5 Evidences From the Quran to Show That Jesus Died and He is Not Alive

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  • 7/27/2019 5 Evidences From the Quran to Show That Jesus Died and He is Not Alive


  • 7/27/2019 5 Evidences From the Quran to Show That Jesus Died and He is Not Alive


    5/3/13 5 evidences from the Quran to show that Jesus died and he is not alive.


    3:55 Behold! Allah Said: "O Jesus! I shall cause you to die (wafat) and I shall exalt you

    towardsme and I shall clear you of those who rejects Faith, and I am going to

    make thosewho follow you above those who reject Faith - until the day of

    Resurrection. Thenunto Me is your return, so that I shall judge among you as

    toin that wherein youused to differ.

    They key words here are : Ya Isa, inni mutawaffika wa rafiuka ilaiya

    Meaning: "O Jesus! I shall cause you to die and I shall exalt you towards me.."

    In order to fulfil the prophecy, first death will happen, second, he will be raised. Allah did not say He

    will raise Isa in any manner before his death. This argument is based on the key word 'wafat'. Themeaning of "wafat" is death, or take away soul. If soul is taken away from a person, it is nothing but

    death. The problem arises when with regards to this verse, Muslims refuse to interpret the meaning of

    "wafat" as death. Irony is that all scholars who translated the Holy Quran do agree "wafat" means

    death. They translated the word "wafat" as death in at least 20 different instances. However, in this

    particular verse, they interpreted the meaning as take away and insinuate physical ascension.

    Fact remains that the above verse states death must happen first before ascension. If not, the verse is

    contradictory and false.

    Evidence #2:Let us read a very crucial verse 21:34 regarding death of our beloved Prophet Muhammad(pbuh).

    21:34 We have not ordained abiding to any mortal before you (O Muhammad). What! Then, ifyou die will they then be abiding?

    The first part of the verse raises the question that if Muhammad(pbuh) being the most prominent Rasul

    has to die, how can previous Rasuls remain alive? Muslims kept Jesus alive in contrary to the obvioussuggestion in the verse. However, same Muslims quickly come up with solutions. According to them

    the issue here is that of immortality. Jesus was not granted immortality, he will reamin alive for 2000+

    years and later on die sometime in 21st, 22nd or 23rd century after his second coming!!! So the verse is

    valid either way.

    Well, there can be desperate argument by those who say Jesus is alive. If this verse is viewed vis-a-

    vis 3:143, (see Evidence #4), all contention will come to an end.

    Let us see another verse 19:31 where Jesus(pbh) is saying as under:

  • 7/27/2019 5 Evidences From the Quran to Show That Jesus Died and He is Not Alive


  • 7/27/2019 5 Evidences From the Quran to Show That Jesus Died and He is Not Alive


    5/3/13 5 evidences from the Quran to show that Jesus died and he is not alive.


    'scholarly persons' are cheating Muslims, and nave Muslims are digesting the falsehood.

    If we leave aside the stories and concentrate on understanding the verse we will see a different

    perspective. In the verse 4:157 please notice carefully, wa lakin subbiha lahum means "He was

    made to resemble to them" or "it was made to resemble to them" or "a likenss of that was made for

    them" or "a similitude was made for them" -- not "someone was made to resemble him". In the

    sentences, "it" or "that" refers to the incident and not a person. So Jehova resembling Jesus(pbh) can

    not arise. It was Jesus(pbh) who was made to "resemble" to them. Resemble to the very issue in

    question here: likeness or similitude of death. The issue is not Jesus(pbh) resembling a different person

    or a different person resembling Jesus(pbh). Jesus(pbh) was set up on the cross and he was made (byAllah) to resemble to them (as if he really died) by sending him to a comatose or fainted state.

    Jesus(pbh) survived the incidence of crucifixion and lived up to gray haired age (3:45, 5:40). Later on he

    was sheltered in a land full of meadows and springs (23:50). This proves he was not raised at the time

    of crucifixion. It is important to understand that if Jesus(pbh) was not killed or crucified, he still could

    die a natural death. There is no need to send him to the Heaven to save him from enemies.

    If they really killed Jehova taking him to be Jesus(pbh), then his mortal remains or tomb should have

    been somewhere in Jerusalem. This tomb should have come to be recognized as the tomb of

    Jesus(pbh). In reality there is no tomb in Jerusalem that was ever identified or can be identified

    (correctly or otherwise) as the tomb of Jesus(pbh).

