;^ : G f l e ^zz : : : z i r "^ i iIndicate point of appropriationMid place of use, if possible T h e m e ^ Q{ w i t h ( l r a w i n g s u c h water fwm the ground and theEach small square represents in •r — j . location of each well Brother means of wittdrawal -—***""• Pttwp waJLL jz~..J?*fm _

.7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-

drawal of groundwater. ^ ^ ^ ^ ::..::::::;:;::z:r;;;;:::i:i::r::i":

70 IWfc8. The depth of water table

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of gr°undwater....

w^^..T...ym,.JM. .*««*..«fc«p -

140,000 GalloM P«r 3**?10. The estimated amount of (rroundwater withdrawn each rear...

11. The log of formations < | ^ ^ d j y h r f ^ ° | ^

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and page of any county record

.....". -...- sse*. ^*&^...-&+...yzZa&**i£*j*=>

Signature of Owner,//<^r*£r<7- l.i...:...^'.^rf-<^-'--^^^-——^


Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county iu which the well islocatedPlease answer all questions. U not applicable, so rtate, otherwise the form will be returned.

Oripinal to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geolofry and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 91: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

' " - . . • r j ' r r ' o r ; • • . ; , V . - - , ; - s

Page 92: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

,11 ,J, ) •File .Vo aw * T IL. _ , ; __:^ :




OFFICE OF STATE ENQINEEK ; ' ' • ! , • , » . ^'' i

Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights \\. >(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) * • • • • • - L tY to 1 iY h Eft

(JCaMtjvLAp^^priator) '--' iAddress) *_ (Town)County of__^?r)6sc4*^5^ ..State of ?3rC&x<j?^~... _.have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

N j

Ij ; : ] • ; 2. The beneficial use on which the olaim is based^y^SSsWSBrt^M^^IULJ~ XOI / ~ ^ ; -

: ; ; ; . "3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial nse; and how con-

1 • ; • — tinuous th«- use has be>>n.../''*"?Q _

w • \ '• : • — — ' • B

' ; : ; ; : 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons; ; ; , : — per minute'. _ 7 J I V ^ - . . - < r ^ r — > _ _.

I • i ' ' I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the landss to which water has beeit applied and name of the owner thereof

Yea**-*- 7^yj7?'•-••.r....V4 sec ::.. T..:.:.: u.-..-.... -

Indicate point of appropriationand place of use, if possibleEach small square represents 10 •>• The means ot withdrawing such water from the ground and theacres. location of xach welL/ir other means of withdrawal

d%tZZu*./£~~yz. _

7. The date of commencement and completion of the i-onstnii'tion of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater. .

8. The depth of water table £f -

9. So far as it may b,: available, the type, si/e ami d.-pth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks foe the withdrawal of groundwater ^ „.a?.f..'.4~:^f#, 2.2.-**. &r**-yr. ZJ2UZX^<- /^y^

10. The estimated amonnt of gronndwater withdrawn each year . - P . ^&*--£*^??r::^<Z^i.IS

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well it' available. .

' ----- - - . - - - (

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may b^»usefu/ in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and pa-re of any county r>vurd /d=^2*^AL -^—..? ./f^M-^^>....^-^..ii.

Dat^C..:?X :~?^J

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the Cur.ty Oerk \v.\ Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer: Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropiiator.

Page 93: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


• : __ _ . . - v' i- sis?

1 p» . o L ^ ' . - ^ -

Page 94: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

• IICW2 -_W - - N E W S 7 _ .J...j...R~._..~L. (_" I

F Nc- County. .i^C^5dsUejC-.TRIPI ICATF S T A T E ° F M 0 X T A * A


(Eiev. above sea level .£/?$* ft Noiice of Completion of GroundwalerAppropriation by Means of Well

,t v ( (Under Chapter 237. Montana Session Laws, 1961)

A Owner.V^r^V-. hre^TWft i * fcWdfes "^ < . ? ^ • ^ .^ t r . r

~~ A •-, Dr i l l e r . / < ' r« r»T^/^^ i^^

/ ' v i X 1 1 ^ Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater . .... ...

» - . Date well starie4s6Ms*£/ y S^Date Completed^r^^^ify/^.fr?

~ T- TyPe of well "'•-<-A^oi6dJCte • Equipment Used....^y.l/'..^*-*r'r^^/ A J\ jfiAst*JLi'*C (iufeT. driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or BpV**-*.'*1// ^ drilled) other) *

_ •'/ Water Use: Domestic Jft Municipal • Stock • Irrigation QIndustrial Q Drainage • Other Q

_ h- /-%_-</ J@ ••"?.": Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different/ Ls^ v ' —*" strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand,

— etc. Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of<Zf <L —""" J J water-bearing strata and height to which the water rises in the well./<> -frr ______

•S Sbi> Size and I From . To Iof WeiCht of ! <F**t) (Feet) j _ PERFORATIONS

— Drilled Casint j 1 •' K , ^ | F r o m i T o

_ ( / •~-^_*rJS£<l<' --- -"- .-•-—::-—::•:=-- --~—=^- -. _ _ = _ _ - - = _ = , - , - r = — — : ... - - T r _ = _ _ _

t7 s Static Water Le%rel for non-flowing Well ... ieet.

; . - Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well ...

- — . - Pumping Water Level feet at '.._/ gal. per minute.

Ob-char^e in gsl. per min. of flowing well . . ..— w , _ : E ~ ^ ; .. ,. •— ._ ; _.. _. How Tested. / .£ i-XJ_?-'\_ Length of Test x ^"^f . .^<_(r .

— — . _ . . . . . . . Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-— tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any

other similar pertinent information, including number of

acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) ,

ftW .*:»5E Sec./ _- T 3% R 3-*~Indicate location .if well anflplace of use. if posiib'.e. Each

— small square rppresenu 10 acres.

_ _ _ _ Show exact depth of bottmn. / \^*

Driller's License Number

Driller's Signature f

This form to be prepared by driller, ar.d three cop^ "= to bo filed by the <^wner with the County Clerk and Re-corder in the county in which the well is located.

Piease answer all question. If not applicable, .--o -a;-..-, •-.ti-.t-r.vise the form wi'l be returned.

