75 th MEETING OF THE FOYLE CARLINGFORD AND IRISH LIGHTS COMMISSION Wednesday 27 th June 2012 @ 11am Loughs Agency Headquarters, Prehen Attendees Present Tarlach O’Crosain (Acting Chair) Donal Tipping Joe Miller Michael McCormick Phil Mahon Seamus Rodgers Theresa McLaverty Thomas Sloan In Attendance - Loughs Agency Derick Anderson – CEO John Pollock – Director of Corporate Services Barry Fox – Director of Aquaculture and Shellfisheries Laura McCready (Minutes) 1. Apologies Winston Patterson (Chairman) Alan McCulla (Vice Chair) Andrew Duncan Jim Wilson John McCartney – Director of Conservation and Protection 2. Conflict of Interest There were no conflicts of interest with any agenda items. 3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record. Proposed Phil Mahon Seconded Michael McCormick


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Wednesday 27th June 2012 @ 11am

Loughs Agency Headquarters, Prehen


Present Tarlach O’Crosain (Acting Chair) Donal Tipping Joe Miller Michael McCormick Phil Mahon Seamus Rodgers Theresa McLaverty Thomas Sloan In Attendance - Loughs Agency Derick Anderson – CEO John Pollock – Director of Corporate Services Barry Fox – Director of Aquaculture and Shellfisheries Laura McCready (Minutes) 1. Apologies Winston Patterson (Chairman) Alan McCulla (Vice Chair) Andrew Duncan Jim Wilson John McCartney – Director of Conservation and Protection 2. Conflict of Interest There were no conflicts of interest with any agenda items. 3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed as an accurate record. Proposed Phil Mahon Seconded Michael McCormick

4. Reserved Minutes The reserved minutes were agreed by all. Proposed Phil Mahon Seconded Michael McCormick 5. Matters Arising There were no matters arising from the previous meeting. 6. CEO Report CEO provided the Board with copies of the Joint Communiqué for the 14th plenary meeting of the North South Ministerial Council which took place on 15th June 2012 for their information. He added that the Council noted the Progress Report on the work of the North South Bodies and welcomed the Loughs Agency’s success as lead partners with the University of Glasgow and Queen’s University Belfast, in securing funding of £8 million through INTERREG IVA for the project ‘Integrated Aquatic Resource Management Between Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland (IBIS)’. CEO also advised that Ministers endorsed the following recommendations from the St Andrews Review:

• the Loughs Agency to establish and provide services to producer organisations for the development of marine products with any legislative obstacles identified by the agency to be addressed by the two Sponsor Departments;

• an amendment is sought to the Magistrates’ Courts (Costs in Criminal Cases) Rules (Northern Ireland) 1988 to enable costs awarded to better reflect the cost of bringing prosecutions. DARD will keep under review the opportunity to amend the Foyle Fisheries Act (Northern Ireland) 1952 to allow for a fixed penalty regime.

CEO provided the Board with copies of the Joint Communiqué for the Aquaculture and Marine Sectoral meeting of the North South Ministerial Council which took place on 4th July 2012 at Derry Coty Council Offices for their information. CEO added that Ministers noted progress on Marine Tourism and Angling Development particularly the completion of the pontoon at Meadowbank, the

Agency’s significant contribution to the Clipper Round the World event and preparations for the sea and trout angling events of the 2013 World Fire and Police Games. CEO advised the meeting that he and Andy Sides had recently met with Alan McCulla and Theresa McLaverty in relation to the Carlingford Ferry proposal. He added that the Agency were seeking reassurances from the promoters in the form of the Environmental Impact Assessment which would include traffic management arrangements. 7. Directors Report The Board were provided with updates from the Senior Management Team each giving a brief overview on their respective areas. Conservation and Protection John McCartney, Director of Conservation and Protection was unable to attend the meeting therefore CEO provided the Board with the following report: Angling effort in Foyle has picked up considerably with what appears to be the beginnings of a reasonable run of salmon from the anglers perspective. Sadly assaults on staff have continued with another Fishery Officer being seriously assaulted while on anti poaching duties at Lifford. The Fishery Officer was hospitalised and has just returned from sick leave after a 3 week absence. Board Members condoned the recent attacks on staff. Tarlach O’Crosain also condoned the attacks and advised that Minister O’Neill had written to both members of staff who had been attacked recently. He added that he hoped that these individuals would be dealt with strongly through the court system. Board Members discussed extra personal protective equipment that could be provided to staff. Salmon poaching has continued to be the principle drain on resources with a continued very high level of activity with several organised gangs involved. Consultations There are no current consultations ongoing within the Conservation and Protection Directorate but a draft of a 2013

consolidation Regulation for angling. This Consultation sets out proposals consolidate the following Regulations;

