4C Layout Final

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  • 8/9/2019 4C Layout Final


  • 8/9/2019 4C Layout Final


    4C System

    4C System4C is a RPG toolkit rather than complete gamesystem; it provides a oundation or you to buildupon. As presented,4C is specically or superheroroleplaying though it could be adapted to othergenres with a bit more work.

    For GamersAs a gamer you can use 4C to build your own gamesystem or to assist in converting 4Cproducts to similarsystems. 4C is not a replacement or any games thatyou may already own but is, rather, an aid.

    For PublishersYou can use 4C as the basis or an entirely

    new game strip out the powers and drop inappropriate origins and classes,* or example, tocreate a antasy game or as common ground orthe development o material that is compatiblewith other games that use a similar system.

    4C is released to the public as public domain andalmost every part o the text, including the title, isopen or use (the names o those involved in thecreation o4C are not open or use). The copyrighton 4C is unassigned and the text is donated tothe public domain; anyone can use this materialor their own products and with their own ideas.

    * A class could be nothing more than a setpackage o abilities; by selecting a class thecharacter gains specic skills and abilities.

  • 8/9/2019 4C Layout Final


    4C System

    Hall O HeroesWe would like to thank and recognize everyonewhose generous donation to this project allowedit to be realized; without them there would be no4C:

    Angus Abranson George C. Alexander

    James Bell Johnathan L. Bingham

    David Boddie Michael Bradord

    Timothy S. Brannan Lou Goncey

    Christopher Helton Nathan Herrold

    Fred Hicks Keith Higdon

    Gregor Hutton Neal H. Jones

    Tim Kirk Rod Landreth

    Jay Libby Art McMahon

    Jason R. Morgan Brain Nisbet

    Daniel Proctor Je Rients

    Walt Robillard Gerry Saracco

    Dave Schaeer Richard Scott

    Jeremy L. Steen Law C. Stinson

    Benjamin R. Terry Niniri Theriault

    Jonathan M.Thompson

    Pat Tracy

    Grady Victory Brent Wolke

    And several others who have chosen to remain


    Dice4C uses percentile dice, two dierently coloredten-sided dice with one die designated the tensdie and the other the ones die. Whenever therules state roll d% roll both dice to generate anumber between 0 (both dice show 0) and 99(both dice show 9).

    Example: Richard rolls d%. The tens die comes up

    8 and the ones die comes up 3, or a roll o 83.

    Remember that unlike many other systems, aresult o 00 in 4C is 0 rather than 00.

    Advanced Throughout this text are boxes marked asAdvanced. These boxes present new rules and

    ideas that build on the basic text. Publishers andplayers can mix and match these rules to create asystem or their exact needs. Publishers, or easeo reerence, are encouraged to stick to eitherthe Basic or Advanced version when creating acompatible product and cite which version is usedor their product. I youre creating an entirely newgame based on this system compatibility is not aconcern and youre ree to do anything you wish.

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    4C System


    Feel ree to share the text o this le with anyone. The artwork, unlike the text, is copyright Louis Porter,Jr., Design, used under license. The text is released to public domain and can be used as the basis orgames o your own desgn. Enjoy.

    For Gamers .......................................1

    For Publishers ..................................1Hall O Heroes ..................................2Dice ...................................................2Advanced .........................................2

    Characters.4Advanced.Character.Origins.4Character.Origin.4Traits .................................................5Primary.Traits.5Melee ................................................5Coordination ........................ ............5Brawn ........................ ........................5Fortitude ..........................................5

    Intellect ............................................5Awareness ........................................5Willpower .........................................5Determining Primary Rank Values .5Damage ............................................5Fortune .............................................6Liestyle ............................................6Repute ..............................................6Rank Values ...................... ................6Skills..................................................7Skill.Determination.7Using.Skills.7

    Advanced.Rank.Values.7Optional Rule: Rank Names ............7


    Advanced.Skills.8Powers ..............................................8Power.Determination.8Determining Power Rank Values ....9Power.Descriptions.9Absorption .......................................9Alter-Ego ..........................................9

    Advanced.Power.Selection. 10Animal Command ........................ . 10Astoundingly Wealthy .................. 11Body Armor ...................... ............. 11Burrowing ........................ ............. 11Celebrity ....................... ................. 11Chameleon ....................... ............. 11Claws ......................... ..................... 11

    Combat Awareness ...................... . 11

    Contaminant Resistance .............. 11Detection ...................... ................. 11Dimension Jump ...................... ..... 12Elasticity ....................... ................. 12Elemental/Energy Control ........... 12Elemental/Energy Generation ..... 13Extra Body Parts ...................... ..... 13Fast Attack ........................ ............. 13

    Advanced.Extra.Body.Parts. 13Flight ......................... ..................... 14Force Field ........................ ............. 14Growth/Shrinking ........................ . 14Headquarters ....................... ......... 14Improved Skills ........................ ..... 15

    Invisibility............................. ......... 15Magic ........................ ..................... 15Mind Control ........................ ......... 15Nine Lives ......................... ............. 15Nullication.............................. ..... 16One-o-a-Kind Weapon ................ 16Paralyzing Touch ...................... ..... 16Phasing ......................... ................. 16Physical Metamorphosis .............. 16Plant Control ........................ ......... 16Protected Sense ....................... ..... 17Reection ......................... ............. 17Regeneration ....................... ......... 17Shapeshit ........................ ............. 17Sidekick ........................ ................. 17

    Superleap ......................... ............. 18Supersense ....................... ............. 18Superspeed ...................... ............. 18Telekinesis ........................ ............. 18Telepathy ...................... ................. 19Teleportation ....................... ......... 19Trait Boost ........................ ............. 19Trait Increase ........................ ......... 19Vehicle ...................... ..................... 20Wall-Crawling ....................... ......... 20Water Native ........................ ......... 20Weapon ........................ ................. 20

    Playing.the.Game.20Master.Table. 20

    Row Steps ........................ .............. 21

    Altering.The.Dice.. 21Combat. 21Movement ....................... .............. 21

    Advanced.Master.Table. 21Optional.Rule:.Initiative.Bonus. 21

    Advanced.Movement.Options. 22Swimming ....................... .............. 22Exhaustion ...................... .............. 22Melee Attacks................................ 22Ranged Attacks ........................ ..... 23Rushing............................ .............. 23Optional.Rule:.Range.Penalty. 23Wrestling ..................... .................. 24Dodging................................ ......... 25

    Attacking Multiple Targets at Once25Damage ....................... .................. 25Advanced.Combat. 26Block ........................ ...................... 26Catching ...................... .................. 26Evade ....................... ...................... 26Waiting ........................ .................. 26Material Value o CommonSubstances ...................... .............. 27Combat Results ........................ ..... 27

    Gamemastering. 28Using.the.Master.Table. 28Character. Health, . Hit. Points, . or.Vitality. 28

    Healing ........................ .................. 29Fluctuating.Fortunes. 29Gaining and Losing Fortune Points29Optional.Healing. 29Character. Fame,. Popularity,. or.Prestige. 30Vehicles. 30Durability ........................ .............. 30Handling ...................... .................. 31Velocity ........................ .................. 31Vehicle Combat ........................ ..... 31Sample Vehicles ....................... ..... 32Vehicle Damage and Repairs ....... 32

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    4C System

    Character.OriginThe rst step in character creation is to determinethe characters origin. Roll d% on the ollowingtable:

    Roll Origin

    00-0 Robot

    05-09 Alien

    0-9 Skilled Human

    0-59 Changed Human

    60-79 Mutant

    80-99 Technologically Enhanced

    Robot The character is a robotor perhaps some otherconstruct, such as a golem.

    Alien The character is a beingrom another world ordimension such as aMartian, elemental, angel,or devil.

    Skilled Human The character is a highlyskilled human; any powersare actually superior trainingor specialized devices.


    The character was humanbut became superhumanthrough some outsideagency, oten an accidentor experiment.

    Mutant The character was bornwith or destined to developsuperhuman powers.


    The characters powers arethe result o devices andgadgets.


    Advanced.Character.OriginsAs per standard character creation, roll randomly or traits, powers, and skills and then modiy theresults or the origin o the character:

    Origin Modiers

    Robot The Rank Values (see p. 00) o all Primary Traits (see p. 00) are each increased by+0. The characters Repute (see p. 00) is reduced to 0.

    Alien The Rank Values o all Primary Traits are each increased by +0. The characterloses one power (see p. 00) but still retains a minimum o one power.

