6 HEIjEnsr-A. WEEKLY HERALD. Written for the Helena Herald. THE DIVORCE OF JOSEPHINE. The reign of terror past, and France awakes ! The victims spared from that dread holocaust Of woe unutterable, omniscient doom. The trembling naMon presses wildly to Her almost bursting heart: in that fell time Of doubt, uncertainty, nor rank, nor age Was free ; the purest souls of earth, and minds As gifted aa the gods of ancient lore, Were trampled, like the morning dew, beneath The grazing herd ; unbridled fury reigned. A monster, Argus-eyed, on brazen front Polluted name of liberty, ensnared The unsuspecting, till the havoc dire Appealed to highest Heaves. Not in vain— A silent youth, unshrinking seized tL; helm, Bids peace be still ; enwrapped in iiut' ‘Ct, A mind mysterious, as unseen ways By which the world is governed, self-controlled, Unscrupulous, with power to read the depths Aad sinuous windings of the human heart. From chaos order sprang; one master hand And iron will controls the elements Renewing barriers, and once again Religion's altars burn, with incense rare. Surrounding nations hail the victor mind, Then bow submissively, and commerce wide His white-winged sails rich tribute pay. The purple robes of empire hail their chief ; From Rhenish steeps to Adriatic shores His will was absolute; beside him shone A spirit pure and gentle, undefiled, As mother love that lights Madonna’s brow, Half angel, wholly woman; fain would she By loveliness beguile him from the shrine Of vast ambitious, bonds of selfishness, And cause the Golden Age to smile again Upon the earth ; the lion and the lamb Together lie: alas! no little child To lead them. High above the martial din Of warring legions and contending hosts Ambition beckons, guides the victor's fate To future d3rnasties and high renown. Beneath her baleful star, that Moloch shrine, What recks it, million bleeding human hearts? And thou, pure spirit of unselfish t^ th , To whom affection is thy all of life, The bond which binds thee to that warrior-soul Must riven break; so destiny demands. Pale morning dawneth slowly; shifting clonds Conceal the sunlight ; hollow winds and grass With Winter crisp resound the rustling step. And crowds are gathered hurriedly ; from lip to lip A whisper ominous ; tis like the bolt, Which long expected, yet the dirge of doom. Within those palace walls a gathered host: Enthroned princes, long descent of kings, And statesmen, grandly lored, in majesty Triumphant; warriors from a hundred fields The heroes ; beauties soft and syren-skilled, Are blended with the throng; the arched roof And marbled corridors a silence keep. Now foremost in the gioup, as if to scan What fixed decrees the hidden shades conceal, And then with quick, impatient gesture bid, The fated edict onward, is the child Anointed monarch-seer of destiny. Apart from all, self-isolated, stern, A frozen statue, chilled in attitude Of thought ; the folded arms and massive head Betraying, Sphinx-like, ne’er a syllable Of vain regrets and love’s eternal war, Affection whelmed in state-craft policy, Ambition has its limits, thou has thine. Avenging Nemesis, too often scorned, With sternest retribution sows thy path With treachery and leagnered walls of steel ; Thy armies scattered as by Titan’s breath ; An empire vanished ; thou thyself a waif. A mythic warning on the scrolls of time. And fate the inexorable, the just, Is emblemed now, os through dim cloistered aisles The pc. Uing anthem’s volumed cadence seems Like martial muBic clanging on the wind. Stem is the soul, enshrined in deepest thonght, Cold is the heart, unhallowed with a tear; The fiat is decreed ; like Pascal lamb, One victim more is led to sacrifice ; Devoted woman’s pure, unselfish love. No nobler nature, fallen crushed like thee ! No sadder tribute to forgotton hours, Of lavished homage, and a nation’s trust: But now an Empress crowned, then nothingness. The hour approaches : slowly in their midst, A glimmer of white robes is faintly seen, An emblem of her soul’s sweet purity, And then with tearless eye, beseeching gaze, A ch. ek whoso.tinge seems marble as of death, She seals her doom. The mournful pageant ends. For those who love thee with a faith which seems Idolatry- to them, the faltering step And anguished sigh of sympathetic