• The Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Angling) Regulations 2001 S.R. 2001 No. 158;

• The Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Angling) Regulations 2004 S.R. 2004 No. 75;

• The Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Angling) Regulations 2007 S.R. 2007 No. 274;

• The Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Angling) Regulations 2008 S.R. 2008 No. 33;

• The Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Angling) Regulations 2009 S.R. 2009 No. 381;

• The Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Angling) Regulations 2010 S.R. 2010 No. 154;

• The Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Angling) Regulations 2011 S.R. 2012 No. xxx;

• The Foyle Area and Carlingford Area (Angling) Regulations 2012 S.R. 2012 No. xxx;

The change also introduces a Regulation outlining the standard for the construction and use of a landing net, keep net or keep sack. The Regulation will also amend the relevant section on number and size of fish at, so that a person shall not take by rod and line and retain more than 3 fish (being either salmon, or sea trout over 40cm in length, or a combination of both) in any calendar year. A number of Regulatory changes are in advanced stages of development. Health and Safety As discussed earlier there has been a second serious incident with a member of staff being assaulted. Board members were provided with a copy of the minutes of the last Health and Safety Committee meeting. Comparative Fish Counts 2005

May 2006May





2011 May


Faughan 136 60 193 341 -12 -21 68 4 Finn 931 872 1545 226 345 172 751 202 Sion Mills 67 1398 1405 124 1106 188 449 196 Roe 65 372 814 287 35 60 1140 386

Enforcement Actions In 2012 so far, Agency staff have dealt with 18 rod related offences, and seizures. Agency protection staff also seized 64 illegal nets, 8 boats as well as various other items. Staff have dealt with 14 pollution incidents, and taken 3 sets of statutory samples.  Environment Pollution incidents are slightly lower this year so far although silage effluent continues to be a significant threat to juvenile stocks. A number of meetings have been held of the Strule Trust and it is hoped that this body will be in a position to recommend habitat works for the upper Strule catchment in 2012. The Agency is pleased to report that remote water quality monitoring systems are now operational, continuously regarding chemical and physical parameters including dissolved oxygen and temperature. These are located at our fish counting stations on the Rivers Finn, Roe and Mourne. These systems send alerts to key Agency staff if pollution is detected and operate on a 24 hour basis. Issues surrounding hydroelectric generation on the system continues to give cause for concern, perhaps most prominently that on the River Camowen where a “stop” on the operation of the generation has been in place since March as a consequence of the alleged dewater of the river by the equipment during the initial operation of it. There are currently over 20 schemes in various stages of development within the catchments. In partnership with Rivers Agency there has been a voice announcer fitted to the River Roe flow gauging station, the Agency now has access to these devices on the Rivers Roe, Faughan and Mourne.

The Agency was represented at the annual North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation (NASCO) conference in Edinburgh at the beginning of June.

NASCO is an international organisation established by an inter-governmental Convention to conserve and manage the Atlantic salmon stocks. Its members are Canada, Denmark (for Greenland and Faroe Islands), EU, Norway, Russia and the United States. Board Members were provided with the summary / Press release from the meeting and a summary of the NASCO and SALSEA recommendations for Salmon management.

Agency staff gave evidence at an An Bord Pleanála public enquiry into the proposal for a bridge at Narrow Water on Carlingford Lough in which they identified concerns in respect of the statutory obligations of the Foyle and Carlingford Fisheries Acts. These related to protection of fish stocks particularly during their migration periods, the hearing is ongoing. Corporate Services John Pollock, Director of Corporate Services provided the Board with the following report: Financial Statements & Audit The Audit of the Financial Statements for the period ending 31st December 2011 is nearing completion with some minor amendments and wording changes required to the notes to the accounts and the statement of internal control. The Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO) have forwarded the draft accounts to the Dublin Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG) and we await their comments. Finance Expenditure is on target and a summary of expenditure to the end of May against the budget profile is included in the Board papers. North South Ministerial Council The next North South Ministerial Council Sectoral is scheduled for 4th July 2012 it is to be hosted at the Derry City Council offices to coincide with the “Clipper Homecoming”. Staffing The recruitment process has commenced to fill the position for Interreg Project Support Officer with a closing date of 16th July 2012. Advisory Forum The Agency together with the Irish Public Appointments Service are developing the process to recruit the third Foyle and Carlingford Advisory Forum. An application form is being developed and it is hoped that the recruitment will be complete by the summer. Website The Agency’s newly designed website has now gone live www.loughs-agency.org

