Fig. e1 Correlations between biomarkers and clinical and radiological parameters in MS patients. Panel a, correlation between phosphorylated Nf heavy and MSSS score; panel b, correlation between NAA and T2 lesion load (T2LL); panel c, correlation between NAA and T1 lesion load (T1LL); panel d, correlation between phosphorylated Nf heavy and MSSS annual decline, calculated by dividing the difference in MSSS score by the follow-up duration. An outlier in figure e1d has been marked with an open triangle. The Spearman’s correlation coefficients and p-values are indicated on top of each graph.


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Fig. e1 Correlations between biomarkers and clinical and radiological parameters in MS patients. Panel a, correlation between phosphorylated Nf heavy and MSSS score; panel b, correlation between NAA and T2 lesion load (T2LL); panel c, correlation between NAA and T1 lesion load (T1LL); panel d, correlation between phosphorylated Nf heavy and MSSS annual decline, calculated by dividing the difference in MSSS score by the follow-up duration. An outlier in figure e1d has been marked with an open triangle.The Spearman’s correlation coefficients and p-values are indicated on top of each graph.