.^ n U L TVA 5• 1 s^,

5• TVA · 5•TVA 1 s^, THE PORT AUTHORM OF NY & NJ FOI Administrator February 7, 2013 Ms. Sandra Kissa Stewart Park & Reserve Coalition P.O. Box 90 Blooming Grove, NY 10914 Re:

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FOI Administrator

February 7, 2013

Ms. Sandra KissaStewart Park & Reserve CoalitionP.O. Box 90Blooming Grove, NY 10914

Re: Freedom of Information Reference No. 13734

Dear Ms. Kissa:

This is a response to your January 29, 2013 request, which has been processed under the PortAuthority's Freedom of Information Code (the "Code") for a copy of the Wildlife HazardManagement Report for Stewart Airport.

Material responsive to your request and available under the Code can be found on the PortAuthority's website at hgp://www.pDyni.gov/cop2orate-infonnation/foi/13734-O.pdf. Papercopies of the available records are available upon request.

Please refer to the above FOI reference number in any future correspondence relating to yourrequest.

Very truly yours,

C^Daniel D. DuffyFOI Administrator

225 Pork Avenue SouthNew York, ; NY 100037:2/24-35 3(542 F-2124357555

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kyj FA 111k 1:1 ON I M a WA 0

The Port Authority of New York and New JerseyStewart International Airport1180 First Street, Bldg, 138

New Windsor, New York 12553

November 28, 2012

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Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION .................. ......... .. ............. .....,.............. ..................... ................ ........1

AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY -14C|FR Part 138.337UDM\ ................. --........ .-..... 1WILDLIFE & HABITAT MANAGEMENT -14CFR Part 130.337(f)(2)... .............. --- ...... ...,4

\Yi|d|iD:Pnnu|utiuo Managenvnt -!39.337([(2)(i) ... _..--......-....-.......................... 4

UnbiU\(kkx|ilicniioo .. ....

iJildVxe 01011gOS 13933 ii).--..--------^--.-,----.---.. 5

PERMITS -14CFfR Part 139.337(f)(3A. ........... ..._............ .................. .. .... ......~...... ....... .RYyi\d1iGb PenDi{ ............... ............ -.. .......... ....... -----........... ....... ..... . ..... . ........ ---.0

|\}xtio{de Pulnii86t Renn|0tionn-- ........ -----~-........ ....... _------......... -.-- 6

RESOURCES -14C%PR Part 139.337(M(4) ...... ............. ........ ................................ ........... G............................

Wild|i|t H8z8,d Working Group.. ........... .................. .-.--.-......... ............... ..----- 7

[quipnvel2\&, SVpp]10o...............----- ... -_~----.^-._--~.'.,-----.--. 7

VV(LD!FE CONTROL PROCEDURES - 14 CFR Part 139.337(f)(5) .............. ........... -- ..... ....... 8Aaxi8moKo)i0fDUties-!]Y.337([X5Xi\ ... --..--....-.~----.-.-_-...... .----.X

Inspections -|4CIR Par t k)031 27(f)K 5^ii) .... ...... --...---........ --.-_--...... .--X

VVi}dUl'o[]nzonj [\x)Un| K4euxuroe- 14 C'T'K POd 139. 1 370A(5)(lii' ......... -...... ----...... _ K

REVIEW OFV0LDIFE MANAGEMENT PLAN -14CPR Part 13S.337K\/(U ........ ............... ...11Mariagement. 1 1 1 an E' I'lleCivo)eg»'\4CFKP4dl30]37dl(A)(i)--...._-.-----..-.||

Aspects k)KCevxnxte' 14[]^l Part: !39^ )-..-------_--...'---.-- |l

TRAINING -14CFR Part 13 g .337(f)(7\ ................... ....... ......................... ~-..~.......,.-........ 11Airport Operat ions L}<viaion- ..................... -...-_.-.-................ --...... ............... |l

Other SYVP Personnel ................. ............... ..-.......... ..----'.......'.----_........... |2

APPENDIX A-CALSW I LDLIFE FOFlN1S...._ ........ .. ........ .. ..................... ..... ....... ......... -.-13APPENOQCB - UST OF SUPPLY SOURCES ... ...................... ..._............ ,...._...........15APPENDIXC~ PERMITS ......... ....... ........... ...........-.-.--................................. .-~....-... 1G

Stewart International Airport `Section 337^ Wildlife Hazard Management Plan

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INTRODUCTIONStewart International Airport (SWF) is a 2400-acre facility that is located approximately 3 milesnorthwest of the city of Newburgh, NY, This property also houses the New York Air NationalGuard Base. SWF is surrounded by woodlands, wetlands, agricultural fields, and shoppingcenters. The diversity of habitat presents unique wildlife issues for the airport. A 2009 WildlifeHazard Assessment (WHA) completed by the U.S Department of Agriculture, Animal and PlantHealth Inspection Service, Wildlife Services (WS) identified white-tailed deer, Canada geese,blackbirds and European starlings, American crows, and ring-billed gulls as the most abundanthazardous species at SWF.

In accordance with 14 CFR Part 139,337(f), Stewart International Airport (SWF) recognizes thethreat wildlife pose to aircraft operations and takes measures to minimize this threat. ThisWildlife Hazard Management Plan (WHMP) presents recommendations for preventing orreducing wildlife hazards at SWF. The Wildlife Hazard Assessment (WHA) fulfilled therequirements of subsections (a) and (b) of 14 CFR 139,337, 1 whereas this Plan fulfillsrequirements listed under subsection (f) of the same regulation,

In accordance with the requirements of 14 CFR Part 139,337, and in addition to the prioritiesand actions established in this Plan, SWF will take immediate action to alleviate wildlife hazardswhenever they are detected.

OBJECTIVESThe purpose of this Plan is to present actions and priorities to reduce or eliminate wildlifehazards at SWF, to list key participants and individuals associated with the wildlife program atSWF, and to identify criteria by which the program will be operated and evaluated,

AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY — 14 CFR Part 139.337(f)(1)The individuals having authority and responsibility for implementing each aspect of theplan:

Airport Operations Manager (AvPorts)The Manager of Airport Operations responsible for compliance with all 14 CFR Part 139regulations having to do with wildlife management (14 CFR Part 139.337), in addition theAirport Operations Manager (AvPORTS) is responsible for

all Airport operations field employees•:enSUring compliance with all 14 CFR Part 139 regulations,

In conjunction with the Wildlife Biologists (PANYNJ), ensuring SWF's WHMP is developedand implemented in compliance with all Federal, State, and local wildlife laws and regulationsand Port Authority policy• Issuing Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) to the Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) whennecessary

Airport Wildlife Coordinator (Senior Operations Officer)The Airport Wildlife Coordinator reports directly to the Airport Operations Manager (AvPORTS)and is responsible for:

conducting wildlife patrols during which they shall monitor,. move, and control wildlife inactive airport areas• notifying all wildlife management contract employees of current airport conditions andexpected or unexpected events that may affect airside airport.

