5TH MARINE REGIMENT - COMMAND DIARY - SEPTEMBER 1952 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-2085 CD: 21 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Records Group: RG 127 Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org

5TH MARINE REGIMENT - COMMAND DIARY ... MARINE REGIMENT - COMMAND DIARY - SEPTEMBER 1952 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-2085 CD: 21 United States Marine Corps History Division

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Page 1: 5TH MARINE REGIMENT - COMMAND DIARY ... MARINE REGIMENT - COMMAND DIARY - SEPTEMBER 1952 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-2085 CD: 21 United States Marine Corps History Division


Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-2085

CD: 21

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Records Group: RG 127

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190


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• 3EG:\ET sec:;ri ty Information

• 331/wwc Al2 ser: ·o 0 ._ I47a

T I NOV 195L

F'IRSf ENDORSEMENT on CO 5thJ.iar lt:t~ se1• 00415 of 9 Oct 1952

Fro-n: To: Via:


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of the Marine Corps General, Fleet Marine

Command Diary for Sept ember 1952

1. Forwarded,

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2. The security classification of this endorsement is remov.ed when detached from the basic document.



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SECRET \ ~n.u~~S~~J~~:;~~w \ L----

0728/143 Al2 Ser


NOV 15 1952

SECOND ENDoRsEMENT on co 5thMar ltr ser 00415 or 9 Oct 1952

From: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific To: Commandant or the Marine Corps

Subj: Command Diary tor September 1952

1. Forwarded.

2. This endorsement is downgraded to unclassified upon detachment from tne basic document.

Copy to: CG lstMarD1v



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' I Headquarters, 5th Marines

lst Marine Division (Reinf), Fleet Marine Force ofo FPO, Ban Francisco, California

ERS/fpm Al2 Ser: OO.Y/,:,-9 Oct 1952

SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION I nnf).nrrun li\&>&>nrt'nfE:Ifl) I

Commanding Officer jl\!Jll'\ll\lltbtnl<i»<i»UifUlhiW 1 Commandant of the Marine Corps _ _ (lj Commanding General, 1st Marine v~v~s~on, rxF (2) Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific

From: To: Via:

Subj: Command Diary for September 1952

Ref: (a) Para 11401, MCM (b) FMFPao GO #21 (Cl lstMarD1v GO #40 (d Map Korea 1:25,000, AMS L751 Sheets 6527 I sw, NW,

NE, Sheets 6528 II SW (e) Map Korea 1:25,000, AMS L851 Sheets 6527 I sw, NW


a. The reporting period saw the 5th Marines serving in the caPacities of (1) a line regiment responsible for the right sector of the Division front; and (2i the let Marine Division's reserve regiment.

b. 'l'he first week of the period the 5th Marines continued the m1sa1on or occupy1r~, dete~~1ng, and improv1~~ tne defensive position or Line Jamestown. The action highlights of the period were the enemy's attempts to overrun and occupy COP BRUCE. The attacks were vigourously repulsed with heavy losses to the enemy.

c. During tne remainder of the month the 5th Marines occupied and improved the reserve regimental area near Masan-n1 and con­tinued tne construction of defensive positions on Line Kansas.

d. The Firat and Second Battalions participated 1n exercises, 1 MARLEX" 8 and 9.

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e. Extensive field training and officers and NCO schools were conducted by regiment and the battalions.

f. The Commandant of the Marine Corps conducted a working inspection of the 5tn Marines on 19 September.

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• a. The regiment conducted six reconnaissance

patrols, three oombat patrols, eleven ambushes, seven out­poets, and twenty-nine listening posts in the regimental sector during the period, all with negative contact. (For routes of patrols and positions of outposts, ambushes, and listening posts, see overlay of this date, app. III.)

b. First Battalion continued its mission as regimental reserve battalion.

Second Battalion performed four reconnaissance patrols, eight ambushes, four outposts, and seventeen listening posts with negative contact. Enemy 12mm mortar fire wounded two friendliee.

Third Battalion performed three combat patrols, two re­connaissance patrols, three ambushes, three outposts, and twelve listening posts across the battalion front with nega­tive contact. Enemy 120mm mortar fire killed one friendly and wounded two, however, the two wounded were not evacuated.

•H• Company sniper fire accounted for one enemy killed. The battalion's 8lmm mortars destroyed two enemy machine

gun poel tiona. 4.2 1 mortar fire accounted for one enemy killed, two esti­

mated killed, and three wounded during the period. Anti-Tank Company's 75mm recoilless rifles fired thirty­

one rounds; destroyed three enemy bunkers. Support!~ tanks, firing from prepared positions on the

main line of resistance, destroyed four enemy observation poets and one machine gun position, and damaged two hundred sixty-four yards of enemy trench lines.

Supporting artillery accounted tor three enemy wounded and one enemy bunker destroyed.

o. mortar fire.