Oriiiinal to the County Clerk and Recorder; du: l:c^t.e •- :--e State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Minesand Quadruplicate for t h t Appropriator. -

Page 95: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

r ' :


Filed on the-fday ot hfiAfuX.A.D 19 4f.at&:*l6Cloc([^M

j & ^ --—. Counly C.'iri and Rucotdet


. f.




Page 96: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

File Xo " 3w-« T JJ "

County ..JJL.J~.ll ._IT\STATE OP MONTANA : z ^ ^ \j j


*™1 — 1 1

IDeclaration of Vested Ground water Rights

(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

! Sfe^y^^ of fL-iLJZJL fl^TC^^ (Name, oLAppropriator)^ (Address) jr—" (Town)

County of. %?£*$&Z>+Qr&..- _JState of Zfa <fttt/&~&&..

have appropriated ground-water according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

N y 1

\ ; \)s'" ; ; • 2. The beneficial use on which the claLn. is baaed... _ . ^ ? r _ j C * ? . t . _ / C ^ ! ^ t

• : ; ~i 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and h o w con-

—-; ; : , — ; !— tinuous. the use has b^en... Cfi?_ ^ ^ r < - < # . . . . ^ *^C?<>?^k.: : ; ; ! : - Z v - u ^ / (r*<^< ^i >*-ir-c>-*- jsj^t-t-o., /^fc<*—«!?3r

w —|—:—;—'—\—; ;— z Jlt.-P-o.^.^'• [" ; : I 4. The amount of groundwatsr claimed (in miner's inches or gallons I

: i : : ': | ,j*±JjjR)l.« _ 3..-.JA».^~tK*../toj2n*i*.

I ; ' : ' • I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of t h e landss to which water h»s been applied and name of, the owner thereof

% sec.4?. iz&K.'zz.tf jur*<^""' _\ : ^ ^ Z A 2 ^ I ? _ Z I I I Z : Z Z Z 'Indicate point of appropriation ' "and place of use, if possible. .Each ^mail square rpprescnts 10 b- T l l e means of withdrawuig such water from the ground and the

tf acres. location of each welL or other means of withdrawal

I >r£-^pT_ <t /7^1-^V!»* jfe*-«<m/5i.:.. .„ _._.

| ' •'- "5 7. The date of commencement and-completion of the construcljflii^of the« well, wells, or other works, for joth-I drawal of groundwa^er 1&Z*r. ^ ^ ^ V n S - ^ Z ^ O 1 ^ . . . J . . . . . . e ^ r ^ ^ i ^ ^ ^ - J S t O d ^ . . . . ^ k

I 8. The depth of water table ^rfi trTV 9^<rt^'^s/ --4--Trr/...rf^...ri^^&L ?J£

I S. oo far as it may bo available, the type, size anji-d»pth of eac11 well or the general specifications of ajjv otherworks for the withdrawal of eroundwater !7-- l^- tr*'..<*^- <*-.y..<?^«^*.. ^^rC/.....^ir^<^fl,...^i^r^^....j^^ 'z..fi*r ..« raT...

10. The estimated amount of croumiwater withiirawn each year -A..7. .y..^'..^......^*^....".

11. Th<*Jog ofy formations enaayntered in tfce drillini: of^aeh well if a«ulable •^f^7....?r^^?^Sr?r^*r'.

12. Such other in/ -.naticn of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying.' out the policy of this apt, includingreference to book and pajre of any county record ^ r^y^^r^^.7^<ph^.J^. '^. . . . . f*'i j . :^Ct0L*r%r^

1 . . . ' Sienaturp of Owner f/O^r1-^.. "L../l(U<fr*?!$r?*T^..

^I'-f,. . fr'f&rc i ^ : f V - •"' r^j^v. D a t e AJ^_C*!:i:_ij>^_Ji_2^....U.^Z.

Three-copies to be 'iled by t h e owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

f'ri^ir.iil to th»- County Cl-rk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofJin 's ar. 1 Geoloey aud Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 97: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

- . J

Page 98: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

II File No..^1*" c w : T-J^.'-'. R. fr.fr....


I ~ (Sev. above m level. .<8«L-....> Notice of Completion of Ground waterI ~ „ „ ., ,. Appropriation by Means of WellI _ 2-8 BPOTm Clay rr ~ *I (Under Chapter 237. Montana Session Laws. 1961)

I _ 8-24 Gray S i l t Sand Qvng^o^^^_ Johns ^ d d r e 3 SJal ispoi l

I ~ Driller.0??.^ ..S...D?.Young Addre<<8 Ka^spallI ~ 24-48 Holders Clay

I Date of Xotice of Appropriation of Groundwatcr

L - Date well started A ~ 5 - 6 8 Dale CompletedA"^.?"*^.. .

I ~~ Type of well. . . ^ i v a n Equipment Used. . ? l iurnI _ 4 S - 1 1 2 Gr t i y G l a c i a l (dug, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary orI Cong* drilled) other)I Water Use: Domestic j2§ Municipal [j Other [5 Irrigation QI Industrial Q Drainage • Stock Q

112—155 Brown «^£j Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different~" Glacial COBS* strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc.— Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-

bearing strata and height to which water rises in the welL

155-161 Brown £S£ ^~ HSZl E£ ,r«, raaro«^M>p«

— ?"0D j 7" CD iurfa^e to E^t, 180 192! 20, . ; j 1/4

— 181-193 Brov,n Sand : ; j ; x& Graval II 1/4

Total Depth _ * =_ _= -== ^ — — - ^ —

* Static Water Level for non-flowing Well 3 feet.

— . . . Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well

-; ' Pumping Wat->r Level I ' l . feet at " A ? . gal. per minute.

""" Discharge in iral. per min. of flowing well<* '• <—— • • K

_ How Tested •'- .L~•-' .... Length of Test _ r . r ; » ."i* ^:«:ap

I Remarks: TGravel packing, cementing, puckers, type of shutofr, Icca-" tion of place of use of groumlwater if not at well, and any

other similar pertinent information, including number of

_ i i I.I i : ' acres irrigated, if useii fur irrigation;.11.0.. IU. 12 2C 22

— U Sec. T .... R_ Indicate location of well and

place of use. tt passible. Each3tuall square represents 10 acres.

