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An Eating Planfor Hotties


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1THE NO’S I am asking you to temporarily eliminate certain foods. This actually makes things much easier for you becuase there are fewer decisions you have to make. When I say “no pasta” you now don’t even need to look at that part of the menu. If you do not do this, your results will NOT be spec-tacular. At the end of the 10 days it will be your choice to continue on this plan or move into a little bit more moderate program like Red Carpet Ready. You may feel so good that you want to keep going. Since originally testing this program 6 months ago, the results were so awesome that I have continued living gluten free.

NO processed foods: cookies, cakes, pasta, frozen meals, fast food, crackers, cereals, pancake mixes, etc. NO bread of any kind! NO alcohol - it’s ONLY 10 days. After that you can have 2 drinks/week NO sodas NO sugar NO Flour - not even whole wheat

I am going to keep this really simple for you. You want to lose weight. I can help. You will be amazed at how quickly this can happen without starving, without purchasing prepackaged meals or doing crazy things like eating/drinking only juice, soups or pureed foods. And yes, I have seen it all. Over the years I have helped many hundreds of people get in shape. The reasons may change (nude scene, photo shoot, wedding, beach va-cation, etc.) but how to do it does not. I have purposely not gone into a lot of detail on the why’s and the why not’s - you can get that in any of my of detail on the why’s and the why not’s - you can get that in any of my other programs. Here, I’ve simply layed out what you need todo. Now you need to do it.

The guidelines will tell you what to eat and what not to eat. The cliche “everything in moderation” really doesn’t apply here. There are foods that are definite NO’s for the next 10 days either because they are TRIGGER foods (meaning once you start it’s hard to stop) or beause once they’re eliminated, weightloss becomes so much easier. The simplest thing is to follow my food rules. By the time you finish this program you may just want to eat this way for the rest of your life. I know I do.

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2TOSS IT I always have my clients start with a kitchen purge. The reason is simple. I don’t want you to be tempted to blow it in a moment of weak-ness. Those crackers or cookies that call your name when you’re tired, stressed or sad, they have to go. I would much rather you have to drive somewhere to have to fix a sugar craving - at least you have time to change your mind. Most likely, you won’t feel like leaving the house. So get to it, toss it, give it away or at the very least, get it out of sight and out of reach. This includes everything on the NO list and then some...of reach. This includes everything on the NO list and then some...

• Cookies, cakes, candy, chocolate (except dark chocolate), ice cream, frozen yogurt• Anything containing gluten: bread, muffins, pasta, frozen diet foods• Quinoa, wild rice, brown rice• Sugar or added sugar (be sure to check the labels, that will get your attention) - processed peanut butter, jams and jellies, ketchup - most processed foods• Anything that has a bunch of words you can’t pronounce on the label• Deli meat that comes in a package ( instead, ask your butcher to thinly slice organic, hormone free chicken or turkey)• Sodas • Alcohol• Alcohol• Fruit juice ( too much sugar)• Milk, including lowfat and nonfat• Nothing labeled “low carb” or “fat free”. If they need to label it, it’s filled with crap you don’t want!

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3SHOP Once your kitchen has been purged, you want to re-stock it with all sorts of healthy foods, spices and supplements. For now, let’s get startedwith the basics:

• Organic Free Range Eggs• Eggology, or liquid egg whites - this will make breakfast a snap! (I now favor whole eggs but still keep these on hand)• Organic free range chicken thighs or breasts - or save money by buying • Organic free range chicken thighs or breasts - or save money by buying the whole chicken• Salmon or Halibut (I like to buy fish on the day I’m going to cook it, the other meats I can freeze)• 1-2 bags of large, raw, peeled and deveined frozen shrimp (these are ̀ always in my freezer)• Frozen blackberries, cherries, mango, pineapple and mixed berries• Good quality olive oil• Good quality olive oil• All natural almond butter or other nut butter but NOT peanut butter• Butter (real butter, not the fake stuff)• Variety of produce such a spinach, lettuce, peppers, onions, zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes, asparagus, etc.• Lemon and limes• Almonds, walnuts, cashews (raw is best)• Raw cacao• Raw cacao• Sea salt• Fresh herbs and spices

If you don’t cook much, don’t over stock. It’s not hard to stop at the market every couple days when you don’t need a lot. Also, use your freezer when you can.

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This is incredibly important. Not being prepared is setting yourself up for failure. You want to make sure your pantry is purged and re-stocked with healthy foods. If you make chicken for dinner, make enough for lunch the next day. If you know that you will be in back to back meetings, have some almonds with you, or pack a mini cooler if you know that you’ll be running around all day. Do not assume that healthy food will be available wherever you go. You MUST plan ahead. The cliche “Failing to plan is planning to fail” applies. Let “Plan, prep, prepare” be your new mantra.planning to fail” applies. Let “Plan, prep, prepare” be your new mantra.

