5th Annual Words in Motion Program

5th Annual Words in Motion ProgramServices/...Congratulations to everyone who participated in this year’s Words in Motion program. Your creativity, imagination and talent reflect

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Page 1: 5th Annual Words in Motion ProgramServices/...Congratulations to everyone who participated in this year’s Words in Motion program. Your creativity, imagination and talent reflect

5th Annual Words in Motion Program

Page 2: 5th Annual Words in Motion ProgramServices/...Congratulations to everyone who participated in this year’s Words in Motion program. Your creativity, imagination and talent reflect

Congratulations to everyone who participated in

this year’s Words in Motion program. Your creativity,

imagination and talent reflect the vibrant culture of

Wood Buffalo.

Page 3: 5th Annual Words in Motion ProgramServices/...Congratulations to everyone who participated in this year’s Words in Motion program. Your creativity, imagination and talent reflect

Junior / High School Category

20 Ballpoint

21 I…

22 Months Ago

23 My Heart is a Garage

24 Oxymoron in Nature

25 Shattered

26 The Forest Springs to Life

27 The Strong Wind

28 Today is the Day

Elementary School Category

29 ABCs of Cupcakes

30 Chloe’s Words

31 Ethan’s INSIDE

32 Free to be Me

33 Friendship

34 How it Hurts

35 I’m Not Perfect

36 Les Arts/ Arts

37 Life is Like Books

38 Music

39 Silence

40 Snowflakes

41 The Brightness of the Stars

42 The Lonely Cookie

43 The Rude Dude Dragon

44 The Silver Fox

45 Whispers of the Wind

46 Your Smile


Public Category

2 Always Watching

3 Ascent

4 Autumn Brilliance

5 Being a Mom

6 Days Gone By

7 Existential Taco

8 Flux

9 My Daughter

10 My First Poem

11 My Old Bar Stool

12 Nothing Lasts Forever

14 Sweet Symphonies

15 The Barn

16 The Road to Broad Cove

17 Two studies into the ampersand (&)

18 Voices

19 Wood Buffalo; Where ART Thou?


Page 4: 5th Annual Words in Motion ProgramServices/...Congratulations to everyone who participated in this year’s Words in Motion program. Your creativity, imagination and talent reflect

I know the grief

and the pain held inside

everything since

he and I died

I think we’re in heaven

they call better place

I have to disagree

I can’t lay hands on your face

Run my hand through your hair

like I did every night

and the kiss good bye

as I went to my flight

I’m left with these words

that you’ll never see

so I’ll write this in clouds

help you remember me

I would love to tell you

grip tight and hold on

but the fact of the matter

we both are gone

Don’t worry sweetie

I have our boy right here

sat down smiling

in his mickey mouse chair

I look down on you

from time to time

there so much burden

and pain in your eyes

I shed tears with you

and wish I could tell

but you’re all alone

in what must be hell

When you look back

for memories of me

forget twisted metal

cars wrapped around trees

Think of the day

you became a mom

the days before he arrived

seemed so stagnate and long

Our first date

we got lost in the trees

but truth was we were found

with just you and me

Or the other time

I dropped to one knee

to let you know

you’re the only one for me

I know there are mountains

you have yet to climb

I know you’ll make it

it’s a matter of time

so as I end this

and I put words to rest

you’re my world

in life and death

There is one up side

and lucky you

some people have one angel


you now have two

Riley Edward Woodford

Always Watching


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From boy, to Man

I struggled, I tried

And ‘though I stumbled, I climbed

up to the Heights and realized,

what I sought was deep inside.

Calvin Pitt



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The hills are afire

with the glowing embers of fall.

Flickers of crimson emblaze the valleys,

intertwined with sparks of gold.

Luminous orange and evergreen bursts

complete the palate.

Soon this brilliant mass will be extinguished

by winter’s gentle blanket

but will ignite with emerald beauty

in the spring.

Cathy Weir

Autumn Brilliance


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I wish I could be different

I wish I could be free

From all the worry, heartache and deep anxiety

I care so much for each of you

And want the very best

I’ll fight for you, cry with you and hug you ferociously

If ever your dreams carry you to places I can’t go

Know that I will be there still, never letting you slow

The disappointments hurt, and setbacks feel like pain

But know in your soul, that you are growing again

I will lift you every day in prayer, hope and desire

The only thing I need is for you to love and be inspired

Believe in yourselves, be confident and smart

Learn new skills daily and always do your part

Fill your mind and heart

Your best is good enough,

I’ll never ask for more than that

What if I was different?

