THE 49YEAR MANIFESTO Issued at the Sirius Festival Leo Full Moon 2000 A.D. Libra Full Moon 2001 AD Recent dates 1805 1854 1903 1952 2001 2050 2099 KEYNOTE QUOTE: "The Masters, however, do not "take this initiation" whenever They are ready to "make decision." The opportunity comes to the Hierarchy every forty-nine years...." (R&I, pg. 721) “It is the opening of every new life cycle of 49 years which makes for the development of the human race, even if it must open on conditions so indescribably awful as to stagger the imagination of man, the Masters who have traversed the tessellated floor of the Great Initiation Chamber, rejoice”. (Teachings of the Temple, Master Hilarion) Now, the potency of that which lies behind the sixth initiation will take hold of the evolutionary process and will implement divine purpose. What that potency in truth may be, we cannot yet know; we do know, however, that it is closely related to the will-to-synthesis; this will enable the Christ to break down the barriers and the separating walls which selfish, self-centered and materialistic humanity (largely with the aid of the churches of the world, with their materialistic bias) has built, thereby letting in the [RI656] light of understanding and clearing the way for a fuller expression of the will of God. COMMENTARY

_49 Year Manifesto

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49 year manifesto

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Page 1: _49 Year Manifesto


Issued at the Sirius Festival Leo Full Moon 2000 A.D.

Libra Full Moon 2001 AD

Recent dates









"The Masters, however, do not "take this initiation" whenever They are ready to "make decision." The

opportunity comes to the Hierarchy every forty-nine years...." (R&I, pg. 721)

“It is the opening of every new life cycle of 49 years which makes for the development of the human

race, even if it must open on conditions so indescribably awful as to stagger the imagination of man, the

Masters who have traversed the tessellated floor of the Great Initiation Chamber, rejoice”. (Teachings

of the Temple, Master Hilarion)

Now, the potency of that which lies behind the sixth initiation will take hold of the evolutionary process

and will implement divine purpose. What that potency in truth may be, we cannot yet know; we do

know, however, that it is closely related to the will-to-synthesis; this will enable the Christ to break

down the barriers and the separating walls which selfish, self-centered and materialistic humanity

(largely with the aid of the churches of the world, with their materialistic bias) has built, thereby letting

in the [RI656] light of understanding and clearing the way for a fuller expression of the will of God.


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At the Libra full Moon, along a rhythmic line of precise mathematical regularity every 49 years the

ceremonial event of the 6th initiation occurs. The position of the sun in the 7th sign of Libra is of

paramount import in the ceremonial event chart. The 6th initiation is ruled by the 3rd ray and it is the 3rd

ray which is being transmitted via the sun from the sign of Libra (3rd Creative Hierarchy – the Triads)

by the ceremonial rod of Initiation. Suffice it to say this event is a major Lodge Festival. It is an event

in the united Life of the One Lodge wherein occurs what is known as a great process of extra-planetary

ashramic sharing. This is due to the influx of cosmic 7th ray electrical energies from the solar Logos of

the constellation of Draco, the Great Dragon (cosmic base of spine) to the planetary Logos of Earth, -

(777), the “Lesser” Dragon – (solar base of spine). Draco the Great Dragon is the cosmic prototype of

the Logos of Earth and hence, the two are directly related and function along the same synchronous

mathematical line of rhythm. Keep in mind; the solar scheme of earth is a miniature replica of its great

prototype – the great Dragon. .Forget not, all creative processes proceed with a cyclic rhythm. The

streams of energy that supply life force to the seven planetary centres on Earth pour through in lines of

mathematical precision in regular rhythms of seven years. Seven successive seven year periods

numerically operate within each 49 year period.

