4850 Haughn Road Grove City Ohio 43123 ne of my mentors, Rev. Sue Kibbey likes to talk about the different ways that we experience God when we pray. She says that sometimes when we pray, the lights are on. As we talk to God, we can sense the power and presence of God in a profound way, so much so that it seems as if every part of our life is illuminated in the power of the Holy Spirit and we have clarity of thought and direction, even in making the most difficult of decisions. These times feel good because we feel the power of God and are encouraged to believe that no matter the obstacles we are facing, God can and will provide. But sometimes when we pray the lights are off. We pray, and it feels like a one way conversation. We pray and we don’t feel anything. And often times we misunderstand this feeling of being alone for actu- ally being alone. In a journal entry, shortly before her death, Mother Theresa of Calcutta wrote, “I am told God lives in me and yet the reality of darkness and coldness and emptiness is so great that nothing touches my soul.” Mother Theresa, one of the heroes of Christianity in the 20th century, rarely sensed the presence of God, but her life demonstrated the power and presence of God in the care she showed for the unwanted and orphaned of Calcutta. We are entering into a season where we celebrate Jesus coming to dwell with us, and for many of us, this is a time where we can see God’s fingerprints over every part of our lives. We are overwhelmed with the beauty of a fresh dusting of snow on a cold, clear night. We sense God’s grace as we share a cup of hot chocolate with a close friend. We are filled with a spirit of hope and peace as we sing Silent Night while holding candles in the Sanctuary. But for others of us, this is a lonely season where we don’t sense God’s grace. We sit alone, lamenting the loss of one who we loved. We are chilled to the bone, as we scrape the ice off of our windshields. We see everyone else smiling, laughing, and enjoying God’s goodness and we feel like for some reason our name isn’t on the list. Hear the good news: when we feel like God is far away, especially those times when we desperately wish we could feel God’s presence, it is then that God is closer than we can imagine. The truth is that we cannot long so deeply for something that is not intimately close to us. God never leaves us nor forsakes us and in these times where it feels like the lights are out, God is there, sustaining us in the darkness. -Pastor Caleb

4850 Haughn Road Grove City Ohio 43123 like for some reason our name isn’t on the list. Hear the good news: when we feel like God is far away, especially those times when we desperately

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Page 1: 4850 Haughn Road Grove City Ohio 43123 like for some reason our name isn’t on the list. Hear the good news: when we feel like God is far away, especially those times when we desperately

4850 Haughn Road Grove City Ohio 43123

ne of my mentors, Rev. Sue Kibbey likes to talk about the different ways that we experience God when

we pray. She says that sometimes when we pray, the lights are on. As we talk to God, we can sense

the power and presence of God in a profound way, so much so that it seems as if every part of our life is

illuminated in the power of the Holy Spirit and we have clarity of thought and direction, even in making the

most difficult of decisions. These times feel good because we feel the power of God and are encouraged to

believe that no matter the obstacles we are facing, God can and will provide.

But sometimes when we pray the lights are off. We pray, and it feels like a one way conversation.

We pray and we don’t feel anything. And often times we misunderstand this feeling of being alone for actu-

ally being alone. In a journal entry, shortly before her death, Mother Theresa of Calcutta wrote, “I am told

God lives in me — and yet the reality of darkness and coldness and emptiness is so great that nothing

touches my soul.” Mother Theresa, one of the heroes of Christianity in the 20th century, rarely sensed the

presence of God, but her life demonstrated the power and presence of God in the care she showed for the

unwanted and orphaned of Calcutta.

We are entering into a season where we celebrate Jesus coming to dwell with us, and for many of us,

this is a time where we can see God’s fingerprints over every part of our lives. We are overwhelmed with the

beauty of a fresh dusting of snow on a cold, clear night. We sense God’s grace as we share a cup of hot

chocolate with a close friend. We are filled with a spirit of hope and peace as we sing Silent Night while

holding candles in the Sanctuary. But for others of us, this is a lonely season where we don’t sense God’s

grace. We sit alone, lamenting the loss of one who we loved. We are chilled to the bone, as we scrape the

ice off of our windshields. We see everyone else smiling, laughing, and enjoying God’s goodness and we

feel like for some reason our name isn’t on the list.