Stewart International AirportSection 337-1 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan

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0 conducting nonlethal and lethal wildlife management activities as necessary6 conducting runway and taxiway wildlife sweeps* ensuring that all wildlife strikes are reported to the FAA Wildlife Strike Database (seeAppendix E)• training, Supervising, coordinating, and monitoring activity of the Airport Operations staff(AvPORTS) with regard to the safe use firearms and pyrotechnics• working with the Wildlife Biologists (PANYNJ) and Airport Maintenance to alter wildlifehabitat as needed to minimize hazardous wildlife attractants

issuing NOTAMs, when necessary

Airport Operations Supervisors (AvPORTS) (Senior Operations Officers)The Airport Operations Supervisors reports to Manager of Airport Operations (AvPORTS) andare responsible for:• conducting wildlife patrols during which they shall monitor, move, and control birds in activeairport areas using lethal and nonlethal methods• conducting runway and taxiway wildlife sweeps• investigating reported wildlife strikes to aircraft and informing the Airport Wildlife Coordinator(AvPORTS) and the Wildlife Biologists (PANYNJ) of all wildlife strikes

reporting wildlife attractants to the Airport Wildlife Coordinator (AvPORTS)notifying the Manager of Airport Operations (AvPORTS) of wildlife hazard 's or wildlife hazard

management activities that may impact aircraft safety and recommend the issuance of aNOTAM10 coordinating with the Manager of Airport Operations (AvPORTS) to Conduct emergencywildlife management activities• issuance of NOTAMs, when necessary.

Airport Operations Coordinators (AvPORTS) (Operations Officers)The Airport Operations Coordinators report to Airport Operations Supervisors (AvPORTS) andare responsible for:0 assisting the Airport Operations Supervisors (AvPORTS) with wildlife-related issues• conducting wildlife patrols during which they shall monitor, move, and control wildlife inactive airport areas using nonlethal methods• issuance of NOTAMs, when necessary,

Airport Maintenance Department# Managing grass at a height of 6"-10" where conditions allow or

at a height directed by theOperations wildlife management staff for grass in

the Airport Operations Area (AOA),Removing trash and debris from airside and landside areas;Coordinating with wildlife hazard management staff to conduct facility maintenance projects

for the purpose of reducing or controlling wildlife at the airport.Assist with, or contract out habitat modifications addressed in

the WHMP, such asvegetation, maintenance along ditches, brush removal, and tree pruning. Maintain and repairthe perimeter fence to exclude mammals such as deer and coyotes,40 Supporting the wildlife control effort by maintaining landscaping in a way as not to attractwildlife,

Stewart International AirportSection 33T Wildlife Hazard Management Plan

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Aviation Wildlife Biologists, PANYNJThe Wildlife Biologist coordinates with the Airport Operations Manager and is responsible for all14 CFR Part 139 regulations having to do with wildlife management (14 CFR Part 139,337).The Wildlife Biologist:

• Oversees the airport's wildlife management activities, including providing direction, technicalexpertise and guidance to the Airport Operations staff,

Manages and administers all contracts for wildlife control and research,• Evaluates current wildlife programs and develops new wildlife hazard management goals.

Is the airport's liaison to all Federal, State, and local agencies having wildlife regulatoryauthority, to include those agencies which issue wildlife management permits,0 Participates in reviews and updates of the SWF WHMP in accordance with requirements of14 CFR Part 139.

USDA Wildlife Specialist or BiologistThe USDA WS Wildlife Biologist reports to the Wildlife Biologists (PANYNJ) and is responsiblefor:. conducting routine wildlife surveys to monitor wildlife populations at locations outside theairport property and within the AOA4 reporting findings, attractants, and wildlife observations to Airport Operations staff and theWildlife Biologists (PANYNJ)# using findings from surveys, assessments, research and publications to recommendimprovements to the Wildlife Biologists (PANYNJ)• coordinating with Airport Operations and the Wildlife Biologists (PANYNJ) to interface withoff-airport property owners and business operators regarding mitigation of wildlife hazards toaircraft* employing appropriate wildlife control methods when hazardous wildlife are detected duringroutine surveys or observations9 assisting the Wildlife Biologist (I PANYNJ) and Operations staff with. wildlife related projectsas requested

Environmental Services Specialist (AvPorts)Environmental Services Specialist reports directly to the Airport Operations Manager and isresponsible for:4 Coordinating and assisting with habitat modification or construction projects in wetlandareas at SWF4 Assisting the Operations staff with wildlife related projects as requested.

Support Agencies:Air Traffic Control Tower at SWFU.S, Department of Agriculture, Wildlife Services (WS)Federal Aviation AdministrationSWF NYANG BASH PlanDepartment of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceNYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Stewart International AirportSection 337. Wildlife Hazard Management Plan

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Wildlife Population Management —1 39.337(f)(2)(i)

Designated Archery-only Deer Hunting on Airport Property (Non-AOA)SWF met with the NY State Police and USDA-Wildlife Services to discuss the possibility ofhaving an archery-only deer hunt on airport property (non-A0A). SWF is reviewing the optionsand is moving forward with the development of this program for the 2013 hunting season,

Target Completion Date: Fall 2013

Canada Goose ManagementSWF has cooperated with USDA on goose management on and within a 7-mile radius of theairport. This includes nest and egg destruction and capture and removal of adults. SWF alsocoordinates with New York Air National Guard (NYANG) on goose and other wildlifemanagement issues.

Target Completion Date: Ongoing.

Starling TrappingSWF has a starling trapping program that was started in 2011. Starling traps are located in theAOA and moved as. needed. Monitoring of the traps is conducted by USDA and/or AvPortsstaff. Starlings and other nuisance birds are eUthanized and any non-targets are released. Thenumber of traps and locatipns fluct. kiate as needed,

Target Completion Date:, Ongoing,

Habitat Modification —1. 39 .337(f)(2)(li)

FencingSWF will perform daily fence.,patrols on foot and/or by vehicle to discover deficient sections offence and new wildlife entry points. When found, SWF will document the findings and repairholes, damage, and/or gaps

in the perimeter fence or turf/ground to the extent possible.

Quarterly inspections of the .entire perimeter fence line will be completed to prevent deer andother wildlife from entering the airfield. These inspections will be coordinated with airporttenants as well as the NYANG. Damage, modifications, and/or repairs to the fence line will bedocumented using the SWF fence line inspection log.