^ ^ ^ Show exact depth of bottom. 1 0 1

Driller's License Xumber

Driller's Sfgnaturt /' '

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owLer with the County Clerk and Recorderin t:ie ounty in «h;.-h th-» well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to th* State Engineer: Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMines and Geoloev and Quadruplicate for the Aooropriator.

Page 99: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


Filed on tb*/£dar °* (-QtJ~~rfi.D.l9£JSLa.t^££o'CtodClM

pv—CocntrCiok gadAaeordw






>- _____ _ "•

Page 100: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

aSgS»3 GW : Rcvtvcu iw.9 County.J.."..l.u./!..;..£?.£ Ci !....


MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD n e s s rf s t r a t a s y c h as ^ d a y s e n d


Developed after January 1, 1962

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session laws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground <H_. lbm m )e«n £9J&_This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed F—•» ; Toby the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in 'Fwt> j ' F " t )

which the well is located, last copy tc be retained by driller. j Q \ / f \ =_._?_1_^Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the ! jform may be returned. ;

Owner A*.g. AskJLJSLCSm.-. • For Adfninistrator-S Use I j \ •

Address ../£l.-f..rr 3_._ R!e/O£2 '' , A , i "S 7~TJT~J

lu..L.^.u..AL^t Ouy#tfym wooa* ;—4—[Date well started &...:.y.....(:.j..'...j.3.*LGW 1 ' j

completed //Jj..yi../..J^..^.:Jmi , j

Type of well LJ.fi.JL.1 J.GLQ. _.._ ' \'Dug, dhira. bottd or drilled) '

Equipment used Jf.A...'..J. _ \ -•••• -| ,—•»•*———.-ii—-i4^—-—_C 1.£ —.-—(Chum drill. rm*rj at other) | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

IWater Use: Domestic _•> Municipal • Stock • Irrigation • ! —I —._——. ——

Industrial • Drainage • Other •* Garden/Lawn • ; — "~ _ — —

%Describe - i c. j 'Hi'" -^^TT-Z'TuTT^T'USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, \ ^ ~f~arl{>

state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block i — : — ~"

and Addition). i .i i


SU< M ! Sh* —* I Fraa i To " • . . i ••DrtfM ! Wrlckt , tF«c<) (F«e«) I PtR»ORATIOMS |Rote ' •* CMlut I \ ; -f T— ——

I i I 1 KUul , From To ; , I _ _ _ _ _] I : Sbo | (F««) (Fcot) |

1 7 oLA ' '• ' 7 3 ~T?~S'~/?C'<J ~^~n~'j ^>~~3-ur\ G\/V3\ < \ < x _ _ _ ' _ ' _ 1 J _ . _ < _ _ * : — _ .

i-v ' \ ' i I L_______________-_____i I ' I _ _ ji i • i * i! i l j ! • j

i I ; 1 Static water level y "Tr. ft.* I; i Pumping water level ?..<?. ft.* '.+ ,_.,: ! , _j J at --^i gallons per minute, j .• -/' ~Y~.\ \ measured-^^'minutes after pumping: j !

began. * ~T T ~" ~*; ; "Measured from ground—level. '• ' I• ; Wei! developed by .'.^/....-'Z.f- •: '. for ..'y hours. i ): '• Po^ver Pump HP j

Remarks. (Gravel packing, cemenring, ; .packers, type of shutoff) •

!J .. \ Sec . . . .- - - —T ^ R j_ J.. ,...^ / -^u ' - t - . .4 , V- -"'. -•: ^i. -. _..; -J


- ^ • ^ • r —Driller's Signature ...y'r^^^^^'-:r:..<^^-^-*~^,*~: —_.. . '

.;v. -. - • / / — ;

Driller's Address . i . . . . - . -; . . ...' .• .' .• i. _j _ T . £ ; ' . ' / . . .... • —

. ' - ' • - ' • • - . " ."- . ' . . . S . ' . / 4 J LICENSE N O . . / X 3 . -^^Zj Show exact depvh of bottom

S/y 0 68

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r . ' ... .;;• m i . . . . ••!- ' . T ; £ J . ; : ; ' , * U . • . F J . , . . • ' • . ' . . • . > j - , . . . '. • J r ^ . .

• . : ? & s ? i : ^ t i : ^ i ? . - ^ : - . - - : • ; ! : • . I * • : • " • - * • :' • • ' ' , / • • ; • < • ! •• • • • " . c » i a . i . : r : : h i ! ' v ' - : ; i \ ; - * : ; v < " •. . •••.-.••••..; . : • • . . . - . - • • • . / • • , • \

t ^ . ' y i ; ^ 1 ! t e i ; | ; a i S S r / ' i l ^ : * i ' ' r - ; ! ' ; ' ' ^ ' l l > L - ' 1 ''•• i1'. '""' '" '::*'" •'-"-.'.• " !,•'• • • • ' • • . ' •

I • - • : t e ; l « a ^ , ; ™ ; | . , & : - f p , , ' . - » : . - • ; • . . . . ' • ; : : ; . i 1 ' i . ! ' . . • ! < • • ; • • • '... • ,.•" .

5 :J# i# lS ; ! | ; ^ : i : i L' :r -.Vt l r;" :..•'. -'-^ Filed an. tlw^iday0* ^ s r ^ -

r j » - j i ; i i v , ^ , J r . . , i r ; - J : - . . ' S . , : ; , j tr

B . - i K - u - . ' - i . . . • ' :•• + . • • • • • • > . ' • • • • • • . ' • • _ 6 L _ S L ^ - * * - *

: \ ^ ^ r ; ; ^ i ^ . : r : ; • • ; • , • • • / ' • ' • • • • • / • , ; . S ^ — £ « m £ T : '

p : ' • ^ • ' . • . : . ; : {<: ' . • . " • • / 1 " ; "

i ' " ^ M " - : - ' : ; , - ;,,-- • " •

Page 102: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

H Pile No aw 4 T _ _ _ l _ _ J R - ^ - - ^ ^ - _ , „_ I

I : ' - •-1: / .iiFny II County__ HJ4_ II 8TATE 0? MONTANA Jhi* 6 \$&i i—/ II ADMINIBTRATOa OP GBOUNDWATSB CODE ,- • ,-, r _ II 07FI0X OT STATE ENGINEER * * ' K i ! |V r - "} I

