t- t S The Hickman Courier GEORGE WARIIEX Publisher HICKMAN KENTUCKY CURRENT TOPICS In Austria coal miners average 7 I u cents a dayT New York bricklayers demand G- a I a cents per hour r Of the 3700 Chinese in New Zealand I I only 20 arc females 1 No fewer than S3 generals arc serv ing in South Africa Pleasant Duck and Blush VJgg are two Missouri gentlemen Turkey bought 243325 worth of r American flour last year The lIfo of an Australian native rarely exceeds hfty years A Lithuanian in Chicago bears the name of John Uppermost Short The Russian ministry of marine hn recently ordered six torpedo boats t France Algeria and Tunis produced I 12158010000 gallons of wine in 1609 The Iron Mountain railroad pay N 200000 u year in taxes in Arkansas t tats exterminated a colony of 48 i I prairie dogs in Lincoln park Chicago liubbles made of filtered castilo l soapsuds and glycerin will last for day The Florida democratic state con f Ytuitlbn will meet at Jacksonville June 19- 1Vtesbaden harbors a womun who has been a prompter in a theater for CO yearsIf the cabs in London were placed in a line there would be a total I length of 43 miles Spanish girls who make the famous I sans of Valencia arc paid about twcu tyfive cents per day Americans use more than 90000000 I pounds of tea a year nearly all of jwhlch comes from China 1onner Gov Taylor of Tennessee I is said to have cleared 30000 on his lecture season just closed r Charitable persons send 0000000 d every year to the secretaries of char ¬ titles and missions in London i Liability for service in the New nglnnd militia ranges in the event f yenrsf owns boy jrlnwl n A horse will eat in a year nine times his own weight a cow nine times an i ox six times and a sheep six times Two new steamboats ore to be placed hi the Chattahoochce river trade The boats will be built at Jet fersonvillc A stray chimpanzee from Central Africa sometimes goes as far north as Morocco whore it is looked on as a Ii hairy man with four hands I N Portland Ore exported 9300000 bushels of wheat during the last eight i months More than half of this was raised in the state of Washington Gen Thomas II Hubbard of New York has given 150000 to Bowdoin college if Brunswick Me for the construction of a new library build ¬ ingThe casket containing the remains i of Lincoln through fear of vandal thieves has been removed no less than ten times since it was first placed in e I the vault at Oak Ridge cemetery May If 4 1603 Senator Depew said recently that the largest fees he ever received were f from clients to whom he presented no 3 bills but who assessing their ow valuation paid far more than he eve itcharged DeB 1rd a sister of Gen l w r lI kboI t I cnvalryJender strong in sympathy of the Boer cause an- t i II t has written several magazine articles i N supporting her position- In I New York city there Is I a move- I ment to establish a city ice plant This is upon the theory that if the I city furnishes it at cost in n liquid I form there is no sound reason why f should not be furnisher < n blocks Senator Jones of Nevada is a I strong believer in a diet which he has I himself devised Ills breakfast never varies It is always eaten al 8 oclock end invariably consists of only one cup of black coffee arid a large piece t of cinnamon bun The First Baptist church In Dover Pa has converted n building hereto fore used for church social affairs into a shirt factory in which church members are given preference in em Il IlpJoyment Five per cent of the wages to the church work In I I 1 1tO A 1n Germany authority estimates that a third of humanity speaks the Chinese language that the Hindu lan ¬ guage is spoken by more than 100 t 000000 the Russian by 0000900 while the German is spoken by 77000 I 000 000000 tongues and time Spanish by 49 II Silk of the great spider of Mada ¬ f 1gascnr l IB strong fine and clastic It I fnstenlngI I which produce it are busy spinners I proI t I I hours J JTbe scales used in weighing din monds are so delicately poised that t the weight OR single eyelash wi- lliturn i the balannp t I I Over 50 per cent of the cotton ex ported from the United States 1 II- i V cleared from the ports of t and New Orleans The grand vizier of Turkey get e twice the salary enjoyed by the Brit ish premier and has perquisites of about as much more Medical men in Italy derive so much y of their income from foreigners that most of the students now learn to r peak English and German I it j I a aJt 10 1 OUR SOLDIERS BUSY Small Engagements Take Place Al- most ¬ Daily in Luzon IUIIIf Gen Frederick Funntnn Ac uultteil ur HiiTlnit Sumninrlly Ex ¬ ecuted Two Satires In Ibo 0Irorlnce of Zambnlesu Manila May 28 Scouting small engiumontB and the capture of arms and prisoners continuo daily in Northern Luzon Last weeks opera ¬ tions by the 9th 12th 33d 34th and 30th regiments resulted In tho killing of 40 of the enemy the taking of ISO prisoners and the capture of 300 rifles and a quantity of ammunition Col Edward P Gardin with three companies of the 39th regiment and- s bluejackets from the gunboat Helena landed nt Pnlonog Masbate Island under the euemyo fire routed the in ¬ surgents and utter an engagement lasting toll an hour occupied the town without casualties The insurgent commander with 10 officers and MO men surrendered on SAmy SO giving up 100 rifles An hn ¬ pressive scene occurred on tho plaza when the prisoner were disarmed and liberated Tho islanders were found suffering from look of food ow ¬ ing to the blockade and the Ameri ¬ eon authorities are endeavoring to relieve them Pence reigns and no trouble is ex- pected ¬ in Manila although the city I is crowded with people from the prow ¬ Incas noel were leaving the unprotect ¬ ed hamlets in order to avoid the con ¬ scription which the insurgent loaders are enforcing as well as robbery and outrages nt the hands of roving in ¬ surgents and bandits The investigation of tho charge against Brig Gen Frederick Funston ot having summarily executed two natives in the province of ambaloa has resulted in a discontinuance of the proceedings It developed the fact that Gen Funston caught the nn ¬ tires in the net of murdering bound Maccabebe scouts his action in view of the circumstances being regarded as justifiablp Manila May 7TJle government corral at Manila has been quaran ¬ tined There are four suspected cases of bubonlo plague among the teamsters who are living in filthy dwelling which will be burned Since the murders on board the steamer El Cano by the native crew coastwise captains have been fearful of repetitions of the tragedy and have requested the authorities to furnish guards for their steamers which has been declined Throe commercial steamers are now in the boy their Spanish captains refusing