1 4RT701VA NO -- Vltl'.ONA MIXKK. KstublUhed Mnrcli 180. VUL.AMA tAKIZOXA.JOlTltAI ICstahlUhcd -- Y1UZ0NA JOUENAJlL-MINE- R POWER PRINTING i HOUSE. Arlioim lounial-Mlic- p publirhod rublislied every Wednivday. at? l'rescott, cr.imtv scat avaiwu counu 3IAKXIX, E.lltor TEEMS: Dadr. ieryear, advance rojirletor. en, per vwok. Weekly, per year... Weekly, month. ,Yecl-ly- , Uiroc months WImitIa ninr .,..-.....-- -. -- Advcrtidiig Hales made kimvrn ap.ili ..Him UiO following aoincie. V II I b HE PHI n HVF I HV Ilk X. 2 k 0, U tl c i . a J. C. mi in f - r ix y 00 on . .. . ... Ma or at it- Psdiuer Alley, Tribuno l.uiUrjnr, New York, A ltT. 8m Fraeieco. l. r. Fislior, Mereliant 8 Exchange, t ran-C.H"- v. . .. 'i Where the pajier i ke;t tile,- - Secret Societies. IVAN HOE COMMANDEUY a, 1 j.'M I TEMl'LA It. Stated conl cUv first Friday of ench montl u rilgr iin 8ir Kniguts invited. A. U. Wlil il, V 8. E. Hkioht. i;econVr. t ZTLiAN IiODUK, o. l. v. A A. Jr. A r .nestings of ltKVO nt ' . . . . . . . I. . 1 . . . I - XA Masonic o I"; iiwir.A..n.j- - ..rH m.intlL. bojourmni. brethren are fraternally inviuxl to attend jjjjjqjj, SL It. N. FREDEiaCKS, SecvUiy. Examining Committee Jloms Goldwatcr, 1LN. Fredericks. C. F. FbW wiai'iciw ii. a. ai. inu. PKESCOTr tho firvt KSatnnlaysof cadi mouth st 7 o'clock r. coiniaii!onH runhally InVlUvl o attend. C. tObl'till. U. r. U. N.FBEDnmcKS, Secwtary. Vmain ns (ommitteo-l- u N. Fnxlericks, A. U. tOlirer, Morris Uoldvratcf. rter 510 No. UTS this liau. O. O. F. LODGE No. 1. Uegalat meeting of this lottos -- vrtt Hill. Koionrninir brethren of the order in good cordially invited to attend. IlEESls M Lljo, Kuble Grand. E. Extixk, lteconhng becrctary. .3. IV No. 1. Itoirular mc-ti- nr tins ioilso T every Monday evening Odd Fellows' MPir.iL Soiouininknurhtti ia good stand- - W. E. LAjJuancBE, K. of It. & & 00 on of at ii meoU in Masonic 1111 tlioirst Thursday of each moiitlu , Mrs. r-- v. u.u3, uuj nwuuu. Mrs. A. 1L llnowx. JProfessional 2 C A. bEWALiU, surgeon. DftLate of the UnitoJ States iniy. OtUces tt rcsidenco on Gurky rtnvr, oppnto mlliama Iloiwo, and at JContcr JDpiat ?Ha ln"tt, ; Arirnna. SJB " . - WARREN t )ffioo d-- .. K LD.' courteously ymmaiiiiAtions btaudiugare Fhnsiciaii. Second LIVINvJ ilUZON'A Secntry. TlfefTBON 1WJ1W MUS. tV8Tt?laJ and 2oi' sido the three door oast'of llafJiW & Barmistcr'a Residonco at tho Boilevc Iotl, Frescott, T- - lfA.nt0AV 1AKTORD tt MORRISON. VTOKNEi'S AT law, Vrascott, c W. FRENCH, ATlOIUir.AriW . T)lt at Frctcott, tho county baildiug, f 5t. F. EGGKRS. ATUOILyATLAW. i. In . C. IIcasDOs. Odico Vrizona. a Saxfoud. OFFICE 1'rescoU, Hawkins. fERNDON fc HAVnri A.'iou.NliVS l attention toconvejiiiff and of ll IV 4 disease ANO OlSco Arizona ""M. Kivr. izona. tiirtcz Ultico Row, Cjoz street .1. J. ANU oflice work FfCE -- f- rORNEV AT LiVW, OF- - Cortcz btroet, l'rwscott. J. COLEMAS'"! Engin-vj- - and Surveyor Office Hot turke. The eurveying of joctt and Minn Lands a specialty. Uu?vAl$ft'U' ENGINCElt, AND DEF-- ot ?Jl- - Will cntractforaU AJfts.RtaCOTr. AUlZONA. .'rEKFt, CIVIL ENGINEER and EiOfficBiV. v Mineral Harvejor. OlUco wiu Justice 11. T. Andrews SANmjsTENOaRAPIlERnnl LAW Over Uio Hank or Amona.l l.t- - 'ion a specialty. Charges reasoij- - ' IlllWTIJII II1PVI) HANGER AND JSyi'atronngo BURLING AME'S ice and Chemical Laboratory in Colorado, 180G. SAinples by rjas will receive prompt and careful Uver BuIiioQS pL"111 M .730 J; 1738 Larimer sL DI2JVEK, Coi . A.. LOGVjST, SIGN ASD CARRIAGE l'AISTER (PER ILANGLNG and KALSOMINING tliop In Odd Fellows Sail, Comer Goodwin and Corl3 Etrccts, ISCOTT AEIZONA W. E. HOPKINS, Late Surgeon, U. S. A. W aociated with IK. POWEUS in Uio atment of of e9 Throat and"3STose Under the namo of POWERS AND HOPKINS. amoved to 333 Sntter St., San Francisco JAN. ANDAL & LOGAN mm io. South TJANDAL i i i fin on inn auu rjuiuaiuiuj PRESCOTT, ARIZONA. Side of the J?.lii5.a en. Day and aSTio-lit- . Eits for IVhlte Bronxo Monument.- - iOPPER irdiiige & Co., Bayers of all Classes of A. O. ner Ores and Mattes "NYIUTB FOR PIUCES Curtis Street - I)j;XVEK, COLO. IC.WWK00P & CO. Successors to B. 11. Dolley & Co., in Fresh Butler, Ejrss, Fruit, Candy, Nuts and Notions .XWro make spocinity - . r i ivy Mountain jeweu-- y r. ABIZ. 4 2 SO 1 10 f3 a of 10 100 a of i . . . , KXJSIlSr.L,, .t(.tcr and Draflsman Kxrrr. akl na. lnma and As.at-- r Ul eoau trt tot tmUdiBB XI ..Y 11 V rOMPLKXION 1 CAUSED DV t'SlXO 3QiS. GRAHAM'S Cueombe fJ&A p and Elder Flower CREAM. not an artificial cosnietic. It daoMi, refines, liuritiee and whitens. It tenl nouri!iis tho Fkin tiones, thus banishing nrinkle. marks and Ovirs. It is barathea lutv and am nourishing to tho Fkin art dew is to tho tlower. Frice, .Ou Bottlolanta three moiitlm Sami)lo Jlottlo mailtxl fre to any lady on receipt of 1 0 cents in tamps to ay for 'iiort-lu- je and (tacking. Iuly ngeuts vnuitcti. MlJiS. UKUVA1SE UliAilAM. "IllAOTT locv TOH," S1U3 SUltO Str.ft, OlICAOO, lLU W. AV. ROSS, DrngrsjistPrcscott, Keeosa full line of Mrs. Graliam'a Preparations: mm PEOPLE AKB ON THE LOOKOUT M 1 IOOKING FOR WHAT? Not nauwou?, bidly and carelessly Let t moilicinen. No! medicine ho best in none too good. 'Jho Mountain City Drag Store 0Tls xot a Flt Koost. Threyon wiUolnain Qnality and "Fineness" fineness in overjthing Where health is invol veil should anything bo aner? HARRY BRISLEy. Dncooisr. Tiio Canadian igrteclteist's Greal Half Vcarlv Literary Compeiiiion. Tho Fifth Half Yearly Litorary Competition FOR 1892, ol Thk Canadian Aonicrr.TimisT. AmericaV old nud reliable IRuHtratod Famllv Magazine, will clos.Juii 3(Jth, tall letter bearing iotinr.rk ntt latr than Juiw it) will count, no matt it whore posted. The following plendi JpriaH will bo given freoto iiemins rcmiiug in Uio greatest number of vvnlamdiowt of letters coutained in tho wordu "Tms lti.rHTu.VTED AontcuLn;n-iFtT.- " f jyEvorjone sending in a list of not ler than lOOvonls will icceive a valuabto rent of 1st Omnil Reward STiOO in Gold Vud 8rd 4th rati c.th 7th bth and ..uranu valued at S500 $2M in Gold Organ valued nt $S00 $100 in Gold Gent'agoldwatch.tulliewrllftl Ladies gold watch full jewelled 10 Rewards of $10 each Next 20 prizes 20 silver Tea nlate. warrantol. " ..fWingold J.11UUOU1 S100 ItSots, ciuadruplo Next 00 prizes 50 Silver Dessert Setn, warranted heavy plate. Next 100 prkes 100 Silver Butter Diishos, etc., warranted heavy plate. Next 500 prize consists of llravy Flated Silver KetUett, Rutter Dishes, Fruit llasketoi. Biscuit Jars, Sugar SSiclla. Uuttcr Knives, etc., etc., all fully warranted making a total of CS9 tsplendid rewardF, tho value of which will aggregato $3,500. This grand Literary Competition is ojen to everyUxly everywhere. Tho following aro Uio conditions: 1. Tho words mnet bo constructed only from letters in tho words. "Tnn Ilixstiuted Aori rcLTCiusT." and mnet be only uuttli w aro found-i- n Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, in the body of the look.noa? of the supplement to used. 2. Tlie words most bo written in rotation and numbered 1, 2, 3 and so on, for facilitating in de- ciding the winnen" . 3. Letters cannot be nsod of tenertlian they ap- pear in the words, 'The Illustrated AoniCOT toiust." For instance, tho word "egg" cannot be used as there but ono g" in tlie-tliro- words. 4. The list containing tho largest number of words will Ixj awarded liret prize, and so on in order of merit . Each lift as it is received will bo numbered, ami if two or more tio, tho firnt re- ceived wrlil be awanled firKt prize, and toon, thereforothe benefit of bending in early win readily lo peon. 5. Each list must be accompanuvi by 51 for h'ix montliB ul)pcription to Tux AoRictnmiBiST: Uio following gentlomen hr.vo kindly con-Ee- n ted to act as judges: .1. G. Macdonald, City (Uerk, Feterborougii. Canada, and Commodore Calcutt, Feterborougii. Our Last Competition. "Got $1,000 prizo all right.'' M. M. Brandon, Vancouver, U. C "TliankH for $500 prize." G. W. Cunninglism, Donald, 1L( "Frizo rcceivoil O. K."- -J. D. Baptie, West Buiwrior, Aif "X) prize re- ceived. Thanks.'' G. V. Robertson, Toronto; and 300 others in United States anil CnnatU - TliislsNO LOTTERY-merit- will count. Tlie reputation foriairness rained by UHK AoniCDT- - TDRisT.in tho pas-- t id tunplo guarsnti'o tliat Uiis competition will bo condiicted in like manner. Send three cent stamp for full particulars, to THE AGRICULTURIST. Fcterliorongh. Canada. Tliousaudsjii Reward s. Tlie Greal Weekly Competition oT Hie Ladies lloae MagaziDC, winrli word hi this ailvrrtlcment Knells tho sarao llackward a Forward? This is a raro for nverv Madam and Miss, overy i atlier and Sou," to eecnro a splendid prize. Weekly Fkizes. Every woek throughoat Uile great competition prizes will bo listrilinlea as follows: iTio first correct answer received (the nostmark dato on each letter to bo taken as the. date received at the oflico of Uie Ladies home DlWCTGr 102 will get S200.00 the second corwt. Hnwcr, $100; flip third, $50; fourth, aboantlfnl sllrorserrice: fifth, fivoo'clock silver service, and Uio next 60 answers will get prizes ranging from $25 down to $. fyEvery correct, answer, iitwikxiito ki whether a prizo winner or not, will get a eiwLiI prize. CompctiUirs residing in Uio Southern Sta'os, as well as other distant points, havo an cnn'al clianco with tho nearer homo, as tho post- mark will bo their authority in every case. Rules. Each list of answers mutt bo nccom-jianie- d by SI to py for six monUis subscription to one of tho best llciilE msiZiyta m America. Note. Wo want n nail muuouBuoscrun.ro to secure them we propose U Rive wards one half our income, .racreji ono half the total rcoeipUduringMy weokexceed thn rash valnn of the prizes, ench added pro rata to tho pi pro rata discount will U mnite- - in cckj cscese bo rizes. uio Reteiien-ces- . "The Ladies - Hojie Maoawnk well nhl to carrv out its promues. i eicr- - Uinmch. t'jinada. Times. "A sidendiil iiaper; ami nnnasialiy strong. iiasiuie". vm"., "Every prizrt wlimr will Iw sure to receive iiiht wliathoUpniiHrtf to.' Norwoml. Canada, Iteg- - Address all letters tdTlW UsptfS Magazine, Feterborougii, Canada, DOG TAXES, tWrnw uf i?i.ii , ar.niiid fk Tu ,tr i . . ni " . mac at Imm tritihwi ljs.. April J2, ic f I " " " " " l i i ; will It ntn, i lfter. ; i 1 " ) hc win iiu: Iti.- -i tin) rttn and p5- - r m- - ufof ruiHw. tf i WEEKLY JOURNAL-MINE- R JEKOJIK FHISrAUY, Deinocrutlc UtithuninHiu ltainp.int A ltrey Tlter from tho Oreut Copper Cuiup. Tkromc, April 17. Special cor- respondence.! Last evening, April 10, n little band of tho uutorrifiod disciples of Grovor C. met in this city to soloct delegates, looking ul- timately to tho great Domocralio funeral in Chicago, At this mooting thoro wore sovou at Grstj but on select iug a secretary they oiscoveretl that ouoof tlie numler could write without stick- ing his tonguo out and concluded lie must bo a republican in disguise, so ho was excluded, leaving six. homo ono, moreover, discovered that Major Otoy wore socks, and he was accused of republican afilliations on inat account, but an eloquent plea in his own behalf, coupled with his gray hairs, saved mm. and he was al lowed to remain. His reinstaliment was so enthusiastic, iu fact, that it could not be cheeked until ho was chosim chairman, amid resoundhivr applause, in which George Stonoy's burro joined on tho fide (out-side- ). I ho Major wa& called on for a speech, to which ho responded, by rising up and announcing that lie was too full for utterance--whic- h ia a safo proposition for a dotnocrat at any time. Then tho Mnior xai.k back, overcome by the laudations of the ! multitude, while mingled 7?arc.a I old hats went moc agniust tho ceiling in unrest rained enthusiasm. The meeting then got dov. a to business. Regalias were distributed. The regalia consisted of a bed-Lickin- g suhpentlorovortho left .shoulder, surmounted by an ancient brass button on which is inscribed tho seitenco: "In God we trust." They might as well add, "No ono else caii help us out this fall. Georgo Lincolu was thou chosen chaplain, and rendered a simple and appropriate prayer in words and figures as follow, to wit: "Ob Lord, Fathex.otAbrl?