1 Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights II (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

I i Yiyiflca KinafaelLa. Managhaa , cf _ Ya1i»p«ll II (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) II County o£ ELathead. _ State of —Montszut II haTe appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follow*: I

I ! ; ; ! ! ! 2 . The beneficial use on which the claim i s based- I

I —;—;—: j — ; — j — toadcatop^... service, atatlcu, • ~aQd~gaxd«a-use I• • ; ; ; ; i 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how coii 1• . . ; • ; ; tinuous the use has been _ 1

I '; ; i j i ! 1935 __ „ __ 1

I " —•-—;—:—'—;—;—r~ K - - - - II ; ; : : : : 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons I• . , . . ' • « j •

• ; ; ; ; ', 1—~' per "inutel.-.. -• — . _ I

I i S i : ! : W.t!&...B&1uw...^-.JZm£k. 1 _J. II '• ' • ' ' I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands II g to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof I

I tili a- v t_"X«.?»' • :::::::::::z..:'i=r.=Z'riir=zz:iz II Indicate point of appropriation ~ ~ II and place of use, i f possible. . . . . . . . , . II Bach small square represents 10 6- The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the II acres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal _ I

I 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- 1I drawal of groundwater I

I coopleted 1&..1935.. _ I

I 8. The depth of water table 185 f e e t „... I

I 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other I

I works for the withdrawal of groundwater.... I

I 6 inch caa ing I

I 10. The estimated amount of proumlwater withdrawn each year * »^QMJLWM)...£/ftXlQnS...p9r. yOCT.. I

I 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilline of each well >f available. I

I 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying; u<it the policy of this act, including II reference to book and page of any county record. . I

I fj?*'*~*~^"';?¥,^'^/y?££ku£«-~^, II Signature of Ovrn*TS~^^<..A.*:^:'j^.Jj.L&:.-x:~<?>~rrXt.£^L.^-s' a

I Date \?.-: $.±-r..i.r..-:.JZ.. ... I

I Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is II located. ' II Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

I Oripinal to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of II Mines and Geolofry and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. 1

Page 103: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

^gf^ - ...

Page 104: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

1I 7I File No ow* T-j2lA/.lL-JL^-{jh>^....| STATE OF MONTANA



I Declaration of Vested Groundwater Right; **I (Under Chapter 237. Montana Session Laws, 1961) * • L C l\ {j } ^ r r n

I UdsJu* -J$5C<JA*k *-£&-£ JaL^sM^• (Nameof Appropriatori (Address) / ' (town)I County ot~J~L/Jk.lrJk.£<LxL -State oL.-./#0Jto..'r'JMJ&• have appropriated grotmdwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

I * / ,I ; , : : , ; 2 . The beneficial use on which the claim is b^ed..Mr.P^I*^..^..T'l^r..

i znznZSZJZJZ • • " • ~~ "• : : , ; ; ; 3 . Date o r approximate date o f earliesj beneficial use; and how eon-I -—: ; '• :— tinuous the use has been a/.*<../<&...Y.1?.*../.£jS'~.Z.

I w ~~i—;—; ;—!—:— E Co^^/^</4>y^IZZZ~I ; ; ! : ' . ; 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches, or g&UbnsI : .„ . : j j—2t-_ . ; . _ per minute) JS~&OL&...^

• ' : '• • I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands• s to which water has been applied and name of the^wner thereof

I ^ //u <?cv-e A.a.i^.nt ..M^MKiiI Indicate point of appropriation ~ ""I and place of use, if possible.I Each small square represents 10 6- The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the• acres. location of^each well or other means of withdrawal AJL?.4 /./....I a %.-. •*+• if... Q+. fihLUJL*L _ 1_

I 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the wey, wells, or other works for with-I drawal of groundwater ^Uttf /->""" /^f..S~~? -t"4tA,i'\.(fl.-*.Q.. «/_U../.v l.\

I '*J"7 j. -"I S. The depth of water table /V^/.^^" _

I 9. So far as it may bo available, the type, size and depth of.each well or tha general specifications of an^ other• works for theAwith.dra\|Hil of groundwater. £ * S ^ C T uJ If..//. £ .'.'....Q.i.Q-.iAl.tJr^'.fi,....I }q.tr\ «££ <y^4f i-Hf- j••*••*•••• fou.-ni../} ^Ll+x^-f.*,:*-

I 10. The estimated amount of groundwat»»r withdrawn each year...^?.wO .(I.C.v?. ...lUQ^j./.&.B-.y

1 11. The log o£ formations encountered in the drillinir of each well if available /.ty. Jt.M.r..TV...<-..f>

I SLai t ~~. /.CO.±.t <2/Ay..v->flC)if _ G + AU.C.J. j*.jC*>i.o.l*.Jr

I 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingI reference to book and past-' of any county record

I Signature of f-«m« y^'^^^c/l^i

I Three copies to be tiled by the owner with the County Clerk ind Recorder of the county in which the well isL located.I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

«'ri-.;iMl to th-Ounty CL>rk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofM:-i-s if. ! Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 105: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion



: I

• •;' - ; " • * • ' C - 1

• 1 "'•• ' ' '. f,""~1 •* /"

••••• ::;i??£?°ffje

;J Xl'&^ • ;





Page 106: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

File No.- '3*« T!^JLSjl.S^A^zJ^r2




Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

l...Archl.c. .,_HrtI«nn.>...porothy__G.__J^Jenn of_..3-T?.Ll«_?r!y« _ Kallspell(Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)

County of .Fjathesd._ S t a t e of__ j«ontana_have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

; ; I X ; ; ; 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based—; —;—:— : ; ;— Household use and..sone_I,rr_Ijg£tjon _

, I ; ; ! ; 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-. ; ; ; ; ; tinuous the use has been. „.: : ; : ', : I95] - continuous s i n c e then _ _ _ _

W • ; ; 1 ; • 1 «

; I : • : j 4. The amount of groundwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons—:—j—i ; :—: — per minute) 35Q gaHo^s. .per. minute.