NYANG repaved and stabilized the structural integrity of the perimeter fence and entranceleading to their leasehold, Currently NYANG conducts periodic patrols of the fence line andwildlife inspections as part of their Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard {BASH) program in an attempt tomitigate wildlife hazards, A communications plan is included in this program to address thereporting of wildlife strikes and hazards to airport personnel. These reports may be done inwriting, verbally, or through a Wildlife Hazard Working Group,

Vegetation growing on or near the fence will be maintained by SWF Maintenance usingherbicide applications. Following the herbicide applications, remaining vegetation will be cutand removed,

Target Completion Date: On-going

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Water ManagementSWF is developing a grid wire system to exclude wading birds, waterfowl, and gulls from thedetention pond adjacent to the GE hangar. Design has been completed and materials havebeen purchased for the installation, which should be completed in spring 2013.

Large puddles after rain events will be monitored and removed as warranted Repeatedponding in areas will be examined to determine the cause. Drains may be clogged orgrading/repaving may be necessary to eliminate the problern.

SWF will investigate ponding in the irrigation ditch adjacent to Route 17K and along the airportsperimeter and construction roads, If feasible, an underground drainage, system will be installedto exclude wading birds, waterfowl, and gulls.

Target Completion Date: Spring 2013 and On-going

Turf/Vegetation Management and LandscapingAll airport vegetation will be in accordance with the Port Authority Engineering Department's"Aviation Landscape and Sustainable Design Criteria". More specific grass seed specificationcan be found in Engineering Document Division 2, Section 02930 "Seeding C-Specification",For a detailed recommended plant list, refer to Appendix G.

Turf will be maintained a.hefight of 6 to 10 inches where conditions allow. In areas proneto

grazing by geese, turf alternatives will be used such as planting of alternative grasses, artificialturf, or reshaping of turf through plantings of shrubs or trees.

SWF will use weed whacking, chemical application, and sealant to remove grass growingthrough concrete and asphalt, specifically near the approach of Runway 27, to eliminate coverand nesting habitat used,by. killdeer,. SWF will sweep the remaining dirt and vegetation. fromhard surfaces to remove nesting material, SWF will evaluate the feasibility of removing thishabitat to eliminate Potential hazards as Part Of its future plans,

Target Completion Date: On-going

Old Tower HillSWF will remove woody and shrubby vegetation from old tower hill to reduce cover for deer andcoyote and perching locations for raptors and blackbirds. In an attempt to reduce the risk ofwildlife hazards, a plan is being developed that will eliminate this habitat. In

the interim, SWFwill perform patrols of old tower hill on foot and/or by vehicle on a periodic basis to addresscurrent and future wildlife concerns and will bulldoze vegetation as needed. Hazards will bedocumented on the SWF Wildlife Management Control Log as warranted (Appendix 1)

Portions of Old Tower Hill were removed (vegetation and soil) during construction on TaxiwayC. Whenever possible, soil from Old Tower Hill will be removed and reused for construction,

Target Completion Date: On-going

Review of Landscape and Architectural PlansWhen necessary, the Port Authority Wildlife Biologist will review landscape engineering andarchitectural plans for SWF property to ensure that new projects will not create wildlifeattractants.

Target Completion Date* On-going

Land use changes 139.337(f)(2)(iii)No land use changes are determined.

Stewart International AirportSection 337, Wildlife Hazard Management Plan

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PERMITS y-14 CFR Part 139.337(f)(3)Requirements for and, where applicable, copies of local, State, and Federal wildlifecontrol permits.

Wildlife PermitsCopies of the depredation permits are carried with all personnel conducting wildlife control onthe airport,

Federal PermitsIn accordance with Title 50, Code of Federal Regulations Part 10 (50CFRI0), Title 50, Code ofFederal Regulations Part 13 (50CFR13), and Title 60, Code of Federal Regulations Part 21(50CFR21), the airport is required to obtain a federal pen-nit to kill migratory birds. This permitmust be renewed annually through the Region 5 United States Fish & Wildlife Set-vice (USFWS)office in Hadley, Massachusetts (See Appendix B),

A report of the species taken under the pert-nit must be filed at the time of renewal or expirationof the depredation permit. The report must contain the species taken, the dates the specieswere taken, how many of each species were taken, the number of nests and eggs destroyed,and the final disposition of the -carcass (burled, incinerated, or donated to permitted individualsor agencies). The annual report and the permit renewal form must be returned to USFWS nolater than 30 days prior to the expiration of the permit. Copies of these reports Must also besent to NYSDEC Special Licenses Unit in Albany, New York,

State PermitsAs long as SWF holds a current USFWS migratory bird depredation permit, no state migratorybird depredation licenses are required. However, because SWF has special authorization tononlethally disperse state-listed threatened and endangered species, JFK must maintain a NewYork State Depredation License (Airport #47). New York State requires the airport to obtain astate airport air strike hazard permit, Permit Number 3-03-01, to take nuisance wildlife at anytime when it becomes a threat to aircraft and airport safety. Nuisance wildlife includes "allwildlife except threatened and endangered species, species of special concern, and migratorybirds requiring federal and/or state permits and licenses." This airport air strike hazard permit iscontinuous until revoked and does not need to be renewed. SWF is required to keep a daily logof all control activity conducted under this permit and must forward it to the NYSDEC RegionalWildlife Manager annually, .

Pesticide Permits & RegulationsPesticide permits are required for applications of insecticides and, if needed, are maintained bythe contractor (pesticide applicator),

RESOURCES — 14 CFR Part 139.337(f)(4)Identification of resources that the certificate holder will provide to implement the plan.

Habitat management and wildlife control supplies can be purchased from several companies.An adequate supply of equipment will be kept on hand at SWF Airport Operations for use bytrained personnel.

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The Airport Operations Department is primarily responsible for wildlife management on the

airport. The Operations staff is comprised of the Airport Operations Manager, Wildlife

Coordinator, and Airport Operations Officers, Additional wildlife contractors may assist in

wildlife management at SWF,

Wildlife Hazard Working Group

A Wildlife Hazard Working Group was created by SWF to help address wildlife issues and

coordinate mitigation efforts on a community level, Members of the working group include:

Stewart Air National Guard, The Town of Newburgh, and Orange County, New York. In


future, this group may be expanded to include property owners within a 5-mile radius of the

AOA whose properties attract large numbers of geese and other hazardous wildlife. SWF will

encourage these properties to engage in wildlife hazard mitigation efforts, Members of the

working group and property owners are encouraged to maintain their property as to avoid

providing geese with an additional food source and to eliminate any potential attractants.