    Skilled Human The character gains three bonus skills (see p. 00).

    Changed Human One o the characters Primary Traits (select one) is increased by +0.

    Mutant The characters Fortitude (see p. 00) is increased by +0. The characters Liestyle(see p. 00) is reduced by -0 (minimum o ). The character gains one bonuspower (see p. 00) and all o the characters powers should be innate and notderived rom equipment. The characters Repute is reduced to 0.


    The characters Intellect (see p. 00) is increased by +0. The characters Liestyle(see p. 00) is increased by +0.

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    4C System

    Traits4C characters are dened by a set o distinct Traits. Each character has two types o Traits:Primary and Secondary. Primary Traits are denedby Rank Values (see p. 6), Secondary Traits aredened by either Rank Value or a numerical score

    (see individual Secondary Traits or details).

    Primary.Traits4C eatures a total o seven Primary Traits:

    MeleeThis Primary Trait is the measure o a charactersexpertise in melee combat. When kicking,punching, stabbing, or otherwise ghting inclose quarters, this Trait determines the successor ailure o the attack.

    CoordinationThis Primary Trait is the measure o a charactersphysical prociency. When shooting, throwing,dodging, balancing, or otherwise employingphysical nimbleness, this Trait determines thesuccess or ailure o the action.

    BrawnThis Primary Trait is the measure o a characters

    physical power. When liting heavy objects,determining damage with melee or thrownattacks, throwing an object a certain distance,or otherwise engaged in activities relying onphysical power, this Trait determines the successor ailure o the action.

    FortitudeThis Primary Trait is the measure o a charactersphysical stamina and robustness. Whenattempting to hold breath, resist sickness,overcome toxins, ignore atigue, keep rom dying,or otherwise engaged in physically strenuoustasks, this Trait determines the success or ailureo the action.

    IntellectThis Primary Trait is a measure o the charactersintelligence. When attempting to invent, solve aproblem, learn, or otherwise use smarts, this Traitdetermines the success or ailure o the action.

    AwarenessThis Primary Trait is a measure o the charactersintuition. When attempting to sense danger,spot something, recognize a hunch, or otherwisework on instinct rather than analyzing a situation,this Trait determines the success or ailure o theaction.

    WillpowerThis Primary Trait is a measure o the charactersmental strength. When dealing with psychicabilities, magic powers, issues o willpower, orotherwise using powers o the mind, this Traitdetermines the success or ailure o the action.

    Determining Primary

    Trait Rank ValuesRoll d% once on the ollowing table or eachPrimary Trait to determine its Rank Value:

    Dice Roll Rank Value



    0-9 6

    0-9 0

    0-59 0

    60-79 0

    80-95 0

    96-99 50

    Secondary.Traits4C characters have our Secondary Traits:

    DamageThis Secondary Trait is a measure o the physical

    punishment a character can suer beore dying.This Secondary Trait uses a numerical score (notRank Value) that is decreased as the charactertakes damage. This Secondary Trait, as well asdamage and healing, is addressed on p. 00.

    This Secondary Traits starting value is calculatedby adding up the Rank Values o the charactersrst our Primary Traits (Melee, Coordination,Brawn, and Fortitude).

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    4C System

    FortuneThis Secondary Trait is a measure o the charactersability to use luck, training, and/or experience toinuence the present. This Secondary Trait uses anumerical score (not Rank Value) and points maybe spent rom it to aect die rolls and improvethe Rank Values o Primary Traits; or a completediscussion on this see p. .

    This Secondary Traits starting value is calculatedby adding together the Rank Values o thecharacters last three Primary Traits (Intellect,

    Awareness, and Willpower).

    LiestyleThis Trait is a measure o the characters wealthand ability to procure needed items and services;this Trait and its usage are covered on p. 9.

    To calculate the Rank Value or this Secondary Traitroll once on Table 1.

    Repute This Secondary Trait is a measure o how wellthe character is known; the greater the score themore popular the character. This Secondary Traituses a numerical score (not Rank Value); how thisTrait inuences the game is covered on p. 00.

    To calculate this Secondary Traits value roll d% anddivide the result by 3 (round up).

    Rank ValuesRank Values are the numerical representationo Traits and power levels in 4C. Rank Valuesrange rom 0 to 000. Most characters will haveRank Values in the -50 range with exceptionallypowerul characters having Rank Values o 5 orgreater. Although no character may have a RankValue o 0, characters may be reduced to the ranko 0 in special situations. Here is a comparison othe dierent Rank Values:

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    4C System

    Rank ValueRange


    - Minimum human

    -5 Below-average human

    6-9 Average human

    0-9 Above-average human

    0-9 Exceptional human

    0-9 Maximum human limit

    0-9 Low superhuman

    50-7 Superhuman

    75-99 High superhuman

    00-9 Low cosmic

    50-999 Cosmic

    000 Beyond comprehension

    SkillsAter Origins and Traits characters may possessskills, mundane talents that grant them a benetwhen perorming a specic action or operating ina pre-determined eld o expertise.

    Skill.Determination To determine the number o skills a character

    possesses roll d% on the ollowing table:

    Roll Number o Skills





    Using.SkillsSuch things as Acrobatics, Investigation, Pilot,Drive, and Martial Arts are considered skills;discuss the skills you would like a character tohave with the Gamemaster or approval. A skillgrants a + Row Step bonus (see p. ) whenmaking any rolls on the Master Table during anaction appropriate to the skill in question.

    Advanced.Rank.Values The Advanced game takes the highest RankValue groups and divides them so that insteado groups ( i you count 0) there arenow 7 (8 with 0). This is primarily or theintroduction o extremely powerul (cosmic)beings. I youre running a airly low-levelgame you may want to stick with the smallerselection.

    Optional Rule: Rank NamesAlthough not necessary, Gamemasters maywish to assign names to the various RankValue ranges as a means o adding additionalavor. The ollowing is a list o suggested RankNames.

    Rank ValueRange

    Rank Name

    - Doddering, Feeble, Weak

    -5 Inerior, Poor, Shabby

    6-9 Average, Mundane, Typical

    0-9 Accomplished, Competent,Good

    0-9 Excellent, Exceptional, Skillul

    0-9 Extraordinary, Remarkable,


    0-9 Fantastic, Incredible,Wonderul

    50-7 Amazing, Astounding,Legendary

    75-99 Colossal, Monstrous,Monumental

    00-9 Astonishing, Marvelous,Unearthly

    50-999 Inconceivable, Indescribable,

    Unthinkable*000 Incomprehensible,

    Improbable, Unimaginable**

    * Rank Values o this magnitude can also bedescribed using abstract terms such as MoveA, Shit , or Step X.

    ** Rank Values at this level may best bedescribed in abstract terms such as Class A,Magnitude 000, or Mark Z.

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    4C System

    Advanced.SkillsWith Gamemaster approval a character maytake one advanced skill in place o two skills. An

    advanced skill grants a + Row Step bonus (seep. ).

    PowersPowers are what make the character asuperhero.


    To determine the number o powers a characterpossesses roll d% on the ollowing table:

    Roll Number o Powers




    90-98 5

    99 Magic*

    * Magic is a unique power able to replicate allother powers (see p.00)

    Advanced.Option:.ContactsIn place o a skill a character may possess acontact. A contact is a riend or acquaintancethe character can call on or assistance.Contacts must be cleared with the Gamemasterthough any reasonable contact idea should beautomatically allowed. (Attempting to claimthe President o the U.S. as a contact is goingto be a lot more difcult to have approvedby the Gamemaster than a low-level policeofcer.)

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    4C System

    Once youve determined the number o powersor a character roll d% once or each power onthe ollowing table to determine the charactersspecic powers:

    Roll Power

    00-0 Animal Command0-07 Body Armor

    08- Claws

    -5 Contaminant Resistance

    6-9 Elasticity

    0- Elemental/Energy Control

    -7 Extra Body Parts

    8- Fast Attack

    -5 Flight

    6-9 Force Field

    0- Growth/Shrinking

    -7 Invisibility

    8-5 Mind Control

    5-55 One-o-a-Kind Weapon

    56-59 Phasing

    60-6 Physical Metamorphosis

    6-67 Regeneration

    68-7 Shapeshit

    7-75 Super Leap

    76-79 Supersense80-8 Superspeed

    8-87 Telekinesis

    88-9 Telepathy

    9-95 Teleportation

    96-99 Wall Crawling

    I you roll the same power twice you may elect toeither increase the powers Rank Value by +0 orroll again on the table.

