5th year oral Q

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  • 8/13/2019 5th year oral Q



    Abdul Rahman Mohamad Shukorantara soklan yang group arab

    dr amrubiochemical changes vit d deficiency ricketrespiratory complication in pretermx linked recessivehemphilus influenzapost strept GNpolio vaccine

    dr abdallacerebral edema in diabetic patientida

    dr atifhypocalcemiadevelopment at 6 monthstep breast feeding

    dr abirhypoglycemia

    benefit breast feeddevelopment at 1 yearidamicrocytic hypochormic anemia

    dr tariq dusukiricketacute bronchiolitisxray fb aspirationdifficulties breast feedred urineradiology fb aspiration

    dr shaltutdiff mutage and teratogenlithium causing....cek sndirix linked recessiveci vaccination

    dr mustopaidavit d def ricket..biochemical findingc palsy

    dr esmat kutrespiratory complication preterm

    opvcerebral edema

    dr mustopa ayutihepatitis marker ,significancedevelopmetn at 9 monthobstructive and cardiogenic shock

    dr asimihypocalcemia

  • 8/13/2019 5th year oral Q


    steps breast feeddevelopment 6monthassesment asthmathyroid screeningh influenza

    dr sahrawymilestone at 6monthsteps breast feedinghypocalcemia

    dr bassionyidac palsycerebral edema

    dr khaledrheumatic manifestationastham asesementcauses abdominal pain in hemolytic anemiapre kwashiorkor signcausees indirect jaundicese, ci vaccine

    dr rashadkaidac palsynephrotic complicatopnteratogenscarlet fever

    dr sahirgrowth assesmentdisproportionate short statureindirect jaundicemalnutrition signs

    dr nanisindication geneticnephrotic complicationteratogenscarlet fever

    dr basinahcirrrhosis complicationnormal and wide anion gappansystolic obver precordium

    dr shakir

    cirrhosis complicationanion gapgrowthnephrotic complicationgenetic counsellingepinephrine in emergencies

    dr othmanpem early signindicrect jaundice

  • 8/13/2019 5th year oral Q


    ci vacciantionhrsgrowth

    dr ahmad mansuradmission of acute brocnchioloitscontinuous murmur

    dr shadiahhypervitamin dbirth injuryteratogen

    dr ahmed rafaeepancytopeniac palsydka ttt

    dr amru shahidautoimmune hepatitischoking management7 factors affecting growthacute epiglotitiscomplication measle

    consanguinitysecondary hypertensin in childern

    dr mina hafizcpautoimmune hepatitisanion gap


    Abdul Rahman Mohamad Shukorgroup arab yang exam hari ni untuk clinical, insyaAllah diorang kate senang, dok

    tor banyak tanye teori and kene buat examination, antara kes yang adericketbronchopneumoniatoflymphadenopathyvsdgeneral examinationinvestigation biliary atresiamotor system examinationcenter of reflexessplenomegallyleukemiaanemia

    hydrocephalusvit k deficiencybace jugok paper essay aritu



    Nurul Nadirah Ramlisalam korang.1st maaf sbb x de translator.boleh la kongsikn soalan yg dpt td

  • 8/13/2019 5th year oral Q


    Like Unfollow Post 8 November 2012 at 12:22Seen by everyone

    Illani Riza 1) history + abdominal exam( how to + what)....(x ingat) 2) acromegaly 3) rh. arthritis (tp tye ttg SLE) 4) AS + open heart surgery + artificial valve on 6th IC+ organic@ functional) 5) anemia (tye ttg spleen n anemia) 6) copd (tye ttg type of fever+ causes of dyspnea + causes of L.L edema) sorry, x dpt bgdetails dah x ingat kne tye ape, yg penting kitorg punyer gp mmg dr tye soklan lua dari cases + details+ teori (x tau la kalo sy sorg je rse mcm tu)...8 November 2012 at 12:38 Like