-- r t ejaml ; ho wo j iij- - rw4&y v-oi- i. (iur intt f .'.; jai. Oh Lord, wo uavo faith ,o mountains all ricrht enough, but that littlo hill, with David in front of it. is too much for us. Send down your lightning and smite him out of sight, Oh Lord, or else the term Democracy will bo spelled "pants from now until tho spnnj timo comes gentle Anuio, aud Hoav on only knows how much longer. Wo thanu Tuoe, Uii Lord, lor send- ing us tho great man, Cleveland, (great around tho waist, who has mado mighty famo by keeping his mouth shut, and who has saved tho country by leaving it aloiio during tho last four voars. Ho is raising a daughtor, Ruth, to stand oil Baby -- UcK.ee. Hut a hill lias fallen upon him, and none, save Thee, can yank him out whole and pump of political lifo into his Think these things over, and. kivo us a boost if you tho wind make up. Oh Lord, never do agaiu. All of which favors wo ask in the name of the county central com- mittee. Amen." Tho conclusion of this pathetic appeal brought out two Amens. two hiccoughs and a snore. While Sto- - uoy s burro, on tho outside, plain- tively wheezed, for a potato peeling. Remarks, for "tho good of the order," weie then indulged in. Georgo Cantroll, surnamod, "Youug man afraid of tho 7 o'clock whistle," arose amid tho acclamations of tho house (including Stonoy's burro, and said: "Fellers I'm a Deniocrnt, that's about all. No hold on! 1 uaut to more. When I left Arkansawl promised my aged dad, that travel whoro I may, I might change shirts twice a oar, go to church onco a month, and oafc 3 times a woek. But I'd vote tho Democratic tickot overy day or bust, "if I ovor got an opportunity." Ho sal down amid tremendous ap- plause, when Stonoy's burro gurgled as though his heart would break. When our venerable friend G. W. Hull arose, you could havo heard a pin drop, (a couplingpin.) He said: "Say people. I'm a domocrat. If T get an office soon, I'll bo ono for somo time. Otherwise, 'quion sabe.' I combed my hair, wore socks, aud tried to bo a republican for 20years, but:it was no use. They did not appreciate 1110. Thoy would not give mo a collectorsbip, Indian agency nor anything else, but jus- tice of tho peaco. There was some- thing in my make up thoy didn't take to. So I quit 'em. I feel hot- ter DOW; talking free-trad- e and wear- ing my pants in my boots. Yes, I'm a Democrat from nov on till I my pay streak." To this there was a general murmur of "Them ore is my sentiments, too," and Stonoy's burro raises his loft hind foot, in a seal brown study, and scratches tho but of his ear. Candidates woro then placed in nomination, and amid heart strain- ing suspense the result was an- nounced: for delogates, G, Washing- ton Hull and John Summers. Tho former gentleman fell back iu a faint under this star showor of glory, but was speedily revivod by good old Democratic mothods, just iu timo to hear John Summers' od oloquonco blaze forth in tho following strain: "Boys, on tho doadj when I left down North wo come over West. I straddled across tho continental divide, with a crorao next to my throbbing digestion. It was the picture of crab applo Sarah, my lady love, with long, brown eyes and dark blue hair. Why did I leave that tondor beauty, blushing in health and loveliness like the bub--blingbo- ad 011 an overflowing slag pott Was it to como out horo and make a grand old rise up and shout iu 0110 Democratic Stato of Arizona? You bet your lifo it was." At this point tho enthusiasm could bo no longer restrained. John was car- ried off his foot, down tho sidewalk to where tho lights shono brightest. Tho crowd was with him, while Stonoy's burro followod thought- fully behind chewing a boer'eork, and that was all. Ono more littlo tack in G rover's coffin. Ono more littlo carto blancho authorizing Grovor to stay at homo and play with Ruth till Baby McKeo is old enough fo take his place. P. A- - A, ANov York .paper notes j with surprisothat wjion a. warship ro-ctui- sailed from that city for Chllo the wa no bustlo on tho dork." New York papers -- should j know that the bustle iias ijcuie out of stylo. A Few Forcible, PRESC0TT,AttIZ0iTA, WEDNESDAY, 27, 1802. Concluding Keiunrk Santa Vc, April IS. (EoiTon ouuji..L,-ii.i.j- :. i i uavo aruvmi nt tho end of the Courier's article, ant 1 assure you 1 have enjoyed it iu tensely. But tho following is tho most umquo, ongiual ami comical specimen of nil: "The; Enirlish have been whipped, killed in bat- - no ana lorcoci to respect tho United States principally by democratic oldiors led by democratic ironerals. under democratic jiresidouts never by republicans. ' lour esteemed contemporary, as usual, maices ins assertion ami leaves it to stand alone if it can. Now let us aeo how long it will staud. To bogin at tholioginning, Washtiik'tou commanueu our hrst army in our lirst war, and ho together with all tho ollicers and moil who fought under him were Federalists. Tho so-call- ed democratic party had not an existenco until long after tho Kovolutiouary strnirirlo had fflo- - riously terininatcsl. It could uot have bavo bH?u in that war then that "the English wore killed by Democratic soldiers, led by DemO eratio genorals under Democratic presidents," 1 invoko tho history of our coun- try to decide between tho Courier and myself. (. eueral Washington w.ui inr4Ugt ntel president'tho first t::no n Arilini, 1789, aud a careful t have boon uuabfe to fiu'd cheers and whito crashing striko Hi- - w Art ivnnin-ton- , ".Lrossing's washing-to- n and his Gonornls, and "Los-sing- 's Field Book of the Revolution," ns my authorities. In 1791 con- gress passed a bill which Washing- ton 8gucd which imposed a tax of from ) to 2G cents a gallon on spir- its distilled from grain. Immediate opposition to tho law manifested itself. In 1702 tho law was so modi fied as to satisfy all well disposed citizens. lint men pecialh in Penus tho . mm of es- - saino comi ; Pinows cruan iw ylvania. kept strongerarj?i- - i accomplwh Prosi-- werb ! oi robbed, wore fia' Rid yet tlie of U.) prtpf.-'- g mada fo graat ore by "T.a-- 1 4. i 1 .. . f f i trnilzt rtnmAii(ct .... 1. .1 1 vol. 1 tho It is too uttorly ktfUvvz: All regarded tho move-"me- nt as a ono for the repu- blic The of tho "in Pennsylvania might becomo in- fectious; for tho Democratic socio-"tio- s spread all ovor tho laud, while "they protoseu to aud dopro-"cat- o violouce, openly denounced "the excise laws, aud no doubt so- - -- mo letienti government." i'resi dout Washington then issued r proclamation, dntod August 7, 1701 ordering tho insurgents to disperse, out tins having no ouect tho pres- cient mado a requisition on tho gov ernors of Now Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and for 12,000 men to suppress Whisky rebel 83 it was callod. Gon. Honry Leo ("Light Horso was named commander in chief, aud Generals Mifflin, Howell, Smith, all horoes of the liov; olution, held in tho amry. On August 20, 91, Washing ton wroto to Gon. Leo, 'l consider insurrection as the first formidable fruit of toe Demo CItATIO SOCIETIES. That these societies were institiir ted-b- y the artful and designing members (main of them to-da- j, 1 have no doubt, mean well, but littlo of tho real plan) pri seeds of jealousy and distrust of tho Government by all couh deuce in tho administration of it, etc., etc. course tho rebellion was crushed, as another was crushed our own time, and 4. moroiy men tiou tho incident to show, that so far from these being Democratic sol diers or President, marched against Democratic and stamped out tho first democratic rebellion, But I that the Courior did not moan to refer to tho Rovolution, aud must have moaut tho war of 1815. Woll lot us see: It be worthy of tho just aud provident care of Congress, to mako such further alterations in the laws as Will 310KB ESPECIALLY PROTECT AND foster tho brauches of manu facturo which havo been recently instituted or oxtended by tho lauda- - blo exertions of our citizens. But there is no subject that can outer with groator force and merit into tho doliberatious of Uon gres than a consideration of t.lo means tQ proservo and promote tho manufactures which havo sprung into existenco and an un paralleled maturity throughout tho States during the period of the European wars. This sourco of national independence and wealth anxiously recommend, therefore, to tho prompt and constant guar dianship of Congress." APRIL insurgents 1 think 1 hear tho uounor asu, what above has to do with tho question of presidents ordering JDomocratic soldiers to Kill Englishmen, and denouncing theso sontimonts as robber protection ideas. But my dear Gourlor, ultra republican sentiments tauen irom jrroameni. a mes- sages of 1809 and 1815, And al- though not strictly applicablo to this tho following extracts from messages of Prosidont Monroe will bo road with interest . by froo- - trado domocrats: "Our manufactures will likewise require the systematic and fostering caro of tho government. Possess- ing, as wo do, all tho raw materials, tho fruit ol our own sou and indus try, wo ought not to depend, in tho degree wo uavo done, on supplies from othor Equally im portant is It to provido a homo market lor our raw materials, as Dy extending tho competition it will onhauco tho prico and protect tho cultivator against tho casualties in- cident to foreign In his sovontn annual mossago ne r says: "Having lormony communi cated 1113' views to congress re- - "specting tho oncouragomont which "ought to bo to our manufne-"turo- s, aud tho principlo on which should bo founded, I havo ony ''to add that those vioys remain un- - "ehanged. I recommend a "of the for tho purpose of af- fording such additional protection "to thoso articles vo are pre pared to inanuiacture, or which aro more "with the, dofonso and indopendpneo "of tho country." Now lot us hear from old Irish-America- n.. who flung i ra-k- t i.h.tm.', bnglfsh into j the Gulf of Xosico. Com, jjfnjlanv ; OIu Hickory and toll us what you ! tLough.1 of the priitoipl vhii?h the j degenerate democratic parly of to- - day donounces asi robbery: tlcnco'said ho, itas f lined our mountains and our plains with min orals with lead, iron aud copper given us a climate aud soil for tho of hemp and wool, moso ueing luo greatest materials of our national dofonso, thoy ought to havo extended to them adequate mid fair protection, that our manu facturers and laborers may bo placed I.. ti iif -- .r j,' r ni mir rumpuiiuuii wuu IHOSO Ol Europe; and that wo may havo within our country a supply or those leading aud important arti cles so ossontial iu war. Wo have been too long subject to tho policy of British morchauts. It is time wo should becomo a littlo