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Megan was back out on her stall, Ariette’s objections decimated after Warren took out a business permit in her name.

Just before she packed up for the night, a lone figure crossed the road from the old Martinez household. Warren came out to meet their new neighbour too, of whom until now there had been no trace whatsoever.

Warren tried to strike up a conversation, but the new guy was decidedly prickly. He did manage to get the basics out of him though.

His name was Alfred Hennrick. He had bought all of Jen’s furniture, but had sold it on at auction straight away finding it vulgar. He redecorated the house with crisp clean lines and a black and white theme. All was neat, uncluttered and simple. Like him.

He worked in computing, for hire. He was well known in the industry and could set any price and get work. He tested security systems, creating test viruses or straightforward hacking attempts. Though there was nothing straightforward about the level of his expertise.

Warren wasn’t put off by the chilly reception. Marley Williams was busy saving his marriage, Harry Vickers wasn’t his kinda guy… he needed a friend to replace Pablo… and he was determined Hennrick was it. Maybe he’d invite him fishing.

After getting fed up waiting for an invitation, Teresa made her own way over to see Jen in her new place. She made Jen’s day immediately by calling the new house a bachelorette pad – she hadn’t thought of it that way before.

Happier, Jen and Teresa chat about the next steps for her. Jen wondered if there were any jobs going where she worked, which as it happened there were… but Teresa suggested she go back into politics. Why not?

Jen was touched. The matter-of-fact way in which Teresa believed she could go back into politics gave her such a boost of confidence. She felt a fire in her belly that she hadn’t for many years.

Maybe she still had what it took.

The first step was to change back to her maiden name. She was now ready to make a fresh start at being Jen Potter.

Teresa was due to age up, and decided to celebrate it during the day, when Megan wasn’t around. She was just aiming for less fuss.

When the sparkles started, it was with a sense of relief. At least she would now be a full adult like Warren. Being a young adult in comparison had always niggled at her.

Nothing really changed on the outside, for which she was grateful, but she felt far better in herself now. All the mistakes she had made before meeting Warren were a whole life stage behind her now.

Warren informed her of what his present would be later on. He had secured a loan using their business as security. He planned on building a second floor onto their home.

There was no point remonstrating with him, the builders were already booked. Teresa quietly worried about their finances while Warren got on with making their plot the most impressive on the Street.

Warren made the new floor Megan's domain, freeing up the old room off the kitchen for whatever Teresa wanted. Trouble was, she didn’t need any more space. It was still James’ room as far as she was concerned, so the new storey was complete waste of


Though she had to admit, it gave Megan space to spread out a bit. She seemed to be planning a whole aquarium along one wall.

Warren was happy to treat his daughter to all the latest gadgets, including a fish tank built directly into the wall as a window. He was still feeling guilty about thinking she would be a girly girl, and wanted to make up for it.

And now Megan had made it clear she was into fishing and all things nautical, he was determined to encourage her.

Warren was certain the loan was secure, his business was going well, and was profitable every month. Nothing would go wrong.