This could be debated forever. The reason I recommend this is be-cause in my experience, this is not only the fastest way to lose weight but it’s best way to keep you satisfied, perserve lean muscle and keep the weight off. Now this doesn’t mean you can eat as much as you want nor will you be eating pork rinds and deli meat. Your portion of protein for meals will be about 4-5 ounces. That portion size should fit inside your palm. If you are not sure, weigh it. After you’ve weighed enough foods, you will be better about eyeballing it. Your snack portion will be about 1.5 you will be better about eyeballing it. Your snack portion will be about 1.5 ounces. A little protein often, really does go a long way. After you’ve finished if you need a little more, go ahead and have it but under no circusmstance, reach for anything containing gluten or grain.

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This is a diet cliche for a reason. If you want to be thinner, have more energy, improve the quality of your skin and build up your immune system, then eat your veggies. These low calorie, nutritional powerhous-es can do all that and more. Plus they fillyou up without filling you out. Choose fresh, in season and locally grown when possible. Keep frozen veggies on hand for emergencies.

Do you want to know how to get your loved ones to eat more veggies with you? Be a little sneaky. Add them to your salads or make soup out of them. Try preparing them in lots of different ways; roasted, grilled, sau-teed or raw. Veggies don’t always have to be steamed. Your choices are practically limitless. Get your kids more involved by taking them to the farmers market with you and let them try the fresh fruits and veggies. The experience of choosing them might make them more inclined to eat them. The farmers makret will also tell you what’s local and in season. All The farmers makret will also tell you what’s local and in season. All produce tastes better when it’s fresh.

Dietary fiber is the indigestible part of plant foods that moves through the gastrointestinal tract, cleaning it out, aiding elimination, and helping prevent gastrointestinal disease. Adequate fiber intake has been linked to reduced risk of obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and colon cancer. Moreover, fiber increases the satiety value of a meal, adding bulk and substance to help keep you fuller longer. Fiber in food helps you to be more satisfied on less calories, always a good thing!

Fiber is classibied as either soluble or insoluble. Soluble fiber disolves in Fiber is classibied as either soluble or insoluble. Soluble fiber disolves in water and can be broken down by bacterial enzymes, while insoluble fiber cannot. Both types of fiber have different health benefits. Soluble fiber has a beneficial effect on cholesterol and protects against heart disease. Insoluble fiber may protect against colon cancer. Both types of fiber help prevent constipation and promote intestinal health.

This plan includes lots of fiberous vegetables but you may still want to This plan includes lots of fiberous vegetables but you may still want to consider adding a fiber supplement. I start each day with a heaping tablespoon of chia seeds. When you take grains out of your diet, it’s extra important to get your fiber from a variety of sources.

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I am always trying to get clients to drink more water. It is essiential for fat loss and it seems most people are walking around a little bit dehydrat-ed. I want you to drink 80-100 oz. of pure water each day. Yes, I know you will need to use the restroom a lot! You will get used to it. Drinking water will help you lose weight. First off, it will suppress your appetite and that’s always a good thing. More important, it helps with fluid retention. Because water is vitally imporant for every function in your body, if you are not drinking enough, your body will hold on to water. Simply by drinkare not drinking enough, your body will hold on to water. Simply by drink-ing more water consistently, your body will release excess water weight! Start drinking it first thing in the am. You don’t want to be up all night running to the restroom so try to get most of it in before 5pm.

You do not need to be a chef or even a good cook to succeed on this plan. You will do just fine ordering out or picking up. With that said, I would still prefer if you learn to cook a little. This gives you so much more control of what goes into your food and of course into your body. It also gets you into the habit of weighing your food and controlling your por-tions. I have provided you with some simple recipes but feel free to exper-iment. Inspiration is everywhere. The worst case scenario is a meal here or there is not the best tasting, but rarely will it be so bad that a little salsa can’t fix it. Some meals aren’t so much cooking as they are assembling, like this one: put 2 giant handfuls of greens in a bowl, add 4 oz of any cooked protein, such as grilled chicken from the night before, add some veggies, drizzle with olive oil, squeeze half a lemon, sprinkle a dash of sea salt and toss! Voila! Dinner! I am also a big fan of ground meat cooked up like a bolognese or taco meat but just serving it on veggies. Simple does not mean boring or tasteless, just less hassle.not mean boring or tasteless, just less hassle.