    Nurul 'Adilah Shuhardi General examination of abdomen, ascites: method to exam,investigation (ascites fluid, albumin). normal palpable organ. cause of wide subcostal angle etc

    history: thalassemia case. c/o:blood transfusion twice per month. quest: type ofjaundice, ttt of thalessmia, iron therapy in thalessmia

    exam the neck n comment. type of anemia in thyrotoxicoxis. Diff thyrotoxicosis nhypothyroidism (investigation n manifestation)

    parkinson, exam the face, dd of mask face, common neuro dis in male n female, exam ms tone in UL

    aortic area, pulmonary area, loud n weak S1 n S2, ttt of mitral stenosis, rheumatic, pulse, AF

    cause diminished TVF, ttt BA, complexion (site, def), causes of central cynosis,C/P of acute asthma

    (sy minta dr je yg tlng translate)8 November 2012 at 12:40 Like 1

    Athirah Ghani h(x) taking ;hepatic pt, ascites;superficial mass in abdomen otherthan gall bladder ,normal span liver,chest;anatomy of lung,diff between ht dyspnea n chest dyspnea,acromegaly;investigation, ttt,cell release this hormone, cushingoid dse;ttt sle,;ITP, causes of thrombocytopenia,plt half life,investigation

    of ITP8 November 2012 at 12:41 Like 1

    Hanim Hamizah Zaini RA:other causes of +ve rh factor, D criteria, causes low back pain,how to chck effusionAnemia: where to look, anemia and fever, anemia and splenomegallyCOPD: causes dyspnea, types of fever,dse can diagnose by hxcardio: causes AF,common in cardiac patien: PND or orthopnea?and diffsplenomegallhy: if -ve shifting dullness,what to do? -->reverse shifting @ puddle sign..surface anatomy spleen trube, causes enlarged tender liner8 November 2012 at 13:09 Like

    Mohd Ashraf Shabadin Rase takyah translator.. Examiner yg tolong terjemah. N sat

    u lg dr akan bg markah kesian sbb org mesia tk paham maner. Die nk tgk kite ngaji ke tak..9 November 2012 at 00:05 via mobile Like 1

    Muhammad Abu Ubaidah tanye "anti bitashtaki min eh" tetibe die jawab "awarenessof heart beat" haha..9 November 2012 at 05:44 Unlike 3

    Mohd Ashraf Shabadin Hahahaha9 November 2012 at 05:47 via mobile Like

  • 8/13/2019 5th year oral Q


    Muhammad Abu Ubaidah doktor soal aku ape causes of AF, die bisik ke aku *mitralstenosis*, pastu ape other clinical findings, die bisik "malar flush*, ~kagum jap aku9 November 2012 at 05:50 Like 1

    Lina Emelia Ahmad Adni Q1: inspect abd( how to assest the angle,normal value ofthe angle,perform shifting dullness,cause of divercation,SAAG,paracentesis,valueof PT & albumin.

    Q2:hx taking( bl tr fr chilhood +jaundice, diff diagnosis of jaundice,type jaundice,how to diff ...See More9 November 2012 at 07:12 via mobile Like


    Nurul Nadirah Ramlisetakat yg bdk2 arab dpt case utk clinical exam ni:chest-copd,B.Aliver-ascites,hepatomegaly,splenomegaly,hsmneuro-ataxia,cauda equina,hemiplegia,paraplegiaendocrine-acromegaly,myexedema,cushing,addison,obesity,thyroid examinationblood-thalassemia,dgn L.N examinationrheumatology-rheumatoid arthitis,osteoarthritis

    cardio-m.s,a.s,a.r(mostly vulvular dse)

    kalu ade tambahan boleh kongsikan lg.kalu boleh review la semua..


    as usual,sblm nk strt exam 200 markah ni,boleh la tulis soalan yg masing dpt tdutk clinical pathology..tq korang..Like Unfollow Post 6 November 2012 at 11:35Seen by everyone