    Determining Power Rank ValuesRoll d% once on the ollowing table or eachPower to determine its Rank Value:

    Dice Roll Rank Value



    0-9 6

    0-9 0

    0-59 0

    60-79 0

    80-95 0

    96-99 50

    Power.DescriptionsThe ollowing are the descriptions o the variouspowers. Each description includes general waysin which the power can be used during a gamesession. The Gamemaster sets the difculty orspecic actions attempted by characters with

    their powers.

    AbsorptionThe character is immune to damage inicted bya specic elemental or energy type (select one,see p. ) up to the Rank Value o this power.Any damage inicted over the Rank Value o thispower is suered normally.

    The character may use the absorbed energy inone o two ways:

    . Healing. The character instantly recovers

    a number o damage points equal to thedamage absorbed, up to his maximumvalue.

    . Attack. The character, on his next turn,may unleash the absorbed energy as anattack. Treat as an appropriate elementalor energy control attack with a Rank Valueequal to the number o damage pointsabsorbed.


    The character possesses another orm, a dierentpersona he can willingly change into. Create asecond character to use as this characters Alter-Ego. The second character automatically hasno powers and is a skilled human (do not rollor powers or origin). Additionally, the secondcharacter cannot possess any primary trait with aRank Value greater than 0; any result rolled over0 is automatically reduced to 0.

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    4C System

    Advanced.Power.SelectionI playing under the Advanced options, characters have a larger number o powers available. Rolld% once or each power on the ollowing table to determine the characters specic powers:

    Roll Power

    00-0 Absorption0-0 Alter-Ego

    0-05 Animal Command

    06-07 Astoundingly Wealthy

    08-09 Body Armor

    0- Burrowing

    - Celebrity

    -5 Chameleon

    6-7 Claws

    8-9 Contaminant Resistance

    0- Combat Awareness

    - Detection

    -5 Dimension Jump

    6-7 Elasticity

    8-9 Elemental/Energy Control

    0- Elemental/EnergyGeneration

    - Extra Body Parts

    -5 Fast Attack

    6-7 Flight8-9 Force Field

    0- Growth/Shrinking

    - Headquarters

    -5 Improved Skills

    6-7 Invisibility

    8-9 Mind Control

    50-5 Mind Shield5-5 Nine Lives

    5-55 Nullication

    56-57 One-o-a-Kind Weapon

    58-59 Paralyzing Touch

    60-6 Phasing

    6-6 Physical Metamorphosis

    6-65 Plant Control

    66-67 Protected Sense

    68-69 Reection

    70-7 Regeneration

    7-7 Shapeshit

    7-75 Sidekick

    76-77 Super Leap

    78-79 Supersense

    80-8 Superspeed

    8-8 Telekinesis

    8-85 Telepathy

    86-87 Teleportation

    88-89 Trait Boost

    90-9 Trait Increase

    9-9 Vehicle

    9-95 Wall Crawling

    96-97 Water Native

    98-99 Weapon

    I you roll the same power twice you may elect to either increase the powers Rank Value by +0 orroll again on the table.

    Animal CommandThe character can communicate with and controlanimals. To successully communicate with ananimal the character must roll d% on the MasterTable using the Rank Value o this power or thecharacters Willpower +0, whichever is greater.

    A result o red or greater indicates successulcommunication. To control an animal, thecharacter must achieve a yellow result.

    The character can control one type o animal(such as birds, reptiles, mammals, sea creatures,etc.), which must be determined at the time othe characters creation.

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    4C System

    Astoundingly WealthyNot a power, this result increases the charactersLiestyle (see p. 6) by +50 and Repute (see p. 6)by +0.

    Body Armor

    The character has armor o some kind, perhapsthick hide or a protective bodysuit, which reducesdamage by an amount equal to the Rank Value othis power. For more about armor see p. 5.

    Burrowing The character possesses the ability to tunnelbeneath the earth, moving at a rate equal to hisnormal running speed (see Movement, p. 00)through any subterranean terrain with a materialrank equal to or less than the Rank Value o this

    power. The character cannot burrow throughother characters.

    CelebrityNot a power, this result increases the charactersRepute (see p. 6) by +0. The character is soamous that whenever he would gain or loseRepute (see p. 0) the values are doubled. Thecharacter cannot possess a secret identity.


    The characters body, as well as worn or carrieditems, can be changed at will allowing thecharacter to blend into the surroundings. This issimilar to Invisibility (see p. 5), except it is easierto detect the character; anyone searching orthe character rolls d% and adds the Rank Valueo their Awareness trait to the roll and comparesit against the characters d% roll plus the RankValue o this power. I the character rolls higherthan the searcher the character remains hidden.

    Claws The character has some orm o claws, either anatural part o the characters body or a wornitem. The character uses the Rank Value o eitherthe characters Melee or this power to makeslashing attacks. Claws are treated as a one-handed weapon or purposes o damage (see p.5).

    Optional:Instead o claws the character possessesanother type o weapon o the players choosing

    which may be used or bashing or slashing attacks(choose one).

    Combat AwarenessThe character has a special sense that alerts thecharacter to danger seconds beore it strikes. Inall instances in which the Awareness trait is used

    the character uses the Rank Value o this poweror the characters Awareness +0, whichever isgreater.

    Contaminant Resistance The character possesses a strong resistanceto toxins, diseases, and the like. Any time thecharacter must roll to resist the eects o poison,disease, or similar environmental hazards thecharacter may use the Rank Value o this poweror the Rank Value o Fortitude +0, whichever is


    DetectionThe character has the ability to detect a specicorm o energy, power, or supernatural presence.Select one type rom the ollowing list:

    Magic The character can detectmagical energy spells,artiacts, those with the abilityto use magic, etc. within anumber o sectors equal to theRank Value o this power.

    Magnetic The character can detectmagnetic elds usuallypowers o those possessingmagnetic control within anumber o sectors equal to theRank Value o this power.

    Psionic The character can detectpsionic activity or abilitywhen a power is used or

    someone possesses a power within a number o sectorsequal to the Rank Value o thispower.

    Radioactive The character can detectradioactive energy within anumber o sectors equal to theRank Value o this power.

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    4C System

    Spirit The character can detectspiritual activity such asghosts within a number osectors equal to the Rank Valueo this power.

    The above is by no means a complete listing oavailable detection powers. Players that wishto possess a orm o detection not listed hereare encouraged to discuss the idea with theirGamemaster.

    Dimension Jump The character can move at will betweendimensions. The character may reely jump toanother dimension he has previously visited butvisiting a new dimension requires the characterto roll d% on the Master Table using the Rank

    Value o this power. A result o black means thatthe character arrives dazed at the destinationdimension and must spend the next turnrecovering (the character may take no actionsthat turn).

    Elasticity The characters body can stretch, allowing thecharacter to attack someone in a dierent sector.A character with this power can stretch a numbero sectors equal to this powers Rank Value dividedby 0 (round up).

    Elemental/Energy ControlThe character has the ability to control a singleelement or type o energy chosen rom thelist below. The character can only manipulatean existing source o the element or energy;the character does not possess the ability tospontaneously create the element or energy.

    Elemental Control

    Air The character can manipulate

    winds to attack, create orce elds,lit objects, etc.

    Earth The character can manipulatethe ground to attack, create wallso earth that act as armor, litobjects, etc.

    Fire The character can manipulate reto attack, increase or decrease thetemperate o a ame, create a wallo re like a orce eld, etc.

    Water The character can manipulate

    water to attack, create wallso water that act as armor, litobjects, etc.

    Energy Control

    Electrical The character can manipulateelectricity to attack, create orceelds, lit objects, etc.

    Light The character can manipulatelight to attack, blind opponents,create orce elds, etc.

    Magnetic The character can manipulateerrous metals to attack, createwalls o metal that act as armor,lit metallic objects, etc.

    Sound The character can manipulatesound to attack, lit objects,create orce elds, etc.

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    4C System

    Note that the above are guidelines only. The exactextent o what these powers can do is up to theGamemaster.

    Weather Control: A subset o elemental/energycontrol, a character may choose to manipulate theweather. This power can be especially powerulsince it allows a character to manipulate air,

    lightning, rain, and any other aspect associatedwith storms/weather so the Gamemaster maychoose to have Weather Control count as two oa characters powers.