The regiment received moderate artillery and

d. S-4 submitted a report on the serv1cabil1ty of armored vests to G-4.

e. The Commanding Officer visited the First Battalion during the morning and the Third Battalion during the afternoon.




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f. Visitors to the Command Post today were MaJor General Pollock and Colonel Honsowetz.


a. A period in which the regiment performed tour reoonna1saanoe patrols, t~Jree combat patrols; nlne a~ bushes, seven outposts, and twenty-nine listening poets with light contact. The enemr ambushed one friendly patrol and friendlies ambushed one enemy patrol. (For routes of patrols and positions of outposts, listeninfS posts, and am­bushes, see overlay Of this date, app. III.J

b. ~1rst Battalion continued its mission as regimental reserve battalion.

Second Battalion par~crmed two reconnaissance patrols, six ambushes, four outposts, and seventeen listening posts w1 th the follo'!fing reeul te:

An •E• Company ambush surprised an estimated seven man enemy patrol. The friendly ambush employed small arms, auto­matic weapons, and grenade fire. Three enemy were killed and four estimated killed in a five minute fire fight.

A •D• Company patrol, returning to the main line of re= sistanoe, was engaged by an estimated two reinforced squads or enemy 1 n a twenty m1nut e small arms, e. utomat 1o weapons: and grenade fire fight. The patrol requested, and received, mortar and artillery support. Two reinforced ·~ads from 1D1 Company were assigned to augment the patrol. The augmented patrol broke contact and returned to the main line of resistance, sustaining two men killed and three men wounded. Enemy casualties during the engagement were two killed and two esti­mated killed. One point of interest was the enamJ's usa or a powerful grenade which demolished the armored vest worn by one of the patrol members wbo was killed.

The battalion's Blmm mortar fire on enemy positions resulted 1n one secondary e~loeion~

Third Battalion performed three combat patrols, two recon­naissance patrols, three ambushes, three outposts, and twelve listening posts acrose the battalion front with negative con­tact.

The battal1on 1 s 60mm aortar fire accounted tor- an estimated two enemy killed.

Supporting tar~e killed tour enem7, wounded one and destroyed one enemy bunker and cave, and damaged thirty-five yards or en­emy treneh lines.

Supporting artillery killed seven enemy.

c. mortar fire.


The regiment received light artillery and



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d. S-4 dispatched an eXplosive disposal team to the Third Battalion to dispose of a 76mm dud on Combat Outpost 1Bruce•.

e. The Commandins Officer visited the Second Battalion during the morning and toured the regiment's road net during the afternoon. Regimental command post personnel participated in a practice a1r raid drill.

r. Colllllland Post.

Lieutenant Colonel Pregnall visited the


a. The regiment conducted five reconnaissance patrols, nine ambushes, seven outposts, three oombat patrols, and twent1-nine listening posts with negative contact. (For routes of patrols, and positions or ambUshes, outposts, and lietenins poets, see overlar of this date, app. III.)

The Commanding Offioer issued Operation Plan 14-52 which provides for the defense or the ImJin River, and Appendix IV to Annex Dog to Operation Plan 8-52, which provides the Hast1 Mine Field Plan.

b. First Battalion continued its mission as regimental reserve battalion.

Second Battalion performed three reconnaissance patrols, six ambushes, four outposts, and seventeen listening poets across the battalion front with negative contact. Enemr 82mm mortar tire wounded two friendlies, one of which was evacuated. The battalion's 8lmm mortar tire destro1ed one enemy machine gun bunker, three personnel bunkers, and sur­rounding trenches.

Three combat patrols, two reconnaissance patrols, three ambushes, three outposts, and twelve listening posts were performed b;r the Third Battalion with negative contact. Enem1 82mm mortar. fire resulted in one triendl;r wounded, non­evacuated. The battalion 1 s 8l.mm mortar tire resulted in one enemy killed and one wounded.

Air activit1 tor the period consisted of three 1 F-51 's• dropping six 500 pound bombs, resulting in one enem, cave damaged.

4,2 1 mortar tire cost the enemy five killed, tour wounded, and tour estimated wounded.

76mm recoilless rifles damaged one enemy cave. Supporting tanks tiring from prepared MLR positions cost

the enemy twelve killed, and destruction and damage to five


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• • SECRlln'

bunkers, two machine guns and one observation post. Supporting artillery fired personnel and flak suppression

missions which accounted for sixteen enemy wounded; three en­emy bunkers, one enemy artillery and one machine gun position were destroyed.

c. mortar fire.

The regiment received moderate artillery and

d. 8-4 dispatched a bomb disposal team to the Third Battalion to remove a 60mm mortar dud from the Battalion Command Post. One 1DUKW 1 was attached to each ot the trent line battalions.

e. Brigadier General Bare visited the Command Post today.


a. The regiment conducted three reconnaissance patrols, ten ambushes, seven outposts, two combat patrols and twenty-nine listening posts across the regimental front with light contact in the right sector, and heavy contact in the lett sector. This period was highlighted by the action on Combat Outpost 1Bruoe 1 where an estimated enem7 reinforced company assaulted the position. The enemy attack followed closely behind a heavy artillery and mortar barrage.