Hear the good news: when we feel like God is far away, especially those times when we desperately

wish we could feel God’s presence, it is then that God is closer than we can imagine. The truth is that we

cannot long so deeply for something that is not intimately close to us. God never leaves us nor forsakes us

and in these times where it feels like the lights are out, God is there, sustaining us in the darkness.

-Pastor Caleb

Page 2: 4850 Haughn Road Grove City Ohio 43123 like for some reason our name isn’t on the list. Hear the good news: when we feel like God is far away, especially those times when we desperately

Parsonage Roof Complete! Thank You!

For several months your contributions and efforts for the parsonage renovations have done many things and the last ma-

jor goal has been realized! The parsonage roof has been re-shingled! Your contributions made it happen! Thank you!

It looks great and is ready for whatever the seasons bring. Pastor Caleb, Cindy, and the Trustees truly appreciate your


Painting Party Saturday - - - November 5, 9:30AM

This year many things have been done to enhance the beauty of our church—the work of the declutter team, new sign-

age, audiovisual equipment, and bistro tables. With all these things in place, it seems like an excellent time for a new

coat of paint! So grab a friend and come to the painting party on November 5th. Your help is needed to make this a

fun and quick job in addition to being a “handyman” (and handywoman!) for God.

The Narthex and Library will be painted as well as the metal exit doors (for example, the multipurpose exit doors). If

you would like to help (getting ready to paint, painting or putting things back in order afterward) or have painting tools

(brushes, rollers, paint trays, tray liners, painter’s tape roller handle extenders and, especially, ladders and tarps), we’d

love to hear from you. There’s a signup sheet on the Mission cabinet. Questions? Contact: Linda Sampson, 614-214-

5843, or [email protected].

Is Technical Expertise your calling?

Is technical expertise your calling? If so, we’d love to bring you on board to help maintain the church computers and/or

assist in running the AV equipment and slides on Sunday morning. Contact: Linda Sampson, 614-214-5843, or

[email protected] for more information.

More Volunteer Opportunities that keep Trinity Beautiful

If you’d like to help maintain our church, there are two additional volunteer opportunities to consider:

1) occasionally oversee carpet cleaning (we have three volunteers, so one more would be great. You’d only

help once every 4 months!)

2) help take inventory of Trinity’s personal property items for insurance purposes (this could be divided

among multiple people or multiple phases)

Keeping God’s house beautiful is an important ministry. For more information contact Linda Sampson, 614-214-5843,

or [email protected].

Page 3: 4850 Haughn Road Grove City Ohio 43123 like for some reason our name isn’t on the list. Hear the good news: when we feel like God is far away, especially those times when we desperately

warmly welcome Eric and Amy Johnston and their four children to

Trinity! Eric is our newly hired Worship Arts Director now conduct-

ing our Chancel Choir each Wednesday evening at 6:30pm in the


Our hand bell choir, Trinity Bells, under the direction of John Snively meet in the

downstairs music/preschool room each Wednesday evening at 8:00pm. We invite

everyone to “come make a joyful noise to the Lord” by participating in these choirs.

THANK YOU! A special word of thanks to the ten folks who gathered Satur-

day morning, October 1st as we focused our thoughts on Advent Worship.

The new liturgical year begins on Sunday, November 27. Pastor Caleb and our

UMC coach Rev. Tesia Mallory led our conversation regarding the

prophecy of Isaiah Chapter 9. Advent is defined as preparing to re-

ceive Christ. We considered how the worship opportunities may inten-

tionally help others to do just that. The light of Christ awakens something

new and wonderful within our souls. Many folks however, may also

sense a deep loss and loneliness at this season of the year. How may we

offer peace, hope and healing?