    Attacking: A character using Elemental/EnergyControl to attack may use either the powersRank Value or the characters Melee Rank Value+0, whichever is greater, or melee attacks. Forranged attacks use the powers Rank Value orthe characters Coordination Rank Value +0.Damage inicted in either case is equal to thepowers Rank Value.

    Force Field/Armor: See the respective powers.

    Liting Objects: The upper weight limit o anobject the character may lit is based on thepowers Rank Value:

    Rank Value Weight

    - 50 lb.

    -5 00 lbs.

    6-9 00 lbs.

    0-9 00 lbs.0-9 800 lbs.

    0-9 ton

    0-9 0 tons

    50-7 50 tons

    75-99 80 tons

    00-9 00 tons

    50-999 00 tons

    000+ 00 tons

    Elemental/Energy Generation The character has the ability to spontaneouslygenerate a single element or type o energychosen rom the the Elemental/Energy Controlpower (see p. ) list. The character can alsocontrol the chosen element or energy as per theElemental/Energy Control power (see p. ) butthat control is at an eective Rank Value equal to

    one-hal the Rank Value o this power.

    A character that possesses matching Elemental/Energy Control and Elemental/Energy Generationgains a permanent +0 Rank Value bonus to bothpowers.

    Extra Body PartsThe character additional body parts beyond twoarms and two legs, either a completely new part(such as a tail) or extras o an existing part (ourarms instead o two). Extra parts do not grant acharacter bonus attacks.

    Fast AttackA character with this power can attack a numbero times each turn based on the powers RankValue:

    Advanced.Extra.Body.PartsIn the Advanced game, the character selects asingle extra body part. Extra body parts unctionas ollows:

    Claws: The character gains the Clawspower (see p. 00). I the character alreadypossesses the Claws power the powersRank Value is increased by +0.

    Extra Arms: The character gains onebonus attack each turn.

    Extra Legs: The character moves aster;increase movement by sector eachturn.

    Shell: The character gains the Body

    Armor power (see p. 00). I the characteralready possesses the Body Armor powerthe powers Rank Value is increased by+0.

    Tail:The character gains one bonus attackeach turn and may use the tail as i it werean extra arm.

    Wings: The character gains the Flightpower (see p. 00) with the speeddetermined by the Rank Value o thispower. I the character already possessesthe Flight power the powers Rank Value

    is increased by +0.

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    4C System

    Rank Value Attacks/Turn




    Flight The character can y either through the useo an item or by innate means. When ying thecharacter can move a number o sectors per turndepending on the Rank Value o the power:

    Rank Value Sectors/Turn





    0-9 5

    0-9 6

    0-9 7

    50-7 8

    75-99 9

    00-9 0

    50-999 5

    000 *

    * The character can circle the world in a singleturn.

    Force FieldThe character has the ability to generate a orceeld, either through mental powers or a device.

    Device: The orce eld acts as armor (see p.00)with a Rank Value equal to the powers RankValue. I an attack deals damage in excess o thisorce elds Rank Value the device is shorted outor -0 turns (during which time it cannot be

    used).Mental:The orce eld acts as armor with a RankValue equal to the powers Rank Value or thecharacters Willpower +0, whichever is greater.I an attack deals damage in excess o the orceelds Rank Value or the characters Willpower+0, whichever is greater, the character must rolld% on the Master Table using the Rank Value othe characters Fortitude. A result o black leaves

    the character dazed and the character mustspend -0 turns recovering (the character maytake no actions during that time). On any otherresult the character is dazed or one turn.

    Growth/ShrinkingThe character can grow larger or smaller (select

    one), to a maximum/minimum height as shownon the table below:

    Rank Value MaximumHeight


    - 9 eet eet

    -5 eet eet

    6-9 5 eet eet

    0-9 8 eet oot

    0-9 eet 6 inches

    0-9 eet inches

    0-9 7 eet inches

    50-7 0 eet inch

    75-99 60 eet inch

    00-9 0 eet inch

    50-999 0 eet /8 inch

    000 80 eet /6 inch

    When using Growth, the Rank Value o the

    characters Brawn is changed to the Rank Valueo this power or the characters Brawn Rank Value+0 whichever is greater. Opponents attackingthe bigger character gain a + RS bonus on theirattacks.

    When using Shrinking the Rank Value o thecharacters Brawn is unaected. Anyone attackingthe character when using this power suers a -RS penalty and the character gains a + RS bonusto attacks.

    Headquarters The character possesses a secret headquarters. The headquarters size and location must beapproved by the Gamemaster. The exact makeupo the headquarters weapons locker, garage,communications center, prison, etc. must alsobe approved by the Gamemaster. The Rank Valueo the headquarters should be used as a roughguide.

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    Rank Value Possible Size and Contents

    -5 A secret room in an apartment.May include a computerand basic lab. Nothingsophisticated.

    6-9 An apartment. A home

    gym would be appropriate.Maybe one piece o advancedtechnology.

    0-9 A house. A ew dedicated roomsserve as an armory, a brig, orother specialized duty. Mayinclude a garage.

    0-9 A mansion. Sprawling, spacious,and loaded with extras.

    0-9 A compound. Multiple buildingsbehind a sturdy ence or wall. A

    character with a headquarterso this size most likely does nothave a secret identity.

    0-9 A skyscraper. Some oors maybe rented out as ofces orapartments but most o thebuilding is dedicated to thecharacters pursuit againstcrime.

    50+ An orbital complex,subterranean city, inter-dimensional residence, or other

    highly unusual and/or massivecomplex.

    A headquarters can be o a smaller size thansuggested. A Rank Value 50 headquarters,or example, could be a single well-outttedmansion.

    Improved SkillsNot exactly a power, this result grants thecharacter two bonus skills and increases the RowStep bonus o one skill to +.

    InvisibilityThe character can become invisible and remainso or as long as desired. Sound, scent, heavyrain, and other methods can still give an invisiblecharacter away. The character may also attemptto turn objects or other characters invisible by

    touching them. Roll d% on the Master Table usingthe Rank Value o this power, on a result or red orgreater the item or character touched is invisibleand remains so as long as the character touchesit.


    The character possesses knowledge o, andability to use, magic. Magic allows the characterto cast spells that duplicate any other power inthe game; as a result Magic is the sole power thecharacter may have. A character may use onlyone spell per turn.

    Duplicated powers unction as described in theindividual power sections and at a Rank Valueequal to the characters Magic Rank Value.

    Mind Control

    The character can take over the minds o others.A target o Mind Control must be within visualrange o the character and must possess aWillpower Rank Value less than the Rank Value othis power or the characters Willpower, whicheveris greater.

    To take control o another the character mustroll d% on the Master Table using the Rank Valueo this power or the characters Willpower +0,whichever is greater. I the result is black themind control attempt ails. I the result is red or

    greater the target is controlled until the characterreleases the targeted character or the targetis ordered to do something out o the ordinary(such as injure a companion) at which point thetarget rolls d% on the Master Table using theRank Value o the target characters Willpower. Aresult o red or greater is needed to break ree othe mind control.

    Nine LivesThe character is exceptionally lucky. At the starto each game session the character gains apool o Fortune points (see p. 6) equal to twicethe Rank Value o this power. These points mustbe used during that game session to aect dierolls and cannot be saved or used or characterimprovement. Additionally, once each gamesession the character may roll the dice withoutdeclaring the tens die until ater the roll.

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    Nullication The character possesses the ability to nulliy completely negate the powers o others withina number o sectors equal to one-tenth the RankValue o this power (round up). To use this powerthe character must roll d% on the Master Tableusing the Rank Value o this power. I the result

    is black the nullication attempt ails and thecharacter suers damage equal to one-hal (roundup) the Rank Value o the power the characterattempted to nulliy. I the result is red the targetedpower works at hal its eectiveness (round up). Onany other result the power is negated or this turn.

    One-o-a-Kind Weapon The character owns a unique weapon o theplayers choice which deals damage equal to itsRank Value.

    Melee Weapon: The character makes meleeattacks with the weapon using the weapons RankValue or the characters Melee +0, whichever isgreater.

    Ranged Weapon:The character uses the weaponsRank Value or the characters Coordination +0,whichever is greater, when attacking.

    Incorporated Power: At the players discretionone o the characters other powers may beincorporated into the weapon increasing the RankValue o the incorporated power by +0 but losing

    the use o the incorporated power i the weapon islost or stolen.

