DFES Pre-kindergarten Tag Criteria Pre-kindergarten Tags of Honor Perfect Attendance Classroom Effort Responsibility Good Citizenship attends school every day of the nine weeks works hard and tries best in class brings folder everyday and remembers library book each week is kind and helpful and follows class and school rules Reading Counts completes one reading log each month of the nine weeks. Dutch Fork Elementary School, Title 1

4K-5th grade & Related Arts Tag of Honor Criteria

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Page 1: 4K-5th grade & Related Arts Tag of Honor Criteria

DFES Pre-kindergarten Tag Criteria

Pre-kindergarten Tags of Honor Perfect Attendance Classroom Effort Responsibility Good Citizenship

attends school every day of the nine weeks

works hard and tries best in class

brings folder everyday and remembers library book each week

is kind and helpful and follows class and school rules

Reading Counts

completes one reading log each month of the nine weeks.

Dutch Fork Elementary School, Title 1

Page 2: 4K-5th grade & Related Arts Tag of Honor Criteria

DFES Kindergarten Tag Criteria

Kindergarten Tags of Honor Perfect Attendance Counts to 100 Rockin’ Reader Responsibility Silver Paw Star

attends school every day of the nine weeks

1st 9 weeks– rote counts to 25 2nd 9 weeks – Rote counts 1-50

3rd 9 weeks – Rote counts 1-75 4th 9 weeks – Rote counts 1-100, Counts by tens to 100 *awarded upon mastery of each skill, then student aims for next goal

Reads or listens to

25 books each 9 weeks.

*books read must be recorded on the reading log provided by child’s teacher

brings folder

every day and library book each


earns at least 5

silver paws for the 9 weeks

Dutch Fork Elementary School, Title 1

Page 3: 4K-5th grade & Related Arts Tag of Honor Criteria

DFES First Grade Criteria

First Grade Tags of Honor Perfect

Attendance Paw-some

Reader Word Ninja

Marvelous Mathematician

Homework Honor

attends school every day of the

nine weeks

actively engages each day during independent

reading time

has an overall average of 80% or higher on the

“show what you know” assessment of Word

Wall Words during the nine weeks

scores 80% or higher on each unit test during the

nine weeks

completes and turns in all homework

assignments for the nine weeks

Dutch Fork Elementary School, Title 1

Page 4: 4K-5th grade & Related Arts Tag of Honor Criteria

DFES Second Grade Criteria

Second Grade Tags of Honor Perfect Attendance Mindful Mathematician MAP Math

attends school every day of the nine weeks

scores 80% or better on all unit tests

reaches MAP Math target, awarded the 4th 9 weeks

MAP Reading Rockin’ Reader

reaches MAP Reading target, awarded the 4th 9 weeks

actively engages each day during independent reading time; reads at least 25 books during the nine weeks

Dutch Fork Elementary School, Title 1

Page 5: 4K-5th grade & Related Arts Tag of Honor Criteria

DFES Third Grade Criteria

Third Grade Tags of Honor A Honor Roll A/B Honor Roll Perfect Attendance

receives all As in all subjects on the nine weeks report card

receives all As and Bs or all Bs on the nine weeks report card

attends school every day of the nine weeks

Dutch Fork Elementary School, Title 1

Dutch Fork Elementary School, Title 1

Multiplication Master MAP Reading MAP Math

passes multiplication facts through 12s by spring break, awarded the 4th 9 weeks

reaches MAP Reading target, awarded the 4th 9 weeks

reaches MAP Math target, awarded the

4th 9 weeks

Page 6: 4K-5th grade & Related Arts Tag of Honor Criteria

DFES Fourth Grade Criteria

Fourth Grade Tags of Honor A Honor Roll A/B Honor Roll Perfect Attendance

receives all As in all subjects on report card

receives all As and Bs or all Bs on report card

attends school every day of the nine weeks

Extreme Reading B.U.G. MAP Reading MAP Math reads at least 120

minutes each week of the 9 weeks as evidenced by weekly reading logs

improves a 9 weeks academic grade by at least one letter without going down in another

subject area

reaches MAP Reading target, awarded the 4th 9


reaches MAP Math target, awarded the 4th 9


Dutch Fork Elementary School, Title 1

Page 7: 4K-5th grade & Related Arts Tag of Honor Criteria

DFES Fifth Grade Tag Criteria

Fifth Grade Tags of Honor A Honor Roll A/B Honor Roll Perfect Attendance Outstanding Improvement

receives all As in all subjects on the nine weeks report card

receives all As and Bs or all Bs on the nine weeks report card

attends school every day of the nine weeks

brings up a letter grade in one or more subjects and maintains at least a C average in all other subjects