    Evidence #4

    In the battle of Uhud, prophet Muhammad(pbuh), leading the Muslim army, fell down injured. A rumor

    spread that Prophet has been killed. The Muslims were in despair and broken-hearted. At that

    moment, in order to instill confidence and boost morale of the Muslim army, a revelation came saying:

    3:144 Muhammad is no more than a messenger, surely the messengers before him have already passed away. If then he dies or be killed, will you turn back upon your heels?

    Among other things, this verse tells two things:

    (1) Muhammad(pbuh) was only a Rasul,(2) Rasuls before him have passed away.

    In this verse, the meaning of 'passed away' is very clearly given by Allah as (a) he dies, (b) be killed.So by 'passing away' Allah meant death and killing and nothing else. Thus we can conclude that the

    use of the word can not mean anything different other than death. If Jesus(pbh) was an exception and

    did not pass away, Allah surely would have mentioned it. It is not a small exception by any means.

    Much later, when Prophet Mohammad(pbuh) actually died, it was hard for Muslims to accept the sad

    news. Thinking that it was conspiracy of the rumormongers, Hazrat Umar (r) drew his sword and

    declared that whosoever would say that Muhammad(pbuh) was dead, he will behead him. At this

    critical situation, Hazrat Abu Bakar arrived, seeing the critical situation, he went into the hut of the

    Prophet and ascertained the truth. Then he came out and recited the same verse from Surah Al-e Imran

    3:143 and further declared that whosoever wants to worship Muhammad, let him know that he is dead,

    and whosoever wants to worship Allah, let him know that Allah is all abiding.

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    5/3/13 5 evidences from the Quran to show that Jesus died and he is not alive.


    This incidence conclusively proves that all the companions of the Prophet and Caliphs knew that all

    Rasuls before Muhammad(pbuh) had died. If the companions believed that Jesus(pbh) was still alive,

    then at least someone would have raised a point here. Also check out Evidence #2 once again.

    Evidence #5:

    If Jesus(pbh) is alive in the Heaven, his age today is about 2000 years!! How can he live that long

    defying rules and laws set forth by Allah? Are we not making words of Allah contradict when we say incase of Jesus(pbh) Allah changed his law and made him live that long? Can a person live that long?

    Let us see what Allah has to say about it.

    16:70 And Allah creates you, then He causes you to die; and among youis he who is

    brought back to the worst of the age, so that he knows nothing

    after knowledge. Allah is truly all Knowing, Powerful.

    22:5 And among you there is he who dies, and among you is one who is turned

    back to the worst stage of life until he does not know anything after having known...

    36:68 And whomsoever We cause to live long, We reverse him in constitution

    These verses tell us that whoever lives too long, Allah returns them as crippled and not knowing

    anything after knowledge. This is more like a cycle of life. Birth -- Infancy -- Childhood -- Adulthood --

    Old age. At very old age, a person reverts to a state much like infancy, depending on assistance for

    almost every daily routine: eating, bath, walking, toilet etc. As if Allah reverts the person in constitution

    (36:68) and makes him another infant. Like an infant, at this time he does not remember things and

    has no knowledge of events around him.

    In this context, if Jesus(pbh) is allowed to live that long, by now he is so crippled and in the worst part

    of life that there is no use of him to come back and do anything for Islam. In fact he can not do

    anything worthwhile at that age. If it is difficult to comprehend, then it is possible that the above verses

    are false.

    The arguments above are not intended to agitate the readers in any manner. Rather the idea is to let

    them think independently and come up with best solution. There is absolutely no verse in the Qur-an

    that tells Jesus(pbh) will come back in a later day. The second coming of Jesus(pbh) is largely based

    on a few Hadith. In order to validate the Hadith, most Muslims do not hesitate to twist the meaning of

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    the Quran. To them the Hadith is absolute, and Quran is secondary! They would not express it, but

    their faith and action proves it. They would vehemently protect Hadith at the cost of Quran.

    If a reader refuses the validity of the arguments above, I have no problem. I am responsible to Allah for

    my conduct and you are for yours. May I request you to read one or two sites listed below? Again,

    unless it fully convinces you, you need not believe everything . I am trying to arouse your rational

    thought process with my arguments. May Allah bless all of us and guide us in the right path.

    [email protected]

    First hosted: September 4, 1999

    Updated Nov 19, 2003

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