Signatures: Faculty Member Form IV Faculty Performance Summary Evaluation Year 2015 Faculty Member Michael Oremus Faculty Review: Change Utah project Test reflections 2210/1030 Modify rates of change Symposium Math 1010/1050 Capstone GE committee Mentor full-time faculty Garth Commendations: You have high student evaluations, you are excited about new projects, you prepare well for class, you have exceptional board skills, and you are motivating, enthusiastic, and engaging. You jumped right into department and institutional level service. Plan for Future Development: Keep doing what you are doing and develop you pedagogy for your classes. Try new modes of engaging your students that is not strictly lecture. Perhaps a flipped classroom or some alternate classroom activities. V/046Date 4//074/5 - Date

4//074/5- - Michael's EPortfoliomichaeloremuseportfolio.weebly.com/uploads/2/5/5/0/... · 2018. 9. 10. · Keep doing what you are doing and develop you pedagogy for your classes

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Page 1: 4//074/5- - Michael's EPortfoliomichaeloremuseportfolio.weebly.com/uploads/2/5/5/0/... · 2018. 9. 10. · Keep doing what you are doing and develop you pedagogy for your classes


Faculty Member

Form IV

Faculty Performance Summary

Evaluation Year 2015

Faculty Member Michael Oremus

Faculty Review:

Change Utah project

Test reflections


Modify rates of change


Math 1010/1050


GE committee

Mentor full-time faculty Garth


You have high student evaluations, you are excited about new projects, you prepare well for class, you

have exceptional board skills, and you are motivating, enthusiastic, and engaging. You jumped right into

department and institutional level service.

Plan for Future Development:

Keep doing what you are doing and develop you pedagogy for your classes. Try new modes of engaging

your students that is not strictly lecture. Perhaps a flipped classroom or some alternate classroom


V/046— Date

4//074/5- Date

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Salt Lake Community College Faculty Evaluation Final Summary

Declaration of Weights: Enter the percents declared in each of the evaluation components from the Declaration of Weights form.

Teaching: 60 These should add to 100% Professional Activity: 20

Service: 20

College Service: 100 These should add to 100% Partnerships & Community Service: 0

Enter the ratings from student, peer and administrative reviews.

Teachin Students


Dept. Head Instructional Delivery: 4.6 4.5 4

Instructional Design and Assessment: 4.7 4.25

Field/Discipline Knowledge: 4 4

Course Management: 4.6 3.5 4.2481 Overall rating for Teaching

Professional Activit



Dept. Head Maintaining Field Knowledge: 4.25 3.5

Professional Organizations: 3 3

3.6906251 Overall rating for Professional Activity




Dept. Head College Service: 4.5 4

Partnerships and Community Service: 0

Overall rating for Service 4.25

Overall Faculty Evaluation Rating

1 4.136925

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3 Rationale:

MAk-ekr. (c

° cl,CC .Ve‘c4 A-rfC WO:

Form II Salt Lake Community College

Faculty/Peer Review

Faculty Member: ( C1/1ae CiretAll'?

1 Unsatisfactory Performance: Does not meet minimal standards of professional performance 2 Minimal Performance: Does not consistently meet accepted standards of professional

performance 3 Standard Professional Performance: Consistently meets accepted standards of professional

performance 4 High Professional Performance: Frequently exceeds accepted standards of professional

performance 5 Exemplary Professional Performance: Consistently exceeds accepted standards of professional


Note: Reviewers must provide a rationale for each rating.

Instructional Deliver Rationale: th,L, 5 t ztim4-- 0 -rua-f-toAs

Instructional Desi:n and Assessment Rationale: ON Mce 1/4'51A PfDjetA, ctr D) 56,

F 1•/D ill 1 l• I I I Iviii i/

Rationale: Csrack (00 tACArr-ert5

(49 4erk.15 t

Course Mana!ement Rationale: we t, betc k 11/46-ta Pr9MP—ty

Maintainin or develo I in one's field knowled le, credentials, etc. Rationale: Crrq Li IA t)-( ierid Ff1/4 Covre, ell./ (// ('-ia sccc___

Membershi i is and Partici s ation in Professional Or. anizations

-r iv■ ore .