more Americanized; and, instead of foed-iu- g tho paupers aud laborers of England, feed our own: or else in a short timo by coutinuiutr our present nolicv "that tindor .nrifrof J81G) wo tshall all ba rendered pau- pers ourselves. It is my opinion, that a careful and imli- - cious tarilf is much wanted." Alio lanu out oi lbiss. wnica rau tho duties up to 61.00 por cent, and iu 1332 Jackson said: "Our coun- - "try presents, on overy Btdo, marks 'of prosperity and happiness, un "equaled, perhaps, in any other por-"tio- u of tho world. The roliof to "the couutry. attained throuuh these "tariffs of lS2i aud 1823 was pro found aud irenentl. reachinir all "classes tho farmor, manufa- cturer, tho ship owuor, tho meehan- - "ic, and tho daj- - laborer. The chango "was as great as was wrought when "Hamilton smoto the rock of pub-"li- c credit aud abuudant streams of -- revenue gushed forth." Now, if f hat was democratic doc-trii- io inthedn-- s of Madison, and Jackson, why havo tho dem- ocrats of 1S02 abandoned tho faith of the Fathers. But if it was good, sound republican doctnno miluenco, 18 U1 uay, .uaa.iBioj oi io rebellion. iipuf mak Tu thesa excitiijienU Tnta insula nani m lavor trepuaucan pratocs huse3 buraodj, (Ob, irony were seuf Mntso- mm five ill sLiuiu B, Hud fprophots. absurd critical example oppose Virginia tho lion, Harry") Hand, commands privately this know destrovmg Of 111 they societies, opluo will several United tho Democratic theso are jiauisuu period, countrios, given "it reviow tariff which immediately connected tho Jioro veteran;, find growing therefore, the Mon-ro- o to follow nuy further. if the sonti ments of tlnso groat men don't uro- - "uuuwj lufin ultra protectionists, aud not free-trad- e democrats, then language has lost its meaning, and "chaos lias come again." Now, as to Republicans never hav iug killed Englishmen, I can only say, that tho last war with England was in 1811-1- 5, and tho Republican party was .lot born till 1800, and men don't do much fighting half a century before thoy aro bom, but I think oven tho Courier will admit that immediately after the birth of tho G. O. P. it gave very strong evi- dence of its in killing tho allies of England. This brings theso lot tors to a close I have, as I always do, avoided using offousivo language. If tho Courier is satis- fied, I am, and I hope overy man connected with its establishment will ouj ya long continuanco of prosperity and a speedy return to tho grand Amoricm principles of Andrew Jackson. Good bye. A. L. Morrison. O. A. K. Banquet. "Provi- - tlirrrit The closing banquet, rivoir'bv Barret Post G. A. R., to the visiting members ol tho territorial encamp inent at tho Sohuorman Houso last night was a grand success. The banquet tables were ladonod with substantial edibles and about sixty or seventy gent lemen sat down to tho repast. When tho good things prepared uy "Mine Host" sehuor man had boon amply discussed, and tho inner man refreshed, nu into! lectunl feast, which is alwavs an ad junct of all woll regulated banquets, was indulged in. The opening speech was by W, A. Kowo, of Bar rett Post, who' dolivorod an address of welcome to tho visiting members. His remarks were quite eloquent. mi . . . lonowiug toasts woro then offered : ''Our Country" responded to by ' i'.i.Tritlc, who paid a 1 ? 2 !,.. i i? t giowiug inutile 10 our national greatness. j.no and was re sponded to by J. Guthrie savage, of Flagstaff, "Our Quosts Mayor ard. Army .Navy John How "Tho Judiciarv" Ex-Chi- ef Jus tice J, H. Wright. "Tho Press" L. C. Hughes, of tho Tucson btar. "Marching through Georgia" was then sung by Senior Vice Com mander Geo. W. Sines, of with G. Arthur Allen, as accom panist on tho piano, present t n 1 ' joining; in uio cnorus. "iho sons of veterans was ro- - spondod to by Probato Judge E. W. French. "Tho Sons of Erin" by M. J. Commander Ed. Schartz, then sang, "luotuer ivissea mo in my dreams" in a manner which brought down tho houso with applause. The Major lujs an voico and rondorod tho solootion in a very feel ing mrnnor. "The Women's Relief Corp" reopouded to by M. H. Gould. "Tho Grand Army of tho Ropub- - ic" Major Ed. Schwartz, depart- - monp pqmmandor. "Irrigation" Col. A. O. Brodie, Superintendent of tho Walnut Grove Water Sitorago Company, Whon Major Schwartz aroso to re spond tq the" toast"Tho. Grand Army of tlo Republic" ho was interrupted by Geo. W. Sines, who In a very neat and appropriate address presented him with a gavel mado of onyx and presented by Assistant Superinten- dent Hiol Halo of tho torritorial prison. By request Judgo J. H. Wright recited the poem -- .Jim Bledsoe." prefacing it with a fow remarks re calling tho faot that during the war ho had fought on tho other side, and that this was tho first timo that ho had over mot with an assemblage of veterans of "tho boys in blue" but it had proven a mpst, peasant mooting oc mm, Other songs woro sung aud just as tho town clock struck tho hour of midnight tho company dispersed. Visitors to the town during tho session of tho onpampment havo ed groiit satisfaction of tho royal manner in which thoy have beon' treated while hero. A den of snt.kea a.n .aihihs. a hun. deed or so'oopperheads aud rattlers has been discovered in Kansas, which is further proof that prohibition do uot prohibit. Contrast No, 3. It will now bo profitablo to con- trast tho two parties, sinco tho close of tho rebellion, and carefully note tiio titiiorence U thu policies of oach. To begin, however, with tho advent of tho republican party to the con trol of tho national govornment. When President Lincoln ontored iiiMm his ofiico on March 4th, 1801, and which terminated tho long lino of democratic administrations, ho found tho treasury 0f tho nation not only empty but a 1 trgo indebted- ness for merely government ex-jiens- w, and such indebtedness bear- ing creator interest than erly and houestly conducted ailmin-istratio- n ahoultl allow, and what is tho more astonishing is that during tholatteryearsof President Buchan-- 1 administration tho trovorn- - ment's credit was so low tlmt it could oulv borrow mouev at a min. ous rato of interest, qnd being com- - lulled, to bank lU papir m tho money centres of tho world, in order to got tho necessary funds to pay its ordinary runuinir eioonses. Snrli a humiliating spectacle uever beforo existed imthis couutry since tho or- ganization of tho government under nor, in fact, ii) any otuor couniry, uuiess, perhaps, of tiio k uiau" of Europe. Thus hampered financially tho first republican administration en- tered upon its duties. But this was not tho only legacy loft tho now ad ministration. A war of rebellion which proved to bo tho most gigantic of modern times, was bequeathed to it, aud with which it had to grapple. But tiio administration was equal to tho crisis. It went to work with a will to repair tho ovii of its prede- cessors, to rehnbitato tho coffers of tho treasury, to uiako provision to pay off tho dobtd of tho preceding-administration- , to raise tho credit Of tho governmeutand to provido the war btter nor objectir. claimasf Morgan obtaiuod markets." ability J.110 Prescott, all Hickey. excellent was patriotic t ufts. t tda:ti called a session of con- - tsiiaeet-j- n tho 4th of July. 801. Among tiio first laws passed at this session was a high protective tariff. Like the tariff of 1812--15 it was a war measure, made necessary by the extraordinary 1 gic of the times. During tho i!7tli congress, which began with the incoming ad- ministration of tho republican party, othor extraordinary measures were passed, among tho ones found neces- sary to raise means to pay tho neces- sary expenses of tho civil adminis- tration, but also tl:. f avy drain upon tho resources of country to pay tho expenses of .iiowar tho intonial revenue system was passed, almost everything" w.is taxed to tho full oxtont it would bear. That system still lingers upon our statutes. A groat many articles found neces- sary in tho beginning to tax havo been abolished; but tho lovers of tobacco and spirituous and malt liquors still pay doarly for such luxury. Tho devotees ac tho shrine of Bacchus must give tho democratic party tho honor of increasing these luxuries. Tho war of tho groat rebellion ended in April, 1SG5, by tho surren- der of Gou. Loo aud his army at Ap- - pouiaiox court uouse, and of Gon. Johnson in tho south. No people, of which history gives any account. woro over so miigiiauhuouslrijcaatcd. as were tho conquered rebels of tho United and that tho Alt 1 States, . ... too, by "oiacK republicans who had been so bitterly denounced by tho demo crats of that day. Even tho .groat Lincoln than whom no greater man nor statesman ever- sat in the presi- dential chair was denounced as a tyrant, an imbeoile,a babboon,worthy only ot tho assassin s bullet or tho murderer's stiletto. Tho republican party continued in power until March 1th, 18S5, when Grovor Cleveland took tho office of president. There had been up to the dato of Cleveland's inauguration twonty-iiv- o years of republican rule, and a more brilliant record is not found in tho history of the couutry, nor can tho history of tho various countries of tho world show a par allel to that of this country during that period. Notwitlistanding tho hoavy indebtedness of tho country at tho close f tho war tho credit of tho government was still good and continued so to tho extont that its bonds wore sought, uot only by Amorioan capitalists but by tho monied men of Europe Nor was it necessary to urgo tho capitalists of the world to buv our bonds, as was done during tho administration of Buchanan in 15.59 to 1S00; but on tho cbntrary thoy woro eagerly sought as a safe investment, and at a low rato of interest. The contrast of tho two partios, especially in thoir financial depart- ments, is so striking and remarkable that no ouo-oxcoptth- o wilfully blind can lail to see tho diheronce. W. H. McGrew. lrobab!y Drowned. Bob Pringlo arrived in town, bringing tho startling news that ho had, a few hours previous, discovered two horses, nt Salt river, near tho mouth of Coon crook, one, a pack-hors- o with, pack, dead, and lodged, on a riffle in the river, and tho other, sad- dled and bridled, grazing on tho bank near bv. Tho horses woro identified as bolonging to Geo. A. Newton, of Globe, who loft horo on Monday last for his ranch in Pleas ant valloy, expecting to reach Pnn- - glo's that nignt, but whore he failed to appear. A slicker, pair of shoos and spurs, tied to the saddle of tho riding horse, woro also identified as Mr. Nowtou's. His gun was found on tho bank whore it had evidently fallon from tho scabbard strapped to tho saddle" Tho above is takon from thoGlobo Silver Belt, Nowtpn is quite woll known in Prescott, having married a Miss Wilson, whose family former- ly resided hero. bbo AVasnH Acquainted "Your husband,11 said the caller. sympathiziugly, "was a man of many excellent qualities." -- xes, signoa tne widow. "Ho was a good man. Everybody says so. 1 wasn t much acquamted with him myself. He belonged to six odgos.'Es, Tho democratic houso is incousis- - ont in passing a rigid oxclusion not and iu then. Passing ii to tako off ill duty oV 'thd "diffoasnMnfoctcd woolen rags of Asia and the old world, which will bo brought to this couutry to lx mado over into "cheap" woolen clothingr for thi J AUlVilUilU UIK.