What if I was not me?

What would become of you?

How different would that be?

The eyes of a mother see so much...the good things and the bad.

These are the days of my life...the best I’ve ever had.

Emma McDonald

Being a Mom

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Dining table turned upside down

Nylon string to raise the flaps

My brother and I sit back to back

In the cockpit of our ‘bomber’

Pete the pilot with plunger for joystick

Eyes on the target through the flak

I’m the gunner mop handle machine gun

Watching for Nazis coming from the back

12 miles to target our Pete intones

As I nervously scan the blackened skies

Boom! the cockpit shakes side to side

As we turn and stare into mother’s eyes!

She’s smiling though at our game

Glad I guess we’re somewhere safe

Up to no good but playing together

As all little brothers should

Memories of a childhood past

Always make me smile and wish

To see his face just one more time

Laughing in the face of danger

Bill Duncan

Days Gone By


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The thrill of the taco,

Was not quite what Morris expected.

But he accepted.

That it was medium heat.



Saddles Turcotte

Existential Taco


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Time pops perennial,

On petaled fruit-bud bursts.

Tender leaves unfurled,

Awaken sleeping thirst.

Blackbirds dive entwined,

Insistent evolutes;

Ribbons to the earth,

In flutters of salute.

Squeals from the branch,

Feathered anthem drench;

Sound droplets spilt, pour

Weary heart its quench.

Roots drink up full;

Rings engorge sap-soaked.

Meristems reach out,

Newly bark uncloaked.

Bones of winter stands,

Bathed in sunlight’s reign;

Blush a maiden green,

Hedgerow to the grain.

Life taps the pedestal

At stillness in conduct;

The instrumental mingle, of,

Sweet season in its flux.

Kimberly Fiske



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Oh Manal my closest, dearest daughter

Oh, the twine of a bright flower

Hurry to me whenever you hear my foot steps

With your caring sweet fresh kisses

Hug me to make me forget the life’s worries

and the life’s harsh

When you laugh, your voice is sweeter than

a flute in his best clang

When you smile, all the life became nice and

satisfying to me.

Meriem Bekkouche

My Daughterابنتي

منال یا ابنتي الغالیة و یا توام الزھرة الزاھیة

خطایا الي اسرعي ان سمعتي بقبلتك العذبة الحانیةفضمیني إلیك ألنسى لدیك ھموم حیاة غدت قاسیةاذا ماضحكتك فصوتك أحلى من الناي في رنة شاذیةاذا مابتسمتي فكل الحیاة ابتسام تجيء لمرضاتیا

My Daughter

Oh Manal my closest, dearest daughter Oh, the twine of a bright flower Hurry to me whenever you hear my foot steps With your caring sweet fresh kisses Hug me to make me forget the life’s worries and the life’s harsh When you laugh, your voice is sweeter than a flute in his best clang When you smile, all the life became nice and satisfying to me.

Meriem Bekkouche


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Recently I was told that

I am not a philosopher poet.

At first I wanted to

push against that notion,

however after pondering on it ,

I have came to realization

and do agree

that I am not a philosopher poet.

I am more of a wood carver poet,

a kind of that carves on the school desk

a shape of the heart and in it

first letter of the name

of his first crush

plus the first letter of

his own name.

After all these years

I still remember my first poem;

it was visual, it was love ,

and it was humourous,

to everyone else in a class ,

except to the carver of a poem.

When teacher asked me to

write it on the blackboard

I told her that carving of it on wood

carries with it a metaphorical meaning

and refused to do it.

She went on and

wrote it herself .

Then she asked me

to explain the poem .

I told her the line I once

learned from watching a

movie about the man whom

many consider the greatest

poet of love, Pablo Neruda;

I said, “Poetry, once explained ,

becomes meaningless!”

She turned

towards the class and announced ;

“It appears that not only

are we ignorant that in our midst

we have a poet,

we are also missing

a philosopher”

and then turning towards me continued

“and I am speaking literally,

go to the principal’s office !”