This working group is also used as a forum to help coordinate activities between SWF and

Stewart ANG. These activities include but are not limited to: vegetation, water, and wildlife

management. Additionally, SWF and Stewart ANG may discuss aspects of this WHMP and the

105" Airlift: "Wi6g'Bird Air66ft Strike Hazard (BASH) Plan 91-212. ANG personnel responsible

for implementing wildlife management techniques may cooperate with SWF to obtain and

review the techniques 0 -this WHMP,

Equipment & Supplies

SWF kpeps wildlifeIdlife, c'ontrbl'e'quiplent and supplies in Building 110, Airpprt.Operations office,Individua l kits wit} supplies are also stored in each Operations vehicle

used for wildlife p , atrols.

Firearms a ' rd' niti ' ar^ secured in fire-resistant firearm safes. Equilmeni '6M sup plies on, m u on s ire r


Patrol vehicles (Airport 0 pperati'ons)

* Copies of the recent WHMP

0 12 gauge break action shotgun and ammunition* Cleaning kits for all firearms and pyrotechnic launchers

* Pyrotechnic launchers and ammunition

* Specimen collection materials (snarge kits)

0 Field guide for local bird identification

4 Binoculars

• Plastic bags & Latex gloves• Spotlights

• Freezer

Maintenance vehicles,

0 Grass cutting vehicle(s)

# Brush cutting ., veh icle(s)

* Pavement Brooms

In addition to conducting wildlife control and performing numerous duties on the AMA, the

Operations Supervisors and Coordinators conduct routine runway inspections for FOD,

including wildlife struck by aircraft.

Stewart international Airport

Section 337: Wildlife Hazard Management Plan 7

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All inspections including wildlife patrol, wildlife observations, and daily runway sweeps areintegrated to the Daily Self-inspection Program and recorded in the Wildlife ManagementControl log (See Appendix 1).

A list of suppliers of wildlife management equipment is attached in Appendix B (List of SupplySources) of this plan

WILDIFE CONTROL PROCEDURES —14 CFR Part 139.337(f)(5)Procedures to be followed during air carrier operations

Assignment of Duties — 139.337(f)(6)(i)The section on AUTHORITY - 14 CFR Pail 139.337(f)(1) designates personnel responsible forimplementing wildlife management procedures, The Airport Operations Manager oversees theairport's wildlife management program and all wildlife control activities at SWR The Operationsdepartment in staffed 24/7 with a minimum of two Operations officers per twelve hour (12) shiftavailable to conduct wildlife patrols, respond to wildlife hazards and wildlife strikes, report allwildlife strikes to the FAA National Wildlife Strike Database, and supervise contract employees.The Port Authority Wildlife Biologists recommend and monitor wildlife hazard managementprograms and special projects. Wildlife contractors, such as USDA, perform routine wildlifemonitoring and may assist SWF and NYANG staff with wildlife control activities in a cooperativeeffort.

Inspections — 14 CFR Part 139,337(f)(5)(ii)Airport Operations personnel will monitor the entire AOA 7 days per week for wildlife andattractants. Wildlife staff will.-monitor the AOA closely during the hours of dawn and dusk,Airport Operations pprsonnel,will conduct at least one full length inspection of each runway eachday, including full-length inspections before any closed runway is reopened and after anywildlife strike is reported. All wildlife strikes will be reported using the online wildlife strikereporting form (http://wildlife-mitigation ,tc.faa,gov/wildlife), All wildlife observations will belogged in the airport's Wildlife Observation and Control Log, The Airport Operations Managerwill be notified on any wildlife attractants once they are detected.

Wildlife Hazard Control Measures —14 CFR Part 139.337(f)(5)(iii)Before conducting any wildlife control activities for the first time, staff must read and understandall conditions for control in the airport's wildlife permits. Staff must read all new or updatedpermits when they are issued to ensure that staff is familiar with the most current permitconditions.

Bird Control

Harassment — Generally the first step in controlling bird hazards. Wildlife Management staffwill use pyrotechnics or other legal non-lethal methods to disperse the hazard. Care istaken to disperse birds away from the active runway and dispersals are conducted betweenaircraft movements whenever possible. If harassment methods are ineffective, lethal controlmay be used as stipulated by SWF's depredation permits (Appendix C).

New York State listed threatened and endangered species and species of specialconcern may be harassed using nonlethal control methods only. Federally listedthreatened and endangered species may not be harassed or depredated without priorapproval from USFWS (Appendix C).

Stewart International AirportSection 337 -1 Wildlife Hazard Management Plan

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Capture — Traps may be used to capture starlings, house sparrows, red-winged blackbirds,brown-headed cowbirds, and pigeons. Trapped birds should be eUthanized and disposed ofin accordance with the airport's depredation permit. Any non-target birds that are capturedare immediately released,

Lethal Control — Wildlife Management staff shall use lethal control when non-lethal controlefforts have failed to produce the desired results, when there is an immediate threat toaircraft safety, or as part of a specific depredation program. Birds not specifically listed onthe airport's federal depredation pert-nit may be taken if the bird presents an immediatehazard to aircraft. This must be reported to the Wildlife Coordinator who will notify thePANYNJ — Aviation Wildlife Biologist and file a written report of the emergency take toUSFWS within 72 hours.

Threatened and endangered birds are excluded from this emergency take clause andmay not be killed under any circumstances,

Additionally, European starlings and blackbirds, crows, pigeons, and house sparrows can bedepreciated without a federal or state permit. Birds such as wild turkey, ring-neckedpheasant, and mute swans may be depredated Linder the airport's Airport Air Strike HazardPermit (See Appendix C).

Some circumstances may require birds to be depreciated even before harassment methodsare attempted. Because of the substantial threats posed by gulls, immediate lethal controlshould be considered. Nonlethal control methods can be effective in dispersing gulls,-however, gulls may be persistent. Lethal control should be used regularly to reinforce thenonlethal control techniques.

SWF has a zero-tolerance policy for geese, swans, and turkey. Lethal control should beemployed immediately in areas where firearms can be safely used. These birds should notbe allowed to land or sit on the airport and depredation/dispersal should be the first priority.This shall include but is not limited to, the AOA, Crestview Lake, and/or Maroney ponds.

Airport Operations personnel will follow the procedures listed above to I)O1,8S8 anddepredate hazardous bird species from airport property outside of the AOA (including butnot limited to: Crestview Lake and Maroney Pond), Control activity at these locations will becoordinated to help prevent dispersing birds from flying onto the AOA or near active flightpaths.

All depredated birds are disposed of in accordance with the airport's depredation permits.The carcasses of all threatened and endangered species must be saved and turnedover to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation as directed bythe NYDEC Regional Wildlife Manager.

Mammal Control

Harassment— Mammals may be harassed using any available legal method

Capture — The NYS DEC Air Strike Air Hazard Permit allows SWF to trap and kill hazardousmammals (except deer) with box. cage, foothold, and/or body-gripping traps. These animalsmust be euthanized and may not be removed or relocated from airport property.