(U1UUU. iT- - GENKItAL NKTVS. The Territorial World's Fair Com- mission mcots to-la- y in Phanix. A reign of terror exists in San Antonio, Texas, on account of recent attempts at incendiarism. If that horrible McKinley bill is so horribly horrible, why in Heav en's namo does not tho overwhelm ing democratic majority in tho lowor houso of congress formulate and pass somothiug bottor? Two thousand Chinese are congre gated along the Washmgtou, Idaho aud Montana line, in British terri- tory, awaiting tho expiration of tho exclusion law on May 6th, to cross into tho United States A young mining superintendent named St. Claire was kidnapped at the Harqua Halas, recently, by three miners, because of his inability to pay them their wnffns film r. cnidnappers were arrested and taken to luma, and St. Claire released. Julian Lassell. an old resident and stockman of Cochiso couutv, wa3 lounti murdered at his ranch in the Whetstone mountains, about eight miles west of St. Davids, a Mormon settlement, at six o'clock on the evening of tho 13th of this month. Gazotte. Mr. Irvine Dungan, a democratic congressir-91- 1 from Ohio, thus sizes up tho present congress: "I am bo-comi- ng convinced that this is a cow ardly congress. It is becoming very tiresome to me. It ought to get up aud do what tho people expect it to do, and not bo afraid of its shadow." uo-- ii iuotiiuk Arizona 1 .,.,... Association should U"1iJ, SL?3 T.T1 tho PWs, papers U3LUi1 Jr-ai- i theso is wag Jr wF , , CQ11 uigher m poor, v h WIU L4A1U AicVO never crept into tho columns of tho Prospector and never will. It has becomo so cheap that down around Tombstono a mau considers it a mark of disrespect to bo dubbed "Honorable" and no jury in this camp would convict man for killinir tho editor who nnnlipri if. him. Tombstone Proipector. f Congressman John Allen toldafeff good story last night, savs tho vvasnington jfost. Rofernng to election days down in Mi Mr. Allen told of anelectiontvr who grandiloquently referred to thold saj-in- g: "Tho office should th-m- au, not tho man tho oilic.i A few days aftorward tho spck.r was noticed eloctioneering on the old-fashion- style, with drinks, cigars, otc. Boing called down and asked about his assortion of a fow davs beforo that "tho ofiico should seek tho man," ho replied: "I st ill main- tain my position. The indeed seek tho man, but fy . sah! the man shotdd be around when tho office is looking for hitu. Prof. Garner, in tho April Forum srys that his researches leave him no doubt at all that monkovs do really talk. language, or variotv speaks I 1. conception of Tho range of their languages, for each a separato tonguoTii yiUflro .o ojjuargilV abstract ideas. But uot only do they use many distinct words with definite meanings somo of which ho has learned and is able to reproduce but somo of thoir words ho declares, aro evidently not sounds that occur in the human languages. It short ho thinks that m their simian touguesho has found tho primitive form of tho first human speech. Mr. Unas. W. Hackoit, of Utica. N. Y., who was for two or three years chairman of tho republican stato executive committee, in talk ing about, the outlook in New York stato said: "Tho strons enthusiasm among republicans in this state, growing out of their earnest work aim jrana success at tho spring elections, a certain harbinger of our success this fall. There wasn't tho slightest friction in any of tho cuies or counties wnore l am ac quainted between individual repub beans or republican factions whilo tho contests woro going on this 3ear. It is probablo that wo will just drift alone until convention time and send an unmstructed dele gation to Minneapolis to select tho best man." Creek lljprnullcs. Tho abovo hydraulics havo for tho amount of water at tho disposal of the mauagomenfe for working ueen moso success! uuy worked, and tuo gravoi has proved to bo for hydraulicing very rich, aud has sat- isfied the pooplo interested in tho property that it is a very valuable ono, and one which will bo for many years to como worked to a largo profit. Tho only drawback tho property is tho scarcity of dump space, which nocositates tho boxes being placed on a low grade. Tho boxes used this season meas ured msid 3 feet in tho clear wide, 3 r i aim wero.0 ieec neep. out were two duced iu the bottom by wero run on was o to the lb-lo-ot uon. box. Lynx 2x12 Two giants woro in position and kept up to the banks and worked together when there was sufficient pipes, wmcu pipes sen-o- d by a 22-in- ch pipe from ditch on tho oast bauk of tho crook. The pressure obtainable from tho ditch to tho worings 280 feof definitely proved ino mines Avhon served by a dam on Lnx creek will bo one of most valuable properties in Yavapai county. Tho Lynx Creek dam access will mako irrigation in Lonesome profitable, and there can belittle doubt but that thoro is a great for tho Lynx Creek Co., and provided this company be a success, will bo undoubtedly of irroat im portanc to Prescott and to Yavapai county, as will stimulate capital to invest in county, and capital is what this vory rich couutry suf- fers from, aud is certainly tho only thing required to make Prescott a second lQnvon. will reuiatu for iiixeo fowr days. MICE, TEN GEKTS - ltr'-- y 1. .1. SulllrM,. Santa JouaMLVziAs .rt.ur "unsophisticated reader" r ti.aak you for sending me a clip,,.,. fra D. J. Sullivan. This gontf-imau- . in his desire to appear witty, mak, & error in tho first sentence of his let- ter when ho refers to "figures tho Santa Fo, X. M., land othce.' Surely such an iutolligtiat gentleman must havo ph.d the bul- letins of tho Census Bureau, where he would havo found that the fig- ures roforred to wore compiled, by tho officials of that offtVf and not' here. It so happens that no mfar- - ence wan mado to tho McKinley bflt in connetion with tho waies c.f-t- n penters, masons and paietem, lut Mr. Sullivan, I think, will .romed& that tho trades referred to uv nlwv lutely protected bynattire harself from competition with f. reirn.hr- - bor, as I havo never heard of Louses . being imported to tins countrr. either painted umiamteo. In deed, thoy onioy a natu ra! prohibi tory tariff, the reoeal of hifh 1fr. S. should insist on om-w- . TJife natural prohibition absr lutelv pre- -' veutsany foreign comititioa.ttd-henc- e our fortunate mo-bauii- 4 havo complete control of their mlii business, and as a natural coate. quenco they earn good livi-j- g wages. But will Mr. Sullivan, mi form your "unsophisticated readors why the tradesmen ho so jaunt; v rvfers to receivo nearly 100 per "vut n:oro wages in highly protect. Aawnca than under his model go.rniatnr uwuuuu XiUgiano. veiy qiior WMUWA AV4 ui luu --..,,... .: w . . Press emcnSt. n - w i MtjKinIeyc-i.d- : tho avorage M3 trades about MO L i:. 11 our tariff- - ".w ever a a " office should ' is to 1" i re? ivo was t . 1 3 i . curseu country than ia England. No doubt Mr. will readily claim these w tho (uro effects of the M- - d!ivan Rl,t' '.! or will he claim that $1$' n ic' a ; . is bettor than 3 in Arait : . "Thore is. one. thihgl .. .. TFcich tlfeMcXklevblM etiossortu havo noHiano u& i'pre- - suma jJxx. Morrison wiif bu able to this 13'. and that is it has.not prevent- - : , t'u it ' v.'i i fi.- - nunc " i i nil ?hiT CO.. : v.r ; ( frr.ui rea hing the sfarva - ! l.I v ' to l.0 cents per day, no' a'.:L-:-i-";- -j fivr that every tariff law -- ' : I.; i thift v ars has furuishnf' i uusiir... .untawe barner 'a.;.-- ? , . imj m. at. ... of foreign tt '.. ir Ltast thenvslKStrl Jv-- -' . derstandingaUmt thoab. - T it entire from Mr. Sulliv . ; i Lt. Morrison no xp. n i matter, but - van will find thai tho ":'. .r will bo for tu make . h- - . ' - I acrw with Mr. Sullir:-.- - th;. tir-- r l..".o-.- r v, agt. paid to a-.- y 1 minors in America is those" engaged ; in mining tho anthracite There Mr. S. aud laro .. . agreed, but wheu he says that said -- wages are of ' tariff !3W which for tho last 30 years has fur- nished an almost unstirtnountabla fjvjrr.or against tho importatiou of STrcrrorrr--HRi"- H .trtn h t--f i near ctr , say that Mr. S, is grievously in tyr- - , ror, and if ho has a copy of Mc- - : Kinloy (and I suppos ho has, when he refers to it confidently), .. and will turn to page S7 para-grap- h 530, ho will find that siid coal .. on the free list; then if he vrill tako tho trouble to turn to tho- tariff, act of 1883 ho will find that said' - coal is tho . frke list thrv also. :" Now who'o is Mr. Sulbvan's run .. surmount able .barrier?' Is frees'-trad- e an -- "uusurmountabii barrit as being entirely exempt from duty In '"unsurniountablo barrr?" nothing an "unsurmountable bar- - . I oresurne fnot Mr. MnrrJ- - ' son but) Mr. Sullivan will bo able to explain why is thus. Here is a fine opportunity for Mr. to ax- - plain how a high duty or any duir can bo collected on an article ou. which thoro is no duty i have no doubt he will, likA an ftou- - est gentleman, confess Li5 error. But if Mr. Sullivan says he meant bituminous coal, then I say that earnings of minors in said coal horo . in Now Mexico aro about a a averng.s . of S3 por day, indeed in some cases . men earn as much as 50 per day. and tho averago for tho wh.le coaa- - . try, according to the last census, $11.45 por weok for cool miners, and " 10 per week lor drivors, whilo m tho enlightened. liberty loviugcoun- - Sullivan evidently loves scr well every Irishman should) . the wages coal nnuera is $0.70, and lor drivers 53.3 Alr. g concludes his vory amusing hiU. as . follows: "H Mr. Morrison can- - throw sufficient liirht f ha fiw different phases of thW subject upou -- which I havo touched, to teioto tho doubts from my ii.ind. hi wall"' be tho means of causing at. last one" Erodiiial to rotum to the paternal protection who has - years beon feeding . hnsks with the swine in thoree trr.tic'---t camp. Ho will bo. responsible for gathering in at least one oLiii . lining boards, and grade thoy strayed lambs to fold pf protoc- - As I think oven Mr. Still. mrf wilt acknowledge that I havo some doubts from his mind, I think tms is a good time to make v.av fon water. Theso giants served by tho prodigal, to tho fatn-- d "calf W0TO valley fu- ture and cook tho veal dinner, and wel- - come back to the paternal homo of protection. I repeat to- - . him back, because he mitst have . been a protect- . l at souse timo,' " It has now been as ho sa3s I or .rl V so is on is S. tuiiu Lynx ureok hydraulic cadsino his k tho it tho at has this him the the act, this all.- - tho try, Mr. (as je ol on for the the tho Avero kill the him come or 1 .. pathetically rvfers to hims-"-r - 7 ' straying la... .H is 'wi:' must bo trt-ii- . what 4uiHs iW' :.: of Protect on. But Mr. - has been f ling or. the -- ; trak- - That is cortainlj a very unp--".-- . condition for a gentieiu;n : c in. Far be it from ; call oven free-trader- s, swin". ; certainly I would not insult an free-trad- er like Yr S- - by using any such opithet ti . - nection with his associates, never having been in the froe trvie camp, I am not in a coiiuiu.r i. Jfc InliabitauLs, an-- 1 am willing to accept Mr. Sullivan 3 I ' .aatl m Uniir tl. Major-'Chaffc- c inspector general iri:,,f; Vu: of the depart im-it- t of Arizona, arriv- - ; -- ,.,, .j Mr. od on vesterdav a train, for hi an-- ; J,w, rumno." . nual inspection at Whipple, He ! 1 ' ' & hre or is on j tho means -- : k Then 3Ti he : hui! lliliutCOM!9k - .; snu his 1 ut kw; i . r aaj .n' MoiUUSUK rj haisiSy., wealthy because himself ii r fe