    Paralyzing TouchThe characters touch can render opponents unableto move. To paralyze an opponent the charactermust rst hit with a melee attack (see p. ) whichdeals no damage. The target must then roll d% onthe Master Table using the targets Fortitude RankValue to resist. I the result is black the target isparalyzed knocked down and unconscious or

    a number o rounds equal to one-tenth the RankValue o this power (round up).

    Phasing The characters body can change into aninsubstantial orm allowing the character tophase through objects. The power grants thecharacter armor (see p. 5) at the Rank Value othis power.

    Physical MetamorphosisThe characters body can change into an unusualmaterial, selected rom the list below, at will.When metamorphosed the character possessesthe traits o the material and gains armor (see p.5) equal to the Rank Value o this power.

    Energy The character transorms into abeing o pure energy (chooseelectricity, light, radiation, etc.).When in energy orm the charactermay do such things as:

    Jump into power linesand travel through them.(Electricity)

    Move at the speed o light.(Light)

    Cause radiation burns andsickness. (Radiation)

    Fire The character transorms into abeing o pure re. When in reorm the character is capable osetting things on re.

    Metal The character transorms intoa being o pure metal (playerschoice as to the kind o metal).The Rank Value o the charactersBrawn is changed to the Rank

    Value o this power or the BrawnRank Value +0, whichever isgreater.

    Water The character transorms into abeing o pure water. When in waterorm the character may choose toow like water, running throughcracks and other small spaces.

    Damage: Depending on the orm andGamemaster approval the character may make

    use o the Rank Value o this power to determinedamage when attacking (punching with sts osteel, igniting things i made o re, etc.).

    Plant Control The character can control plants, orcing themto twist and turn and using them to wrestle,attack opponents, or block attacks (see p. 6). Thecharacter perorms all o these actions, througha chosen plant, using the Rank Value o this

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    power or the charactersCombat +0, whicheveris greater. The charactercan control a number

    o plants each turn equalto the number o times hecan attack in a turn (controllingcounts as an attack). The charactercan only control plants within a number osectors equal to one-tenth the Rank Value othis power (round up).

    Protected SenseOne o the characters senses either a normal sense(sight, hearing, etc.) or a supersense (see p. 8) is

    completely immune to damage or attacks o a RankValue equal to or less than the Rank Value o thispower. Touch, though a sense, cannot be protected.

    Reection The character possesses the ability to reectthe eects o another characters power back atthe originating character. To use this power thecharacter must roll d% on the Master Table using

    the Rank Value o this power. I the result is blackthe reection attempt ails and the charactersuers the normal eects o the power. I theresult is red both the character and the originatoro the aected power suer the normal eects othe reected power. On any other result the poweris reected back and the originator suers the

    po we r s ull eect.

    RegenerationThe character heals quickly. Once per turn, insteado taking another action, the character may recover

    a number o Damage points equal to the RankValue o this power.

    Shapeshit The character can turn into any shape desired(animals, other characters, objects) though thecharacter retains the characters original size (unlessthe character also has the Growth or Shrinkingpowers). The change is automatically successulunless the character attempts to impersonate aspecic thing (such as another character) at which

    point roll d% on the Master Table using the RankValue o this power. A result o black means thecharacter ails to adequately copy the characteror object and can be easily identied.

    Sidekick The character possesses a sidekick that assistshim on adventures (and is the perect tool whenthe Gamemaster wants to cause trouble). Create

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    a second character. This new character maypossess no primary trait greater than the maincharacters and cannot possess more than one-hal the number o powers (round up) o the maincharacter. Any results that would break these tworules are automatically reduced. The sidekick isunder the Gamemasters control.

    SuperleapThe character can jump across great distances. Thecharacter may leap up to a number o sectors eachturn depending on the Rank Value o the power:

    Rank Value Sectors/Turn





    0-9 5

    0-9 6

    0-9 7

    50-7 8

    75-99 9

    00-9 0

    50-999 5

    000+ *

    * The character can circle the world in a singleturn.


    The character possesses a single extraordinary sensesuch as superhearing or supersight. Rolls made touse the heightened sense use this powers RankValue or the characters Awareness +0, whicheveris greater.

    A player may, with Gamemaster approval, have anentirely new sense. For example, a character may be

    blind but possess echolocation (seeing like a bat)or inravision in addition to normal sight allowingthe character to see in darkness without penalty.

    SuperspeedThe character can run at superhuman speeds. Thecharacter can move up to a number o sectorsper turn based on the Rank Value o this poweror the characters Coordination +0, whichever isgreater:

    Rank Value Sectors/Turn





    0-9 5

    0-9 6

    0-9 7

    50-7 8

    75-99 9

    00-9 0

    50-999 5

    000+ *

    * The character can circle the world in a singleturn.

    When attempting an unusual maneuver, such asrunning across water or up walls, the player mustroll d% on the Master Table using the Rank Valueo this power or the characters Coordination +0,whichever is greater. A result o black indicatesailure.

    Telekinesis The character possesses the mental ability tomove objects without touching them. The upper

    limit o weight the character may lit with thispower is the greater o the powers Rank Value orthe characters Willpower Rank Value +0.

    Rank Value Weight

    - 50 lb.

    -5 00 lbs.

    6-9 00 lbs.

    0-9 00 lbs.

    0-9 800 lbs.

    0-9 ton

    0-9 0 tons

    50-7 50 tons

    75-99 80 tons

    00-9 00 tons

    50-999 00 tons

    000+ 00 tons

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    Ranged Attacks:The character may also use thispower to perorm ranged attacks by throwing

    an object or simply using telekinetic orce using the characters Willpower in place oCoordination. A successul attack deals damageequal to the Rank Value o this power.

    TelepathyThe character can read the minds o others andtransmit mental messages. For all actions involvingthis power the character uses the greater o thepowers Rank Value or the characters Willpower+0.

    A character with this power may read the mind oany character with a Willpower Rank Value lowerthan the characters Rank Value in this poweror the characters Willpower +0, whichever isgreater.

    A character with this power is automatically awarewhen someone attempts to read the charactersmind. The character may attempt to block theother telepath; both characters roll d% and addthe Rank Value o this power or the charactersWillpower +0, whichever is greater.

    TeleportationThe character may teleport a number o sectorsequal to the Rank Value o this power in a singleturn. Teleporting requires the player to roll d%on the Master Table using the Rank Value o thispower. A result o black means the characterarrives dazed at the destination sector and mustspend the next turn recovering (the charactermay take no actions that turn).

    I the character is unamiliar with or cannotsee the destination sector and teleports into a

    solid object which can include the ground theplayer must roll d% on the Master Table using theRank Value o the characters Fortitude. A result oblack immediately bounces the character back tothe starting sector where the character is dazedand must spend -0 turns recovering (takingno actions during that time). Any other resultimmediately bounces the character back to thestarting sector where the character is dazed orone turn.

    Trait BoostUnlike Trait Increase (see below), this power is atemporary boost to any one primary trait o thecharacters choice (chosen at the time this poweris acquired). Once each hour o game time thecharacter can automatically boost the chosentraits Rank Value by an amount equal to the RankValue o this power. For a number o turns equalto one-tenth the newly boosted value (round up),the aected primary trait operates at this newvalue. At the end o this time the aected primarytraits Rank Value is reduced to one-hal (round

    up) its normal value or d0 turns.

    Trait IncreaseNot exactly a power, the character increases therank value o any two primary traits by +5 each.I this power is rolled twice the bonus to eachprimary trait chosen is increased to +0 each.

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    VehicleThe character possesses a unique and exceptionalvehicle. The character selects an existing vehicle(see p. 0) and then increases the Durability,Handling, and Velocity o the vehicle by one-halthis powers Rank Value (round up). In additionto this increase the vehicle possesses two special

    systems weapons, unusual abilities that mimic apower, or any other equipment the Gamemasterwill approve with each system at a Rank Valueequal to one-hal this powers Rank Value (roundup).

    Wall-CrawlingThe character can move normally, either by usinga specialized device or innate means, acrosssuraces rom which most people would all (wallsand ceilings, or example). Gamemasters should

    inict a row step penalty when attempting tomove across a slippery surace.

    Water Native The character is rom a watery civilization andmay breathe underwater or on land. When

    swimming, the character moves a number oSectors determined by the Rank Value o thispower.

    Rank Value Sectors Moved in One TurnWhen Swimming

    0-0 sector0-9 sectors

    0+ sectors

    WeaponThe character possesses a weapon, or weapons,with a combined total damage equal to the RankValue o this power.