Watch the Sunday bulletins for upcoming services and opportunities

that will inspire each of us to share the love of Jesus with those whom God places in our path.

WANTED! Two or Three strong men —- - — 1. Pull Christmas boxes from storage

2. Assemble the sanctuary Christmas tree

3. Lift Christmas wreaths to high walls


We invite everyone to help decorate on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3, 10:00AM. Everyone come and join the


(Men: please contact Connie Hartsook, 614-875-2092 or the church office, 614-875-7298 if willing—


Trinity collects used or new Christian (only) ma-

terial for Love Packages. This UMC group

based in the Dayton area gather material from

churches and ship it overseas to benefit Chris-

tians all over the world.

There is a drawer in the ministry cabinet in the

hall for your donations.

Thank you for blessing others!

Page 4: 4850 Haughn Road Grove City Ohio 43123 like for some reason our name isn’t on the list. Hear the good news: when we feel like God is far away, especially those times when we desperately

rinity United Methodist Women have received orders for the cookie dough and other goodies

sale during the month of October.

We express our many thanks to Trinity and Trinity’s friends. We have orders for over 100

items. The project supports Faith at the Fairfield Orphanage in Zimbabwe Africa. A very nice ar-

ticle on this mission was in last month’s newsletter.

We really appreciate Grove City Pre-School partnering with us. They have sold over 200

items. These orders combined help keep the costs down.

These items will be delivered to the church Wednesday, November 9th.

rinity Music Ministry will present a concert on Sunday, November 6, 2016 at 3pm in the sanctuary. The concert

will benefit the CCOW (Christ’s Cupboard On Wheels) – a ministry which shows the love of Christ by providing

food and basic supplies to the homeless and those living in poverty on Columbus’ West Side.

Trinity Musicians and friends will present a variety of music. Musicians include: Bob Carlson, Rose Marie Davis,

Annette Devores, Ruth Gillespie, Mary Reed-Farris, Margie Romine, Patrice Ross, Linda Sampson, Susan Tate, Bonnie

Thomas & Alex Van Bibber.

This year we are delighted to be joined by Alex Van Bibber, a member of the Maynard Avenue UMC, who is an

amazing young pianist. Twelve year old Alexander Van Bibber began studying the piano at the age of 3 at his own

request. Alex won second place (2011, 2016) and first place (2012, 2015) in the Columbus Music Teachers’ Associa-

tion Competition (CMTA), and second place (2012, 2013, 2016) and first place (2014) in the Ohio Music Teachers’

Association State Contest (OMTA). In 2014, Alex won the Suzuki Association of the Americas (SSA) Piano Concerto

Contest and performed live with orchestra in Minneapolis, MN. Also in 2014, he won the district and state level

“Buckeye” contests, earning the honor of Ohio’s top elementary pianist. In 2015, Alex had his Carnegie Hall debut in

New York City, and he performed in the TedX Columbus event at the Riffe Center. In 2016, Alex attended Oberlin Con-

servatory Cooper Festival Competition, and he was accepted as a student at Ohio State University as a piano major. He

is currently enrolled in his first semester at OSU while continuing 7th grade at Columbus Gifted Academy. We are ex-

cited that Alex will be playing for us at TUMC.

—Annette Devores


November 8, 11a-7p

Join us in the multipurpose room at Trinity for a delicious meal on Election

Day after or before you vote!

MENU: Cheesy Potato Soup, Bean Soup, Grilled cheese or Ham Sandwich,

Cookie and Drink

COST: Accepting donations to benefit the ‘Jackson Township Firefighters for

Kids’ Christmas Drive.

Contact: Bob & Joanne Thomas

Page 5: 4850 Haughn Road Grove City Ohio 43123 like for some reason our name isn’t on the list. Hear the good news: when we feel like God is far away, especially those times when we desperately

Greetings Trinity Family:

hank you to those who came to Trinity's Annual Chili

Cook-off. We hope you enjoyed your spicy tasting experiences and, of course, the fellowship and football.

