Effective Oral Presentations Entrepreneurship 101 Nancy Schell Lynn lynn.image2@verizon. net © 2011 Stevens Institute of Technology. All Rights Reserved

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Effective Oral Presentations

Entrepreneurship 101Nancy Schell Lynn

[email protected]

© 2011 Stevens Institute of Technology.  All Rights Reserved

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Module ObjectivesModule Objectives

1. Provide basic skills for delivering effective oral presentations.

2. Increase impact and enhance image as a presenter.

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Effective Oral PresentationsModule A: Verbal Communications Skills

Module B: Non Verbal Communication Skills

Module C: Organize & Present with Visuals

Team Presentation: Starting Your Business

Growing Your Business

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Example of a Bad Presentation


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How would you like to be perceived as a presenter?

What is your presentation style?

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Qualities of an Effective Presenter

• Confident• Knowledgeable• Relaxed • Clear & Concise• Enthusiastic

Effective presentations begin with a set of skillsEffective Presentations begin with a set of skillsEffective Presentations begin with a set of skills

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Effective Oral Presentations

© 2011 Stevens Institute of Technology.  All Rights Reserved

Module A: Verbal Communications Skills

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Speaking Clearly and Expressively

Liew Weng Kong

It’s not just what you say, but how you say it.

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Speak Clearly and Expressively

Speak Clearly:– Volume

– Articulation

– Accent modification

– Filler words

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Avoid Fillers

ah, uh, um, like, ya know…

– Clutter speech

– Cause distraction

– Detract credibility

Practice pausing

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Speak Clearly and Expressively

Speak Expressively:– Pause

– Pace

– Inflection

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Express versus Impress

An English professor wrote the following on the board and asked students to punctuate:

“a woman without her man is nothing”

The men wrote:

“A woman, without her man, is nothing.”

The women wrote:

“A woman: without her, man is nothing.”

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Verbal Communication Skills

Speak clearly and expressively • Raise your volume• Properly articulate words• Avoid filler words• Vary your inflection• Practice pausing between thoughts

Say what you mean and mean what you say!Say what you mean and mean what you say!

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Effective Oral Presentations

Module B: Non Verbal Communication Skills

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1. Eyes

2. Gestures

3. Movement

4. Professional Image

How to Enhance Your Message Non-Verbally

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Eye Contact

• Establish rapport• Instill believability• Portray authority

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Eye Contact When Presenting

If scanning:• See too much• Feel more nervous• Go blank

If connecting:• Reduce nervousness• Connect with audience• Stay in moment• Halo effect

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Don’t just look . . . connectDon’t just look . . . connect

Eye Contact Pointers

• Divide room into quadrants

• Seek out friendly faces

• Avoid talking to your notes/screen

• Give one thought to one pair of eyes

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Hand Gestures

• Show what you are saying

• Enhance your message

Energy Center!Energy Center!

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Hand Gestures When Presenting


• Relax entire body

• Communicate thoughts, feelings & ideas

• Add meaning to your words

• Keep audience attentive

• Appear more confident

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Hand Gestures When Presenting

How:• Be aware of “home base” • Let hands relax at your sides• Keep hands free• Gesture from shoulders/above

the waist• Consider one-handed gestures• Use smooth, defined movements

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• Balance your stance

• Move with a purpose

• Stop when delivering a key phrase

• Stay in view

You are the #1 visual!

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Movement Pitfalls

• Move aimlessly

• Pace like a caged animal

• Rock, sway, or shift

• Dancing

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Practice Communications Skills

• Balance your stance• Maintain eye contact• Increase volume and

inflection • Describe and


Exercise: Practice with the following examples

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That was then, this is now. This plan will increase profitability. Let’s look at the global perspective. You’ll see results in the next quarter.

Describe and Emphasize

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Professional Image

Polished Professional Image

• Appropriate Cultural Appearance (Company/Country)

• Appropriate Behavior

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Effective Non-Verbal Communication is No Accident

• Good Eye Contact

• Effective Gestures

• Meaningful Movement

• Professional Image

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Effective Oral Presentations

Module C: Organizing and Presenting with Visuals

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1. Identify your desired outcome

2. Tailor talk to your audience

3. Select & order critical talking points

4. Outline your presentation

5. Incorporate smooth transitions

6. Include stories, examples & statistics

7. Create & deliver effective visuals

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Your audience determines:

• What you say

• How you say it

• The order you say it

One Presentation Doesn’t

One Presentation Doesn’t

Fit All!

Fit All!

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Caution . . .

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Select & Order Talking Points

• Brainstorm all potential ideas

• Group individual ideas into key talking points– Examples: Background, Opportunity,

Recommendations, Benefits, Next Steps

• Order talking points according to your audience

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Outline Your PresentationOutline Your Presentation• Introduction: attention-

grabber, thesis, purpose, agenda (10%)

• Body: first talking point, support, second talking point, etc. flow (80%)

• Conclusion: summarize main points, next steps, desired outcome, final statement (10%)

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Incorporate Smooth TransitionsLink one slide to the next

Examples:•The purpose of my presentation…•Let’s begin by discussing…•Now that we’ve talked about…•Let’s move on to…•An illustration of this point…•In conclusion, I recommend…

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Content ConsiderationsVariety

• Personal Stories

• Examples

• Statistics & Facts

• Text

• Charts and Graphs

• Illustrations

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Why Use Visuals…• Audience remembers 40% MORE when

hear & see simultaneously

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PowerPoint Pointers

• Stand left of screen for English presentations.

• Talk to the audience versus the screen

• Give the big picture first

• Work from top to bottom

• Elaborate on important points

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Memorize opening and closing commentsIncorporate smooth transitions between

slides & teammatesKnow take-away of each slideRehearse aloud/in front of mirrorTell a story

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Tell a story…

Organizing and Presenting your Presentation

• Identify your desired outcome, audience & key talking points

• Outline your presentation• Incorporate smooth transitions• Include stories, examples & statistics• Create effective visuals• Know the take away for each slide• Practice aloud

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Example of a Good Presenter

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Effective Oral PresentationsModule A: Verbal Communications Skills

Module B: Non Verbal Communication Skills

Module C: Organize & Present with Visuals

Presentations: Starting Your Business

Growing Your Business

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Effective PresentationsFor Entrepreneurs

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Starting Your Business


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To be filled out during classes 3 and 5 and presented in class 6

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Starting Your Business

Prepare a Start Up Business Plan: Complete the templates provided with your team. Be prepared to present in the next class. Each team member should present at least one slide. You will be allowed 10 minutes to present

& 2-3 minutes for Q&A. Evaluations will be based on presentation

skills and content. A team evaluation form is provided. Practice individually & as a team.

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And for your final class…

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Growing Your Business


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To be filled out during classes 10 and 11, completed during class 12, and presented in class 14

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Growing Your Business

Prepare a Final Presentation (final class): Prepare a presentation based on your Mogul Simulation experience. Use the PowerPoint templates provided for you. You will be allowed 12 minutes to present & 3-4 minutes for Q&A. Each team member should present at least one slide. Evaluations will be based on presentation skills and content.A team evaluation form is attached.Practice individually & as a team.

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“The single most promotable skill in business today is the ability to

communicate verbally.”

Harvard Business Review

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Effective Oral Presentation Quizzes and Module Evaluation

Quiz 1 – Oral PresentationModule

Quiz 2 - Oral Presentation Module

Click on icon for


Module Survey Evaluation