What is the first letter

of your first name ?

Maybe my first poem

was above all else

a prophetic poem.

Mario Eric

My First Poem


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Here I sit and burn through time

downing bottles, wasting lives

see this place more than my home

sit and rock here like a stone

From my old bar stool

Some nights slow and others glow

filled with young, frail, and old

they throw their bodies to and fro

I sit on this wood emotions ice cold

From my old bar stool

I watched love come here to thrive

sometimes to settle down and die

to grow strong like an Ox

or settle into a crafted pine box

From my old bar stool

I once had a wife to hold and love me dear

but I spent too much time here

letting the shots cloud my head

different night a different bed

From my old bar stool

I had love both strong and true

had a house with a beautiful view

life was planned with a white picket fence

but I ended up in under a dress

From my old bar stool

I own nothing, just my bottle

I don’t tame demons, just coddle

sit and feed them from my throne

sad, desperate, and alone

From my old bar stool

The tears I I’ve lost have burn me a hole

addiction left me with a broken soul

my kids hate the thing I am

A shameful, helpless, broken man

From my old bar stool

Come and sit with me and hear my tale

the failed life, my greatest betrayal

a cautionary fable of my wreck

addiction wrapped tight around the neck

don’t look me in the eyes for they lay empty

this is how my choices left me

I had my day when I was in my prime

jet black hair and a strong jaw line

women flocked and had my smile

all so fake and hid the vile

So hear this loud and hear this well

this is my dread my make shift hell

the skin and flesh will make a you the fool

and all you’ll have is an old bar stool

Riley Edward Woodford

My Old Bar Stool


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When we first met,

She was a shining beauty,

Brighter and warmer

Than the sun doing its duty.

Her angelic voice

And resplendent smile

Lit up the world

Like the joy of a child.

But now, here we are

With many a year passed

Reluctant to accept

That true love doesn’t last.

Her beauty fades,

My hard muscles soften,

And we don’t say

“I love you” as often.

We cherish our child,

So we stay together,

Denying this truth:

Nothing lasts forever.

Andrew Meintzer

Nothing Lasts Forever


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Mellifluous, melodies of music


Ever so gently

Through the realms of my mind

Composing masterpieces

From nature’s harmonious creatures

Letting the sun shine

Where there was always darkness

The corners of my mind

Cry out in ecstasy

At this sudden


Of euphonious nourishment



Join as one

Until my mind begins over flowing

With subliminal


Lisa Arseneau

Sweet Symphonies


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There she sits worn and tired

no longer the proud structure erect and strong.

In her youth she bore witness to many births

providing shelter as they nursed and thrived.

She counted each one at daybreak

and waited for their return at dusk

but their numbers grew fewer and her owner didn’t visit anymore.

When the first rain dripped through her rafters she knew the decline had begun.

The planks once generously coated with that rich shade of red

now hang greyed and chapped

bearing the bruises of the many storms she has weathered.

Time has not been kind.

Her head hangs low, no longer able to bear the weight of the elements.

Her sad frame.

Soundlessly the sun peeps over the horizon

gently easing through her seams

casting droplets of gold around her

warming the boards she has clung to.

She creaks

quietly acknowledging the birth of a new day.

Cathy Weir

The Barn


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The low angle sun shines through the trees; it lights our way through the dawn breeze.

The one on my left says, “Light me a smoke”.

The other opens the window so he don’t choke.

I’m the Jr. of the three:

my brother and Sr. riding with me.

Lobster fishing bait in the back of the truck.

“Four crates today, with any luck.”

Then a fox jolts by and snatches my gaze.

They don’t notice, as if in a daze.

They’re thinking about our day on board.

I realize they’ve been down this road before.

Later we’ll be away from land’s reach.

To the Point, the Joker’s, then to the Beach.

My thoughts won’t be about today’s catch or the ropes that could bring me to my death.

They’ll be of the fox I saw as we drove in the low angle sun on the road to Broad Cove.

John Beaton

The Road to Broad Cove


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And one.

“It’s not what it seems,” said the teacher, “like the posterior pituitary gland,”

“Excuse me? What?” said the student, “I really just don’t understand.”

