BEFORE THE WAR BEGAN 11 CHAPTER 1 Before the war began 1. MC What was the name of the treaty signed at the end of the First World War which re-drew national borders in Europe? A) Treaty of Fontainebleu B) Treaty of Versailles C) Treaty of Vincennes 2. E Where and when was the treaty that shaped post World War One Europe signed and what international body did it create? 3. S Boils Nio Minutes is the name of the fascist leader who came to power in Italy in 1922? 4. P What was the nickname for the fascist activists in Italy as seen in this picture? 5. MC In what year did Adolf Hitler come to power in Germany? A) 1929 B) 1931 C) 1933 6. TF Truth or Fiction – Hitler’s popularity was in decline when he came to power in Germany? 7. E Which leader did Hitler replace in 1934 to become Fuhrer? 8. MC What did the term Nazis actually mean in English? A) National Socialist German Workers Party B) National Unionists German Workers Party C) Nationalists of Germany Socialist Workers Party 9. E Which financial institution crashed on 29 October 1929, leading to the collapse of the international economy? 10. E What was the name of the large shanty towns that emerged in the US during the global depression in the thirties and who were they named after? 11. MC In which month in 1933 did Germany withdraw from the League of Nations? A) October B) November C) December 12. MC Who was elected US President following elections in 1932? A) Franklin D. Roosevelt B) Herbert Hoover C) Harry Truman 13. E In what year did Prohibition end in the United States? 14. E In 1935 Hitler announced German re-armament and the re-introduction of what? 15. TF Truth or Fiction. In order to train pilots, Germany used gliders for training rather than planes, so as not to break the re-armament conditions in the Treaty of Versailles? 16. MC On 3 October 1935, Italy invaded which country? A) Libya B) Algeria C) Abyssinia

5. MC 6. Before the war began

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Before the war began

1. MC What was the name of the treaty signed at the end of the First World War which re-drew national borders in Europe? A) Treaty of Fontainebleu B) Treaty of Versailles C) Treaty of Vincennes

2. E Where and when was the treaty that shaped post World War One Europe signed and what international body did it create?

3. S Boils Nio Minutes is the name of the fascist leader who came to power in Italy in 1922?

4. P What was the nickname for the fascist activists in Italy as seen in this picture?

5. MC In what year did Adolf Hitler come to power in Germany? A) 1929 B) 1931 C) 1933

6. TF Truth or Fiction – Hitler’s popularity was in decline when he came to power in Germany?

7. E Which leader did Hitler replace in 1934 to become Fuhrer?

8. MC What did the term Nazis actually mean in English? A) National Socialist German Workers Party B) National Unionists German Workers Party C) Nationalists of Germany Socialist Workers Party

9. E Which financial institution crashed on 29 October 1929, leading to the collapse of the international economy?

10. E What was the name of the large shanty towns that emerged in the US during the global depression in the thirties and who were they named after?

11. MC In which month in 1933 did Germany withdraw from the League of Nations? A) October B) November C) December

12. MC Who was elected US President following elections in 1932? A) Franklin D. Roosevelt B) Herbert Hoover C) Harry Truman

13. E In what year did Prohibition end in the United States?

14. E In 1935 Hitler announced German re-armament and the re-introduction of what?

15. TF Truth or Fiction. In order to train pilots, Germany used gliders for training rather than planes, so as not to break the re-armament conditions in the Treaty of Versailles?

16. MC On 3 October 1935, Italy invaded which country? A) Libya B) Algeria C) Abyssinia

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17. Name the disputed territory that these German troops are marching into in 1936?

18. Truth or Fiction. Adolf Hitler had an English Aunt whom he visited in Britain after the First World War?

19. Who is pictured in this famous scene and what is he saying?

20. At which airport did the plane carrying the British Prime Minister arrive following his meeting with Hitler in Munich in 1938?

21. What did the British Prime Minister say after returning from talks with Adolf Hitler in 1938? A) No deal without peace B) Peace in our time C) Peace not war

22. Chit chums pun – The event that led to the arrest of Adolf Hitler for treason in 1924?

23. In which prison did Adolf Hitler work on his political memoirs?

24. What was the name of the political memoirs that Adolf Hitler wrote while in prison? Clue: the title translates into English as ‘My Struggle’

25. In his political memoir, Adolf Hitler described the need for Lebensraum, but what was it?

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26. E In which year did the Spanish Civil War begin?