The Grand Heavenly Man of Draco is the source of the seventh Ray and is the major transmitter of

radiation from the Central Spiritual Sun and is the cosmic source of Logoic Kundalini. The prime

function of the Great Dragon beyond all else, is that of adaptation or the moulding of the form and

making it suitable to the specific needs of His six Great Brothers. On Earth this relationship concerns

stimulation, vitalisation and consequent co-ordination of the seven major Ashramic centers along with

the developing 49 subsidiary centers. Keep in mind, "7", is the Sacred Number of the seventh ray and

the key number for its cycle of emanatory impulses. It is the factor number, sina qua non, which

governs the evolution of substance and of form building on in Kosmos, on earth and in man. The

perpetually recurring cycle of setting in motion new cosmic energies into the earth, occurs with

planetary wide significances in a successive series of seven cycles of seven years creatively altering

matters in periods of 49 years. At the penultimate moment of the 49 year cycle, the final "luminous

door" of Initiation is opened leading to one or other of the seven cosmic Paths. On the basis of seen

opportunity and through response to the seven phases of cosmic vision the Chohan faces, what is for

him, the final great crisis of vision within the planetary ring-pass-not. Only at the stated cycle of time is

it possible to attain Liberation along one or other of the sevenfold strands of cosmic substance which

form the seven divisions of the planetary antahkarana.

As we would logically expect, there is a direct numerical relationship between the seven Paths, the

seven Rays, the seven Centres, the seven major Initiations and the seven Races of men. The result of

the "Decision" at the 6th initiation inevitably drastically and permanently affects the planet as a whole.

The essential task of these Dragons of Wisdom is to increase the luminosity of the seven planetary

centers by expressing themselves as intelligent creative cooperators with the Building Forces of the

planet and the solar system. This, they do, by releasing powerful new extra-planetary energies into the

planetary body of expression. They alone, are the special group which is especially creatively

responsible for the control and release of the inflowing electrical tide of energy emanating from the

Great Dragon. At the positive center of each one of our seven planetary centres, which comprise the

seven faceted "Jewel in the Lotus" of our planetary Logos, is a door to one or other of the seven cosmic

Paths via the sevenfold planetary antahkarana. Each strand of the sevenfold strand of the antahkarana is

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anchored within the central positive nucleus of the respective ashramic center. The cosmic paths

themselves, form, therefore, the seven divisions of the rainbow bridge.

It is perfectly clear that the externalization of the Hierarchy, the restoration of the Mysteries and the

reappearance of the Christ dominate the present planetary timetable and agenda. According to the

Tibetan, the energies of the Great Dragon reach our planetary Lodge of Masters via the zodiacal sign of

Libra. (R&I, pg.426) I think, therefore, that it is at the time of the 7th sign corresponding to the 7th ray

of ceremonial organization at the Libra Full Moon of 2001AD., that the Great Hierarchical Ascension

will take place and the floodgate of the onrushing tide of new energies will be released. The year 2001

AD will be a year of tremendous spiritual crisis and a year when it should prove possible to greatly

accelerate the preparations for the reappearance of the Christ. It will mark a major turning point in the

thinking of the world-disciple, in discipleship goals and Ashramic affairs until the year 2050. In other

words, this is the single most important spiritual event of our time, except for the Great Return itself.

Ponder on that! Those individuals and groups who do not avail themselves of this once in a LIFETIME

opportunity will miss their chance to be a part of the greatest Hierarchical undertaking in human

history. The following reference from the Tibetan is of enormous importance for the world-wide group.

Please read it carefully and reflect upon its individual and group implications!

"While these centennial conclaves are being held at the close of the first twenty-five years of every

century, the Lord of the World with the Members of His Council watch the process of decision in order

to see how far the will of the Hierarchy conforms to that aspect of the divine will which should be

expressed in the three worlds as the result of Their decision. They watch also Those particular Masters

Who should in a short time be ready for the sixth initiation, in order to see how much of the divine will

They register and what is the nature and quality of Their use of it. By recording that quality, the