to sail until protected noel others intend imitating them The authorities have returned to time captains their re ¬ volvers of which they were recently deprived Col Padilla the rebel governor of Nueva Kcija was captured during the recent fighting at Nueva Ecija and it now in jail here- SECRECY MAINTAINED Pratt Jar Manufacturers of time Unit > rd State Held a MeetloEr at ludlanapolli ndlanapolls Ind May 25Fruit jar manufactures of the United States held a meeting at the Dennison house talkingr over the general conditions of the business Last winter the fruit jar men held several secret meetings here nanti it was given out that they intend ¬ itd through Ball Bros of Muncie but they denied this report They claim now they have no asso elation and no written agreement as to prices Besides giving attention to trade in this country the fruit jar men recently sent two agents to amet exposition re utmost secrecy aa to their meeting was maintained BATTLE AT KUMASSL An Effort < o Break the InvcstlnR Line Proven Very DUnMroan Eipeelnlly to the Enemy Accra May Slt IB reported that three European officers were killed and Capt Aplin arid 100 Hauxers were wounded in a recent effort by the La ¬ goo Hausers to break the investing pines of tribesmen at Kumassl The Aslmnti loss in 1 reported to have been great aa the Ifausera had three Maxims engaged although themselves greatly outnumbered Three hundred Ashnntls are said to Lave urea killed In n previous action The rising is still spreading Tot Interfere With Work Washington May 28Flro at the bureau of engraving and printing caused a loss of about 1500 Tho damage done was mostly to outbuild ¬ ings and will cause no interference with the work of the bureau which- r prints the government money and se curities Application for Extradition I Washington May 27Thu state department has received from the British ambassador a formal applica ¬ tion for the extradition of Count De arrestn in Chicago on a charge of swindling and forgery committed In Montreal Shot by Wbltecap Searcy Ark May 278 A Jen- kins n Negro school teacher was shut noel instantly killed by white caps near West Polar Ark Jerkin end another Negro were suspected d qt robbing a store a r DEFIED THE LAW opt Slroeler With au Armed Fore Squatted on Valuable Land In Chi- C KO United tijr lire 1ullrc Chicago May 27With nn armed body of 20 men two rapid fire guns and some barbed wire for making entanglements Capt George Street er Snturday took possession of ISO acres of land here After hoisting the United States flag lily men threw up two Intrenchmcnts and planted in gUriShortl It tIt s hold Pickets thrown out by time oo cup ants of tho trenches discovered a party approaching from Lincol I park consisting of Park Superin ¬ tendent Itcdicski and Secretary Hrbv reinforced by n policeman Calls 01 i Hnu hailed to stop thq park I clnls who were bent upon fiutU out who was encroaching upon thlr ground 4 A volley from the pickets rifles I quickly 1 put to flight the investigating party however and onoyof tho bill lets struck a 14 yenr old boy Uoubon Mnnley in the right knee inillotlng a sever wound The pork officials fled to a patrol box and turned in a riot call A force of 10 or to policemen armed with re ¬ solvers and club hurried to till scene from the Chicago station When time officers in command saw tho ills ¬ play of force Catling guns being pointed hla way over tho intrench meats he ordered n retreat Copt Streeter claims to own the land which with the title would be worth between thirty and fifty mil- lions ¬ of dollars In 1686 Capt Street er and Lila wife were stranded on a little sandbar n few yards from the shore at the foot of Superior street Time spot was not down on tho maps nnd the doughty navigator laid claim to tho land and declared hits right being the whole population to elect himself to all the offices which he in framing a constitution deemed time territory in need of clumpIng earth washed up by the lake formed a large tract and Capt Streeter be came a man of importance With lib importance and the increased value of the lands his troubles began The tract became connected with tbs shore and owners of adjoining pro erty resented the presence of Cap f Streeter and the retainers he huh 1 tjhthe 1 court of the United Stntcn deoldtb that tho land was within the jum diction of the state of llllno4 At 210 oclock Saturday afterno fl 300 police officers of the city of Clf eago headed by Chief Klplcyl all every man boating a repentlnv ritX marohcd from the Hast ChicaVo nJ enuo station bfi the North Sf IeI the foot of Superior street + iifre Capt Gco Streeter has fortlflc him smelt A fire boat with a Gutting gun aboard was dispatched up Lake Michigan to make a demonstration from that side and to cut oft the es ¬ cape of Streeters men by means of their yacht At 315 oclock Ilrlg Germ Nike I and five of Ills men perceiving the overwhelming force of police ap proaoh climbed over tho emplace ¬ ment of their improvised torts and offered to surrender to time park jxx lice providing they were protected Time surrender was accepted and tho park policemen ntartcd on foot toy ward the police station followed by an immense crowd The remainder of Capt Btreeter force seeing the fate ot their leader deserted their guns and escaped In the throng The pollee at once took charge of the fort with its entire store of arms and ammunition Capt Streeter was not found In the fortsChicago May 28Wm II Nile military governor of the District of Lake Michigan and the five members of his army of invasion captured on the north shore huve been formal ly charged with violations of the lawn of the state of Illinois Hntctiloru Surcnior Washington May 7lt is under stood that the president has decided to appoint as a member of time fay dustrial commission to succeed M D Katchford re lgned11r Charles Leitchman of Massachusetts former ¬ ly general secretarytreasurer of the Knights of Labo- rKnoxvilles Invitation Accepted Knoxville Tenn May 27Tho in vitation extended by the Knoxville citycouncil to tho Hoer commission era to visit this city Inns urea ac cepted Arrangements for their itinerary tens not been completed noel time date of the visit can not be set at present noel Envoy Cnuiluur Went Washington flay 2LThe JJoer enI Toys expect to leave here Thursday for Boston to attend a reception there- on that day From Huston they pro- ceed west for Chicago where they aw to be on Juno 5 or 0 stopping cnI route at Cleveland and Buffalo I Frepnrlnt tf > Itecelve Len OtU I San Francisco May 28 Prepara stuns are rapidly beIng made at tin TlnjGen inchief in the Philippines who it scheduled to arrive In this city from Manila Tuesday Will Meet lu u Tent 281htMissouri scheduled to meet here on Juno 5 to