    Athirah Ghani diagnostic criteria of hypersplenism,lymphocytosis...6 November 2012 at 11:41 Like

    Muhammad Abu Ubaidah waah best. interrogated by 2 doctors at once for 10 minutes, dr reham & dr karem (don't remember)1. how to diagnose DMblood glucose (explain type, value and so on)urine gluocse (explain type, value and so on)2. hyperbilirubinemiatype (hepatocellular, haemolytic, obstructive)how to differentiate?stercobilinogenurobilinogenbilirubin (indirect, direct, biphasic)liver enzyme (alkalinie phosphatase, glutamyl transferase, carbamyltransferase >

    increase or decrease in which type)albumin level (which type, acute or chronic)prothrombin level (prolonged) & vit k injection (improved in which type and why?)3. haemolytic anemiadiagnosis & marker (eg : haptoglobulin, LDH)6 November 2012 at 11:44 Like

    Lina Emelia Ahmad Adni Generally on platelet.Thrombocytosis thrombocytopenia diagnose acute leukemia

  • 8/13/2019 5th year oral Q


    6 November 2012 at 11:50 via mobile Like

    Nur Ilahi Aie pancytopenia+ investigation of hepatitis.6 November 2012 at 11:53 Like

    Farah Liyana normocytic anemia,diff aplastic n hypersplenism,microsytic anemia,diff iron def n thalasemia,bleeding time value n prolonged,pt value n perlonged,dic6 November 2012 at 11:58 Like 1

    Hidayah Ahmad what is type of jaundice, how to diff. what is microcytic hypochromic, how to confirm d of thalassemia.normal bilirubin6 November 2012 at 12:46 Like

    Ummu Habibah Muhamad Type of liver function test..type of bilirubin..causes of increase direct bilirubin..causes of hypoalbuminemia..level of tsh t3 n t4 in subclinical hypothyroidism6 November 2012 at 15:20 via mobile Like

    Adina Wati Mohamad Shukor causes increase of direct n indirect bilirubin,directn indirect bili solubility,causes of hypercalcemia,regulation of Ca in blood,blood glucose level(fasting,2hrs post prandial,DM),acute n chronic complication ofDM6 November 2012 at 15:50 Like

    Abdul Rahman Mohamad Shukor eosinophilia (def, normal value), def anemia, normaliron, m m anemia, thalassemia investigation, all (investigation, diagnostic cell)6 November 2012 at 16:51 Like

    Wani Kyoo types of jaundice n describe,causes of thrombocytopenia,lab diagnosisleukemia


    salam korang..seperti biasa,boleh kongsikan soalan instrument dgn x ray masing2kt bwh komen ni..jzkk..

    Like Unfollow Post 4 November 2012 at 11:29Seen by everyone

    Tuan Mohd Mas'ain Tuan Mohd Azmi how to insert catheter & how to deflate and remove catheter4 November 2012 at 11:32 Unlike 1

    Nurul 'Adilah Shuhardi Dr banyak tanya anatomy: triphasic CT of abdomen (w liver, kidney, aorta, spleen), multiple chamber enlargement (describe n diagnose)4 November 2012 at 11:35 Like

    Ikmal Hakim Xray: pneumotorax, lung collapse, carcinoma transverse colon. instrument : all about foley catheter

    4 November 2012 at 11:42 Like

    Sophyllea Hana ~xray: same as sotd but plus disc prolapse ~instrument:blood transfusion set, if patient alergic, how to manage?4 November 2012 at 11:43 Like

    Nnf Fariha Instrument; Indications n complications of; spinal needle, canulla, Blood Transfusion SetXray; Barium Swallow lower 1/3 esophageal carcinoma (differentiating point benign n malignancy-shouldering and where is the site), CT Hepatic Metastasis, Hydrop