woe, Thy soul-suppressed emotion quenches tears : The throbbing brain and quickened pulse arc lulled To listlessness ; and thou art deadly calm ; When moonlight shades the cold sépulcral stone, Or falling snows the first of Winter shrond The tiny grave of infant loveliness, The heart-throbs beat with scarce a deeper chill. The dream is ended and thy days are hushed ; Like flower exhaled upon the breath of night, As sea-shell tossed by ocean currents wild , On frozen shore ; or bird by adverse wind, On weary pinion, floating, seeking rest. No expiation of a nation's guilt May equal this; the gifted, loved of earth, With grasp remorseless, hurled by vengefnl fate, To realms beatified, each soul at rest, Their dreams of perfect life are realized. The garnered loro of wisdom yields its sweets Through Eons of eternity ; life’s veil Forever rent, each mystery revealed ; And love, involuntary incense, breathed In sweet celestial harmony, doth waft The sonl, in waves on waves receding from The lading realms of time, unto the hand Omnipotent ; we grope in darkness here: At rarest intervals our faith is blessed With whispered cadence from that dreamless shorn. But living sacrifice, the thoughts that bum The heart they feed upon, the hopelessness Of cherished memories forever hushed, The chilling isolation, vague despair: Mourn such as dead ; talk not of griei and tears Till ye have pressed this clulice to tliy lip, And quailed its biUer agony; then learn This truth ; the living are beyond the pale Of our restricted, cold humanity. No longer shone that benison, success, The hero’s glory on the tented field: Frond Moscow’s heights and Beresina's snows, And million gathering hosts on flank and rear Fortell thy doom, ill-fated Waterloo. And he, that warrior-soul o'er-whelmed, betrayed; Cookl Fortune yield no balm to mitigate Hie fall? the victor’s wreath no talisman ? His life a harden ! gone, forever hushed. The gentle voice whose every accent breathed Of self-devotion and unchanging truth. Like winds that fan the azure-pl(imaged isles Of Summer seas, with perfume laden, yet Distil a subtle poison, serpent dew ; So carking care and mingled tenderness, With barbed arrows pierced her breaking heart. The exile’s name forgotten save by thee ; In nightly vigils, or in midnight tears, With waning life thy soul a blessing sought, Thy last petition breathed a prayer for him. If love unselfish and unchanged by time, May live beyond the grave, then surely thon, As pure a soul as ever blessed the earth, A love like thine would sanctify ; though guilt Might rest on us, in mercy Heaven itself Would not refuse thy prayer; each spirit linked With thine in bonds of truth, thou’d consecrate. —[Mrs. Helen E. T aylor. Bannack, M. T., February 1,1875. Arrest of » Forger. N ew Y ork, February 9.—A. M. Pugh, alias C. Hunter, was arrested at Buffalo to- day, with numerous forged deeds and mort- gages of property in the AY estera States in his possession. ________-i --gp-- — SPAIN. B ayonne, February 8. —The Alfonists bave entered Estella. The Carlists Chiefs, Men- dieri and Argoaz, were killed by tbeir own men, Çarlos has retreated to Yergura, in Gulpazcoa.- L ondon, February 8.— Spanish dispatches do not confirm the report of the capture of Estella by the Alfonsists. The Carlists claim they recovered the ground lost in Guipazcoa ; that General Loma has been compelled to abandon Loreze and Guelaria and is hemmed in at San Sebastian : and that the Alfonsists lost 12,000 killed in recent engagements. M adrid , February 8.—Alfonso will return to Madrid on Saturday. Gen. Jovellar takes chief command of the Army of the North. M adrid , February 9.—Official dispatches admit that the advance guard of the extreme left of the troops operating against the Car- lists in Navarre, has suffered a check owing to the over-confidence of its commander. The Carlist chief Mendize, was shot by or- der of Don Carlos for treason. Count Valmaseda is to be appointed Cap- tain-General of Cuba. General Moriones has been appointed com- mander in-chief of the Armjr of the North. H enday , February 9.—The military oper- ations of the Alfonsists in the North have been temporarily suspended, and the troops Ere fortifying themselves in positions which they occupied in their advance. L ondon , February 9.