Council at Shamballah is able to determine with great accuracy which of the seven Paths a certain

initiate will choose. In this manner They become aware of how many senior disciples will be needed to

take over the headship of an Ashram, with a consequent admittance of many disciples to the initiation

next in order for them. At the same time, aspirants on the periphery of an Ashram are enabled to move

forward into full ashramic participation." (R&I, pg. 393-4)

The Ashramic sharing in the ascension of power, love and insight which comes during the 49 year

cycle of Initiation creates vacancies and at the same time a tremendous influx of power. At the high

moment of ascension all within the Ashram react in some way and no one moves forward on the path

without creating a new relationship and becoming a better transmitter of power. The sharing in the

results of the inflow of extra-planetary force is, without a doubt, a major spiritual event in the united

life of the Ashram of Christ. From Discipleship in the New Age Vol II, Section Three, Teachings on

Initiations, pg. 330:

"This ashramic sharing is one of the great compensations of discipleship. By means of it added light

can be "endured." I would like to have you ponder upon that phrase. Great united strength can be

brought to the service of the Plan, and the occult significance of the words: My strength is as the

strength of ten, because my heart is pure" can be grasped. The perfected strength of the Ashram

(symbolised by the number 10) becomes available to the disciple whose purity of heart has enabled him

to penetrate into the Ashram; his knowledge becomes more rapidly transmuted into wisdom as his mind

is subjected to the play of the higher understanding of Those with Whom he is associated; gradually he

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begins to contribute his quota of light and of understanding to those just entering and to those who are

his equals.".

"I would remind you here that all civilisations and cultures are externalisations - modified, qualified

and adaped to racial needs - of the potent, vibrating and planned activity of the world initiates and the

disciples who constitute the Hierarchy of the time." (DINA II pg. 271)

"Whilst doing this, They Themselves are preparing to tread the "Way of Higher Evolution." (DINA II

pg. 271)

As previously stated, the mathematical rule of this relationship is in operation for forty-nine years and

corresponds to the first reigns of seven years each of the first seven chief Chohans - the central points

of the planetary centres. These seven Ashrams are, in fact, the "proving grounds" for the Masters "in

training" for the next cycle of the 6th Initiation. Let me here enumerate the upcoming periods of

Ashramic training.

Upcoming Cycle of Training Periods

1st ray Ashram.............. 2001-2008

Chohan Morya.

2nd ray Ashram.............2008-2015

Chohan Koot Humi

3rd ray Ashram.............2015-2022

Chohan Rakoczi

4th ray Ashram..............2022-2029

Chohan Serapis

5th ray Ashram..............2029-2036

Chohan Hilarion

6th ray Ashram..............2036-2043

Chohan Jesus

7th ray Ashram.............2043-2050

Unnamed Chohan

These seven major Ashrams, as you know, are the focal points in the Hierarchy of the seven rays. The

electrical demonstration of the Light Supernal occurs under the seven successive seven year periods via

the specific planetary Ashramic centers and enables Sanat Kumura through their agency to periodically

renew the world. In clear words, the lesser lights of the seven planetary Ashramic centers must be

successively blended in a gradual and progressive series with the incoming "Light Supernal." This leads

to a progressive series of Ashramic awakenings, progress, movement, evolution, growth, expansion and

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enlightenment. In this cosmic relationship we see the great creative process working out as the

progressive demonstration of the divine intention, purpose and Plan of Sanat Kumura as it assumes

Hierarchical form. The cosmic relationship between the seventh ray, Earth and Draco along the path of

the planetary rainbow bridge of Sanat Kumura is of supreme importance to comprehend. This is the

case because the goal of all planetary human initiatiory process, that is, nothing less than the entire

proposed Hierarchical programme of Initiation, is summed up by D.K., in these words:

The fifth point of revelation:

"When the light of the seven Rays is blended with the seventh Ray, then Light Supernal can be known."