nominate a state ticket will be held In a tent on Shelley square in Ironli of the court rouse L AN ARBITRATION LAW I A Board to Be Appointed to Investi ¬ gate the St Louis Strike resident ot Mercantile Oriranlin thin and Claha and lleprecenla J then of the civiiinpiTB rjA Inir to Arbllrule Trimble tit Louis May O8tlto Labor Commissioner ThomuH P Jtixoy sent uploa of the followiug letter to 1rvsS dent Whit tI knr of the Transit Co then trlkorn grievance conunlttco Dear SIr Your attention IH re pect fully directed to chapter JC J nr t 611014o Missouri as applicable to tho present itinpute existing between tho SU Louis TriMiDit Co und its llIIplo lIt In nccordnnco with sold law you a iaN hergby requested to suggest tho a naniee ul two nilitnblo pomoim to not ale arbitrator an provided In wild nice lion hl9W Falling to comply with rhle retpieot within 84 hours I shall make the appolntinent as tho law provide fury ronpoctfuliy II T P Jllxoy Coroinlwluner of labor Statistics and Inspection Tho statutes rofornxl to proxMo h that In euBu of n strike or lockout the tato eominlnitonor of labor Nta tiatlCH and Iniptratluu may require till j j- upH > liitini nt of a board of arbitration to Inquire into the merit of the case and tender an unbiased opinion The statutes set forth that thla no lion may to taken by the labor com mlMionor only when work Is going J1 Jfor J c this provision In tho statutes dues not l kland In tho way of taking steps to wand orating nn arbitration board The tout provision in the statutes relntlng to arbitration I fa that If n- either party to the controversy live lays after tho ion Is rentlored to refuses to accede the decidon I In not bleeding At a meeting atttmded by the prel dents of tnorciiMtllc orgaHkmtlon and t clubs unit roprooiitnthM of limo dully newspapers of St I Ixiuln a committee r of seven wrens ap > olntrtl to call upon n the St Lowl rran1t Co sad time irikviii grievance committee ami eertaln whether both aWn are whiling to summit their dlfferoncM to a board of arbitration of Thle committee JII to report bark to O 1 Whltelaw who pr oi letl at tier meitln Mr 1 liltelaw wit call- a second uUfOllnJ sad report the end- ings of time committee A ear an the Hellofontatne line of the Trfiiidit Co wvswa partly wrecked 111uwnr l Xexvhotiw nveiiiie and Mth street late I In the afternoon OIHcer Slolllne and to Keefo who were dotnllml to protect the or were oriou ly Injured Tho wheel which cnmo IH oontoet with the tjlnrch l Uie ground rise moment Hm of the car currioil It forward n low foot hey tb tore it oatne to n sadder atop Time occupants were nil hurled d forward against tine platform ef the our Near of tine paMcngnm or crew Wan IH jurtd of A Ronftflttnnnl report I is current to the enact t that several I dnys ago two to stone qunrrio were robbed of SOU pounds of dynamite by unknown par tier In sonic quarters the belief ox his that n portion of the stolen 1dghr explosive wan used to wreck the lieliefontolno jSince there have been numerous colllnlon between the police arms the strikers and the latter sympathizers Hard ¬ ly u day during that time has passed without somebody being wounded bj bullet or injured by flying missiles and police clubs The list of casual ties presents four persons shot and killed 22 wounded by bullets and 30 or more Injured In other ways Two of the killed were innocent by utanilern U striking motorman and an n emergency policeman completing the number Several of the wounded are in a critical condition nnd may die It Is estimated by the strikers that lees than fifty of their number 3323 who struck have returned to work These with the street car men Im ¬ ported from other cities are operAt J is Ing the Transit Cos car It I Is as- serted that at least 50 of the import ell mcnJmve joined time strikers Atteiiiiled Murder Danville Ill May 20 Walter Deck- er a colored boy from Hirmingliain tin while In n Chicago und Eastern Illinois box car near IJIsmnrck this county was attacked by n traveling companion who after knocking him down with n coupling pin tightly bound DuckerV legs and arniH antiS then opening the car door cast him J out endeavoring to make Islam land under time wheels of the rapidly mov 1 Is ing train Decker kicked time tilde of time ear n he fell nnd escaped thut J wheels hut right knee cap watt torn off and internal injuries received may prove fatal Attend ts Mrs Oraiit Chicago May 27Mrs Ulysses B Grant and daughter Nellie Grant- s I I- Surtorlx have signified to the mel bergs of the Grand Army national en cainpment commute their intention tb accept Invitations to be present at the encampment in August J of Number of Klllplnos Killed Washington May rSenntllr Pet tlgrev hut introduced a resolution ceiling upon the secretary of war torIt l Information ns to time number of ill Iplno who have been killed in time to rJiliipplues since February 5 1908 < I FIFTYSIXTH CONGRESS Summary of leading Uvent Washington Tiny 3SennteAl ¬ most the entire session was taken up discussing Senator Spoonru bill pro ¬ viding that upon the suppression of uhllipplncathe dcvolw upon the president until snob time an congress might direct other wile Mr Carter imsiiited time cre ¬ dentials of Mr Clark as n senator from Montana under time appointment of paling Gov Spring of that otto They were laid on time table lIoulIlfhe entire day ii i devoted to the Alaskan civil government bill low progress was made only 24 pages bring caponed of Washington May 2lSenateThe day was taken up In political speeches the Philippine question and n resolu ¬ Ion demanding an Investigation of financial attaint in Cuba furnishing subjectHouse agreement Will reached to mljourn on Juno fi Tho Necly we spiriteel l collector of customs nt Honolulu at salary of MOOO n year Time post of Hoc appropriation bill was soot to conforomr and 1 1m wnya and menus commit eo Instructed to sit during the recoM Washington May 24SenateTime duty of the United States toward IU Island 1 posses lons I wn the Mibjiot of a heated political dtwumlon No busineH wan transmuted llousaVor fight hours tho mom ers tllllcuned tho Alaskan civil ROY ¬ ernment Mil But little progroM was mode An amendment was adopted authorizing the secretary of war to drctlgofor the touch at CHIN Sumo Tint senior cut rvttort on the Indian appropria ¬ tion kill WAil adopted WaMilnRlou May 1 25 nAto A hUllltllnohut OCII tlHl nppronrintlttn bill whirls ostrrie ttitiwo or over fiOGQ000 more than UIII It lMttl time house was taken up sad 1ST page dUixuwsl of Hotttfe Tvo hours were divoted to coturtderliitf the Alaakmt civil govern ¬ bill without camiitatlnp 16 Tim romalmltr of the session was devoted private IIUJllnl1 bill Among Uioo fnvorntily acted upon wore tho aanutu bills to pension the widow