The Commanding Officer dispatched messages 0420,5I, 042047I, and 042050I (see app. II.). (For routes of patrols and positions ot outposts, listening posts and ambushes, see over1a1 of this date in app. III.) (For pictures of Combat Outpost •Bruce•, see app. v.)

b. First Battalion continued its mission as regimental reserve battalion. The Second Platoon (Reint) of 1 B1 Company was released to the operational control ot the Third Battalion,

Second Battalion performed three reconnaissance patrols, seven ambushes, tour outposts, and seventeen listening posts with light contact. Combat Outpost 1Gary 1 was attacked by fire from automatic weapons and small arms in a one hour exchange or tire. An estimated enem1 platoon engaged a friend­ly ambush in a ten minute tire tight. The friendlies broke contact and returned to Combat Outpost •Felix" sustaining one triendl7 wounded. This action resulted in an estimated six enemy killed,

The enemy continued his aggressive action by attacking Combat Outpost 1 Felix 1 with an estimated reinforced platoon,




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using small arms and automa.tio weapons fire. The triendlies returned fire, employing grenades, small arms and automatic weapons fire, supported by artillery and mortar fire. The fire fight lasted one and one-half hours. Enemy casualties were ten killed and an estimated twenty-five wounded. Friend­lies casualties were two wounded, non-evacuated. Enemy ?6mm artillery and 82mm mortar fire on the MLR resUlted in tour friendlies wounded, non-evacuated.

The battalion 1 s 60mm and 8lmm mortar fires supported the action during this period.

Third Battalion performed two combat patrols, three am­bushes, three outposts, and twelve listening posts with heavy contact on Combat Outposts 1Bruce 1 and 1 Allen 1 •

At midnight, Combat Outpost •Bruce• began receiving a heavy artillery and mortar barrage. ~he enemy attacked •Bruce• with an estimated strength or a reinforced company, assaulting in wave formation from all aides or •Bruce•, using automatic weapons, small arms, grenades, and bangalore and satchel chargee. The friendlies employed small arms, automatic weap­ons and grenades, supported by mortar and artillery fire. The ehamy broke contact and withdrew after one hour, leaving twenty enemy dead in the immediate vicinity or •Bruce•. The intense enemy artillery and mortar fire destroyed the forward bunkers and damaged the remaining bunkers on the Combat Out­post. Frienclly casualties trom the action were twenty-one killed and eleven wounded.

A reinforced squad enroute to Combat Outpost •Bruce• during the morning of the fifth received enemy incoming artillery and mortar fire resulting in six friendly wounded.

Combat Outpost "Allen• received heavy artillery and mortar tire about midnight. At approximately 0100 two reinforced enemy platoons assaulted Combat Outpost 1Allen" in wave for­mation. The second wave followed the first at a halt-hour interval; both waves used small arms, automatic weapons, grenades, bangalore torpedoe and satchel charges. Fr1endl1es employed small arms, automatic weapons and grenades and were supported by artillery and mortar tire. At about 0~0 the enemy withdrew, evacuating their own casualties. Enemy casualties were estimated to be fifteen killed and an unknown number wounded, Friendl1ee sustained three killed and seven wounded.

Third Battalion assumed operational control of the second platoon (reinr), •B• Company, First Battalion.

There were six tact1oal air missions aoross the regimental front during the period, resUlting in an estimated thirty-three enemy killed and thirty-two wounded. Twenty-seven enemy bunkers, three personnel shelters, three mortar positions, two automatic weapons positions, and three hundred yards or trench line,





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were either destroyed or damaged. see app. V.)

(For pictures of •Bruce•,

During the period, friendly artillery fired a total of three thousand one hundred and forty-eight rounds in support of the action across the front. This firing, much of Which was unobserved, resUlted in an estimated thirty-nine enemy casual ties, three secondary e:xplosione s.nd many bunkers destroyed or damaged.

c. The regiment received very heavy incoming artillery and mortar firs.

d. S-4 arranged for helicopters supply 11ft or •c• ratione and water to •D• Company because of rain damage to the roads.

e. The Commanding Officer made an aerial recon-naissance of Line Kansas.


a. Three reconnaissance patrols, ten ambushes, seven outposts, two combat patrols and twenty-nine listening posts were performed across the regimental front with negative contact. The Commanding Officer promUlgated Regimental General Order 61 - Supply Procedure. (For routes of patrols and poe1-tione of ambushes, outposts and listening posts, see overlay of this date, app. III.)

b. First Battalion continued i te llission as regimental reserve battalion.