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4RT701VANO --Vltl'.ONA MIXKK. KstublUhed Mnrcli 180.VUL.AMA tAKIZOXA.JOlTltAI ICstahlUhcd



Arlioim lounial-Mlic- p publirhod

rublislied every Wednivday. at? l'rescott,cr.imtv scat avaiwu counu


Dadr. ieryear, advance


en, per vwok.Weekly, per year...Weekly, month.

,Yecl-ly- , Uiroc monthsWImitIa ninr .,..-.....-- -.

--Advcrtidiig Hales made kimvrn ap.ili..Him UiO following aoincie.





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on. .. . ... Ma or at


Psdiuer Alley, Tribuno l.uiUrjnr, New York,A ltT. 8m Fraeieco.

l. r. Fislior, Mereliant 8 Exchange, t ran-C.H"- v.

. .. 'i

Where the pajier i ke;t tile,--

Secret Societies.IVAN HOE COMMANDEUY a,1 j.'M I TEMl'LA It. Stated conl

cUv first Friday of ench montl u rilgr iin8ir Kniguts invited.

A. U. Wlil il, V

8. E. Hkioht. i;econVr.

t ZTLiAN IiODUK, o. l. v. A A. Jr.A r .nestings of ltKVO nt

' . . . . . . . I. . 1 . . . I -

XA Masonic o I"; iiwir.A..n.j--

..rH m.intlL. bojourmni. brethren arefraternally inviuxl to attend

jjjjjqjj, SLIt. N. FREDEiaCKS, SecvUiy.Examining Committee Jloms Goldwatcr, 1LN.

Fredericks. C. F. FbWwiai'iciw ii. a. ai. inu.PKESCOTr tho firvt

KSatnnlaysof cadi mouth st 7 o'clock r.coiniaii!onH runhally InVlUvl

o attend. C. tObl'till. U. r.U. N.FBEDnmcKS, Secwtary.Vmain ns (ommitteo-l-u N. Fnxlericks, A. U.

tOlirer, Morris Uoldvratcf.





O. O. F. LODGE No. 1.Uegalat meeting of this lottos

--vrtt Hill. Koionrninir brethrenof the order in good cordially invitedto attend.

IlEESls M Lljo, Kuble Grand.E. Extixk, lteconhng becrctary.

.3. IV No. 1. Itoirular mc-ti- nr tins ioilsoT every Monday evening Odd Fellows'

MPir.iL Soiouininknurhtti ia good stand- -

W. E. LAjJuancBE, K. of It. & &




ii meoU in Masonic 1111 tlioirst Thursdayof each moiitlu ,

Mrs. r-- v. u.u3, uuj nwuuu.Mrs. A. 1L llnowx.

JProfessional 2C A. bEWALiU, surgeon.DftLate of the UnitoJ States iniy. OtUces

tt rcsidenco on Gurky rtnvr, oppnto mlliamaIloiwo, and atJContcr JDpiat ?Ha ln"tt,

; Arirnna. SJB " . -

WARREN t)ffioo d--.. K











tV8Tt?laJ and2oi' sido the

three door oast'of llafJiW & Barmistcr'aResidonco at tho Boilevc Iotl, Frescott,


law, Vrascott, c

W. FRENCH, ATlOIUir.AriW. T)lt at Frctcott,

tho county baildiug, f 5t.


. C. IIcasDOs.





Hawkins.fERNDON fc HAVnri A.'iou.NliVS

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Ultico Row, Cjoz street

.1. J.ANU

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--f-rORNEV AT LiVW, OF--

Cortcz btroet, l'rwscott.

J. COLEMAS'"! Engin-vj- - and SurveyorOffice Hot turke. The eurveying of

joctt and Minn Lands a specialty.

Uu?vAl$ft'U' ENGINCElt, AND DEF--ot ?Jl-- Will cntractforaU


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wiu Justice 11. T. Andrews

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'ion a specialty. Charges reasoij- -


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Bayers of all Classes of

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Fruit, Candy, Nuts and Notions

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Ul eoau trt tot tmUdiBB







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CREAM.not an artificial cosnietic. It daoMi, refines,liuritiee and whitens. It tenl nouri!iis thoFkin tiones, thus banishing nrinkle. marks andOvirs. It is barathea lutv and am nourishingto tho Fkin art dew is to tho tlower. Frice, .OuBottlolanta three moiitlm

Sami)lo Jlottlo mailtxl fre to any ladyon receipt of 1 0 cents in tamps to ay for 'iiort-lu- je

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IOOKING FOR WHAT? Not nauwou?, bidlyand carelessly Let t moilicinen. No!

medicine ho best in none too good. 'Jho

Mountain City Drag Store0Tls xot a Flt Koost.

Threyon wiUolnain Qnality and "Fineness"fineness in overjthing Where health is invol veilshould anything bo aner?

HARRY BRISLEy. Dncooisr.

Tiio Canadian igrteclteist's Greal Half Vcarlv

Literary Compeiiiion.

Tho Fifth Half Yearly Litorary Competition

FOR 1892,ol Thk Canadian Aonicrr.TimisT. AmericaV oldnud reliable IRuHtratod Famllv Magazine, willclos.Juii 3(Jth, tall letter bearing iotinr.rkntt latr than Juiw it) will count, no matt itwhore posted. The following plendi JpriaH willbo given freoto iiemins rcmiiug in Uio greatestnumber of vvnlamdiowt of letters coutainedin tho wordu "Tms lti.rHTu.VTED AontcuLn;n-iFtT.- "

f jyEvorjone sending in a list of not lerthan lOOvonls will icceive a valuabto rent of

1st Omnil Reward STiOO in GoldVud8rd4thratic.th7thbth


..uranu valued at S500$2M in Gold

Organ valued nt $S00$100 in Gold

Gent'agoldwatch.tulliewrllftlLadies gold watch full jewelled

10 Rewards of $10 eachNext 20 prizes 20 silver Tea

nlate. warrantol. "


S100ItSots, ciuadruplo

Next 00 prizes 50 Silver Dessert Setn, warrantedheavy plate.

Next 100 prkes 100 Silver Butter Diishos, etc.,warranted heavy plate.

Next 500 prize consists of llravy Flated SilverKetUett, Rutter Dishes, Fruit llasketoi. BiscuitJars, Sugar SSiclla. Uuttcr Knives, etc., etc., allfully warranted making a total of CS9 tsplendidrewardF, tho value of which will aggregato$3,500.This grand Literary Competition is ojen to

everyUxly everywhere. Tho following aro Uioconditions:

1. Tho words mnet bo constructed only fromletters in tho words. "Tnn Ilixstiuted AorircLTCiusT." and mnet be only uuttli w aro found-i- n

Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, in the bodyof the look.noa? of the supplement to used.

2. Tlie words most bo written in rotation andnumbered 1, 2, 3 and so on, for facilitating in de-

ciding the winnen" .3. Letters cannot be nsod oftenertlian they ap-

pear in the words, 'The Illustrated AoniCOTtoiust." For instance, tho word "egg" cannotbe used as there but ono g" in tlie-tliro- words.

4. The list containing tho largest number ofwords will Ixj awarded liret prize, and so on inorder of merit . Each lift as it is received will bonumbered, ami if two or more tio, tho firnt re-

ceived wrlil be awanled firKt prize, and toon,thereforothe benefit of bending in early winreadily lo peon.

5. Each list must be accompanuvi by 51 for h'ixmontliB ul)pcription to Tux AoRictnmiBiST:

Uio following gentlomen hr.vo kindly con-Ee- n

ted to act as judges: .1. G. Macdonald, City(Uerk, Feterborougii. Canada, and CommodoreCalcutt, Feterborougii.

Our Last Competition. "Got $1,000 prizo allright.'' M. M. Brandon, Vancouver, U. C"TliankH for $500 prize." G. W. Cunninglism,Donald, 1L( "Frizo rcceivoil O. K."- -J. D.Baptie, West Buiwrior, Aif "X) prize re-ceived. Thanks.'' G. V. Robertson, Toronto;and 300 others in United States anil CnnatU -

TliislsNO LOTTERY-merit- will count. Tliereputation foriairness rained by UHK AoniCDT- -TDRisT.in tho pas-- t id tunplo guarsnti'o tliat Uiiscompetition will bo condiicted in like manner.Send three cent stamp for full particulars, toTHE AGRICULTURIST. Fcterliorongh. Canada.

Tliousaudsjii Reward s.

Tlie Greal Weekly Competition oT Hie Ladies

lloae MagaziDC,

winrli word hi this ailvrrtlcment Knells thosarao llackward a Forward? This is a raro

for nverv Madam and Miss, overy i atlierand Sou," to eecnro a splendid prize.

Weekly Fkizes. Every woek throughoat Uilegreat competition prizes will bo listrilinlea asfollows: iTio first correct answer received (thenostmark dato on each letter to bo taken as the.date received at the oflico of Uie Ladies home

DlWCTGr 102 will get S200.00the second corwt. Hnwcr, $100; flip third, $50;fourth, aboantlfnl sllrorserrice: fifth, fivoo'clocksilver service, and Uio next 60 answerswill get prizes ranging from $25 down to $.

fyEvery correct, answer, iitwikxiito kiwhether a prizo winner or not, will get a eiwLiIprize. CompctiUirs residing in Uio SouthernSta'os, as well as other distant points, havo ancnn'al clianco with tho nearer homo, as tho post-

mark will bo their authority in every case.Rules. Each list of answers mutt bo nccom-jianie- d

by SI to py for six monUis subscriptionto one of tho best llciilE msiZiyta m America.

Note. Wo want n nail muuouBuoscrun.roto secure them we propose U Rivewards one half our income, .racrejiono half the total rcoeipUduringMy weokexceedthn rash valnn of the prizes, enchadded pro rata to tho pipro rata discount will U mnite- -

in cckj

cscese borizes. uio

Reteiien-ces- . "The Ladies- Hojie Maoawnk

well nhl to carrv out its promues. i eicr--Uinmch. t'jinada. Times. "A sidendiil iiaper;ami nnnasialiy strong. iiasiuie". vm".,"Every prizrt wlimr will Iw sure to receive iiihtwliathoUpniiHrtf to.' Norwoml. Canada, Iteg--

Address all letters tdTlW UsptfSMagazine, Feterborougii, Canada,

DOG TAXES,tWrnw uf i?i.ii ,

ar.niiid fk Tu ,tr i . .ni


.mac at Imm tritihwi

ljs.. April J2, ic

f I






willIt ntn,








hc win iiu:

Iti.- -i tin)rttn and p5- -

rm- -

ufof ruiHw.tf




Deinocrutlc UtithuninHiu ltainp.int Altrey Tlter from tho Oreut

Copper Cuiup.