—The Carlist com- mittee in this city claim to have information that the Carlists have won a great victory over the Alfonsists, the latter losing seven thou- sand killed and wounded, and that Don Car- los had issued a congrat ulatory address to his troops. ----------^ -------------- FRANCh. P aris , February 8.—Valentine (Rep.) is elected to the Assembly from Seine-et-Oise. There was no choice in the Cotes-du-Nord district. P aris , February 9. —The Bishop of Stras- bourg having issued a charge to bis clergy in which be alleged the church is persecuted by Germany, the authorities seized all of the copies and forbid the promulgation of the document. canada T M ontreal , February 8.-The Grand Trunk Railroad reduced the wages ten per cent, to- day, and this morning all the Conductors re- fused to go to work save at the old rates. There are twenty long trains lying in the yard here, waiting bauds to run them. No freight trains left either way to-day. The train men at Brockville have also struck, and there are no trains from there. M ontreal , February 9.—The strike on the Grand Trunk Railway lias ended. DR. L. W. FRARY, SURGEON DENTIST. BROADWAY .....................................Helena. Office— In the “ Herald” Building-. « Twenty years’ experience, making a specialty of his field of lac >r, gives Dr. Frary precedence over many others in the practice of his profession. The mort difficult cases in Surgical Dentistry successfully treated __ ______________ fd&wly-ap4] D. & J. GOLDBERG Call tue attention of the public to the fine assortment of goods which they have just received, consisting of Cassimere Suits, CBitom-Made Dress Suits, fall and w inter overcoats . All ef the Latest Patterns. Also, Furnishing Goods, Nations, Hats. Caps, and Shoes, in Great Variety *l00** Buyers should not lail to give us a call in onr new location, one door above John H. Ming A Co., Main street, where they can buy at bottom prices. All onr goods are manufactured at No. 84 Leonard street. New York City.__________ d<fcw 6m-ang26 NATIONAL MINING * exploring company . lacoporated Cnder the Law« of New York, f-ebruury 83d, 1865. V t ^ p »"dKup’t,*Uirio'nviUe, Office, Helena, M. rw. af® re<lu*red to draw their pay on the Srj? Y . ine day in each month (or on ceasing work.) Bills in town settled the following day, and if any are -H o o k ed they should be rendered through the Poet Bhîî’L ,! H Î ‘,Krf a^,vv ia-v?10i*n to inspection by respect- Able partie*, but all loafin'* prohibited« 4&wtl-ap2 DOLLARS TO THE AMOUNT OF TWO MILLIONS FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND ARE TO BE DISTRIBUTED ON THE 27th FEB- RUARY BY THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KY., UPON THE OCCASION OF THEIR FIFT H AND LAST CONCERT. * Drawing Certain or Money Refnnileil. One Grand Cash Gift....................................... $250,000 One Grand Cash Gift....................................... 100,000 One Grand Cash Gift....................................... 75,000 One Grand Cash Gift....................................... 50,000 One Grand Cash G ift ...................................... 25,000 5 Cash Gifts, f ‘20,000 each................... 100,000 10 Cash Gifts, 14,000 each................... 140.000 15 Cash Gifts, 10,000 each. ................... 150,000 20 Cash Gifts, 5,000 each. ................... 100.000 25 Cash Gifts. 4,000 each................... 100,000 30 Cash Gifts, 3,000 each.'................... 90,000 50 Cash Gifts, 2,000 each................... 100,000 100 Cash Gifts, 1,000 each................... 100,000 240 Cash Gifts, 500 each................... 120,000 500 Cash Gifts, 100 each................... 50,000 19,000 Cash Gifts, 50 each................... 950,000 Whole Tickets .......... ........................................... |50.00 Halves.................................................................... 25.00 Tenth, or each Coupon........................................ 5.00 Eleven Whole Tickets.......................................... 500.