of tho late Cnpt Qriilley wino eonunnndrd the Olympta In the battle of Mnnlla nt pr month- Washington May S sLSrnaloAe- solution wn ndoplrd providing fur cangrrMMteiiHl Invent lent Ion of the Cuban jKMitflJ frasllti TIn rmlititlnls hItlm prMottrd and flied Mr IfttljfrcW rmtelMttoH calllNfr MfHin for ixrrrUry war for A tntrmrnt of thr HHinlwr byUtsitetl presentlnsnrn houseTim Ha > rolution cwlllnif VH > B the fiONltiMittvr general for err tuln Information regarding tlm rr K> rU tsf K O Ituthlrant iliriolor of the xwta In Cubu wns ndoptisl with out iviien Aniithor nwolutlon null ¬ top HjHin the nfretnry of war to ro ort In detail time jwyment roads and whom train the rwvenur of Cuba and Porto Itleo waa aino adopter Wonliinvtnu May I leiSenateTlter- oaIfxg of the numlr civil apiropr1n lion M was eoladltr Hlt fret nut all of he committee nmrtMlmcnt here lmrrn ItrrclltllI I l ins the life of the tmluatrUt com nun Hnlll October XI 1O- IlloarrIhr Alaskan civil govern nirttt bill ItS i paenh l Other blllll 111dOltI the alihiiil aorprw whose commi Mnnu nhiill oxplrv Juno M 1601 and provide1 six additional onicer In the NHbf4st nre bureau of tho war dry partment te ratify the nerremrnt of the cOlllml lon to the mica Hvlltnl and the Srinlnole Indlnns to- estore to the public domiiln n small tenet of White muuntnlii Aparhv In ¬ bia rcwrr lion Arlonn to rx change geld bar for gold coin MAY SETTLE THE TROUBLE Vlatenieut Made Ur n Member nt this Clilrnito routrMclurn Council of C iM lilrralilc fllunlnrance Chicago May 2YThe contractors are willing to lucottho local unions but nut members of time National Building Trades sound ThiN state eat was made by Victor lnlkenaii chairman of the press committee of the contractorn council Is declared by lobar traders to presage a speedy BcttltiiUnt of the lobar troubles which havo for months paralyzed building operations In Chicago Mr KnlkenlnH statement however coupled with an Important proviso rhl building Trade + Council of Chi C3io the central organlMtlon of limit Chicago unions I U barred BB well nJl the National Building Trades council While our willingness to reefer with tho unions I in a modification of Out first Ki ltlonVJie sold there will he no fcettitinent with any union which rctaliiH Its mitnborahlp with time ceu tral organlxntlon Dreltlttl Att- unlnt vey Washington May Orhl United tates Bupromo court Monday decided Adm Dcwcyn honesty claim against the admiral contention Tho effect to deprive tho admiral red mho men with him nt Man t of half ime amount claimed by them Chief Justice Puller delivered n dlnstiitlng opinion Sooth Ilnkota IlepnblleaM Ticket Sioux Falls S D May 25Thu re publican state convention adjourned ine die at 4 oclock Thursday mourn- Ing She ticket IH an follows Gov ¬ error Charles N HerrJcd Licutcunnt Governor George A Snow Secretary State O C Berg Treasurer John Bchambcr Auditor J D Ilcevcs Jaeklea Go to lIon Waihlngton May 25 Eighty jack from tho battle ship Texas will go- t ° prison for terms ranging from six eighteen months They are time rasa who raised trouble at Galveston ilInit + M Mlxad Emotion To illustrate time feeling of Ireland toward this predominant partner an actor who ha lately been touring tell the story of an old waiter in a Dublin hotel When are you going to get home rule in Ireland Johns m the question See ye here aorr mid- the old man the only way well get hume rule for ould Inland will ht if Fraaeean- Itunnaan Germany an Auitna an maybe ltaliI they would all join together to give those blayRianli of Jingltah a rare good hiding That time only way well get homo rule annyway Then a hi looked cautiously around a twinkle of cunning an t a smile of courtesy were added to the ex iircMion And the whole lot of em skived together couldnt do it he maid Uhits the grand navy weve gotl London Ohms icle NvtvB ThUT I Wo rifer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any call of Catarrh that cannot be lured by Mals Catarrh Cure qWe J JtCbtoeyfor + perfectly honorshle to di iuainees transac- tion and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm West t Truax Wholetalo Druggltti To- ledo ¬ 0 Waldlng Kinnan k Marvin Wholesale Toledo O DrulfiliU 1atarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mueeus e of the system Price Z Co pr Mt ticbold by all Druggists Testimartali free ilalla Family Pllli aro the best Adding Color IArrrDo yu rcmlmbtr our acid tam hlmrWill now I fwdae sick Chtwgo Evening News Vim Will ever Know what goad ink t ii u l use It costs iw more than ioerhak All deafens Qollr Tact Ftrtffive trumpittm araempany the king of Abyaslpfa wmereve ageca litre sae 1a s at least WIte Metnt m teat k1sewr hem to be IItanlersn lmst co- 11uleds Uuti F Walbel Ih 0 St 1 MOot wrote I have retwinmen T If to tie Mctara gave up tbe ohikl1Id At costIAYO r I fitslater et UltrPues PiMi Cure for Ceruumptien Is an Arl MJ f Me owdwlDc far sough seed laid tainurf Ocean Grave N JFeb 17iV9Q j The lazy nna melts W tk MC that you bt ot 1Iolkrdl1IiNp Dally Sewn orTime dear departetl Veniioiu Yale lice How Much You Eat Is net the question iut br muck you dt- gent btrttiM food JKS ftm osty whets it u digMlMl amid aiiituiUin taken ap Jw the bleed and wade into muscle nerve hens seed Uittie Hoods Karsauanlki restart to the ilonMrh its rawer w digestian Then aMetste u natural and bMltbr Then dye Pepaic+ is gsot and strength tluUtrit and tudunepc return stomach Troukle l My mathrr hill a very bd ttenah trouble She wdghorl faerbiWtyf 1 petunia She took u agars after the grip alai MaCBye Hoods Sarsaparilla It Amtn as Greatest Blood Mtdictne G B Gildthwalte DrsfirlJt Trot Ala wrote February 28 1 893 FOR GRANULATED EYELIDS r would not take = 0000 for the good Palmers Lotion bat dose BJ son who had been Is rcI of a pbjilclan tot IS month Lotion Soap Frtvtnt an4 aMUU I In anus sera cyu seed tort eyelid At Vu Sib only E4 JLOO tI OUT I ll1l11IO sad goer own I HIRES Rootbeer J4 will toDiHbal mate to It Uuui IOU of ice nd somas of ftuIa tuba for rs cola WHu Mn 11 rn Mu1 tfmt- M CHABLKSKHIKUCO A k Malurs l i 9 W Le DOUGLAS sal 350 SHOES nAlo I Worth 4 to So compare with other makes DougUV stamped no Tttfotnutnf > Indoretl subitltuie 1000000 on nuns byr 011J J u Your dulcr should keep them if not we will send a pall onreccl ot rwic and mw letwtttn ludrdmM 1 The UHritloii offrnert Is easily and simply solved with a packis of llurnhvns Unity Jellycon U ii onl1 bollIng i Is a delightfully pure jelly and an ideal des trawberrr unflavored calfsfool for making wine and coffee jellies All grocers sell it ROOFING t1 Rd pope roe I a pr unnsaannaIadedeAaatMtltntwforNmGIniris r r9Omtt I Womuwllb Writ iuUrn tlonal Maiigf Vr Co Iartoos Kautuk h I ttsaIDfort1ltlon Use Certain Corn Cure Pricel5c 1Ii