Tkromc, April 17. Special cor-respondence.! Last evening, April10, n little band of tho uutorrifioddisciples of Grovor C. met in thiscity to soloct delegates, looking ul-timately to tho great Domocraliofuneral in Chicago,

At this mooting thoro wore sovouat Grstj but on select iug a secretarythey oiscoveretl that ouoof tlienumler could write without stick-ing his tonguo out and concludedlie must bo a republican in disguise,so ho was excluded, leaving six.homo ono, moreover, discovered thatMajor Otoy wore socks, and he wasaccused of republican afilliations oninat account, but an eloquent pleain his own behalf, coupled with hisgray hairs, saved mm. and he was allowed to remain. His reinstalimentwas so enthusiastic, iu fact, that itcould not be cheeked until ho waschosim chairman, amid resoundhivrapplause, in which George Stonoy'sburro joined on tho fide (out-side- ).

I ho Major wa& called on for aspeech, to which ho responded, byrising up and announcing that liewas too full for utterance--whic- h iaa safo proposition for a dotnocrat atany time. Then tho Mnior xai.kback, overcome by the laudations ofthe !multitude, while mingled 7?arc.a I

old hats went mocagniust tho ceiling in unrest rainedenthusiasm.

The meeting then got dov. a tobusiness. Regalias were distributed.The regalia consisted of a bed-Lickin- g

suhpentlorovortho left .shoulder,surmounted by an ancient brassbutton on which is inscribed thoseitenco: "In God we trust." Theymight as well add, "No ono else caiihelp us out this fall.

Georgo Lincolu was thou chosenchaplain, and rendered a simple andappropriate prayer in words andfigures as follow, to wit: "ObLord, Fathex.otAbrl?-- r t ejaml

; ho wo

j iij- - rw4&y v-oi-i. (iur intt

f .'.; jai. Oh Lord, wo uavo faith,o mountains all ricrht enough,

but that littlo hill, with David infront of it. is too much for us. Senddown your lightning and smite himout of sight, Oh Lord, or else theterm Democracy will bo spelled"pants from now until tho spnnjtimo comes gentle Anuio, aud Hoavon only knows how much longer.Wo thanu Tuoe, Uii Lord, lor send-ing us tho great man, Cleveland,(great around tho waist, who hasmado mighty famo by keeping hismouth shut, and who has saved thocountry by leaving it aloiio duringtho last four voars. Ho is raising adaughtor, Ruth, to stand oil Baby--UcK.ee. Hut a hill lias fallen uponhim, and none, save Thee, can yankhim out whole and pumpof political lifo into hisThink these things over,and. kivo us a boost if you

tho windmake up.Oh Lord,never do

agaiu. All of which favors wo ask inthe name of the county central com-mittee. Amen."

Tho conclusion of this patheticappeal brought out two Amens. twohiccoughs and a snore. While Sto- -

uoy s burro, on tho outside, plain-tively wheezed, for a potato peeling.

Remarks, for "tho good of theorder," weie then indulged in.Georgo Cantroll, surnamod, "Youugman afraid of tho 7 o'clock whistle,"arose amid tho acclamations of thohouse (including Stonoy's burro, andsaid: "Fellers I'm a Deniocrnt,that's about all. No hold on! 1uaut to more. WhenI left Arkansawl promised my ageddad, that travel whoro I may, Imight change shirts twice a oar,go to church onco a month, andoafc 3 times a woek. But I'd votetho Democratic tickot overy day orbust, "if I ovor got an opportunity."Ho sal down amid tremendous ap-plause, when Stonoy's burro gurgledas though his heart would break.

When our venerable friend G. W.Hull arose, you could havo heard apin drop, (a couplingpin.) He said:"Say people. I'm a domocrat. IfT get an office soon, I'll bo ono forsomo time. Otherwise, 'quion sabe.'I combed my hair, wore socks, audtried to bo a republican for 20years,but:it was no use. They did notappreciate 1110. Thoy would notgive mo a collectorsbip, Indianagency nor anything else, but jus-tice of tho peaco. There was some-thing in my make up thoy didn'ttake to. So I quit 'em. I feel hot-ter DOW; talking free-trad- e and wear-ing my pants in my boots. Yes,I'm a Democrat from nov on till I

my pay streak." To thisthere was a general murmur of"Them ore is my sentiments, too,"and Stonoy's burro raises his lofthind foot, in a seal brown study,and scratches tho but of his ear.

Candidates woro then placed innomination, and amid heart strain-ing suspense the result was an-

nounced: for delogates, G, Washing-ton Hull and John Summers. Thoformer gentleman fell back iu afaint under this star showor ofglory, but was speedily revivod bygood old Democratic mothods, justiu timo to hear John Summers' od

oloquonco blaze forth intho following strain: "Boys, on thodoadj when I left down North wocome over West. I straddled acrosstho continental divide, with a croraonext to my throbbing digestion. Itwas the picture of crab applo Sarah,my lady love, with long, brown eyesand dark blue hair. Why did Ileave that tondor beauty, blushingin health and loveliness like the bub--blingbo- ad

011 an overflowing slagpott Was it to como out horo andmake a grand old rise up and shoutiu 0110 Democratic Stato of Arizona?You bet your lifo it was." At thispoint tho enthusiasm could bo nolonger restrained. John was car-ried off his foot, down tho sidewalkto where tho lights shono brightest.Tho crowd was with him, whileStonoy's burro followod thought-fully behind chewing a boer'eork,and that was all.

Ono more littlo tack in G rover'scoffin. Ono more littlo cartoblancho authorizing Grovor to stayat homo and play with Ruth tillBaby McKeo is old enough fo takehis place. P. A- - A,

ANov York .paper notes j withsurprisothat wjion a. warship ro-ctui-

sailed from that city forChllo the wa no bustlo on thodork." New York papers -- should

j know that the bustle iias ijcuie outof stylo.

A Few Forcible,


Concluding Keiunrk

Santa Vc, April IS. (EoiTonouuji..L,-ii.i.j- :. i i uavo aruvmi nttho end of the Courier's article, ant1 assure you 1 have enjoyed it iutensely. But tho following is thomost umquo, ongiual ami comicalspecimen of nil: "The; Enirlishhave been whipped, killed in bat--no ana lorcoci to respect tho UnitedStates principally by democraticoldiors led by democratic ironerals.

under democratic jiresidouts neverby republicans. '

lour esteemed contemporary, asusual, maices ins assertion ami leavesit to stand alone if it can. Now letus aeo how long it will staud. Tobogin at tholioginning, Washtiik'toucommanueu our hrst army in ourlirst war, and ho together with alltho ollicers and moil who foughtunder him were Federalists. Thoso-call- ed democratic party had notan existenco until long after thoKovolutiouary strnirirlo had fflo- -riously terininatcsl. It could uothave bavo bH?u in that war thenthat "the English wore killed byDemocratic soldiers, led by DemOeratio genorals under Democraticpresidents,"

1 invoko tho history of our coun-try to decide between tho Courierand myself. (. eueral Washingtonw.ui inr4Ugt ntel president'tho firstt::no n Arilini, 1789, aud a careful t

have boon uuabfe to fiu'dcheersand whito crashing


Hi- - w Artivnnin-ton-, ".Lrossing's washing-to- n

and his Gonornls, and "Los-sing- 's

Field Book of the Revolution,"ns my authorities. In 1791 con-gress passed a bill which Washing-ton 8gucd which imposed a tax offrom ) to 2G cents a gallon on spir-its distilled from grain. Immediateopposition to tho law manifesteditself. In 1702 tho law was so modified as to satisfy all well disposedcitizens. lint menpecialh in Penustho



of es- - saino comi ; Pinows cruan iwylvania. kept strongerarj?i- - i accomplwh Prosi--

werb ! oirobbed, wore fia' Rid yet tlie of U.)prtpf.-'- g mada fo graat ore by"T.a-- 1 4. i 1 .. . f f i trnilzt rtnmAii(ct .... 1. .1 1

vol. 1 tho It is too uttorlyktfUvvz: All regarded tho move-"me- nt

as a ono for the repu-blic The of tho"in Pennsylvania might becomo in-

fectious; for tho Democratic socio-"tio- sspread all ovor tho laud, while

"they protoseu to aud dopro-"cat- o

violouce, openly denounced"the excise laws, aud no doubt so- -

-- mo letienti government." i'residout Washington then issued rproclamation, dntod August 7, 1701ordering tho insurgents to disperse,out tins having no ouect tho pres-cient mado a requisition on tho governors of Now Jersey, Pennsylvania,Maryland and for 12,000men to suppress Whisky rebel

83 it was callod. Gon. HonryLeo ("Light Horso wasnamed commander in chief, audGenerals Mifflin, Howell,

Smith, all horoes of the liov;olution, held in thoamry. On August 20, 91, Washington wroto to Gon. Leo, 'lconsider insurrection as thefirst formidable fruit of toe DemoCItATIO SOCIETIES.

That these societies were institiirted-b- y the artful and designingmembers (main of them to-da- j, 1

have no doubt, mean well, butlittlo of tho real plan) pri

seeds of jealousy and distrust of thoGovernment by all couhdeuce in tho administration of it,etc., etc. course tho rebellionwas crushed, as another was crushed

our own time, and 4. moroiy mentiou tho incident to show, that sofar from these being Democratic soldiers or President, marchedagainst Democratic andstamped out tho first democraticrebellion, But I that theCourior did not moan to refer to thoRovolution, aud must have moauttho war of 1815. Woll lot us see:

It be worthy of tho just audprovident care of Congress, to makosuch further alterations in the lawsas Will 310KB ESPECIALLY PROTECT AND

foster tho brauches of manufacturo which havo been recentlyinstituted or oxtended by tho lauda- -

blo exertions of our citizens.But there is no subject that canouter with groator force and meritinto tho doliberatious of Uongres than a consideration of t.lomeans tQ proservo and promote thomanufactures which havo sprunginto existenco and an unparalleled maturity throughout tho

States during the period ofthe European wars. This sourco ofnational independence and wealth

anxiously recommend, therefore,to tho prompt and constant guardianship of Congress."



1 think 1 hear tho uounor asu,what above has to do with thoquestion of presidentsordering JDomocratic soldiers to KillEnglishmen, and denouncing thesosontimonts as robber protectionideas. But my dear Gourlor,ultra republican sentimentstauen irom jrroameni. a mes-sages of 1809 and 1815, And al-

though not strictly applicablo tothis tho following extractsfrom messages of Prosidont Monroewill bo road with interest . by froo- -

trado domocrats:"Our manufactures will likewise

require the systematic and fosteringcaro of tho government. Possess-ing, as wo do, all tho raw materials,tho fruit ol our own sou and industry, wo ought not to depend, in thodegree wo uavo done, on suppliesfrom othor Equally important is It to provido a homomarket lor our raw materials, as Dyextending tho competition it willonhauco tho prico and protect thocultivator against tho casualties in-

cident to foreignIn his sovontn annual mossago ne

rsays: "Having lormony communicated 1113' views to congress re- -

"specting tho oncouragomont which"ought to bo to our manufne-"turo-s,

aud tho principlo on whichshould bo founded, I havo ony

''to add that those vioys remain un- -

"ehanged. I recommend a"of the for tho purpose of af-

fording such additional protection"to thoso articles vo are prepared to inanuiacture, or whicharo more

"with the, dofonso and indopendpneo"of tho country."