Revised August 7, 2006 0\q,(c Okeptresrl0 Ti(e (004a4( Pi v°6 r J 14

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cfadefotfici 0 17( it 40°1.04 C CArC/a. kre, Comments:

Comments: 1154 O4Ok5/ AC,5 R44,19±-141- "CeIC

oGrrA PK/el.—, A rmiera( OA Wog/Y.1 a. bocAL-0/6

Present ion of Material:

Course and Instructor Evaluation

Instructor: AAtAittel 01`fiA,A0 Course: g..3 /0-3. Type (Full/Part/Concurrent): c-i'j li Date/Time: 1 /" .4. 6I5 T 10 AM Topic: 64-644-5-441-a,1„..494

vac -itr fiaA)

Demonstrates proficiency of the subject matter/ clear explanations If Uses correct mathematical terminology/notation if Makes connections with future math courses/real world applications Approaches concept from a different perspective 11 Able to understand and respond appropriately to student questions .5

Prepared to teach Appropriate pacing 5- Reviews previous concepts 1/ Presents material in a logical manner 5 Adequate number of examples 5"

Speaks at the appropriate level for this course 5 Two or more learning activities / change of pace 5 Innovative with examples/technology Uses instructional methods effectively Asks questions both conceptual and review 14

Comments: Celq...( k 4 (cU osc (—dor;

irC91411 otokr 04.

cuo a y ,t-h4 yAyk.

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Classroom Participation:

Instructor has guided practice/group activities 1-1 Instructor enables students to demonstrate their understanding -3 Students are engages in learning/Instructor encourages involvement .3 Instructor checks for student understanding 11 Students ask questions 1

54xt r e6cci Eft rom 4r'keile 5-k149 Comments: A 5roeip 66

awy- C1/5z,cofy

Positive, comfortable learning atmosphere 5 i Instructor walks around to observe and encourage

Instructor demonstrates respect toward students -3" Students uninhibited to ask questions 5" Instructor responds appropriately to students questions 5-

Comments: Dt6rag re4f -1-mofp ete f-er torye c/cr-igggggpror

(,f-A gek.,4 inc 6eckfrrvytckcsiocaA948. kc-D Poz)/(4 Lt-tqlk

c-Y6,51-te kice

Follows math department policy (syllabi, projects, meetings, textbook) 5 Uses class time effectively and for math purposes 6' Starts and stops class on time ii Teaches at a college level 5 Communicates respectfully and in a timely manner 5

Comments: crel Ylictitaer 6 a Accretettivt. cocca-F

%cc Overall Comments:

taqw6 far (-on° 17Y-- 'irctetzet kt`it) Ma irtra ifix4-51-chAA,,t (de ft 5 pact% a 10 (e.

Overall Score: r^

/) (oviktm iffe

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Form H Salt Lake Community College

Faculty/Peer Review

Faculty Member: ( 1 (C/14ei OcEnn(ic- 1 Unsatisfactory Performance: Does not meet minimal standards of professional performanc e 2 Minimal Performance: Does not consistently meet accepted standards of professional

performance 3 Standard Professional Performance: Consistently meets accepted standards of professiona

performance 4 High Professional Performance: Frequently exceeds accepted standards of professional

performance 5 Exemplary Professional Performance: Consistently exceeds accepted standards of profess onal


Note: Reviewers must provide a rationale for each rating.