Second Battalion performed one reconnaissance patrol, seven ambushes, four outposts and seventeen listening poets with negative contact, Two combat patrols, two reconnaissance patrols, three ambushes, three outposts s.nd twelve listening posts were performed by the Third Battalion, with negative contact,

Supporting tank fire destroyed two enemy observation posts, one bunker and damaged one bunker, two houses and two hundred forty-five yerde of trench line.

Supporting artillery fire during the period resUlted in three enemy killed and one wounded, and five artillery positions damaged and one secondsry explosion.

c. mortar fire.


The regiment received moderate artillery and

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d. The Commanding Officer vlsited the Third Battalion during the morning.

e. ' Lieutenant Colonel Randall visited the Command Post.


a. Regiment conducted three reconnaissance patrols, eight ambushes, seven outposts, and seventeen listen­ing posts across the regimental front, with two enemy contacts. This period was highlighted by an estimated battalion-size enemy probe across the Third Battalion Outpost Line or Resis­tance. The action commenced during this period and continued into the 7th September period. The 4.2" Mortar Company, 7th Marines relieved the 4.2 1 J.lortar CoDJ>any, 5th Marines. The Commanding Officer dispatched messages 0611501, 06liU!2I, and · 0613311 (see app. JI), (ror routes or patrols and positions or ambushes, outposts, and listening poets, see overlay of this date, app. III.) 'E" Company, Second Battalion, 7th Marines reverted from 5th Marines operational control to parent control.

b. First Battalion continued its mission as regimental reserve battalion.

Second Battalion performed three reconnaissance patrols, seven ambushes, four outposts, and seventeen listening posts with negative contact.

Third Battalion performed one ambush and three outpoets with heavy contact on Combat Outnosts "Bruce" and 1Allen•. The enemy heavy preparation of artillery and mortar fire began falling on Combat Outpost 1Bruce • at 19151. This preparation was followed one hour later by an estimated two enemy companies assaulting "Bruce• from all sides, employing small arms, auto­matic weapons, and grenades. The attack was repelled by Co~ bat Outpost •Bruce". The second wave was launched at 21301 on the flanks of "Bruce•, followed by the third wave at 21501, and in both attacks the enemy employed high explosive grenades plus automatic weapons and small arms.

At 01451, the enemy began massing on the forward slopes and flanks of •Bruce•. Following a fifteen minute enemy artillerr preparation, the enemy, in the estimated strength of two compa­nies, again attacked 1Bruce 1 • This attack continued with the enemy surrounding ftBruce" until about 03301, at which time a friendly regimental artillery time-on-target fire was delivered on the massed enemy troops. The enemy broke contact and wit~ drew. During this contact, the frisndlies employed small arms, automatic weapons, and grens.des and were supported by tanks,




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eight sections or .30 cal. and .50 cal. machine guns, mortars and artillery fire. The enemy casualties were heav1; fifty enemy were counted ki1led and two hundred estimated wounded. Friendly casualties were seven killed, and thirty-rive wounded, At 22201, Combat Outpost "Allen• was probed by an unknown num­ber or enemy, who followed immediately behind a heavy enemy artillery and mortar preparation. This action lasted twenty minutes, with the enemy employing small arms and automatic weapons fire; the friendlies returned the same type of fire. There was no estimate of enemy casualties, Friendly casualties were three killed and five wounded, Combat Outpost "Clarence• received twelve rounds or artillery and mortar tire followed by a five minute small arms tire tight. There were two friendlies wounded with no estimate of enemy casualties.

4.2° Mortar Company, 5th Marines released responsibility for its sector to the 4.2" Mortar Company, 7th Marines, 4,2 1 Mortar Company, 7th Marines was under operational control of the 5th Marines during this period.

Supporting tank tire accounted tor ten enemy killed, two wounded, two enemy observation posts destroyed, and one machine gun position and ninety-two yards of enemy trench line destroyed during this period.

c. The regiment received very heavy artillery and mortar fire.

d. The Commanding Otticer visited the Third Bat-talion during the morning,

e. Colonel Moore, Commanding Officer of the ?th Marines, visited the Command Post.


a. This period saw the 5th Marines being relieved on line by the 7th Marines and assuming the mission or let Ma­rine Division Reserve Regiment, The Commanding Officer turned over the responsibilities of the Division's right sector to the Commanding Officer of the 7th Marines at l330I, The 6th Marines opened its Command Post at ll30I. The relief. took place with­out incident. (For location of unit Command Posts, see overlay ot this date, app. III.) · ·

b, First Battalion closed its old Command Post and opened its new Comm~nd Post at 0946I.

Second Battalion remained under operational control or the 7th Marines during this period.

Third Battalion closed its old Command Post and opened its new Command Post at 11301.




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c. talion during &fternoon.


