4 Th Session

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  • 8/9/2019 4 Th Session




    Chapter 4

    Job Analysis

    PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie CookThe University of West AlabamaCopyright 2011 Pearson Education

    art 2 Re!r"it#ent and la!e

  • 8/9/2019 4 Th Session


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    1.1. Discuss the nature of job analysis, inclu in! what it isDiscuss the nature of job analysis, inclu in! what it isan how it"s use .an how it"s use .

    #.#. Use at least three metho s of collectin! job analysisUse at least three metho s of collectin! job analysisinformation, inclu in! interviews, $uestionnaires, aninformation, inclu in! interviews, $uestionnaires, anobservation.observation.


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    $ntrod"!tion$ntrod"!tion%&r!ani'ation consist of jobs that nee s to be staffe an&r!ani'ation consist of jobs that nee s to be staffe an

    every mana!er shoul un erstan the mechanics ofevery mana!er shoul un erstan the mechanics ofanaly'in! jobs.analy'in! jobs.

    %(ob analysis is the )roce ure throu!h which you(ob analysis is the )roce ure throu!h which youetermine the uties of these )ositions an theetermine the uties of these )ositions an the

    characteristics of the )eo)le to hire for them.characteristics of the )eo)le to hire for them.%(ob analysis )ro uces information for writin! job(ob analysis )ro uces information for writin! job

    escri)tions *a list of what the job entails+ an jobescri)tions *a list of what the job entails+ an jobs)ecifications *what kin of )eo)le to hire for the job+.s)ecifications *what kin of )eo)le to hire for the job+.

    %every )ersonnel relate action you take-interviewin!every )ersonnel relate action you take-interviewin!a))licants, an trainin! an a))raisin! em)loyees, fora))licants, an trainin! an a))raisin! em)loyees, forinstance- e)en s on knowin! what the job entails aninstance- e)en s on knowin! what the job entails anwhat human traits one nee s to o the job well.what human traits one nee s to o the job well.

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    4 4

    The %asi!s o& Job Analysis' Ter#sThe %asi!s o& Job Analysis' Ter#s%(ob Analysis(ob Analysis

    The )roce ure for eterminin! the uties an skill re$uirements ofThe )roce ure for eterminin! the uties an skill re$uirements ofa job an the kin of )erson who shoul be hire for it.a job an the kin of )erson who shoul be hire for it.

    %(ob Descri)tion(ob Descri)tion A list of a job"s uties, res)onsibilities, re)ortin! relationshi)s, A list of a job"s uties, res)onsibilities, re)ortin! relationshi)s,

    workin! con itions, an su)ervisory res)onsibilities-one )ro uctworkin! con itions, an su)ervisory res)onsibilities-one )ro uctof a job analysis.of a job analysis.

    %(ob )ecifications(ob )ecifications A list of a job"s /human re$uirements,0 that is, the re$uisite A list of a job"s /human re$uirements,0 that is, the re$uisitee ucation, skills, )ersonality, an so on-another )ro uct of a jobe ucation, skills, )ersonality, an so on-another )ro uct of a job

    analysis.analysis.%&r!ani'ation Chart&r!ani'ation Chart

    A chart that shows the &r!ani'ation wi e istribution of work, with A chart that shows the &r!ani'ation wi e istribution of work, withtitles of each )osition an interconnectin! lines that shows whotitles of each )osition an interconnectin! lines that shows whore)orts to an communicates with whomre)orts to an communicates with whom

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    Types o& $n&or#ation Colle!tedTypes o& $n&or#ation Colle!ted







    Machines, tools,equipment, and

    work aids


    #n$or%ationCo&&ected 'ia(o) Ana&ysis

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    Types o& $n&or#ation Colle!tedTypes o& $n&or#ation Colle!ted% Actua& *or+ acti,ities o$ the -o)Actua& *or+ acti,ities o$ the

    -o) -- how, why, an when the workerhow, why, an when the worker

    )erforms each activity.)erforms each activity.% .u%an )eha,iors the -o) re/uires.u%an )eha,iors the

    -o) re/uires communicatin!, eci in!, ancommunicatin!, eci in!, anwritin!, liftin! wei!hts or walkin! lon! istances.writin!, liftin! wei!hts or walkin! lon! istances.

    % achines too&s e/uip%ent and *or+ aids used on the -o)achines

    too&s e/uip%ent and *or+ aids used on the -o)tools use , materials )rocesse , knowle !e ealt with or a))lie ,tools use , materials )rocesse , knowle !e ealt with or a))lie ,

    an services ren ere .an services ren ere .% Standards o$ e3pected e%p&oyee -o) per$or%anceStandards o$ e3

    pected e%p&oyee -o) per$or%ance $uantity$uantityan or $uality out)ut levels that can be use to a))raise em)loyees.an or $uality out)ut levels that can be use to a))raise em)loyees.