It's hard to believe the busyness of the holiday season will soon be upon us. Please watch for information regard-

ing Trinity's Annual Live Nativity event and how you can help make it a success. Our success with community events con-

tinues to grow with each one. This is our gift to the Grove City community and many hands are needed.

We'll again be in need of people to help with the Friday, December 30th meal for Christ's Cupboard on Wheels. We

simply prepare a hot meal at Trinity and representatives from CCOW pick it up. For September, we prepared food for

150 CCOW friends. Please keep this ministry in mind as you plan your December calendars.

Last, with the new restructuring of the Trinity's ministry committees, please know we are always looking for people

who are willing to serve on our committee, help with events or simply share an idea for an outreach event or activity. Our

purpose is to provide opportunities for our friends and neighbors in the Grove City community to walk through Trinity's

doors. This may be through publicity for a planned community event or by personal invitation from you, our Trinity family.

If this type of ministry is something that interests you, please consider this your invitation. If you are interested in helping in

any way, please let me know.

he leaves are turning. It’s beautiful out! The weather is just right for observing the change

of the season and lots of outside play time! Children love to work on those muscles outdoors!

Fire fighter dads visited the classrooms dressed in their fire gear, talked about fire safety and

brought the fire truck! Children were excited! We will be talking about other community helpers


As Thanksgiving nears, we learn about Native Americans and have a PowWow with our

friends. Our Favorite Food Feast encourages sharing and a sense of community. Many parents

volunteer to help out that day…for which teachers are truly thankful!

Grove City Preschool is grateful to you, Trinity. You continue to make staff and our families feel welcome. We ap-

preciate that!

hank you for your generous giving in the

month of September. For September 2016 the

general fund was $13,099.61. Last year in 2015,

we had $12,363.05. For the year to date in general

fund, we had $121,217. In 2015, we had $129,855.

Keep up the good work Trinity!


day of remembrance for our loved ones who have

passed away during the year from November

2015—October 2016. A candle will be lit for

each member of Trinity that has passed; other loved ones

will be remembered with the lighting of one candle.

Please give the church office the name of your loved one

you want remembered (and your name also) to be listed

in the bulletin. You can email into the office, gctrin-

[email protected] or write on your connection card.

Page 6: 4850 Haughn Road Grove City Ohio 43123 like for some reason our name isn’t on the list. Hear the good news: when we feel like God is far away, especially those times when we desperately


Cathy Ewing is a great-grandma! Best wishes to Colin & Shelby

(granddaughter) Hill on the birth of little Beau Andrew on Tues-

day, October 4, 2016. Proud and happy grandparents are

Bryan & Susan Wilson.


In his own words:

“On October 20, 2016 our daughter, Chief Katherine Penrod (US

Navy) traveled to her new command, Naval Special Warfare

Logistic/Support Det Pearl Harbor. Although it’s considered Sea Duty

she may never deploy; she’ll be there at least three years.

- - - amidst bombs and bullets Lydia was born on Leyte Province on

October 20, 1944.

Thanks All,

Bill Penrod”


To the newly married couple—Ken Cherhota and Emily (Wagner)!! All our best wishes

and love and they start their new life together as man and wife.

Emily is the daughter of Paula Derifield (Chuck Derifield) and granddaughter of Bob

and Norma Manby.

In the Manby’s own words:

“Praise—over the weekend the Manby’s gained a grandson and a great-grandson.

Thank God!”


We received a card in the church office:

“We at the Ronald McDonald House are so grateful for your thoughtful and generouse

contribution. Please keep us in your hearts.

Your friends at the Ronald McDonald House

Thank You!”

Trinity collects pop can tabs for the Ronald McDonald House.

