6 th Grade Health Chapter 8 Bullying and Harassment

6 th Grade Health

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6 th Grade Health. Chapter 8 Bullying and Harassment. Bullying. Bullying Picking on an individual Sometimes, bullying takes the form of intimidation . Intimidation Purposely frightening another person through threatening words, looks, or body language - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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6th Grade Health

Chapter 8 Bullying and Harassment

Page 2: 6 th  Grade Health

Bullying• Bullying– Picking on an individual

• Sometimes, bullying takes the form of intimidation.– Intimidation • Purposely frightening another person through

threatening words, looks, or body language

– Male bullies often use threats of physical violence.– Female bullies often use verbal put-downs that hurt

other people’s feelings.

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Dealing with Bullying/ Intimidation

Try ignoring the person. Walk away. Remain calm.

Be forceful without being


Report the incident to a

person in authority.

Remember you have the right to

learn in a safe environment.

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Bullying and Harassment

• Bulling can also be in the form of Harassment– Harassment • Ongoing conduct that offends another person by

criticizing his or her race, color, religion, physical disability, or gender– Harassment can take the form of a spoken or written

comment, gesture, or unwanted physical contact.

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Dealing with Harassment

Tell the person to stop.

Use an assertive communication


Look the person in the eye as you


Let your family know what is

happening and get their advice.

If the harassment continues, tell a

trusted adult.

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Assignment 1

1. Shelby is being teased repeatedly by Matt. She doesn’t know what to do. What advice would you have for Shelby?

2. Your cousin writes to tell you about a “really funny kid” who just came to his school. He explains that this new person gets a laugh by knocking other students’ books out of their hands. How would you explain to your cousin that the action is inappropriate behavior?

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Why Conflicts Build

Factors that can cause a conflict to escalate include anger, jealousy, group pressure, and the use of alcohol and drugs.

•Escalate • Become more serious

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Warning Signs

The Warning Signs of ConflictPhysical Signs Emotional Signs

A knot in the stomach Feeling concerned

Faster heart rate Getting defensive

A lump in the throat Wanting to cry

Balled-up fists Not feeling valued

Cold or sweaty palms Wanting to lash out

A sudden surge of energy Wanting to escape

! !

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When a fight is developing, you can show good citizenship by encouraging those involved to find a positive way to resolve the conflict. However, if the fight turns violent, do not get involved. Instead, get help from a trusted adult right away.

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Be quietfor awhile



Focus onsomething


Identify theproblem

Focus onthe problem

not theperson

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Preventing Conflicts from Building



Learn to understand your feelings.

Keep your conflicts private.

Avoid using alcohol or other drugs.

Show respect for yourself and for others.

Learn to accept people who are different from


Put yourself in the other person’s situation.

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Finding Constructive Solutions

Conflict resolution is a constructive approach to dealing with any conflict.

•Conflict resolution • A life skill that involves solving a disagreement in a

way that satisfies both sides

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Conflict Resolution





Take a time-out.

Allow each person to tell his or her side.

Let each person ask questions.

Keep brainstorming.

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A Need for Mediation• Mediation can help if you and the other person cannot reach an agreement.• A mediator can be an adult or a student. A mediator will steer both sides toward a compromise.

• Mediation • A process in which a third person, a mediator, helps

those in conflict find a solution• Compromise • An arrangement in which each side gives up

something to reach a satisfactory solution

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The Mediation Process

Steps in the Mediation Process

1. The parties involved in the conflict agree to seek an independent mediator.

2. The mediator hears both sides of the dispute.

3. The mediator and the parties work to clarify the wants and needs of each party.

4. The parties and mediator brainstorm possible solutions.

5. The parties and mediator evaluate each possible outcome.

6. The parties choose a solution that works for each of them.

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Assignment 2

1. Analyze two ways to prevent conflicts from building.

2. Explain the four steps in the T.A.L.K. strategy.