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Lethal Control — Nuisance mammals (including deer) may be shot in accordance with the

airport's state Airport Air Strike Hazard Permit,

SWF has a zero-tolerance policy for white-tailed deer and coyotes. Deer and coyotesshould be lethally removed from the AOA as soon as they are detected. These animals maybe rernoved as outlined in the Airport Air Strike Hazard Permit,

Domestic animals will be captured and returned to their owners, If absolutely necessary,domestic animals may be shot. Shooting is appropriate only when all other non-lethalmethods have been attempted to capture the animal and aircraft safety is threatened, orwhen a dog or other domestic animal is acting aggressively towards people or exhibitssymptoms of rabies.

All depreciated mammals should be disposed of in accordance with the airport's Airport Air

Strike Hazard Permit,

Air Traffic Control Communication - 14 CFR Part 139,337(f)(6)(iv)Procedures to communicate/for communicating between personnel conducting wildlifecontrol or observing wildlife, hazards and the air traffic control tower,

Procedures & Training,The ATCT must be contacted prior to entering an active runway or runway safety area at SWIF,SWF staff will notify the ATCT when wildlife control activities may have an impact upon aircraftor their flight path, If wildlife hazards are present on or adjacent to active runways, the DutyOperations Supervisor will, make a determination as to the severity of the situation anddetermine if aircraft operations will be suspended, Airport staff will eliminate or mitigate thewildlife hazard and/or issue a NOTAM. If aircraft operations were suspended, staff willimmediately contact ATCT to resume aircraft operations upon completion of wildlife hazardefforts.

ATCT will be notified of special projects that may impact their operations. Notification will bemade in writing or verbally over the telephone.

Staff receives initial training in proper radio procedures during on-the-job training and drivertraining. Recurrent training is provided via Part 139 using MS PowerPoint presentations andwritten tests.

EquipmentAll SWF and USDA airside vehicles are equipped with two-way radios to communicate directlywith FAA ATCT. Vehicles are also equipped with amber roof lights to make them moreconspicuous to ATCT and flight crew personnel.

Air Traffic Control Tower Personnel that observe hazardous wildlife will communicate thisinformation immediately to Airport Operations via a landline and/or Ground and Local Controlfrequencies,

Stewart International AirportSection 33T Wildlife Hazard Management Plan

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REVIEW OF WILDIFE MANAGEMENT PLAN —14 CFR Part 139.337(f)(6)Procedures to review and evaluate the wildlife hazard management plan every 12consecutive months or following an event described in 14 CFR Part 139,337 (b)(1), (b)(2),and (b)(3).

The WHMP will be reviewed once every 12 consecutive months by representatives of all of thestaff offices responsible for implementing the WHMP, including wildlife contractors. Uponcompletion of the annual WHMP review, the airport will complete an annual review reportdetailing the results of the review and a list of attendees and review coordinator, The report willbe submitted to FAA. Following a triggering event as described in 14 CFR Part 139.337(b)(1),(b)(2), and (b)(3), the WHMP will be reviewed monthly by the Wildlife Biologist and a report ofthe event(s) kept on file. If necessary, the WHMP will be revised based on this review.


During this annual meeting SWF will follow the Wildlife Hazard Management Plan AnnualReview worksheet issued as an FAA Eastern Region ced bulletio. Additionally, this meeting willinclude a review of the Wildlife Strike Log, Wildlife Observation and Control Log, and data fromwildlife surveys. SWF will discuss the effectiveness of wildlife dispersal and control efforts, andwill discuss the need for changes to permits or the need for any operational or technicalassistance from WS

Management Plan Effectiveness - 14 CFR Part 139.337(f)(6)(i)The plan's effectiveness in dealing with known wildlife hazards on and in the airport'svicinity

The effectiveness of the Airport's Wildlife Hazard Management Program will be evaluated atleast every 12 months during an annual meeting with responsible parties and Supportingagencies, The meeting will include a review of wildlife strikes, wildlife depredation, significantevents, or data from any wildlife surveys. Changes in wildlife permits may also be discussed.

Aspects to Reevaluate - 14 CFR Part 139.337(f)(6)(ii)Aspects of the wildlife hazard assessment that should be reevaluated.

A new wildlife hazard assessment should be conducted if there is noticeable change in wildlifestrike trends despite wildlife control measures, significant changes in habitat or on- or off-airportattractants.

TRAINING -- 14 CFR Part 139,337(f)(7)A training program conducted by a qualified wildlife damage management biologist toprovide airport personnel with the knowledge and skills needed to successfully carry outthe wildlife hazard management plan required by paragraph (d) of this section

Airport Operations DivisionStaff responsible for implementing the WHMP must take initial and annual recurrent training inwildlife management. This mandatory 8-hour training is based on the airport's WHMP and WHAand other topics as mentioned in FAA Advisory Circular 15015200-36 and must be taken every12 consecutive months.

Staff authorized to use firearms and pyrotechnics receive initial training from a certified firearmstrainer authorized by the National Rifle Association (NRA) or equivalent prior to performing suchduties. In addition, recurrent safety training shall be conducted at a minimum of every 12

Stewart International AirportSection 337, Wildlife Hazard Management Plan

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consecutive months by the Wildlife Coordinator (or qualified Senior Operations Officer) or aswarranted. Pyrotechnic training may also be provided as part of the 8-hour wildlife hazardmanagement training. Training consists of classroom and/or hands-on field instruction on thebasic use and safety of firearms and pyrotechnics.

Other SWF PersonnelSWF Maintenance staff, including at least the Maintenance Supervisor, who are responsible forimplementing the WHMP, attend the annual 8-hour training in wildlife hazard management andalso receive the wildlife hazard awareness program annually as part of their annual 14 CFR Part139 recurrent training, Recurrent training is accomplished with instruction through MSPowerPoint based presentations followed by written testing,

ContractorsUSDA Wildlife Set-vices staff provides their employees who work at airports with an

8-hourtraining course in wildlife hazard management as mandated by the FAA.