Now lot us hear from oldIrish-America- n.. who flung

i ra-k- t i.h.tm.', bnglfsh intoj the Gulf of Xosico. Com, jjfnjlanv; OIu Hickory and toll us what you! tLough.1 of the priitoipl vhii?h thej degenerate democratic parly of to- -

day donounces asi robbery:tlcnco'said ho, itas flined ourmountains and our plains with minorals with lead, iron aud copper

given us a climate aud soil fortho of hemp and wool,moso ueing luo greatest materialsof our national dofonso, thoy oughtto havo extended to them adequatemid fair protection, that our manufacturers and laborers may bo placedI.. ti iif -- .r j,' rni mir rumpuiiuuii wuu IHOSO OlEurope; and that wo may havowithin our country a supply orthose leading aud important articles so ossontial iu war. Wo havebeen too long subject to tho policyof British morchauts. It is timewo should becomo a littlo moreAmericanized; and, instead of foed-iu- g

tho paupers aud laborers ofEngland, feed our own: or else ina short timo by coutinuiutr ourpresent nolicv "that tindor .nrifrofJ81G) wo tshall all ba rendered pau-pers ourselves. It is my opinion,

that a careful and imli- -cious tarilf is much wanted."

Alio lanu out oi lbiss. wnica rautho duties up to 61.00 por cent, andiu 1332 Jackson said: "Our coun- -"try presents, on overy Btdo, marks'of prosperity and happiness, un"equaled, perhaps, in any other por-"tio-u

of tho world. The roliof to"the couutry. attained throuuh these"tariffs of lS2i aud 1823 was profound aud irenentl. reachinir all"classes tho farmor, manufa-cturer, tho ship owuor, tho meehan- -"ic, and tho daj- - laborer. The chango"was as great as was wrought when"Hamilton smoto the rock of pub-"li- c

credit aud abuudant streams of-- revenue gushed forth."

Now, if fhat was democratic doc-trii- io

inthedn-- s of Madison,and Jackson, why havo tho dem-

ocrats of 1S02 abandoned tho faithof the Fathers. But if it was good,sound republican doctnno

miluenco, 18 U1 uay, .uaa.iBioj oi io rebellion.iipuf mak Tu thesa

excitiijienU Tnta insula nani m lavor trepuaucan pratocshuse3 buraodj, (Ob, irony

were seuf Mntso- mm fiveill

sLiuiu B, Hud fprophots. absurd

























immediately connected






Mon-ro- o

to follow nuy further. if the sontiments of tlnso groat men don't uro--"uuuwj lufin ultra protectionists,aud not free-trad-e democrats, thenlanguage has lost its meaning, and"chaos lias come again."

Now, as to Republicans never haviug killed Englishmen, I can onlysay, that tho last war with Englandwas in 1811-1- 5, and tho Republicanparty was .lot born till 1800, andmen don't do much fighting half acentury before thoy aro bom, but Ithink oven tho Courier will admitthat immediately after the birth oftho G. O. P. it gave very strong evi-dence of its in killing thoallies of England. This bringstheso lot tors to a close I have, asI always do, avoided using offousivolanguage. If tho Courier is satis-fied, I am, and I hope overy manconnected with its establishmentwill ouj ya long continuanco ofprosperity and a speedy return totho grand Amoricm principles ofAndrew Jackson. Good bye.

A. L. Morrison.

O. A. K. Banquet.

"Provi- -


The closing banquet, rivoir'bvBarret Post G. A. R., to the visitingmembers ol tho territorial encampinent at tho Sohuorman Houso lastnight was a grand success. Thebanquet tables were ladonod withsubstantial edibles and about sixtyor seventy gent lemen sat down totho repast. When tho good thingsprepared uy "Mine Host" sehuorman had boon amply discussed, andtho inner man refreshed, nu into!lectunl feast, which is alwavs an adjunct of all woll regulated banquets,was indulged in. The opening speechwas by W, A. Kowo, of Barrett Post, who' dolivorod an addressof welcome to tho visiting members.His remarks were quite eloquent.

mi . . .lonowiug toasts woro thenoffered :

''Our Country" responded to by' i'.i.Tritlc, who paid a

1 ? 2 !,.. i i? tgiowiug inutile 10 our nationalgreatness.

j.no and was responded to by J. Guthrie savage,of Flagstaff,

"Our Quosts Mayorard.

Army .Navy

John How

"Tho Judiciarv" Ex-Chi- ef Justice J, H. Wright.

"Tho Press" L. C. Hughes, of thoTucson btar.

"Marching through Georgia" wasthen sung by Senior Vice Commander Geo. W. Sines, ofwith G. Arthur Allen, as accompanist on tho piano, presentt n 1 'joining; in uio cnorus.

"iho sons of veterans was ro--spondod to by Probato Judge E. W.French.

"Tho Sons of Erin" by M. J.

Commander Ed. Schartz, thensang, "luotuer ivissea mo in mydreams" in a manner which broughtdown tho houso with applause. TheMajor lujs an voico androndorod tho solootion in a very feeling mrnnor.

"The Women's Relief Corp"reopouded to by M. H. Gould.

"Tho Grand Army of tho Ropub--ic" Major Ed. Schwartz, depart- -

monp pqmmandor."Irrigation" Col. A. O. Brodie,

Superintendent of tho Walnut GroveWater Sitorago Company,

Whon Major Schwartz aroso to respond tq the" toast"Tho. Grand Armyof tlo Republic" ho was interruptedby Geo. W. Sines, who In a very neatand appropriate address presentedhim with a gavel mado of onyx andpresented by Assistant Superinten-dent Hiol Halo of tho torritorialprison.

By request Judgo J. H. Wrightrecited the poem --.Jim Bledsoe."prefacing it with a fow remarks recalling tho faot that during the warho had fought on tho other side, andthat this was tho first timo that hohad over mot with an assemblage ofveterans of "tho boys in blue" but ithad proven a mpst, peasant mootingoc mm,Other songs woro sung

aud just as tho town clock strucktho hour of midnight tho companydispersed.

Visitors to the town during thosession of tho onpampment havo ed

groiit satisfaction of thoroyal manner in which thoy havebeon' treated while hero.

A den of snt.kea a.n .aihihs. a hun.deed or so'oopperheads aud rattlershas been discovered in Kansas, whichis further proof that prohibitiondo uot prohibit.

Contrast No, 3.It will now bo profitablo to con-

trast tho two parties, sinco tho closeof tho rebellion, and carefully notetiio titiiorence U thu policies of oach.To begin, however, with tho adventof tho republican party to the control of tho national govornment.When President Lincoln ontorediiiMm his ofiico on March 4th, 1801,and which terminated tho long linoof democratic administrations, hofound tho treasury 0f tho nation notonly empty but a 1 trgo indebted-ness for merely government ex-jiens- w,

and such indebtedness bear-ing creator interest thanerly and houestly conducted ailmin-istratio- n

ahoultl allow, and what istho more astonishing is that duringtholatteryearsof President Buchan-- 1

administration tho trovorn- -

ment's credit was so low tlmt itcould oulv borrow mouev at a min.ous rato of interest, qnd being com- -

lulled, to bank lU papir m thomoney centres of tho world, in orderto got tho necessary funds to pay itsordinary runuinir eioonses. Snrlia humiliating spectacle uever beforoexisted imthis couutry since tho or-ganization of tho government under

nor, in fact, ii) anyotuor couniry, uuiess, perhaps, oftiio k uiau" of Europe.

Thus hampered financially thofirst republican administration en-tered upon its duties. But this wasnot tho only legacy loft tho now administration. A war of rebellionwhich proved to bo tho most giganticof modern times, was bequeathed toit, aud with which it had to grapple.But tiio administration was equal totho crisis. It went to work with awill to repair tho ovii of its prede-cessors, to rehnbitato tho coffers oftho treasury, to uiako provision topay off tho dobtd of tho preceding-administration- ,

to raise tho credit Oftho governmeutand to provido the

warbtter nor objectir.













t ufts. t tda:ti called a session of con- -tsiiaeet-j- n tho 4th of July.

801. Among tiio first laws passedat this session was a high protectivetariff. Like the tariff of 1812--15 itwas a war measure, made necessaryby the extraordinary 1 gic of thetimes. During tho i!7tli congress,which began with the incoming ad-ministration of tho republican party,othor extraordinary measures werepassed, among tho ones found neces-sary to raise means to pay tho neces-sary expenses of tho civil adminis-tration, but also tl:. f avy drainupon tho resources of countryto pay tho expenses of .iiowar thointonial revenue system was passed,almost everything" w.is taxed to thofull oxtont it would bear. Thatsystem still lingers upon our statutes.A groat many articles found neces-sary in tho beginning to tax havobeen abolished; but tho lovers oftobacco and spirituous and maltliquors still pay doarly for suchluxury. Tho devotees ac tho shrineof Bacchus must give tho democraticparty tho honor of increasing theseluxuries.

Tho war of tho groat rebellionended in April, 1SG5, by tho surren-der of Gou. Loo aud his army at Ap- -pouiaiox court uouse, and of Gon.Johnson in tho south. No people,of which history gives any account.woro over so miigiiauhuouslrijcaatcd.as were tho conquered rebels of thoUnited and that thoAlt 1

States,. ... too, by"oiacK republicans who had beenso bitterly denounced by tho democrats of that day. Even tho .groatLincoln than whom no greater mannor statesman ever- sat in the presi-dential chair was denounced as atyrant, an imbeoile,a babboon,worthyonly ot tho assassin s bullet or thomurderer's stiletto.

Tho republican party continuedin power until March 1th, 18S5, whenGrovor Cleveland took tho office ofpresident. There had been up tothe dato of Cleveland's inaugurationtwonty-iiv- o years of republican rule,and a more brilliant record is notfound in tho history of the couutry,nor can tho history of tho variouscountries of tho world show a parallel to that of this country duringthat period. Notwitlistanding thohoavy indebtedness of tho countryat tho close f tho war tho credit oftho government was still good andcontinued so to tho extont that itsbonds wore sought, uot only byAmorioan capitalists but by thomonied men of Europe Nor was itnecessary to urgo tho capitalists ofthe world to buv our bonds, as wasdone during tho administration ofBuchanan in 15.59 to 1S00; but on thocbntrary thoy woro eagerly soughtas a safe investment, and at a lowrato of interest.

The contrast of tho two partios,especially in thoir financial depart-ments, is so striking and remarkablethat no ouo-oxcoptth- o wilfully blindcan lail to see tho diheronce.

W. H. McGrew.

lrobab!y Drowned.Bob

Pringlo arrived in town, bringingtho startling news that ho had, afew hours previous, discovered twohorses, nt Salt river, near tho mouthof Coon crook, one, a pack-hors- o

with, pack, dead, and lodged, on ariffle in the river, and tho other, sad-dled and bridled, grazing on thobank near bv. Tho horses woroidentified as bolonging to Geo. A.Newton, of Globe, who loft horo onMonday last for his ranch in Pleasant valloy, expecting to reach Pnn- -glo's that nignt, but whore he failedto appear. A slicker, pair of shoosand spurs, tied to the saddle of thoriding horse, woro also identified asMr. Nowtou's. His gun was foundon tho bank whore it had evidentlyfallon from tho scabbard strappedto tho saddle"

Tho above is takon from thoGloboSilver Belt, Nowtpn is quite wollknown in Prescott, having marrieda Miss Wilson, whose family former-ly resided hero.

bbo AVasnH Acquainted"Your husband,11 said the caller.

sympathiziugly, "was a man of manyexcellent qualities."

-- xes, signoa tne widow. "Howas a good man. Everybody saysso. 1 wasn t much acquamted withhim myself. He belonged to sixodgos.'Es,

Tho democratic houso is incousis- -ont in passing a rigid oxclusion not

and iu then. Passing ii to tako offill duty oV 'thd "diffoasnMnfoctcdwoolen rags of Asia and the oldworld, which will bo brought to thiscouutry to lx mado over into"cheap" woolen clothingr for thi J

AUlVilUilU UIK.(U1UUU. iT- -


The Territorial World's Fair Com-mission mcots to-la- y in Phanix.