    Example: A character with a Rank Value o 30 in thispower could own two rifes, three pistols, or a bow,crossbow, and pistol (see p. 23).

    The character may possess weapons that do notappear within these rules or in existing 4C Systemgames or supplements. Such new weapons mustbe approved by the Gamemaster.

    Playing the GameMaster.TableTake a look at the 4C Basic System Master Table(back cover); it is the key to all actions in the game. To use the Master Table, nd the appropriate

    Rank Value in the letmost column, roll d%, andnd your die result on the table by moving alongthe row. The number rolled will be in a black,red, blue, or yellow box which will give you theresult:

    Color Result

    Black Failed Attempt. Your action hasailed.

    Red Minor Success. Your action

    succeeded, but just barely; in mostinstances this will be enough.

    Blue Success. You have succeeded atyour attempted action.

    Yellow Major Success. You havesucceeded in a spectacular way.Some actions, as determined bythe Gamemaster, will require aMajor Success.

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    Row StepsA Row Step represents a shit o one or morerows up or down the Master Table in the eectiveRank Value or a single action. A Row Step can bea bonus or penalty. For example, a + Row Stepmoves the eective Rank Value to the next higherrow (i.e. rom 0-9 to 0-9) while a Row Stepmoves the eective Rank Value two rows lower(i.e. rom 0-9 to 6-9).

    Example: Jessicas character is trying to hit anopponent with a karate chop. The Gamemastertells Jessica her character gains a +1 Row Stepbonus due to avorable circumstances (see p. 28).Her character has a Melee Rank Value o 30-39, soor this one attack the bonus brings it to 40-49.

    Altering.The.Dice.Ater a roll is made you may spend 5 points romFortune to shit the result o a single roll one colorlet or right (rom black to red, red to blue, blueto yellow, or vice-versa) on the Master Table. Theroll you alter can be your own or someone elses(ally or enemy). You may spend additional pointsto urther shit the color (i.e. rom black to blue orred to black) with each additional shit costing aurther 5 points. Multiple characters may spendFortune to aect the same die roll.

    Example: Tony wants to reduce the result o anopponents roll rom blue to black. This costs 50

    points (two Color Shits), but Tonys characteronly has 7 points. Thus Tony can do no betterthan to shit it rom blue to red (one Color Shit);the opponent still succeeds, but less so and Tonyhas points remaining in his Fortune.

    CombatCombat in 4C takes place in turns, each o whichcovers an abstract amount o time equal to the

    action depicted in a single comic book panel. Acharacter can perorm any action that would tinto a standard panel including attack, dodge,or move. You may only attack once in a turn (theexception is the Fast Attack power which grantscharacters the ability to make multiple attacks inone turn). It is possible to move and attack in the

    same turn but you suer a Row Step penalty toyour attack or every sector you move into unlessyou perorm a rush (see p. ). You may also moveand dodge in the same turn but you suer a Row Step penalty to your dodge or every sectoryou move into.

    During a turn the action takes place as ollows:

    . The Gamemaster secretly determines theactions o Gamemaster Characters.

    . The players each state their actions orthe turn.

    . One player and the Gamemaster each rolld% to determine Initiative or their side;highest roll wins.

    . The side that won Initiative acts.

    5. The side that lost Initiative now acts.

    6. Repeat until the combat is over.

    Movement4C games are played on a map divided intoindividual areas known as sectors. The numbero sectors a character may move in a turn isdetermined by the Rank Value o Coordination.

    Advanced.Master.TableTheres an Advanced version o the table thatexpands the number o rows rom to 8.Other than the increased Rank Value groups(see p. 00) the table is used in exactly the sameway as in the Basic game.


    Each turn each side adds the highest RankValue o Awareness o its members to theInitiative roll.

    Example: The highest Gamemaster Character Awareness Rank Value is 20 while the highest player character Awareness Rank Value is 50;the Gamemaster adds 20 to the GamemasterCharacters Initiative roll while the player rollingor the player characters adds 50 to the Initiativeroll.

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    Rank Value Sectors Moved in One Turn

    0-0 sector

    0-9 sectors

    0+ sectors

    Climbing: The above table assumes a character

    moving horizontally along the ground; i thecharacter is moving vertically (i.e. climbing a wall)use the ollowing:

    Rank Value Sectors* Climbed in One Turn

    0-9 sector

    0+ sectors

    * One sector is approximately 0 eet.

    Some powers grant characters special orms omovement. See the individual power descriptions(starting on p. 00) or details.

    Melee AttacksHitting, kicking, stabbing, slashing, etc. are alltypes o melee attacks. To resolve a melee attack,

    determine whether or not it is a Bashing orSlashing attack.

    Bashing: Any unarmed attack with sts or eetor an attack with a blunt weapon or object is aBashing attack. Roll d% on the Master Table usingyour Melee Rank Value and compare the result tothe ollowing table:

    Advanced.Movement.OptionsIn addition to moving across sectors on the map (either through walking, running, or climbing),characters may also swim and characters that move or an extended o period o time may suerthe eects o exhaustion.

    SwimmingWithout a special power or device, a charactermoves only a single sector each turn whenswimming. A character that sinks may hold

    his breath or a number o turns equal to hisFortitude Rank Value; ater that point thecharacter must roll d% on the Master Tableusing the characters Fortitude Rank Value:

    Color Result

    Black You are dying (see p. 00).

    Red You are winded; your FortitudeRank Value drops by one RowStep.

    Blue No eect.Yellow No eect.

    The character must continue rolling once eachturn, with a cumulative - Row Step penalty tohis Fortitude Rank Value or each turn since hestarted drowning, until he reaches breathableair.

    ExhaustionA character can move or a number o turnsequal to the Rank Value o his Fortitude beorehe runs the risk o suering rom exhaustion.

    The character must roll d% on the Master Tableusing the characters Fortitude Rank Value:

    Color Result

    Black You collapse and must rest or -0 turns.

    Red You collapse and must rest or -0 turns.

    Blue No eect.

    Yellow No eect.

    The character must continue rolling once eachturn at a -0 penalty to his Fortitude RankValue until he rests or 0 turns.

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    Color Result

    Black Miss. You whi.

    Red Hit. See Damage on p. 00.

    Blue Pound. Your opponent suersdamage and may be knockeddown (possibly into an adjacent

    sector). See p. 7.Yellow Concuss. Your opponent suers

    damage and may be knocked out.See p. 7.

    Slashing: Any attack with a knie, sword, or othersharp object is a Slashing attack. Roll d% on theMaster Table using your Melee Rank Value andcompare the result to the ollowing table:

    Color Result

    Black Miss. Nothing but air.

    Red Hit. See Damage on p. 5.

    Blue Concuss. Your opponent suersdamage and may be knocked out.See p. 7.

    Yellow Dying. Youve atally woundedyour opponent. See p. 7.

    Ranged AttacksIncludes shooting a rearm and throwing a

    weapon or object, in short any attack across adistance is a ranged attack. Roll d% on the Master Table using your Coordination Rank Value andcompare the result to the ollowing table:

    Color Result

    Black Miss. Wild shot.

    Red Hit. See Damage on p. 5.

    Blue Nail. Youve hit your target; i youdid not declare you were trying

    or the Nail then this is a Hit. Seep. 7.

    Yellow Dying. Youve atally woundedyour opponent. See p. 7.

    Range: Weapons are limited in range as ollows:

    Weapon Range (In Sectors)




    Rie 8


    Thrown Object sector per row on the MasterTable starting with Rank Value6-9; lower Rank Values canonly throw an object in thesame sector.

    Power /0 the Rank Value o thepower (round up)


    To rush an opponent you must meet the ollowingconditions:

    The opponent cannot be in the samesector as you.

    You must be able to reach the opponentin one turn.

    I these two conditions are met you roll d% on theMaster Table using your Fortitude Rank Value andgaining a + Row Step or each open sector you moveinto. Compare the result to the ollowing table:

    Black Miss. You run right past.

    Red Hit. See Damage on p. 5.

    Blue Pound. Your opponent suersdamage and may be knockeddown (possibly into an adjacentsector). See p. 7.

    Yellow Concuss. Your opponent suersdamage and may be knockedout. See p. 7.

    Optional.Rule:..Range.PenaltyCount the number o sectors rom the attackerto the target ignoring the attackers sector butincluding the targets sector. For each sectorthe attacker suers a - Row Step penalty tothe eective Rank Value o Coordination orthis attack.