! : ' • I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage ant] description of the landss to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof

Ten acres owned __V£>kt/M/^J.k T*£ *.*h - -Indicate point of appropriation "and place of use, if possible. . . . . ,Each small square represents 10 6- T n e means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theacres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal. ~

. +juap Approximately. 2£lQ.f.ee.t..5.QU.tb ..of...thanorth boundary close..to..the. center.. _. _.

7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater UnknoMi

8. The depth of water table 15.1 f e « t

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of groundwater Hot available.

::::::::::z::::~:::~:z::::::::::::::..: ::'i:::::::::::::::;::::::::z:i:z"zi:::"""z:z:10. The estimated amount of proundwater withdrawn each year JSOtQ.QQ..2?.!.!.9.ns...0.?r...Y«^.r.

11. The log of formations encountered in the drillinsr of each well if available tot.avail a b l e

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and pa-re of any county record None

Signature of <~Wnri. ,, lu^rA^. <L^ ^./..-..rrr^C^r^-^^

! Date Aecenter..30^^.362

Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

Orti.in.tl to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMi-i-s ani Geoloey and Quadruplicate for the Appropriaior.

Page 107: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

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- - .1- nJile No. .... - J T E WATZS CC*MFrT/'-.TlC^aOARD T_!»_.M...R_.2L»S L

JAM 10 '557 Count:-..JF.lathead

B .__ •:.-:• •--— * STATE OF MONTANA« • ' - - • ' ' T & B S H N I S T R A T O R OF GROTJNDWATER CODE

1—1 Top of G-rlSd cl' * OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER• ' — y C : ; - . ; ; • .- -' •••••" *" "" ""

iHev. above sea ieveLc393&jE*»:) Nofhwof Completion of Groundwater

^_ _> 8 Ft. clay Appropriation by Means of Weil ;) (Under Chapter 237, lloulana Session Laws, 1961)

) QwnrxMfi.MV.^L.M/M*JZ-AMx*X-- _ - -_ ) Route #1

> DnJer_.*W!^A-_.9»yi>W>a Address KMilMUa..MSR*SSa -f 68 Ft. Silt$and ant

J SP^Y City Df.te of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater

1 Date well started. ...*?*•..22f..W$$..Date Completed-.*!*?....??.*...*'??*.

~ ) Type of welL .9£iy*?l Equipment Used ?hV*?>.— J (du?, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or

\ drilled) other)_ £ Water Use: Domestic Q| Municipal D Other • Irrigation D

4 Industrial • Drainage Q Stock •

7 ~ tS Indicate on Ine diagram the character and thickness of the different~ r strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sana, oicm- m J Show depth at which ^a^^r is encountered, thickness and character of water-

* bearing strata and height to which water rises in the well.

\ _ _

C 30 Ft. Dart fcrom %& I ^ K l i 5S \ ™ *****n*.- j sandy d n y Hole ! c"tat ' **** I f""" ! T»— I T 0, D. 7" 0, D, ! Surface Bot ow iione

< 17# i

— ! i iP ) • w l l hrok«n yaafc ' ' ' — : ' ! =

\ J* Static Water Level for non-flowing Well SO feet.

"=~"" "* )| ; : : I • : ! I- #-«-«x—W—4 -J»--=U i.—- Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well

~— —gC -3-ffi*J^g^fL-' i i ^ i ^ F f ^ 0 l Pumpin{r Water L.-vel 9Q feet at . .» gal. per minute.

~4 : '• ' ; • Dischargre in cal. per min. of flowing well

| ; : : ; How Tested. Ba l f? Length of Test Iff.HP.VPtf.

' '• . : : Remarks : (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, tynt- of shutoff. loca- !

_ : "~~ : ""' , ; tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, a n d aDy:_ • : ; other similar pertinent information, including n u m b c of

_ ' ; : ' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation;

**** Sec..-.12 T.28..NR..22. f._ Indicate location of well and

place of usf, if possible. Eachsmall square refllesents 10 acres.

l ^ ^ J Show exact depth of bottom. U0# JQJ

Drijler "s License. JJumbtr

Driller's Signature / /

^ /Thus form to be prepared by dxiller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorderin the county in whiirh thf •w ll is k.-ati'il.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the O —.ty Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer: Triplicate to the Montana Bureau orMines and Geolog-v and QuadruDlicate for the ADDroDriator.

Page 109: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion




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' ' ^


_3/*»? cw 2 Roi«e*i tw County. J__Jj£-i7r.-i.- > ~

STATE OF MONTANA DRILLER'S LOGADM.N.STRATOR O F GROUNDWATER C O O ^ _ . _ . _ . . . . . . . ^ ^ , h e c h a r 8 C t c r # ^ t W c k .

MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARO ^ _ . : . . , ;__ . __,_ o f s , r a , a s u c h __ ^ ^ . . ^

NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER s r a v e l - s h a ! e < s a n d s t o n e . etc- Showr

APPROPR.AT.ON BY MEANS OF WEIL * j * - ^* IT H J ^Developed after January 1, 1962

(Under Chapter 237 Mont«n» Session U w i , 1961. m% .mandej) Top of Ground (EI~. «bt~ .«i--oThis form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed r—— T-by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in t | r"° , "'wt>

which the weil is located, last copy to be retained by driller. | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the I ;form may b e returned. j ^

- • _ _

' Owner / P j j j i r- J3-. / \ (n , r~ rl I _ _ . , . . _ _ _ , ,, 1 j 1For Administrator s Use

Address )\cu.t& 3 File S-LjZ •

> h*- ^iftp^./'/i VI f r ' 1 .,.••,• -- ^ • ' " ; v

Date well started , GW 1 ......> -il^.^—_^ll: — - — — — . — — — —• •—

completed — — — — — — — — — —•— ••

Type of well ~~Q./T.J.J..IJZ.A(Dug. drino. bored or dnD«d) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Equipment used ^Z.JajcJ.(Chora drill, fotM7 or other) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Waler Use-. Domestic QT Municipal • Stock Q irrigaiion Q

Industrial Q Drainage Q Other Q* Garden/Lawn n

USE: \\ used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, .s.Mte number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block \ ~

and Addition)

ESTIAAATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL JRtLJZl.<jS.ljiju....DjiJ2£j<^a.phcsi -

