Global Studies Name:__________________________Class:____ Due Date:____________ Rating _____ Research Paper Step 5: Polishing the Paper Part A Using standard writing conventions Directions: Look at the picture and tasks below to make your research paper follow standard writing conventions. Curriculum created by Joel Troge – The International High School at Lafayette – 2015-2016 1 Go to the “Tools” menu and click on “Spelling…” to Add page numbers by going to the “Insert” menu and Create space between your lines by going to this button and selecting “Double” The entire paper should be in “Arial” font, size 11. The color should be black. The title of the Put your heading at the top- right corner of the first page of you paper. Note: Always ask the teacher if pictures, graphs or maps are acceptable to use in the research paper. As a general rule, though— the focus of the research paper should be on

5-Polishing the Paper

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Page 1: 5-Polishing the Paper

Global Studies

Name:__________________________Class:____ Due Date:____________

Rating _____Research Paper Step 5: Polishing the Paper

Part A Using standard writing conventionsDirections: Look at the picture and tasks below to make your research paper follow standard writing conventions.

Curriculum created by Joel Troge – The International High School at Lafayette – 2015-20161

Go to the “Tools” menu and click on “Spelling…” to check your writing.

Add page numbers by going to the “Insert” menu and selecting “Page number”

Create space between your lines by going to this button and selecting “Double”

The entire paper should be in “Arial” font, size 11. The color should be black.

The title of the paper should be in all capital letters and underlined.

Put your heading at the top-right corner of the first page of you paper.

Then put 3 line spaces before the title of the paper.

Note: Always ask the teacher if pictures, graphs or maps are acceptable to use in the research paper. As a general rule, though—the focus of the research paper should be on your words.

Page 2: 5-Polishing the Paper

Global Studies

Name:__________________________Class:____ Due Date:____________

Part B Creating a bibliographyDirections: Look at the picture and tasks below to make a bibliography for your research paper. Note: The bibliography should be your last page!

Part C Creating the bibliography for your research paperDirections: Use your N-S-R chart and Part B of Step #3 to complete the table below. Then go to the website easybib.com to create the citations for your bibliography. From there, you can copy and paste directly to your Doc!

Internet Source #1Research note letter:

Title of the website: URL of the website:

Internet Source #2Research note letter:

Title of the website: URL of the website:

Internet Source #3Research note letter:

Title of the website: URL of the website:

Book Source #1Research note letter:

Title of the book: Author of the book:

Book Source #2Research note letter:

Title of the book: Author of the book:

Note: You are required to have 5 total sources—2 different book sources and 3 different Internet sources, but if you want to include more of the sources that you used in your Bibliography, go right ahead!

Curriculum created by Joel Troge – The International High School at Lafayette – 2015-2016

“BIBLIOGRAPHY” should be in capital letters and centered at the top of the page.

Sources should be alphabetized by author or the first word of the citation.

There should be 3 line spaces before the first citation, and 2 line spaces between each of the citations.