611014o JtCbtoeyfor thlr spiriteel t - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7n8p5v8766/data/0179.pdf · t-t S The Hickman Courier GEORGE WARIIEX Publisher HICKMAN KENTUCKY CURRENT

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Page 1: 611014o JtCbtoeyfor thlr spiriteel t - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7n8p5v8766/data/0179.pdf · t-t S The Hickman Courier GEORGE WARIIEX Publisher HICKMAN KENTUCKY CURRENT



The Hickman CourierGEORGE WARIIEX Publisher



In Austria coal miners average 7 I

u cents a dayTNew York bricklayers demand G-



a cents per hourr Of the 3700 Chinese in New ZealandI

I only 20 arc females1 No fewer than S3 generals arc serv

ing in South AfricaPleasant Duck and Blush VJgg are

two Missouri gentlemenTurkey bought 243325 worth ofr

American flour last yearThe lIfo of an Australian native

rarely exceeds hfty yearsA Lithuanian in Chicago bears the

name of John Uppermost ShortThe Russian ministry of marine hn

recently ordered six torpedo boatst France Algeria and Tunis produced I

12158010000 gallons of wine in 1609

The Iron Mountain railroad pay N

200000 u year in taxes in Arkansas

t tats exterminated a colony of 48i

Iprairie dogs in Lincoln park Chicago

liubbles made of filtered castilolsoapsuds and glycerin will last forday

The Florida democratic state conf

Ytuitlbn will meet at JacksonvilleJune 19-

1Vtesbaden harbors a womun whohas been a prompter in a theater forCO

yearsIfthe cabs in London were

placed in a line there would be a totalI

length of 43 milesSpanish girls who make the famous I

sans of Valencia arc paid about twcutyfive cents per day

Americans use more than 90000000 I

pounds of tea a year nearly all ofjwhlch comes from China

1onner Gov Taylor of TennesseeI

is said to have cleared 30000 on hislecture season just closedr Charitable persons send 0000000

d every year to the secretaries of char¬

titles and missions in Londoni Liability for service in the Newnglnnd militia ranges in the event

fyenrsf owns



A horse will eat in a year nine timeshis own weight a cow nine times an

i ox six times and a sheep six timesTwo new steamboats ore to be

placed hi the Chattahoochce rivertrade The boats will be built at Jetfersonvillc

A stray chimpanzee from CentralAfrica sometimes goes as far north asMorocco whore it is looked on as a

Ii hairy man with four handsI N Portland Ore exported 9300000

bushels of wheat during the last eighti months More than half of this was

raised in the state of WashingtonGen Thomas II Hubbard of New

York has given 150000 to Bowdoincollege if Brunswick Me for theconstruction of a new library build ¬

ingThecasket containing the remains

i of Lincoln through fear of vandalthieves has been removed no less thanten times since it was first placed in

e I the vault at Oak Ridge cemetery MayIf 4 1603

Senator Depew said recently thatthe largest fees he ever received were

ffrom clients to whom he presented no

3 bills but who assessing their owvaluation paid far more than he eve

itcharged DeB 1rd a sister of Genl wrlIkboI tI cnvalryJender strong

in sympathy of the Boer cause an-t


IIt has written several magazine articlesi

N supporting her position-InI New York city there IsI a move-

III ment to establish a city ice plantThis is upon the theory that if the

I city furnishes it at cost in n liquidI form there is no sound reason why f

should not be furnisher <n blocksSenator Jones of Nevada is aI

strong believer in a diet which he hasI

himself devised Ills breakfast nevervaries It is always eaten al 8 oclockend invariably consists of only onecup of black coffee arid a large piecet

of cinnamon bunThe First Baptist church In Dover

Pa has converted n building heretofore used for church social affairsinto a shirt factory in which churchmembers are given preference in em

IlIlpJoyment Five per cent of the wagesto the church work InI



Germany authority estimates thata third of humanity speaks the

Chinese language that the Hindu lan ¬

guage is spoken by more than 100t 000000 the Russian by 0000900

while the German is spoken by 77000I 000

000000tongues and time Spanish by 49

I I Silk of the great spider of Mada¬

f1gascnr lIB strong fine and clastic It


which produce it are busy spinners


I hoursJJTbe scales used in weighing din

monds are so delicately poised thatt the weight OR single eyelash wi-

lliturni the balannpt II Over 50 per cent of the cotton ex

ported from the United States 1II-

ii V cleared from the ports oft and New Orleans

The grand vizier of Turkey get e

twice the salary enjoyed by the British premier and has perquisites ofabout as much moreMedical men in Italy derive so much

y of their income from foreigners thatmost of the students now learn to

r peak English and German





aaJt 101


Small Engagements Take Place Al-



Daily in Luzon

IUIIIf Gen Frederick Funntnn Ac

uultteil ur HiiTlnit Sumninrlly Ex ¬

ecuted Two Satires In Ibo0Irorlnce of Zambnlesu

Manila May 28 Scouting smallengiumontB and the capture of armsand prisoners continuo daily inNorthern Luzon Last weeks opera ¬

tions by the 9th 12th 33d 34th and30th regiments resulted In tho killingof 40 of the enemy the taking of ISO

prisoners and the capture of 300 riflesand a quantity of ammunition

Col Edward P Gardin with threecompanies of the 39th regiment and-

s bluejackets from the gunboat Helenalanded nt Pnlonog Masbate Islandunder the euemyo fire routed the in ¬

surgents and utter an engagementlasting toll an hour occupied thetown without casualties

The insurgent commander with 10

officers and MO men surrendered onSAmy SO giving up 100 rifles An hn ¬

pressive scene occurred on tho plazawhen the prisoner were disarmedand liberated Tho islanders werefound suffering from look of food ow¬

ing to the blockade and the Ameri ¬

eon authorities are endeavoring torelieve them

Pence reigns and no trouble is ex-


in Manila although the city Iiscrowded with people from the prow¬

Incas noel were leaving the unprotect ¬

ed hamlets in order to avoid the con ¬

scription which the insurgent loadersare enforcing as well as robbery andoutrages nt the hands of roving in ¬

surgents and banditsThe investigation of tho charge

against Brig Gen Frederick Funstonot having summarily executed twonatives in the province of ambaloahas resulted in a discontinuance ofthe proceedings It developed thefact that Gen Funston caught the nn ¬

tires in the net of murdering boundMaccabebe scouts his action in viewof the circumstances being regardedas justifiablp

Manila May 7TJle governmentcorral at Manila has been quaran ¬

tined There are four suspectedcases of bubonlo plague among theteamsters who are living in filthydwelling which will be burned

Since the murders on board thesteamer El Cano by the native crewcoastwise captains have been fearfulof repetitions of the tragedy and haverequested the authorities to furnishguards for their steamers which hasbeen declined Throe commercialsteamers are now in the boy theirSpanish captains refusing to sailuntil protected noel others intendimitating them The authorities havereturned to time captains their re¬

volvers of which they were recentlydeprived

Col Padilla the rebel governor ofNueva Kcija was captured during therecent fighting at Nueva Ecija and itnow in jail here-