Corporate Identity The Agency has decided to give the logo and corporate image an update. In order to do this, we have engaged the services of a local design company to undertake this work. Final designs will be brought forward to the Board for approval Riverwatch & Outreach Update The Scifest pilot project the Agency partnered with Foyle College had great success. The salinity project was awarded first place in their Science category, the bridge design project the same and also overall Intel best Science project. This means the three pupils involved in the bridges project will attend the next all Ireland Scifest stage of the competition in November. All three projects will be awarded bronze science crest awards. They won prizes, a science show for the school, three crystal trophies and prize money. Five classes from St Cecilia’s took part in two separate field trips each. The first field trip involved the study of three local habitats; Enagh Lough, the Castle River in Eglinton and the Lough shore at Eglinton bank. The students from each class performed a wildlife survey by recording wildlife observed at each site and used the information to compare each habitat based around how the wildlife had adapted to live there. The students also recorded a number of different water conditions such as dissolved oxygen, salinity and temperature. This helped them to achieve a better understanding of the ecology of each habitat by comparing the effects of non living factors on native species. After this field trip each class went back to school to write up a report on their findings that will be marked and graded over July and August. We are hoping they all achieve a pass and that their experiences on this field trip will inspire them to go further with their study of Biology and Geography. In the second field trip the students visited three different sites on the Glenmornan River to investigate environmental damage. At each site they took readings using a YSI probe provided by our scientific team. The students recorded dissolved oxygen, suspended solids, temperature and PH in order to see if there was any change as the water travelled through farmland and residential areas. They also carried out an invertebrate study were they took a kick net sample from the river at each site and were able to give each site a score out of ten based on the diversity of invertebrate species found. This fieldtrip allowed them to investigate where the biology of the river may be damaged by human activity and the effects of this damage on the native species. The students also

wrote a report on the recorded info they attained and this will also be marked and graded during July and August. Our work with St Cecilia’s on their BTEC qualifications has sparked interest from other schools and we are expecting next year to be working with two other post-primary schools on similar projects. The work we do with the students not only helps them achieve a valuable qualification but it also raises awareness with them of what the Loughs Agency does and why we do it. A lot of what the students are learning ties in perfectly with what we do as an organisation and is allowing us to develop a platform on which to build a better working relationship with several local schools. In partnership with St Marys College in Derry~Londonderry the Agency organised fieldtrips that covered both the biology and geography of local water bodies such as the Foyle and its tributaries. These trips involved a science safari by canoeing down the River Foyle and a number of habitat and river studies for the schools entire year 9. The trips were a great success and feedback from the pupils was very good. We have also had several visits to the Riverwatch Aquarium and Visitor Centre from primary schools within our catchment, secondary schools and third level education providers like catering colleges, whose aim was to give their students a better understanding of the environmental issues affecting fish stocks in Ireland and the UK. We have recently agreed to work a series of workshops with Thornhill College were we will hold classification workshops with their entire year 9 and anatomy workshops with their entire year 10. Riverwatch will also be involved in a number of events and workshops designed to support the arrival of the Clipper Yacht Race to the Foyle. We will be providing sailing workshops for local school and community groups were approximately 200 young people who may never have experienced sailing will get the opportunity to learn with our partner Ocean Youth Trust who will be providing tuition and the use of sailing dinghies and keel boats. The Loughs Agency is supporting the Flavours of the Foyle Seafood Festival taking place at Clipper and Riverwatch will be exhibiting with our mobile marine touch tank and members of staff to provide information to the public on local marine biodiversity and the roles and responsibilities of the Loughs Agency.