Rating Criteria cfrOn4 TEACHING


6k-) (lint.< .-6-ci Instructional Delivery ,i-e ,J 93 Rationale:. f ,_

i\c( 5-1. 1 vi dtiol inf_5 ( ,\ (irviet5( re.a( (lek cte(s ( e3Oer(a-e.ty

tufr co 080500d ts-) e 5 EXC. ( teCi 1 102,+e "3-

11 Instructional Design anoVAssessment G 2 ( Rationale:

-Z Z .—

9.)— Z1Q4LyedS fr■ Ol 4-r(C49

9 Field/Discipline Knowledge Applied to Teaching Rationale:11 (r 0 &os 4?rOyctS

;11cCO) YN______ Course a gement Rational


, i


Maintaining or developing one's field knowledge, credentials, etc. Rationale: II f.,c-_-

`.--- 1

3 Memberships and Participation in Professional Organizations Rationale:


College Service

13 Revised August 7, 2006

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4:JO` 11.$

4 •

College Service Rationale: ile140 (GUAL) PtAPCk NrY6C)

61C.,n F) Ill Ce)fecx.CLOc;00 C06

Co-coaCAAPCchr) 47:9-,12■ 0- 4,C (o 30 ) A-41-1 (\c411040c-Cco cct. Partnerships and Community Service Rationale:

16 Revised August August 7, 2006

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Form III Salt Lake Community College

Chair/Director Review

-117ttc,I2 t,,at Faculty Member:

11 2210


1 Unsatisfactory Performance: Does not meet minimal standards of professional performance 2 Minimal Performance: Does not consistently meet accepted standards of professional

performance 3 Standard Professional Performance: Consistently meets accepted standards of professional

performance 4 High Professional Performance: Frequently exceeds accepted standards of professional

performance 5 Exemplary Professional Performance: Consistently exceeds accepted standards of professional


Rating Criteria

TEACHING Instructional Delivery - Assesses College Learning Outcomes Rationale:

Field/Discipline Knowledge Applied to Teaching - Syllabi, assignments, and course content in keeping with current research in the field


Course Management Rationale:

TROOSSION ,3110 Maintaining or developing one's field knowledge, credentials, etc. Rationale:

Memberships and Participation in Professional Organizations Rationale:

• ERVICE College Service Rationale:

Partnerships and Community Service Rationale:


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&Fiat Awlfte_e_ LA-)a-cy,a4

0 WA. Ute,(A) et,,Lzt gan

awe LI/1J.) 6kbo

-6 CAL0-tt- 4-E4_ 5fk.a_

utAAA. oy. Cc R. -c Ltac, (Nu e, cak



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oLt. eApt-t_d_ no-t -ery eitA„)

o 1,e/t-c-c. s ha) ho ,4_ -hceep,,(4

CouLft do turvyti4,0-14e—.

tali( / Lite__ aid our &) hAd civL "i/u-*K-e)(a0-

cwt a_ et- 4-4._--1-

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Form III Salt Lake Community College

Associate Dean/Director Review

Faculty Member: Michael Oremus

1 Unsatisfactory Performance: Does not meet minimal standards of professional performInce 2 Minimal Performance: Does not consistently meet accepted standards of professional

performance 3 Standard Professional Performance: Consistently meets accepted standards of professio al

performance 4 High Professional Performance: Frequently exceeds accepted standards of profession 1

performance 5 Exemplary Professional Performance: Consistently exceeds accepted standards of profe sional


Rating Criteria



Instructional Delivery - Assesses College Learning Outcomes

Rationale: • Michael started the class with a graphical look at surface intervals

flow. He used this to create the flux integral. • Students felt comfortable asking questions. • In an example in class he said he would show the why the next class...

would show the how now so students could do the homework. • Used matlab to show the surface. Michael did not draw. • He had a student ask a question which revealed he really didn't

understand the math. • Michael joked about the "left for the reader" comment.

Participating in the SI program



She is utilize

get videos


I have invited an SI instructor to join my Math 1010 class room. going to be a strong asset to my students. I am urging students to her and the rest of the SI program.