Fifth Grade Fox Cub

Award MAP Reading MAP Math Super Star Reader

initiates, plans and completes at least 2 volunteer or citizenship

activities in the school by the end of each nine weeks

reaches MAP Reading

target, awarded the 4th 9 weeks

reaches MAP

Math target, awarded the 4th 9 weeks

reads 40 or more books throughout the school year, awarded the 4th 9 weeks

Dutch Fork Elementary School, Title 1

Page 8: 4K-5th grade & Related Arts Tag of Honor Criteria

Dutch Fork Elementary School, Title 1

Pre-k through 2nd Related Areas Tags and Criteria 3 of 4 must be met to earn each award

PE-Most Valuable Player

Participation – Displays self-control, hard work and a positive attitude each day of PE class during the 9 weeks Shoes –no more than one missed day of PE for wearing inappropriate shoes. Effort –Gives maximum effort during PE class each day of the 9 weeks. Sportsmanship – Displays quality sportsmanship each day of P.E. class.

Rockin’ the Arts-Music

Skill – 85% or better on all class work Effort – Prepared for class and participating 8 out of 9 days in the 9 weeks Attitude/Cooperation – Participates with a positive attitude and cooperates with teacher and classmates each day of music class throughout the 9 weeks


Rockin’ the Arts-Art

Skill – 85% or better on all class work Effort – Prepared for class and participating 8 out of 9 days in the 9 weeks Attitude/Cooperation – Participates with a positive attitude and cooperates with teacher and classmates each day of music class throughout the 9 weeks


Skill – 80% or better on classroom assignments/work Effort – The record of student’s participation in the classes is over 10 points during the 9 weeks. Attitude/Cooperation – earns at least 10 participation points for the 9 weeks

Page 9: 4K-5th grade & Related Arts Tag of Honor Criteria

Dutch Fork Elementary School, Title 1

3rd-5th Related Areas Tags and Criteria 3 of 4 must be met to earn each award

PE-Most Valuable Player

Participation – Displays self-control, hard work and a positive attitude each day of PE class during the 9 weeks Shoes –no more than 1 missed day of PE for wearing inappropriate shoes. Skills- Averages 8.5/10 on skill assessments for the nine weeks. Sportsmanship – Displays quality sportsmanship each day of P.E. class.

Rockin’ the Arts-Music

Skill – 85% or better on all class work Effort – Prepared for class and participating 8 out of 9 days in the 9 weeks Attitude/Cooperation – Participates with a positive attitude and cooperates with teacher and classmates each day of music class throughout the 9 weeks


Rockin’ the Arts-Chorus

Skill – 85% or better on all class work Effort – Prepared for class and participating 8 out of 9 days in the 9 weeks Attitude/Cooperation – Participates with a positive attitude and cooperates with teacher and classmates each day of music class throughout the 9 weeks

Rockin’ the Arts-Art

Skill – 85% or better on all class work Effort – Prepared for class and participating 8 out of 9 days in the 9 weeks Attitude/Cooperation – Participates with a positive attitude and cooperates with teacher and classmates each day of music class throughout the 9 weeks

Rockin’ the Arts-Strings

Excellent Behavior - no more than one time signing Mrs. Hoyt's "Concerns book" Evidence of Practicing - practice charts signed by a parent and returned to teacher Responsibility - no more than one time forgetting instrument Fine Citizenship - making responsible decisions with equipment and school property


Skill – 80% or better on classroom assignments/work Effort – The record of student’s participation in the classes is over 10 points during the 9 weeks. Attitude/Cooperation – earns at least 10 participation points for the 9 weeks