6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

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Page 1: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

6th Grade World History

Kelly Barber – STEM CoordinatorAngela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

Page 2: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

Rationale for Teaching ConceptsConcepts are the “furniture” of our minds. A well-furnished mind is a source of joy, academic success, citizenship, career satisfaction, and lifelong learning. When a student forms a concept from its examples, he or she knows more than the definition of a term (e.g., river: he or she also knows some vivid examples of the concept that add flesh to a bare-bones definition, such as the Mississippi, the Amazon, the Yangtze, and the Volga). This is deep conceptual learning rather than superficial knowledge of a vocabulary word.

Page 3: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

Description of “Concept”A concept is defined by critical characteristics shared by all examples of the concept. For something to be an example of a concept, it must contain all these critical characteristics. To help students form the concept, the teacher helps them first to see these critical characteristics across different examples and, then to summarize those characteristics in a definition that students themselves write.

Page 4: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

Important Concepts in 6th Grade Social Studies:



•LawWhy would an in-depth

understanding of concepts like these be important to

teaching world history?

Page 5: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

Concept Development

90-120 minute lesson

SNAPSHOT Experience (today – 20 minutes)

Steps in Lesson

1.Activate Prior Knowledge2.Individual Brainstorm3.Small Group Brainstorm4.Whole Group Brainstorm5.Small Group Categorization6.Whole Group Consensus & Gallery Walk Notetaking7.Defining the Concept8.Applying the Concept

Page 6: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

Read through the sentences at the top of your handout.

Work in a small group to brainstorm as many words and phrases as possible that come to mind when you think of the term culture.

Share with another group and add to your list.

What we’re leaving out of this snapshot…•Individual brainstorm•Whole group brainstorm (rather than two groups)•(Remember when brainstorming with students, no idea is wrong until categorization begins. Keep the conversation open and honor all ideas. Deleting words is a later step.)

What we’re leaving out of this snapshot…•Individual brainstorm•Whole group brainstorm (rather than two groups)•(Remember when brainstorming with students, no idea is wrong until categorization begins. Keep the conversation open and honor all ideas. Deleting words is a later step.)

Page 7: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

Back in your small group, use the PERSIA Method to categorize all of the words and phrases that you associate with culture. All words must either be deleted by consensus (“This isn’t a word related to culture.”) or fit into one of the categories.

How this differs from a traditional concept lesson…

Traditionally, you would allow students to define their own categories and then come back together as a whole class and decide on the BEST five categories. These categories become your critical characteristics of the concept. In this case, we are giving you some critical characteristics that you can use all year long for categorization.

How this differs from a traditional concept lesson…

Traditionally, you would allow students to define their own categories and then come back together as a whole class and decide on the BEST five categories. These categories become your critical characteristics of the concept. In this case, we are giving you some critical characteristics that you can use all year long for categorization.

Page 8: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

So what are the PERSIA categories?

Page 9: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

Leaders & Leadership Style

Government SystemMilitary/WarConstitution/DocumentsIndividual ParticipationLaws/CourtsStructure of Gov’tTreaties


Page 10: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

Economic•Currency/Money•Resources•Trade •Industry•Technology•Agriculture/Farming•Infrastructure•Labor & Production

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Importance day to dayBelief/TeachingsReligious Leader(s)Worship PracticesHoly book and sitesValuesWho & what is worshipedRelationship to



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•Family•Roles of different genders•Class Structure•Language•Education•Lifestyles•Entertainment

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Art & MusicWriting & LiteraturePhilosophyMath & ScienceInventions & InnovationsEducationTechnologyFashionDiscoveries & ExplorationArchitecture


Page 14: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

GeographyPhysical characteristics of

location (land, waterways, natural borders, types of soil, etc.)

Movement of people, goods, and services

Human Environment Interaction



Page 15: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

After categorizing your terms, work as individuals or small groups to complete the final steps in defining and revising your definition of culture.

These steps are highly important, and having an agreed upon definition of an important concept is essential. We are skipping this step today, but you never should. Instead, for important concepts, write the student composed and agreed upon definition on a large poster to hang in your class for the entire year as a reference point.

These steps are highly important, and having an agreed upon definition of an important concept is essential. We are skipping this step today, but you never should. Instead, for important concepts, write the student composed and agreed upon definition on a large poster to hang in your class for the entire year as a reference point.

Page 16: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How can the PERSIA Method help my

students to better understand ancient civilizations and organize their understanding so that they can more effectively discuss and write about their learning?

SMALL GROUP PRACTICE WITH THE TEXTBOOK In your groups (Egypt, China, India), use the

textbook to take notes using the PERSIA Method.

Page 17: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

P (leader) P (law)

The President signed a bill today E (money)

approving millions of dollars to I (scientific discovery)

fund immunizations to protect S (health) S (health)

Americans from the flu virus.

Page 18: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

Should be used regularly for different purposes…Note TakingAsking Great QuestionsAnalyzing ReadingsPrimary Source Analysis and AnnotationReview of ChaptersComparisons of CulturesRanking of Important Cultural Characteristics in a Civilization (within categories and across categories)Preparation for writing

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Rule by a king or a queen

PType of


King Henry VII

Page 20: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

Egyptians Romans

P Pharaoh Caesar

E Nile - trade Roman Road

R polytheism polytheism

S hieroglyphics Latin

I astronomy concrete

A Pyramids Coliseum

Page 21: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

Informative Essay

Comparative Essay


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Page 23: 6 th Grade World History Kelly Barber – STEM Coordinator Angela Orr – Social Studies Coordinator

We hope to work with you again soon. Contact us with any questions.

Kelly Barber [email protected] Orr [email protected]