(DINA Vol II, pg. 439)

The profound importance of the 49 year cycle of the "Great Plan" must be grasped by the world-

disciple because their task is to implement said Plan into human and racial expression. Perhaps now, all

of you will better understand, the supreme importance of the seventh Ray and the base of the spine

centre as regards their special role and function in the Initiatory process instituted on Earth. Please

attempt to further understand that this relationship is based upon the cosmic Path relationship between

Sanat Kumura and the Great Dragon. The threefold ray structure of Sanat Kumura, i.e. first Ray

Monad, second ray Soul and third Ray personality is configured in such a manner by the three major

Rays because they correspond to the three channels found within the spinal coloumn, the Ida, Pingala

and sushuma, the passageways for the three major fires or rays. Reflect on this.

Let us keep in mind, the whole theme of Revelation is the revelation of light and the entry into ever

widening spheres of "lighted consciousness." The mantra of initiation is simply stated as follows:

"Light is substance" and "substance is energy". In this sense, the salient initiatory task is the recognition

of that which is ever in active planetary expression ; "it is not in reality the revelation of something new

and hiterto unknown." In the great process of of extra-planetary Ashramic Sharing the disciple becomes

an Agent of the Light; in truth, welcomes the revelation of light. He know he must prepare himself to

be able to "endure the light." He further knows, this involves the expression of the highest form of

sacrificial will of which he is capable. The first point to grasp is that the limitation to perceive what is

already self-existent is in ourselves and discarding of personal or individual limitation is the means to

discover the "Way of Revelation." In other words, we become aware of the specific solar center our

Earth is the expression of, its special functions, ray alignments, cosmic Path assignments and the

mathematical cycles of its periodical electrical demonstration and consequent activity.

Keep in mind, it is the respective and specific Ashramic function to cyclically qualify, adapt and mould

the "Supernal Light" for human and racial expression, in line with the mathematical operation of the

newly released energies, for the next stated 7 year period or interval of Ashramic training, vivification

and operation. As the extra-systemic kundalini cycles successively through the seven planetary centres

"special training" is given by the Chief Chohan to qualified disciples and senior initiates; nonetheless,

all members within the Ashram benefit tremendously from the 7th ray energy enhancement. Keep in

mind, no one knows what will be the outcome of the Great Decision. We have been assured by D.K.,

however, that the form aspect of our our modern civilization, at this time, need not be destroyed, hence,

there will be no flood or fire or other major catastrophic disaster of a planetary nature. Nonetheless,

there will be the presentation of a major planetary crisis as a result of the Great Decision. One by one,

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the seven planetary centers will be vivified a called into enhanced electrical activity. This process, as

stated, always leads to major new Hierarchical undertakings.

It will be evident to the student of the seven rays who has been carefully following my commentary that

we are just approaching the final 7th year period of the 7th ray period of the present 49 year cycle. Since

1994, there has been a tremendous impetus given to the externalization of the Plan and the emergence

of the mystery schools of occultism. There have been better results shown in the line of individual

occult development during this last lesser cycle. These results are due to the persistent exercise of the

newly developed powers of equilibrium by the world disciple. This has enabled them to hold

themselves together in a more balanced condition of mentality while a stronger and higher vibratory

key was being struck by the Will of Sanat Kumura. During this intense period many things and

conditions evolved in previous cycles were changing and adapting themselves to the new vibratory key,

and so falling in line for future action.

Keep in mind, the ushering in of every new birth cycle of man is at the close of the sixth year, and the

opening of the seventh gives tremendous opportunity for spiritual and occult development. At such

periods the life lines cross each other and there is set up in the mind of the student an incentive to take a

radical step in one direction or another which will determine the trend of future efforts. A very

important cycle, the last of the seven lesser cycles of seven years each which comprise the larger cycle

of 49 years, is now closing. The gain of the individual disciples such as those of the Master D.K., by his

imminent rise in degree - cosmic position - is wrought by and in accordance with precession and

position. Each advance made in the cosmic scale by a Master advances all who follow the former on the

same scale, in the same cyclic round, and therefore leads to a change in Ashramic position as well as

interior relations. By passing into the "higher group" the Tibetan, for example, opens the way for a

change in his 2nd ray Ashramic enviroment and new impelling opportunity, for those who are next in

line. The year 2001 will see, therefore, opportunity for the 2nd subsidiary Ashramic group, presently on

the periphery of his Ashram, to "cross the line" and enter into the inner group.