‘W For Tickets, or information, address THO. E. BRAMLETTE, Agent and Manager. Louis- ville, Ky, d&w4\v-d3i PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY. Dcatli of Gov, Bram lcU c—Action of the T r u s t e e s —A S u c c e s s o r A p p o i n t e d —N o .VIore postponements—Drawing Cer- tain February 27. At a meeting of the Trustees of the Public Library of Kentucky, Jan. 16, 1S75, it was resolved that C. M. Briggs, es<L, who under the late Thus. E. Bramlette was the real business manager of the gift concerts al- ready given in aid of the Public Library of Kentucky, be and he is hereby authorized to take the place made vacant by the death o£ said Bramlette, in the affairs of the Fifth and last Gift Concert, and that the drawing announced for February 27, 1875, shall positively and unequivocally take place on that day, without any fur- ther postponement or delay on any account whatever. N. T. DURETT, Pres. J ohn S. Cain, Sec'y. Hereafter, all communications relating to the Fifth Concert should be addressed to the undersigned, and I pledge myself that the Drawing shall come oft Feb- ruary 27th or that every dollar paid for tickets shall be returned. C. M. BRIGGS, Agent and Manager, Room 4, Public Library Building, Louisville, Ky. tdwad-feb6 J. H. MING & CO., Booksellers, Stationers, and Dealers in Fancy Goods. HELENA ................................M. T. Would respectfully announce that they are now receiving a complete assortment of New Goods in their line, embracing WRITING, BILL and LEGAL PAPERS. NEW INITIAL and FA NC T NOTE PAPER. WRAPPING and WALL PAPER. BLANK BOOKS and MEMORANDUMS. FANCY GOODS , NOTIONS and TOYS. TOILET ARTICLES, COMBS ; BRUSHES; Etc. MIRRORS, PICTURES and PICTURE FRAMES. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS and STRINGS. FISHING TACKLE, SPORTING GOODS and PLAYING CARDS. SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. Helena, M. T., November 4,1874. We have appointed C. K. Wells our agent for the sale of the Singer Sewing Machines at Helena and vi- cinity. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO. A complete assortment of the above machines and attachments will be found at onr stoie. J. H. MING A CO. Agents for the PATENT ALUMINOUS BUILDING PAPER, the best and cheapest substitute for plastering known. ^"Samples sent by mail, and letters of inquiry promptly answered. dlm&w3m-jel5 PROF. B. F. MARSH. J. M. MARSH D. S. DEPUTY MINERAL SURVEYORS A PPOINTED agreeably to the provisions of the Mining Laws of the United States, we are author- ized to make Surveys and execute the work required to Obtain Patents to Mining Claims in Montana. WORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Office and Room* at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. Addres MARSH & SON, dly-janL Helena, Montana. SHERIFF’S SALE. W ILBUR F. SANDERS vs. Bernard Collins, E. Blaine Walker and Nicholas Wall. To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale on Saturday, February 20th, A. D. 1875, at the front door of the Court House in Helena, M. T., at 12 o'clock M of day, the following described placer mining ground : Lot sixty (60) A and lot sixty (60) B, being in town- ship nine (9,) north of range three (3) west, and town- ship nine (9,) north of range four (4) west, in the Tucker Gulch Mining District, Lewis and Clarke Connty. Montana Territory, and containing 24 26-100 acres, more or less. Dated, Helena, M. T., January 27th, A. D. 1875. SETH BULLOCK, Sheriff Lewis and Clarke County. w3t-feb4-dltjan28 CRESCENT SPECTACLES. Imj>ovre your sight. T HE Crescent ed to the public perior to all others clearness and dis- they are unrivaled, prismatic c o l o r s alvoaya f o u n d in spectacles now offer- are guaranteed su- in the market For tinctness of vision The total absence of and refractory rays Pebbles r e n d e r s them especially de- l-trwües Mark. J s i r a b 1e . Being ground with great care, they are tree from all imper- fections and imparities. They are mounted in Gold. Silver, Shell, Rubber and Steel frames, and will last many years without change. For sale only by oar Agents. F. BARTOS. Jeweler and Optician, Sole Agent f r Helena, Montana Terri- tory. Also, Manufacturing Jewelers. Keep a full stock of American and Foreign Watches, for which I will sell at States prices. Give me a call, and satisfy yourself, r. 8.