    % he organi5ationa& and socia& conte3t in *hich the -o) e3istshe o

    rgani5ationa& and socia& conte3t in *hich the -o) e3ists)hysical workin! con itions, work sche ules, an incentives)hysical workin! con itions, work sche ules, an incentives

    % he -o)6s hu%an re/uire%entshe

    -o)6s hu%an re/uire%ents job relate knowle !e or skills job relate knowle !e or skills*e ucation, trainin!, work e2)erience+ an re$uire )ersonal*e ucation, trainin!, work e2)erience+ an re$uire )ersonalattributes *a)titu es, )hysical characteristics, )ersonality, interests+.attributes *a)titu es, )hysical characteristics, )ersonality, interests+.

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    Uses o& Job Analysis $n&or#ationUses o& Job Analysis $n&or#ation

    Recruitmentand selection







    #n$or%ationCo&&ected ,ia(o) Ana&ysis

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    Uses o& Job Analysis $n&or#ation'Uses o& Job Analysis $n&or#ation'% (o) ana&ysis(o) ana&ysis )rovi es the information re$uire for other or!ani'ational)rovi es the information re$uire for other or!ani'ational

    activities that e)en on an also su))ort the job.activities that e)en on an also su))ort the job.

    % Recruit%ent and se&ectionRecruit%ent and se&ection 3(ob analysis )rovi es re$uire uties an3(ob analysis )rovi es re$uire uties anesire human characteristics information nee e to effectively 4ecruitesire human characteristics information nee e to effectively 4ecruitan elect in ivi uals for jobs.an elect in ivi uals for jobs.

    % Co%pensation Co% pensation factors such as skill an e ucation level, safetyfactors such as skill an e ucation level, safetyha'ar s, e!ree of res)onsibility, an so on are assesse by jobha'ar s, e!ree of res)onsibility, an so on are assesse by job

    analysis.analysis.% raining and De,e&op%ent rainin g and De,e&op%ent 5nowle !e of s)ecific uties an re$uisite5nowle !e of s)ecific uties an re$uisite

    skills of a job is re$uire for )ro)er Trainin! of em)loyees.skills of a job is re$uire for )ro)er Trainin! of em)loyees.% Per$or%ance Appraisa&Per$or%ance A ppraisa& Correctly con uctin! of )erformance a))raisalCorrectly con uctin! of )erformance a))raisal

    re$uires knowle !e of the job"s uties an stan ar .re$uires knowle !e of the job"s uties an stan ar .

    % Disco,ering 9nassigned Duties Disco,erin g 9nassigned Duties (ob analysis is a metho for(ob analysis is a metho forDiscoverin! Unassi!ne Duties that shoul become a formal )art of aDiscoverin! Unassi!ne Duties that shoul become a formal )art of a job. job.

    % (ob analysis is re$uire to vali ate essential job functions an other(ob analysis is re$uire to vali ate essential job functions an other647 for647 for EE: Co%p&ianceEE: Co%p&iance un er theun er the Uniform Guidelines on EmployeeUniform Guidelines on EmployeeSelection.Selection.

    4 ;

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    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education 4 he #nter,ie*1> he #nter,ie*%(ob analysis interviews ran!e from com)letely(ob analysis interviews ran!e from com)letely

    unstructure interviews to hi!hly structure onesunstructure interviews to hi!hly structure onescontainin! hun re s of s)ecific items to check off.containin! hun re s of s)ecific items to check off.

    %7ana!ers may con uct in ivi ual interviews with each7ana!ers may con uct in ivi ual interviews with eachem)loyee, !rou) interviews with !rou)s of em)loyeesem)loyee, !rou) interviews with !rou)s of em)loyeeswho have the same job, an =or su)ervisor interviewswho have the same job, an =or su)ervisor interviewswith one or more su)ervisors who know the job.with one or more su)ervisors who know the job.

    %Distortion of information is interviewin!"s main )roblem-Distortion of information is interviewin!"s main )roblem-whether ue to outri!ht falsification, honestwhether ue to outri!ht falsification, honestmisun erstan in!, or statements inflatin! the im)ortancemisun erstan in!, or statements inflatin! the im)ortanceof their jobs by interviewees.of their jobs by interviewees.

    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education 4 1"

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    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education 4 17

    Methods &or Colle!tin( Job AnalysisMethods &or Colle!tin( Job Analysis$n&or#ation'$n&or#ation' $he 0nterview $he 0nterview%8nformation ources8nformation ources

    8n ivi ual em)loyees8n ivi ual em)loyees

    >rou)s of em)loyees>rou)s of em)loyees

    u)ervisors withu)ervisors withknowle !e of the jobknowle !e of the job

    % A vanta!es A vanta!es?uick, irect way to fin?uick, irect way to finoverlooke informationoverlooke information

    %Disa vanta!eDisa vanta!eDistorte informationDistorte information

    %8nterview @ormats8nterview @ormatstructure *Checklist+tructure *Checklist+


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    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education 4 18

    Job Analysis' $nter)ie*in( Job Analysis' $nter)ie*in(G"idelinesG"idelines1.1. The job analyst an su)ervisor shoul work to!etherThe job analyst an su)ervisor shoul work to!ether

    to i entify the workers who know the job best.to i entify the workers who know the job best.