On this 49 year cyclic sweep of the Divine Will a much greater number than in any previous cycle have

been prepared and are ready for higher positions. In the previous 49 year cycle which just commenced

such was not the case. The higher evolution of so many degrees of force and substance constituting the

enviroment of the present races of men afforded opportunity for advancement on less interior lines, to a

much greater number of people, who have thus, only just now, been prepared for higher positions. Let

me now, attempt for a moment to throw some light on the process whereby certain Initiates reach a

higher stage of development than their former associates. Personal free will may be the divine

prerogative of the disciple, but the Will of Sanat Kumura governing the action of the 49 year Cyclic

law is much greater in wisdom, knowledge and power. The Will of Sanat Kumura has decreed that "the

first principle or thing or creature of one cyclic round shall be the last of the next succeeding cyclic

round in the cosmic spiral which reaches from the physical to the spiritual plane." The second in line

can never take the position of the first until the latter has passed on into the next higher initiatory round

or spiral, or "has fallen back to the last position of the round it was upon at the time of the change."

Therefore, no matter to what extent free will is operating in the life of the disciple and may be exercised

in individual affairs, his position in the 49 year cyclic spiral is determined by the higher Will of S.K.

However, even though a disciple's latitude is so wide in his own field of will power, there is,

nonetheless, no injustice on what at first thought might appear to be his arbitrary control. It is his

individual past karma that has fitted each soul for the position it occupies in the cosmic scale, whatever

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his position in life may be. Furthermore, if a disciple is connected with any one Great Soul in the cycle

of time wherein is developing individual parts or subsidiary groups of the same Ashramic Soul which

governs that cycle, his karma must be inextricably intertwined with that of each one of those parts.

Therefore, all within the Ashram are subject to the Will of the Group Soul. Ponder on this! It is logical,

is it not, that the disciple who has overcome the lower, heavier karmic obstacles which confront all

disciples, must inevitably reach the first position on the spiral line, owing to the special action of the

law which compels any light substance to rise to the top of the heavier one (unless separated by a third

substance native, but repellant to both)? The special action of the 49 year cyclic law arouses the Divine

Will of Sanat Kumura to distinguish between the lower and the heavier aspects of matter and separates

it from the higher, that is, the physical from the Spiritual. He does this by the introduction of a third

aspect, the seat of free will in man, at the same time defining the position of each soul, at every stage of

progress on the line of cyclic progression. Do not misunderstand me, the Divine Will governing cyclic

law is not in opposition to human will in an arbitrary sense. The Will of Sanat Kumura is working to

bring all temporarily differentiated wills to the point where they will recognize the fact that there can be

but one Will and that Will is Good.

My brothers, let me remind all of you of the futility of personal satisfaction through position. Ashramic

members are not battling for position; position of one kind or another, merely for the sake of control,

power or position. It is "the least of these" who gains the recognition of the Hierophant by reason of the

"child heart" that obeys unquestioningly those initiates who have the karmic right to such obedience and

so act in conjunction with the Will of Sanat Kumura. In the "child heart," the dividing line - the

confining force - is giving way. Spirit has refined soul and the soul is refining the body. There has

transpired a change in such a life that has reversed the action of the force acting as repulsion, and the

force of attraction - 6th cosmic astral plane - is now drawing together and combining all three, body,

soul and spirit, on a higher plane, and the position of such an initiate in the cosmic scale is secured for

all time.