—Watches repaired by Geo. W. 8torey. All work warrented to give perfect satisfactio-' and repaired at States prices. Two doors above Cl. rk, Conrad A Curtin’s. Main street. tit None genuine without the Trade Mark stamped on every pair. Manufactured by FELIX)WS, HOLMES A CLAPP, wly-mhl2 New York. Lock for Trade Mark. No Peddlers Employed. FIRST NATIONAL BANK O F H E L E N A . DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY Of THE UNITED STATES. Si. T. HAUSER, D. C. CORBIN President, Cashier. S. M. HALL, - Vice President, T. H. KLEINSCHMIDT, - Ass’t Cash. Authorized Capital, $500,000 00. Paid up Capital, - 8100,000 OO Permanent Surplus Fund, 50,000 OO AVERAGE DEPOSITS PRECEDING SIX MONTHS, * - 597,604 52 INVESTED IN U. S. BONDS, - - 228,000 OO DIVIDEND PAID NOVEMBER 1, 1S74.. .20,000 OO We transact a General Banking Business, Afcd Buy, at Highest Rates, Gold Dust, Coin, Gold and Silve Bullion, and Local Securities ; and sell Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers, available in ail parts of the United States, the Canadas, Great Britain, Ireland, and the Continent. Collections made, and Proceeds remitted promptly. We have also perfected arrangements whereby our facilities for handling Silver Ores are particularly good, and this Branch of our Business will receive Special attention. Cash advances made upon Ores, and same Shipped for account of Owners. Or we will B U Y F O R CASH , At the very best rates allowable. Owners of Mines will consult their interests by calling upon us. Board of Directors : S. T. HAUSER, B. STICKNEY, Jt. MOSES MOORE, S. M. HALL, JNO. H. MING, JOHN CURTIN, JNO. E. BLAINE, D. C. CORBIN. F. L. WORDEN. _______________________________ d&Wtf-mar6 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF HELENA. Paid in Capital* * $100,000 Authorized Capital, $500,000 We draw Exchange on Deer Lodge, Virginia City, Bozeman, Corinne, Sali Lahe City, San Francisco, Omaha, St« Louis, Chicago, New Vork, Montreal, and all the principal cities of Europe. We are also prepared to give Tele- graphic Transfers on either of the above named cities. GEO. W. FOX, President. C. J. LYSTER, Cashier. Bay Silver Ores at the mine, or delivered in Helena, or we will make cash advances on ores and ship the same for account of owners. Bay local securities, loan money, discount paper, an allow interest on time deposits. In connection with our varions correspondents throughout the Territory, onr facilities for making collections are particularly good. ASSOCIATED BANK. FIEST NATIONAL BANK, OF BOZEMAN, DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENTS OF THE UNITED STATES. DIRECTORS: WILLIAM A. CHESSMAN. ALEX. H. BEATTIE. WILLIAM ROE. C. J. LYSTER CORNELIUS HEDGES. GEO. W. FOX. L. M . BLACK. HENRY KLEIN. NICK KESSLER d&wtf-aplö DR. L. E. HOLMES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offlc street, Helena, M. T. [d&wtf-sep23] DRUG C0LUNM, WEIR * POPE WilOLKSALk AN1» RETAIL DRUGGISTS HELENA, MONTANA, Cordially thank the public for the liberal patronage extended to tliem during the past year, and solicit through the columns of the Herald a continuance of the same. CARDEN SEEDS! We also beg leave to announce to the public that In a few weeks we shall open out a fine and well selected stock of GARDEN SEEDS. The stock will comprise all the new as well as the standard and well known varieties, and will be offered for sale at Eastern Prices. No person need take any chances on the mails, as we propose to sell as cheap as if bought in the Eati direct FLOWER SEEDS! We shall also expose for sale, in the course of a month, a very large and varied assortment of FLOWER SEEDS. We have taken pains to order all the varieties of flowers that can well be grown in this Territory, and ask all those who love flowers to come and see onr stock. Prices, like those for our Garden Seeds, will he East- ern prices—cheap enough that all may grow a few flowers. Onr seeds are all F r e a li and can he relied on. Par- ties preferring to order from us instead of sending East shonld send in their orders early, before onr stock is broken. Orders booked at any time and seeds delivered when wanted for planting. This will ensure against any disappointment at the time of seeding. Orders from any part of the Territory will be filled promptly, or as above. Our Stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, WINDOW GLASS, etc., Is as replete as usual, and orders are solicited. OH A, WEIR * POPE, Druggists, HELENA, ........................... MONTANA. [d&wly-aplC]