    #.#. ?uickly establish ra))ort with the interviewee.?uickly establish ra))ort with the interviewee.

    ;.;. @ollow a structure !ui e or checklist, one that lists@ollow a structure !ui e or checklist, one that lists

    o)en en e $uestions an )rovi es s)ace foro)en en e $uestions an )rovi es s)ace foranswers.answers.

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    Methods &or Colle!tin( Job AnalysisMethods &or Colle!tin( Job Analysis$n&or#ation$n&or#ation

    2> ?uestionnaires2> ?uestionnaires?uestionnaires can be structure or o)ene en e . A?uestionnaires can be structure or o)ene en e . A

    $uestionnaire is a $uick, efficient, an cost effective way$uestionnaire is a $uick, efficient, an cost effective wayto obtain information from a lar!e number of em)loyees.to obtain information from a lar!e number of em)loyees.6owever, evelo)in! the $uestionnaire an testin! it to6owever, evelo)in! the $uestionnaire an testin! it tomake sure the workers un erstan the $uestions can bemake sure the workers un erstan the $uestions can betime consumin!. An as with interviews, em)loyees maytime consumin!. An as with interviews, em)loyees mayistort their answers, consciously or unconsciously.istort their answers, consciously or unconsciously.

    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education 4 1;

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    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education 4 1 Participant Diaries@Logs 4> Par ticipant Diaries@Logs % Workers are aske to kee) a recor of what they o urin! the ayWorkers are aske to kee) a recor of what they o urin! the ay

    by writin! aby writin! a diary@&ogdiary@&og. :m)loyees recor each of their activities. :m)loyees recor each of their activities*alon! with the time+ in a lo!. This can )ro uce a very com)lete*alon! with the time+ in a lo!. This can )ro uce a very com)lete)icture of the job, es)ecially when su))lemente with subse$uent)icture of the job, es)ecially when su))lemente with subse$uent

    interviews with the worker an the su)ervisor.interviews with the worker an the su)ervisor.% The em)loyee, of course, mi!ht try to e2a!!erate some activitiesThe em)loyee, of course, mi!ht try to e2a!!erate some activities

    an un er)lay others. 6owever, the etaile , chronolo!ical nature ofan un er)lay others. 6owever, the etaile , chronolo!ical nature ofthe lo! ten s to me iate a!ainst this.the lo! ten s to me iate a!ainst this.

    % Diaries=lo!s have !one hi!h tech. ome firms !ive em)loyeesDiaries=lo!s have !one hi!h tech. ome firms !ive em)loyees

    )ocket ictatin! machines an )a!ers. Then at ran om times urin!)ocket ictatin! machines an )a!ers. Then at ran om times urin!the ay, they )a!e the workers, who ictate what they are oin! atthe ay, they )a!e the workers, who ictate what they are oin! atthat time. This a))roach can avoi one )itfall of the tra itionalthat time. This a))roach can avoi one )itfall of the tra itionaliary=lo! metho 3 relyin! on workers to remember what they iiary=lo! metho 3 relyin! on workers to remember what they ihours earlier when they com)lete their lo!s at the en of the ay.hours earlier when they com)lete their lo!s at the en of the ay.

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    +"antitati)e Job Analysis+"antitati)e Job AnalysisTe!hni/"esTe!hni/"es%?ualitative metho s like interviews an $uestionnaires?ualitative metho s like interviews an $uestionnaires

    are not always suitable. @or e2am)le, if your aim is toare not always suitable. @or e2am)le, if your aim is tocom)are jobs for )ay )ur)oses, a mere listin! of utiescom)are jobs for )ay )ur)oses, a mere listin! of utiesmay not suffice.may not suffice.

    %Bou may nee to say that, in effect, /(ob A is twice asBou may nee to say that, in effect, /(ob A is twice as

    challen!in! as (ob , an so is worth twice the )ay.0 Tochallen!in! as (ob , an so is worth twice the )ay.0 Too this, it hel)s to have $uantitative ratin!s for each job.o this, it hel)s to have $uantitative ratin!s for each job.The )osition analysis $uestionnaire an the De)artmentThe )osition analysis $uestionnaire an the De)artmentof abor a))roach are $uantitative metho s for oin!of abor a))roach are $uantitative metho s for oin!this.this.

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    =#G9RE 4 " Portion of a Com)lete Pa!e from the Position Analysis ?uestionnaire

    The 1E< PA? elements are!rou)e into si2 imensions.This e2hibit lists 11 of the/information in)ut0 $uestionsor elements. &ther PA?)a!es contain $uestionsre!ar in! mental )rocesses,

    work out)ut, relationshi)swith others, job conte2t, another job characteristics.

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    C i h 2011 P Ed i 4 !1

    A LE 4 1 asic De)artment of abor Worker @unctions