Aquaculture and Shellfisheries Barry Fox, Director of Aquaculture and Shellfishes provided the Board with the following report: Native Oyster Fishery The Native Oyster fishery season in Lough Foyle closed on the 30th March 2012. The recorded for the 2011/12 season are 107 tonnes based on log sheet returns. Once again the Middle Bed, Flat Ground, Southside and Perch beds were the most productive with 78% of the landings coming from these 4 beds. The spring 2012 native oyster survey has been completed and the stock assessment report was finalised in June. The estimated stock biomass was 465 tonnes and in keeping with the results from recent years there is good representation of all age classes in the stock. There is less mortality in the stock than had been the case in 2010 at which time the Southside bed suffered from 50-75% mortality in some areas and there was a rapid decline in biomass on the bed. The Agency is working in collaboration with researchers from the IBIS project through Queens University Belfast to try to understand the reasons why some oyster beds are not producing spat falls each summer and why densities of adult oysters are so low. This work will involve experimental trials on one oyster bed to improve habitat for juvenile oyster settlement through a process of harrowing the shell cultch on the seabed. If successful it is hoped that these trials can be extended into other beds in 2013 and developed to be an annual maintenance/improvement process. Lough Foyle and Carlingford Lough Status Reports The 2011 Status Reports for Lough Foyle and Carlingford Lough are completed, have been issued to stakeholders and are available on the Agency’s website. These reports aim to monitor the major issues affecting the aquatic environment and fishery resources of Lough Foyle and Carlingford Lough. It is anticipated that circulation of this report will encourage debate between stakeholders and the Loughs Agency. Feedback is welcomed and will contribute towards future reports. The status reports provide background information on the aquatic environment within the loughs, present the results of survey work carried out by the Loughs Agency, disseminate catch statistics and outline planned action.

Bonamia Ostreae Infection in Lough Foyle The latest results of statutory testing from the Irish Marine Institute from the Southside Bed in Lough Foyle show that the level of Bonamia infection is low (20%) compared to the levels detected by the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development / Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute in 2010. Further testing will take place in winter 2012 and mortality levels will be monitored once again in the autumn native oyster survey. Native Oyster Fishery 2012/2013 The advertisements and applications for licences for the 2012/2013 Native Oyster Fishery have been circulated. The closing date for applications is 31st July 2012. The advertisement inviting applications have been published in four local papers: The Inish Times, The Donegal Democrat, The Londonderry Sentinel and The Derry Journal as well as on the new Loughs Agency website. In addition to the publication of the advert, application forms have been sent directly to all licence holders from the 2011/2012 fishery. The Food Safety Authority Ireland (FSAI) and Loughs Agency Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) A MOU has been drawn up between the Loughs Agency and FSAI which outlines the handover of responsibility for shellfish hygiene sampling on Carlingford Lough and Lough Foyle from the Sea Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) to Loughs Agency. The Loughs Agency already has responsibility for shellfish hygiene sampling for the Food Standards Agency Northern Ireland (FSANI) in Carlingford Lough and Lough Foyle and has in recent years also been collecting some samples for FSAI on the southern side of Lough Foyle. Completion of this MOU has seen Loughs Agency take over full responsibility for all shellfish hygiene sampling on both Loughs and will provide greater continuity in sampling. The agreement was signed during June and the Agency began collecting samples for FSAI on the 1st of July. The Shellfisheries and Aquaculture Directorate has scheduled this new sampling to coincide with existing sampling regimes, where possible, in order to best maximise staff and time resources. Bottom Grown Mussel Sector Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) Certification The Marine Stewardship Council Certification Programme is run by The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). MSC is a global, independent organisation which operates a programme of certification in order to promote well-managed fisheries. This

programme of certification is the world’s leading, independent, international fishery certification and eco-labelling programme. The bottom grown mussel sector in Ireland and Northern Ireland is currently undergoing assessment for MSC Certification. The Loughs Agency’s Shellfisheries and Aquaculture directorate has played a significant role as a stakeholder to this project and has engaged in both group and independent stakeholder meetings. Involvement in this process and insight into the MSC process will be of value if the Loughs Agency decides to consider MSC Certification for the Native Oyster Fishery on Lough Foyle. Appropriate Assessment Avian Surveys The appropriate assessment bird surveys are continuing on Carlingford Lough with one survey at high tide and one survey at low tide at each site each month. The IBIS project has funded a taught Masters Student Carrie Craven to work on this project with the Aquaculture and Shellfish Officer as part of her MSc. Carrie will investigate how shore based aquaculture affects bird densities and assemblages on the shore of Carlingford Lough. Her project will run from April 2012 until August 2012 and will run concurrently with the existing Loughs Agency survey. In addition to the work on Carlingford Lough we have also begun the process of site selection and habitat surveying of potential sites on Lough Foyle. Five sites have so far been selected on the Republic of Ireland shore of Lough Foyle. Carrie is also helping with this work so as to boost her knowledge of project planning and initiation. It is hoped that this project will eventually lead to two full time research masters projects run under the IBIS programme. LIFE+ Pathways Project The Shellfish and Aquaculture Directorate has developed a Business Case for Loughs Agency involvement in the LIFE + Pathways Project at €10, 000 per annum for 2013 to 2015 inclusive. Loughs Agency involvement in this project is subject to approvals from the CEO and the Loughs Agency Board. The Life+ Pathways Project is an externally funded bid to control the spread of marine Invasive Non Native Species (INNS) in the UK and Ireland by managing their pathways of spread. The proposal has been developed by members of the GB Didemnum vexillum (a type of invasive sea squirt known as the Carpet Sea Squirt) working group, following the decision of the group that pathway management was critical to the response to Didemnum