The Teacher then sighed and patiently said, “Watch out, here’s my elegant metaphor.

The ampersand’s really an ‘and’ in disguise. In Latin ‘E T’ are the letters for

ET, which means and, which when slovenly scripted turns into a horrible squiggle;

Like the gland in line one which isn’t a gland, ampersand is a grammarly niggle.”

“Then the gland’s not a gland, &’s not an ‘and’. Is the moon ergo made of green cheese?”

“Don’t be silly,” said Teacher, “a Brie’s not the feature. Please focus instead on the ease

that the ampersand happened. Linguistically flattened, it followed the Zed at the end

of the alphabet’s singing, ‘Z and per se and’, ringing out like a name to append.

So it’s really an ‘and’. By itself (per se) bland. As much fun as a trip through Wisconsin.

But without it they say there is no other way you could link Band-Aid’s Johnson & Johnson.

And two.

Ampersand quality,

hangs on the graphical

interface artistry

of the design.

Meanwhile its meaningful

usage in scholarly

tomes at some colleges

doesn’t align.

Kevin Thornton

Two studies into the ampersand (&).


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She hears your voice,

over all of the other things she only hears your voice.

As she falls off the cliff of misery you’ve built for her,

you laugh as she hears your voice coming closer.

Everyday is like walking on fire

but bringing her down is not going to bring you any higher.

Every night she closes her eyes hoping in the morning you won’t be here,

and her tears are like tsunamis washing away your fears.

But as the sun rises lighting up the whole world, your underestimated plan uncurls.

The words you said to her were just band aids you used to cover your scars,

and when your voice is gone she’ll shine like the stars.

You filled her with fears so she didn’t have space for dreams, but don’t let anyone define you by all means.

Now your voice is just the dirt on her shirt that is washing away,

and the memory of you will never replay.

When you’re presented with all these different choices remember, they are all just voices.

Tanisha Kadia



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Culture expressed. History preserved.

With shades in paints;

Creations observed.

Calligraphy classics, written and skilled.

Clay masterpieces molded,

In the potters’ guild.

Local market vendors with homemade crafts,

Knitted and sewed items,

Delivered in sash.

Where ART thou, Wood Buffalo?

Omnipresent - everywhere.

On the mainstage with theatrical flair.

Choreographed actions; songs of play.

Found at Keyano

And the LIVE café.

The Full Moon rises on performers alike.

In coffee house style,

Complete with open mic.

Found - looking up, to the Fort McMurray sky.

The northern lights dance,

As photographers spy.

Collections of vivid light, captured by telephoto lens.

On palettes to canvas,

Wisped by brushes and pens.

Daytime workshops, lectures, referrals.

Buildings tagged with aerosol,

Showcased in murals.

Members of council with passion to host,

Community support

And talent at most.

Motions of words, move through the stations.

Taking imaginations

To various locations.

The art is alive;

In galleries and on the street.

History cultured: Repeat, repeat.

Dawn Booth

Wood Buffalo; Where ART thou?


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Full of black ink

And painted silver

It rests in my pocket

Slender and slim.

It is the baton

That I carry around

To pull out when

Any ideas appear.

I am a conductor

As I string letters

To spell magical tunes

That makes symphonies.

Aiman NaeemGrade 12 Westwood Community High School



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I run… run away from those who love me

I push… push away the help I know I need

I fear... fear that my life will never be the same

I hide... hide from the kids who criticize me

I change…change so I can fit in

I ignore… ignore my friends so I seem cool

I rebel… rebel so I get in trouble

I sneak out… sneak out to be with “my friends”

I realize… realize that what I am doing is wrong

I turn…turn to my friends and family for help

I open… open up to my loved ones

I go back… go back to who I was and who I will always be

Cassidy EmberleyGrade 7Holy Trinity High School



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it’s simple really.

let your mind go with the river,

away from the storm you have created in your mind

months ago.

free yourself

from this world of misery and hate

let yourself enter a world of peace and happiness.

let go of the old you

from months ago

when you got swept up in the current

that you couldn’t control.