Technology in the classroom

Math 1010: Winplot, MS Excell Math 2250: Winplot, Matlab, Dfield, PPlane, MS Excell Math 2210: Winplot, Matlab, 3D Plotter, Cylinderical Plotter, Spherical Plotter

Video Tutorials

In Calculus I have been attaching concept videos created by Shawna Haider to the students homework in CANVAS. So when students their homework for each section, they have a set of supplemental available. Students love that these resources are already put together them and are organized with the daily homework problems.

mCci &-uAz__J -

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4 Instructional Design and Assessment Rationale: Revises curriculum on a regular basis using feedback from students, peers and outcome assessments. — !ICE 1060 Assess college and department learning outcomes for the course. -CAPSTONE project for the math department Prepares appropriate assessment for the class prepares classroom projects and tools Designs effective learning activities and assignments for in class or online.


VI61/4 1

Field/Discipline Knowledge Applied to Teaching - Syllabi, assignments, and course content in keeping with current research in the field

Rationale: • Prepares syllabi, assignments and course content in keeping with current

research in the field • Prepares syllabi, assignments and course content in keeping with current

departmental standards •


Course Management Rationale:

• Gives timely responses to student work via email or canvas • Submits grades to mypage and department in a timely manner • Maintains published office hours • Provides accurate syllabus/schedule

PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY 3.5 Maintaining or developing one's field knowledge, credentials, etc.

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Rationale: • Develops or improves one's pedagogy including instructional

technologies by creating videos • Creating content for Math 1220 Calculus 2 (new course for me)

Summer 2014 4. Creating content for Math 1030 Quantitative Reasoning (new course for me) Fall 201


Memberships and Participation in Professional Organizations Rationale:

1. Member of the SLCC faculty Association 2 Member UMATYC Creating a collaborative workshop for Math 1010/1050 Instructors



College Service Rationale:

• Serves on committees • Participates in new course revision • Works with adjuncts • Creating 1010 Teaching Collaborative

6 Creating 1050 Teaching Collaborative 7. Serving on Math 1210 book adoption committee 8. Serving on Math 1050 book adoption committee 9. Chair of Math 2250 book adoption committee 10. Serving on the Multistate Collaborative to Advance

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Learning Outcomes Assessment (MSC) Initiative 12. Served on the committees for the Math 1210 final 12. Served on the committees for the Math 1050 final 13. Served on the committees for the Math 1010 final 14. Co Coordinator for Math 2250 15. Co Coordinator for Math 1210 16 Co Coordinator for Math 1030 17. Develop Digital Image Compression Project 18. Develop Home Heating project 19. Wrote Letters of Recommendation for several students 20. Served as a replacement Math 1050 instructor midway through the Fall '14 semester


Partnerships and Community Service Rationale:


Ifilo/o /5'

A.D./Director Signature Date

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5kb4 1-kdder Sign

Form I Salt Lake Community College

Declaration of Weights

Declaration of Weights At the beginning of the academic year all faculty are to decide on the specific weights for faculty evaluations (see table 1). Percentages in the areas of teaching, professional activity, and service m st add up to 100 percent. Use the back of the page as needed.

(Choose from 60 to 75%) Identify professional objectives serving as rationale for distributed weight:

det)e, 1 0pejlt V (030 cleue(o piri . / A/1°dt ro.3 of c iAtv9e

(Choose from 10 to 20%) Identify professional objectives serving as rationale for distributed weight:

—1100r for Symp5stivfryt 0 COO& -10 10 0

Me AO, cooicfrAdc V 1030 deu-e kO


„; co 116)0/ 3 ea. • sludei /CR Vt. - • )

SERVICE (Choose from 15 to 30%)

College Service (Choose from 50 to 100%)

Partnerships & Community Service (Choose from 0 to 50%)

Identify professional objectives serving as rationale for distributed weight:




frre/rkie kie sr/poseur:A. comendioe

^100 file4k)r Coo/a 1clotr3

- Me4J-or focotk 644/14 etAd4 ef- - ozii0/0 ine406

Committee Selection Two full-time faculty members must be selected to participate in the peer review process.


/6 ,aoliA Date


Revised August 7, 2006 13