vexillum and other marine non-native species. This proposal takes into account and builds upon existing initiatives already being developed, examples include Marine Aliens project, Defra funded research into biosecurity, Defra funded research into pathway management of Ponto-Caspian (mainly freshwater) species, the Non-Native Species Information Portal, the Green Blue environmental awareness programme, the intentions of SAGB to develop an aquaculture code of practice for non-native species and other species specific work underway in GB and Ireland. The project aims to reduce the risk posed to native marine biodiversity and marine industries from invasive non-native species by:

• Reducing the introduction and spread of INNS in ecologically sensitive areas through improved biosecurity.

• Improving communication with key stakeholders in priority areas to raise awareness, achieve behaviour change and encourage early detection and rapid reporting.

• Improving our ability and capacity to rapidly respond to new non-native species threats in the marine environment.

• Delivering innovative demonstration projects relating to improved bio-security and rapid response.

Stakeholders expected to be included within this project are: recreational boating sector, marina and port operators, aquaculture and fishing sectors, shipping sector, those undertaking ship recycling and marine relevant Non Government Organisations. Management Agreement The Agency’s Director of Aquaculture and Shellfisheries and Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources Officials met with the Department of Agriculture Fisheries and the Marine (DAFM) officials on the 17th May in Agriculture House in Dublin. The meeting was positive and we are awaiting proposals from DAFM to progress the agreement. Development As the Director of Developments post was vacant, Andy Sides the Agency’s Development Officer provided the Board with the following short report from the Development staff:

Clipper The Loughs Agency has played a significant part in preparations for the arrival of the Clipper Round the World yacht race. As well as the marine event platform and cruise ship quay, the Agency has made their suite of portable pontoons available for temporary berthage along the river. The sailing centre based at Agency headquarters will offer “try sailing” sessions to schools, disability groups and the public during the Clipper festival. A number of the groups taking part in the festival (Viking long boats, fleet of “Zap Cats”, Ocean Youth Trust etc) will use the Agency slipway for launching, lecture theatre for team briefings and the yard for trailer storage. Loughs Agency Slipway Work has been completed to enhance the Agency slipway at Prehen for boat users. As well as supporting conservation and protections staff, these works will assist the Agency with its outreach programmes, offering a safe access point for those participating in river safaris. Following consultation with insurers and others, the Agency may decide to allow pedestrian access to the slipway, so that users of the adjacent cycle/walk way can enjoy the panorama of the Foyle. RYA Sail Training Centre The Loughs Agency contracted Ocean Youth Trust Ireland to deliver assistant instructor dinghy courses for thirteen people. This programme aims to develop sail training capacity within the Foyle area. Nine of the candidates passed the course and four were deferred. Conducted from the RYA Recognised Training Centre at the Agency premises, a range of people took part in the courses: some from sailing clubs and others from non-sailing backgrounds; some with an amateur interest and a few with intentions to offer sailing on a commercial basis. Mourne Coastal Route Work continues on projects related to the Mourne Coastal Route, partnering with Northern Ireland Tourist Board and Newry and Mourne District Council. These projects form part of the NITB signature project strategy.

Carlingford Coastal Path Louth County Council proposes to develop a walking path along

the line of a new water main which will parallel the shore between Omeath and Carlingford.

The Agency has been invited to offer advice on the development.

