6. Multiple regression - PROC GLM Karl B Christensen ~ kach/SAS Karl B Christensenhttp:// ~ kach/SAS 6. Multiple regression - PROC GLM

6. Multiple regression - PROC GLMpublicifsv.sund.ku.dk/~kach/SAS/6. The general linear...Multiple regression - PROC GLM Exercise: Another look the Juul data 1 Get the data into SAS

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6. Multiple regression - PROC GLM

Karl B Christensenhttp://

Karl B Christensenhttp:// 6. Multiple regression - PROC GLM

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Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA)

the general linear model


Multiple regression

Automatic variable selection

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Data example: lung capacity

Data from 32 patients subject to a heart/lung transplantation.TLC (Total Lung Capacity) is determined from whole-bodyplethysmography. Are men and women different with respect tototal lung capacity?


1 F 35 149 3.40

2 F 11 138 3.41

3 M 12 148 3.80

. . . . .

. . . . .

29 F 20 162 8.05

30 M 25 180 8.10

31 M 22 173 8.70

32 M 25 171 9.45

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Box plots for comparison of sex groups




AXIS2 LABEL=(H=3 A=90) VALUE =(H=2);



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Box plots for comparison of sex groups

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Group comparisons

Using t-tests1


CLASS sex;

VAR tlc height;




Variable Method Variances DF t Value Pr > |t|

TLC Pooled Equal 30 -3.67 0.0009

TLC Satterthwaite Unequal 29.7 -3.67 0.0009

Height Pooled Equal 30 -3.73 0.0008

Height Satterthwaite Unequal 29.5 -3.73 0.0008

Obvious sex difference for TLC as well as for Height

1Note that we can specify more than one variable in the VAR statement.Karl B Christensenhttp:// 6. Multiple regression - PROC GLM

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Confounding when comparing groups

Occurs if the distributions of some other relevant explanatoryvariables differ between the groups. Here “relevant” meansthings we would have liked to be the same (or at least verysimilar) for everybody, because we think of it as noise ordistortion.

Can be reduced by performing a regression analysis with therelevant variables as covariates.

Confounding could be a problem in the current example, if weintended to compare the lung function between men andwomen of similar height

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Relation between TLC and HEIGHT


PLOT tlc*height=sex / HAXIS=AXIS1 VAXIS=AXIS2;







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Relation between TLC and HEIGHT




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(Plotted using I=RL)

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Analysis of covariance

Comparison of parallel regression lines

Model: ygi = αg + βxgi + εgi g = 1, 2; i = 1, · · · , ngHere α2 − α1 is the expected difference in the responsebetween the two groups for fixed value of the covariate, thatis, when comparing any two subjects who have the same valueof (match on) the covariate x (“adjusted for x”).

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But what if the lines are not parallel?More general model: ygi = αg + βgxgi + εgi

If β1 6= β2 there is an interaction between Height and Sex

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Interaction between Height and Sex

The effect of height depends on sex

The difference between men and women depends on height

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Model with interaction

PROC REG only works for linear covariates. Group variables can behandled directly in PROC GLM by specifying the group variable as aCLASS variable.


CLASS sex;

MODEL tlc=sex height sex*height / SOLUTION;


The option SOLUTION is needed if we want to see the regressionparameter estimates.

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PROC GLM output

The GLM Procedure

Class Level Information

Class Levels Values

Sex 2 F M

Number of Observations Read 32

Number of Observations Used 32

Dependent Variable: TLC

Sum of

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F

Model 3 42.81845030 14.27281677 10.28 <.0001

Error 28 38.89354970 1.38905535

Corrected Total 31 81.71200000

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE TLC Mean

0.524017 19.36069 1.178582 6.087500

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PROC GLM output

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

Sex 1 25.31161250 25.31161250 18.22 0.0002

Height 1 17.48233164 17.48233164 12.59 0.0014

Height*Sex 1 0.02450616 0.02450616 0.02 0.8953

Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

Sex 1 0.07951043 0.07951043 0.06 0.8127

Height 1 17.36061701 17.36061701 12.50 0.0014

Height*Sex 1 0.02450616 0.02450616 0.02 0.8953

The interaction is not significant.