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    WrestlingGrabbing, choking, holding, andsimilar attacks are all coveredunder wrestling. Roll d% on theMaster Table using your BrawnRank Value and compare theresult to the ollowing tables:

    Seizing: Use this when you wantto grab something out o anopponents grasp.

    Color Result

    Black Miss. You grab at air.

    Red Miss. Not quite.

    Blue Snatch. Youvegrabbed the targeto your seizeattempt. See p. 8.

    Yellow Shatter. Youvegrabbed the itembut broke it. See p.8.

    Slipping: Use this when yourebeing held by an opponent.

    Color ResultBlack Fail. Youre still held.

    Red Fail. Just or asecond . . ., but no.

    Blue Elude. Youveescaped. See p. 7.

    Yellow Turnabout. Youvenot only escapedbut can also reversethe hold. See p. 8.

    Struggling: Use this when youwant to grab an opponent andrestrain the character.

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    Color Result

    Black Fail. Not even close.

    Red Fail. Just out o reach.

    Blue Hold. Youve successullygrappled your opponent. See p.7.

    Yellow Hold. Youve successullygrappled your opponent. See p.7.

    DodgingRoll d% on the Master Table using yourCoordination Rank Value and compare the resultto the ollowing table:

    Color Result

    Black Fail. Not quick enough.Red Row Step. Anyone attacking

    you this turn suers a - Row Steppenalty to the appropriate Trait.

    Blue 6 Row Steps. Anyone attackingyou this turn suers a -6 Row Steppenalty to the appropriate Trait.

    Yellow 9 Row Steps. Anyone attackingyou this turn suers a -9 Row Steppenalty to the appropriate Trait.

    Attacking MultipleTargets at Once

    When surrounded by multiple opponents in a singlesector a character may elect to attack everyone atonce. Roll to attack but on a Yellow result everyoneis aected as i the result was Red. Any result lessthan Yellow is a complete miss. This only works withmelee attacks.


    Any successul hit inficts damage that is subtractedrom your Damage total. When your Damagepoints are reduced to 0, you are Dying (see p. 7).

    The amount o damage an attack inficts dependson what type o attack it is:

    Melee Attack: Inficts an amount odamage equal to the Rank Value o theattackers Brawn i weaponless; a one-

    handed weapon adds +5 points and a two-handed weapon adds +0 points.

    Ranged Attack: Inficts a number o pointso damage equal to the Material Value othe item thrown. The ollowing is a smallselection o possible objects.

    Item Thrown Material Value

    Concrete Block 0

    Steel Beam 0

    Compact Car 0

    Pickup Truck 50

    I the attack was with a weapon it inficts a numbero points o damage as ollows:

    Weapon DamageBow 0

    Crossbow 0

    Pistol 0

    Rife 5

    Shotgun 5

    Armor: Reduces the amount o damage sueredin an attack by subtracting the armors Rank Valuerom the amount o damage inficted; any remaining

    points are then subtracted rom Damage.

    Example: A character wearing armor with a RankValue o 10 hit by a punch dealing 20 points o damagesufers only 10 points o damage to Damage.

    Pulling Your Punch: You can choose to mitigatethe damage done by any o your attacks. Prior toattacking you state the reduced amount o damageyour attack can cause and/or the level o success itcan achieve. I your attack hits it does the reduced

    damage and i your level o success was greaterthan your limit, the success i reduced to your limit.

    Example: Gina does not want her pistol-wieldingcharacter to kill an opponent so she states hercharacter is pulling her punch with the pistol(shooting in a non-vital area) limiting the attacksdamage to a Nail result; i Ginas d% roll achievesa Dying result, it is reduced to Nail instead.

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    BlockSometimes its necessary to stop Brawn withBrawn. When blocking, roll d% on the MasterTable using your Brawn Rank Value and comparethe result to the ollowing table:

    Color Result

    Black Fail. Your block attempt has noeect.

    Red Row Step. For purposes odamage, the Rank Value o theattackers Brawn suers a - RowStep penalty.

    Blue Row Steps. For purposes o

    damage, the Rank Value o theattackers Brawn is reduced by row steps.

    Yellow 7 Row Steps. For purposes odamage, the Rank Value o theattackers Brawn is reduced by 6row steps.

    Catching There are times when a character must catchsomething (a alling civilian, a thrown object,

    etc.) When catching, roll d% on the MasterTable using your Coordination Rank Value andcompare the result to the ollowing table:

    Color Result

    Black Fail. You miss. I it was anobject being thrown to harmyou, such as a weapon, youreautomatically hit.

    Red Fail. Youve missed.

    Blue You catch, but possibly harm,it. You must make a second d%roll on the Master Table usingCoordination; any result lessthan Blue means what youcaught suers damage equal tothe Rank Value o your Brawn.

    Yellow Perect catch. Good job!

    EvadeSimilar to dodging (see p. 00), except it appliesto melee combat only, Evade is the act oweaving and bobbing to avoid an attack. Rolld% on the Master Table using your Melee RankValue and compare the result to the ollowing


    Color Result

    Black Fail. Not only did you ail butyou moved into the exact spotyour opponent was attacking;your opponent automaticallyhits you.

    Red Evade. You successully evadethe attack and are unharmed.

    Blue Superior Evade. Not onlydid you successully evadethe attack but youve alsomaneuvered yoursel into anenviable position; on the nextturn you gain a + Row Stepbonus to your Melee roll toattack the opponent that youjust evaded.

    Yellow Maximum Evade. As blue butyour bonus is + Row Steps.

    WaitingA character that wins initiative (see p. 00)may choose to wait beore acting, allowingopponent(s) to act rst and then interruptingand taking an action at the best possiblemoment. For example, a character planning aranged attack against an opponent may waitor that opponent to move closer (reducingthe penalty associated with ranged attacks,see p. 00).

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    Material Value o CommonSubstancesSometimes the strength o an object will comeinto play. In such instances, use the ollowingtable as a point o reerence:

    Material Value Substance

    - Paper

    -5 Plastic

    6-9 Aluminum

    0-9 Brick

    0-9 Concrete

    0-9 Stone

    0-9 Iron

    50-7 Steel

    75-99 Diamond00+ Magical or alien substance

    Combat Results The ollowing is a listing o the various combatresults mentioned previously.

    Concuss: Compare the Rank Values o the attackersBrawn to the deenders Fortitude. I the attackersRank Value is greater than the deenders thedeender must roll d% on the Master Table using his

    Fortitude and compare the result to the ollowingtable:

    Color Result

    Black The deender is knockedunconscious or d0 turns. The deender loses all Fortunepoints and can do nothing untilregaining consciousness at whichpoint the deender immediatelyrecovers a number o Fortunepoints equal to the Rank Value oFortitude.

    Red No eect.

    Blue Same as Red.

    Yellow Same as Red.

    Dying: You are dying. Your Damage points drop to0 and your Fortitude Rank Value drops by one Row

    Step on the Master Table at the end o each turnuntil it reaches Rank Value 0, at which point youare dead. Once youve reached Rank Value 0-0you can stabilize yoursel by spending 0 Fortunepoints each turn.

    I you receive aid beore you die, meaning someonespends a ull turn tending to your wounds, you

    automatically stabilize; your Damage points remainat 0 but your Fortitude Rank Value stops dropping.

    Elude: Youve escaped rom the hold and may moveinto any adjacent sector o your choice.

    Hold: Youre rmly holding your opponent. Forevery Turn you maintain the hold your opponentsuers a number o points o damage equal to yourBrawn Rank Value.

    Nail: This is a called ranged attack on a specictarget. It is used or eats o marksmanship such assevering a rope with an arrow or shooting a gun out

    o someones hand; it deals damage to the target likea normal hit The attacker must state the intentionto try or this result beore rolling the attack. I a Nailis not declared beore the dice are rolled this resultis treated as a Hit. The Gamemaster has the nal sayon the eect o a successul Nail attack result.

    Pound: Compare the Rank Values o the attackerand deenders Brawn. I the attackers Rank Valueis greater than the deenders the deender rolls d%on the Master Table using Fortitude. Compare theresult to the ollowing table:

    Color Result

    Black The deender is knocked downand into an adjacent sector o theattackers choice. The deender mustspend next turn getting up and canperorm no other action. I theresan obstacle between the chosensector and the deenders currentsector; and i the attackers Brawn isgreater than the Material Value o the

    obstacle (see above), the deender isknocked through the obstacle.

    Red The deender is knocked down inthe currently occupied sector. Thedeender must spend next turngetting up and can perorm noother action.