• • The Commanding Officer visited the Third Bat­

the morning and the First Battalion during the

d. Visitors to the Command Post were Major General Pollock and Colonel Honeowetz.


a. This period saw the completion of the relief of the regiment by the 7th Marines. The 5th Marines continued its mission as the 1st Marine Division Reserve Regiment. (For unit Cownt-.nd Post locations, see overlay of this date, app. III.)

b. First Battalion continued its rehabilitation program during the period.

Second Battalion reverted to parent control, passing opera­tiomcl control of 11 D11 Company to the let Marines.

Third. Battalion, ?th Marines assumed responsibility of the Second Battalion, 5th Marines sector at 02301. The Second Bat­talion, 5th Marines opened its new Comm&nd Poet at 0605!.

Third Battalion continued its rehabilitation program during this period.

4.2 11 Mortar Company and Anti-Tank Company continued their rehabilitation programs during this period.

c. The Commanding Officer vial ted the Second Bat-talion during the morning and the 11th Mar~nes during the after­noon.


a. Training and organized athletics were to be stressed during the thirty days the 5th Marines is in Division Reserve. Construction and improvement of unit Command Posts continue.

b. First Battalion continued its rehabilitation progrwn t.nd prepa.red the training schedule which commences 12 September. The training includes participation in the am­phibious exercise 11 1-!ARLEX11 from 15 to 18 September.

Similar activity and preparation was scheduled for the Sec­ond. B&ttalion. IID 11 Company continued under operational control of the 1st Harinss.

Third. Btittalion continued its rehabilitation program ~nd prepared the training schedule which commences 12 September.




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• • SEC REI'

4.2" ~!ortar Company and Anti-Tank Company made preparations for demonstration firing scheduled for late September.


a. Instruction on the mission of the 5th Marines as the Division Reserve Regiment was conducted. The S-3 Section finished preparation for instruction in patrolling, sniper and range firing. Five patrols were performed with negative con­tact. (For routes of patrols, see overlay of this date, app. III.)

b. First Battalion, Second Battalion (less •n• Company), Third Battalion, 4.2 1 Mortar and Anti-Tank Companies were occupied with improving living and working areas during this period.

c, The Commanding Officer spent the day visiting the three battalions.

d. dier General Peatross.


Visitors to the Command Post today were Brigs­Bare, Colonel Honsowetz, and Lieutenant Colonel

a, Regimental General Order Number 52 - "Train-ing Notes" was promulgated to continue the emphasis of train­ing while the Regiment is in Division Reserve. Regimental Training Memorandum 11-52 established a Regiments.l Officers 1

School. Five patrols were executed with negative results. (For routes of patrols, see overlay of this date, app. III.)

b. First Battalion continued preparation for the scheduled amphibious exercise. The battalion executed one pa­trol 11•ith negative results. One_patrol was performed by the Second Battalion with negative results. "D" Company continued under operational control of the let Marines.

Third Battalion executed two patrols with negative results. One patrol, with negative results, was executed by the 4.2 1

Mortar Company during the period,

o, 6-4 was assigned supervision of two companies of the Korean Service Corps Personnel which are in support ot the 5th Marines.




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d. The Commanding Officer toured line Kansas during the afternoon,

e. Visitors to the Command Poet today were Major General Pollock and Colonel Honsowetz.


a. This period saw the beginning of the Regiment's training program. Two patrols were performed during this period, all with negative results. (For routes of patrols, see overlay of this date, app. III.)

b. First Battalion continued its preparation for the scheduled amphibious exercise. The subject for Battalion Officers 1 Schools were •Troop Leading•. One patrol was per­formed with negative results.

Second Battalion concentrated on the training program and construction of fortifications on line Kansas. "D" CoJI!)any remained under operational control of the let Marines. Two patrols were performed with negative results, . .

Third Battalion began its training program and continued work on line Kansas. One patrol was performed w1 th negative resul te.

One patrol was performed by the Anti-Tank Company with negative results.

c. S-4 completed arrangements for the assignment of a mine clearance team to the Third Battalion.

d, The Commanding Officer toured the line Kansas during the morning. The Executive Officer visited the First Battalion, 4.2• Mortar Company, and Anti-Tank Company during the afternoon.

e. Brigadier General Bare visited the Command Post today,


a. Five security patrols were executed w1 th negative results •. (For routes of patrols, see overlay of this date, app. III.)

b, First Battalion performed one patrol during this period with negative resUlts.

Second Battalion performed one patrol with negative results.




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• • SECRE'l'

"D" Company reverted to p&rent control at 0910!. Two patrols were performed by the Third Battalion with nega­

tive results. 11 H11 Company passed to operational control of .the let Marines at 0703I.

one patrol with negative contv.ct was performed by 4.2" Mortar CDlJp&ny.

c. The Commanding Officer toured line Kunsas during the e.fternoon.

d. Lieutenant Colonel Randall visited the Co~~and Post.


a. Regimental training continued during this period. Fortification of line Kansas was continued. The Com­manding Officer promulgated Modification One to Operation Plan 13-52. Four patrols were performed with negative results. (For routes of patrols, see overlay of this date, app. III.)

b. The forward echelon of the First Battalion departed the Command Post for participation in the amphibious exercise "MARLEX" Number Eight.