A reign of terror exists in SanAntonio, Texas, on account of recentattempts at incendiarism.

If that horrible McKinley bill isso horribly horrible, why in Heaven's namo does not tho overwhelming democratic majority in tho loworhouso of congress formulate andpass somothiug bottor?

Two thousand Chinese are congregated along the Washmgtou, Idahoaud Montana line, in British terri-tory, awaiting tho expiration of thoexclusion law on May 6th, to crossinto tho United States

A young mining superintendentnamed St. Claire was kidnapped atthe Harqua Halas, recently, by threeminers, because of his inability topay them their wnffns film r.cnidnappers were arrested and takento luma, and St. Claire released.

Julian Lassell. an old resident andstockman of Cochiso couutv, wa3lounti murdered at his ranch in theWhetstone mountains, about eightmiles west of St. Davids, a Mormonsettlement, at six o'clock on theevening of tho 13th of this month.Gazotte.

Mr. Irvine Dungan, a democraticcongressir-91- 1 from Ohio, thus sizesup tho present congress: "I am bo-comi- ng

convinced that this is a cowardly congress. It is becoming verytiresome to me. It ought to get upaud do what tho people expect it todo, and not bo afraid of its shadow."

uo-- ii iuotiiuk Arizona 1 .,.,...Association should U"1iJ, SL?3 T.T1

tho PWs, papersU3LUi1Jr-ai-i theso is

wagJrwF , , CQ11 uigher m poor,

v h WIU L4A1U AicVO

never crept into tho columns of thoProspector and never will. It hasbecomo so cheap that down aroundTombstono a mau considers it amark of disrespect to bo dubbed"Honorable" and no jury in thiscamp would convict man forkillinir tho editor who nnnlipri if.him. Tombstone Proipector. f

Congressman John Allen toldafeffgood story last night, savs thovvasnington jfost. Rofernng toelection days down in MiMr. Allen told of anelectiontvr whograndiloquently referred to tholdsaj-in-

g: "Tho office should th-m- au,

not tho man tho oilic.i Afew days aftorward tho spck.r wasnoticed eloctioneering on the old-fashion-

style, with drinks, cigars,otc. Boing called down and askedabout his assortion of a fow davsbeforo that "tho ofiico should seektho man," ho replied: "I st ill main-tain my position. Theindeed seek tho man, but fy .

sah! the man shotdd be aroundwhen tho office is looking for hitu.

Prof. Garner, in tho April Forumsrys that his researches leave himno doubt at all that monkovs doreally talk.language, orvariotv speaks

I 1.

conception of

Tho range of theirlanguages, for eacha separato tonguoTiiyiUflro .o ojjuargilVabstract ideas. But

uot only do they use many distinctwords with definite meanings somoof which ho has learned and is ableto reproduce but somo of thoirwords ho declares, aro evidently notsounds that occur in the humanlanguages. It short ho thinks thatm their simian touguesho has foundtho primitive form of tho firsthuman speech.

Mr. Unas. W. Hackoit, of Utica.N. Y., who was for two or threeyears chairman of tho republicanstato executive committee, in talking about, the outlook in New Yorkstato said: "Tho strons enthusiasmamong republicans in this state,growing out of their earnest workaim jrana success at tho springelections, a certain harbinger ofour success this fall. There wasn'ttho slightest friction in any of thocuies or counties wnore l am acquainted between individual repubbeans or republican factions whilotho contests woro going on this3ear. It is probablo that wo willjust drift alone until conventiontime and send an unmstructed delegation to Minneapolis to select thobest man."

Creek lljprnullcs.Tho abovo hydraulics havo for

tho amount of water at tho disposalof the mauagomenfe for workingueen moso success! uuy worked, andtuo gravoi has proved to bo forhydraulicing very rich, aud has sat-isfied the pooplo interested in thoproperty that it is a very valuableono, and one which will bo for manyyears to como worked to a largoprofit. Tho only drawback thoproperty is tho scarcity of dumpspace, which nocositates tho boxesbeing placed on a low grade.

Tho boxes used this season measured msid 3 feet in tho clear wide,

3 r iaim wero.0 ieec neep. out weretwoduced iu the bottom by

wero run on was o to the lb-lo-ot uon.box.



Two giants woro in position andkept up to the banks and workedtogether when there was sufficient

pipes, wmcu pipessen-o-d by a 22-in- ch pipe fromditch on tho oast bauk of tho crook.

The pressure obtainable from thoditch to tho worings 280 feof

definitely provedino

mines Avhon served by a dam onLnx creek will bo one of mostvaluable properties in Yavapaicounty.

Tho Lynx Creek dam access willmako irrigation in Lonesomeprofitable, and there can belittledoubt but that thoro is a great

for tho Lynx Creek Co., andprovided this company be a success,

will bo undoubtedly of irroat importanc to Prescott and to Yavapaicounty, as will stimulate capitalto invest in county, and capitalis what this vory rich couutry suf-fers from, aud is certainly tho onlything required to make Prescott asecond lQnvon.

will reuiatu for iiixeo fowrdays.


ltr'-- y 1. .1. SulllrM,.Santa

JouaMLVziAs .rt.ur"unsophisticated reader" r ti.aakyou for sending me a clip,,.,. fraD. J. Sullivan. This gontf-imau- . inhis desire to appear witty, mak, &error in tho first sentence of his let-ter when ho refers to "figures

tho Santa Fo, X. M., landothce.' Surely such an iutolligtiatgentleman must havo ph.d the bul-letins of tho Census Bureau, wherehe would havo found that the fig-ures roforred to wore compiled, bytho officials of that offtVf and not'here. It so happens that no mfar- -ence wan mado to tho McKinley bfltin connetion with tho waies c.f-t- n

penters, masons and paietem, lutMr. Sullivan, I think, will .romed&that tho trades referred to uv nlwvlutely protected bynattire harselffrom competition with f. reirn.hr- -bor, as I havo never heard of Louses .

being imported to tins countrr.either painted umiamteo. Indeed, thoy onioy a natu ra! prohibitory tariff, the reoeal of hifh 1fr.S. should insist on om-w- . TJifenatural prohibition absr lutelv pre- -'veutsany foreign comititioa.ttd-henc- e

our fortunate mo-bauii- 4 havocomplete control of their mliibusiness, and as a natural coate.quenco they earn good livi-j- g wages.

But will Mr. Sullivan, mi form your"unsophisticated readors why thetradesmen ho so jaunt; v rvfers toreceivo nearly 100 per "vut n:orowages in highly protect. Aawncathan under his model go.rniatnruwuuuu XiUgiano. veiy qiiorWMUWA AV4

ui luu --..,,... .: w . .Press emcnSt. n -

w i MtjKinIeyc-i.d- : tho avorageM3 trades about MO

L i:. 11 our tariff--".w

ever aa


office should




1" ire?






3 i .curseu country than iaEngland. No doubt Mr.will readily claim these wtho (uro effects of the M- -


Rl,t' '.!or will he claim that $1$' n ic' a ; .

is bettor than 3 in Arait : .

"Thore is. one. thihgl .. ..TFcich tlfeMcXklevblMetiossortu havo noHiano u& i'pre--suma jJxx. Morrison wiif bu able to

this 13'.and that is it has.not prevent- - :

, t'u it ' v.'i i fi.- - nunc "

i i nil ?hiT CO.. : v.r ;( frr.ui rea hing the sfarva - ! l.I v' to l.0 cents per day, no' a'.:L-:-i-";- -j

fivr that every tariff law -- ' : I.;i thift v ars has furuishnf' i

uusiir... .untawe barner 'a.;.-- ? , .

imj m. at. ... of foreign tt '.. irLtast thenvslKStrl Jv-- -' .

derstandingaUmt thoab. -T

it entire from Mr. Sulliv . ; iLt. Morrison no xp. n i

matter, but -

van will find thai tho ":'. .rwill bo for tu make . h- -




I acrw with Mr. Sullir:-.- - th;. tir-- r

l..".o-.- r v, agt. paid to a-.-y 1

minors in America is those" engaged ;

in mining tho anthraciteThere Mr. S. aud laro .. .

agreed, but wheu he says that said --

wages are of ' tariff !3Wwhich for tho last 30 years has fur-nished an almost unstirtnountabla

fjvjrr.or against tho importatiou ofSTrcrrorrr--HRi"- H .trtn h t--f inear ctr ,

say that Mr. S, is grievously in tyr-- ,ror, and if ho has a copy of Mc-- :

Kinloy (and I suppos ho has,when he refers to it confidently), ..

and will turn to page S7 para-grap- h

530, ho will find that siid coal ..

on the free list; then if he vrilltako tho trouble to turn to tho- tariff,act of 1883 ho will find that said' -

coal is tho . frke list thrv also. :"

Now who'o is Mr. Sulbvan's run ..

surmount able .barrier?' Is frees'-trad- e

an --"uusurmountabii barritas being entirely exempt from dutyIn '"unsurniountablo barrr?"nothing an "unsurmountable bar- - .

I oresurne fnot Mr. MnrrJ- - 'son but) Mr. Sullivan will bo able toexplain why is thus. Here is afine opportunity for Mr. to ax--plain how a high duty or any duircan bo collected on an article ou.which thoro is no duty ihave no doubt he will, likA an ftou- -est gentleman, confess Li5 error.But if Mr. Sullivan says he meantbituminous coal, then I say thatearnings of minors in said coal horo .

in Now Mexico aro about a a averng.s .of S3 por day, indeed in some cases .

men earn as much as 50 per day.and tho averago for tho wh.le coaa-- .

try, according to the last census,$11.45 por weok for cool miners, and "

10 per week lor drivors, whilo mtho enlightened. liberty loviugcoun- -

Sullivan evidently loves scrwell every Irishman should) . the

wages coal nnuera is$0.70, and lor drivers 53.3 Alr. gconcludes his vory amusing hiU. as .

follows: "H Mr. Morrison can--

throw sufficient liirht f ha fiwdifferent phases of thW subject upou --

which I havo touched, to teiototho doubts from my ii.ind. hi wall"'be tho means of causing at. last one"

Erodiiial to rotum to the paternalprotection who has -

years beon feeding . hnskswith the swine in thoree trr.tic'---tcamp. Ho will bo. responsible forgathering in at least one oLiii .

lining boards, and grade thoy strayed lambs to fold pf protoc--

As I think oven Mr. Still. mrf wiltacknowledge that I havosome doubts from his mind, I thinktms is a good time to make v.av fon

water. Theso giants served by tho prodigal, to tho fatn-- d "calfW0TO



and cook tho veal dinner, and wel- -

come back to the paternalhomo of protection. I repeat to-- .

him back, because he mitst have .

been a protect- . l at souse timo,' "

It has now been as ho sa3s I









tuiiu Lynx ureok hydraulic cadsino his k









all.- -


try, Mr.(asje ol



the tho

Avero kill

the him


or1 ..

pathetically rvfers to hims-"-r - 7 'straying la... .H is 'wi:'must bo trt-ii- . what 4uiHs iW' :.:of Protect on. But Mr. -

has been f ling or. the -- ;


That is cortainlj a very unp--".--.

condition for a gentieiu;n : cin. Far be it from ;

call oven free-trader- s, swin". ;

certainly I would not insult anfree-trad- er like Yr S- -

by using any such opithet ti . -

nection with his associates,never having been in the froe trviecamp, I am not in a coiiuiu.r

i. Jfc InliabitauLs, an-- 1 amwilling to accept Mr. Sullivan 3

I ' .aatl mUniir tl.

Major-'Chaffc- c inspector general iri:,,f; Vu:of the depart im-it- t of Arizona, arriv- - ; --,.,, .j Mr.od on vesterdav a train, for hi an-- ; J,w, rumno." .

nual inspection at Whipple, He ! 1 ' ' &hre or



j tho means --

: k Then 3Ti








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aaj .n'MoiUUSUK

rj haisiSy.,