Stewart International AirportSection 337: Wildlife Hazard Management Plan

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Wildlife Strike Form

I t e 1 1


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Rop fI <1 Ui 0" 0

Stewart International Airport.Section 337: Wildlife Hazard lvlanagenient Plan

Page 18: 5• TVA · 5•TVA 1 s^, THE PORT AUTHORM OF NY & NJ FOI Administrator February 7, 2013 Ms. Sandra Kissa Stewart Park & Reserve Coalition P.O. Box 90 Blooming Grove, NY 10914 Re:

APPENDIX A (Continued)

Wildlife Control Form

Wildlife Control


2 , F141 6y



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DwM ^P, of c^


Stewart International Airport

Section 337: Wildlife Hazard Management Plan 14

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PYROTECHNICSReed-Joseph International CompanyP.O. Box 894Greenville, MS 38702(800) 6475554

Margo Supplies Ltd.P.O Box 5400High River, Alberta, Canada T 1 V I M5Tel: (403) 652-1932Fax: (403) 652-3511

Stoneco, Inc.PO Box 765Trinidad, CO 81082(719)-846-2853

F IREARMSDon Faenza, FFL9 Faenza TerraceHighland Mills, NY 10930(845) 534 4759

LIVE AMMUNITIONGander MountainCrystal Run Plaza, 100 N. Galleria DriveMiddletown, NY 10941X845) 692-5600

Stewart international Airport

Section 337: Wildlife Hazard Management Plan

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FED1,101, VI511 AND W11,I)LIFE 11FIC111T

41 A AI

iAW' %N111 'i is, if'U


tIijll !11 711 M 3'.1'!' 4 %1 i 1 1

D. You aro. atrtltoriz d to t,.)ke : ternporarily posso%S, rand trail p lvf the (nigratory bird , ,.pea ifi^ ' .o " toinjurious situations iaipacilng ptjblit; safety, All tako,, roust be (101W a^ Mart of W! ill(fiqlated wilillife

birds are rnerffly causing a nuisancF^ ^

1 i The following may be lethally takon;

(a) up to 30 EACH: Ring-billed, Herring, and Great Black-backed gulls, Ind

(h) up to 100 Canada goose

ic; up to 25 Mallard DUCkS, Kilideer, American Kostrols

(2', The following tray be live-trapped and relocatoll

i,a) up to 25 American Kostrol

(h) up Io 10 Rod-tailed hawks, alternatively. authorized to kill if i15 not pit ii3lfr

Qi ThQ f(WjNjrjg zj(,tive fnwi bu desl(c"ye&

up to 20 Killdoor

State restrictions: Peregrine fcj !co.ns and othe bird spcitosilia, listed as by N+-w Yo4 State lov,


iv'w t ' i I:f m';ION

. . . . . . .. . ......... ...... . .... .... ....

Stewart International Airport

Section 337 , Wildlife Hazard Management Plan 16

Page 21: 5• TVA · 5•TVA 1 s^, THE PORT AUTHORM OF NY & NJ FOI Administrator February 7, 2013 Ms. Sandra Kissa Stewart Park & Reserve Coalition P.O. Box 90 Blooming Grove, NY 10914 Re:

APPENDIX C (Continued)


arid. tmerefore, may not be taken, uninsb otherwise authon7ed by the Now York Uepialtment of hrivironr#rental ,,on , F. (vaticjr's

U, You are aulhorized in emergency 8ituat ons Only to lake, tarp. or .,I.;:•:ato <at'ry migratory bird;. fiests, and vin irt,-f:.rcilnl )that are not listedf 'it) C:onditiort D 'except bait'f odgle, t_iuldon i^ilglw:. of ewln f ririr-d or When the

##iigiatGSy btrrJs, nests, or eggs zoe pa ying a difect thif-;; t to "umon tc;,le^ry A d'€o cl it=ir;.1t !rt i5ti#nt,n ^sof4Cv ie= 4 r vrtilrf#involves a threat of SOWS bodily injury of (a, r@;;k to human ia..:

You must report any emergency take activity it) your inigrattoty bird permit issuing offv d Hadley NIA, 1.#y faxing to 413!253..8424, within 72 hou"• after the en1O,((^4}nf y take kY ttL3lr. Your fit}d}rt tT i $t dr#Olt4dP, the : f f C;C i :u d number o f 011el> t<ik(ir,,method, and a t•omp! ate desci iption of th y: cirrainastnnt:es wYartdanting the entergertcy a:,tit,i

F You are toy siilva ,,,jo and temporarily } oiisesS found dead or'takt?rY under lass pefr.art fortdivposat. {?„) transfer to the l-1 4. Ctepnrtnlertt csf Agrid;uiture ^ dl tor;tic purfar^se". t i ,iurlie}sstti: of tri,irunt; riirt;t',rtpersonnel, f51 donation to :a public charity (thr,se SU00bl" foi' ' ,m or (0^ F i.:n_ ficrn to a public scientific, ofeducational institution nS dr3fined ?n f) Gf R ' a ;'. Any i , a (,: ,.ylcs or gotde ! t t'( â q k:S, :, a•vaOOd Must be re - )ortod wiihin=id hours to the National Eagle Repository at 30,`i) 2€ 7 2 i and to the migiatory bird p f::nlit issuing office by i <aa:ing tc ei `3-1153^N24 The Repository will ptovida d it c.ti'.tnz. for Of sfaKir IOVIs.

YS)u rti^y nbt SfilVil^i-' ^irttt rYitt`t iri#IYledlittt'iy iipt}tt tb t± :> i IStt ;ar#d rt^JilCilife :?F?rVtC6. t;1:v Fiifi3tC:£ i iYE'nt ^azYy riitir;:iti'rr^^ is>ir!95

(bat appear to hiiVe bowl poisolletj s i )ot, 01' otheiwise Ulluted as trto ri” t"olt of t;'sifn:n.#I .t.;h•: aia'

Ft. You may use the following rtttathods of take ; Shotguns ( othv( of frr, iii: t.y JSUA: <) `t) E6 gistofodSanimal drugs (excluding nicarbazin), postwidfes and wpellet*v ; i fAconry rib.tti nv:n; .w et rr:itai 'trthal and live? heap(excluding pole traps). Birds caught five inoy he euthanized of bait; ntalic:l aria tt: rni.,' 1 n! , try approved by theappropriate State wildlife agency, if required. When ruing rhea(,, ' ,iy-I ln,.,y wl(,i rillo;: or'l - ufk!r: !%.! "ho 1, ally bird when votzdetermine that the use of a shotgun i:^ madequate totd solve; the iris_ i , - situation T ht^ wi , of any of the ;thovo technique",;s at jour discretion for each situattcr?

I You may temporarily possess and ,A abilize sick and injuiod migrolory birds and immediately trarispwI that to a fed!#rallylicensed rehabiliteitc}r for rare.