One patrol was performed by the Second Battalion with nega­tive results.

Third Battalion performed two security patrols with negative resul te.

Anti-Tank Company performed one patrol with negative results.

c. The Commanding Officer visited the Division Coln•nand Post during the morning.


a. period had Regiwent~J.l

Training". app. III.)

Six patrols conducted by the Regiment for this negative contacts. The Commanding Officer promulgated Training Memorandum 13-52, "Ammunition Allowances for

(For routes of patrols, see overlay of this date,

b. The rear echelon of the First Battalion departed for participation in the amphibious exercise "MARLEX• Number Eight.

One patrol was performed by the Second Battalion with negative results.

Third Battalion performed three patrols with negative results. Two patrols were performed by the 4.2 11 Morter Company with

negative results.




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c. B-4 arranged for a model winteri~ed bunker to be displayed,

d. Post to assume cis e 1M.ARLEX",


The Commanding Officer departed the Command duties in conneotion with the amphibious exer­Number Eight.

a. Five patrols were performed by the regiment during this period with negative results. (For routes or patrols, see overlay of th1s date, app. III.)

b. First Battalion oontinued its participation in the amphibious exeroise 1MARLEX", Number Eight.

Two patrols were performed by the Second Battalion with negative results.

Third Battalion performed one patrol with negative r!'sul te. Anti-Tank Company performed one patrol with negative results.

c. The Executive Officer inepeoted the Korean Service Corps, the First Battalion Command Poet, and 1B1 Company, Motor Transport.


a. Three security patrols were performed today with negative results. The regiment continued its mission as Division Reserve Regiment. The training program continued. Construction and fortification of line Kansas continued, (For routes of patrols, see overlay or thie date, app. III.)

b. First Battalion continued its participation in the amphibious exercise "MARLEX", Number Eight.

One patrol was performed by the Seoond Battalion with nega­tive results.

Third Battalion performed one patrol with negative results, 4.2 1 Mortar Company performed one patrol with negative con­


c. units.


The Executive Otfioer inspected regimental

a. Five security patrols were performed during this period by the regiment. (For routes of patrols, see over-




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lay of this date, app. III.)

b. First Battalion returned from the amphibious exercise 11 MARLEX 11 , Number Eight at l715I.

Two patrols were performed by the Second Battalion with negative results.

Third Battalion performed two patrols with negative results. One patrol was performed by the Anti-Tank Company with nega­

tive results.

c. The Commanding Officer returned from the am-phibious exercise 11 MARLEX 8 , Number Eight, at 0907I. The Com­manding Officer visited the First and Second Battalions during the afternoon.

d. Lieutenant Colonel Law visited the Command Post during this period,


a. The Commandant of the Marine Corps conducted a working inspection of the regiment. Three patrols were being performed with negative results. The regiment (less "H" Company) was occupied in the construction of defensive positions on the line Kansas v.nd instruction in combat subjects. (For routes of patrols, see overlay of this date, app. III.) The Commanding Officer promulgated Regimental Memorandum 55-52 which outlined the regulations, procedure and eligibility for designating combat units for entitlement to Combat Duty Pay, Messages dated 191153!, 191155!, 192150!, and 191400! were dispatched during this period.

b. First Battalion devoted this period to administrative details.

Second Battalion performed one patrol with negative results. Third Battalion performed one patrol with negative results. 4.2 11 Mortar Company performed one patrol with negative

reaul ts.

c. The Comoanding Officer departed the Command Post to visit regimental units during the morning and the Division Commvnd Post in the afternoon.

d. Visitors to the Command Post were Lieutenant Colonel Randall and Major Sherwood.


a, Work on line Kansas, amphibious training, individual marksmanship, combat training, and patrol activity




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• SECRE'l'

were accomplished by the Regiment today. fleer dispatched message dated 201400!, see overlay or this date, s.pp. III.)

• The Commanding Of­

(For routes of patrols,

b, First Battalion, Second Battalion, Third Bat-talion and Anti-Tank Company performed patrols with negative results, •H• Company reverted to parent control at 1166!,

c. The Commanding Officer visited regimental unite during the period.

d, Visitors to the Command Post were Lieutenant Colonels Duncan and Howell,


a. the period, app' III.)