6 HEIjEnsr-A. WEEKLY HERALD. DOLLARS FIRST NATIONAL … · 2017. 12. 14. · Triumphant; warriors from a hundred fields The heroes ; beauties soft and syren-skilled, Are blended with

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    Written for the Helena Herald.T H E DIVO RCE O F JO S E P H IN E .

    The reign of terror past, and France awakes !The victims spared from that dread holocaust Of woe unutterable, omniscient doom.The trembling naMon presses wildly to Her almost bursting heart: in that fell time Of doubt, uncertainty, nor rank, nor age Was free ; the purest souls of earth, and minds As gifted aa the gods of ancient lore,Were trampled, like the morning dew, beneath The grazing herd ; unbridled fury reigned.A monster, Argus-eyed, on brazen front Polluted name of liberty, ensnared The unsuspecting, till the havoc dire Appealed to highest Heaves.

    Not in vain—A silent youth, unshrinking seized tL; helm,Bids peace be still ; enwrapped in iiut' ‘Ct,A mind mysterious, as unseen ways By which the world is governed, self-controlled, Unscrupulous, with power to read the depths Aad sinuous windings of the human heart.From chaos order sprang; one master hand And iron will controls the elements Renewing barriers, and once again Religion's altars burn, with incense rare. Surrounding nations hail the victor mind,Then bow submissively, and commerce wide His white-winged sails rich tribute pay.The purple robes of empire hail their chief ;From Rhenish steeps to Adriatic shores His will was absolute; beside him shone A spirit pure and gentle, undefiled,As mother love that lights Madonna’s brow,Half angel, wholly woman; fain would she By loveliness beguile him from the shrine Of vast ambitious, bonds of selfishness,And cause the Golden Age to smile again Upon the earth ; the lion and the lamb Together lie: alas! no little child To lead them.