27. S Dogs if jashz hiluvi – The original name of Joseph Stalin, who would lead the USSR through World War II?

28. MC Joseph Stalin was the son of which type of profession? A) Butchers B) Cobblers C) Blacksmiths

29. E In which country in the USSR was Joseph Stalin born?

30. MC Joseph Stalin launched what in the USSR in 1928? A) The Two-Year Plan B) The Five-Year Plan C) The Ten-Year Plan

31. TF Those people who fell out of favour with Joseph Stalin were not only killed but erased from history. Nikolai Yezhov, head of secret police, was erased from official photographs?

32. E Who defeated Hitler in the German Presidential Elections in 1932?

33. Q Who said in 1931, ‘Whoever can conquer the street will one day conquer the state.’?

34. S Cuss Halns – The political union that took place between Germany and Austria in 1938.

35. E What was the name of the German-speaking areas of Czechoslovakia which Hitler demanded in 1938, and which almost led to war with Britain and France?

36. MC What is the name given to Britain’s policy of accepting German expansion in Europe in the 1930s? A) Aggrievement B) Aggrandisement C) Appeasement

37. MC Brown-shirted Nazi paramilitaries were known by which two letter initials? A) SS B) SD C) SA

38. P Which city in Central Europe are these German troops entering in April 1939?

39. E In March 1939, following the occupation of Czechoslovakia, Britain and France guaranteed to defend which country’s independence?

40. MC The former German city of Danzig (present day Gdansk) was established as a what to serve as a major port for Polish trade? A) Trading City B) Open City C) Free City

41. S Tom jin Chainn Vet Probb – Name of the German Foreign Minister who met with the Polish ambassador Josef Lipski to discuss Danzig’s return to Germany in October 1938.

42. CL Name the German city that was the site of talks between Britain, Germany, France and Italy during the Czechoslovakia crisis? Clue: this city was where Hitler rose to nationwide fame when he led the Nazi party in an attempt to seize power in 1923.

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43. E Who was the leader of the SA?

44. MC What was the name given to the murder of the SA Stormtroopers on 29 June 1934? A) Night of the Long Grass B) Night of the Blades C) Night of the Long Knives

45. E In February 1933, a fire broke out in which building in Berlin?

46. P What is being signed in this picture?

47. TF Truth or Fiction. There was a secret protocol in the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, which was signed on 23 August 1939, which left Hitler free to attack Poland without risking war with the Soviet Union.

48. MC In response to the Nazi-Soviet Pact, Britain entered into a formal military alliance on 25 August 1939 with which country? A) France B) USSR C) Poland

49. E In which year did Berlin host the Olympic games and what number Olympiad was it?

50. MC Which country was the only one to boycott the Berlin Olympics despite worldwide calls for a boycott? A) Britain B) USSR C) Greece

51. TF Truth or Fiction. During the Berlin Olympics in 1936, anti-Jewish signs were temporarily removed and anti-Semitic newspapers were taken off public display in Berlin.

52. TF Truth of Fiction. No Jewish ahtletes won medals at the 1936 Berlin Oympics despite many competing?

53. MC African-American athlete Jesse Owens won how many Gold medals at the Berlin Olympics, to become a hero at the games, despite the Nazis considering his race to be ‘sub human’? A) 3 medals B) 4 medals C) 5 medals

54. Q American journalist William Shirer wrote in his diary: ‘I’m afraid the Nazis have succeeded with their propaganda’. What was he referring to?

55. E Radio waves used to detect objects beyond the range of sight were first developed into a practical technology by British scientists during the 1930s. What was it called?

56. MC What does RADAR stand for? A) Radio and Data Results B) Radio Detection and Ranging C) Radio Direction and Range

57. E What was the name given to the chain of early warning RADAR stations built along the South and East coasts of England to detect enemy aircraft in the 1930s?

58. S To Wed His Gem Dynst – The name given to the air defence system set up by Britain prior to World War Two.