5 Fallacies of Racism

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First and foremost, we have to deal with defining of Fallacy which is a word that in it origin from Latin means to deceive, so when we are dealing with the 5 deceptions of Racism,Dr. Neely Fuller Jr. stated if you do not understand White Supremacy (Racism) what it is, and how it works, everything else that you understand, will only confuse you.To deal with Racism from a very low level knowledge, and a very weak understanding, will only cause one to think and respond from a low level of wisdom, and so what we get within the 5 Fallacies or Deceptions, is a weak mindset or thinking based on the masses of the people being deceived, then we have to ask the question, who is the deceiver?For one Racism deals with Power and it is operated from the mindset of those who have the power, but the deception is that it deals with Skin color, so the weak minded wont to use the black and white concept as the base of their opinions and not facts.There are 9 areas of people activities in the known Universe, these 9 areas are; Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War, now in each area of people activities, where there is a White and Black dynamic The White is on the Top and the Black is on the Bottom, The White is in Power and the Black is in Subornation, even when it comes to Opra, They can take everything she has overnight, why? Because they allowed her to be in that position, because they have the power and control to do so, Obama was selected to be President; the intelligent ones know that the people never voted in the President, That is part of the Fallacy or Deception, They allow a few Blacks to move up in Statues which gives an illusion that there is change, but in the Constitution of the United States, the Black Man and Woman is still wrote in as 3/5th of a human being, The Individual Fallacy or deception is based on the level of understanding that an individual has of White Supremacy (Racism) is the determine factor of if what they say holds any weight, and in most if not all cases it doesnt. Legalistically The changing of a law doesnt change the mindset of the ones who makes the law, and as we know, The law has never been in favor to the Black collective whole, and the Tokenistic, well hell they had tokens all throughout the physical slave history, why not in mental and spiritual slavery?, Historical unimportant is only seen and accepted thru the eyes of a fool who want to fit in with the opposite people, so they turn a blind eye to the History, but it is a known saying, those who fail to study their History is doom to repeat it, and so who teach such idea, has to have a hidden agenda. And as far as the fixed reality, As Long as the White People are in Power their will be White Supremacy (Racism) and they on a day to day base do what it takes to stay in power, and to make sure that it is fixed, and we as Blacks can only change that if we come out of their mindset, and think and do as a collective whole, this whole Fallacy is just what the definition in its origin means to deceive, Donald Sterling showed and proved that, no matter what Black person in what position, couldnt say or do a thing to change that mans stance or position, George Zimmerman showed and proved that, no Black man can take a White man to court and get a fair outcome, even if its clear they did the crime on a major scale. The Officer in the Michael Brown Shooting showed and proved, in less than a 4 weeks 250.000 dollars was raised in support of the white cop who did the shooting, so all the Fallacies has been right before our eyes in the media, and only those who would want to fool you and make you think, things are getting better, will tell you it has change for the better, it made appear that way but its just a Fallacy, Deception>