Omeath - works to improve ambience of shore area Discussions continue with Louth County Council and Omeath Tidy Towns to develop visitor access and seashore ambience in Omeath. Phase 2 of an environmental improvement scheme has been designed and the Agency is working with Louth County Council and Omeath Tidy Towns to progress its implementation. Newry Ship Canal Parking

Loughs Agency angling development manager and the development officer met with Roads Service and discussed opportunities for further enhancing the utility of the angling resource at the ship canal (parking, signage etc). World Events The World Police and Fire Games (Worlds 3rd Biggest Sporting Event) have announced they will be holding the Sea Angling Competition in Lough Foyle August 2013. The Trout Angling Federation of Ireland (TAFI) have announced the will be hosting world juniors in our Omagh catchment 2013, after members of the TAFI organisational committee surveyed the waters they described our waters as some of the best in Ireland. Loughs Agency Permit Water Phase one of the works have been completed on Loughs Agency permit waters, Loughs Agency working closely with the local landowners have erected foot bridges and styles on the bans of the River Finn in an aim to improve access for anglers, in particular anglers with mobility problems. Dutch Fly Fair Loughs Agency attended the recent (Dutch Fly Fair) Angling Promotional Show in Holland 19th & 20th May 2012 for the second time and again we found this show a must in the series of promotional activities we carry out during the year promoting our angling product often equal to the other promoters in many respects and on occasions better.

Inland Fisheries Ireland also attended this show and like the Agency found the Dutch Fly Fair of a high quality with a lot of interest from the visitors. During the two day show visitors to Loughs Agency exhibition stand advised that they hadn’t visited our catchments, mainly because they had little or no knowledge of Loughs Agency’s fishing and what we had to offer. This show is a great opportunity for Dutch anglers in particular to meet Loughs Agency face to face and explore the possibilities of a fishing experience within our catchments. New Angling Club The Agency has recently been involved in supporting the establishment of a new Angling Club in Fintona Co Tyrone (Finore Angling Club) and we are very pleased with the outcome of our involvement particularly on the conservation front. This club will enforce a total catch and release rule for Salmon and have also reduced the daily trout bag limit from 4 to 2 as well as curtailing the open season from 1st April to 1st May in order to help protect Salmon smolts on their seaward journey. The new Finore Angling club has also committed to make day tickets available and encourage visitors to the region. The club have already created a package with one of the local accommodation provider’s. Kilcootry Barn Self Catering Kilcootry Barn is one of the packages Loughs Agency promoted at the recent promotional show in Germany. 8. MMV Ostrea Update Barry Fox advised Members the MMV Ostrea has undertaken 14 days surveying since that last Board Meeting. On the 7th May the MMV Ostrea experienced a break in a coupling that connects the engine drive shaft to the gearbox on the starboard side of the vessel. This occurred due to fatigue and is not uncommon. The vessel is required to go to dry dock for this to be repaired as the propeller shaft must be moved to allow the gear box and engine to be separated. The risk associated with this is that it would allow ingress of water into the vessel if this work was undertaken while the vessel was in the water.

The Agency sought advice from the Maritime Coastguard Agency with regard to moving the vessel to Kilkeel to rectify the problem. It was discussed that the Lough Bradan, the Agency’s fisheries protection vessel would accompany the Ostrea for the journey as a support vessel. Following consideration of this it was decided that the vessel should be lifted out of the water at Lisahally Port in Lough Foyle so that the repair could be undertaken there. This repair will be completed and the vessel fully operational by the end of June 2012. Michael McCormick asked if the Agency had done antifouling when the vessel was out of the water. Barry Fox advised that they had and a repaint was also completed. CEO acknowledged the great help and assistance from Londonderry Port and Harbour in facilitating with the lifting out and storing of the MMV Ostrea whilst the work was being completed. 9. Risk Management Update John Pollock advised the Board that as they were aware Risk Management meetings took place quarterly. John added that following the last meeting internal audit had suggested changing the layout of the Risk Register to mirror that of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. 10. Outturn Against Targets John Pollock provided the Board with a copy of the latest Outturn Against Targets and stated that Members are asked to consider and note outturn against the Agency’s 2012 Business Targets for each of the four Directorates. Phil Mahon thanked the Directors for making changes to the layout and added that they were much easier to understand in this format. 11. Sustainable Development Fund Andy Sides advised the Board the Agency’s Sustainable Development Fund has been launched. In April, the Loughs Agency made a call for applications for funding for events with a marine tourism or angling development theme. This first round offered support of up to £1,000 (at up to 75% funding level) for events.

32 applications were received. A summary of theme and geographical area follows.