Danika SlobodianGrade 9 École McTavish Junior High Public School

months ago


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My heart is a garage

There are flies buzzing everywhere

Outside doors to the lane have fallen off years ago

Dozens of massive planks nailed across the entrance

The timbers holding the roof were rotten and sagging in

The whole thing could collapse at any moment

A little cracked window stood in one of the walls

Barely transparent, just enough light passes to see

Filthy rolls of cracked linoleum standing in front of it

There’s enough dust to clog someone’s throat and nose

Thick cobwebs are put to scare trespassers

They fear the labyrinth

My heart is a garage

people visit during open houses

They come and go, but never stay

They fear the mess inside

The work needed to maintain it

The work needed to fix it

An ugly exterior and even worse interior

My heart is a garage

Alex DeaconuGrade 9École McTavish Junior High Public School

My Heart is a Garage

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Delicate, deceptive, innocent little drop

Of the glacial rain that dances non-stop

It is a thing of such trivial existence

But if you admire it from a distance

As it falls among the others in sync

For once you should stop and think

Is that solitary raindrop so naive?

It could never truly begin to believe

That it should be rightfully accused

For the flood that perpetually abused

The myriad of lives, the homes, the joy

In the place that it could only destroy?

Aiman NaeemGrade 12Westwood Community High School

Oxymoron in Nature


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The terrifying rumble is etched in my brain;

what I felt there and then, I can’t explain.

Vast buildings crumbled like a biscuit would;

a man helplessly died and we just stood.

Another man was crushed, as if he were a maggot;

the fire gnawed on buildings and left them ragged.

The quake had ignited fire: now it reached the sky;

“The Lord sent it ...” I heard someone cry.

As the fire hissed and the buildings burned,

people huddled together and tossed and turned.

The fear and the horrible sights were tragic and glum;

I thought the end of the world had come.

Maham FatimaGrade 10Westwood Community High School


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When walking through the forest,

To my eyes appear,

The colourful buds of life,

Poking through the bland, white slush and puddles,

Of an abandoned winter.

The rush of an awakening river,

And the comfort of warmth after frost,

Along with a bird’s sweet hello,

And the growing scent of evergreen and flowers,

Renew my senses,

As this forest springs to life.

Grace BoserGrade 7 École McTavish Junior High Public School

The Forest Springs to Life


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The air is angry,

Don’t let go of what you hold…

The wind will take it.

Sarah EtwarooGrade 9École McTavish Junior High Public School

The Strong Wind


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I had the time

but I blew it

Social project due tomorrow

Man screw it

Video games, TV, phones, procrastination,

This is what’s taken over our generation

Leaving us as a helpless nation.

I had the knowledge

but I refused to use it

All the pointless things we learn in school

Making me feel like a damn fool.

I resort to smoking because it made me feel so cool.

I had the support

but I ignored it

Everyone telling me I can do it

I never thought they were being legit

And because of that I could never take a hit.

Because of all that the little man inside me chooses

To use all these excuses

Because he refuses to lose his


Without realizing that I’m jeopardizing my future

As I’m terrorizing the little man who says he can.

From this day on if I don’t have the time

I’m gonna MAKE IT!

Because if there’s an opportunity

I’m gonna TAKE IT!

This is my second chance

I ain’t gonna WASTE IT!

I may not have the support anymore

But my confidence is here for sure.

There’s always gonna be another tomorrow

But there is never gonna be another yesterday

So instead of doing it later how about we start today.

Timothy Dikit, Tushar Police, Abbas Eidelkhani & Jared BurkeGrade 9École McTavish Junior High Public School

Today is the Day


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Amazing cupcakes are really yummy.

But I like to eat the

Cupcake mix when there is extra! My mom says

Don’t eat it-we might need to use it

Especially if we make a second batch! I say

Fine-but it’s so

Good I need to

Have it. It’s

Irresistible I have to eat it. She

Just says no!

Keep your hands away from it. I got some on my

Lips I lick it away so my

Mom doesn’t see that I have it.

Next she bakes them. She turns the

Oven on, and she

Puts them in. I

Quickly ask if she can get me milk. I sneak some cupcake mix and

Run away just like a

Sneaky rabbit.

Then I go

Upstairs and sing. I go

Visit my grandma’s house

While my mom is baking. I say they are

Xtra delicious and

Yummy. She says thank you. I ask her if she can

Zip up my jacket and go home to eat cupcakes. She says yes.