The Type III p-values for the two main effects should neverbe used for anything in a model including the interaction!

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PROC GLM output


Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t|

Intercept -5.827971333 B 4.97706299 -1.17 0.2515

Sex F -1.727664141 B 7.22116113 -0.24 0.8127

Sex M 0.000000000 B . . .

Height 0.073564647 B 0.02854339 2.58 0.0155

Height*Sex F 0.005743619 B 0.04324220 0.13 0.8953

Height*Sex M 0.000000000 B . . .

These are the regression parameters

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Where are the two lines in the output?

Line for males (the reference group):

TLC = -5.828 + 0.07356 × Height

Line for females:

TLC = −5.828 + (−1.727) + (0.07356 + 0.00574)× Height

= −7.555 + 0.07930× Height

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Same model, new parameterization


CLASS sex;

MODEL tlc=sex sex*height / NOINT SOLUTION;


Output (edited)


Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t|

Sex F -7.555635475 5.23201797 -1.44 0.1598

Sex M -5.827971333 4.97706299 -1.17 0.2515

Height*Sex F 0.079308266 0.03248326 2.44 0.0212

Height*Sex M 0.073564647 0.02854339 2.58 0.0155

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Two different parameterizations


CLASS sex;

MODEL tlc=sex height sex*height / SOLUTION;


(extrapolated) level at Height=0 for reference group

(extrapolated) difference between groups at Height=0

An effect of Height (slope) for the reference group

The difference between the slopes for the two sexes


CLASS sex;

MODEL tlc=sex sex*height / NOINT SOLUTION;


The (extrapolated) level at Height=0 for each group

The effect of Height (the slope) for each group

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Model without interaction

No indication of interaction, we omit the term


CLASS sex;

MODEL tlc=sex height / SOLUTION CLPARM;


Are there also other possible parameterizations in this model? (andwhich one should we use?)

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Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

Sex 1 25.31161250 25.31161250 18.86 0.0002

Height 1 17.48233164 17.48233164 13.03 0.0011

Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

Sex 1 3.24523555 3.24523555 2.42 0.1308

Height 1 17.48233164 17.48233164 13.03 0.0011

Note: The effect of sex seen in the group comparison hasdisappeared!!

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Model without interaction - results


Parameter Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t|

Intercept -6.263569903 B 3.67983781 -1.70 0.0994

Sex F -0.770859760 B 0.49571132 -1.56 0.1308

Sex M 0.000000000 B . . .

Height 0.076067188 0.02107532 3.61 0.0011

Parameter 95% Confidence Limits

Intercept -13.78968328 1.262543472

Sex F -1.784703236 0.242983716

Sex M . .

Height 0.032963311 0.119171065

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In this example it seems that

1 The observed difference in lung capacity between men andwomen can be explained by height differences

2 However, there may still be a sex difference for persons of thesame height (women vs. men), estimated as−0.77± 2× 0.50 = (−1.78, 0.24)

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But. . .

what if we did not have the two very short men to pull the line forthe men? Let us look at the subjects above 152 cm (using thestatement WHERE height>152; in PROC GLM). Test of interaction:

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

Sex 1 22.10748067 22.10748067 19.92 0.0002

Height 1 0.25519165 0.25519165 0.23 0.6361

Height*Sex 1 2.76108429 2.76108429 2.49 0.1284

Estimated additive effects

Parameter Estimate 95% Confidence Limits Pr > |t|

Intercept 10.53318707 B -3.47974795 24.54612210 0.1339

Sex F -2.04829071 B -3.40956535 -0.68701607 0.0048

Sex M 0.00000000 B . . .