  • 8/13/2019 5th year oral Q


    neumothorax4 November 2012 at 11:44 Like 1

    Abdul Rahman Mohamad Shukor alat: what is this, what is this, what is this (mujur dok tanye byk, Mohd Ashraf Shabadin dok kongsi nota tekpun)xray: why PA view, malignancy sign, central trachea4 November 2012 at 11:50 Like 1

    Nurul Nadirah Ramli x ray-bilharzial corpulmonale and mechanism of it,cancer sigmoid,mri sagittal section of brain.instrument-choose the easies instrument.whatis the difficulities to insert the spinal needle..4 November 2012 at 12:09 Like 1

    Nur Aisyah xray - MRI disc prolapse,miliary tb,diverticular disease of colon..soaln type,lesion and describe lesion. Alat - sungestaken blackemore tube and spinal needle..complication..sungestaken msuk dari mane..4 November 2012 at 12:16 Like

    Farah Liyana xray-mri liver metatasis n dics prolapse,xray hydropneumothorax n esophages varices instrument-sungestaken blakemore tube-indication,comp,site4 November 2012 at 12:58 Like 1

    Wafi Abd Khalid what is the the first thing i look for to know this chest xray film had been taken correctly or not.... instruments, choose instrument yg kita k

    ehendaki n doktor tanya mudah2 je pasal instrument tersebut,,,,,4 November 2012 at 13:30 Like

    Wani Kyoo xray-describe this film (miliary TB,MRI spine,diverticular disease ofcolon)instruments-sengstaken tube(describe),blood transfusion set(indication),spinal needle(complication),nelaton catheter(what is this)4 November 2012 at 13:49 Like

    Nabila Ammar (skali dgn k diyana n bobo) instruments- canula,syringe,scalp,foleys catheter,nelatons catheter,ryles tube(diff foleys with nelaton,complication during insertion,scenario if patient with painful urinary stricture came to hospital-> unable to insert catheters so resolve with??....... xray-mri of lumbosacral

    region of spinal cord( t1&t2, name of xray,view), pul metastasis ( name of xray,why we prefer PA view than AP view, center or not, diagnosis), cancer of stomach (name of xray,site, diagnosis n describe lesion)4 November 2012 at 13:49 Like

    Lina Emelia Ahmad Adni Skali ngan nini. Instrument:All about liver biopsy needle.kongsi alatt nie sesame jwb masing2.xray sorg satu: lesser curvature stomoch cancer+further diagnosis and bilharzial cor palmonale + further diagnosis.4 November 2012 at 15:18 via mobile Like

    Ummu Habibah Muhamad Xray-sama mcm anis ezzah..Instrument...(skali ngn ihsan)...sungestaken blackmore:what is the function of gastric baloon n complication..

    Urine collection bag:what is the use of this bag other than collection of urineFoley's catheter:what u should do if u can't introduce this catheter..(jwpn:direct suprapubic)Spinal needle: what are the difficulties u found to insert this needle:(jwpn:kyphoscoliosis,x ingat)4 November 2012 at 16:02 via mobile Like 1

    Illani Riza x-ray= sama dgn ahli gp 1 yg lain ( kak dina, kak anis afikah, kak amani,anis ezzah, ummu, sotd, suhaimi, rashidi) instrument : sama dengan kak anisafikah- liver biopsy needle ( indications + complications and why??)

  • 8/13/2019 5th year oral Q


    4 November 2012 at 18:46 Like

    Maryam Abu Bakr X-ray:lebih kurang Nnf Fariha.Dr yg sama ke ape? ....Instrument:Sungestaken-blakemore tube-who made this?-_- which one tube for stomach&esophagus?what the use of gastric ballon,inflated by?esophageal ballon,inflated by?indication,complications why we give cold fluid(VC)


    Nurul Nadirah Ramliokey korang..atas permintaan cik ha aka 1st lady..sy nak mintak kerjasama kalu boleh semua org utk kongsikan soalan oral derma and andro ape korang dpt td..syukranLike Unfollow Post 2 November 2012 at 15:47Seen by everyone