Pratt Jar Manufacturers of time Unit> rd State Held a MeetloEr

at ludlanapolli

ndlanapolls Ind May 25Fruitjar manufactures of the United Statesheld a meeting at the Dennison housetalkingrover the general conditions of thebusiness Last winter the fruit jarmen held several secret meetings here

nanti it was given out that they intend ¬itdthrough Ball Bros of Muncie butthey denied this report

They claim now they have no assoelation and no written agreement asto prices Besides giving attentionto trade in this country the fruit jarmen recently sent two agents toametexposition re utmost secrecy aa totheir meeting was maintained


An Effort < o Break the InvcstlnRLine Proven Very DUnMroan

Eipeelnlly to the Enemy

Accra May Slt IB reported thatthree European officers were killedand Capt Aplin arid 100 Hauxers werewounded in a recent effort by the La ¬

goo Hausers to break the investingpines of tribesmen at Kumassl

The Aslmnti loss in1 reported to havebeen great aa the Ifausera had threeMaxims engaged although themselvesgreatly outnumbered Three hundredAshnntls are said to Lave urea killedIn n previous action The rising isstill spreading

Tot Interfere With WorkWashington May 28Flro at the

bureau of engraving and printingcaused a loss of about 1500 Thodamage done was mostly to outbuild ¬

ings and will cause no interferencewith the work of the bureau which-

r prints the government money and securities

Application for Extradition I

Washington May 27Thu statedepartment has received from theBritish ambassador a formal applica ¬

tion for the extradition of Count Dearrestnin Chicago on a charge of swindlingand forgery committed In Montreal

Shot by WbltecapSearcy Ark May 278 A Jen-

kins n Negro school teacher wasshut noel instantly killed by whitecaps near West Polar Ark Jerkinend another Negro were suspected dqt robbing a store




opt Slroeler With au Armed ForeSquatted on Valuable Land In Chi-

C KO United tijr lire 1ullrc

Chicago May 27With nn armedbody of 20 men two rapid fire gunsand some barbed wire for makingentanglements Capt George Streeter Snturday took possession of ISO

acres of land here After hoistingthe United States flag lily men threwup two Intrenchmcnts and plantedingUriShortlIt


hold Pickets thrown out by time oocup ants of tho trenches discovereda party approaching from Lincol I

park consisting of Park Superin ¬

tendent Itcdicski and Secretary Hrbvreinforced by n policeman Calls 01iHnu hailed to stop thq park I

clnls who were bent upon fiutUout who was encroaching upon thlrground 4

A volley from the pickets riflesI

quickly1 put to flight the investigatingparty however and onoyof tho billlets struck a 14 yenr old boy UoubonMnnley in the right knee inillotlnga sever wound

The pork officials fled to a patrolbox and turned in a riot call A forceof 10 or to policemen armed with re¬

solvers and club hurried to tillscene from the Chicago station Whentime officers in command saw tho ills ¬

play of force Catling guns beingpointed hla way over tho intrenchmeats he ordered n retreat

Copt Streeter claims to own theland which with the title would beworth between thirty and fifty mil-lions


of dollars In 1686 Capt Streeter and Lila wife were stranded on alittle sandbar n few yards from theshore at the foot of Superior streetTime spot was not down on tho mapsnnd the doughty navigator laid claimto tho land and declared hits rightbeing the whole population to electhimself to all the offices which hein framing a constitution deemedtime territory in need ofclumpIngearth washed up by the lake formeda large tract and Capt Streeter became a man of importance With libimportance and the increased valueof the lands his troubles began Thetract became connected with tbsshore and owners of adjoining proerty resented the presence of Cap fStreeter and the retainers he huh1tjhthe1

court of the United Stntcn deoldtbthat tho land was within the jumdiction of the state of llllno4

At 210 oclock Saturday afterno fl300 police officers of the city of Clfeago headed by Chief Klplcyl allevery man boating a repentlnv ritXmarohcd from the Hast ChicaVo nJenuo station bfi the North SfIeIthe foot of Superior street +iifreCapt Gco Streeter has fortlflc himsmelt

A fire boat with a Gutting gunaboard was dispatched up LakeMichigan to make a demonstrationfrom that side and to cut oft the es¬

cape of Streeters men by means oftheir yacht

At 315 oclock Ilrlg Germ NikeI

and five of Ills men perceiving theoverwhelming force of police approaoh climbed over tho emplace¬

ment of their improvised torts andoffered to surrender to time park jxxlice providing they were protectedTime surrender was accepted and thopark policemen ntartcd on foot toy

ward the police station followed byan immense crowd

The remainder of Capt Btreeterforce seeing the fate ot their leaderdeserted their guns and escaped Inthe throng The pollee at once tookcharge of the fort with its entirestore of arms and ammunition

Capt Streeter was not found In the

fortsChicagoMay 28Wm II Nile

military governor of the District ofLake Michigan and the five membersof his army of invasion capturedon the north shore huve been formally charged with violations of the lawnof the state of Illinois

Hntctiloru SurcniorWashington May 7lt is under

stood that the president has decidedto appoint as a member of time fay

dustrial commission to succeed M D

Katchford re lgned11r CharlesLeitchman of Massachusetts former ¬

ly general secretarytreasurer of theKnights of Labo-

rKnoxvilles Invitation AcceptedKnoxville Tenn May 27Tho in

vitation extended by the Knoxvillecitycouncil to tho Hoer commissionera to visit this city Inns urea accepted Arrangements for theiritinerary tens not been completed noeltime date of the visit can not be setat present

noel Envoy Cnuiluur WentWashington flay 2LThe JJoer enI

Toys expect to leave here Thursdayfor Boston to attend a reception there-on that day From Huston they pro-ceed west for Chicago where they awto be on Juno 5 or 0 stopping cnIroute at Cleveland and Buffalo

I Frepnrlnt tf> Itecelve Len OtUI San Francisco May 28 Preparastuns are rapidly beIng made at tinTlnjGeninchief in the Philippines who itscheduled to arrive In this city fromManila Tuesday

Will Meet lu u Tent

281htMissourischeduled to meet here on Juno 5 tonominate a state ticket will be heldIn a tent on Shelley square in Ironliof the court rouse



A Board to Be Appointed to Investi¬

gate the St Louis Strike

resident ot Mercantile Oriranlinthin and Claha and lleprecenla J

then of the civiiinpiTB rjAInir to Arbllrule Trimble

tit Louis May O8tlto LaborCommissioner ThomuH P Jtixoy sentuploa of the followiug letter to 1rvsS

dent Whit tI knr of the Transit Cothentrlkorn grievance conunlttcoDear SIr Your attention IH re

pect fully directed to chapter JC J nr t

611014oMissouri as applicable to tho presentitinpute existing between tho SU LouisTriMiDit Co und its llIIplo lIt

In nccordnnco with sold law you aiaN hergby requested to suggest tho ananiee ul two nilitnblo pomoim to notale arbitrator an provided In wild nicelion hl9W Falling to comply withrhle retpieot within 84 hours I shallmake the appolntinent as tho lawprovide fury ronpoctfuliyI I

