05/18/22 1 Bringing Public Clouds to Enterprises Vinod Shintre, Founder, Architect @Attribo

5/7/10 1 Bringing Public Clouds to Enterprises

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Page 1: 5/7/10 1 Bringing Public Clouds to Enterprises

04/10/23 1

Bringing Public Clouds to Enterprises

Vinod Shintre, Founder, Architect @Attribo

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About Attribo

Founded late 2008 Cloud management space 13+yrs of enterprise solution design & delivery

experience, hands-on with latest technology & trends

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Cloud Infrastructure not SaaS or PaaS Server Stack Application Stack Storage Stack Network Stack





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You of course Why you ?

Cloud enable your products Cloud enable your services

Consulting practice Support services

Cloud enable your Enterprise



support & consulting

support & consulting

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New wave of business model Immediate, Incremental & flexible availability Easy Access to resources Sharing & Collaboration Application virtualization & programmability

Autoscaling & on demand provisioning


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What options do we have to cloud enable our enterprise, services or products Private Cloud Public Cloud Hybrid Cloud




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Cloud value pyramid


Public Virtualization providers

Cloud VAS & integrators

AttriboRightscale, Hyperic

CloudKick, Ylastic, EucalyptusElastra, Enomaly, Hyperic, CloudEra & many more…

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Private Virtualization

Available options : Commercial products

Complete life cycle support & automation Expensive proposition for SMB

Opensource Complete life cycle support Infrastructure overheads for SMB

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Public Clouds for Virtualization

Available Options Amazon, Rackspace, GoGrid, SUN,

IBM,Terremark, EMC... & more Easy & quick access Pay for what you use, usage based billing Scale on demand

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I am a Product Oriented Company I am a Service Oriented Company

Consulting Support

I need cloud for internal customers & usage

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Single Vendor

XCloud Vendor

Cloud Vendor

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Cloud Service Grid







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Trail 1: Need

I am a Product Oriented Company I need to cloud enable my product I want to launch my product in cloud

marketplace I want to allow metered billing


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Trail 1: Challenge

Bundle or flavor your product to be made available on cloud marketplace of your choice ex: Amazon Machine Images (AMI)

Upgrade mechanism/processes

Licensing model, billing

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Trail 1: Solution Available

Amazon Machine Images (AMI) Available Amazon marketplace to publish

preconfigured/configurable server images with application bundle

1000‘s of products already ported to AMI‘s

GoGrid Server Images(MyGSI) Allows creation of custom server images with

applications & OS as needed Not allowing sharing yet but eventually they


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Trail 2: Need

I am a Service Oriented Company I need to offer cloud consulting or

infrastructure management services I want to support multiple cloud vendors I want my services to be SLA based I want a customer technical support portal

support & consulting

support & consulting

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Trail 2: Challenge

Management console & service API‘s per vendor No available cloud service support product Security issues SLA & Governance Service based charging model

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Trail 2: Solution

Build a team of experts with cloud API experience & integration knowledge

Look at vendors who can offer cloud service management solutions Should have user management Should have configurable workflows & rules

engine for automated escalation processes etc User & Group based ACL Has a governance & SLA model built in to

arrive at cost per service requests handled etc Has adhoc reporting modules

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Trail 3: Need

I need to serve internal customers I need a charge back mechanism I want to support multiple clouds I need enterprise ready features


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Public Virtualization Challenges

Integrating with multiple public cloud vendors is a challenge

No Centralized billing No SLA & Governance No Enterprise workflows No Self service model Single user systems

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Enterprise Needs

Security Standards, compliance based approach Support Mechanism Management & Control Performance & Governance

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Public cloud concerns

Single user systems No workflow control for approvals No self service dashboards No governance model No built in alert & notification model No Centralised Billing No charge back model

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Automation & management Solution

Single system to manage & provision all cloud resources & accounts

Built in dashboards & reporting Cloud Provisioning, ACL, User & Role

Management, Alerts & notifications , logging, workflows & automated backups

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Readily available point & click interface to provision, deploy, manage, report & monitor cloud resources

User Groups & Role management with ACL Self service dashboards,governance model, built-

in alert & notification, centralised billing ,charge back

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Build Vs Buy

Build Build a system integrated with multiple clouds

vendors using Web services/Rest API‘s Buy

Use 3rd party cloud VAS providers who offer

integrated & enterprise ready features

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Social Cloud

Enables you to advocate GreenIT Adopt to optimal engery consumption techniques Adopt to Carbon (CO2) reduction Green is good

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Cloud is here to stay Align & restrategyze your business models Cloud enable your services Laverage & adopt public cloud services to gain

better market spread Contribute towards GreenIT & carbon reduction

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Thank you

SOA 2009, Software and Support Media (S&S Media). Frankfurt

• All volunteers• you

Happy Clouding!

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