Normal security patrols were performed during (For routes of patrols, see overlay or this date,

b. First, Second and Third Battalions and 4.2 1

Mortar Company performed patrols with negative results. One reinforced platoon of the 4.2 1 Mortar Company was assigned to Operational control of First AMTRAC Battalion for training missions involving combat tiring,

o. S-4 received experimental pin-on chevrons tor distribution to the enlisted men ot the Regiment.

d. The Commanding Ofticer visited regimental units during the period,

e. Captain Chambers, USN, visited the Command Post.


a. Construction continued on line Kansas, training schedules and athletic programs were the activities of the 6th Marines during the period, Five patrols were dispatched to ap­prehend any civilians in the area and to mark locations ot mines. lFor routes of patrols, see overlay ot this date, app. III.)

b. First Battalion pertormed one patrol w1 th nega-tive results, The Battalion continued preparations tor the scheduled amphibious exercise.

·Two patrols were performed by the Second Battalion with nega­tive results.

Third Battalion conducted one patrol with negative results • A reinforced platoon of 4.2• Mortar Company under operational

control ot First AMTRAC Battalion completed registration t1r1ng during the period.



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• • SECRE."J'

Anti-Tank Company performed one patrol with negs.tive re­sults.

c. Units during the afternoon.


The Commanding Officer visited Regimental morning and inspected line Kansas in the

a. Work on line Kansas, the training schedule, organized athletics, and patrol activity were accomplished by the Regiment today. (For routes of patrols, see overlay of this date, epp. III.)

b. First Battalion performed one patrol W1 th negative results.

One patrol was performed by the Second Battalion with nega­tive resul te.

Third Battalion performed one patrol with negative results. 4.?. 1 Mortar Company performed one patrol with negative con­

tact. The reinforced platoon of the 4.2" Mortar Company under operational control of First AMTRAC Battalion fired thirty-five rounds that cost the enemy two killed, two estimated wound­ed and three houses burned,

Anti-Tank Company assigned one Tank Platoon to operational control of First Tank Battalion for training missions involv­ing combat firing.

c. The Commanding Officer visited regimental unite during the period.


a. Four patrols were being performed today. The Regiment (less one Anti-Tank and 4.2n Mortar Platoon) was occupied in the construction of line Kansas and instruction in combe.t subjects. (For routes or patrols, see overlay of this date, app. III.)

b. First, Second, and Third BattaJ.ione and Anti-Tank Company performed security patrols with negative contact.

The reinforced Platoon of the 4.2 1 Mortar Company under op­erational control of First AMTRAC Battalion fired fifteen rounds destroying two enemy houses.

The Tank Platoon under the Operational control of the First Tank Battalion fired eighty-three rounds of H. E., destroying




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• • SECREr

or damaging five enemy bunkers, seven enemy houses and fifty yards of trench line.

c, S-4 arranged 'for instructional demolition team to report to the Third Battalion to instruct the Assault Platoon.

d. The Commanding Officer visited the let Marines during the morning.

e. Visitors to the Comms.nd Poet were MaJor General Pollock and Colonel Honeowetz •


a. Five patrols were performed during this period with the assigned mission to apprehend civilians in the regimental area and mark Anti-Personnel and Anti-Tank Mines. (For routes of patrols, see overlaY of this date, app. III.)

b. First, Second, and Third Battalions and 4.2•

Mortar Company performed patrols with negative results. The reintorced platoon ot the 4.2• Mortar Company under opera­tional control ot the First AMTRAC Battalion continued combat firing during the period.

c. Visitors to the Command Post today were Briga-dier General Bare and Lieutenant Colonel Jones.


a. Five patrols were performed today, all with negative results. (For routes of patrols, see overlay of this date, app. III.)

b. First Battalion continued work on line Kansas and combat training. One patrol was performed with negatiye reeul ts.

Second Battalion continued work on line Kansas and training tor the scheduled amphibious exercise.

Third Battalion performed two patrols with negative results. The reinforced platoon ot the 4.2" Mortar Company under opera­

tional control of the first AMTRAC Battalion tired sixty-two rounds of H. E. and W. P. coating the enemy five estimated killed and twelve estimated wounded and nine houses destroyed.




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The Tank Platoon of the Anti-Tank Conpany, under the opera­tional control of the First Tank Battalion, fired at enemy positions from prepared positions in 1B1 Company, First AMTRAC area, destroying or damaging twanty houses, tour caves, five bunkers, and thirty-one yards or trench line.

c. The Commanding Officer spent the morning in-specting line Kansas,


a. Regiment performed four security patrole with negative contact. (For routes ot patrols, see overlay of this date, app. III.)

b, First, Second, and Third Battalions and the 4.2" Mortar Conpany each performed patrols with negative re­sul ts.

One Platoon (Reinf) of the 4.2 1 Mortar Company under opera­tional control or the First AMTRAC Battalion reverted to parent control at 16601,

One Tank Platoon of the Anti-Tank Company, under operational control of the First Tank Battalion, reverted to parent control at 10451.

o. The Commanding Officer visited the let Marines during the period,

d. Visitors to the Command Post today were MaJor ~eneral Pollock and Brigadier ~eneral Bare,


a. Regiment performed four security patrols with negative results. (For routes of patrols, see overlay of this date, app. III.}

b. First Battalion performed one patrol With negative results.