The following subpoinittees are atuthoriFod: Post Authority and AvPORTS employees and USDA Wildlife Servicesemployees, In addition, any other person who is 01 employed by w unifier contrao to you (car the at-tivit,e; specified 'its thispe(mil. or (2) otherwise designated a subpernlittee by you in writing, rang the authority of this Iserrnii

K. You and any suhpermittees must comply wits# the attaches} Standard Conditions for Migmton/ Bud 0opredation Per niiNThese slandatd conditions ,we a contionation of your permit conditions rind rnu ,xt femain Y ith yout pornA

G. A "No Feeding t}oliry" roust be in plate

For Canada Geoso Egg Addling or Nest Destruction. you MUST ±egrster ea(h year helwe(w t fma iy -i and June', 30 atRkt^5:ilft anti:t .tv, g v_I Fd4 t;t ; You Must returry to wabsite And report your take hefc';r(a t)r(r .'. ur3, t act? y(t<) i,.

for Suspected illegal activity, immediately contact : SFWS Law f nforceme nt tit Valley Stroaml NY h Ki-€325-3050,

Stewart international AirportSection 337: Wildlife Hazard Management Plan 1 7

Page 22: 5• TVA · 5•TVA 1 s^, THE PORT AUTHORM OF NY & NJ FOI Administrator February 7, 2013 Ms. Sandra Kissa Stewart Park & Reserve Coalition P.O. Box 90 Blooming Grove, NY 10914 Re:

APPENDIX C(Cwntnued)


NEW YOU K*1UTUxrxu/xxxloxuN\0x^xncw///.(xxvmmuvaru}m

1\CIMSE,Under Ni p It y1rpqrneyj C o |w, Ui[ _

| Y,ioonnom and Facility Kuf6rmx|inn |

Licen se Is»uodTw: ;^CUi/y/JaU8&C FK&0C0GUl S |\VAxT {MTDV'\Al K)Ng , 4myOK'[lUB PORT 4l/O80R[[lDfNY AND NJ &TkTE 17K NV NR|^]VK (m?F.RNAT/ON6LA|N`O8TDW}8 )4J N;wBOW8M, NY 105%2NQyLK|& VIA lU&. Nv i W3o


DEC Contact InIkirniathmi



38)102 N^x5 [A%:(50)402-8Y25

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8yvm,*pmnmo[/hk|^ouutj the 8e*uwvuagmvvhm(ho Hume IsooxU"mxu)muwr|o(mooqViunmvdh tile KC1 ° mUnpp\bnN,mxn|^Uvns~uud:11l,vud\Uouuiuelvdod its P art v[/hix

license Regulations


- -- -------------


Stewart International Airport

Section 337: Wildlife Hazard Management PWn Is

Page 23: 5• TVA · 5•TVA 1 s^, THE PORT AUTHORM OF NY & NJ FOI Administrator February 7, 2013 Ms. Sandra Kissa Stewart Park & Reserve Coalition P.O. Box 90 Blooming Grove, NY 10914 Re:

APPENDIX C (Continued)


\FAV VOkK la'l'tsl) TAlt`f;M ENT O KN1?IltCAMIATAJ (aaMEM.1'I°rON

Depredation Livouscs Airport # 47

( NYCRR. fart 1 5

ICI 11,.ft%6 i S t


1, IWPA -- AaaPhwir,rtti m for Nm lethal C;oratrol Alolurals i! :er W a: A Mr;1 ;,n m y tai UK Liar,: wk.,atwt ot'td ut it?il A <: MIM I i'm1hods on l ari}aaviNny bob. it0ha hig moo WAN O'tlUrP:a,l M ;' i.°rm y 4" a<rr^IraLicax>fs,a ^^ • uiI ^.r?n<^.r^3ta?ii aYr'ItR I'<rt'C ;^:'), alanr tlrc cru<rtivi^t, r y ^ t^., : : cy^,,n .i i,<^:.irti t, ^^:.i.;.ui ia:: ! ^` •^:

aPfa,ry'tr1 Sft:ic.aii hYmrtOmd Atiput(7myl('+> + ttayNov 1°ori',

I IMPA — AunhwhW iora for I.,ethal C oaatroi Methouls : he mr.r; "V , aw . "d aul,.nx^tLtatls i_Irtsts:it£rsr ^^ ntitr.:;ntl n'rcthoch> Iar'a^c tairai h^,^ I'a°rlen. 1 n ill,,):,! ! :,, ^ortk

:ha.c,r i °;ralarr,lr.tc.^ - , h^":r,!,<<I .,lu^c,izs at al) e:ics ^^1`41, t^i,i . n%WVR pW k"0 5 .00 , Aa

t= ma q nwt hNk loam old a Lts'a I ti il(l, Amp t: unrim swo ,i, ,ii}• i W -nal Ah i m anqyinuticdjl ac rtnwv;i " . iw,!': wgUnixl 1.) 11 . : r ...,:!

X I WPA – E ` nlrol Alv asums d `omwi ra,t;'yuws KH t;rcritslt> rrarss ic :(Ital rnutl'te;d s as ;,Ignoc1 ac h ,,,lsacowgiatcary lards fioot the arrathcartzcrl 1t)elnron({ .

* DEP - ALL ., I.l Nunn not ValltiWifiiaoaat l a tkral Permit Ilk How o k is v al i _,, illitiui az?)t°ra^,ir£xrtr€itgl Federal Pumit hmnt the US Fislt mW Wilthih. Sr.wiee• niv .," n c :,bath w yy "it ,Il iminsand rarrrllarons of ilic Fcdc•i ,al Pcims.,

5, DEPA -- Ilrleraal Fanerl;eney A tit horizsatfoil 'i h - Iwi is -ohlafiors only toWe zaaay nnm ak q y hink, rr ms land w z it: cep €?alti a , ,ski, n nos m w4nni Am ,.. vowd 5)ii.a.ic. ':

,Aesttlte mia!, itmv bndt, ,rc'sr or ^, :ic Irosuw r &n% n Nno ...a bun an na QV A 0—. , ai _t.httnwr;^fll^ib4S <i. U::'.^'A^ It ii' .t i ;'^> 1 IItP^.aa_ ^^ yi`i'litnti lyrrt^t 1 Il:;:it`v oY 2r r"tFk iail;t^.,;{^ ..

6, DI", ,PA – Training Requirement Prior to Ike of I.Whao Control 'iNletlaods t )nay 1)ej iIi %,jIrta it,iv(--iek,0. a1 (MInlnr.t an til7t<4-SL;: sditaa4rlrcMion am! wildfifo Cxmiirai tochu j r m-, witlrrrl £h6". taraavimw Iwo !?) y('M.,ti ftt'isrn£luarNA In rave WMal ea'>t wrl nMhmN 1-,arr5uaw to this Iics:rr^a .