T P JllxoyCoroinlwluner of labor Statisticsand InspectionTho statutes rofornxl to proxMo h

that In euBu of n strike or lockoutthe tato eominlnitonor of labor NtatiatlCH and Iniptratluu may require till jj-

upH >liitini nt of a board of arbitrationto Inquire into the merit of the caseand tender an unbiased opinion

The statutes set forth that thla nolion may to taken by the labor commlMionor only when work Is going J1JforJ

cthis provision In tho statutes dues not l

kland In tho way of taking steps towand orating nn arbitration board

The tout provision in the statutesrelntlng to arbitration Ifa that If n-

either party to the controversy livelays after tho ion Is rentlored torefuses to accede the decidon IIn notbleeding

At a meeting atttmded by the preldents of tnorciiMtllc orgaHkmtlon and tclubs unit roprooiitnthM of limo dullynewspapers of St IIxiuln a committee rof seven wrens ap >olntrtl to call upon nthe St Lowl rran1t Co sad time

irikviii grievance committee amieertaln whether both aWn arewhiling to summit their dlfferoncM toa board of arbitration of

Thle committee JII to report barkto O 1 Whltelaw who pr oi letl attier meitln Mr1 liltelaw wit call-a second uUfOllnJ sad report the end-ings of time committee

A ear an the Hellofontatne line ofthe Trfiiidit Co wvswa partly wrecked111uwnrl

Xexvhotiw nveiiiie and Mth street late IIn the afternoon OIHcer Slolllne and toKeefo who were dotnllml to protectthe or were oriou ly Injured Thowheel which cnmo IH oontoet with thetjlnrchlUie ground rise moment Hm of thecar currioil It forward n low foot hey tbtore it oatne to n sadder atop Timeoccupants were nil hurledd forwardagainst tine platform ef the our Nearof tine paMcngnm or crew Wan IH

jurtd ofA Ronftflttnnnl report Iis current to

the enact tthat severalI dnys ago two tostone qunrrio were robbed of SOU

pounds of dynamite by unknown partier In sonic quarters the belief oxhis that n portion of the stolen 1dghrexplosive wan used to wreck thelieliefontolnojSincethere have been numerous colllnlonbetween the police arms the strikersand the latter sympathizers Hard ¬

ly u day during that time has passedwithout somebody being wounded bjbullet or injured by flying missilesand police clubs The list of casualties presents four persons shot andkilled 22 wounded by bullets and 30or more Injured In other ways

Two of the killed were innocent byutanilern U striking motorman and an nemergency policeman completing thenumber Several of the wounded arein a critical condition nnd may dieIt Is estimated by the strikers thatlees than fifty of their number 3323who struck have returned to workThese with the street car men Im ¬

ported from other cities are operAt JisIng the Transit Cos car It IIs as-

serted that at least 50 of the importell mcnJmve joined time strikers

Atteiiiiled MurderDanville Ill May 20 Walter Deck-

er a colored boy from Hirmingliaintin while In n Chicago und EasternIllinois box car near IJIsmnrck thiscounty was attacked by n travelingcompanion who after knocking himdown with n coupling pin tightlybound DuckerV legs and arniH antiSthen opening the car door cast him J

out endeavoring to make Islam landunder time wheels of the rapidly mov

1Ising train Decker kicked time tilde oftime ear n he fell nnd escaped thutJwheels hut right knee cap watt tornoff and internal injuries receivedmay prove fatal

Attend tsMrs Oraiit

Chicago May 27Mrs Ulysses B

Grant and daughter Nellie Grant-sII-

Surtorlx have signified to the melbergs of the Grand Army national encainpment commute their intentiontb accept Invitations to be presentat the encampment in August Jof

Number of Klllplnos KilledWashington May rSenntllr Pet

tlgrev hut introduced a resolutionceiling upon the secretary of war torItlInformation ns to time number of illIplno who have been killed in time torJiliipplues since February 5 1908




Summary of leading Uvent

Washington Tiny 3SennteAl ¬

most the entire session was taken updiscussing Senator Spoonru bill pro ¬

viding that upon the suppression of

uhllipplncathedcvolw upon the president until snobtime an congress might direct otherwile Mr Carter imsiiited time cre¬

dentials of Mr Clark as n senatorfrom Montana under time appointmentof paling Gov Spring of that ottoThey were laid on time table

lIoulIlfhe entire day ii i devotedto the Alaskan civil government bill

low progress was made only 24pages bring caponed of

Washington May 2lSenateTheday was taken up In political speechesthe Philippine question and n resolu ¬

Ion demanding an Investigation offinancial attaint in Cuba furnishing

subjectHouse agreement Will reachedto mljourn on Juno fi Tho Necly wespiriteell

collector of customs nt Honolulu atsalary of MOOO n year Time post of

Hoc appropriation bill was soot toconforomr and 1 1m wnya and menuscommit eo Instructed to sit duringthe recoM

Washington May 24SenateTimeduty of the United States toward IU

Island 1posses lonsI wn the Mibjiotof a heated political dtwumlon NobusineH wan transmuted

llousaVor fight hours tho momers tllllcuned tho Alaskan civil ROY¬

ernment Mil But little progroM wasmode An amendment was adoptedauthorizing the secretary of war todrctlgoforthe touch at CHIN Sumo Tint seniorcut rvttort on the Indian appropria ¬

tion kill WAil adoptedWaMilnRlou May1 25 nAto A

hUllltllnohutOCIItlHl nppronrintlttn bill whirlsostrrie ttitiwo or over fiOGQ000

more than UIII It lMttl time house wastaken up sad 1ST page dUixuwsl of

Hotttfe Tvo hours were divoted tocoturtderliitf the Alaakmt civil govern ¬

bill without camiitatlnp 16 Timromalmltr of the session was devoted

private IIUJllnl1 bill Among Uioofnvorntily acted upon wore tho aanutubills to pension the widow of tho lateCnpt Qriilley wino eonunnndrd theOlympta In the battle of Mnnlla ntpr month-

Washington May S sLSrnaloAe-solution wn ndoplrd providing fur

cangrrMMteiiHl Invent lent Ion of theCuban jKMitflJ frasllti TIn rmlititlnlshItlmprMottrd and flied Mr IfttljfrcWrmtelMttoH calllNfr MfHin for ixrrrUry

war for A tntrmrnt of thr HHinlwrbyUtsitetlpresentlnsnrnhouseTim Ha > rolution cwlllnif