Carlingford Foyle Sub-total Angling 5 6 11 Marine tourism

9 12 21

Subtotal 14 18 32 NB: 5 Carlingford and 1 Foyle application were rejected as they arrived late Table SDF1: applications received Following assessment by a staff panel and a Board sub group, 19 applicants were offered funding. A summary follows – by theme and location.

Carlingford Foyle Sub-total Angling 1 5 6 Marine tourism

4 9 13

Subtotal 5 14 19 Table SDF2: applications approved for funding Events proposed include: sailing regatta, angling competitions, angling coaching and rowing events. A further SDF call for developmental projects was made in June. This offers up to £7,500 at a 75% funding level for marine tourism and angling development projects. 12. Clipper Homecoming Festival This item was covered under the Development update. 13. Carlingford Oyster Festival Payment Following advice from internal audit Andy Sides brought the following issue to the Board. The Board were asked to consider the following options. Option 1 Pay in full the amount detailed in the claim forms without penalising the event organisers.

Option 2 Pay a proportion of the claim for the heritage festival, effectively applying a penalty for the promoter having made a cash payment (noting that a cheque was subsequently issued to regularise that situation). Pay a proportion of the claim for the oyster festival, applying a penalty for submitting the invoice that has now been disallowed.

Option 3 Refuse to pay either claim. The Board discussed the matter, agreeing that there had been a good working relationship with this regional tourism body in the past and that it was unfortunate that there had appeared to be some mistakes made in these two projects. The unanimous approval of the Board was to proceed with option 1 bearing in mind the relatively small sum involved. 14. Angling Amendment 2013 Consultation John McCartney, Director of Conservation and Protection provided the Board with the above consultation document together with equality screening document and Regulatory Impact Assessment relating to the consultation. John asked for Board approval to proceed to public consultation. Proposed Joe Miller Seconded Seamus Rodgers 15. Interreg Applications (a) Marine Tourism

The Board will be aware of several projects funded through the Loughs Agency Interreg IVA Project. The Agency is the lead partner and the programme of works will complete 2015. FOYLE - The marine event platform (a large pontoon) and city centre cruise ship quay on the River Foyle are both on track for completion late June. The Port of Londonderry is the project partner. These projects will add considerably to the potential for marine tourism development in Derry as well as along the River Foyle and Lough Foyle. MALIN - The project at Malin Head (County Donegal) is being developed with Donegal County Council as partner. This will see

visitor access improvements at this iconic location. Works include passing places along the narrow approach roads, a footpath and a cliff top viewing platform. BACKWATER - The Backwater project is an angling project on the upper Foyle (near Ballymagorey, County Tyrone). Staff consultation has completed and feedback has been provided. Relevant landowners have been consulted and they are favourable to the project. Preliminary drawings have been prepared in house and detail will be refined in coming months. GRIBBEN - The Gribben Quay project will provide boat access to the River Foyle (near Bready, County Tyrone). Consultation with a neighbouring landowner has not completed. When it does, there will be staff and community consultations. This will be followed by an application for planning permission. MELLON - Preliminary drawings have been prepared in-house using GIS. Detailed consultation with landowner and angling club will commence following staff consultation. INISHTRAHULL - Staff contacts at Irish Lights (who own the island) view the Inishtrahull project favourably (in principle). However, the Agency awaits formal approval, following which the project will be scoped in more detail. The project remains at value for money assessment stage, the Agency understands the sensitivities in securing the support of all parties and prefers to stall the VFM until that is confirmed. BENONE - Limavady Borough Council is partner in this visitor facility project. This site is a sensitive dune land and beach habitat. The pre application discussion (PAD) process has commenced with planners and others. The value for money assessment (VFM) for this project has not yet been cleared but partners see value in paralleling the PAD with the VFM stages. DERG - The Derg project (catchment management plan and appropriate actions resulting there from) remains at value for money assessment stage, although this is expected to conclude in coming weeks. E-LICENSING - The potential extent of the e-licensing project remains under discussion with the funder (SEUPB). At this point, it is believed that a scoping study of e-licensing will be worthwhile.