    Nurul Nadirah Ramli kongsikan kat ruang komen bwh ni tau..2 November 2012 at 15:48 Like

    Nnf Fariha xperlula guna title itu kak Nad. Sogan den. Xpe, lepas2 ni drop d comment je. Nad/Rahman juz bukak post je la. Jazakillah Nad!*mintak tlg sampaikan ke senior deh, pasal soklan oral diorg jugak nnt, buat collections2 November 2012 at 15:59 Like

    Lina Emelia Ahmad Adni Andro:ttt G, what do u know about LGV,pre testicular infertility,early prenatal S, class. Of STD, inv of impotence

    Derma: tye sume.doc stop ble dia rase nk stop.2 November 2012 at 16:26 via mobile Like

    Nurul Ihsan Nasiruddin Andro : antidote prolactin, what produce testosterone, length female n male urethra, azoospermia,aspermia, teratozoospermia, clinical features 2ry syphilis, what organism cause lymphogranuloma venereum,stegmata,2 November 2012 at 16:59 via mobile Like

    Nurul Ihsan Nasiruddin Oligozoospermia, center of ejaculation ke erection ntah,

    structure of male reproduction syst., drugs treat erectile dysfunction.2 November 2012 at 17:04 via mobile Like

    Nurul Ihsan Nasiruddin Derma : 1ry lesion of scabies, vitiligo, acne vulgaris, ttt scabies, clinical types psoariasis and ttt. Ttt vitiligo, ttt tinea capitis,def urticaria n ttt, auspitz sign,2 November 2012 at 17:10 via mobile Like

    Nabila Ammar andro-gonorrhea in males,inv gonorrhea, chancre vs chancroid, azospermia, oligozoospermia,polyzoospermia, normal sperm count, causes infertility...derma-p. rosea-type; tinea capitis-kerion,dd scaly type,ttt; vitiligo- def ;wart,diff macule papule, example of papule, condyloma accuminata-ttt2 November 2012 at 17:20 Like

    Fazlini Mohamad Fauzi andro : posttesticular causes of infertility,physiology ofsexual act,classification of std,local comp of gonorrhea in women,gumma of syphilis,genital herpes

    derma : definition utk sume macule, papule, nodule, vesicle, bullae, comedone nlain2 byk sgt sume yg ade clinical types pastu ttt.2 November 2012 at 17:56 Like

    Abdul Rahman Mohamad Shukor andro- what is thank you in malaysia, dx and ttt of

  • 8/13/2019 5th year oral Q


    infertility, class std, lab dx gonnorrhea, chancre character,what is granuloma inguinale,derma- def macule patch papule nodule vesicle bullae pustule comedo, t.capitis type, favus character, what is t,circinata, character p.rosea, ttt scabies, typettt psoriasis, what is lichen planus, koebner phenomenon occur in?, pathogenesisand ttt acne vulgaris

    sape die nk salin ni......????2 November 2012 at 17:58 Like 2

    Nurul Nadirah Ramli print screen je kekgik..2 November 2012 at 17:59 Like

    Atiya Azizol Andro-diff btwn chancre n chancroid,serological test chancroid n chancre,ttt impotence,indication testicular biopsy...derma-acne vulgaris:pathogenesis&ttt,atopic dermatitis children:lesion&ttt,candidiasis:site&ttt2 November 2012 at 18:17 via mobile Like

    Diyana Mohd Daud Andro: gonorrhea in man, serology test in syphilis + what is VDRL, stigmata of prenatal syphilis, causes of impotence, c/p of AIDS, ttt reactions

    Derma: types pityriasis rosea, types t.capitis + diff diagnosis, def of PUVA + indication, antifungal drugs + dose griseofulvin