SU« •< Sin and F~-> T» —— — — — __—___—-__—_-———————————- —Drtlf*. Wtldit (F—I) (Tt-t) PERFOitATlONSHal* • ( C»U« -— — ~ _ _ _ . -

Slw (FMU tF««O ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

j _—.—_• —._—.- . - _ _ _ _ _ — . _ — — _ _ — — . _ - — — —I ^ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ i _ _ _ _ _ —

I —J • *


' I j I • I Static water level ft.*I | Pumping water level ft.*-| -! at „ g.illons per minute, _'• • measured minutes after pumping _ _ _ „ _ _ _ _; ! began. .

yf ' • | * — — — — — • —

; ; 'Measured frv. i ground level. _^_ ____,__, _,_ _! | Well developed by _j j for hours. _ _ .{ • Power ._ Pump HP ___; | Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _

" packers, type of shutoff) —

^± V* .i-u-..1/* Sec^J. ~* Zj N R.______ £ „ „

•g" y ^



Driller's Signature _ —— • • —

Driller's Address I ' IL'CENSE NO Show exact depth of bottom


— A

Page 111: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

"' op *: . ; - * * • - : * ! «

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I File N"o 3W 4 T _: 3 I


I Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rkjht£Mtil!VEf.? II (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

I i -j^al^M c^A^4,c^..ci^. of. „ '. £. -—±iJbJ*LI (Naine of AjjpropriaUr) (Address) (Town) I1 County of -•/..: ..i..L>S.l..C.[ .State of •L<LLC?..£?E^.±-tZ*5=z. I• have appropriated grcundwater iccording to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows: I

I ' . " ^ II \. ; >!' : ' ; 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is baaed.- —J-.^L/. _i;?rJ t""" IW ': : J : : : l- • -j tdt^' ""/ :"Zi zc:~r ^-•••-^y^^ 7 I

I ' \' "^ ; . 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- I• , \ _ tinuous the use hasjieen _. :. '.—i '.^ <.f. il. ^ I• ; ; ; : : ; ' ' - *~ t r <-< * ' ' ' n ^ '-' '(-< — _ < * ' — - ? 1

I w —\—•—;—'—•—:—:— *• y/A ; '':-^yij/ijz'zz7..~nnz^iEEi^n^'.'s^L- -- I• "'• '• : • : 4. The amount of ground'rater claimed (in miner's inches or S9^oi>%-^/^i I

I '. _„; '; : :—.; per minute)... ..r. ..J:.. 1 ^ ' - A - :.. .".^lirrZ.__L._JllZf_Z. ' * I

I ; ' • 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands II s to which water has been applied and name; of the owner thereof II .... •- ( w t , . . r : ' ' : : . — ..*r.* (L....l..'^./<^r.<^r. y--~+ II Vi.--» Sec./£.. T. <&rtl.«H/ •' • — i^ . ."... , ^ -Z.._ _. II Indicate point of appropriation II and place of use, if possible. . II Each small square represents 10 «». The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the II acres. location of each weil or other means of withdrawal ._.„.'..-.X.^," I

I 7. The date of commencement and completion of the wjnstruetipn of the well, wells, or other*"Works for with-I dc&wal of groundwateiw ). —J*~' - T ^ A * f- -;*/>' '* **? —y')^rr^r - t - - - ^r-fm.h.s^z^'I .... ..L '..l .k ...f. 'y*~L.<S\... . . . _ • > t-r. e ' - - - ^ 7 * - * / . . ^ . . ^ ^ . ^ . . . < ^ . . . . L & . r ? ^ ^ . . . . . < ? f e ! » 7 < ^

I 8 . The depth o f water table - ^ - ....? ^ ^ • • - l ^ :..:. tl.T^

I 9. So far &a it may be available, the type, size anj dt*pth of each welter th* general spyilications^of any otherI works for the withdrawal of groandwater.. ""'. "" ......V>*CA«.frr~: J'L:....*rkL\. :......rf....y.r.... v - ^ < -

I ,;. ...:.jfrt-U - . w , . ^ . -

I 10. The estimated amount of proundwater withdrawn »>ach year —-. I..., /..„.'„...rri—i ..L

• ~" '\ 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of «>a«h well if available ; :.~. '.!:.:.. —' . .

I 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying oat the policy of this aet, ijrclndingI r-ference to book and pa:re of any county record . ,. . -Jr. "f.I : . i . . . ~ - • - • ' • • • . ! < • * " ^ V - l - : - - ^ V /

I / ''. -t -> 1 • , " f ' ^ * -^ *T ' - y

• Signature ••>' nvrzee . / -." - . ' . . . . . -...,"-.:.'..::.:+...r...--..r

I -'• _ - ' _- /. -;I Date -'....-• *....'... "-../ -

I Thr^f copies to be tiled by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well isI locate''I I'l-'a-.e answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

I <'r::. ;.n •.' >••; ih» T-'anty Cl-rk and Recorder; duplicate to the 'ita't: Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofI ."••:-•—5 -r. '. G-oloey and Quadruplicate for the Appropri^.'-ur.

*3* + 1

Page 113: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

OS.. ^ «^.

Page 114: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

I File No w T__l£_ll._JB .L . I_£ l_

I County__ZIJ:.£-L2.Sji 1I STATE OF MONTANAI ADMINIBTBATOS OF GBOUNDWATEB CODE ^I OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER i - ^ ,'I ;. ^ - ' | i !I Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights'" --- •• u iS63 —I (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) - - _ _ II - u u -11<-i !/•!•;• ^

I l-Al-i-en-^-—-o-p--V.i-?-=-i-ai£.-r-t-eii* -. of at-—.3 - j j3 j . - l . s r .a l lI (Name of Appropriator) (Address) * (Town)I County o f—r la t -hacd —-State of—Loiitans. _1 have appropriated ground-water according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

, . . : . . . ,I ; ; ! ! I ! 2. The beneficial use on wb'ch the claim is based—._ivc«SJ»ir-«-l-el II •—, .„.;.—:„ :—| ;— c, ^ c.4^,% >.. Lj.u.e.S.i.GcA...- - -

W • i ; : ; '; 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con-I 1 '. :— : : 1 tinuous the use has been >A\.*....l.-:..?.k.j....^.t.e.£.CvT. _ „...