IMP --- No Taal(u ol' Noo -Target Sr,)vviv^ flux licou>c^ sli^,.^, !t:^t •^,n^.a t ..v tlae €,r1;u1r, €,rl'uny n0i!-sraa'!Ct

^ateeia,, lit ^ht cvri` r,rrz 1a ;.lac^t?fa., <t^ 4akcar, thr• :ix; uu • ^ . h.a; ^..;^e; ,t^ .: ^ ,^ • <rusl ,isirrarc-t ^Itc' ^rrtt^ y arr^fi 't:alr'Dcp t lnonl cr y 'Iinvir'i'''nrncnt;il C +arrsa,>ic^rta ^ h,^.r.in!t.;` U. {cl'. I^ 1Iainrr,rr .

Rogicrnal Wildlife Ma t)UgerNYS1)1:C IZF,GI N % lii.:`lDQ(;AR`I I,R°.

NI AN' PA1,f/.- NYI%S61 1620

IS, I7'i'PA 12r • tr3c' of and DkImsal of Careireses The .east e shm srnMal,t to lztriuve hitus WhA.:%0rl:7:al r;St {I`.i'i^:^n1J:'1 ^)'Flrrill)f E111t3TI)`{11 ^; 170ti1"t i l^(IrGi tii.1.;^U,e 13'3 tIS'!Tt lkllin?(t3171'i1kh ., :^i^lt'?ifrl°i, i411it.":7l ;^Inr,^ ^^,..

'it t.:^A tar h:. t7riJtl rl it 17ttr l ;r atrdior

Issued I_,iceaac( ,loge waif -1

Stewart International Airpoii I "'

Section 337: Wildlife Hazard Management Plat) I ^^

Page 24: 5• TVA · 5•TVA 1 s^, THE PORT AUTHORM OF NY & NJ FOI Administrator February 7, 2013 Ms. Sandra Kissa Stewart Park & Reserve Coalition P.O. Box 90 Blooming Grove, NY 10914 Re:

APPENDIX C (Continued)



Ovpv^, (Aaiimi - Aaport ft 4?

DVA I A ;wThratimrd Sp"Ns Fonnd Madl _oj, k .0 of 0 1 h , s i,

i OF! , ..tit.1

It, DVP a .,a! 1 1 .,wowv Shall SOW cqAw Weral Reporh: ,41 wk valmh Koo .!'trot \" A Swum 1 mw, 11 it vokv.- z

WNEHAE (UNHIMIUM! -,kpph, h; A! J AulhoWed lhenm,^

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l.tumisce RmpnWhic Nr hides!. Slaw I AkAl 11r"uh, I Amws

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p! dioei!

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!"Mul Im"Ok. hoij, A 4

SAWRI www"Monm spot't

Page 25: 5• TVA · 5•TVA 1 s^, THE PORT AUTHORM OF NY & NJ FOI Administrator February 7, 2013 Ms. Sandra Kissa Stewart Park & Reserve Coalition P.O. Box 90 Blooming Grove, NY 10914 Re:

APPENDIX C (Continued)


^OR Is S1 A 11 , j 0 A l A W I N t I'Al ( )l , 1"N V 1W M V

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Page 26: 5• TVA · 5•TVA 1 s^, THE PORT AUTHORM OF NY & NJ FOI Administrator February 7, 2013 Ms. Sandra Kissa Stewart Park & Reserve Coalition P.O. Box 90 Blooming Grove, NY 10914 Re:

APPENDIX C (Continued)


New York State Department of Environmental ConservationDivision of Fish, Wildlife and Marine ResourcesBureau of Wildlife21 South Putt Corneis Rd, Now Paitz, NY 1,256°,Phone: (845) 2563-3098 FAX (845) 255.465934'ehsitc s vt: «.^i^.c:.,tytc.at^',ir4


hS' tied IlUrsWint 10 l.nvircinrneut<al C:on e-rvaatioti i.aawv -t)'^:'

a I u . i ..i 9t,: AU2E'471; # SirNP7hf 7 3


^^ i ti it

t) 3-ill Port Author it o3` 1',+x ,1 (315) 567-1562

:1i WOK I: AD DOa'i

Airport Address: Stewart International Airport, 13lclg 1311, 11135 First Strect, New Whid'sor, NN' 12553llermitte4NLd iog Address: 1,;aurn l+raancocer,225 Park.Ave, South, 91h Vlom. Ncn 'York,'t Z' 111003

The p ermittec land any person eaaiploycd by or acting under authoilzaaion of'the perutittcc omy kill is scaic ntais ! III c:;:

wildlife at any time wheel it becomes to thrtaat to aaireraft and airport safety and/or operations s' stipidawd helow:

A, Nuisance, wvildlitb, liir the purposes of this permit, means all wildlile except threatened triad e:nckingcred spt:cics,specie.:; of speci,il voncern, swid migratory g irds requiring fcdcral andfor stoic; permits and lice at.se:g.

l3. The pennittee iti cauthorizcd to use: ( I) Iirc;ttrnls to kill nuisance wildlifr and/or (2} auditory or vistaal scaredevicc:i; hwch as sholl crackers, live itilru wnitlon, Zoo gums, f +lcowry Lind trained dogs tits rvpej lautsa11cewettldlttc.

C, 'I lie 1wrinittce is a ulliorived to capture mid kill nuisaaricc wlldhfi^ (except dv(' `) by i sing box, c:a w, foothold,and/or body-gripping traps,

1). Nuisance wildlil'Q, rimy not he. removed oi- n1ocated Irorrt the sins.

l All civeaasses shall be disposQd ot , by burial or ineiuer 16ou, unle:is oih er4w'a;;w; direa: od owc 5pcc6i('ollditions, i f any),

1'. This permit anust be c,arricd and dihphiyvd wvbenew-e:r exorcising the a mborities groaned herein,

C1.. A ny shooting, trapping or killing must be entered on? (he. Daily Log {included with your perrili't) oia the d7tcsof C ectllrence.

11. This permit is continuows wntil revoked, ))tire of issmancc: 1 ,Tune 201'2

t. I'lic reporting period 16r this permit is .laraiaaary I to t eccinher 31 I lie perntitiec is required to f myard acopy ol' fl) e Daily 1.og by ,l,tntaatry d1 oI'em;II yea r to the 1311reau oi' W i I d I i to at tic; ala;:vo. ­0 (1 'I`IIDaily LaIg must Contain the species, date taken, hex, and disposition of each animal taken ;mdior tran';terredunder file authority of' this pertaait.

J. 't "Iris periiiit is conditionai upon cornplialicc: Willi all applicable foitd, Stine and/or feelcra' l lasyslrcguiativaasand with atay Special Conditions listed it) 14,.

KC Special Conditions ? if rui special conditions tire needed, Write "none" iii this space;1. Dear taken pursuaaal to this percent may be used f'cir Irma an consumption, ineluding the triaosport of'

properly tagged deer to a venison donation program,

Stewart International Airport

Section 337: Wildlife Hazard Management Plan ''