Shashawna TremblayGrade 6Conklin Community School

ABCs of Cupcakes


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Be the peace in the fight,

Be the dark in the light.

Be the sun in a storm,

Be the line in the curve.

But no matter who you

are or what you’ll be,

you’ll always mean

Something to me.

So dance out loud

And make the crowd proud.

As you are one of the

beautiful pieces of life,

but don’t forget there will

always be a light.

Like the water on the fire

you will always be

desired, the lucky clover

that looks like a tiny leaf,

could bring you all the

luck you need. Rise and shine,

walk the line. And always know

to be yourself

Chloe NormanGrade 5Timberlea Public School

Chloe’s Words


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Behind the screen

Above the bed

Inside during a nice warm day

Near the shade

Under the roof

With the lights off

Without a guardian in sight

In his room with the door locked

Along with his friends playing Xbox live

Ethan Adby Grade 5Conklin Community School

Ethan’s INSIDE


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Don’t let anyone tell you who to be.

Everyone should tell themselves, I’m free to be me.

Do not let a bully make your heart sink.

When they are older they will rethink.

Maybe they shouldn’t of bullied you.

I know they shouldn’t of made you sad and blue.

I know how you felt. Trust me I have dealt.

Your forgiveness will not be bought.

I would like to tell all youths, you will never be alone, but you will be

accompanied in my thoughts.

Just remember don’t let anyone tell you who to be.

Everyone should tell themselves I’m free to be me.

Alexandra MooreGrade 5Walter & Gladys Hill Public School

Free to be Me


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Our memories may fade in the wind,

our dreams may soar in new heights,

but our friendship can last forever.

It just can’t end with a splat or a boom,

it will hold on tight,

like a pack of wolves.

We can’t be separated like petals,

or forced away into hiding,

but it will always be better when both of our heads work together.

Manorama JoshiGrade 6Walter & Gladys Hill Public School



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It hurts how much I thought you cared,

It hurts how much you hurt me.

I tried to hold it deep inside,

but now I’m letting it free.

I told you that you had my heart,

I told you that I trusted you.

But now you left me oh so lonely,

left me hanging from a tree.

The ones you love the most they say,

are the ones that hurt the most.

They always seem to break your heart,

and then go run away.

Bethel AbebeGrade 6Father Turcotte School

How it Hurts


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I’m not perfect…

I don’t live in a perfect world…

I may not be rich, but I’m valuable…

I’ve done bad things in the past,

and I regret it…

I may not be perfect, and I don’t live to be…

So take me for who I am…

Or watch me walk away.

Bethel AbebeGrade 6Father Turcotte School

I’m Not Perfect


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Les couleurs autour de moi m’inspirent

Quand je peins,mon pinceau bouge pour mieux m’éclaircir

Assise dans ma tanière

Je peins toujours à ma manière

Quand je dessine j’exprime mes émotions

Tout ce que j’imagine sort de mon crayon

J’ajoute de la couleur à mon dessin

Mon oeuvre brille à mes yeux à la fin

Je suis contente rapidement

Ma colère s’en va facilement

Une fois commencé

Je ne peux plus m’arrêter

When I paint, my brushes clear my moves

The colours around inspire me

Sitting in my den

I still paint my way

When I draw I express my emotions

All I imagine out of my pencil

I add colours to my design

My work is shining to my eyes at the end

It makes me happy

My anger goes away easily

Once started

I cannot stop

Melissa KatumbaGrade 6École Boréal

Les Arts Arts


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Life is like books

Every day is a new page

Every week is a chapter! (It can be!)

But the door that leads to…what? Imagination?

Does that inspire you to write your own?

Or does reading this poem already inspire you?

Or do you have to get out of bed,

and make it happen?

Well I’m not you,

you’re not me

so what?

What genre is your book?

Page, photo


The key you have to find

so you will be able to go……..

through the door

is it part of your book?

Who knows!

Again I’m not you

you’re not me!

It’s YOUR own!!


Enya DangeGrade 6Walter & Gladys Hill Public School

Life is Like Books!

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Manorama JoshiGrade 6Walter & Gladys Hill Public School



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Beating myself over fright

Every day and every night.