Height -0.01778053 -0.09665451 0.06109345 0.6459

A somewhat different conclusion. . .

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Plots for model checking in the HTML output:



CLASS sex;

MODEL tlc=sex height sex*height / SOLUTION;

OUTPUT OUT=WithResid RSTUDENT=NormResidWithoutCurrent;



PLOT NormResidWithoutCurrent * sex;



In addition to the ODS GRAPHICS plots for PROC GLM, residualsshould be plotted against each of the CLASS variables (here sex) inorder to check variance homogeneity

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Exercise: Another look the Juul data

1 Get the data into SAS using a libname statement.

2 Create a new data set including only individuals above 25years, and make a new variable with log-transformed SIGF1.

3 Use PROC GPLOT to plot the relationship between age andlog-transformed SIGF-I.

4 Make separate regression lines for men and women.

5 Do a regression analysis to explore if slopes are equal in menand women.

6 Give an estimate for the difference in slopes, with 95%confidence interval.

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Multiple regression. General linear model (GLM).

Data: n sets of observations, made on the same ’unit’:

unit x1....xp y

1 x11....x1p y12 x21....x2p y23 x31....x3p y3. . . . . . . .n xn1....xnp yn

The linear regression model with p explanatory variables(covariates) is written:

y = β0 + β1x1 + · · ·+ βpxp + ε

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Interpretation of regression coefficients

ModelYi = β0 + β1Xi1 + β2Xi2 + ...+ βpXip + ε

where ε ∼ N(0, σ2). Consider two subjects:A has covariate values (X1,X2, . . . ,Xp)B has covariate values (X1 + 1,X2, . . . ,Xp)Expected difference in the response (B − A)

[β0 + β1(X1 + 1) + β2Xi2 + ...]− [β0 + β1X1 + β2Xi2 + ...] = β1

This means that β1 is the effect of one unit’s difference in X1 forfixed levels of the other variables (X2, . . . ,Xp)

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School-age obesity data

School-age obesity score versus height and weight measured at 1year of age

Obs Obesity Height1 Weight1

1 -0.06967 79 11.70

2 -0.79982 72 9.55

3 2.67337 76 9.95

. . . .

. . . .

196 0.47968 78 10.60

197 -0.61818 77 10.10

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School-age obesity data

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SAS code

PROC REG DATA=SchoolObesity;

MODEL Obesity = Height1 Weight1 / CLB;


(part of the) output

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Standard

Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t|

Intercept 1 0.18668 1.16769 0.16 0.8731

Height1 1 -0.06644 0.02163 -3.07 0.0024

Weight1 1 0.47653 0.07097 6.71 <.0001

Parameter Estimates

Variable DF 95% Confidence Limits

Intercept 1 -2.11631 2.48967

Height1 1 -0.10910 -0.02379

Weight1 1 0.33656 0.61650

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Interpretation of regression parameters

Remember that βj is the effect of the j’th explanatory variable,corrected for the effect of the other explanatory variables, that is,when comparing any two subject who match on all the othervariables.

The effect of Height1 corrected for the effect of Weight1 isfound to be β̂1 = −0.066 (95% CI: −0.109 to −0.024),p = 0.0024

In the univariate model without correction for Weight1 we gotβ̂1 = +0.048 (95% CI: +0.019 to +0.077), p = 0.0014

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Interpretation of regression parameters

The parameter for height answers two different questionsdepending on whether or not adjusted for weight:

Unadj. ’Are big 1-year-old children generally fatter during schoolage?’

Adj. ’Are slim 1-year-old children generally slimmer during schoolage?’

Both questions are relevant and both answers are valid!

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Relative effects and products or ratios of covariates

Both issues are solved by log-transforming the covariate(s)!Example: BMI = Weight/Height2 is a ratio measure. Logarithmicrules give

log(BMI) = log(Weight) − 2·log(Height)

so β·log(BMI) = β·log(Weight) −2β·log(Height)Choice of log-transformation of covariates

Use of log10 means that the regression parameter shows theeffect of two subjects differing by a factor 10. Do not uselog10 unless it is likely for two subjects to differ by a factor 10!