It is of interest to have in mind also that at this sixth initiation a great moment of basically historic

interest occurs. All the Masters Who are initiates of the sixth degree meet in conclave and together, and

before making Their final decision (which will probably remove Them from the Path of Earth Service),

decide what measures They propose the Hierarchy should take which will drastically and permanently

affect the planet on which They have lived and for which They have worked. You will notice that I

have here called Them "initiates of the sixth degree," bringing to your minds the fact that before a man

takes an initiation of any degree, He is already an initiate of that degree. They in Their totality - at any

given time - are the group which makes final decision anent human affairs. It was a decision made by

this group of initiates during the ancient Atlantean civilization which brought it to an end; the decision

which They will make now will produce great changes in our modern civilization. The Masters,

however, do not "take this initiation" whenever They are ready to "make decision." The opportunity

comes to the Hierarchy every forty-nine years.

When the Rods of Initiation are held in the hands of the Initiator in His position of power, and at the

stated seasons, they act as transmitters of electric force from very high levels, - so high indeed that the

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"Flaming Diamond" at certain of the final initiations (the sixth and seventh) transmits force, via the

Logos, from outside the system altogether. [TCF211]


The higher initiations will still be taken individually or in groups of three, but not more. When the

Masters take the sixth initiation, they perforce take it alone at the "midway point" between Shamballa

and the Hierarchy, apparently deserted by both attentive groups. There, in complete silence and in a

condition of "isolated unity," they will make their great decision. Then and only then will they become

aware of the vast attentive spiritual audience that has awaited their will.

It must be remembered that under the law of economy wherever there is an application or a

transmission of force from one force center to another there is a consequent diminution in the center of

withdrawal. This is the basis of the set times an seasons in connection with the initiation ceremony. The

sun is the source of all energy and power, and the work of the Initiator is facilitated when advantage is

taken of favorable solar conditions. The times and seasons are ascertained through esoteric solar and

cosmic astrology; this being based, of course, on the correct figures, the true mathematical conception,

and a real knowledge of the basic facts concerning the planets and the solar system. [IHS143]


The Seven Head Centers of the Chohan

By the application of the Rod of Initiation at the time of the 6th Initiation Ceremony, definite results are

achieved in connection with the seven Head centers. The fire at the base of the spine is definitely

directed to the seven Head Centers and is the object of special kundalini attention. As a result of the

terrific inflow of the cosmic 7th ray energies emanating from the constellation of the Great Dragon and

transmitted along the unified sevenfold pathway of the planetary antahkarana, the seven head centers

activity is intensified and their revolution increased. Keep in mind; when the One Initiator applies the

Rod of his power at the sixth Initiation the downflow of energy is from the Monad and the main

direction of the force is to the seven head centers, and at the 7th Initiation to the radiant head center

above, synthesizing the lesser seven head centers.


At the 6th Initiation the Chohans gain power on the 3rd Ray.

You have oft been told that there are four Lords of Karma associated with the Council Chamber at

Shamballa. They represent - in Their totality - the three Rays of Aspect, and one of Them represents the

four minor Rays of Attribute. It is the Lord of Karma Who implements the destinies of Those Who are

conditioned by the third Ray of Active Intelligence (and this is ever the case with Those Who are taking

the sixth initiation) and Who - symbolically speaking - "wipes clean the slate" of this particular group

[725] of initiates at this particular time. Karma no longer holds Them.

This initiation is therefore governed by the third ray, the Ray of Intelligent Activity. This ray is closely

related to the mental plane of our planetary life, to the Law of Fixation and the Law of Cleavages.

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Fixation is not permitted to the eternal pilgrim upon our little planet, the Earth, but when that is left

behind entirely at the ninth initiation the initiate becomes a "fixed or stationary point of light within his

chosen Place, the Place of the Most High and the point of fire upon the mountain-top. From that point

he will no more go out." [726]


The revelation accorded to the Initiate in the first stage of the initiation gives Him a complete picture

"in a flash of endless time" of the processes which have brought Him to this creative moment of

decision. Immediately He achieves a point of tension which He will continue to hold until the final or

ninth initiation, the Initiation of Refusal, wherein He rejects, refuses or repudiates His entire past and

enters upon His chosen path entirely "free of recollected concepts, but exhibiting to Those Great Lives

Who welcome Him upon the new and untried path all that He is and the essence of His Being."