Page 7: 4850 Haughn Road Grove City Ohio 43123 like for some reason our name isn’t on the list. Hear the good news: when we feel like God is far away, especially those times when we desperately

his year we are using the Rotation Method of

teaching Sunday School for both the preschool/

elementary and youth Sunday Schools. The teachers

are excited about it as we only have to teach class once

every 4 or 5 weeks, which enables us to nourish our

spirits by attending adult Sunday school! We are look-

ing for more people to help with teaching the youth

class. Depending on the number of teachers there are

would determine how many weeks one would teach. If

you have thought about teaching Sunday school, but

not sure you would like it, this would be the perfect op-

portunity to try it. If interested please contact Michelle

Sherrick, 614-539-9233, or Connie Pilkington, 614-


Another aspect of the Rotation Method is that 4-5

weeks are spent on one story, and in the case of the

younger students, the Bible Story is presented in 4 dif-

ferent ways. One Sunday, it is presented through cook-

ing, the next through Science, Art one time, and Bible

skills and games. There are other methods of present-

ing the story should one like to try it, such as drama

and music, and is inclined toward these methods.

Topics the preschool - elementary will be studying are:

House on the Rock, Banquet with Simon, Advent and

Christmas, The Lord Is My Shepherd, and The Lord’s


The Youth Class is also spending a month on one topic,

and the lessons are very relevant to what the students

face on a daily basis. Today they finished the topic

about school and the issues they face in school such as

belonging, priorities, joy, and worth. Next month’s

topic will be Half-Truths; those statements we all buy

into that seem scriptural, but aren’t. In November on

the Sunday after Thanksgiving, the youth will be attend-

ing the play, Scrooge and then studying how that ap-

plies to the Christian and Christmas.

A time for parent-child classes are also in the works for

the youth class, as well as hopefully involving the youth

more in the worship service. Stay tuned for new


This is an exciting time for our Sunday school and a

chance for you to grow in your faith and share your

experiences with youth, a very important part of inter-

generational worship! Please pray about this ministry;

consider if God could use you in this special way of

serving Him.

In closing, my Secret Prayer Sister at Trinity, gave me a

wall hanging which says, “It takes a big heart to shape

little minds.” I would add to this that it takes a big

heart to shape children and youth’s minds also. It is a

privilege to serve God in this way!

By the way, thank you to my Secret Prayer Sister for this

gift. I love it!

For any questions or information please contact

Michelle Sherrick, 614-539-9233 or Connie Pilkington,


Page 8: 4850 Haughn Road Grove City Ohio 43123 like for some reason our name isn’t on the list. Hear the good news: when we feel like God is far away, especially those times when we desperately

hank you for all who help to support CCOW either through financial gifts, donations, or your time.. I am

always amazed at your concern and care for our friends on the land and those who live in poverty! Your

generosity shows God's unconditional love to them, as well as his unconditional love to us.

We are always in need for toilet paper. As fast as we get it in, it goes out, and I think we can all agree that is a

very necessary item, and not one we would want to be without!

Other needs are:

Drinks - juices, soda, but not water. We have a good supply of that.

Snacks in big bags


Canned dog food for their pets

AAA batteries

Vasoline ( if live in a tent, lotions freeze in cold weather)

Peanut Butter



Sleeping bags





Men's pants sizes 30 or 32

Also, if you would save your soup and fruit cans, candles are made out of these. In addition to giving light, it

also gives off heat. Handles will be put on cans so that they can be moved around without burning our friends'


If you have any questions or are in need of pick-up, please contact me, Connie Pilkington, 614-317-7163.

Items can also be put in drawer at the Ministry Cabinet in the hall.

Page 9: 4850 Haughn Road Grove City Ohio 43123 like for some reason our name isn’t on the list. Hear the good news: when we feel like God is far away, especially those times when we desperately

runk or Treat was a blast! We had 17 trunks contrib-

ute to the fun and around 150 treaters on Sunday,

October 23 – Amazing! The Royals project was also

a hit – Batman, Wonder Woman, Ana, Cinderella,

Ariel and Aurora all made an appearance. Thank you to

all who helped make this night a success by cooking hot-

dogs, helping pass out food, and providing candy to our


11/5 Parents Night out from 5:00pm-8:30pm – Hey

Parents – Drop your kids off at Trinity for a night out!