    2 November 2012 at 18:36 via mobile Like

    Ummu Habibah Muhamad Andro-type of std(classification),causes of infertility n impotence,diagnosis of syphilis

    Derma- causative organism of p.versicolor(physiological n pathological)..natureof causative organism of scabies...type of pityriasis rosea2 November 2012 at 18:37 via mobile Like 1

    Nur Ilahi Aie anatomy of testis. ( tercengang sebentar, sebab tak baca ).2 November 2012 at 19:08 Like 1

    Muhammad Abu Ubaidah special andrology question :

    causes of infertility > ok give testicular causes > what about infection, give example > give 2 organism causing this infection > can it cause syphilis? > ok atwhat stage?3 November 2012 at 00:04 Like

    Pama Balqis andro-1)anatomy of testis,what's inside scrotum, what's behind it,pathological content of vas deferens...2) character of candidal infection 3) character of trichomonas vaginalis discharge..4) semen analysis. derm-1) acne vulgaris(ttt and pathology of comedo) 2) ptyriasis versicolor (dd,ttt) 3) Koebner's phenomenon and its examples3 November 2012 at 10:03 Like

    Mullah Akhi what is your name? what 's the topic u can give me the answer? -seri

    ously.4 November 2012 at 05:06 Unlike 2

    Wani Kyoo andro-diff btween chancre n chancroid,drugs for impotence,mechanism ofthe drugs.derma-describe leprosy n ttt,ptyriasis rosea,describe atopic dermatitis for children,describe erysipelas4 November 2012 at 11:32 Like

    Sophyllea Hana derma: ptyriasis rosea, inverstigation of dermatophye, lichen pla

  • 8/13/2019 5th year oral Q


    nus.. andro: treatment of chancroid4 November 2012 at 11:49 Like

    Nnf Fariha Andro 1/2H; 1)whats d meaning of u n ur fathers name, 2)differentiategonococcal n NGU, Cozez of NGU (what type of protozoas do you know, most commonparasites in female GUT- Trichomonas Vaginalis n its treatment) 3)All about semen analysis (Normal count+Unit of measurement of leucocytes-HPF High power Field, whats d nutrient needed for sperm motility-fructose + why male cant've polyzoospermia-increase competition to get energy supply)

    Dermato; Type n treatment of psoriasis and leprosy, skin lesion of tuberculous leprosy, ttt scabies4 November 2012 at 11:58 Like

    Nurul Nadirah Ramli andro-ttt of shypilis,ttt of granuloma inguinale,what is thecenter for ejaculation and erection,universal drug to treat impotence and its mechanism,site for epididymis,which gland that secrete prolactin?,what other hormane that secreted by pituitary gland?what are antidote for prolactin?teratozoospermia,azoospermia,oligozoospermia,aspermia?derma:ttt scabies,form of scabies,ttt taenia capitis,ttt psoriasis and type of psoriasis and form of vitiligo..4 November 2012 at 12:21 Like

    Farah Liyana andro-diff btween chacre n chancroid,tt impotence,semen analysis

    4 November 2012 at 12:49 Like

    Farah Liyana derma-type of psoriasis,ttt of psoriasis n scabies,lesion of tb leprosy n ttt4 November 2012 at 12:51 Like

    Bintu Zaharuddin andro- 1)gonorrhea: manifest in male,different ( ) GU&NGU,amount of secretion,causes of NGU,mention cultures of gonorrhea, what's diff ( ) theculture media?2) syphilis: mention organism,morphology,is it G+ve/G-ve/ non cultivated?how to see the orgnism?classification of acquired syphilis, c/p of stigmata of prenatal syphilis. 3)AIDS: stages, manifestation of ARC. 4)impotence:def.5)causes of male fertility.

    derma : 1)warts: how many types,enumerate,what is genital wart+ttt 2)PUVA: indications 3)wood's light used in diagnosis of?what's the color? 4)papule: def,examples 5)ptyriasis rosea: classification,c/p,ttt