    Blue No eect.

    Yellow No eect.

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    HealingCharacters recover all damage betweenadventures.

    Fluctuating.FortunesCharacters start the game with a number oFortune points equal to the total o their last threePrimary Trait Rank Values (Intellect, Awareness,

    and Willpower; see p. 6). These points may bespent to aect the outcome o events in the game(see p. ). In addition, characters may gain andlose these points based on their actions.

    Gaining and Losing FortunePointsCharacters gain Fortune points or positiveactions such as stopping crimes, winning ghts,donating to charity, keeping appointments,rescuing someone rom a re, making time or

    riends, etc. The amount o points gained variesby the impact o the action as shown on theollowing table:

    Scale Points.Gained

    Personal +5

    Neighborhood +0

    City +5

    State +50

    National +75Global +00

    Losing PointsCharacters lose Fortune points or negativeactions such as committing crimes or allowingthem to happen, losing ghts, ailing to keep

    appointments, ailing rescue attempts, ignoringriends, etc. The amount o points lost variesby the impact o the action as shown on theollowing table:

    Scale Points.Lost

    Personal -5

    Neighborhood -0

    City -5

    State -50

    National -75

    Global -00

    Character. Assets,. Means,. or.ResourcesLiestyle measures a characters wealth andaccess to other resources (see p. 6) as shown onthe table below:

    Rank Value Level o Wealth/Liestyle

    - Unemployment or statebenets.

    -5 Student or part-timeemployment.

    6-9 Full-time, hourly wage

    employment.0-9 Proessional employment.

    0-9 Independently wealthy.

    0-9 Small corporation.

    0-9 Large, internationalcorporation.

    50-7 Small nation.

    75-99 Large nation.

    00-9 Superpower

    50-999 Global resources.

    000 Galactic resources.

    In general, the Gamemaster should allowcharacters to procure items and servicesappropriate to their Liestyle Rank Value unless itwould interere with an adventure.

    Optional.HealingFor adventures that take place over a serieso days, or i youre just looking or a littlemore depth in your games, characters heal anumber o Damage points each night equal tothe Rank Value o their Fortitude.

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    4C System

    Character. Fame,. Popularity,.or.PrestigeA characters Repute is used when a character isdealing with the public; the player rolls d% on theMaster Table and checks the color result:

    Color Public Reaction

    Black Unavorable (Get out o hereyou reak!)

    Red Favorable (Thanks.)Blue Very Favorable (That was


    Yellow Extremely Favorable (You arethe greatest!)

    Actions Speak Louder Than Words: TheGamemaster may assign Row Step bonuses andpenalties to the d% to reect the characters

    actions prior to interacting with the public. Theollowing are some suggested modiers:

    Circumstance Modier

    Threatening - Row Steps to reactionswhen threatening a citizen

    Friendly + Row Steps to reactionswhen treating citizens in ariendly manner

    Dealing with Criminals: The above assumes thecharacter is dealing with law-abiding citizenry.I the character is interacting with criminalsthe table is reversed; a black result indicates aavorable response.

    Gaining and Losing Repute Points

    Each time a character stops a crime or saves a lie

    (or, i things arent going well, commits a crime orkills), and the action is known to the public, thecharacter gains or loses Repute points:

    Points Gained or Lost

    Thwart Criminal Activity +

    Save a Lie +

    Commit Criminal Activity -

    The above amounts are suggestions only. I the

    crime a character stopped would have aectedthe entire city or i the lie the character savedwas that o someone important or amous, thecharacter may gain bonus points.

    VehiclesExcept or those with special movement powers(see p.00), characters will need to rely on vehiclesi they want to quickly cross long distances.

    All vehicles are dened by three Vehicle Traits:

    Durability This Vehicle Trait is a measure o how muchdamage a vehicle can suer beore it is destroyed.It also doubles as armor, reducing the damage thevehicle and characters inside the vehicle suerrom an attack by its value.

    This Vehicle Trait uses a numerical score (notRank Value) that is decreased as the vehicletakes damage and increased when the vehicle

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    is repaired; this Vehicle Trait may never dropbelow a score o 0 and never be raised above itsstarting value. Damaging and repairing vehiclesis discussed on p. 00.

    Handling This Vehicle Trait measures the agility o a

    vehicle. This Vehicle Trait uses a Rank Value (seep. 6). Perorming sharp turns or other unusualmaneuvers is handled with this Trait; roll d% andcompare the color result to the difculty o themaneuver on the ollowing table:

    Color Difculty

    Black Easy (standard turns)

    Red Average (sharp turns)

    Blue Difcult (jumping over a

    broken bridge)Yellow Ridiculous (turning a car on to

    two wheels to slip through anarrow alley)

    I the result equals the color or a greater color themaneuver succeeded. I the maneuver ails thevehicle crashes.

    Crash: When a vehicle crashes its operator mustroll or the severity o the crash. Roll d% on theMaster Table using the operators Coordination

    Rank Value and compare the result to theollowing table:

    Color Result

    Black Vehicle crashes into an appropriateobject, character, or vehicle (asdetermined by the Gamemaster)in the same sector in which themaneuver was attempted. I thevehicle crashes into a character or

    other vehicle there is a chance orthe vehicle to avoid the crash (seeCollision p. 00).

    Red As black but the vehicle crashes in anadjacent sector to the one in whichthe maneuver was attempted.

    Blue Same as red.

    Yellow Same as red.

    For purposes o damage inicted/suered, acrash is treated like a collision. I there is nothingbut ground to hit in the sector the vehicle crashesinto the ground (Material Value 50).

    VelocityThis Vehicle Trait measures the number o sectors

    a vehicle may move in a single turn. This VehicleTrait uses a numerical score (not Rank Value).

    Vehicle CombatVehicles are attacked like characters; roll theattack and apply damage i the attack hits.Vehicles cannot wrestle or be wrestled.

    Collisions: A vehicle hits something (a character,wall, another vehicle, etc.). A vehicles operatormay choose to purposeully hit an object (ram)and the selected target must roll d% on the MasterTable using Coordination i on oot or the vehiclesVehicle Trait # (Control, Handling, Maneuvering,etc.) i operating a vehicle and compare the resultto the ollowing table:

    Color Result

    Black Failure. The target is hit and suerscollision damage.

    Red Success. The target gets out o the

    way.Blue Same as red.

    Yellow Same as red.

    Collision Damage: The struck object suers anumber o points o damage equal to the vehiclesDurability and the striking vehicle suers anumber o points o damage depending on whatwas hit:

    Character: I the character has armor(either worn or natural), the vehiclesuers a number o points o damageequal to the armors Rank Value.

    Vehicle: The vehicle suers a number opoints o damage equal to the secondvehicles Durability.

    Object: The vehicle suers a number opoints o damage equal to the MaterialValue o the hit object.

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    Characters Inside a Vehicle: Charactersinside a vehicle that is involved in acollision suer 0 points o damage orevery sector the vehicle moved that turnprior to the collision.

    A vehicle involved in a collision moves no urtherthat turn.

    Vehicle Damage and RepairsA vehicle with its Durability reduced to 0 iscompletely destroyed; it cannot be repaired.Vehicles are ully repaired between adventures.

    Sample VehiclesThe ollowing is a small selection o vehicles. The Gamemaster should use these as a point o reerenceor vehicles o his own design.

    Vehicle Durability Handling Velocity

    Compact Car 0 6 6 (sectors/turn)Sports Car 0 0 (sectors/turn)

    Private Jet 0 0 0 (sectors/turn)

    As a superhero game, character advancementis slightly out-o-genre and not completelyappropriate. For those o you that likeadvancement, though, characters may improvetheir traits and powers as ollows:

    Traits: A character may spend Fortune (see p. 6)to improve the Rank Value o traits. Increasing aRank Value by one costs a number o points equalto the current value.

    Example: Joseph wishes to increase his charactersMelee rom 30 to 31. This costs 30 points.

    Powers: The Rank Values o powers can beincreased in the same way as the Rank Value o Traits: Increasing a Rank Value by one costs anumber o points equal to the current value.

    A character may also gain a completely newpower with its Rank Value determined randomly by spending ,000 points. This new power musthave an in-game explanation (be it an accident,a new gadget, super serum, or any other meansapproved by the Gamemaster).

    Skills: A character can gain a new skill at the costo 50 points. As with new powers, there needs

    to be an in-game reason or this new skill (maybethe character has been attending night school).

    Character Advancement

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