    High above the martial din Of warring legions and contending hosts Ambition beckons, guides the victor's fate To future d3rnasties and high renown.Beneath her baleful star, that Moloch shrine, What recks it, million bleeding human hearts? And thou, pure spirit of unselfish t^ th ,To whom affection is thy all of life,The bond which binds thee to that warrior-soul Must riven break; so destiny demands.

    Pale morning dawneth slowly; shifting clonds Conceal the sunlight ; hollow winds and grass With Winter crisp resound the rustling step.And crowds are gathered hurriedly ; from lip to lip A whisper ominous ; tis like the bolt,Which long expected, yet the dirge of doom.

    Within those palace walls a gathered host: Enthroned princes, long descent of kings,And statesmen, grandly lored, in majesty Triumphant; warriors from a hundred fields The heroes ; beauties soft and syren-skilled,Are blended with the throng; the arched roof And marbled corridors a silence keep.

    Now foremost in the gioup, as if to scan What fixed decrees the hidden shades conceal,And then with quick, impatient gesture bid,The fated edict onward, is the child Anointed monarch-seer of destiny.Apart from all, self-isolated, stern,A frozen statue, chilled in attitude Of thought ; the folded arms and massive head Betraying, Sphinx-like, ne’er a syllable Of vain regrets and love’s eternal war,Affection whelmed in state-craft policy,Ambition has its limits, thou has thine.Avenging Nemesis, too often scorned,With sternest retribution sows thy path With treachery and leagnered walls of steel ;Thy armies scattered as by Titan’s breath ;An empire vanished ; thou thyself a waif.A mythic warning on the scrolls of time.

    And fate the inexorable, the just,Is emblemed now, os through dim cloistered aisles The pc. Uing anthem’s volumed cadence seems Like martial muBic clanging on the wind.Stem is the soul, enshrined in deepest thonght, Cold is the heart, unhallowed with a tear;The fiat is decreed ; like Pascal lamb,One victim more is led to sacrifice ;Devoted woman’s pure, unselfish love.

    No nobler nature, fallen crushed like thee !No sadder tribute to forgotton hours,Of lavished homage, and a nation’s trust:But now an Empress crowned, then nothingness.

    The hour approaches : slowly in their midst,A glimmer of white robes is faintly seen,An emblem of her soul’s sweet purity,And then with tearless eye, beseeching gaze,A ch. ek whoso.tinge seems marble as of death, She seals her doom.

    The mournful pageant ends.For those who love thee with a faith which seems Idolatry- to them, the faltering step And anguished sigh of sympathetic woe,Thy soul-suppressed emotion quenches tears :The throbbing brain and quickened pulse arc lulled To listlessness ; and thou art deadly calm ;When moonlight shades the cold sépulcral stone, Or falling snows the first of Winter shrond The tiny grave of infant loveliness,The heart-throbs beat with scarce a deeper chill. The dream is ended and thy days are hushed ;Like flower exhaled upon the breath of night,As sea-shell tossed by ocean currents wild ,On frozen shore ; or bird by adverse wind,On weary pinion, floating, seeking rest.

    No expiation of a nation's guiltMay equal this; the gifted, loved of earth,With grasp remorseless, hurled by vengefnl fate, To realms beatified, each soul at rest,Their dreams of perfect life are realized.The garnered loro of wisdom yields its sweets Through Eons of eternity ; life’s veil Forever rent, each mystery revealed ;And love, involuntary incense, breathed In sweet celestial harmony, doth waft The sonl, in waves on waves receding from The lading realms of time, unto the hand Omnipotent ; we grope in darkness here:At rarest intervals our faith is blessed With whispered cadence from that dreamless shorn. But living sacrifice, the thoughts that bum The heart they feed upon, the hopelessness Of cherished memories forever hushed,The chilling isolation, vague despair:Mourn such as dead ; talk not of griei and tears Till ye have pressed this clulice to tliy lip,And quailed its biUer agony; then learn This truth ; the living are beyond the pale Of our restricted, cold humanity.

    No longer shone that benison, success,The hero’s glory on the tented field:Frond Moscow’s heights and Beresina's snows, And million gathering hosts on flank and rear Fortell thy doom, ill-fated Waterloo.And he, that warrior-soul o'er-whelmed, betrayed; Cookl Fortune yield no balm to mitigate Hie fall? the victor’s wreath no talisman ?His life a harden ! gone, forever hushed.The gentle voice whose every accent breathed Of self-devotion and unchanging truth.

    Like winds that fan the azure-pl(imaged isles Of Summer seas, with perfume laden, yet Distil a subtle poison, serpent dew ;

    So carking care and mingled tenderness,With barbed arrows pierced her breaking heart. The exile’s name forgotten save by thee ;In nightly vigils, or in midnight tears,With waning life thy soul a blessing sought,Thy last petition breathed a prayer for him.