You can relax knowing your kids will be safe and having

a blast with other children. No need to worry about

rushing to feed them dinner before they arrive, because

we will also provide a meal for them while you are

away. We will be taking donations for the event that will

go to support Operation Christmas Child items to pack.

Please contact Trista Sanchez (614) 316-0754 with any


11/20 Operation Christmas Child Packing Party –

Trinity Multi- Purpose Room If you would like to donate to Operation Christmas Child

please see the below list.

Items to include For Younger kids

Crayons, coloring books, flip flops, t-shirts, ball,

bar soap, bracelet, bandana, pencils & pens, pen-

cil sharpener glue sticks, scissors, post it notes,

highlighters, small notebook, chalk, watercolor

paint sets, Playdoh, small etch a sketch, duct tape,

travel size games – checkers, deck of cards, hacky

sack, harmonica, yo yo, hat, small stuffed animal,

pom poms, glitter, small crafting kit, socks, back

pack, plastic cup, straws, scarf, jump rope, glow

sticks, leftover Halloween candy that’s not choco-

late (be sure to place in plastic bags)

matchbox cars, finger puppets, silly putty,

toothbrush, toothpaste, washcloth, wet wipe, travel

pack of tissues, lip gloss, hair ties, band aids, hair


For Older Boys:

Tools – hammer, screwdriver, wrench or pliers, duct

tape, measuring tape, fishing supplies – add in a

small fishing kit, fishing line, hooks, Binoculars, Ka-

leidoscope, Plastic Magnifying Glass, Watch,

Handkerchief, Collapsible water bottle, Harmonica

For Older Girls:

Small sewing kit, Clip on earrings, Bracelets, Ba-

rettes, Coin purse, Sticky notes, Watercolor paint

set, Yarn, Colored Sharpies, highlighters or mark-

ers, a friendship bracelet with extra string so they

can make more, Ink pad and stamp set

A PERSONAL NOTE: You may enclose a note to the

child and a photo of yourself or your family. If you

include your name and address, the child may be

able to write back.

DO NOT INCLUDE: Used or damaged items; war-

related items such as toy guns, knives or military

figures; chocolate or food; out-of-date candy; liq-

uids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable

items such as snow globes or glass containers;

aerosol cans.

Bring your donations before November 20.

12/24 Children’s Christmas Pageant—during

Christmas Eve Service. Rehearsals

Mark your calendar for these upcoming events—and please join in the fun!

Page 10: 4850 Haughn Road Grove City Ohio 43123 like for some reason our name isn’t on the list. Hear the good news: when we feel like God is far away, especially those times when we desperately

Regular Stated Meetings of Trinity

(All meetings are open to anyone except for Staff Parish Relations Committee)

Staff/Parish 1st Tuesday 7:15 pm Susie Weller, Chair

Outreach/Mission: 1st Thursday 6:00 pm Denise Monigold

Trustees: 3rd Tuesday 7:15 pm Linda Sampson, Chair

Finance: 3rd Tuesday 6:00 pm Jackie Bowerman, Chair

(meets quarterly)

Worship: Connie Hartsook, Chair

Administrative Council 4th Tuesday 7:15 pm Susan Tate, Chair

(meets every other month)

Lay Leader: Julia Bidwell

United Methodist Men 1st Saturday 8:30 am Mike Collins, President

United Methodist Women 3rd Thursday 7:00 pm Julia Bidwell, President

Trinity Tidings is produced monthly by the Trinity United Methodist Church. Trinity UMC reserves the right to edit any article. Submission dead-

line for articles is the 3rd Sunday of each month. Articles may be left at the church office or e-mailed to [email protected]. Thank you

for your help.

4850 Haughn Road

Grove City, Ohio 43123


Email: [email protected]

Website: gctrinity.org

Caleb Speicher, Pastor

937-309-9199 (Cell)

[email protected]

Sunday School: 9:15AM

Worship:10:30 AM