Second Battalion performed one patrol with negative results. The Second Battalion advance party and •r• Company departed at 08051 for participation in the amphibious exercise "MARLEX1 ,

Number Nine. Third Battalion and Anti-Tank Company performed patrols w1 th

negative results.



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SECRET • • o. The Commanding Otfioer inspected regimental

units during the period.

d, Colonel Shea visited the Command Post.

a. results. (J'or app. III.)

Regiment perforaed four patrols with negative routes of patrols, see overlay of this date,

b. First Battalion performed one patrol with negative reeulte.

Second Battalion'e advance party tor •MARLEX•, Number Nine

arrived on board APA 99 at 1650I. Final elements departed the

Second Battalion Command Poet at 0200I for participation in •MARLJ:X•, Number Nine.

Third Battalion and 4.2• Mortar Company performed patrols

with negative results.

c. The Commanding Officer departed the Command

Poet to assume duties in connection with •MARLEX", Number Nine.

d, Visitors to the Command Post were Colonels Totman and Buee, and Lieutenant Colonels Randall and Wiggins,


a. Regiment performed four seouri ty patrols w1 th

negative results. (J'or routes of patrols, see overlay o:!' this

date, app. III.)

b. First, Second, and Third Battalions and Anti-

Tank Coupan;y performed patrols with negative results • The 75mm Recoilless Rifle Platoon of the Anti-Tank Company

was assigned to the operational control of the First AMTRAC Battalion for tra1n1ng missions involving combat firing.

c. Colonel Culhane


I Directives received II Directives issued

III Overlays IV Reports and Summaries V Photographic Supplement




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Appendix I to 5th Marines Command Diary for September 1952

Directives Received


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ( 9) (10) (ll) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)

031432I 040913I 061210I 061329I 0603051 081445I 0912301 102144! 1209551 1209121 1612051 162301I 160810I 232015I 251055I 281000I


Snmmar:y of Contents

Physical Inventory of Organic Equipment Relief of 5th Mar by 7th Mar Allocation of Armored Vests Casualty reporting Complimentary message Complimentary message, EUSAK Enemy intentions Shortage or prefab concertina wire Change of boundary MARLEX Dates, change of Protection from air attack Electronic device, schooling on Countersign Compromise Combat pay instructions Korean Farmers Casualty reporting


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Appendix II to 5th Marines Comm&nd Diary for September 1952

Directives Issued

(1) Regilllenta.l Memorandums, 55-52 and 56-52 (2) Regimental G-eneral Orders, 51 and 52 (3) Operation Plan 14-52 (4) Appendix 4 to Annex DOG- to Opn Plan 8-52 ( 5) ~iodification # 1 to Opn Plan 13-52


042045I (SECRET P) From Co 5th Mar To: Co 3/5 Prior to 0812001 attach one rifle company to let Marines to · occupy MLR pen astride Truce Corrider xx

042050I (SECRET R) From: Co 5th Mar To: All Units 5th Mar Hy Opn Plan 12-52 becomes my Opn Order 41-52 at 060800I Sept 52 x Execute xx

042047I (SECRET R) Frolll: Co 5th Mar To: All Units 5th Mar l:y Opn Plf:.n 13-52 becomes my Opn Order 42-52 x Complete re­hab111t£Ot1on and planning by and commence trng on 1208001 Sept 52 x 1/5 conduct dry and wet net trng x



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Ap~endix III to 5th Marines Command Diary for September 1952


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1. See enclosures to this appendix in original oopy.


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.Appendix IV to 5th Marines Comms.nd Diary for September 1952

1. Reports and SuBmaries

a. Medical Summary

During the period there were 2,128 patients admitted to Regimental Aid Stations, of these 790 were evacuated. The regiment suffered 18 KIA, 58 WIA, 45 WIANE and 8 MIA. Total im;uunizations given to regimental personnel were 4,518.

The period saw special emphasis placed on prevention of Venere&l Disease, l~laria and Hemorrhagic Fever. There were five cases of gonorrhea, two cases of chancroid and one case of syphilis. Three cases of malaria was reported, however there were no proven cases of Hemmorrhogic Fever.

b. Special Ser~ice Summary

The regimental units participated in a regimental track meet and volleyball tournament. One USO shotl and tl"IO all H&.rine .Shows played to regimental units. lo!ov1es were held each night for regimental uni ta.





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KU Photo # 1

Photo # 2

Photo # 3

- Taken from MLR of Cop BRUCE Taken of COP BRUCE from new trail 300 ~o 400 yards from COP~

- Taken or reverse elope ot COP BRUCE from Bunker # 1.

Photo # 4 - Taken from Bunker # 1 in westerly direction of dead Chinese soldier.


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Korean War Project USMC-07705768DECLASSIFIED


5th Marines Command Di~ for September 1952


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