The Mughal Empire The Mughal Empire


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  • The Mughal Empire

  • Founding of the Mughal Empire Babur founderTurkish decent Married to a descendent of Genghis KhanConquers Delhi in 1526 to officially start the empire

  • HumayunSucceeds his father to the throne Not as effective or likeable Rumors of opium addiction throughout his reign Two decades of his reign are survived but not plentiful

  • Akbar Takes the throne at age 13 and rules for 50 years Much more successful rulerExpanded empire Use of fire arms Mansabas to pay for his armies Illiterate Tolerant of religions One of his wives was a Hindu Famous for his patronage of the arts

  • Akbar Most illustrious ruler of the Mughal empire How did he differ from his Ottoman and Safavid counterparts?Married a Rajput Princess who was a Hindu and welcomed her family Very prosperous

  • Rajputs Warrior Class from northern IndiaHindu Approximately 15% of Mansabas Confirmed the policy of religious accommodation

  • Major Differences Between Peoples ReligionIndian predominately Hindu Muslim minority ruling Hindu majority Muslim beliefs and Hindu beliefs not easily integrated into a single society Need a new way of ruling a country with these kind of differences

  • Religion MuslimsDestroy Hindu monuments Expand into Hindu territory Enslaving prisoners of war and forcing conversion to Islam Potentially dangerous division within the country Akbar eases tensions by stopping worst of the abuse

  • Akbar and ReligionDeclares himself the infallible messenger of God in 1579Would this be allowed under Islam? Why or why not?What do you believe is his main purpose for doing this?Allows for cases to be heard by himself

  • New Religion?Akbar creates a new religionMix of Muslim, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Sikh and Christian beliefs

  • New Religion?What is Zoroastrianism?One of the worlds oldest monotheistic religion Ahura Mazda Elements are pure and fire represents gods light and wisdomFocus on good works, thoughts and deedsCord with three knots Pray facing a source of light (such as the sun) Keep minds, bodies, and spirits pure to defeat evil

  • New Religion?What is Sikhism?Founded in 15th century Practice religion by coping with everyday problems in the world There is only one GodGod is without form, or genderEveryone has direct access to GodEveryone is equal before GodA good life is lived as part of a community, by living honestly and caring for othersEmpty religious rituals and superstitions have no value

  • New Religion?Akbar creates a new religionMix of Muslim, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Sikh and Christian beliefs Brings together scholars of all religions to listen to them debate Made part of the court a religious ritual This did not continue after his death

  • Conversions Under AkbarWhy would non-Muslim individuals convert even if they were not forced to do so?

  • Economics under AkbarRelatively peaceful time period Conflict with other Indian PrincesBooming trade in cotton cloth with the Europeans Foreign trade from the port of Surat Most Europeans had lost control of ports and so were seen as an ally to the Indians Military protection for trade rights No Navy of their own Did not understand the inflation of the silver in Europe and the incredibly cheap price they were giving the Europeans

  • AurangzebOverzealous grandson of AkbarReversed stance on religious toleranceCaused conflict within his own empire Beheaded the 9th Guru of Sikhism Lead to the formation of the Army of the Pure Religion begins to be at the center of armed conflict within the country

  • Downfall of the Mughal Empire Land-Grant System Inability of Aurangzeb to effectively administer the areas under his control Challenges to military from regional players Marathas Kikhs Hindu Rajputs Afghans Invaded by Nadir ShahGeneral who took control after the fall of the Safavids Sacks Delhi and takes the throne with him

  • Limping Empire Officials begin breaking apart and declaring themselves independent Religious groups break away and gain their freedom and flourish Leaves the region susceptible to European intrusion and conquest

  • Joseph Francois Dupleix European Took presidency of east coast of French Pondicherry Takes control of Southern India through trade Becomes the puppet master pulling the strings for several Indian Princes Leaves in 1754 clearing the way for British involvement