Now, the potency of that which lies behind the sixth initiation will take hold of the evolutionary process

and will implement divine purpose. What that potency in truth may be, we cannot yet know; we do

know, however, that it is closely related to the will-to-synthesis; this will enable the Christ to break

down the barriers and the separating walls which selfish, self-centered and materialistic humanity

(largely with the aid of the churches of the world, with their materialistic bias) has built, thereby letting

in the [RI656] light of understanding and clearing the way for a fuller expression of the will of God.

I felt that the practical aspect of what the Masters are doing might prove useful to you.


During the 6th initiation Special Event Ceremony the three important factors are:

1. The Initiator.

2. The triangle of force formed by three adepts or three Kumaras.

3. The sponsors.

At the 6th initiation, "the three esoteric Kumaras" form a triangle wherein the Chohan (s) stand, when

facing the Planetary Logos. A number of members of the Hierarchy who are extra-planetary in

consciousness and who function outside the dense physical and the etheric globe of our planet attend



It might be of interest to point out here that during this part of the ceremony the group is bathed in

color, corresponding to the type of energy and its originating planetary scheme, and it is the work of the

Initiator to put the initiate in touch with this energy. This pours down upon the group from the moment

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that segregation has been effected, and is brought about by the Initiator using certain words and

elevating his Rod of Power. The three Buddhas of Activity, who are the great energy centers upon our

planet, then touch the tip of the Rod with their staffs of office, a certain mystic Word is jointly uttered

by them, and the downpour begins, continuing to the end of the ceremony. {IHS148]


The threefold work of the Lodge during the ceremony may be described as follows:

First: The chanting of certain mantrams sets loose energy from a particular planetary Center. It must be

remembered here that every planetary scheme is a Center in the body of a Solar Logos, and embodies a

peculiar type of energy or force. According to the energy desired at a particular initiation, so it is

transferred, via the sun, from that planetary Center to the initiate. The procedure is as follows:

1. The energy is set in motion from the planetary Center through the power of the Planetary Logos,

aided by the scientific knowledge of the Lodge, and the utilization of certain words of power.

2. It passes thence to the sun where it mingles with pure solar energy.

3. It is transmitted from the sun to that particular chain in our Earth scheme which corresponds

numerically to the particular originating planetary scheme. [144]

4. From there it is transferred to the corresponding globe, and thence to the dense physical planet. By

the use of a particular mantram the Initiator then focuses the energy in his own body, using it both as a

receiving and a transmitting station. Eventually it reaches the initiate, via the Triangle and the


All these three aspects of the work of the ESOTERIC KUMARAS and initiates in Lodge assembled,

occupy them until the moment when the Rod has been applied. The entire ceremonial then changes,

prior to the taking of the oath and the revelation of the Word and Secret.The Sponsors drop back from

either side of the initiate and take their places in the ranks, whilst the three KUMURAS take their stand

behind the seat of office of the Hierophant. The Lodge members are grouped differently, and

CHOHANS of the same degree as the new Chohans place themselves around, and assist in the final

part of the ceremony; the remainder of the initiates and adepts stand in their various grades.

"The earlier three stages of the initiation ceremony are the same for all initiations. In the final two

stages those who are not of equal rank with the newly made initiate (such as first degree initiates at the

initiation of a third degree member) drop back to the rear of the Hall of Initiation at Shamballa, and a

"wall of silence" is built up through mantric energy between the two groups; a vacuum, so to speak, is

formed, and nothing can then be transmitted from the [IHS146] inner group to the outer. The latter

confine themselves to deep meditation and the chanting of certain formulas, and in the inner group

around the Hierophant a dual performance is taking place": -

1. The newly made initiate is taking the oath.

2. Certain Words and Secrets are being handed over to him.

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