(b) IBIS Project The project ‘Integrated Aquatic Resource Management Between Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland’ (IBIS), with the Loughs Agency as Lead, and with Partners from the University of Glasgow and Queens University Belfast, funded through INTERREG IVA (£6m) and a further £2m from the University of Glasgow, is well underway and has completed the first year of its programme that runs to June 2015. The period since the previous report has seen the last of the full complement of twelve three-year PhD studentships are taking up their positions. The first cohort of the thirty one-year Masters students are also appointed. The full complement of 5 supporting staff, comprising the Project Coordinator, Finance Administrator, Clerical Officer, Research Fellow, Research Assistant, is in place. The programme’s first Continuing Professional Development course was held at SCENE 17-19 April 2012. The feedback from the participants was very favourable, with one comment “it is extremely rare to get an opportunity to get training of this caliber in world-class facilities with highly experienced trainers”. The project public website www.loughs-agency.org/IBIS came online in June 2012, coinciding with the public launch at the Four Seasons Hotel in Carlingford, Ireland on 15 June. Over one hundred invitations were issued to representatives from the governments of the three jurisdictions, the partner organisations, the stakeholder organisations who will take up the knowledge output and tools created by the project, statutory agencies and the involved local authorities. Over lunch the guests met the project’s PhD and Masters students, who had prepared an exhibition of posters outlining the results of their work to date and the plans for their research through a series of posters. In the afternoon the students gave talks about their work and the tools for stakeholders that would emerge. A new core teaching and training facility is to be developed as part of the programme and used by the project, comprising a new building at the Scottish Centre for Ecology and the Natural Environment on Loch Lomond in Scotland. The first stage of the development is underway, with the removal of the old teaching building from the site completed in May 2012. Moving into the project’s second year, significant progress is being made in the research into and the development of:

• Management strategies that will maximise the benefits of Marine Protected Areas to exploited fisheries, regenerate stocks of native oysters, and maximise blue mussel cultivation

• Practical management plans and options for the sustainable stock management of the European eel, and of factors other than fishing pressures that are limiting the recovery of European eel stocks including maximisation of seaward eel migration.

• Management tools to improve barrier passage for migratory fish species and for the exploitation and restoration of sea trout stocks.

• Management responses to cormorant predation on fish stocks and for the use of seabirds as indicators of intertidal health.

• Recommendations for the correct placement of small scale hydro schemes.

• Understanding of the benefits of V-notching programmes for lobster-stock management and a code of practice for the management of wild oyster stocks.

• The development of strategies for the conservation of rare fish and of the applied use of new river pollution classifications.

(c) Lough to Loch The “Lough to Loch” project proposal submitted to Interreg IVA has passed to the second stage in the application process. A business case has been prepared and this is currently being assessed by consultants acting for the funding body (SEUPB). The Lough to Loch project is being promoted by a partnership that includes Newry and Mourne District Council (lead partner), Warrenpoint Harbour Authority, Louth County Council, Dumfries and Galloway Council and Loughs Agency. The project aims to develop integrated marine tourism between Carlingford Lough and Loch Ryan, with major capital investment in marinas at Warrenpoint and Stranraer. (d) Carlingford Ferry

Disappointingly, the Agency was unsuccessful in its “Across the Lough” application to Interreg IVA. This sought funding to enhance roads infrastructure to facilitate ferry operations between Greencastle (County Down) and Greenore (County Louth).

16. CEO Contract and Financial Memorandum CEO provided the Board with copies of letters issued by the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Remuneration and Personnel Sub Committee to the Permanent Secretaries in both Sponsor Departments in relation to the above issue. The Board were also issued with replies from the Permanent Secretary of DARD advising that these issues were being actively progressed. CEO added that as the Board were aware the issues with the CEO contract related to the ongoing pension issue. He advised the Board that the final draft of the business case had been submitted and 3 pages of comments had been received which the Agency would work through as soon as possible. 17. A.O.B. Hardship Package Michael McCormick asked if there would be another hardship package offered for the remaining drift net men. CEO advised that FASTA had been in contact with the Agency recently requesting the names and contact details of the remaining netsmen together with the figure they were offered in 2007. He added that the Agency had written to all 28 netsmen asking if they would like this information released. Wind Turbines Seamus Rodgers advised the meeting that some wind turbines hat had recently been erected could be on the edge of some of the Agency’s tributaries. CEO stated that he would advise the Agency’s Environmental Officer about this. Development Sub Committee Theresa McLaverty asked if there was a list of dates for the above group to meet for the rest of the year. John Pollock advised that this group does not have regular scheduled meeting, they meet when there is an issue e.g. assessing Sustainable Development Fund applications. 18. Date and Venue of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Board will be held on Wednesday 5th September 2012 at 11am in Whistledown Hotel, Warrenpoint.