VH >B the fiONltiMittvr general for errtuln Information regarding tlm rr

K> rU tsf K O Ituthlrant iliriolor ofthe xwta In Cubu wns ndoptisl without iviien Aniithor nwolutlon null ¬

top HjHin the nfretnry of war to roort In detail time jwyment roads and

whom train the rwvenur of Cubaand Porto Itleo waa aino adopter

Wonliinvtnu MayI leiSenateTlter-oaIfxg of the numlr civil apiropr1nlion M was eoladltrHlt fret nut all ofhe committee nmrtMlmcnt here lmrrn


lins the life of the tmluatrUt comnun Hnlll October XI 1O-IlloarrIhr Alaskan civil govern

nirttt bill ItS ipaenhl Other blllll111dOltIthe alihiiil aorprw whose commiMnnu nhiill oxplrv Juno M 1601 and

provide1 six additional onicer Inthe NHbf4st nre bureau of tho war drypartment te ratify the nerremrnt ofthe cOlllml lon to the mica Hvlltnl

and the Srinlnole Indlnns to-estore to the public domiiln n small

tenet of White muuntnlii Aparhv In ¬

bia rcwrr lion Arlonn to rxchange geld bar for gold coin


Vlatenieut Made Ur n Member nt thisClilrnito routrMclurn Council of

C iM lilrralilc fllunlnrance

Chicago May 2YThe contractorsare willing to lucottho local unionsbut nut members of time NationalBuilding Trades sound ThiN state

eat was made by Victor lnlkenaiichairman of the press committee ofthe contractorn council Is declaredby lobar traders to presage a speedyBcttltiiUnt of the lobar troubles whichhavo for months paralyzed buildingoperations In Chicago

Mr KnlkenlnH statement howevercoupled with an Important proviso

rhl building Trade+ Council of ChiC3io the central organlMtlon of limit

Chicago unions IU barred BB well nJl

the National Building Trades councilWhile our willingness to reefer with

tho unions Iin a modification of Outfirst Ki ltlonVJie sold there will heno fcettitinent with any union whichrctaliiH Its mitnborahlp with time ceutral organlxntlon

Dreltlttl Att-unlnt

veyWashington May Orhl United

tates Bupromo court Monday decidedAdm Dcwcyn honesty claim againstthe admiral contention Tho effect

to deprive tho admiral red mho menwith him nt Man t of half

ime amount claimed by them ChiefJustice Puller delivered n dlnstiitlngopinion

Sooth Ilnkota IlepnblleaM TicketSioux Falls S D May 25Thu re

publican state convention adjournedine die at 4 oclock Thursday mourn-

Ing She ticket IH an follows Gov ¬

error Charles N HerrJcd LicutcunntGovernor George A Snow Secretary

State O C Berg Treasurer JohnBchambcr Auditor J D Ilcevcs

Jaeklea Go to lIonWaihlngton May 25 Eighty jack

from tho battle ship Texas will go-

t° prison for terms ranging from sixeighteen months They are time

rasa who raised trouble at Galveston

ilInit + M

Mlxad EmotionTo illustrate time feeling of Ireland toward

this predominant partner an actor who halately been touring tell the story of an oldwaiter in a Dublin hotel When are yougoing to get home rule in Ireland Johnsm the question See ye here aorr mid-the old man the only way well get humerule for ould Inland will ht if Fraaeean-Itunnaan Germany an Auitna anmaybe ltaliI they would all join togetherto give those blayRianli of Jingltah a raregood hiding That time only way well gethomo rule annyway Then a hi lookedcautiously around a twinkle of cunning an ta smile of courtesy were added to the exiircMion And the whole lot of em skivedtogether couldnt do it he maid Uhitsthe grand navy weve gotl London Ohmsicle


Wo rifer One Hundred Dollars Rewardfor any call of Catarrh that cannot be luredby Mals Catarrh CureqWe JJtCbtoeyfor +

perfectly honorshle to di iuainees transac-tion and financially able to carry out anyobligations made by their firmWest t Truax Wholetalo Druggltti To-ledo


0Waldlng Kinnan k Marvin Wholesale

Toledo ODrulfiliU 1atarrh Cure is taken internallyacting directly upon the blood and mueeus e

of the system Price Z Co pr Mtticbold by all Druggists Testimartalifree

ilalla Family Pllli aro the best

Adding ColorIArrrDo yu rcmlmbtr our acid tamhlmrWillnowI fwdaesick Chtwgo Evening News

Vim Will ever Knowwhat goad ink tii u l use Itcosts iw more than ioerhak All deafens

Qollr TactFtrtffive trumpittm araempany the

king of Abyaslpfa wmereve ageca litresae 1a s at least WIte Metnt m teat

k1sewr hem to be IItanlersn lmst co-11uleds

Uuti F Walbel Ih 0 St 1 MOotwrote I have retwinmen T If totie Mctara gave up tbe ohikl1Id At

costIAYO rIfitslateret UltrPues

PiMi Cure for Ceruumptien Is an Arl MJ f

Me owdwlDc far sough seed laidtainurf Ocean Grave N JFeb 17iV9Q


The lazy nna melts W tk MC thatyou bt ot 1Iolkrdl1IiNp Dally Sewn

orTime dear departetl Veniioiu Yale lice

How MuchYou Eat

Is net the question iut br muck you dt-

gent btrttiM food JKS ftm osty whets itu digMlMl amid aiiituiUin taken ap Jw thebleed and wade into muscle nerve hensseed Uittie Hoods Karsauanlki restart tothe ilonMrh its rawer w digestian ThenaMetste u natural and bMltbr Then dyePepaic+ is gsot and strength tluUtrit andtudunepc return

stomach Trouklel My mathrr hilla very bd ttenah trouble She wdghorlfaerbiWtyf1

petunia She took u agars after the grip alaiMaCByeHoods

SarsaparillaIt Amtn as Greatest Blood Mtdictne

G B Gildthwalte DrsfirlJt TrotAla wrote February 28 1 893


r would not take = 0000 for the good

Palmers Lotionbat dose BJ son who had been Is rcIof a pbjilclan tot IS month

Lotion SoapFrtvtnt an4 aMUU IIn anus sera cyuseed tort eyelid At Vu Sib only


ll1l11IOsad goer own

I HIRES RootbeerJ4 will toDiHbal mate to It Uuui

IOU of ice nd somas of ftuIatuba for rs cola

WHu M n11

rn Mu1 tfmt-M



Worth 4 to So comparewith other makes







011JJu Your dulcrshould keep them ifnot we will send a pall

onreccl ot rwic and mw

letwtttnludrdmM 1

The UHritloii offrnertIs easily and simply solved with a packis

of llurnhvns Unity Jellycon U ii onl1bollIngiIs a delightfully pure jelly and an ideal destrawberrrunflavored calfsfool for making wine andcoffee jellies All grocers sell it

ROOFING t1 Rd poperoe I a pr


r9OmttIWomuwllbWrit iuUrn tlonal Maiigf Vr Co Iartoos Kautukh

I ttsaIDfort1ltlonUse Certain Corn Cure Pricel5c