In my room, tears stream

Why can’t they hear me scream?

Finding the courage to speak up and tell

Hoping things will turn out well.

Chloe BrondialGrade 6Father Turcotte School



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White, delicate, and soft

in places like this they fall all year round.

Falling in tangled patterns,

caressing the earth ever so gently.

Their touch sends shivers down my spine

the whooshing winds blow them far and wide.

Like the northern lights they flicker

making textured lines throughout the sky.

The beauty, absolutely breathtaking

yet there is something else to them,

something they have that I don’t.

Green with envy I watch them dance

the tango, waltz, they do it all

while I sit here behind a glass frame

a frame through which I see the world,

trapped. I silently watch them again.

Never do they dance the same dance

because they have that which I don’t:


Duaa KhanGrade 5Fort McMurray Islamic School



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Before you went to sleep

You looked upon the stars

And when you wished upon them

They wished upon you.

You said your hope

And they said their hope.

The brightness of the stars

Put you to sleep

You felt pleased

You wished upon

The brightness of the stars.

Janna StoneGrade 4Walter & Gladys Hill Public School

The Brightness of the Stars


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Inside a house

On a table is a jar

In the jar-a cookie!

Within the cookie- chocolate chips!

Beside the cookie- crumbs!

With no one in sight-

Since everyone is eating cake-

Beyond the lonely little cookie

In the dark a hand creeps

Towards the jar and slips


Nearby- remains only crumbs!

Sienna QuintalGrade 5Conklin Community School

The Lonely Cookie


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I’m a rude dude dragon,

And better than the rest.

I can fly around the world

And always look my best!

I’m fabulous with fiery flare

And if you dare,

To step inside my loathsome lair,

I will share my crown

And show you the sights ‘round town.

I may scare you, so beware . . .

It may be unfair

But please, come with me. . .

And we’ll be set free.

I’m a rude dude dragon,

And better than the rest.

I can fly around the world

And, I always look my best.

But if you care . . .

Might you be my maiden fair?

Kadence Wigmore- Hagerman Grade 3Father Turcotte School

The Rude Dude Dragon

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I’ve seen a silver fox

I call him Silver Blue

I watch him from my window

In my field of view

He lives in the forest right near my house

Up the road, and to the south

He has a little friend, a wolf cub

In the snow they roll, tag, and tug

Together they play all day

And waste the hours away

I know a silver fox

I call him Silver Blue

I feel like I know him

Well, I feel I do

Nathan TesfamariamGrade 3Father Turcotte School

The Silver Fox

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Whispers of the wind.

Tears fall from trees, shiny as dew.

I taste fresh water.

Sweet aromas of rain DANCE.

Soon the sun smiles bright on me.

Manorama JoshiGrade 6Walter & Gladys Hill Public School

Whispers of the Wind


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When you smile you light up my day, in one very special way.

A way that very little people can imitate, but never will duplicate.

If I could choose one person it would be you.

Not just because of your looks,

but the one thing that no one can resist, your glowing smile.

Through your smile the truth and lies will be recognized,

with your smile you can hypnotize.

You are the only one who can speak with a smile and the only one who can love with a single smile.

When you do, I feel like I’m the richest man alive.

But gems and gold will never replace you because your one and only smile shines brighter than the both and I will never forget you

because that is my oath.

All of my memories are greater than all my discoveries.

I could dig for hours collecting a million diamonds but none of them will match you.

You’re the only one who will guide me to a light so bright but not as bright as you.

Because no matter what people say I think you’re brand new.

But when it starts to glow people can see your smile from over a thousand miles.

No matter how people see you it will never be the same

because I am the only one who will see through your smile.

And can make it grow and the only one that can make it flow.

It’s like a mirror but it doesn’t show what’s in front of us it shows what’s within us.

Because what’s inside of us is as rare as a perfect smile.

Amal Mouaouia Grade 4 Walter & Gladys Hill School

Your Smile


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A special thank you to the selection panel: Ryan Cox,

Jessie Levesque, Elaine Martens, Kelly Moore and Sarah

Ross. Your passion for poetry and your support of the

arts helped make Words in Motion 2016 a great success!

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For more information about Words in Motion,please visit www.rmwb.ab.ca/wordsinmotion

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