I w —\—\—i H—L~ E z : : z . ::::::::r::::::::::::::::z:z::::zz::::::.:iI i l l ! ' * • The amount o f groundwater claimed (in miner's inches o r gallonsI ; i 1 i : per minute) f5......C{.c^ll.aiL.<i, p.j?_»:_..._4^V^ltl.i.— _..

E :„„;__: ;_j , --I I ' • I : • I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands II g to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof II .. Used i ' c r ..e^.;.'.den...3c.r..iniclinc-I i\«L_%l".4 Sec 12 . T.-2& It-Sk- -I Indicate point of appropriation ~I and place of use, if possible. ^ _ . * • i i • u « j . u J J » I -I Each small square represents 10 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and theI acres. location of each well or other means of withdrawalI . . . «ubmersa l . l e xts-r. ,-7.Q^..£.t-.-.sx!.uth—c.£...iu;.rt.h.-I . .bcundary i n d . o . ft .....eaa.t-or—-«-»Rt -bftUTvnja^rr—I 7. The date of comm« ncement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-I drawal of grounds ater.-Cc ra ffiXRC.emt.Lt . . d u a . i i S ^ , C.aro.f. i.e.liiJ.n. C.ct. .I.1£T?

I 8. The depth of water table ISC : t,

I 9. So fa/ as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other

I 10. The estimated amount of pmundwater withdrawn each year ,..C C ^ L . t .<j...a,.i.i.ft.hJi

I 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well ;f available C l . a . .y . . . r . . . S.ii.n.jd. ..^i.r.4.uc. I

I reference to book and page of any county record . , \ u . .. C t h * i. i.f\.t cv. .Al\.O»...i.il.jrV

Signature of Owner..,/?/ .^V>.... '']L..<?.LU.A..C^. :Urf>^«-&*-

Date jj:?.c....i,..i + ..L'Ui.2 1

Three copies ' be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bar«au ofMines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 115: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


.... • ^A , \

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File Xo GW z T__2g~?j S aa-jy. _ _.

Count>" HsfchstdSTATE OF MONTANA r—-v «,

ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWA1 :£» j » v £ 1 V £ fr?^. Tm nf army,* , _ „ OFFICE OF STATE ENGINltfRj jI I - I°E # Si2Pa.d_ 6 Ft. Surface lcaa "u -mQ £I jgcq 'ilj

j (Eiev. above sea levd. 3025 ) Notice of Completion of Groundwater7 ( 34 ?t. ciay Appropriation by Means$of WeflVGlNEER

\ (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

""""""* ) Root* # 3 - 3 Mile Qrit*~" ) Owner-LBOSardBleba -Address_jatli8|jeair-^QHtM»

7 ) Driiierfiarflon^JWamg Address--feS^£ri--ttent«ittr

\ Date of Notice of Appropriation of Groundwater

( - \ Date well started JrQy 25$ 1963^ Date Completed..4agBafc...ry)r-.3;9g3

: Type of well DriiTOE. Equipment Used -ChtK&— * (dag, driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or

) drilled) other)_ ) Water Use: Domestic gj Municipal • Other • Irrigation D

'% Iridustrial • Drainage Q Stock •' "^tS Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different

~ I strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc.— , ^^ <1__ __ Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-

I 79 I t . Broun eongtonarate b e a r i n g s tra ta md a e i g h t t0 w n j c h w a t e r ^^ m the WCILSlwaf j S n w l i Fi«« j T^ j pmrniTinwDrOM ! W,Wtf«t <F«t) i (F«t) I PERFOKATlOfW

I— Halt ' Cttmt ! Klad Fra* T*

O i ! Sto <f«D (TwO

7« 7« - 2q# j lop jBottoo Hone- j ~ j f 4 I t » Snd & graval :*= Bottoa of W«ll 213 f t . | |

_ ' |

i ; Iw Static Water Level for non-flowing Well g£ feet.

— : ; j . . : ; : Shut-in Pressure for Flowing WelL -; ;-•--• '[•---[ Pumping Water Level 1 2 3 feet at 25 gal. per minute. |

;* , * : : Discharge in pal. per min. of flowing wellv, : ; 1 ; , ; c

_ ; : : How Tested W«»^1f|» Length of Test. ^ hour8

Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca-__ " : tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any

\ _; ' other similar pertinent information, including number of

'• : • • ; • ' acres irrigated, if used for irrigation)s

— NW vjV... Secl2H« 188.... R22J/.Indicate location of well andplace of use. if possible. Each . .small square represents 10 acres.

I Show exact depth of bottom.

^mmmmm l o a .Driller's Licence Number

Driller's Signature / /

Thi., form to ^e prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorderin till* county in which the well Ls located.

PWse answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, others Is' the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ofMin^s and Geology and Quedru'.licate for the Appropriator.

Page 117: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

i!.\TZ OF MONVAIi.1 • -<.

COUNTY a FLATUKAD^ **Filed on the ^rdqvot &t&&A.D.1&.P.. ai*?'^oClockrfa

._. & f/>lCounty Cie;i o-id Recorder

37 £?i-XDffpury


Page 118: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

^4^/™-'"-?.'-?" : 9* ' County .SU*$kea& l6fd fl


MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD I n d l c * * * * ^ ^ ,C° ' ° r ' ^ I. . ness of strata such as soil, clay, sand, •

NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 9 r a v e l s h a l e ' sandstone, etc Show •

APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL f e p* a t wi?id? water is found a"? Iheight to which water rises in well. •

Developed after January 1, 1962 •(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) T o p of Ground ApproXto^. >bo« «a MI Z3fo I

" T i I ^ — — i . • ii i. ••in , • — — — — — ^ — . • , ^H

This form to be prepared by driiler, and three copies to be filed ! From To •by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in 1 ( F w 0 <*'*0 flwhich the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. Q 2 TOPatytit IPlease answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the i 2 !fi *ftm flxy Iform may be returned. ^? 44 fon ffiTLffTi *»+- <H WE* I

Alfred C. and Jacqueline K» ~" iA Xf fmn rvt*y «nH g^y-wi HW n e f ~ For Administrator's Use I ^ Z~ 7ft "flr—B»-| ri-r»w< ^ " T ^ T ' S H I * ^ ' I

