4. Prelude and Preparation

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  • 8/13/2019 4. Prelude and Preparation


    Lesson #4Prelude and Preparation

    (Matthew 3: 1 4: 11)

  • 8/13/2019 4. Prelude and Preparation


    In Lesson #3 we analyzed the overall structure ofMatthews Gospel and we saw that the openinggenealogy linked the Gospel to the linear narrative of

    the Old Testament, completing and transforming it.We then explored Matthews Infancy Narrative,and learned that it draws heavily on Old Testamentantecedents as well as on The Heros Journeyarchetype for its contextual form and content,positioning Jesus as the fulfillment of Old Testamentprophecy and declaring him to be God with us whowill save his people.

  • 8/13/2019 4. Prelude and Preparation


    In Lesson #4 Jesus readies himself for the epic task he issent to perform: the redemption of humanity. He doesso in a narrative sequence that continues The Heros

    Journey pattern: 1. Departure : Jesus supernatural birth (1: 18 2: 23) LESSON #3;2. Initiation: Jesus baptism by John (3: 1-17);3. First Trial : Jesus tempted by Satan (4: 1 -11);

    4. Movement from the familiar: Jesus relocates to Capernaum (4:12-17) LESSON #5;5. ****

  • 8/13/2019 4. Prelude and Preparation


    Andrea del Verrocchio and Leonardo da Vinci. The Baptism of Christ(oil on panel), c. 1475. Uffizi Gallery, Florence.

  • 8/13/2019 4. Prelude and Preparation


  • 8/13/2019 4. Prelude and Preparation


    Photography by Ana Maria Vargas

    The Jordan River as it exits the Sea of Galilee

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    Jericho 5 miles toJordan River;8 miles to



    Dead Sea


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    Photography by Ana Maria Vargas


  • 8/13/2019 4. Prelude and Preparation


    Photography by Ana Maria Vargas

    Qumran, most probably an Essene community, where the Dead SeaScrolls were discovered in 1946/47. This is Cave #4.

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    Photography by Ana Maria Vargas

    The Scriptorium of Qumran, where the Dead Sea scrolls were copied.

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    Photography by Ana Maria Vargas

    The Essenes practiced ritual immersion in a Mikevh, or ritual bath.There were ten mikvaot at Qumran.

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    Photography by Ana Maria Vargas

    This is a Mikevh at Masada, Israel.

  • 8/13/2019 4. Prelude and Preparation


    Cleansing ones self by ritual immersion dates back to thepurification laws in Leviticus. Scripture presents manyexamples:

    1. A man or woman with a bodily discharge must wait seven daysand then cleanse him/her self by immersion in living water(Leviticus 15);

    2. In the David & Bathsheba story, when David see Bathsheba shehad been purifying herself from her monthly uncleanness (2Samuel 11);

    3. The prophet Elisha tells Naaman , the commander of Arams

    military, to dip himself seven times in the Jordan to cleansehimself of leprosy (2 Kings 5);4. Jesus tells the leper he cures to present himself to the priest and

    offer the gift prescribed, which includes ritual immersion.(Matthew 8).

  • 8/13/2019 4. Prelude and Preparation


    Ritual immersion at Qumran, however, wentconsiderably beyond the scriptural prescriptions.Ceremonial purification was an integral part ofcommunity life among the Essenes, as indicated by

    the Community Rule found in Cave 1 (Q1S). Ritual immersion was used for:

    1. Initiation

    2. Annual renewal3. Daily purification

  • 8/13/2019 4. Prelude and Preparation


    Photography by Ana Maria Vargas

    Dead Sea Scrolls, Community Rule, Qumran. Israel Museum, Jerusalem.

  • 8/13/2019 4. Prelude and Preparation


    Ritual immersion at Qumran was used for:

    InitiationAnnual renewal

    Daily purification

  • 8/13/2019 4. Prelude and Preparation


    John the Baptist took ritual immersion even furtherthan ritual purification. Johns baptism was an initiationrite , requiring a candidate:

    1. to reflect upon the condition of his soul;2. to feel remorse for his sins;

    3. to confess his sins;4. to repent of his sins;5. to show the fruits of his repentance;6. to prepare for the coming of the Righteous One, Christ; and

    7. to be incorporated into the covenant community by beingbaptized, fully immersed in water (Greek, baptidzo = to dip).

  • 8/13/2019 4. Prelude and Preparation


    Why was Jesus baptized?

  • 8/13/2019 4. Prelude and Preparation


    Duccio di Buoninsegna. The Temptation of Christ (tempera on panel), 1308-1311. The Frick Collection, New York.

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  • 8/13/2019 4. Prelude and Preparation


    1. What character does John the Baptist recall in

    the Hebrew Scriptures (the Old Testament)? Whyhim?

    2. How does Johns baptism differ from ritualimmersion among the Essenes?

    3. If Jesus was sinless, why does he have to bebaptized?

    4. Why does the temptation occur immediatelyafter Jesus baptism?

    5. In the Roman Catholic Church we are only

    baptized once, usually as infants. How is ourbaptism similar to Jesus baptism? How is itdifferent?

  • 8/13/2019 4. Prelude and Preparation


    Copyright 2014 by William C. CreasyAll rights reserved. No part of this course audio, video,

    photography, maps, timelines or other media may bereproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronicor mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by anyinformation storage or retrieval devices without permission inwriting or a licensing agreement from the copyright holder.