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10MEAT AND EGGS This plan requires protein. You will be choosing from fish, chicken, turkey, eggs and beef. We could debate the morality issue of killing animals until the sun sets in the east but I’m just going to share with you where I stand. I am an animal lover, but I also believe in the basics of the Paleo theory that says evolution takes a long time. Given that, I believe we do best physically, emotionally and energetically when our diets more closely resemble our emotionally and energetically when our diets more closely resemble our hunter/gatherer ancestors, which means I’m going to eat meat and I will ask you to do the same. Howerver, this is not a license to eat beef jerky, packaged deli meat or other poor quality protein. I also believe the cliche, “we are what we eat”. If you eat a bunch of crap, your body won’t run so well and you won’t feel so good. Doesn’t it make sense that this would also apply to what you eat, eats?This is what I would like you to do:This is what I would like you to do:• Respect the animal. They should be raised ethically on their natural diet, free from hormones and unnecessary antibiotics and with room to move around• Respect and support the farmers that raise grass fed cows and cage free chickens. This is much more expensive for them but they are giving the animals dignity in life and in death• Choose wild caught fish, not farm raised. Farm raised fish is like factory• Choose wild caught fish, not farm raised. Farm raised fish is like factory farmed cattle• Be aware of fish on the endagered list and make a different choicePlease remember, you have a voice and we all count. You cast your voteeveryday at the market with how you spend your grocery money. So please everyday at the market with how you spend your grocery money. So please support the farmers, fisherman and growers that choose to do the thing most right, as opposed to the thing most profitable. It is good for your body, it’s good for your soul and it’s good for the planet. With that said, I do understand how this can get expensive. There are ways around this. Here are some examples:1. Shop at your local farmers market to buy produce that is in season.2. Hit the freezer section. Fresh produce and berries are great, but when on a 2. Hit the freezer section. Fresh produce and berries are great, but when on a budget frozen is often the best way to go.3. Buy in bulk. Products like seeds, nuts, and nut butters can be found in bulk at a more affordable price. 4. Learn to use leftovers! Rather than throwing out veggies you didn't eat with dinner, put them away in the fridge for a future meal. Leftover veggies are great in an omelette and there is so much you can do with leftover chicken!

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11CHOOSE ORGANIC YOU’RE WORTH IT As much as possible, choose organic fruits and vegetables. I really do believe it makes a difference. I once heard an analogy that traditionally grown and chemically sprayed apples were a lot like eating apples sprayed with Raid. Even if you washed one, would you still want to eat it? I’ve chosen organic products ever since and I hope you do the same. Shop your farmer’s market when possible and buy frozen if what you’re looking for is not in season. At the minimum, make sure the following list you buy organic, they are the worst offenders.you buy organic, they are the worst offenders.

1. Peaches 2. Apples 3. Sweet Bell Peppers 4. Celery 5. Strawberries 6. Cherries 7. Pears 8. Spinach 9. Lettuce10. Potatoes

I cannot express strongly enough how this diet has freed me! I don’t have the same blood sugar swings that I used to. I’m not starving all the time. I’m also not afraid of my hunger like I used to be. I simply recognize it for what it is. I’m not thinking I’m going to pass out or die. I feel much more in control of my cravings. I’m not “missing” my bread.

I love my diet now and my weight is what it was in my early twenties. Not I love my diet now and my weight is what it was in my early twenties. Not that I was ever fat but when I started this plan, I dropped 8 lbs, I didn’t know I needed to lose. I have since purposely put 2 lbs back on. Even when I derailed a little over the holidays, I didn’t gain weight.

This plan makes me free from the worry of what I will wear. My morning routine is also much easier since I only eat one breakfast instead of two.I usually eat around 10am or 11am. I thought it might be helpful to see

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how I put it all together. This is pretty typical but sometimes I workout in the morning, sometimes the evening. I do it when I can but I workout almost every day because it makes me feel good!Here’s a typical day:

6am: Wake up and have a cup of black coffee6:30am: If I feel hungry I’ll have a Valrise (coconut water, Athletic Greens and chia seeds) otherwise I skip7-10am:7-10am: Clients10:30am: “Breakfast”. I call my first meal breakfast regardless of what time of day I have it. It’s almost always a Hottie Shake11am-2pm: Clients or Valslide business2-3pm: Workout3:30pm: Lunch. Usually a salad with leftover dinner or I pick some veggies and protein from Whole Foods4-6:30pm:4-6:30pm: Emails. Calls. Wrap the day. Prep dinner7pm: Dinner. It may be salmon and asparagus or a steak and broccoli. Lately, I’ve been obsessed with meatloaf 8-10pm: Chill. Read. Sometimes a little TV10:30pm: Lights out. Beauty sleep

I like to keep things simple. My life is busy enough without spending hours in I like to keep things simple. My life is busy enough without spending hours in the kitchen. However, I do believe the easiest way to eat for better health and a hottie body, is to know your way around the kitchen. Meals do not need to be complicated. Just focus on real food (as opposed to processed) simply prepared and you will be amazed. Eliminating bread and eventually all grains and introducing intermittent fasting into my life, changed everything!It can do the same for you. Clients that I've worked with for years are so It can do the same for you. Clients that I've worked with for years are so thrilled with not just the results but how easy it really is. So much so, they are enthusiastically spreading the word.

I encourage you to learn to cook a few basic things. You may even start to I encourage you to learn to cook a few basic things. You may even start to enjoy the process. Hot in a Hurry is not a quick fix as the name implies but rather your direct route to a hotter you and your kitchen is the fast lane. Start with the recipes here but feel free to search "Paleo recipes" everywhere. There are so many amazing meals waiting for you! I have never eaten better, been less hungry and maintained my weight more easily, than right now!

Please do share your results with me! I love helping you and I love hearing Please do share your results with me! I love helping you and I love hearing your successes! I'm on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. You will find me.

Go now and be a hottie! I believe in you!!