Use log2 [SAS code: LOG2(·)] when doubling is likely.

Use a covariate calculated as


if 10% differences are likely.

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BMI at age 1 appropriate predictor for school-age obesity?

1 BMI is a ratio measure involving weight and height, so weshould investigate log-transformed weight and height

2 Doubling is not a realistic difference, so we look at “per 10%”

DATA School1;

SET SchoolObesity;

HeightPer10pct = LOG(Height1 )/LOG (1.1);

WeightPer10pct = LOG(Weight1 )/LOG (1.1);



MODEL Obesity = HeightPer10pct WeightPer10pct / CLB;

TestBMI: TEST HeightPer10pct = -2* WeightPer10pct;


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Part of output

Parameter Estimates

Parameter Standard

Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t| 95% Conf. Limits

Intercept 1 9.80370 5.95742 1.65 0.1015 -1.94593 21.55334

HeightPer10pct 1 -0.45993 0.15673 -2.93 0.0037 -0.76904 -0.15082

WeightPer10pct 1 0.45679 0.06714 6.80 <.0001 0.32437 0.58922

Test TestBMI Results for Dependent Variable Obesity


Source DF Square F Value Pr > F

Numerator 1 15.72218 20.34 <.0001

Denominator 194 0.77312

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1 10% higher weight increases the expected school-age obesityscore by 0.456 (95% CI: 0.324 - 0.589),

2 10% lower height increases the expected school-age obesityscore by 0.460 (95% CI: 0.151 - 0.769),

3 BMI at age 1 year is not an appropriate choice (p < 0.0001).

4 Since the regression parameters for the log-transformed weightand height are of the same size, but with opposite signs, anappropriate predictor would be the ratio weight/height

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Model selection

Lung function - 25 patients with cystic fibrosis2

2O’Neill et al (1983).Karl B Christensenhttp:// 6. Multiple regression - PROC GLM

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Which covariates have a univariate effect on the outcome PEmax?

Are these the variables to be included in the model?

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Model with all covariates


MODEL pemax=age sex height weight bmp fev1 rv frc tlc;



Parameter Standard

Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t|

Intercept 1 176.05821 225.89116 0.78 0.4479

age 1 -2.54196 4.80170 -0.53 0.6043

sex 1 -3.73678 15.45982 -0.24 0.8123

height 1 -0.44625 0.90335 -0.49 0.6285

weight 1 2.99282 2.00796 1.49 0.1568

bmp 1 -1.74494 1.15524 -1.51 0.1517

fev1 1 1.08070 1.08095 1.00 0.3333

rv 1 0.19697 0.19621 1.00 0.3314

frc 1 -0.30843 0.49239 -0.63 0.5405

tlc 1 0.18860 0.49974 0.38 0.7112

No significant effects. . .

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Automatic variable selection: Forward selection

Start with no covariates. In every step, add the most significantvariable


MODEL pemax=age sex height weight bmp fev1 rv frc tlc



Final model: Weight BMP FEV1

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Automatic variable selection: Backward elimination

Start with all covariates. At each step, omit the least significantvariable


MODEL pemax=age sex height weight bmp fev1 rv frc tlc



Final model: Weight BMP FEV1

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But. . .

There is no guarantee that these automatic methods will give usthe same result:

Had observation no. 25 not been in the data set, backwardelimination would have excluded Height as the first variable,while forward selection would have included Height as the firstvariable!

A ’best’ automatic method has not been identified, butbackward elimination is often recommended over forwardselection.

WARNING: Output from selected model does not take modelselection uncertainty into account: The output (regressioncoefficients and p-values) is identical to what would have beenobtained had we fitted the final model with out doing anymodel selection. The importance of the selected covariates isover-estimated!

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