Address .affi..2.»^^.._HKr3rt.HmRte/4| ^ ^ ? . ! L ^ H . I

_..Miaa!U!»..?*oteaa jLLj?/222. 3'OSAm. L_I?-iJ^. _M±£5«yfe-*55. SU.SSS^u.. IDate well Parted Ma? 3t 1972 GW i -IQ2....121..,Bfidd1<a&-ti«n gnrml anrl aaad •

i T M»±mf wrt-Mrf i n . •completed ..Mar^..*.*..1972 • -121—13L -8adLjyoA.tn^a«LjndjraaceL I

Type of well grilled _ i J I(Dug, driven, bored or dria«l) ( _ _ ^ H

Equipment used ....^..??***3r _ ! I(Churn drill, rotary or other) ! ____________________________________________ H

Water Use: Domestic _J Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation U | H

Industrial • Drainage • Other Q* Garden/Lawn jgj \ H

" i I ^____ •USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, | f •

state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot. Block i H

and Addition) Irrigate l.g acres j I ; •! I •ESTIAAATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL .^ fS^fOQP. , I ^ 9

SbTit i IM» awl i tnm j~ T» - - . - • = i , HDrttM ! W d d d IFM) ' iFtci) PERFORATIONS I _•Hok ; of Oariuk ! ' ' 1 -*• — H

I Kl«4 , From To •

3 5/3" j+1ipn !25' i ! ! I flCO ! i N d H E i ' 1 1 I

x • • * - w i I i i • ^ _ |* * i I ! I : •

; | i ; | | 4 4 I" X i •

i I Static water level . . A6 ft.*! I i •

! Pumping water level 115 ft-*' l_ L I-! at 2Q gallons per minute, i H; measured ISO minutes after pumping; I H

: : began. \ T •; • B 'Measured from ground level. i [_ j H

: Well developed by*^. 14** PlBR j | 1 fli . . . J for .3s hours. i _^ H: '; PowerftteaeJL.... Pump...JL5Q HP' T* ! " fl; ^v '; Rerrarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _[ ! fl

—' '• Dackers, type cf shutoff) A l l . W_ter.^ ~[ ~ •s j 'J^j/entertng, we l l tiirpiif^ ppan. _ _ fl

?E !. SV-4 Sec 12 v bptton o f . 3 inch cas ing ; j '• flT. ?S .N R. 52 E Wellft.ln tWLa «r«i C*»J». J •

Y J7 depended vjpoo to prwJwee . ," 1" f ~ j •


14-bfcrty Psilflng CcryBTry 1 IDriller's S.gna?cre A ^Js.^S..V. ^ ^ H " V V a ^ ! I

Driller's Address -OUte 2 , I

surtaM- ^ w I

Page 119: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion


clear saai free uat6r year af sr year as lone as they acre not overpea*>edt i .e . ,the? aboultl be punped at rates not in excess of 50 to 60 percent of the testedcapacity ol' the a^odfer.

Page 120: 7-5 - Montanamediaserver.dnrc.mt.gov/archive/ground_water/... · II Min-* I s and Geoloirv and Quadruplicate, tor the AporoDriator. ... (Elev. above sea level ) NoUCe of Completion

I B\ .\To 3w« r - ' *h l _ n _ y ._' 1

I County J• STATE OP MONTANA p—, - -. ^ - - _ -^ IJ AJDMDnSTRATOB 0? GBOUNDWATER CODE '; <; ^ ^ "~"'M1 II OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER LIU npr 3 I1, l9S3 "^ I

I Declaration ok Vested Groundwater Righte , ^ ^ u i ^ t Z 0

I (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961)

I i __.3E.Mi..J5jufifl*»& of R o u t e d . , &&U.sj?.eJ«L__,1 (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town)I Conr-ty of— yi ftXhamA— _ _ .State of - Mi^rfr**"*I have appropriated gtoundwater according to the Montana Iaw3 in effect prior to January 1, 1962, as follows:

I I • • > • — 1• ; : , : : ! 2 . The beneficial use o n which the claim i s based

• —;—:.—; :—;—;— Domestic...R • ; ; ; ; ; 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how eon-I 1 i : :—! ; tinuous the use has been

I • : : : ! ; Continuous .s ince 193£. ... _• W • ; ; • ; ; 1 t ^«~—

I • ; ! ; ; ' . 4 . The amount of groundwater eiaimed (m miner's inches or gallonsI —:—I—| ;—;—;— p*r minute) 20LjcaHons._&..iainufce-

I —-| —1~; ixT~;~I r \ I 5. li used for irrigancn, give the acr*sge and description of the landsI s to which water has been applied and nanw of the owner thereofI Does. not. g-pply- _ _I SSLviSJ&i Secl2.. T2ft... K.22. - - -5 Indicate pftir>t nf apnropriation• and place of use, i'f possible.• Each small square represents 1O 6. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the• acres. location of each well or other means of tsithdrawalI Well. and. piunp^ ..._ _.

J 7. The date of conumencement and completion of the construction of th« well, wells, or other works for with-• drawal of groundwater 1 9 3 5 * -

» 8. The depth of water table 15 ITe^et.

I 9. So far as it may be available, tbe type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherI works for the withdrawal of groundwater.. -- „

I ..V/aH-haa •"bLeearoak.-fllledy. and water cones throxwh, lj 4nch- pipe-, --I ..Mhidi..ia .12.. .feet-long* _ 1 - _ _

I 10. The estimated amount of proundwater withdrawn each year 3 0 0 ,QQQ..g&jL1.0ri&*.

9 i l . The log of fonnations encouctered in the drilline of each well if available

..Top. aoii»lxoc.k aad..ciayv'". 1.' Z11IZZ.ZZIZZZI "II

12. Such other inforraation of & similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, includingreference to book and pag« of any count-.- record _ j....No...|^her._pex^uent..lMor>Mtipn. _ j

Signature of Owner . L.^^£...U:-..5iJ^r.k.V.>L/^« „

as/te P«c • . .y. j ...15>63.

Three copies to be filed by t h e owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well islocated.Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the Zorm will be returned.

Oripinal to the Coursty Clerk a n d Recorder. dnplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureiu ofMines and Geoloity and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