    If love unselfish and unchanged by time,May live beyond the grave, then surely thon,As pure a soul as ever blessed the earth,A love like thine would sanctify ; though guilt Might rest on us, in mercy Heaven itself Would not refuse thy prayer; each spirit linked With thine in bonds of truth, thou’d consecrate.

    —[Mrs. Helen E. Taylor. Bannack, M. T., February 1 ,1875.

    A r r e s t o f » F o r g e r .N ew Y ork , February 9.—A. M. Pugh,

    alias C. Hunter, was arrested at Buffalo today, with numerous forged deeds and mortgages of property in the AY estera States in his possession.

    ________- i - -g p - - —

    S P A IN .

    B ayonne, February 8 .—The Alfonists bave entered Estella. The Carlists Chiefs, Men- dieri and Argoaz, were killed by tbeir own men, Çarlos has retreated to Yergura, in

    Gulpazcoa.-L ondon , February 8 .— Spanish dispatches

    do not confirm the report of the capture of Estella by the Alfonsists. The Carlists claim they recovered the ground lost in Guipazcoa ; that General Loma has been compelled to abandon Loreze and Guelaria and is hemmed in at San Sebastian : and that the Alfonsists lost 12,000 killed in recent engagements.

    M a d r id , February 8.—Alfonso will return to Madrid on Saturday.

    Gen. Jovellar takes chief command of the Army of the North.

    Ma d r id , February 9.—Official dispatches admit that the advance guard of the extreme left of the troops operating against the Car- lists in Navarre, has suffered a check owing to the over-confidence of its commander.

    The Carlist chief Mendize, was shot by order of Don Carlos for treason.

    Count Valmaseda is to be appointed Captain-General of Cuba.

    General Moriones has been appointed commander in-chief of the Armjr of the North.

    H enday , February 9.—The military operations of the Alfonsists in the North have been temporarily suspended, and the troops Ere fortifying themselves in positions which they occupied in their advance.

    L ondon , February 9.—The Carlist committee in this city claim to have information that the Carlists have won a great victory over the Alfonsists, the latter losing seven thousand killed and wounded, and that Don Carlos had issued a congrat ulatory address to his troops.

    ----------^ --------------F R A N C h .

    P a r is , February 8.—Valentine (Rep.) is elected to the Assembly from Seine-et-Oise. There was no choice in the Cotes-du-Nord district.

    P aris, February 9 .—The Bishop of Strasbourg having issued a charge to bis clergy in which be alleged the church is persecuted by Germany, the authorities seized all of the copies and forbid the promulgation of the document.

    c a n a d a T

    M o n t r e a l , February 8.-The Grand Trunk Railroad reduced the wages ten per cent, today, and this morning all the Conductors refused to go to work save at the old rates. There are twenty long trains lying in the yard here, waiting bauds to run them. No freight trains left either way to-day. The train men at Brockville have also struck, and there are no trains from there.

    M ontreal , February 9.—The strike on the Grand Trunk Railway lias ended.

    D R . L. W . F R A R Y ,

    S U R G E O N D E N T IS T .


    Office—In the “ Herald” Building-.

    « Twenty years’ experience, making a specialty of his field of lac >r, gives Dr. Frary precedence over many others in the practice of his profession. The mort difficult cases in Surgical Dentistry successfully treated ________________ fd&wly-ap4]

    D . & J . G O L D B E R GCall tue attention of the public to the fine assortment

    of goods which they have just received, consisting ofCassimere Suits,

    CBitom-Made Dress Suits,f a l l a n d w i n t e r o v e r c o a t s .

    All ef the Latest Patterns.

    Also,Furnishing Goods,



    and Shoes, in Great Variety *l00**

    Buyers should not lail to give us a call in onr new

    location, one door above John H. Ming A Co., Main

    street, where they can buy at bottom prices.

    All onr goods are manufactured at No. 84 Leonard street. New York City.__________ d